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Abberley, Douglas
Abbott, Kenneth George
Abbott, Maurice Eldon
Abrahams, George Leslie
Abrahams, Leo Reginald
Abram, James
Abramowitz, A E
Abson, Jack Lacy
Adams, Andrew Nicol
Adams, Arthur William
Adams, Donald Arthur
Adams, Frederick Charles
Adams, Frederick Charles
Adams, Gavin Robert
Adams, H
Adams, Harold William Sherwood
Adams, Herbert Phillip
Adams, Stanley
Adamson, John Faulds
Adamson, Kenneth Ebenezer
Adamson, Walter
Adshead, Arthur Stott
Aiken, Alan
Air, Thomas John
Aitken, James Benedict
Akehurst, Leslie Ronald
Alder, Alfred William
Alderson, Robert Sidney
Aldred, Jack Cedric
Alexander, B G
Alexander, John Hannaford
Alexander, Norman Bert Jones
Alexander, R J
Alexander, T D
Allan, Bruce Cartwright De Gardanne
Allcock, Arthur
Allcock, Peter Owen Denys
Allen, C H
Allen, Roy Dawson
Allison, John William
Allison, W R
Allwright, Alan Gordon
Almeroth, Ernest John
Ambrose, William Kenneth
Amos, Frederick Vincent
Amzalak, Ernest Abner
Anderle, Leo
Anderson, Albert George Stafford
Anderson, Charles Harold
Anderson, David William
Anderson, E C
Anderson, Edwin Laurence
Anderson, Frank Edgar
Anderson, George
Anderson, J
Anderson, Royston Charles Keith
Anderson, Stanley Harold
Angus, William
Annells, Robert Harvey
Annesley, Sydney Kenneth
Anscomb, James Albert George
Appleton, Sidney Bulcraig
Ardley, Walter John Evelyn
Armitage, Derek Norman
Armour, William
Armstrong, Andrew
Armstrong, Frederick John
Arnold, George
Arnold, William Leonard
Arrowsmith, James Frederick
Arscott, Wilfred
Arthur, Baden
Ashley, William Kenneth
Ashworth, Kenneth
Askey, Michael William Hamilton
Asquith, Harry
Athill, Alan Hubert
Atkin, Rowland
Atkinson, Eric
Atkinson, George Gaston
Atkinson, Ronald
Atkinson, Ronald Martin
Atkinson, T B
Attwood, Brian Arthur Blake
Austin, Arthur Neville
Austin, George Frederick
Avise, John Ellsworth
Ayers, Frederick Edward
Backhouse, Herbert Frederick
Bacon, Thomas John
Badcock, P J
Baden, Harry George
Bailes, Stuart Neil
Bailey, Clarence Charles Nelson
Bailey, Douglas George
Bailey, Irwin Fowlds
Bailey, Thomas Leon Ford
Baillie, Mervyn James Headen
Bain, A M
Bain, Leslie Neil
Bain, William
Baines, Ian Aubrey
Baines, Ronald Reuben
Baker, Edgar Francis
Baker, Jacques Gordon
Baker, James Howard
Baker, Richard James
Balch, Jack Eric
Balchin, William Thomas
Balcomb, L W
Baldwin, Edward William
Baldwin, Frank
Baldwin, Jack St. Ledger
Baldwin, Lawrence William
Baldwyn, Antony Flemlng
Ball, F J
Ball, Mervin Ainsley
Ballantyne, John Fernie Cullen
Ballard, Maurice
Ballingall, Norman Gray
Balmforth, Henry Nicholson
Bamford, Joel Thomas
Banbury, Richard Mostyn Graham
Bandinel, James Julius Frederick Henry
Banfield, Francis Harold
Banks, Cyril Edward
Banks, Graham Nelson
Barber, James Douglas
Barber, John Michael Wickham
Barclay, David Pringle
Barclay, J Macr
Barker, Gordon Ross
Barkley, J J
Barkway, Donald
Barnard, David Francis
Barnard, John
Barnes, Vernon Stewart
Barnfather, Claude Cecil
Barnfield, Colin Edward Hunter
Barrett, Raymond Andrew
Barrett, Roger John
Barrett, Ronald Jack
Barrett, Timothy John
Barrie, Alec Leslie Drummond
Barrie, Donald Gladstone
Barrow, John Satterthwaite
Barry, Bernard Kevin
Bartlett, John Frederick
Baskerville-atkinson, Henry
Baster, Alan Rupert
Bastin, Stuart George
Batchelor, C
Bateman, Thomas
Batley, Arthur Raymond
Batton, Ian William
Batzofin, Hymen
Baugh, Kenneth George
Baughan, Leslie Kilminster
Baxter, Arthur Douglas
Baxter, John Lawrence
Bayford, Frederick Vincent
Beach, Ronald William
Beacham, Neville Thomas George
Beadle, Neville Graham
Beagle, Charles
Beattie, David
Beaver, Warwick Hilson
Bebbington, Arthur Dennis
Bee, Derek Alan Raikes
Beechinor, Thomas James
Beeney, Bertram Arthur
Beer, Joseph Denham
Beesley, Donald John
Beet, Cyril Hardwick
Begg, Stephen
Behrens, Ronald James
Beirnes, Donald Wood
Beiser, Herbert
Belcher, Charles Llwyd
Bell, David Marshall
Bell, Douglas Charles
Bell, Frederick Claude
Bell, G R
Bell, Henry Greenwell
Bell, J E
Bell, Patrick Carnegie
Bell, R B
Bell, Richard Frederick
Bell, Ronald Arthur
Bell, William
Bellamy, Paul Reynell
Beloe, Stephen Edward
Bender, F H J
Bennett, G
Bennett, Harold James
Bennett, Kenneth Jack
Bennett, Kenneth Walton
Bennett, Sidney Lewis
Bennett, Thomas Lloyd
Benning, Ernest
Bensimon, Leslie Brian
Benson, Laurence Trevor
Benstead, Peter Charles
Bentley, Calman
Bentley, Jack Edward Sedgwick
Bentley, Murray Waldron
Benzie, E A
Berg, Maurice Lloyd
Berkley, Robert Ernest
Berkowitz, Oscar
Bernthal, Leslie Lawton
Berriman, Cecil Kenneth
Berry, Stanley Joseph
Bertram, Douglas
Bescoby, Leonard
Betts, Henry Frederick
Beukes, S P
Bevan, Kenneth William
Beveridge, John
Beverley, William
Bickmore, Frederick William Albert
Biggins, George Kenneth
Biggs, Anthony Kent
Biggs, William Frederick
Billings, Robert Arnold
Billingsley-dooley, William Bernard
Bilton, John
Binns, Edward
Bird, John Stanbridge
Birtles, Cuthbert Albert Ernest
Bisson, Albert James George
Bitmead, Peter Arnold
Black, R G
Black, William Desmond
Blackburn, Charles Arthur
Blackburn, Herbert Frank
Blackburn, William Reay
Blacklock, Thomas
Blackmore, Herbert George Percy
Blackshaw, Colin
Blackstock, William David
Blades, Robert Whitaker
Blair, D H
Blake, N C
Blashill, Leonard
Blatherwick, J J
Blessing, Wilson George
Blignaut, Peter Gerhard
Bliss, Harry Alfred
Bliss, W J K
Block, Michael Lewrance
Blomley, Lionel Douglas
Bloor, Reginald Albert
Blower, Ronald Kenneth
Bluck, F
Boddy, Frank William
Bodmer, Frances Bernard Miles
Bohl, William Dennis
Bolingbroke, Hale Winter
Bolton, Alexander
Bond, Anthony David
Boon, Denis Murdock
Boon, Walter Henry
Boonzaier, Hermanus
Booth, George
Booth, J H
Booysen, Charles M. De V.
Booyzen, C P
Boraine, R B
Borrill, Stanley
Botha, Adriaan Jacobus
Botting, Ronald Douglas
Bottle, Kenneth Charles
Bottomley, Eric Burton
Boundary, George William
Boundy, William Leonard
Bour, M R
Boustead, Ronald Geoffrey
Bowell, Douglas Walter
Bowen, William Howard
Bower, Cyril Norman
Bower, Peter
Bowerman, Oswald Robert
Bowker, Miles Brunette
Bowles, G A
Bowles, Harold Sidney
Bowles, Jessie Jack
Bowman, Alan Mcdonald
Bowyer, Joseph Angus
Boxshall, Norman George
Boyd, Nigel Barclay
Boyd, Walter Dawson Carl
Boyde, Arthur Leslie
Boyer, H P F
Boyers, James Carey
Bracegirdle, John
Bradbury, Edward
Bradford, Kenneth Norman
Bradford, Richard
Bradley, John William
Brady, Joseph Francis
Braithwaite, Thomas Leyland
Bramwell, John Ivan
Brand, Andrew David
Brand, L R G
Brandon, Reginald Stanley
Brandon, William John
Brandt, Clarence Elmer
Bredenkamp, J M
Bremner, Charles Kennedy
Brewster, Geoffrey William
Brian, Alan Ellis
Brice, E B
Bridger, Bernard Edward
Bridgewater, George William
Bridgwood, John William
Briercliffe, Charles Frederick
Brine, William Edward
Broad, Ronald Charles William
Broadbear, William Arthur
Broadhead, John Hugh
Broadsmith, Harold Emmett
Brodie, Richard William
Brokenshire, Edward Dewar
Bromley, Harry Leighton
Brook, Richard William
Brooker, Bertram Alfred Charles
Brooks, L E
Brosnan, Patrick
Brough, Frederick Harold
Brough, Leonard
Brown, Alan Dennis
Brown, Arthur Henry
Brown, Donald James
Brown, Ephraim Hugh
Brown, Geoffrey Alan
Brown, George Douglas
Brown, Henry
Brown, Herbert Haig
Brown, Ivan
Brown, James Gordon
Brown, John Alfred
Brown, John Wesley
Brown, Reginald Ellis
Brown, Victor
Brown, Wilfred David
Browne, Anthony Doughty
Browne, Arnold George
Browning, Robert John
Bruce, David Alistair
Bruce, Douglas Earl
Bruck, Henry Edward
Brunt, Norman Richards
Brunton, Derrick Augustus
Brunton, George Charles
Bruton-Simmonds, C R
Bryant, Clifford Henry
Buchanan, D L
Buchanan, John Kenneth
Buchanan, Lindsay Basil
Buckley, John
Buckley, John Cyril
Buckthorpe, Leonard Alfred
Bull, Clifford Frank
Bullen, Donald Victor
Bullock, Frank
Bulman, William
Bumfrey, Desmond
Burden, Dennis
Burdon, V R
Burdus, Reginald Stanley
Burford, Sydney Ronald
Burgess, Ebenezer
Burgess, Rowland
Burke, Raymond Geoffrey
Burkett, George Hector
Burkitt, Ivor James
Burman, William Richard
Burne, Alexander Charles
Burney, Henry George
Burns, Charles Withers Mcleod
Burns, John
Burns, Murray Mckenzie
Burns, Robert John Ernest
Burns, William Stead
Burr, E H
Burrage, Roy Inglis
Burrell, Phillip Gordon
Burroughs, Norman Arthur
Burrow, Peter Stanley
Burt, Christopher Frederick
Burton, Harry
Burton, John George
Bush, Colin Graham
Butcher, Vernon Frederick
Butler, Alexander Langlois
Butler, Edward John David
Butler, Noel Obrien
Buxton, Jack
Bygrave, Graham Edgar
Cadell, John Donald
Cain, Alexander John
Caine, K P
Cains, Frederick Lighthall Pulsford
Cairncross, Gideon Jamieson
Cairns, Roy Winfield
Caldow, Lindsay Allan
Caldow, William Henderson
Caldwell, George
Callister, Norman Watling
Calver, William
Cameron, Archibald Boyd
Cameron, Douglas Seaman
Cameron, Gilbert Harry
Cameron, Henry
Cameron, Ronald
Cameron, Stewart Dewar
Cameron, William
Campbell, A U M
Campbell, C
Campbell, Duncan
Campbell, James Chippindall
Campbell, William Robert
Cantin, Clement Francis Amedee
Cantrill, Charles Tom
Canty, Malcolm Allen
Capewell, William Donald
Carcary, Albert Alexander
Card, Harry Duncan
Cardwell, John
Carley, Edmund
Carlile, John Vyvyan
Carlson, Robert Brownlee
Carnie, Wilfred Leslie
Carnovski, Leonard Adam
Carpenter, Wilfred
Carr, Richard Saxon
Carroll, Colin Stewart
Carroll, Wilfred John
Carswell, James Richard
Carter, Anthony Edward
Carter, Arthur
Carter, Eric William
Carter, Frank Lionel
Carter, Harold Marcus
Carter, Sidney
Carter, Wilfrid Stanley Townsend
Carthew, William George
Cartwright, Harold
Cash, John Francis
Cash, Louis
Cashman, Simon Michael
Cassar, Henry John
Cassidy, Ronnie George
Castle, James Armistice
Cater, Leslie
Catherall, Charles Victor
Cathrine, John
Cattell, Leslie Philip
Cattemull, Eric Ernest Thomas
Cattrall, Walter Bramley
Causer, Daniel Robert George
Cave, Frederick
Cawthen, Douglas Allan
Cazalet, Michael Peter
Chacksfield, Douglas Geater
Chadwick, C A E
Chaffe, George Richard
Chalkley, G A
Challis, Brian William
Challis, Donald Clive
Challis, Michael Bruce Henry
Chalmers, D A
Chambers, Geoffrey Pender
Chambers, William Thomas Charles
Champ, Sidney George
Chandler, Charles Arthur
Chandler, Roy Edward
Chaning-pearce, Paul
Chantry, Richard
Chap, Norman Richard
Chaplin, D M
Chapman, Eric Percy
Chapman, Frank
Chapman, Kenneth John
Chapman, Lewis William
Chapman, William Arthur Hargreaves
Checkley, Jack Ernest
Cheesman, A E F
Cheetham, Frank Alan
Chenoweth, Colin Maxwell
Cherns, Harold
Cherrington, Richard Arthur
Cherrington, Richard Lenard
Cheyne, Alexander Wilson
Chick, William John Stockwell
Chilton, Frank
Chipps, W D
Cholmeley, Anthony Hugh
Christie, James Alexander
Christie, Ralph Vigne
Cilliers, Edward Malherbe
Clarence, P H
Clark, Alan Grant
Clark, C H
Clark, David Thorburn
Clark, Harold
Clark, Hubert Reginald
Clark, John Duncan
Clark, Kenneth
Clark, Kenneth William
Clarke, Jack Mortimer
Clarke, Robert Hugh
Clarke, William Charles
Clarkson, C
Clarkson, William
Clary, Edgar Leroy
Classen, B D
Clayton, Fred Vigars
Clayton, Lawrence Samuel
Cleary, Jack Alexander
Clegg, Cyril George
Cleland, Calder Leper
Clement, Oliver Hobgen
Clements, Herbert Allan
Clements, Roger Bentley
Clemow, Bernard Anthony
Clifford, Denis Frederic
Clift, Ronald Edwin George
Clifton, Kenneth Welby
Cline, Grant Depew
Clough, Frederick Kenneth
Clough, Stanley
Clowry, Felix Ffrench
Clubley, Lewis William
Clucas, Thomas Kean
Clulee, Mildmay Victor
Clutterbuck, B S
Cobbledick, Dudley
Cobham, Edward Alexander
Cochran, James Cumming
Cock, J H
Cocker, Leonard
Cockington, Percival
Cockram, Dennis Harold
Cockren, Leonard Charles
Cohen, Sydney
Cole, Edward Cecil
Cole, James Clement
Cole, William Dudley Linter
Coleman, Stanley Victor
Colenbrander, A M
Coles, Ivan
Collenette, Frank De Beauchamp
Collett, Vincent James
Colley, James Roger
Collier, Robert James
Collingborn, Eric Percival
Collins, D H
Collins, Francis Godfrey
Collins, Horace Henry
Collins, Philip Louis
Colman, Edward Norman
Colman, William Peter
Coltart, Donald Pemberton
Colton, William George
Colverd, John Arthur Taylor
Combes, Eric
Comfort, Alexander Charles
Complin, Charles Moore
Compton, Peter Robert
Comyns, L F
Condron, Harold
Conley, Douglas Frederick
Connell, Bernard Thomas
Connell, Jack
Connolly, David Aubrey
Conroy, Frank
Constantin, Charles Henry Arthur
Cook, Richard Henry
Cook, Stanley
Cook, William Rogerson
Cooke, Norman Eric
Cooksey, William Henry
Cookson, Edward Oswald
Cookson, John
Coombes, Stanley John
Cooper, Alan Ernest
Cooper, Ernest John
Cooper, Frederick William
Cooper, Geoffrey Edmund
Cooper, Geoffrey Elliot
Cooper, John Orbell
Cooper, Ronald Jack
Coote, Leonard Edward Morgan
Copeland, Percy
Copley, Robert Davies
Copping, Dennis Charles Hughmore
Copplestone, Edward Sidney
Corbett, E S
Corbisier, Roger Leon Hermann
Corby, Alfred William
Cordy, Stanley Christopher
Corlett, John Cedric
Cornford, Kenneth Rupert
Cornish, Clifford Harry
Cornish, Walter Richard Samuel
Corton, Kenneth George
Cotterell, Desmond Edward Thomas
Coudray, Charles
Coughlan, J J
Court, Ernest
Cousins, Cecil Lawrence
Cousins, John Runnacles
Cowan, Marcus James
Cowan, Peter Phillip
Cowan-hunt, James George
Coward, Richard Alfred
Cowell, Leslie
Cowen, J F
Cowie, Alexander Keith
Cowley, Cyril Arthur
Cowlishaw, John George
Cox, Charles Cedric
Cox, Charles Valentine
Cox, Christopher Frederick
Cox, Frank Mitchell
Cox, John Allen
Cox, Leonard Arthur
Cox, Russell Kenneth
Cox, The Rev. James Ernest
Crabb, Douglas Brooks
Crabb, William Thomas
Craddock, Ernest Charles
Craggs, George James
Crapp, Arthur Geoffrey
Craven, Frederick John
Crawford, Joseph
Creed, Jack Lester George
Creighton, Francis Albert
Cripps, Cyril Henry
Cripps, Reginald Augustus
Crockett, Alexander Gordon
Croll, Arthur Leland
Crompton, Richard
Crook, Allan
Crook, Robert Herbert Charles
Cross, Donald William
Cross, Richard Ambrose
Crothers, Samuel Alexander Mcclean
Crowe, Harold
Crowther, Fred
Crowther, George
Crozier, John Francis
Crump, Peter William
Crundwell, Frank Henry
Cryer, Leslie Edward
Cuddie, William Arthur
Cuddon, Brian Anthony Frederick
Culham, Frank Arthur
Cullen, Robert William
Cullen, Walter Percy
Cullimore, Edward Lionel
Cullum, Noel John
Cumming, Philip Henry
Cunningham, George
Cunningham, Richard Alexander
Curphey, Lewin Henry
Currie, Ernest Robert William
Curtis, Aubrey Glen
Cuthbert, George
Cutter, George
Dabadi, Maurice Shehata
Dabbs, Arthur John
Dale, Jack
Dale, Kenneth Lyle
Daley, John Campbell
Dalgleish, Lloyd George
Dalton, Thomas Lancey
Daniels, Augustus George
Daniels, Gerald Ernest Deane
Daniels, Leslie Oram
Daniels, R S
Darbishire, Charles Francis
Darge, William Henry
Dargie, Albert Mcdonald Smith
Darr, Norman Clarence
Date, Gerald
Davey, John Vernon
Davidson, Haraldur Johannes
Davidson, Ian George Elwin
Davidson, William Alexander
Davie, Robert Curtis
Davies, D R
Davies, Emlyn Barclay
Davies, Kenneth George Charles
Davies, Philip Edward
Davies, Robert Wray
Davies, Wynford
Davis, Cecil Clement Hood
Davis, Derek Rudyard
Davis, Gerald Robert James
Davis, Horace Henry George
Davis, John Lumsden
Davis, Lance George
Davis, Philip John
Davis, Roy Dudley
Davis, Stewart Palmer
Dawe, Arnold William
Dawes, Denziel Thomas St. Hugh
Dawes, Elias
Dawson, Christopher
Day, Arthur Sidney
Day, Cecil George
Day, Leonard Henry
De Bourke, Richard
De Burgh, Desmond Herlouin
De Clifford, Mervyn Charles
De Freitas, Wilfrid Albert Antony
De Greef, Gideon Johannes
De Groot, J
De Gruchy, Douglas Hugh
De Jong, A
De Klerk, Denys
De Klerk, G J
De Meillon, P C
De Waal, G L
Deacon, Ronald Horace
Dean, Charles Henry
Dean, Frank Henry
Dean, John Nicholson
Dean, Michael James
Dear, Cyril Barry
Dearlove, Cuthbert Joseph Stanley
Declerck, Albert George
Delaney, Luke Sylvestre (Duke)
Denehy, R H
Denham, G M A
Dennant, James Edward
Dennett, Charles Trevor
Dennis, Ernest Edward
Dennis, Frederick William
Densham, Robert Wilfred
Derrick, Leonard James
Desmond, Dennis Alexander
Dew, Archibald Henry Everett
Dewhurst, Lawrence
Dibbs, George Robert
Dick, David Cornelius
Dick, John Thomson
Dicken, Raymond Leslie
Dickson, George Bamforth
Diehm, William George
Dillon, William John
Dingle, G A
Ditchfield, Richard Leonard
Dixon, Eric
Dixon, Gordon
Dixon, John
Dixon, John Joseph
Dixon, John William
Dixon, Keith Marius
Docker, Alan Robert
Docker, Frederick Alfred Macdonald
Dodd, Reginald Thomas
Doddington, Robert Edward
Dodds, James
Dodson, J F R
Dodson, Ronald George
Doherty, Arthur John
Dolan, Raymond Charles
Donald, A. Mcp.
Donaldson, G M K
Donaldson, Robert Roy
Donne, Graham Lucas
Donnelly, Alex Mcroberts
Donnelly, William Henry
Donner, Wilfred Bates
Dougall, George Alan
Doughty, Arthur William
Douthwaite, Dennis Arthur
Dow, Francis Charles Anderson
Dowell, William Joseph
Down, Hubert Cecil
Downes, Frederick George Clifton
Downward, George Norman
Dowsett, Geoffrey Edward
Drayton, William John
Drew, Roy Arthur
Drewry, Francis George
Driscoll, Cornelius Desmond
Drummond, Noel Gibson Sterling
Du Plessis, G M H
Du Plessis, Mornie Andre
Du Plessis, Paul Aroma
Du Plessis, Willem Jacobus
Du Toit, C
Du Toit, P
Dubery, Charles Donald Bernard
Duckitt, Van
Ducklin, Henry Walter Stanley
Duddle, Charles William
Dudley, Frederick Eric
Duff, George Mckenzie
Duff, Henry Leggat
Duffin, Kenneth Isaac
Duffy, John Philip
Dumas, Charles John
Dunbar, Richard Archibald
Duncan, Alan Matheson
Duncan, Andrew
Duncan, Henry
Duncan, K A
Dunn, Rodney Howard
Dunscombe, Raymond Douglas
Dunthorne, Cecil Blanchard
Dunton, Edward James
Duquette, Frederick Albert
Durie, Alan Richard Brett
Durose, Rupert Alan
Durrant, James Edward
Durrell, Alan Howard
Dustow, Ernest Gerald
Dwyer, William Edward
Dyer, Richard George Patrick
Dymond, Derek Michael
Dynes, William Thomas
Eadie, John
Earl, A
Easson, Athelstan George Cornish
East, Robert Miles
Eastman, Peter
Easton, Howard Walter
Eaton, Kenneth Austin
Eccles, Edmund
Eden, Joseph Oliver
Edge, Hugh Gregory
Edmonston, George Gibb
Ednie, Andrew Gordon
Edwards, Arthur Ernest Hewitt
Edwards, Colin Pryce
Edwards, Dennis Herbert
Edwards, Gordon Francis
Edwards, John Alfred
Edwards, Norman
Eke, George Lewis
Elder, John Howard
Elias, John Stanley
Eliastam, S
Eliav, E
Elliott, Douglas Murray
Elliott, Russell James
Elliott, Surtees
Elliott, Thomas Robert
Elliott, William
Elphick, Stanley James
Elson, Idris Clifford
Elsworth, John Pyott
Elwell, Guy Wilton
Embree, William David Mclaren
Emery, Hubert John
Engelbrecht, C
England, Victor Ernest Melvin
Enticknap, Richard
Erasmus, Barend Hendrik
Eria, Royal Tuiri
Ernest, John Sidney
Eshelby, Richard Henry Douglas
Evans, Bruce Aitken
Evans, David Ronald
Evans, Edward Arthur
Evans, Guy Alfred
Evans, John
Evans, John Henry Pearsons
Evans, Kenneth Evan John
Evans, R J
Evans, Ronald Arthur William
Everitt, Frederick James
Evert, R R
Ewart, Norman Sterling
Exell, Tom Ellis
Eyton-jones, Victor
Ezra, Albert Charles
Fairbairn-mcphee, Stanley Robert
Fairfield, William Henry
Fairhurst, Arthur
Fairley, William Irvine
Fairweather, Gordon Meville Ruchet
Fairweather, James Sinclair Henry
Fairweather, Peter Francis
Farmer, Gordon
Farmer, Kenneth Roy
Farquhar, D A
Farr, Alex Thomas Duffield
Farries, Stuart Maxwell
Featonby-Smith, E A
Feinberg, A C
Fell, Martin Costin
Fellowes, Daniel James
Felstead, Roy Kingsley
Felton, Leslie James
Felton, R J
Fender, Edwin Stewart
Fenn, Peter
Fennell, Raymond Llewellyn
Fenton, Jack
Fenton, William
Ferguson, Archibald Henry
Ferguson, Cameron Archibald Gustave
Ferguson, Gordon Reid
Ferguson, Gordon William
Ferguson, Harold Clifford
Ferguson, Maxwell Stewart
Ferguson, Norman Stewart
Field, Patrick
Field, Victor Bowring
Fielder, Sidney George
Finbow, Walter Edwin
Finch, Albin James
Finch, George Herbert
Finch, John Thomas
Finlay, Robert Gilchrist
Firth, John Garratt
Firth, Kenneth
Firth, Phillip
Fischer, Jacobus George
Fisher, Geoffrey Walter
Fisher, George
Fisher, John Redvers
Fisher, Peter John
Fisher, Robert Thomas
Fisher, T S
Fisher, Walter Harold
Fisher, William Arthur
Fitzgerald, Leonard
Fitzgerald, Terence Cunliffe
Flax, Maurice
Flecknoe, John Edwin
Fleming, M J
Fletcher, Christopher Timothy
Fletcher, John
Fletcher, John Bratt
Fletcher, Ronald
Flint, John William
Flitton, Robert Deane
Flockhart, John
Flyte, Peter Raymond
Fobister, George
Foggo, Arthur Richard
Foley-brickley, James Ernest
Fong, George
Forbes, R D A
Ford, Edmund Kenneth
Ford, George Ross
Ford, George William Henry
Forder, Dallas Alexander
Forder, John Stonard
Foreshaw, John William George
Forester, William Ross
Forrest, J W
Forrester, Stanley Robert Ellis
Forsyth, L C
Forsyth, Thomas Jeffery
Fortmann, H C J
Fortune, John
Foster, Kenneth John
Foster, Peter Alton
Foster-stevens, David Douglas
Fouracre, Leonard Frederick Smiley Ford
Fourie, J F
Fowler, M H
Fox, Bernard Joseph
Fox, Frederick George
Fox, George Stanley
Fox, Stanley George
Foxall, John Francis
France, Leslie Ronald
Francis, Harold Clifford
Francis, Richard Andrew
Franks, Alexander
Franks, Geoffrey William
Fraser, Abraham Lincoln
Fraser, Melbourne Glaister
Fray, Roger William
Freeman, Claude Raisin
Freeman, George Herbert
Freeman, Hyman
Fretwell, Wilfred Arthur Joseph
Friedl, Karel
Friedman, A
Friend, Arthur James William
Friend, John Douglas
Fripp, E W B
Frith, Victor Thomas Harry
Frolich, G
Frost, Clifford
Frost, John Everitt
Frostick, Gordon Macdonald
Fry, Cyril James Howard
Fry, Vincent Dennis
Fryer, Basil Odell
Fudge, Albert Frederick
Fullarton, Thomas
Fuller, Clifford Jack
Fuller, Meredith Charles
Fuller, Raymond Elsworth
Furminger, Ernest William
Furstenburg, Jan Pieter
Futter, A C
Gage, David George
Galbraith, Francis Wilson
Gale, David James Ross
Galley, Denis
Galloway, James
Galloway, Stephen Ronald
Gamble, Leonard
Gannaway, Dennis Charles
Gannon, Ronald Dillon
Gardener, Alfred Charles Arnold
Gardner, Jack Victor
Garlick, C L
Garrett, Kenneth James
Garriock, Walter
Garrood, Arthur Richard
Gartside, John
Gascoigne, John Brooks
Gascoyne, Clifford James
Gatiss, Henry
Gatward, Alan Arthur
Gavins, Fred
Gayer, Ronald Thomas
Geary, Thomas Francis Bernard
Geerdts, Geoffrey Clifford
Gengos, William
Genny, Arthur Henry George
Gentry, Ronald William
George, K E F
German, Maurice
Gerrand, B. Mcd
Geyer, A W
Gibbon, Ernest Harold
Gibbons, John Robert
Gibson, Douglas Clarke
Gibson, Thomas Norman
Giddings, Richard Gordon
Gidley, Arthur Ernest
Gildon, Stanley Leonard
Giles, David Arthur
Giles, Leslie Walter
Giles, Richard Edward
Gilkey, Richard Wallace
Gill, George Leslie Wade
Gilligan, Denis
Gillingham, William Bernard
Gilmore, Roy Gibson
Gilvarry, Joseph
Girling, Robert
Gitsham, Stewart Burton
Glancy, Alexander Noel
Glasgow, Frederick Dunford
Gledhill, Thomas Edward
Glenn, William
Glenn, William John Ernest
Glenny, John Henry Stevenson
Glickman, Bertram William
Glover, Alan Dawson
Glover, Colin Raymond
Glynn, Cuthbert
Glynn, James Adam
Glynn, Percy Frederick Leyton
Goates, Jonas Percy
Goch, F W
Godfrey, Harry
Godfrey, Ronald Palmer
Golden, Geoffrey Cromwell
Goldfeather, Albert Michael
Goldfoot, S
Golding, Richard Henry
Goldsmith, Norman Frederick Temple
Goldston, John Raymond
Gone, Patrick James
Goodchild, Harry John
Goode, Peter
Goodfellow, Sydney
Goodhand, Mervyn Sidney
Goodley, Philip Alan
Goodwin, J E M
Goord, Robert Leslie
Goose, William George
Gordon, Douglas Charles
Gordon, James Douglas
Gordon, Norman
Gordon, Robert Hugh
Gormally, Kevin Patrick
Gorman, Henry
Gosling, Reginald Thomas
Goss, Jerome Aiden Patrick
Gotheridge, Frederick
Gould, Charles Vernon Courtney
Gould, Stephen Edward
Govett, Leslie Jack Robert
Gowdie, Robert St. Clair
Gowland, Thomas
Grabie, Abraham
Graeme-cook, Arthur Stanley
Graham, Harold Gordon
Grainger, Ivor William
Gray, Bertie
Gray, F. Mca
Gray, P M
Gray, Peter Joseph
Greaves, Arthur Seymour
Greaves, James
Greeff, A C
Green, Garnham Frederick
Green, Gordon Cyril
Green, Humphrey Ralph
Green, James Robert Benjamin
Green, Richard Arnold
Green, Ronald Aubrey
Green, Thomas Crowe
Green, Vernon Vincent
Green, William John Hutchinson
Greenberg, M
Greenhill, Charles Fabian
Greenhow, Edmondson Peter
Greenlees, Alan Godfrey
Greenop, Derek William Dudley
Greentree, Athol George
Greenwood, John Brian
Greer, Murray Edward
Gregory, Forrest June
Gresham, Richard Henry
Griffin, Albert
Griffin, Arthur Edward
Griffin, F O
Griffith, Theodore David
Griffiths, Peter James Bingham
Griffiths, Richard Patrick
Griffiths, Victor James
Griffiths, William Frederick Batty
Grimwood, Albert Frederick
Grocott, Daniel
Groom, Ralph Harrison
Grosvenor, Beresford Arnold
Grove, Geoffrey
Grover, Maurice William
Grubb, Eric George William
Grundey, Harold Croft
Grundy, John Desmond
Grundy, Thomas Albert
Grunhut, Jindrich
Gudgeon, Thomas Wallace
Gundry, Kenneth Cradock
Gunyon, Nigel Mcmahon
Guy, Albert Lewis
Gwynne, Peter Anthony Wansbrough
Hady, John Francis
Hagger, William John Edgar
Haid, Earl James
Haigh, John Hopeshaw
Hain, Harry Clem
Haines, Anthony Cluse Huxtable
Hainey, Edward Kelly
Hajek, Bohuml
Halbert, James Bruce
Hale, George Henry
Hale, Herbert Edward John
Hale, Leslie Charles Major
Haley, Frederick
Haley, John William Richard
Hall, Darrell Anthony Lewis
Hall, Eric Lees
Hall, Jean Charles
Hall, Maurice George Barton
Hall, Micheal Frank
Hall, Ronald Frank
Hall, Stanley
Hall, William Joseph
Hallas, Ernest
Hallett, William Leonard Verdun
Halliday, Frank
Halliwell, Charles Polwart Turnbull
Halsall, John
Halstead, Arthur
Hamilton, Andrew
Hamilton, Colin George
Hamilton, John
Hamilton, Joseph Vincent
Hamilton, Roy James
Hamilton, William
Hamilton-hunter, Bertram Patrick
Hamilton-wilkes, Frank Deane
Hamlyn, Alexander Gordon
Hamlyn, R A
Hammarton, Albert Edward
Hancock, Ernest William
Hancock, Neal Washington
Hancock, Stanley Frank
Handfield, Peter Paul Eardley Tatham
Handley, Jack
Hands, Leslie
Hanley, Charles
Hann, William
Hanna, Mark
Hannan, Daniel James Arthur
Hanson, Eric Hugh Cecil
Hanson, Harold Leslie
Harding, Edwin Mews
Harding, Kenneth Frederick
Hardman, Charles Norton
Hardy, Guy Mitton
Hare, R A
Hargreaves, Eric William
Harlock, George Robert
Harman, Joseph Henry
Harnett, Geoffrey William
Harper, David
Harries, James Allen
Harris, D
Harris, Frederick
Harris, John
Harris, Norman
Harris, Robert
Harris, Ronald Oswald
Harris, Roy Bertram
Harrison, Dennis Edgar
Harrison, John Sedgewick
Harrison, Maxwell Charles
Harrison, Victor William Joseph
Harrow, James Murray
Hart, Albert Roy George
Hart, GrahaMilitary Medalelville
Hart, Morris David
Hartley, Geoffrey Seymour
Harttung, George Walter
Harvey, Lynn
Harwood, Denis Neville Lee
Harwood, Leonard Harold
Haslam, Peter Campbell
Hatch, Basil Keith
Hatcher, Frederick Charles
Hattingh, Jacobus Johannes
Hawke, Horace Nathaniel Voss
Hawkes, Frank Douglas
Hawkes, Frederick Owen
Hawkins, D W
Haworth, Alfred Henry
Haworth, Malcolm Ramsay
Hay, John Strowan
Hayden, John Stephens
Hayes, Edwin Sautelle
Hayes, Harold John
Hayhurst, James
Hayton, Gilbert Mclean
Hayworth, William Asher
Hazan, Gaston
Hazelton, Raith John Cable
Head, Robert Howard
Heal, Samuel Raymond
Heald, John Henry
Healy, K R
Heath, Peter Leonard
Heaton, William Pilkington
Heaven, C W
Hedges, Donald Owen
Hedley, Ernest William Parkin
Hedley, Oscar Mathews
Hedley, Peter Maxwell
Heher, C G
Hehir, Robert Joseph
Hek, Alfred Edward
Hellyer, George Henry
Helm, James Mccready
Hemmings, Donald Alfred
Hemsworth, James Taft
Henderson, Albert Hewitt
Henderson, Francis Wilbert
Hendron, Francis
Henley, Roy Frederick Joseph
Henning, G F
Herriott, Frederick William
Hewitt, Maurice Frederick
Hey, John Powell
Heyworth, James
Hibbert, John Henry
Hick, John Christopher
Hickey, William Joseph
Higgs, Donald Ernest
Higham, Ernest Arthur
Highman, Gordon Francis
Hill, Frederick Charles
Hill, John Edward
Hill, Kenneth Victor
Hill, Reuben Leonard
Hill, Vernon Ernest
Hilton, Henry Wren
Hinde, D A
Hinde, Dorian Allison
Hindle, Thomas
Hinton, Arthur Dale
Hipkiss, Arthur Victor
Hitchcock, Frederick Arthur
Hitchin, Maurice Edmund Frank
Hoad, Burton Paget
Hoadley, Frederick Herbert William
Hoare, Brian Patrick
Hoare, Clifford Philip
Hobby, Richard
Hodge, John Stephen Arthur
Hodgkinson, C F
Hodgson, Leslie
Hodgson, Roy Silvester
Hodoul, Paul Raymond Marie
Hofmeyr, A M
Hogarth, Matthew
Hogarth, Peter
Hogg, John Henry
Hojem, G C
Holbrook, Kenneth Walter
Holburn, Andrew Cowan
Holcombe, Richard Herbert
Holden, Raymond De Lannoy
Holder, William Edward
Holdsworth, Robert Whitaker
Hole, William Richmond
Holliday, E B M
Hollist, Anthony John
Holloway, Edwin George
Holloway, Eric Baskerville
Holloway, John William
Holmans, Harry Cecil Thomas
Holmes, Claude Frank
Holstead, Gordon Murray
Holton, Ronald George Lawry
Hombsch, Ronald Victor
Honig, Amighai
Hood, Donald
Hood, James
Hood, Ronald William
Hope, Robert Edward Herbert
Hopkins, Bleddyn Thomas
Hopkinson, Edward Vincent
Horniman, Peter John
Horsburgh, Robert
Horsfall, Joseph Arthur
Horsley, David Alexander
Horton, Fred
Horton, Ronald Clarence
Hoskins, George
Hoskins, Norman William
Hosmer, R
Hough, Alban Gordon William
Hough, Marcus Maximillian
Houle, John Kenneth
Hounsell, John Trevor
Houston, William Earl
How, Herbert Thomas
Howard, H F
Howard, John James Victor
Howarth, Sam
Howat, W F
Howe, Stanley Foulger
Howell, Alexander Edwin
Howells, John
Howgate, George Herbert
Howlett, Thomas Henry
Hoyes, Maxwell
Hoyle, Walter
Hubbard, William James
Hudson, Douglas
Hudson, George Derek
Hudson, Robert Bruce
Hudspith, Edwin
Huggins, Thomas Oswald
Hughes, Francis
Hughes, Hugh Roger
Hughes, Robert Selwyn
Hughes, Stanley
Hughes, William Walter
Hulbert, Joseph Charles
Hulke, Cecil Walter Lloyd
Hull, Albert Edwin
Human, Peter
Humble, Frederick Stanley
Hume, David Balfour
Humphries, I E
Humphries, Keith Eric
Humphries, Philip Emanuel
Humphris, Allan Arthur
Hunt, Henry Chapman
Hunt, Sidney George
Hunt, Stanley
Hunt, Sydney Eustace
Hunt, Theodore Moseley
Hunter, Albert Machen
Hunter, Angus Gillespie Connan
Hunter, Francis Jack
Hunter, George Albert Kitchener
Hunter, James Mitchell
Hunter, William James
Hurcombe, Jack Ronald
Hurry, G K
Hussey, Anthony
Hussey, Peter Patrick
Hutchinson, Harold Henry
Hutchinson, William Percival
Hutchison, John
Hutchison, Richard Balmain
Hutchison, William Cochrane
Hutt, Patrick Louis Villette
Hutton, Allan
Hutton, William
Huxstep, Patrick Southee
Hyatt, Victor Frank
Hyder, Alfred Edward
Iddeson, James Sterling
Iggulden, Humphrey Vint
Ilott, Dennis Willis
Impett, Henry Stephen
Imrie, William George
Inglesby, Herbert
Inglis, John Mitchell
Innes, William
Inskip, Kenneth Frederick George
Ironside, Harold Edmond
Irving, Gordon Forbes
Irwin, Andrew Murray
Irwin, John Howard
Irwin, John Ramsey
Isemonger, Anthony Delves
Ittkin, Abe
Jack, M R
Jackson, Bryan
Jackson, Donald Gordon
Jackson, Earl Morse
Jackson, Gordon
Jackson, Granville Andrew
Jackson, Harold Angus
Jackson, James Arthur
Jackson, Rowan Edgar
Jackson, William Thomas
Jacobs, Robert Henry
Jaggard, Russell George Denis
James, Arthur Graham
James, Beverley Galbraith
James, D O
James, G N
James, Ieuan Tom
James, John Robert
James, M E J
James, Taliesin
James, Thomas Albert
Jamieson, A G
Jamieson, Robert Dempster
Jamil Mohammed Buzum,
Jaques, Leslie James Stewart
Jarrett, Ronald
Jarvis, Harold Edward
Jarvis, Norman
Jefferies, C
Jefferies, David
Jefferies, David Scott
Jeffery, Ernest Alfred
Jeffries, Robert James Daniel
Jenkins, David Arnott
Jenkins, Michael Thomas Emerson
Jenkins, Ronald Frank
Jenkinson, Christopher Lewis
Jenner, Albert John
Jepp, Lewis Peter
Jeskins, Ronald Charles
Jessup, Geoffrey Gordon
Jeudwine, Harold Phelps
Jewell, George William
Jewitt, John Henry
Jobling, Robert Ewen
John, David Rex
Johns, George
Johns, George Edward
Johnson, Alec Ernest
Johnson, Alexander
Johnson, David Victor
Johnson, Edward Charles
Johnson, Hugh
Johnson, John Alfred
Johnson, Leonard John
Johnson, R R
Johnson, Ronald Frederick
Johnston, Hugh Browning
Johnston, James Geddes
Johnston, Kenneth Leslie
Johnstone, Charles William
Joiner, John Henry
Jolly, James Francis Hornby
Jones, Albert Eric
Jones, Bernard Stanley Maurice
Jones, Colin James Campbell
Jones, Edward Austin
Jones, Enock
Jones, Gwilym
Jones, Harry
Jones, James Milford
Jones, Laurence William
Jones, Richard Herbert Chidlaw
Jones, Thomas Ellis.
Jones, William Ronald
Jope-slade, Robert
Jordan, Andrew
Josephson, Gerald
Joubert, F J
Joy, William Douglas
Joyce, Donald
Juggins, James George
Kahn, Abraham
Kane, Vincent Gregory
Katz, Barney
Kay, Edward
Keane, Daniel Francis
Keane, David Mitchell
Keck, Harry Kingwell
Keddie, James Henry
Keen, Harry
Keeping, Edward Harold
Keighley, Donald
Kelland, Allen Fooks
Kellaway, Courtenay Charles
Kelly, Derek Godfrey
Kelly, Leonard Thomas Joseph
Kelsall, Ernest Miles
Kelsall, Robert William
Kemball, Hubert Edward
Kemp, Alexander
Kemp, Ronald Richard
Kempen, W
Kempnich, Allan Wilfred Joseph
Kennedy, John Roy
Kenny, William
Kent, James Frederick Stamford
Kent, James William
Kent, Ronald Strongman
Kenyon, A M
Kenyon, Arthur
Kerr, Douglas Andrew
Kerr, Leonard Percival
Kerr, Livingston Forsyth
Kerr, William Donald
Kerrigan, Gerard John
Kerrigan, Thomas
Kessack, Alexander
Ketton Cremer, Richard Thomas Wyndham
Kieser, C J
Kilcommons, D
Killham, Arthur Stewart
Killick, James Herbert
Killoran, Kenneth Conway
King, Alan James
King, D J S W
King, Eric Desmond
King, Harold Frederick
King, Ian Mcdougall
King, John Barry
King, Thomas
King, Walter Alfred Robert
Kingsford, Peter Reginald
Kirkby, George Henry
Kirkham, Jack
Kirkman, Basil Cedric Harold
Kirsopp, Frank Owen
Kleyn, Peter Daniel
Knapp, George Robert
Knappett, Robert Arthur
Knight, Donald Erskine
Knight, Reginald Tyrwhit
Knight, William Henry Percival
Knott, Ralph Harry
Knowles, Eric William
Knowles, Herbert Bonar
Knowles, Stanley
Kok, J A
Kontzie, Herbert Edwin
Kopp, Benjamin Peter
Krcha, Viktor
Kriegler, D J
Kruger, Ethelbert Lenin
Lacey, Dennis Vernon Dold
Lacey, Herbert
Lacey, Raymond George
Lacey, Victor Sutton
Lack, Walter Alexander
Lahner, E B C
Laing, Richard John
Laing, Thomas Liddell
Lake, George Charles
Lake, Norman Burton
Lallyett, A E
Lamb-Shine, George Joseph
Lambert, Kenneth George
Lamond, Robert Niven
Lamont, Michael Hugh
Lane, Charles Edwin Roy
Lane, Eric Hall
Lane, Herbert Mitchell
Lane, Roland Algernon
Lane-sansam, Ernest Charles
Lang, Sidney
Langaard, Christian
Langham, Gerald Fitzgerald
Langley, Reginald
Lanham, J R
Largent, Alan Alfred
Latour, Leo Alphonse John
Latta, Henry Speery
Laubscher, D C
Lauder, Robert George
Laughton, Charles William
Laurence, William Fisher
Lawrence, Donald Earle Craig
Lawrence, Francis Neil
Lawrence, Gordon Frederick William
Lawrence, Richard Chilrose
Lawry, Charles Mervyn
Lawson, Orval Percy
Lawson, William Charlton
Le Mare, John David
Le Roux, A B
Le Roux, S
Lea, Bernard Eric
Lea, Derryk Austin
Leach, Gerald Charles Sommerville
Leach, Robert Frank
Leach, William Henry Valentine
Leadbeater, George
Leadbeater, George Oliver
Leake, Albert Edward
Learmonth, Norman Russel
Leaver, Cyril Mervyn
Ledger, Ronald Frederick
Ledgerwood, Hugh
Lee, Aubrey Carlton
Lee, Bernard
Lee, Douglas Henry
Lee, George Herbert
Lee, Melville Spencer
Lee, Norman Kennedy
Lee, Walter James
Lees, Douglas Hedley
Lees, Lawton
Leese, Herbert Fellows
Leese, Robert Gibson
Lefevre, William Frederick
Lefroy, John Mervyn
Leggett, Oswald Herbert
Leicester, John Derek
Leighton, George Bernard
Leisegang, S E
Leisk, Henry
Leitch, Frederick Alan
Leitch, Thomas George
Leith, R B
Lemmer, H J P
Lendrum, Denis Charles
Lenton, Norman Dennis
Leslie, George Donaldson
Lester, William
Levy-haarscher, Abraham Leopold
Lewin, A
Lewis, Arthur
Lewis, Arthur William
Lewis, Frank Herbert
Lewis, John Alfred
Lewis, Sidney Clarence
Lewis, William Robert
Lichtenstein, H M
Lidiard, Dudley St. John
Liels, George William
Liggins, Tom Osborn
Likeman, Robert Hugh
Lilley, Henry
Lindenberg, S
Lindon, Ronald Thomas
Lindsay, Edmund Mailer
Lindsay, Gordon Alexander
Lindsay, Joseph Thom
Lindsey, Ronald
Linegar, Albert John
Linscott, Harold Wills
Linton, James Hugh Arnold
Lister, John Derek Norton
Lister, Leonard Albert
Little, Henry William
Littlewood, John Edward
Livesey, John Herbert William
Lloyd, Edmund Robert Evan
Lloyd, Rhys Martin
Lloyd, Thomas William
Locke, Harry Gordon
Loffhagen, R F
Lofthouse, Ronald
Logan, John Stewart
Lomax, Robert Edward
Longstaff, Wilfrid Bernard
Lord, Edward Harry
Lory, Lloyd Douglas
Loseby, Percy
Lotz, H C
Lough, William Stewart
Loughlin, Colin Douglas
Lourens, A J
Love, Frederick Raymond
Love, John Darrah
Love, Roy James
Lovell, John Edwin
Lowe, Douglas John
Lowe, John Mcaulay
Lowe, Rupert Harold
Lowin, Josef
Lowther, Creighton Carlisle
Loynes, A
Lucan, Walter Edward
Lucas, James William
Lugg, H R D
Lurie, L
Lusher, Ronald James
Lussier, Joseph Emile Jean Baptiste G.
Lutz, Robin Proudfoot
Lyle, George Hartley
Lylian, John Clement Julius
Lynch, Edward Thomas
Lynch, William Douglas
Lyne, Kenneth
Lyon, Charles Edwin
Lyons, Gordon Howard
Macdonald, Alastair Hugh
Macdonald, Alexander Edward
Macdonald, Roderick Daniel
Macey, Leslie Joseph
Macintyre, Cameron
Mackenzie, Greame Butler
Mackenzie, I A
Mackie, John Filton
Mackinnon, Gordon Macdiarmid
Mackrill, Thomas Edward
Macliver, Thomas Scott
Maclure, Alan Campbell
Maddox, Norman
Madge, Henry Leslie
Magee, Edward Vincent
Magee, William
Maggs, Roger
Magor, Eric Albert
Maidment, Edward Frank
Main, D R C
Main, Eric Douglas
Main, John Robert Henry
Mair, Alexander
Malan, D G
Mallaby, George Gilmour
Mallard, Ronald Arthur
Mallon, Ernest
Malone, Lewis Fry
Mander, Reuben Matthew
Mangan, Christopher Francis
Manley, Richard Trevor
Manley, Roland Lionel
Mann, William Arnold Cecil
Mannering, Albert
Mannix, Robert Louis
Mansell, Albert Arthur
Mansell, Douglas Victor
Marais, J E O
Marais, Jack
March, Jack Ronald
Marcus, Alick Arthur
Marillier, Ronald Ford
Marland, Gordon Edward
Marriner, John
Marsberg, A D L D E
Marsden, Raymond
Marsden, Thomas Arthur
Marsden-levy, Andrew Wilfred
Marsh, Edward Saunders
Marsh, Peter Godfrey
Marshall, John Robert Vernall
Marshall, Leslie Mance
Marsland, James
Martell, Peter Benson
Martin, Arthur Frederick George
Martin, Charles Edward
Martin, David
Martin, Frank William
Martin, James Fred
Martin, John
Martin, John Richard
Martin, John Sinclair
Martin, Joseph
Martin, Leslie
Martin, Nigel Charles
Martin, Peter James
Martin, Walter Keogh
Marvin, WilliaMilitary Medalontague
Maslen, Ernest Frederick Charles
Maslen, Ralph
Mason, David
Mason, Ernest Mitchelson
Mason, Sydney Richard
Mason, Walter Ronald Price Knight
Massey, James Dickinson
Masson, A Q
Matetich, Joseph Frank
Mathews, Charles William Ernest
Mathieu, Pierre Louis
Matthews, Frederick
Matthews, Robert
Matthews, Roy
Mawby, Norman Walter
Mawer, Leslie
Maxfield, Claude Simpson
Mayers, Howard Clive
Maynard, Christopher Noel
Mayor, Norman Harold
Mazur, Apollon Paul
Mead, Eric Albert William James
Meaden, Arthur George
Meadowcroft, Kenneth Herbert
Meadows, M C
Meaker, G
Meaton, Russell William
Meintjes, F R
Meiring, Ian
Meldrum, Andrew Ralph
Mell, Jack Ivor
Menzies, David Martin
Menzies, Guy Lambton
Menzies, WilliaMilitary Medalcdonald
Meredith, J F G
Merritt, Anthony George
Merry, Herbert Revill
Message, Eric Victor
Messer, Allan Kenneth Burt
Metcalfe, Alan Arthur Robert
Methven, P E
Mew, Harold John
Meyer, S
Miara, Samual
Middlebrook, Thomas George
Middlehurst, John Powell
Miles, Peter Fenton
Miles, Victor Edwin
Millar, Frederick John
Millar, Samuel James
Miller, A. Mack
Miller, David Douglas
Miller, Frank
Miller, Malcolm James
Miller, Robert Charles Wilton
Miller, Solomon
Miller, William Stevenson
Millgate, Keith
Milligan, Arthur Peter Spencer
Milligan, John Rosebery
Millist, Kenneth Milton
Mills, Findlay London
Mills, Garth Oliver
Mills, Gordon Sheridan
Milner, Ronald Augustine
Mink, Laurel Louis
Minster, Frank John Robert Thomond
Minto, G W
Minton, Rolfe Vivian
Mitchell, Donald Alex
Mitchell, Frederick Gordon
Mitchell, Stuart Stewart
Mitchell, ToMilitary Medalckenzie
Mitchell, Walter Herbert
Mizon, Kenneth John
Moir, Francis Gartly
Moir, J M
Moir, John Manwaring Steward
Moll, Charles George Robert
Moller, Peter
Monk, Anthony Gerald De Baillou
Montagu, Charles Sidney Beattie
Montague-bates, Patrick
Montgomery, Robert
Moodie, Robert Dixon
Moody, Henry Louis
Moody, John Herbert
Mooney, John
Moore, Andrew
Moore, Harold
Moorhouse, Eric Brooke
Moorin, Roland
Morey, Monte Ralph
Morgan, Albert Daniel
Morgan, Cyril James
Morgan, John
Morgan, Kenneth Colin
Morgan, Maurice John
Morgan, Reginald
Morley, Alec Stephen
Morling, Leonard Woolford
Morris, Graham Wells
Morris, Robert Tudor
Morrison, Archibald Mccaughey
Morrison, Derek Goodwin
Morrison, James Earl
Morrison, Ronald William
Mortimer, Frank Louis
Mortimore, Stanley Harold
Morton, John Alexander Andrews
Moschonas, John
Moseley, Eric Rosser
Moss, Frank Moreton
Moss, John Henry
Moss, Roy John
Mott, Arthur Reginald
Mott, Stanley James
Moulden, Harry Hilary
Mount, Louis Bavincourt
Mudie, Arthur Frederick
Muir, George Connell
Muir, Keith Gordon
Muirhead, Robert Bryan
Mulholland, Clive Herbert
Mullis, Earl Austin
Munro, Kenneth Robert
Murphy, Dennis Stephen
Murphy, Henry
Murphy, J N
Murphy, James
Murphy, Ronald
Murray, Aubrey Robert
Murray, David Swan
Murray, I D
Murray, James
Murray, John Keith
Murray, L
Murray, Robert Fraser
Murray, Robert Wallace
Murray, Thomas
Murray, William Sutherland
Murrow, Leslie Henry
Musgrave, William Geoffrey
Musgrove, Frank
Myburgh, J A
Myers, Edmond Frank
Myers, Solomon
Maccormack, James
Macdiarmid, Colin Shaw
Macdonald, Donald John
Macdonald, John Campbell
Mackenzie, Murray
Mackinnon, Bernard Joseph
Mcadam, Ernest Kenneth
Mcarthur, Duncan Harold
Mcbain, Gordon Phillip
Mccammond, William Henry
Mccardle, Donald
Mccartan-Mooney, Edmund Frederick William
Mccartney, R L
Mcclean, Eric Thomas Harold
Mcclive, Lloyd Peter
Mcconville, Felix Herbert
Mccord, Donald Arthur
Mccord, Thomas Alexander
Mccormack, Leslie Gabriel
Mccrae, David Clarke Fulton
Mccreadie, Richard Mayes
Mcculloch, Reginald
Mccullough, Michael Joseph
Mcdonald, Kenneth Stewart
Mcdonnell, Gerard Michael
Mcdowall, Robert Graham
Mceleavy, Harold Joseph
Mcevoy, Claude Edward
Mcfadyen, Ian Hamilton
Mcfall, Leo Carty
Mcgill, John Leroy
Mcgonigle, Patrick Joseph
Mcgowan, Hunter Rutledge
Mcgrail, Bernard
Mcgrath, Harold Thomas
Mcgrath, WilliaMilitary Medalilford
Mcgregor, Francis
Mcgregor, Malcolm William
Mchale, Michael Denis
Mcharg, Hugh Money
Mcilhatton, James
Mcilwraith, Harold
Mcintosh, D J
Mcintosh, Ernest
Mcintosh, James Adam Bridges
Mcintosh, James Andrew
Mcintosh, James Mclennan
Mcintyre, Peter
Mcivor, John Kitson
Mckenna, John
Mckenzie, Kenneth
Mckenzie, Malcolm
Mckeon, Michael Finbar
Mckhool, George Joseph
Mckie, P A W
Mckillop, Robert Henry
Mckim, Edward Montague William
Mckinnie, James William
Mckinnon, Hugh
Mclachlan, Ian
Mclachlan, Lachlan
Mclaren, George
Mclaren, James Shirley
Mclean, Gerald
Mclean, John Anderson
Mcleish, Desmond Arthur
Mcleish, William Christie
Mclelland, Robert Harold
Mclennan, Ian Samuel
Mcleod, Richard Malcolm Douglas
Mcmaster, H S
Mcmillan, Joseph
Mcmillan, Norman Archibald
Mcminniman, Charles Howard
Mcnair, Philip John
Mcnally, William Carlisle
Mcnamara, Joseph Lewis
Mcneill, Patrick Brougham
Mcneill, Thomas
Mcnicol, Gerard Charles
Mcpherson, Cameron Charles
Mcpherson, John Clive
Mcrae, John Taylor
Mcrae, Roderick Head
Mcrobb, David Young
Mctague, James Patrick
Mcvittie, Thomas Elliott
Mcwilliams, R E
Nadeau, Francis Gabriel
Nanton, Patrick Bindon
Nash, Gordon Douglas
Nash, Harold Joseph Reginald
Nash, Herbert Reginald
Nash, Joseph Herbert Graham
Nash, Leonard Charles
Nayler, Reginald Arthur
Naylor, Cyril
Naylor, Kenneth
Neal, Arthur Jefferson
Neal, Clifford Albert
Neal, David Stanley
Needham, Arthur
Neill, Garth Angus
Nello, Frank Richmond Vincent
Nelson, Frederick John
Nelson, James Mcdevitt
Nelson, John Alan
Nest, Dennis Sidney
Neu, Joseph Wallace
Newall, Gerard Eric
Newby, Eric Tom
Newhouse, John
Newman, Charles Edward
Newth, John Kendell
Newton, Cyril George Ellery
Newton, Joseph Sedgwick
Newton, Peter John
Nicholas, Benjamin Edwin
Nicholass, Ernest Attwood James
Nicholl, Laurence Keith
Nichols, Eric George
Nichols, G E
Nicol, Burton Haig
Nicolson, Peter Bethune
Nightingale, Alan Daley
Nisbet, John Aird
Nitschke, Richard Hastings
Niven, Stuart Charles
Noble, David
Noble, Henry Edward
Noble, James
Noblett, Joseph Gerard
Norburn, Edwin Robert
Norledge, William Henry
Norman, George Edward Castelberg
Norman, Leslie Charles
Norris, Eric Maxwell Sherwin
Norris, Peter Arnold
Northcott, Wilfred James
Norton, Frank William
Nourse, Leslie Blair
Nuttall, Leslie
OBeirne, William Frederick
OBrien, Ronald John
Oconnor, Stanley
ODonnell, Anthony Francis
OHara, Eric
OLeary, Dennis William
OMeara, John Rowland
ONeill, Charles Edward
OReilly, K H
Oakes, G T A
Oakes, Peter Geoffrey
Oberholzer, Michael Adrian
Obott, Gerald Edgar Harrison
Odhams, Bernard Ernest Lynch
Ody, Charles Edwin
Ogden, Jeffrey
Oldham, Arthur Henry
Oldrieve, Francis Reginald
Oliphant, John
Oliver, John Henry
Oliver, Thomas Alfred
Olivier, Frans Gysbert
Olley, Reginald
Oosthuizen, H J
Opas, Athol Louis
Ord, Charles Teague
Organ, George Geoffrey
Orr, John Hamilton
Osborne, James Campbell
Osborne, John Frederick
Osborne, Norman James
Oswald, John Tate
Otto, Peter Carel De Bruyn
Ouellette, Alphonse Peter
Ousey, Frederick Ryder
Outhwaite, William Grenbry Rentoul
Owen, Leslie Norman
Owens, Clifford
Owens, John Sumner
Pace, Harold Graham
Padman, Douglas Henry
Page, Donald James Ward
Paget, Steven
Paice, I A
Palethorpe, Donald Moir
Palmer, Harold Chadwick
Panek, Vaclav
Pannell, Douglas Dolley
Pape, Donald Frank Palmer
Pare, Robin
Parker, Charles Sidney
Parker, James
Parker, John Arnold Ashley
Parker, John Laird
Parker, Robert Noel
Parker, Thomas Dudley
Parkinson, William
Parlee, William Herbert
Parry, R G
Parry, Trevor Lloyd
Parry, William John Royston
Parsons, Charles James Silas
Parsons, Dennis Frederick
Parsons, John Raymond
Parsons, Roy Edward
Parsons, Walter Gillons
Partington, Stanley Frederick
Passmore, R W
Paterson, Angus
Paterson, James
Paton, William
Patterson, Thomas
Patterson, Thomas Clayton
Patterson, Thomas Lawrence
Pattison, George
Pattle, Marmaduke Thomas St. John
Pattle, P G
Paxton, Robert
Payne, Douglas Calder
Payne, George William
Payne, John
Payne, Norman Austin
Payne, Robert Campbell
Payne, Ronald
Peace, Norman John
Peace, Rhys Trevor
Peachey, C P
Peaker, Lemuel
Pearce, Ronald Evelyn
Pearse, Stanley Charles
Pearson, Arnold
Pearson, Philip
Pearson, Stanley
Pease, Frederick
Pedden, Arthur John
Peel, Harry Rawlinson
Pegram, Frederick Alexander
Pelling, Geoffrey
Pender, Joseph James
Penhale, Edmund Ronald
Penman, Andrew James
Penn, Leslie Norman
Pennington, G C
Penrose, Tom
Pepper, Arthur Henry
Perinchief, Walton Hewson
Perkins, Ivan Roy James
Perrie, John Campbell
Perring, Arthur Stanley Gilbert
Perry, James Charles
Peters, Albert Alfred Charles
Peters, Robert Russell Waldo
Peters, Ronald Gilham
Petersen, Lionel Miller
Peterson, Kenneth Stanley
Peterson, Laurence Herbert
Petterson, Magnus Hawkins
Pettes, George Delson
Pettigrew, Gordon Hood Whitelaw
Pettit, Raymond John
Phelan, Dudley
Phelps, John Edwart
Phelps, John Swinbank
Philip, David
Phillips, Alfred Reginald
Phillips, F W
Pickerill, Dennis Frederick
Pierson, Cedric Howie
Piggott, Peter Keith
Pike, Kenneth Vivian
Pilsworth, Owen Raymond
Pinchin, Herbert
Piner, Stanley William
Pines, M
Piper, Charles Cecil
Piper, Raymond Edward
Pirnie, James Harold
Piry, John Korostovetz
Pitcher, Douglas James
Pitcher, Frederick John
Pitts, Edward Reginald
Platt, Clifford
Platts, Hugh James
Ploskin, Ralph Isaac
Pluck, Robert William
Plum, Laurence Philip
Pocock, Henry Frederick
Pocock, John Ainsley
Pointing, William Leech
Pollard, Vynor
Pollock, Dennis Patrick
Polson, Alec
Pond, Keith
Pontius, Anthony Hollis
Poole, Frank Ernest
Pope, Francis Newton
Popham, Edward William Leybore
Popple, Maurice Samuel
Porter, Anthony Richard
Porter, Douglas Coe
Porter, Matthew Edmund
Porter, Percy Fred
Poskitt, Bernard
Posner, Sully
Potgieter, Izak
Pott, John Henry
Pottage, Bryan Lockwood
Potter, Frederick George
Potter, Henry
Pottie, John Campbell
Potts, Anthony Brice
Potts, Anthony Leo
Poulton, Clement Stephen George
Poulton, James Samuel
Poulton, Robert John
Pourbaix, Albert Eugene
Powell, Hubert Maurice John
Powell, Kenneth Coryton
Powell, Kenneth James
Powell, Robert David
Powell, Rupert Dudley
Powell, William Frederick
Power, James Renton
Power, John
Power, John Manley
Power, Linsay Joseph
Pownall, Richard Bentley
Prain, Archibald Edward
Pratt, Charles Valancy John
Pratt, Philip James Robertson
Prentice, Thomas Walker
Prescott, James
Prescott, Kenneth Wilson
Presland, Eric Purcell
Presland, Gerald Clive
Preston, Ronald
Pretorius, P J
Price, Charles Terence
Price, Humphrey Lawrence Stewart
Price, Raymond
Price, Robert Buckton
Price, William George James
Prince, Roy Campbell
Pring, William Edwards
Pringle, Ian Mcgregor
Prior, James Arthur
Prior, Ronald Sidney
Pritchard, Fred Leonard William
Procter, Dennis Sowden
Prout, Morris Claude
Pryde, I R R
Pryor, Arthur Stanley
Pugh, Richmond Hampton
Punyer, Kenneth
Purkiss, Walter Leslie
Quick, Lyon Curtis
Quilliam, D H
Quilter, Robert Terrington
Quinlan, Edward Ernest
Quirk, Elston John
Rabie, Christeen
Raddan, Edward Ernest William
Radomsky, S
Raffill, George Douglas Brian
Raine, John Brown
Raises, Brian
Ralph, Howard Pearson
Ramage, William Norman
Ramsey, William
Randall, Derek Vivian
Randall, Donald Thompson
Rankin, James Robert
Ransom, Frank
Rapkin, Eric Geoffrey
Rashleigh, Francis Evelyn George
Ratcliffe, Alan Stevenson
Ratcliffe, Derek Trend
Rathbone, Jack
Ratlidge, George Waddington
Rawbone, Geoffrey Donald
Rawlings, Brian Edwin
Rawlins, Clifford Horace
Ray, Dudley Thomas
Ray, Stephen Curnick
Rayner, John Leonard
Read, Lindley Russell
Redfern, John Aubrey
Redmond, Robert Joseph
Reed, Arthur Edward
Reed, B J
Reed, Kenneth John Austin
Rees, Edmund Toulmin
Rees, Gilbert Ifor
Rees, Paul Derrick
Reeve, Norman William
Reeves, Roy Edwin James
Rehill, Don Ross
Reid, Donald George
Reid, George Alfred
Reid, Harold Bevan
Reid, Ronald Arthur Lloyd
Reilly, Beresford Stanley
Rennie, Robert George Stuart
Reuter, Georges Henri Mathieu
Rew, Kenneth George Russell
Reynolds, Eric Henwood
Reynolds, Herbert Gordon
Reynolds, James
Reynolds, James Samuel Loriot
Reynolds, John Douglas
Rhoades, Leslie Colin
Rhoden, Francis Arthur
Rhodes, Douglas Lewin
Rhodes, Eric Stansfeld
Rhodes, Thomas Gerald
Ribbink, F
Rich, John Frederick
Richards, Theodore George
Richardson, Ralph Handel
Richardson, Walter
Riches, Alfred George
Richmond, Jack
Rickard, Douglas Owen
Ridge, George Augustus
Ridge, Ivor Horace
Ridgewell, Kenneth John
Ridgway, Cecil Charles
Riding, Amon
Rigby, Ernest
Riley, Harold
Riley, Thomas Kilner
Riley, Walter
Riley, William
Ringham, Eric Charles
Ringland, Allen Hastings
Ripley, Henry Derek
Ripsher, Charles David
Roach, Jack Lloyd
Robb, James Douglas
Robbins, John James Henry
Roberts, Anthony Stuart
Roberts, Edwin Ronald Brooke
Roberts, John Meirion
Robertson, Ian Holdsworth
Robertson, John Duncan
Robin, Michael Guy
Robins, Alfred Arthur
Robinson, Alfred Leonard
Robinson, H N
Robinson, Herbert William
Robinson, John Edward
Robinson, John Peter
Robinson, K
Robjohns, William Henry
Robson, Thomas Parkin
Rodger, Henry Sutherland
Rodgers, Charles Augustus
Roe, John Robert Walsh
Roff, James Arthur Joseph
Rogers, Colin Lindsay
Rogers, Herbert
Rogers, Jeffrey James
Rogers, John Kane
Rogers, Robert Cranstoun Vaughan
Rogers, Victor Percival
Rolfe, Edgar Alexander
Roller, William
Roodt, N J M
Rooke, Donald Claude
Rooks, Alan
Rooney, James
Roos, P
Rorvik, E A
Roscoe, Arthur
Rosholt, C A
Ross, Albert Melville
Ross, Alfred James
Ross, David Colin Martin
Ross, John Selby
Ross, N. Mac L.
Roulston, F H
Routh, Alfred Daryl Martin
Roux, J
Row, Leslie Norman
Rowbotham, William Donald
Rowe, Colin Capon
Rowe, G P
Rowe, Jack Vickery
Rowe, John
Rowe, John
Rowley, John Arthur
Rowntree, John Peter
Roy, Joseph Noel Leopold
Rozprym, Miroslav
Rudee, Ronald Frederick
Rudge, Cyril James
Rumney, William
Rundle, Harold Redvers
Rushby, Kenneth
Rushin, Stanley
Rushton, Richard Douglas
Rusk, Frederick James
Russell, A S
Russell, Henry Michael
Russell, John Gordon
Russell, T A
Rutherford, Robert
Rutkin, Sam
Rutland, Robert Raymond
Rutter, David
Rutter, Percy Robert
Ryalls, Cornelius Dominick
Ryan, Frederick Joseph
Rylands, Geoffrey Paul
Sage, Frederick Alfred Gordon
Sage, Richard Peter
Sails, John Cameron
Saks, E
Sale, G E
Salisbury, George Edward
Salt, Arthur Douglas John
Samuel, Edward Albert
Samuel, Frank Blelock
Sanderson, Ian William
Sanderson, Thomas
Sandilands, N M
Sandlant, Noel George
Sands, Alwyn Harold
Sargeant, Alfred Llewellyn
Saunders, Donald Howard
Saunders, Norman William
Saunders, Peter Harold
Savery, Maurice George
Savidge, Jack
Savy, Felix Victor
Sawle, Leslie
Sawyer, Alfred George
Scandiffio, Thomas Peter
Scantlebury, Mervyn Frederick
Scard, Henry Edward Alfred
Scarlett, Robert Frederick
Schonken, H A
Schroder, Donald Kilgour
Schultz, Maxwell John George
Schutte, C J R
Schwager, Arthur George
Schwardt, Ronald Dennis
Scollan, Clyde Russell
Scott, Adam
Scott, Arthur Alexander
Scott, Ernest Ian
Scott, Frank Neville
Scott, Frederick Arthur
Scott, Frederick Arthur
Scott, George Alan
Scott, Robert
Scott, Samuel Barr Ferguson
Scott, Sidney Samuel Frederick
Screeton, Paul Norbury
Scribner, Gordon George
Scully, George
Sears, William James
Seaton, N St. L
Seddon, Kenneth
Sedgwick, Gerald Tollemache
Sellar, Ralph Edward
Sellars, John Albert
Selley, Joseph Axford
Semple, William James
Setterfield, Edward Louis
Sewell, Norman Frederick
Sexton, Michael Francis
Seymour, Harold Cameron
Seymour-hosley, Errol William
Shackleton, Frank Herbert
Shanley, L D
Shapir, Morris William
Sharpe, Noel James
Sharpe, William George
Shattock, John Lloyd
Shaw, John George
Shaw, Thomas Gledstone
Shelford, Douglas Frederic Ommanney
Shelley, Philip
Shelton, Bernard James
Shepherd, A M
Shepherd, Henry Scoresby
Shepherd, Horace
Shepherd, John Godfrey
Sheridan, John Bromley
Sherwin, John Walter
Shillabeer, Neil Hartley
Shone, John Robert
Shoosmith, Edward
Short, D P
Short, Max Cameron
Short, Peter Dennis
Shropshire, George Thomas
Sidaway, William Frederick
Siebert, John Augustine
Siewart, Henry Morgan
Sigsworth, George
Silk, Frederick John
Sillis, Robert
Sills, Richard Walter
Simes, Ronald Henry
Simkin, Robert Edward
Simmonds, Arthur Edward
Simmons, Donald Geoffrey
Simmons, Edward John
Simmons, Francis Robert
Simpson, Donald
Simpson, J M
Simpson, Kenneth Allen
Simpson, Kenneth Campbell
Simpson, Ralph Mervyn
Simpson, Robert Wrey
Simpson, Stanley Oliver
Simpson, T J
Singleton, Millin Selby
Skinner, Alistair
Skinner, Derek Lahee
Slade, Alfred Byrne
Slimings, Richard
Smale, John Gideon Richard
Small, Charles Edward Le Montais
Small, James Thomson
Smallwood, T
Smart, Mervyn Goulbourne
Smith, Alexander Gordon
Smith, Alexander Veith
Smith, Andrew John
Smith, Anthony James
Smith, Cecil George
Smith, Daniel
Smith, Denis Herbert Vincent
Smith, Desmond
Smith, F J
Smith, Frank Raymond
Smith, Geoffrey Stuart
Smith, George Bartle
Smith, George Frederick
Smith, George William
Smith, H F
Smith, Jack Lindsay
Smith, John
Smith, John James
Smith, John Neville
Smith, John Stanley
Smith, Kenneth Jermyn
Smith, Kenneth Sidney
Smith, Laurence
Smith, Leonard Ashton
Smith, Leslie Alfred
Smith, Lionel
Smith, Lloyd Hilbert
Smith, Mick Anthony
Smith, N A
Smith, Roland Bryce
Smith, Rudolph Charles Carlyle
Smith, S
Smith, S C
Smith, Thomas
Smith, Walter John Donald
Smith, William Austin
Smith, William Edward
Smith, William Norris
Smith-windsor, Grenville
Smithson, Peter Graeme
Smook, W T
Smuts, M H T
Smyth, William Dennis
Snaddon, John Ernest
Snape, Ivor Ronald
Snape, J
Snell, Anthony Edward
Snowden, James Malcolm
Snowden, John
Snowden, Peter Douglas
Snyman, J P L
Soden, John Flewelling
Soderholm, Samuel Gustav
Solano, Austin Luis Hugo
Somers, Bryan William Thomas
Somerville, Eric Neville
Somerville, William Edmund
Sortwell, Francis Walter
South, John Maurice
South, Thomas Stanley
Southern, Ronald Fred
Southgate, John William
Sparey, Alfred Robert
Spargo, O C
Sparks, William Donald
Sparrow, Geoffrey
Speakman, Harry Gordon
Speakman, Joseph Page
Spear, Vivian Redvers
Spencer, Denis Maximilian John
Spencer, Roderick Harvey
Spicer, Frederick
Spiller, Edward William
Spinks, Leonard Albert
Spittle, Arthur George
Squires, Alfred William
Staines, Walter Lachlan
Stakes, Kenneth
Stamp, George Arthur
Stanger, Frank Phillip
Stansfield, Ronald
Stanton, H C
Stanyon, Edward Morgan
Stapleton, John Edward
Stares, Hylton Archie
Starkey, George Cyril
Staszuk, Henry Andrew
Statham, Joseph Albert Willoughby
Stauble, Weston Blair
Stead, N H M
Stedman, Norman Stevens
Steele, Harry Harvey
Steele, Reginald Alfred
Steer, James Francis Henry
Steinberg, Gordon
Stent, Richard Harding
Stephens, Alwyn Charles
Stephens, Owen Campbell
Stevens, Arnold Seymour
Stevens, Bruce Henry Webb
Stevens, Frederick Louis
Stevens, Harold
Stevens, Kenneth Frederick Woodhouse
Stevenson, Hew Russell
Stevenson, Richard Douglas
Stevenson, Ronald Alfred
Steward, Horace
Stewart, A R L
Stewart, Albert
Stewart, L P
Stewart, William
Stewart, William John
Steyn, J F A
Stideford, John Roger
Still, John
Stillman, Frederick Arthur
Stock Givan, Ronald Owen
Stockley, Benjamin Herbert
Stoddard, James Edward
Stoddart, William Robert Bryans
Stohr, Oscar Michael
Stokes, Bernard George
Stone, Charles Edwin
Stone, G J
Stone, George Arthur
Stone, L A
Stone, Ronald George
Stoneham, Douglas Horatio
Stoneley, John
Stott, George William
Stowe, Garth Clarke Dixon
Strachan, Antony Peyton Ventris
Strachan, Douglas Gordon
Street, Paul Kenneth John
Street, Thomas James
Strong, Joseph Henry
Strydom, J H
Stuart, A F
Stuart, Edwin John
Stumbles, Percy Ewart
Sturdy, Joseph William
Sturman, Thomas William Freeman
Sullivan, James Barry Lahey
Sulman, Geoffrey Ledfrie Rees
Sumner, Arthur
Surtees, John Howard
Sutherland, Donald
Sutton, Allan Arthur
Sutton, Antony Patrick Benson Graham
Swaby, Kenneth Charles
Swain, Matthew
Swallow, Alfred
Swann, Charles Arthur
Swann, Patrick Joseph
Swart, B H
Sweney, William George
Swift, John Alexander
Swift, Roger Edward
Swire, Conrad Clifford
Sydenham, Percy Thomas
Sykes, Cyril Clucas
Sykes, Jack
Sykes, Leonard Robson
Sykes, Ralph Stuart
Symons, David Garfield
Tadhunter, Arthur Charles
Tahiwi, Kingi Te Aho Aho Gilling
Takvor, Jack
Talbot, Jack
Talty, Hugh Obrien
Tanner, Walter Alexander
Taranto, Thomas
Tate, Keith
Tatham, Archibald Angus Leuchars
Tatlow, Walter
Taylor, Angus Frederick
Taylor, Arthur Dix
Taylor, David Frank Haigh
Taylor, Dennis Kibbey
Taylor, Douglas William
Taylor, Edward Arthur Thomas
Taylor, Edward Scholes
Taylor, Edward Sidney
Taylor, George Lockhart
Taylor, Gordon Alfred
Taylor, Harold Adam
Taylor, Horace Albert Edward
Taylor, John Holman
Taylor, John Robert
Taylor, John William James
Taylor, Lawrence Rodney
Taylor, Robert William
Taylor, Ronald Clifford
Tedesco, Yves Charles
Tedford, Donald Allen
Temple, Alexander Murdoch
Tennant, A A
Tennant, Alfred Nelson
Terry, George Alec
Terry, Kenneth
Tesar, Josef
Thacker, Philip
Thacker, William Charles
Thagard, Victor Joseph
Thistle, Gaston Richard
Thom, Morris John Robert
Thomas, Alan Frederick
Thomas, Charles Stanley
Thomas, David Warren
Thomas, Denziel Jonah
Thomas, Donald Francis
Thomas, Edward
Thomas, H H
Thomas, J D K
Thomas, John Ellis
Thomas, Kenneth Felix
Thomas, Peter Damian Court
Thomas, Thomas Naunton
Thomlinson, Robert George
Thomlinson, William Hilton
Thompson, Charles Edward Vasey
Thompson, Eric Teulon
Thompson, Frank
Thompson, Jack Irvine
Thompson, John Henry Leonard
Thompson, Joseph James
Thompson, Norman George
Thompson, Oswald Burnell
Thompson, Robert John
Thompson, Thomas Edmund
Thompson, William Henry
Thomson, A
Thomson, David
Thomson, David Brown
Thomson, Donald Andrew
Thomson, John Ivan
Thomson, John Lindsay Matthews
Thornhill-Cook, E J
Thornton, Patrick Charles Daniel
Thorpe, John Robert Naylor
Thorpe, Oswald James
Threlfall, Alan Holden
Thripp, Frederick Samuel
Thwaites, William Walker
Timms, Cyril
Tinne, John Anthony
Tipper, Cecil Edgar
Tipper, Leslie Seymour
Todd, Archibald Mitchell
Todd, Edward Ayliff
Todhunter, Douglas
Tomkins, George
Tomlinson, Eric Keith
Toms, Keith Stanley
Toner, James Patrick
Tonkin, John Penhall
Tonks, William
Tookey, Keith Derek
Toupin, Charles Zotique
Tovey, Greville Alwynne
Tovey, John Alexander
Townend, Clifford
Townshend, Derek Hugh
Traherne, Onslow Llewellyn George
Traill-smith, Patrick Cullimore
Trayhurn, Bernard Lloyd
Tregear, Frank Webster
Treggiden, Lewis John
Treleaven, T
Tremlett, John Passmore
Tribe, George
Trinder, Walter Henry
Trotter, William
Truby, Ernest Frederick Robson
Truman, Colin Carl
Truter, P W H
Truter, St. E
Tuck, Claude Eric
Tuck, Kenneth Martin
Tuck, Sidney Ronald
Tucker, Kenneth Charles
Tudor, Robert Walker
Tunnock, Alan Bruce
Tunstall, William Henry
Turnbull, William Fraser
Turner, A G
Turner, Albert
Turner, Albert Alfred
Turner, Alfred Gordon
Turner, Cyril Wilfred
Turner, John William
Turner, Morris George
Turner, Sidney Allan George
Turner, Stanley
Tweedie, Basil Victor Hennesy
Tweedie, John Mathieson
Twiddy, Peter
Twiname, Eric Philip
Tye, Sidney William
Tyson, John Wilson
Tzamtzis, J
Underwood, Charles Richard Hamilton
Ungerer, H C
Unwin, Joseph Arthur
Upton, Victor Patterson
Upward, John William
Uys, P J
Valler, John Etheridge
Van Alphen, G
Van Aswegen, G S
Van Bergen, L
Van Den Berg, P D
Van Der Vyver, K D
Van Der Walt, D J
Van Der Walt, P
Van Der Westhuizen, Gert Stephanus
Van Dijl, J
Van Dyk, G G J
Van Dyk, J H
Van Eck, Jan Christofell
Van Eden, J
Van Graan, Ivor Ernest
Van Niekerk, J W
Van Velzen, Petrus
Van Zyl, F
Vanicek, Frantisek
Vanier, Eugene Dunlop
Vaughan, Trevor Martyn
Vaupel, Raymond Ernest
Venter, J I
Verbraeck, Desire Celestin Guillaume
Vermeulen, Matthys Adrian
Vermeulen, P H
Vernon, Roy
Vice, C N
Viljoen, F R
Vincent, Kenneth Joseph
Vincent, Paul John
Vine, Anthony Matthew Cleverly
Vinnicombe, Thomas Leslie
Virgo, Denis James
Virgo, William
Viveros, E
Waddington, Norman
Wade, Desmond Percy
Wagstaff, William Henry
Wainwright, Alec George
Wakeling, Edward French
Wakeling, Stanley Herbert
Wale, Alfred
Walford, Alan Jeffrey
Walker, Allan Dussard
Walker, Colin William
Walker, Douglas Victor
Walker, Eric
Walker, George Ernest
Walker, George Maxwell
Walker, Grahame Edmund
Walker, Hamilton
Walker, John William Alfred
Walker, Selwyn
Walker, Thornton Osborne
Walkinshaw, Clarnec Victor
Walklin, Charles Henry John
Wallace, Alfred Harold
Wallace, Gerald Evan
Wallace, R C
Wallace, Robert Joseph
Wallem, A E
Waller, Harold Gough
Wallis, Roy Thomas Aston
Walsh, Henry John Roderick
Walshaw, Charles Alfred Tozer
Walter, Leslie Vincent
Walters, David John
Walters, Frederick Terence Tennant
Walton, Douglas Ralph
Walton, Edmund John Digby
Warburton, Michael Edward
Ward, Peter Radcliffe
Ward, William Garth
Ware, Reginald Stanley
Wareham, John William
Warhurst, John
Waring, Arthur James
Warner, Douglas Harry
Warner, Peter George Batty
Warren, George Stoddard Travers
Warren, Roy Herbert Alexander
Washer, Leonard Moreley
Washington, George
Watkins, John Henry Lawson
Watson, Alan
Watson, Alfred
Watson, Arthur Ernest
Watson, David
Watson, Edgar Phillip
Watson, Herbert Henry
Watson, Jack
Watson, Joseph John
Watson, Kenneth William
Watson, Michael
Watson, Robert Sims
Watt, Joseph Marshall
Watt, Ronald James
Watts, Alan Edwin
Watts, Arthur John Peter
Watts, David Maitland
Way, Bertram Walter
Waymark, Donald Escott
Weatherston, Nichol Blake
Webb, George Henry
Webb, George Montague Maybank
Webb, Gordon Allison
Webb, Gordon Russell
Webb, John
Webb, Raymond
Webber, Leslie John
Webster, Harry Stewart
Webster, James Charles Bryden
Webster, Wilfred Dawson
Webster, William Douglas
Weightman, Edward
Weir, James
Welfare, Edward Francis
Welland, Russell Darby
Wellington, Robert Lee
Wells, Horace Rudyard Kenneth
Wells, Stanley Anton
Welsford, Giles Anthony Renshawe
Welsh, James Richard
Welsh, John Miller
West, Leonard Arthur
West, Leslie Douglas
West, Robert Gerald
West, Stanley Alfred
Westerman, Kenneth
Weston, Vincent Owen
Westthorp, George Arnott
Whales, Norman Stanley
Whalley, Kenneth Edward
Wheeler, Frederick Walter
Wheeler, Henry William Charles
Wheeler, Richard Henry
Wheeler, William Robert
Whelan, James
Whelan, John
Whitaker, M E
White, A F B
White, Alfred Guthrie
White, Cyril George
White, D G
White, Frank Howard
White, John Mortimer
White, Joseph Aubrey
White, Rodney William Kinross
White, Ronald Douglas
White, Ronald Frank
White, W A
Whitehead, Billie
Whitehead, Raymond Thomas
Whitehurst, Henry George
Whitelaw, Leslie
Whiteman, Norman Vincent
Whitmore, Kenneth Hughes
Whittall, James Charlton
Whitworth, Arnold
Whyatt, Charles Alexander
Whyte, Allan Fraser
Wicks, Graham William
Wigle, Robert Edwin
Wilcock, James Edward
Wilkie, Kenneth James
Wilkins, John Philip
Wilkinson, Norman
Williams, Abraham
Williams, Albert Gordon Boswell
Williams, Albert Howard
Williams, Albert Soffi
Williams, Alyn Emrys
Williams, Anthony Henry
Williams, Arthur Lloyd
Williams, David Thomas Benjamin
Williams, Eric Sutherland Clutton
Williams, Frank Thomas
Williams, George Timothy
Williams, James
Williams, John Brinley
Williams, John Raymond
Williams, Keith Douglas
Williams, Percy
Williams, Raymond John
Williams, Robert Devon
Williams, Robert Elliott
Williams, Ronald Lenard
Williams, Ronald Philip
Williams, Rowland
Williams, William Raymond
Willing, Peter Frederick
Willis, Reggie Arthur
Willows, Leonard Joseph
Wills, John Trent
Willson, C B
Wilmot, Alan John
Wilmot, John Graham Hunter
Wilmshurst, Trevor Reginald Cyril
Wilson, Donald John Ross
Wilson, Dorrien Guy Corbin
Wilson, George Shafto
Wilson, James Hugonin
Wilson, James Leslie
Wilson, John Henry
Wilson, John William
Wilson, Norman Frank
Wilson, Norman Paterson Mckirdy
Wilson, Peter Plumpton
Wilson, Rex Kerslake
Wilson, Robert
Wilson, Robert Houston
Wilson, William George Duncan
Wiltshire, Leonard George
Wing, Cyril Owen
Winstanley, Albert Edward
Winstanley, Roy James
Winter-taylor, Francis Philip
Winters, Arthur Henry
Wise, Allan Herbert
Wise, Frederick Ervine
Wishart, Lindley Miller
Withers, Cecil John
Witt, Vernon Harry Frederick
Wolf, Denis Frank
Wolmarans, J W
Wolstenholme, Douglas
Wood, Alan George
Wood, L D
Wood, Max Godden
Wood, Thomas George
Wood, W L
Wood, Warren
Woodbridge, Arthur Sidney
Woodcock, Douglas
Woodcock, John Roger
Woodhead, Jack
Woodroffe, Gordon Burrows
Woods, C R
Woods, Clive Alfred
Woods, Eric Joseph
Woolcock, Noel Crompton
Wooller, Gordon
Wopshott, Albert Richard
Wordsworth, Douglas Kenneth Alfred
Worrall, Eric Alexander
Wren, Arthur Donald
Wright, Allan Lyal French
Wright, Aubrey Douglas
Wright, George Basil
Wright, George Dennis
Wright, H W
Wright, Jack
Wright, Kenneth Allan
Wright, Leslie Robert
Wright, W B
Wrigley, Hedley
Wroath, Percival Maurice
Wyley, John Michael
Wylie, George
Wyllie, John Robertson
Yaldwyn, R H
Yarwood, Basil Herbert
Yates, John
Ydlibi, Abdulgani
Yeates, Ian Marsh
Yeats, Lionel Joseph
York, William Robert
Yorke, Nicholas Rummey
Young, Edwin Alfred Cecil
Young, Henry
Young, Ivan Charles
Young, Roland John
Young, Sidney William
Young, Vernon
Young, William
Yurchison, William
Zatonski, Alexander Roman
Zeederberg, Forename
Zimmerman, Douglas