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Aces and Aviators International Database WW1

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As Defence Journal describes it, at the outbreak of the First World War (WW1) in 1914, military aviation consisted of light wooden bi/tri planes with maximum speeds of under 100 mph and very limited load carrying capacity.

Their roles were initially restricted to reconnaissance and artillery observations.

While there may not have been any air power doctrine on the eve of WW1, there was no shortage of alarming speculations about strikes from the sky, thanks to pre-war novels from H.G Wells and others.

Within seven weeks of WW1 beginning, Sopwith Tabloids of Britain's Royal Naval Air Service conducted an air raid on the Zeppelin (airship) sheds in Germany. A year later Germany retaliated when Zeppelins in turn bombed English cities.

The actual damage in all these raids may have been minimal but the psychological impact on civilians and populations was profound.

With both sides using increasing numbers of aircraft for reconnaissance, artillery observations and occasional bombing raids, the inevitable happened and aircraft started to shoot at each other to prevent the adversary from taking military advantage of the new medium. This marked the birth of fighter aircraft whose numbers proliferated whilst their performance took a quantum leap. The battle for control of the air had truly begun. The writing was clearly on the wall for military tactics and precepts that had stood for hundreds of years as the full flower of air power's potential to change the course of events and even win wars had to be acknowledged.

The Air War assumed a giant scale on both sides. By way of example, the British had upwards of 2,000 planes active by war end. And the war saw many tactics and strategies develop that were further developed in the Second World War.

Recovering names and details from over 100 years ago is a big task. If you have additions or corrections, or know of places we can contact to request their data, please let us know via the Helpdesk.

Searching here is powerful. Check the Search Tips first. You can search on single items (a surname for example, or a country) and you can search on combinations: thus a search on 'Australia and Camel' will find all records where BOTH Australia and Camel are mentioned.

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Searching is possible on French squadrons, but with some care. The French named their squadrons for the plane each flew, thus N95 was a squadron flying Nieuport, SPA 150 flew the SPAD. To search for squadron N95 search for 'Nieuport N95'. Squadrons flying the Caudron were designated C50 for example, so in this case search for 'Caudron C50'.

Be aware we have used dozens of different sources. Some use special characters (such as umluats on German), others use Anglicized versions of the word. Thus some use Göring, and some use Goering. Try different approaches.

Countries/Nationalities Included: Agentina, Australia, Austro-Hungarian Empire, Austria, Belgium, Bermuda, Bulgaria, Canada, Canada Newfoundland, Canada French Canada, Chile, China, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Estonia, Fiji, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Germany Bavaria, Germany Sudetenland, Great Britain (Wales, Scotland, Ireland separately listed), Greece, Guatemala, Hungary, India, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Mauritius, Mexico, Netherlands, Slovakia, Hungary, Australia, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Swaziland, Switzerland, Turkey Ottoman Empire, USA, Venezuela, Vietnam.

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Refer to Paul McGuiness RAAF Archive WW1
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These are the results of your search:

You searched for: “Camel AND DFC

#Name*First NamesRankAwardsCountryAllianceRoleVictoriesDetailsUnitsAir ServiceDeathNotes/AircraftSourcesLinksPhoto
201 McdonaldJohn SutholandCaptGreat BritainAlliesPilot9[6+3] (2 kills+7 Lost Control)208SqnRAFCamel ace, 1918.Shores
202 McevoyChristopherLtGreat BritainAlliesPilot9[8+1] (7 kills+2 Lost Control)66Sqn, 39(HD)SqnRFC & RAFCamel ace, Italian front, 1918.Shores
203 McEwenClifford MackayLt
Military Cross

DFC and Bar

Medal Military Valour
CanadaAlliesPilot27[25+2] (23 kills+4 Lost Control)28 SqnRAFCamel ace, Italy, 1917-18. RCAF WWII. Clifford MacKay McEwen (aka 'Black Mike') was born on 2 July 1896 in Griswold, Manitoba and grew up in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. Air Vice Marshal Clifford Mackay McEwen CB, MC, DFC & Bar (2 July 1896 – 6 August 1967) was a fighter ace in the British Royal Flying Corps during World War I and a senior commander in the Royal Canadian Air Force during World War II. His Second World War service culminated in his commanding No. 6 Group RCAF in England from 28 February 1944 to 13 July 1945.

In 1918 McEwen revealed to be a true ‘ace’ in the Italian air war. Within ten months he succeeded to down 27 enemy aircraft. He was awarded therefore the Military Cross, the Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC) and the DFC-with-Bar. McEwen was described as 'A brilliant and courageous pilot who has personally destroyed twenty enemy machines. Exhibiting entire disregard of personal danger, he never hesitates to engage the enemy, however superior in numbers, and never fails to inflict serious casualties. His fine fighter spirit and skillful leadership inspired all who served with him.' At the end of the First World War McEwen was promoted to the rank of Captain.
204 MclaughlinRobertCaptGreat BritainAlliesPilot6[3+3] (4 kills+2 Lost Control)201SqnRAFCamel ace, 1918.Shores
205 McMakingOscar LennoxLtGreat BritainAlliesPilot6(2 kills+4 Lost Control)45SqnRFC11/09/1917Strutter, Camel, 1917. KIA by W.Voss.Shores
206 McRaeRussell FernLtCanadaAlliesPilot5[4+1] (2 kills+3 Lost Control)Australian Flying Corps 4Sqn; RAF 46SqnAustralian Flying Corps & RAFCamel ace, 1918.Shores
207 MellershFrancis John WilliamsonCaptGreat BritainAlliesPilot5(2 kills+3 Lost Control)9(N)Sqn, 209SqnRNAS & RAFTriplane, Camel, 1917-18. RAF WWII.Shores
208 MellingsHarold ThomasCaptGreat BritainAlliesPilot15[14+1] (10 kills+5 Lost Control)2Wing, 10(N)Sqn, 210SqnRNAS & RAF22/07/1918Scout, Triplane, Camel, 1916-18. KIA.Shores (Other sources 16 victories)
209 MinifieRichard PearmanFLtDSC and 2 Bars

AustraliaAlliesPilot21[19+2] (12 kills+9 Lost Control)1Wg, 1(N)Sqn RNASRNASTriplane ace, Camel, 1917-18. POW.Shores
210 MitchellJames Hart 'Mitch'CaptGreat BritainAlliesPilot12[10+1] (10 kills+1 Lost Control)28SqnRFC & RAFCamel ace, France, Italy, 1917-18.Shores
211 MontgomeryKenneth BarbourCaptGreat BritainAlliesPilot12[10+2] (6 kills+6 Lost Control)45Sqn, 66SqnRFCStrutter, Camel ace, 1917-18. POW.Shores
212 MoodyHenry MichaelCaptGreat BritainAlliesPilot8[6+2] (4 kills+4 Lost Control)45SqnRFC23/04/1931Camel ace, France, Italy, 1917-18.Shores
213 MoraitinisAristidesCdrGreeceAlliesPilot9Z(Greek)SqnHellenic Air Force & RNAS12/12/1918Balkan War. Camel, Aegean sector, 1918.Ehrengardt & Listemann
214 MorganJohn TowlsonCaptGreat BritainAlliesPilot5[4+1] (0 kill, 5 Lost Control)70SqnRAF29/10/1918Camel ace, 1918. KIFA.Shores
215 MottHarold EdgarCaptCanadaAlliesPilot5[2+3] (2 kills+3 Lost Control)9(N)Sqn RNASRNASPup, Camel, 1917.Shores
216 MundayRichard BurnardMajAustraliaAlliesPilot9[8+1] (5 balloons)(5 kills+4 Lost Control)8(N)Sqn RNASRNASTriplane, Camel ace, 1917-18.Shores
217 NashThomas WalterCaptGreat BritainAlliesPilot8(1 balloon)(7 kills+1 Lost Control)4 (N)Sqn, 204SqnRNAS & RAF23/10/1918Camel ace, 1918. MIA.Shores
218 NewnhamMaurice AshdownCaptGreat BritainAlliesPilot18[16+2] (3 balloons)(9 kills+9 Lost Control)65SqnRAFCamel ace, 1918. Parachute instructor.Shores
219 OdellCharles WalterCaptGreat BritainAlliesPilot7(1 balloon)(3 kills+4 Lost Control)46SqnRFCPup, 1917; Camel ace, 1918.Shores
220 OrlebarAugustus Henry 'Orly'CaptGreat BritainAlliesPilot7(3 kills+4 Lost Control)19Sqn, 44(HD)Sqn, 73Sqn, 43SqnRFCSpad, Camel, Snipe, 1917-18. RAF WWII.Shores
221 OrrOsborne JohnLtUSAAlliesPilot5(no kill, 5 Lost Control)204Sqn RAFRAF23/10/1918Camel ace, 1918. KIA.Shores
222 OwenRobert JohnstoneLtGreat BritainAlliesPilot7[5+2] (6 kills+1 Lost Control)43SqnRFCCamel ace, 1918. POW.Shores
223 PagetAugustusLtGreat BritainAlliesPilot6[5+1] (1 balloon)(4 kills+2 Lost Control)66SqnRAFCamel ace, Italian front, 1918. POW.Shores
224 PalliserArthur JohnLtAustraliaAlliesPilot7(1 balloon)(6 kills+1 Lost Control)4SqnAustralian Flying Corps1918-11-05 (Aged 28 years) BelgiumCamel, Snipe, 1918.

4 Squadron Australian Flying Corps. A motor mechanic from Launceston, Tas, prior to enlisting in September 1914, 1939 Driver Mechanic Palliser embarked with the 300 Mechanical Transport, AASC, from Melbourne aboard HMAT Ceramic (A40) on 22 December 1914. He was promoted to Sergeant in February 1916 and transferred to the Australian Flying Corps as a cadet in January 1918, where he trained as a pilot. Lt Palliser joined 4 Squadron in August 1918 and was reported missing, later killed in action, whilst on offensive patrol over Belgium, on 4 November 1918.

The son of Benjamin and Mary Palliser of Ulverstone, Arthur John Palliser was born in Launceston on the 2nd of March 1890 and became a motor mechanic prior to his enlistment on the 18th of September 1914 with a serial number of 1939. On 22 December 1914 Driver Mechanic Palliser embarked aboard HMAT Ceramic and served with the 300th Mechanical Transport, Army Service Corps (17th Divisional Ammunition Column) 9th Amy Service Corps. He transferred to the Australian Flying Corps as a cadet in January 1918 and commenced pilot training. Upon graduating from the Flying school in July 1918, he joined No 4 Squadron of the Australian Flying Corp in August 1918. His first victory took place on the 16th of September 1918 in the vicinity of Frelinghien in northern France whilst flying a Sopwith Camel Serial Number F1403. In early October 1918, No 4 Squadron was re-equipped with the new and much more manoeuvrable Sopwith Snipe and it was in this aircraft (Serial number E8604) that Palliser achieved the title of an “ace”. In two days, the 28th and 29th October, Palliser shot down two Fokker DVII aircraft on the 28th and followed it up on the next day (the 29th) with three more kills for a total of six aircraft and one balloon. The weather in the first few days of November 1918 was poor limiting the amount of flying the squadron could accomplish. Then on the 4th of November, the weather cleared, and visibility was good and that day was to see one of the last great air battles in the First World War involving Australian pilots. In the afternoon, 16 Sopwith Snipes of No 4 Squadron were escorting a group of bombers when a dozen Fokker aircraft, belonging to the feared Jagdstaffel 2 (Jasta 2) Squadron were spotted and a fierce dogfight soon erupted. Four enemy aircraft were shot down, however No 4 Squadron lost three of their own aircraft, tragically Palliser was one of those pilots who lost their lives that day possibly the victim of German ace Karl Bolle. Lt Palliser is buried in the Anvaing Churchyard at Fransnes – lez – Anvaing, Hainaut, Belgium, where his headstone and cemetery records indicate he died on the 5th of November 1918 just six days prior to the Armistice that ended the war. He was aged 28 years.

Arthur Palliser Victories Sopwith Camel/Snipe
16 Sep 1918 0820 Camel F1403 Fokker DVll Frelinghien
5 Oct 1918 0645 Camel E7180 Balloon NE Quesnoy
28 Oct1918 1455 Snipe E8064 Fokker DVll Ath
28 Oct 1918 1455 Snipe E8064 Fokker DVll Ath
29 Oct 1918 1610 Snipe E8064 Fokker DVll NW Tournai
29 Oct 1918 1610 Snipe E8064 Fokker DVll NW Tournai
29 Oct 1918 1610 Snipe E8064 Fokker DVll NW Tournai
Shores/Tasman Aviation Historical

225 PateyHerbert AndrewCaptGreat BritainAlliesPilot11[8+3] (1 balloon)(9 kills+2 Lost Control)10(N)Sqn, 210SqnRNAS & RAF18/02/1919Camel ace, 1918. POW.Shores
226 PaynterJohn de CampbourneCaptGreat BritainAlliesPilot10[3+7] (5 kills+5 Lost Control)6(N), 9(N), 10(N), 13(N), 203SqnRNAS & RAF06/06/1918Camel ace, 1917-18.Shores
227 PaytonClement WattsonLtGreat BritainAlliesPilot11[7+4] (1 balloon)(8 kills+3 Lost Control)210SqnRAF02/10/1918Camel ace, 1918. MIA.Shores
228 PeverellE.H.LtGreat BritainAlliesPilot5(2 kills+3 Lost Control)70SqnRFC & RAFCamel ace, 1918.Shores
229 PidcockGeoffrey Arthur HenzellCaptGreat BritainAlliesPilot6[4+2] (3 kills+3 Lost Control)60Sqn, 44Sqn, 1Sqn, 73SqnRFC & RAFNieuport, 1917. Camel, 1918.Shores
230 PierceEdmondFLtGreat BritainAlliesPilot9[5+4] (3 kills+6 Lost Control)3(N)Sqn, 9(N)Sqn, 203SqnRNAS & RAFPup ace, Triplane, Camel, 1917-18.Shores
231 PinderJohn WilliamCaptGreat BritainAlliesPilot17[10+7] (7 kills+10 Lost Control)8(N)Sqn, 13(N)Sqn, 213Sqn, 45SqnRNAS & RAFTriplane, Camel ace, 1917-18.Shores (Other sources 1047 victories)
232 PineauCleo FrancisLtUSAAlliesPilot6(4 kills+2 Lost Control)210Sqn RAFRAFCamel ace, 1918. POW.Shores
233 PrestonJ.C.LtGreat BritainAlliesPilot7[1+6] (2 kills+5 Lost Control)150SqnRAFCamel ace, Macedonia, 1918.Shores
234 PriceGuy WilliamFCdrGreat Britain IrelandAlliesPilot12[7+5] (6 kills+6 Lost control)13(N)Sqn, 8(N)SqnRNAS18/02/1918Camel ace, 1917-18.Shores
235 QuigleyFrancis GraingerCaptDSO, Military Cross and BarCanadaAlliesPilot33[22+11] (1 balloon)(21 kills+12 Lost Control)70SqnRFC18/10/1918Camel ace, 1917-18. Dead of flue, 1918.Shores (Other sources 34)
236 RalstonOrville Alfred1stLtUSAAlliesPilot5(4 kills+1 Lost Control) [4+1]85 Sqn RAF, 148thSqnUS Air ServiceSE5, Camel, 1918.Shores
237 RedgateOliver WilliamCaptGreat BritainAlliesPilot16[7+9] (8 kills+8 Lost Control)9(N)Sqn RNAS, 209SqnRNAS & RAFCamel ace, 1917-18.Shores
238 Rice-OxleyAlanLtGreat BritainAlliesPilot6(4 kills+2 Lost Control)41Sqn, 45SqnRAFCamel ace, Italian front, 1918.Shores
239 RidleyCyril BurfieldCaptGreat BritainAlliesPilot11[7+4] (2 balloons)(3 kills+8 Lost Control)1(N)Sqn, 210SqnRNAS & RAF17/05/1920Triplane , Camel ace, 1917-18. KIFA.Shores
240 RileyGeorge RabyLtGreat BritainAlliesPilot13[9+4] (5 balloons)(8 kills+5 Lost Control)3SqnRFC & RAFCamel ace and balloon burster, 1918.Shores
241 RobinsonHarry Noel CornforthCaptGreat BritainAlliesPilot10[6+4] (4 kills+6 Lost Control)46Sqn, 70SqnRFCCamel ace, 1917-18. Iraq, 1921.Shores
242 RochfordLeonard Henry 'Titch'Capt
DSC and Bar

DFC and Bar
Great BritainAlliesPilot29[17+12] (13 kills+16 Lost Control)3 Sq (N), 203 SqnRNAS & RAF17 December 1986Pup, Camel ace, 1917-18. Leonard Henry ('Tich') Rochford DSC & Bar, DFC (10 November 1896 – 17 December 1986) was a British World War I Flying Ace with 29 credited victories, consisting of 13 destroyed enemy craft (including 7 shared), and 16 driven down out of control (including 5 shared).Shores
243 RosevearStanley WallaceCapt
DSC and Bar

CanadaAlliesPilot25[23+2] (17 kills+8 Lost Control)RNAS 1 Sqn (N), RAF 201 SqnRNAS & RAF25/04/1918Triplane and Camel ace, 1917-18. KIFA.
Citation: DSC
'Flt. Sub-Lieut. Stanley Wallace Rosevear, RNAS For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He has destroyed several hostile machines, and has also attacked and scattered parties of enemy infantry from low altitudes, on one occasion from a height of only 100 feet.'
Citation: DSC Bar
'Flt. Lieut. Stanley Wallace Rosevear, DSC., RNAS. For the skill and gallantry displayed by him on the 15th March, 1918, when he attacked a formation of eight enemy aircraft, destroying two of the enemy machines. This officer has destroyed numerous enemy machines and is a very skilful and dashing fighting pilot.'
244 RowleyHerbert VictorCaptGreat BritainAlliesPilot9[5+4] (1 balloon)(3 kills+6 Lost Control)1Sqn RNAS;201Sqn RAFRNAS & RAFTriplane, 1917; Camel, 1918. RAF WWII.Shores
245 SaintHoward John ThomasCaptWales (Great Britain)AlliesPilot7(2 kills+5 Lost Control)5Wing, 10(N)Sqn RNASRNASTriplane, Camel, 1917.Shores
246 SalterErnest JamesCaptCanadaAlliesPilot9[8+1] (4 kills+5 Lost Control)54SqnRAFCamel ace, 1918.Shores
247 SandersonIvan CouperLtGreat BritainAlliesPilot11[4+7] (6 kills+5 Lost Control)210SqnRAFCamel ace, 1918. WIA.Shores
248 SawyerCyril HayesLtGreat BritainAlliesPilot6[1+5] (2 kills+4 Lost Control)46SqnRAFCamel ace, 1918.Shores
249 Seth-SmithKenneth GordonLtGreat BritainAlliesPilot7[2+5] (1 balloon)(2 kills+5 Lost Control)70SqnRFC11/08/1942Strutter observer, Camel ace, 1917-18. KIFA.Shores
250 SharpeThomas SydneyCaptGreat BritainAlliesPilot6(all kills)24Sqn, 73SqnRFCCamel ace, 1918. POW.Shores
251 ShookAlexander McDonaldMajCanadaAlliesPilot12[11+1] (7 kills+5 Lost Control)4(N)Sqn, 204SqnRNASStrutter, Pup, Camel ace, 1917-18.Shores
252 SiddallJoseph HenryLtGreat BritainAlliesPilot9[7+2](3 kills+6 Lost Control)209SqnRNAS & RAF25/07/1918Camel ace, 1918. KIA.Shores
253 SidebottomWilliamLtGreat BritainAlliesPilot14[7+7] (7 kills+7 Lost Control)203SqnRAFCamel ace, 1918. S.Russia, 1919.Shores
254 SimsCharles JohnLtGreat BritainAlliesPilot9[7+2] (1 balloon)(7 kills+2 Lost Control)13(N)Sqn, 213SqnRAFCamel ace, 1918.Shores
255 Singh MalikHarditLtIndiaAlliesPilot228Sqn, 141(HD)SqnRFCCamel, France, Italy, 1917-18.Bharat-Rakshak (1, 8 Singh)
256 IliffGeorgeUnited KingdomAlliesPilotKilled in a fight with 7 Fokker D.VllsRFC RAF1918-09-25Sopwith Camel
257 SmithEmerson Arthur LincolnLtCanadaAlliesPilot7(3 kills+4 Lost Control)45SqnRFCStrutter, Camel ace, 1917. POW.Shores
258 SmithJohn HenryLtCanadaAlliesPilot8[3+5] (1 balloon)(4 kills+4 Lost Control)46SqnRAFCamel ace, 1918.Shores
259 SmithHarry ColemanLtGreat BritainAlliesPilot5[2+3] (1 balloon)213SqnRNAS & RAFCamel ace, 1918.Shores
260 SmithSydney PhilipCaptGreat BritainAlliesPilot5[2+3] (3 kills+2 Lost Control)6Sqn, 43SqnRFC & RAF06/04/1918BE2, Camel ace, 1918. KIA (v.Richthof.).Shores (Other sources 10 victories)
261 SneathWilfred HenryLtGreat BritainAlliesPilot5[1+4] (3 kills+2 Lost Control)8(N)Sqn, 208SqnRNAS & RAF06/04/1918Camel ace, 1917-18. KIA.Shores
262 SoarReginald Rhys 'Reggie'CaptGreat BritainAlliesPilot12[5+7] (3 kills+9 Lost Control)5Wing, 8(N)SqnRNASPup, 1916; Triplane, Camel, 1917.Shores
263 SpenceAnthony George AllenLtCanadaAlliesPilot9[6+3] (3 kills+6 Lost Control)1(N)Sqn, 201SqnRNAS & RAFTriplane ace, 1917; Camel, 1918.Shores
264 SpringsElliott WhiteCaptUSAAlliesPilot16(12 kills+4 Lost Control) [13+3]85Sqn, 148AeSqnRAF & US Air ServiceSE5, Camel ace, 1918.Shores (12 Toliver)
265 StackardHarold FrancisFsubLtGreat BritainAlliesPilot15[3+12] (6 kills+9 Lost Control)9(N)SqnRNASPup, Triplane, Camel ace, 1917.Shores
266 StangerStanleyCaptCanadaAlliesPilot13[12+1] (12 kills+1 Lost Control)66Sqn, 28SqnRFC & RAFCamel ace, France, 1917, Italy, 1918.Shores
267 StephensonWilliam SamuelCaptCanadaAlliesPilot12[10+2] (11 kills+1 Lost Control)73SqnRAFCamel ace, 1918.Shores
268 SummersJohn KennethCaptGreat BritainAlliesPilot8[4+4] (5 kills+3 Lost Control)3Sqn, 209SqnRAFMorane, 1915; Camel ace, 1918. POW.Shores
269 SuttonOliver MannersCaptGreat BritainAlliesPilot7[5+2] (4 kills+3 Lost Control)21Sqn, 54Sqn, 28SqnRFC & RAF16/08/1921Pup ace, 1917; Camel, 1918. KIFA.Shores
270 SwaleEdwinCaptGreat BritainAlliesPilot17(12 kills+5 Lost Control)10(N)Sqn, 210SqnRNAS & RAFCamel ace, 1918.Shores
271 SykesRonaldCaptGreat BritainAlliesPilot6[4+2] (3 kills+3 Lost Control)9(N)Sqn, 3(N)Sqn, 201SqnRNAS & RAFCamel ace, 1917-18. N.Russia, 1919.Shores
272 SymondsonFrancis StanleyCaptGreat BritainAlliesPilot13(2 balloons)(12 kills+1 Lost Control)29Sqn, 66SqnRFC & RAFCamel ace, Italy, 1918.Shores
273 SymonsHarry LutzCaptCanadaAlliesPilot6(2 kills+4 Lost Control)65SqnRFCCamel ace, 1917-18.Shores
274 TaplinLeonard Thomas EatonLtAustraliaAlliesPilot12(4 balloons)(9 kills+3 Lost Control)1Sqn, 4SqnAustralian Flying CorpsPalestine, 1967; Camel ace, 1918. POW.Shores
275 TaylerSt. Cyprian ChurchillCaptGreat BritainAlliesPilot9[5+4] (5 kills+4 Lost Control)32Sqn, 80SqnRFC17/03/1918DH4, Camel, 1918. KIA.Shores
276 TaylorMerril SamuelLtCanadaAlliesPilot8[2+5] (3 kills+5 Lost Control)9(N)Sqn, 209SqnRNAS & RAF07/07/1918Camel ace, 1917-18. KIA.Shores
277 ThomsonGeorge EdwinCapt

Military Cross

Great Britain ScotlandAlliesPilot21[17+4] (6 kills+15 Lost Control)46 SqnRFC23/05/1918Pup, 1917; Camel ace, 1918. KIFA. Thomson was seriously injured during flight training; the accident left him with lasting scars to his face. Nevertheless, he joined 46 Squadron during the summer of 1917, to fly a Sopwith Pup. On 25 September 1917, he scored his first victory flying Pup no. B2196, destroying an enemy reconnaissance plane. Thomson successfully used seven different Camels in his campaign of aerial victories. On 30 November 1917, Thomson used Camel no. B3514 to destroy an Albatros D.V and capture a Pfalz D.III. On 10 December, he drove down another D.V out of control, using Camel no. B2451. He would not score again until 18 January 1918, when he drove another two-seater down out of control, still using B2451. In February, he would use Camel B9131 to drive down an Albatros two-seater. Then came March. He used four different Camels and reeled off fifteen victories within the month, including four on the 16th, three on the 23rd, and two on the 17th. The three on the 23rd brought his total to 21. His tally included five enemy planes destroyed; he shared one of these triumphs with fellow ace Sydney Smith. He also drove down fifteen enemy planes out of control; one of these victories was also shared with Smith, and another with Horace Debenham. The remaining win was the captured Pfalz.
Citatiion MC: Military Cross (MC) T./Capt. George Edwin Thomson, Gen. List and RFC. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. On one occasion, when testing his machine, he observed a hostile two-seater machine between himself and the lines. He dived on it and fired sixty rounds at a close range, rendering the observer insensible. He then pulled up under the tail of the enemy machine, fired another thirty rounds, and observed it going down in a slow spin. He has accounted for six enemy machines, and has rendered continuous gallant and valuable service.
Citation: DSO Distinguished Service Order (DSO) Lt. (T./Capt.) George Edwin Thomson, MC Gen. List, and RFC. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. On one occasion, encountering a number of enemy two-seater planes, he dived on one of these and sent it down in flames. On returning to our lines, he dived on to another enemy machine, the observer of which was seen to collapse in his cockpit, the hostile machine going down completely out of control. On the following day, observing a hostile two-seater machine, he dived on it, engaging it at 100 yards range. On the hostile plane going down in a slow spin, he followed it to within 2,500 feet, but was compelled to withdraw owing to heavy machine-gun fire from the ground. He has, in all, accounted for twenty-one enemy machines, and has at all times during recent operations displayed the most marked skill and gallantry.
Shores (Other Sources 14)

278 ThorneleyRonald RoscoeCaptGreat BritainAlliesPilot9[5+4] (2 kills+7 Lost Control)8(N)SqnRNASTriplane, Camel ace, 1917.Shores
279 TiptonWilliam DuncanCaptUSAAlliesPilot5(1 balloon)(3 kills+2 Lost Control) [2+3]33Sqn RAF, 17thAeSqnUS Air Service12/12/1945Camel ace, 1918. POW . USAAF KIFA.Shores.
280 TodGeorge DonaldLtUSAAlliesPilot5(3 kills+2 Lost Control) [3+2]65Sqn RAFRAF09/08/1918Camel ace, 1918. KIA.Shores
281 ToddJohnCaptGreat Britain ScotlandAlliesPilot18[15+3] (11 kills+7 Lost Control)70SqnRFC & RAFCamel ace, 1918.Shores
282 ToddRobert Miles2ndLtUSAAlliesPilot5(1 balloon) [3+2]117thAeSqnUS Air ServiceCamel ace, 1918. POW.Shores
283 TonksAdrian James BoswellCaptGreat BritainAlliesPilot12(1 kill+11 Lost Control)4(N)Sqn, 204SqnRAF14/07/1919Camel ace, 1917-18. KIFA.Shores (Other sources 10 victories)
284 TrappGeorge LeonardFLtCanadaAlliesPilot6[5+1] (2 kills+4 Lost Control)10(N)Sqn RNASRNAS13/11/1917Triplane, Camel, 1917. KIA.Shores
285 TrescowthickNorman CharlesLtAustraliaAlliesPilot7[5+2] (6 kills+1 Lost Control)4SqnAustralian Flying CorpsCamel ace, 1918.Shores
286 TrollopeJohn LightfootCaptGreat BritainAlliesPilot18[17+1] (1 balloon)(14 kills+4 Lost Control)70Sqn, 43SqnRFCCamel ace, 1918. 6 kills in a day.Shores
287 TurnerArthur HenryLtGreat BritainAlliesPilot5[3+2] (4 kills+1 Lost Control)204Sqn, 213SqnRAFCamel ace, 1918.Shores
288 UngerKenneth RussellLtUSAAlliesPilot14(1 balloon)(7 kills+7 Lost Control) [10+4]210Sqn RAFRAFCamel ace, 1918. USN WWII.Shores (Some sources 10 victories)
289 VaucourAwdry Morris 'Bunny'MajGreat BritainAlliesPilot7(5 kills+2 Lost Control)10Sqn, 70Sqn, 45SqnRAF16/07/1918Strutter, 1916; Camel, Italy, 1918. KIA.Shores
290 VaughnGeorge Augustus Jr.1stLtUSAAlliesPilot13(1 balloon)(12 kills+1 Lost Control) [6+7]84Sqn RAF, 17thAeSqnUS Air ServiceSE5 and Camel ace, 1918.Shores (Some sources 5, 9 victories)
291 VlastoAlexander GeorgeLtGreat BritainAlliesPilot8[6+2] (3 kills+5 Lost Control)46SqnRFC & RAFCamel ace, 1918.Shores
292 WalkerKenneth MacKenzieLtGreat BritainAlliesPilot5[1+4] (4 kills+1 Lost Control)209SqnRAF12/08/1918Camel ace, 1918. KIA.Shores
293 WallaceHazel LeRoyCaptGreat BritainAlliesPilot14[6+8] (1 balloon)(5 kills+9 Lost Control)9 Sqn (N), 1 Sqn (N), 201 Sqn, 3 SqnRNAS & RAFCamel ace, 1917-18. Captain Hazel LeRoy Wallace DFC (13 November 1897 –22 March 1976) was a Canadian First World War flying ace, officially credited with 14 victories. His record shows him to have been a notable team player in squadron tactics.

Wallace originally served with 9 Squadron RNAS in 1917 as a Sopwith Camel pilot. He won his first dogfights there, sharing victories on 6 and 16 September 1917 with Joseph Stewart Temple Fall and several other pilots. He then transferred to 1 Squadron RNAS in early 1918. On 11 March 1918, he scored a solo victory, driving an Albatros D.V down out of control. Five days later, he shared a win with Maxwell Findlay. Wallace would not score again until 2 May, when he, Reginald Brading, Samuel Kinkead, and several other British pilots sent a hapless German observation plane down out of control; Wallace thus became an ace.

Albatross DV

His next triumph on the morning of 15 May was more of the same, as Wallace, Findlay, Kinkead, Brading, Charles Dawson Booker, Robert McLaughlin, and three other British pilots pounced upon and destroyed an Albatros D.V. A solo 'out of control' win on the afternoon patrol for the 15th, and another the next day put Wallace's tally at eight.

He then transferred to 3 Squadron as the C Flight Commander. On 20 July 1918, he and Adrian Franklyn drove a Hannover two-seater observation plane down out of control. He continued to score with his new unit–mostly solo victories, but with one win shared with George R. Riley–bringing his total to thirteen by 21 August. The next day, he became a balloon buster, teaming with Riley to bring down a German observation balloon. Though he scored no further victories, his Distinguished Flying Cross was awarded on 2 November 1918.
Citation DFC: Lieut. (T./Capt.) Hazel Le Roy Wallace. A gallant and most capable leader, who in many engagements has displayed marked ability and courage, notably in a recent attack on an aerodrome when he led his flight against the group of hangars allotted to him at an altitude of between 100 and 200 feet. By direct hits he destroyed three enemy aeroplanes and set fire to a hangar by machine-gun fire. In addition to above this officer has destroyed four aeroplanes and driven three down out of control.
294 WatsonKenneth BowmanLtCanadaAlliesPilot9[8+1] (8 kills+1 Lost Control)10Sqn, 70SqnRAFCamel ace, 1918.Shores
295 WatsonHerbert GillisCaptNew ZealandAlliesPilot14[13+1] (3 balloons)(9 kills+5 Lost control)4Sqnn Australian Flying CorpsAustralian Flying CorpsCamel ace, 1918.Shores
296 WebbNoel William WardCaptGreat BritainAlliesPilot 2 Seater5(8 kills+6 Lost Control)25Sqn, 70SqnRFC16/08/1917FE2, 1916; Camel, 1917. KIA. Some sources 12 victories)Shores.
297 WebbNoel William WardCaptGreat BritainAlliesPilot14[13+1] (8 kills+6 Lost Control)25Sqn, 70SqnRFC16/08/1917FE2, 1916; Camel, 1917. KIA.Shores (Other sources 12 victories)
298 WelshGeorge ArthurLtCanadaAlliesPilot5(2 kills+3 Lost Control)210SqnRAFCamel ace, 1918.Shores
299 WhealyArthur TreloarCapt
DSC and Bar

CanadaAlliesPilot27[21+6] (17 kills+10 Lost Control)3 Sqn, 9 Sqn RNAS, 203 Sqn RAFRNAS & RAFPup, Triplane, Camel ace, 1917-18. Whealy was commissioned on 29 February 1916. On 24 August 1916 that he was posted to 3 Wing. He served with both 3 Naval Squadron and 9 Naval Squadron within that wing. He did not achieve his first victory until 12 April 1917. He flew his Sopwith Pup to three victories as a pilot of 3 Squadron. Then, on 9 May, he scored for the first time with 9 Squadron; he was still flying a Pup. He became an ace on 7 July. 9 Naval re-equipped with Sopwith Triplanes. Whealy first scored with his new aircraft on 29 July 1917, knocking one Albatros D.V down out of control and destroying another one in flames within the hour. He then switched to the Sopwith Camel back in 3 Naval. He scored once more in 1917, on 5 September, sending another D.V down without certifying its destruction. After a five month lapse, Whealy achieved his ninth credited victory on 17 February 1918. He followed that up with five claims in March, including the capture of an Albatross D.V. He added three further victories in April, six in May, and a single tally in June, on the 7th, running his total to 24. After a six-week lull, he scored his final three victories within two weeks, on 22 and 27 August, and on 4 September. His final record comprised 9 enemy airplanes destroyed by himself, three destroyed in conjunction with other pilots, ten down out of control by himself, two shared out of control victories, and one enemy plane captured.
Citation: DSC 'Flt. Lieut. Arthur Treloar Whealy, RNAS For the most consistent determination, bravery and skill with which he has carried out numerous low flying harassing attacks on the enemy's troops, transports, etc., inflicting heavy casualties and damage. By his splendid example and gallantry a great many hostile .operations were hampered and frustrated. He has further brought down many enemy machines.'
Citation DSC Bar. 'Lieut. (Hon. Capt.) Arthur Treloar Whealy, DSC, RAF For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He has proved himself to be a brilliant fighting pilot. Under his able and determined leadership his flight has engaged and accounted for many enemy machines, he himself being personally responsible for many of these.'
Citation DFC: 'Lieut. (A./Capt.) Arthur Treloar Whealey, DSC (FRANCE) This officer has shown a very high standard of efficiency. Untiring, and full of initiative, he sets a fine example to the younger pilots. During the recent advance he has carried out daring reconnaissances at very low altitudes, invariably bringing back valuable information. He is a bold fighter in the air, having accounted for five enemy machines.'

300 WhistlerHarold Alfred 'Willy'Capt

DFC and 2 Bars
Great BritainAlliesPilot23(1 balloon)(14 kills+9 Lost Control)3 Sqn, 80 SqnRFC & RAFCamel ace, 1918. Upon passing out from Sandhurst, Whistler was commissioned a second lieutenant in the Dorsetshire Regiment on 19 July 1916. He subsequently transferred to the Royal Flying Corps to be trained as a pilot, and was seconded to the RFC on 29 September with the appointment of flying officer. He was soon on operations and was wounded in action on 29 January 1917 when he was with 3 Squadron RFC. When he recovered he joined 80 Squadron RFC. He was promoted to the temporary rank of lieutenant (while serving with the RFC) on 1 August 1917, and was appointed a flight commander on 27 August, flying the Sopwith Camel. Promoted to the permanent rank of lieutenant on 19 January 1918, he returned to operations in France that year. He was credited with 23 victories ( 1 balloon, 13 destroyed, 9 'out of control') between March 1918 and October 1918, all while flying the Sopwith Camel.
Citation DFC: 3 August 1918 'A very courageous and enterprising patrol leader, who has rendered valuable services. He has done exceptionally good work in attacking ground targets, which he engages at very low altitudes. During the past month his patrol attacked eight enemy scouts who were flying above him. He attacked a triplane and brought it down in a crash, and whilst thus himself engaged another of his pilots destroyed a second enemy machine. The remainder of the enemy formation were then driven off.'
Citation DSO 2 November 1918 Capt. Alfred Harold Whistler, DFC. (Dorset Regt.) is appointed a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order. 'During recent operations this officer has rendered exceptionally brilliant service in attacking enemy aircraft and troops on the ground. On 9 August he dropped four bombs on a hostile battery, engaged and threw into confusion a body of troops, and drove down a hostile balloon, returning to his aerodrome after a patrol of one and a half hours duration with a most valuable report. He has in all destroyed ten aircraft and driven down five others out of control.'
Citation DFC Bar: 8 February 1919 Capt. Alfred Harold Whistler, DSO, is awarded a bar to the DFC 'This officer has twenty-two enemy machines and one balloon to his credit. He distinguished himself greatly on 29 September, when he destroyed two machines in one combat, and on 15 September, when, following two balloons to within twenty feet of the ground, he destroyed one and caused the observer of the second to jump out and crash. He has, in addition, done arduous and valuable service in bombing enemy objectives and obtaining information. Captain Whistler is a gallant officer of fine judgment and power of leadership.'
Citation DFC Second Bar: 15 March 1929 Awarded a Second Bar to the DFC 'In recognition of gallant and distinguished services rendered in connection with the operations against the Akhwan in the Southern Desert, Iraq, during the period November 1927 – May 1928.'

Results 201 to 300 of 319.

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