The Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie (NIOD), Amsterdam, holds a database with 25.192 names of Dutch War casualties. In this we have found the name of
Lt. Vl. Burcht, Ernest Martin
This name was found by NIOD in an Dutch Army Roll of Honour, mentioned without any more detail. The name has not been found in any other database, including those of OGS, CWGC, NIMH, MLD, and BRIOP. We do not know a Squadron, or the location of death, or birth data. We do not know where, if at all, this casualty is buried. The information may be in error. However, it is thinkable that E.M. Burcht arrived in the UK from abroad, and was not recognized as Dutch by the Ministerie van Oorlog. This happened to H.W. Pronk. Considering the reported date of death, it is thinkable that E.M. Burcht died during flying training, which could explain the absence of a Squadron number. It is also possible that the name should be placed in the ML-KNIL group, and that he died as a result of a non-operational cause, such as disease.
At the going down of the sun, and in the morning we will remember them. - Laurence Binyon
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