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Aces and Aviators International Database WW1

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As Defence Journal describes it, at the outbreak of the First World War (WW1) in 1914, military aviation consisted of light wooden bi/tri planes with maximum speeds of under 100 mph and very limited load carrying capacity.

Their roles were initially restricted to reconnaissance and artillery observations.

While there may not have been any air power doctrine on the eve of WW1, there was no shortage of alarming speculations about strikes from the sky, thanks to pre-war novels from H.G Wells and others.

Within seven weeks of WW1 beginning, Sopwith Tabloids of Britain's Royal Naval Air Service conducted an air raid on the Zeppelin (airship) sheds in Germany. A year later Germany retaliated when Zeppelins in turn bombed English cities.

The actual damage in all these raids may have been minimal but the psychological impact on civilians and populations was profound.

With both sides using increasing numbers of aircraft for reconnaissance, artillery observations and occasional bombing raids, the inevitable happened and aircraft started to shoot at each other to prevent the adversary from taking military advantage of the new medium. This marked the birth of fighter aircraft whose numbers proliferated whilst their performance took a quantum leap. The battle for control of the air had truly begun. The writing was clearly on the wall for military tactics and precepts that had stood for hundreds of years as the full flower of air power's potential to change the course of events and even win wars had to be acknowledged.

The Air War assumed a giant scale on both sides. By way of example, the British had upwards of 2,000 planes active by war end. And the war saw many tactics and strategies develop that were further developed in the Second World War.

Recovering names and details from over 100 years ago is a big task. If you have additions or corrections, or know of places we can contact to request their data, please let us know via the Helpdesk.

Searching here is powerful. Check the Search Tips first. You can search on single items (a surname for example, or a country) and you can search on combinations: thus a search on 'Australia and Camel' will find all records where BOTH Australia and Camel are mentioned.

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Searching is possible on French squadrons, but with some care. The French named their squadrons for the plane each flew, thus N95 was a squadron flying Nieuport, SPA 150 flew the SPAD. To search for squadron N95 search for 'Nieuport N95'. Squadrons flying the Caudron were designated C50 for example, so in this case search for 'Caudron C50'.

Be aware we have used dozens of different sources. Some use special characters (such as umluats on German), others use Anglicized versions of the word. Thus some use Göring, and some use Goering. Try different approaches.

Countries/Nationalities Included: Agentina, Australia, Austro-Hungarian Empire, Austria, Belgium, Bermuda, Bulgaria, Canada, Canada Newfoundland, Canada French Canada, Chile, China, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Estonia, Fiji, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Germany Bavaria, Germany Sudetenland, Great Britain (Wales, Scotland, Ireland separately listed), Greece, Guatemala, Hungary, India, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Mauritius, Mexico, Netherlands, Slovakia, Hungary, Australia, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Swaziland, Switzerland, Turkey Ottoman Empire, USA, Venezuela, Vietnam.

The reader is referred to a site of great scholarship on WWl aviation. is comprehensive and valuable.

Refer to Paul McGuiness RAAF Archive WW1
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These are the results of your search:

You searched for: “mcguiness

#Name*First NamesRankAwardsCountryAllianceRoleVictoriesDetailsUnitsAir ServiceDeathNotes/AircraftSourcesLinksPhoto
1 RichardsA ECaptainAustraliaAlliesPilot1918-07-09 1st Avro solo when engine failure forced landing.5 Sqn (Australia) TrainingAustralian Flying CorpsAvro 504 No. B3140

Pilot misjudged landing and was injured

2 WeingarthJack HenryLtAustraliaAlliesPilot1918-02-04 Approaching a forced landing, pilot lost control and spun in.5 Sqn (Australia) TrainingAustralian Flying Corps1918-02-04Avro 504 No. D9310

Lt W H Millard seriously injured

3 CummingsRoy Lytton2nd LtAustraliaAlliesPilot under Training1918-08-28 In a climbing turn struck underside of Avro 504 D6 flown by Cadet Ernest Howard Jeffreys of 6 Sqn.5 Sqn (Australia) TrainingAustralian Flying Corps1918-08-28Avro 504 No. D9282

Instructor Lt Charles William Scott, Cummings and Jeffreys all killed

4 MellishJ SLtAustraliaAlliesPilot1918-10-18 Spun after climbing turn from takeoff and crashed.8 Sqn (Australia) TrainingAustralian Flying Corps1918-08-13Avro 504 No. D7775

Seriously injured and eventually repatriated to Australia. Cadet R Hnery minor injuries

5 DunnRobert AlexanderCaptain (temporary)AustraliaAlliesPilot1918-08-13 Died when engine failure caused stall.6 Sqn (Australia) TrainingAustralian Flying Corps1918-08-13Avro 504 No. D7728

Captain Robert William McKenzie seriously injured, and eventually repatriated to Australia

6 BlaxlandGregory Hamilton2nd LtAustraliaAlliesPilot91918-07-01 Local Training flight, engine failure, stall and crash.6 Sqn (Australia) TrainingAustralia Flying CorpsAvro 504 No. D4386

Instructor Blaxland seriously injured but returned to service after 3 months and with 2 Sqn (Australia) scored 9 victories. Student Lt Robert Alexander Dunn was killed the next month (see entry for Dunn)

7 BenjaminLawrence2nd LtAustraliaAlliesPilot1918-07-06 Local Training flight, engine misfire, stall in turn back to airfield.6 Sqn (Australia) TrainingAustralia Flying CorpsAvro 504 No. D4382

Cadet Dalton minor injuries but Instructor Benjamin broke arm, broken nose and lacerations

8 JeffreysErnest HowardCorporal CadetAustraliaAlliesPilot1918-08-28 Solo Training flight, collided head on with Avro D9282 from 6 Sqn (Australia)6 Sqn (Australia) TrainingAustralia Flying Corps1918-08-28Avro 504 No. D6

Training with 2 onboard. All killed instantly

9 PortlockAlfred Edgar2nd LtAustraliaAlliesPilot1917-12-06 Training flight, engine failed, stalled on approach to forced landing.30 Sqn (Australia) TrainingRFC1917-12-06Avro 504 No. B4215

Instructor Captain A W L Ellis had minor injuries, Portlock was killed
10 SobeyF A2nd LtAustraliaAlliesPilot1917-12-28 Solo training flight, flat turn ending in a flat spin. Pilot seriously injured30 Sqn (Australia) TrainingAustralian Flying CorpsAvro 504 No. B4214
11 WithamC H2nd LtAustraliaAlliesPilot1917-12-09 Lost flying speed in strong crosswinds and engine failed to respond. Pilot injured30 Sqn (Australia) TrainingAustralian Flying CorpsAvro 504 No. B3195
12 CummingsEric DouglasCaptDFC
AustraliaAlliesPilot9[7+2] (5 kills+4 Lost Control)2SqnAustralian Flying Corps27 October 1979SE5 ace, 1918.

Captain Eric Douglas Cummings (13 April 1896 – 27 October 1979) was an Australian World War I flying ace credited with nine aerial victories while flying for the Australian Flying Corps. Postwar, he was an integral part of fund-raising campaigns to care for his fellow Australian military veterans. He then served in the Royal Air Force reserves until reactivated for service during World War II.

DFC Announcement
13 Layton2nd LtAustraliaAlliesPilot1917-09-17 Aircraft crashed at Ternhill.30 Sqn (Australia) TrainingRFCAvro 504 No. B1395
14 LarkinS B2/Air Mechanic No. 970AustraliaAlliesPilot1917-08-14 Larkin Killed when strong gust after takeoff caused stall.71 Sqn (Australia)Australian Flying Corps1917-08-14Avro 504 No. B928

Instructor 2nd Lt T F Hosking slightly injured

15 WarrenHarry CollierCadetAustraliaAlliesPilot1917-04-10 Applied severe rudder after take-off and crashed.69 Sqn (Australia)Australian Flying Corps1917-04-10Avro 504 No. B389

Warren killed. Instructor 2nd Lt CP Lowry minor injuries

16 BillingsD K2nd LtUSAAlliesPilot1917-08-14 Seat belt failed and he fell to his death while practicing manoeuvres71 Sqn (Australia)RFC1917-08-14Avro 504 No. A9803
17 GleesonLeslie Frederick2nd LtAustraliaAlliesPilot1917-06-14 Student Pilot. Stalled in low level turn and crashed.69 Sqn (Australia) TrainingRFC1917-06-15Avro 504 Gnome Naval Type

Died at Northern General Hospital Lincoln the next day. Instructor 2nd Lt Claude Picton Lowry RFC minor injuries
18 MooreJ G2nd LtAustraliaAlliesPilot1917-04-11 Engine failed in familiarization flight. Moore injured71 Sqn (Australia)Australian Flying CorpsAvro 504 No. A2682
19 RussellH J T2nd LtAustraliaAlliesPilot1917-08-12 Seriously injured in a collision with 2nd Lt Antelme in Avro 504 No. 478667 Sqn (Australia)Australian Flying CorpsBE2C No. 4172
20 AntelmeP F2nd LtAustraliaAlliesPilot1917-08-12 Seriously injured in a collision with BE2C No. 4172 piloted b y Lt HJT Russell67 Sqn (Australia)Australian Flying CorpsAvro 504 No. 4786
21 Koepsch (Köpsch)EgonLtnGermanyCentral PowersPilot9Jasta 4, Jasta 11Deutsche Luftstreitkräfte05Dec17 2nd Lt C.G.V Runnels-Moss (Australian Flying Corps) departed at 1250hrs for an Offensive Patrol. He was shot down in flames and killed SE of Westroosbeke by Leutnant J. Kőpsch of Jasta 4.Franks

Results 1 to 21 of 21.