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NOTE ON DATES: IMPORTANT: For consistency, the Date is given as the date the mission TOOK OFF since the precise time of a loss is not always certain. Take Off date is unambigous and fixed in the official records, but obviously in those cases where the incident occurred before midnight UK time, then the Take Off Date will be the same as the Incident Date. Of course, most Bomber Command missions flew through midnight, therefore a Luftwaffe claim against a plane - or a locally generated crash report - may record the incident as occurring on the day following our Take Off Date. Bear this in mind when cross-referencing to our Luftwaffe Victories by Name/Date Database and other Luftwaffe sources. In some cases other sources may quote the date following our date, using locally generated reports as their source. To add to the potential for confusion, remember to take into account a Luftwaffe recorded date will be in local time, 1 hour ahead of UK time. When we discover a validated Incident Date we change our record if necessary.

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Thanks to Personnel of the Polish Air Force in Great Britain for supplementary data and images (marked with a chequerboard device) related to the Polish Air Force, and many images courtesy of our respected colleagues Wojtek Matusiak and Robert Gretzyngier. Other images from our own archives.
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Polish Air Force personnel have a supplementary database containing more information and many more entries. Check the following:
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Archiwum: PSP 1939 -1947 Database 17,000+ Polish Air Force Entries

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These are the results of your search:

You searched for: “"RAAF"

#Name*First NamesTitleRankRAF Equivalent RankService No.BornNationalityRoleAwardsAir ForceCommandUnitDateofIncident *See NoteAircraftTypeSerialCodeVictories (Fighters)BaseTimeMission                        Incident                        FateCommemoratedPhoto (Click to Expand)Referring Database                        Notes                        Links/Archive Reports
1 AdamJohn PhillipFlying Officer404491AustraliaRAAF452Sqn RAAF
1943-09-26RAAF Honour Roll
2 AbramsKevin KennyFlight Sergeant432081AustraliaRAAF1667 Conversion RAF1944-08-12RAAF Honour Roll
3 AchesonJ McFSergeantBomber Command460Sqn RAAF
1943-07-24LancasterIIIW4987AR-Binbrook2308HamburgCrashed near CuxhavenKilledBecklingen War Cemetery
4 AcresR JFlight SergeantRAAFBomber Command463Sqn RAAF
1944-09-26LancasterIIILM587JO-LWaddingtonCap Griz NezCrashed at Wissant {Pas-de-Calais}KilledWissant Communal Cemetery
5 AcresRobert JosephPilot Officer427787AustraliaRAAF463Sqn RAAF
1944-09-26RAAF Honour Roll
6 AdaAlan FletcherSergeant403297AustraliaRAAF58Sqn RAF
1942-05-06RAAF Honour Rolladax
7 AdairC ESergeantRAAFBomber Command467Sqn RAAF
1943-09-23LancasterIIIDV233PO-Bottesford1904MannheimCrashed near GoodelauKilledDurnbach War Cemetery
8 AdairCharles EdwardFlight Sergeant11615AustraliaRAAF467Sqn RAAF
1943-09-23RAAF Honour Roll
9 AdamW JFlight SergeantRAAFBomber Command101Sqn
1944-03-30LancasterILL861SR-HLudford Magna2150NurnbergCrashed LauterbachKilled
10 AdamB JFlight LieutenantRAAFBomber Command114Sqn
1942-01-14BlenheimIVV6391RT-VWest Raynham1735SchipolCrashed in sea off SchiermonnikoogKilledRunnymede
11 AdamWalter JosephFlight Sergeant410934AustraliaRAAF101Sqn RAF
1944-03-31RAAF Honour Roll
12 AdamBasil JohnFlight Lieutenant400451AustraliaRAAF114Sqn RAF
1942-01-14RAAF Honour Roll
13 AdamRea Douglas PorterFlying Officer423278AustraliaRAAF4 Comm Unit RAAF1946-08-10RAAF Honour Roll
14 AbrahamsLeo ReginaldPilot Officer413503AustraliaRAAF459Sqn RAAF
1944-07-14RAAF Honour Roll
15 AdamGordon RossWarrant Officer411435AustraliaRAAF454Sqn RAAF
1945-04-13RAAF Honour Roll
16 AdamsJohn AlfredFlight Sergeant425819AustraliaRAAFBomber Command101Sqn
1944-08-12LancasterIDV292SR-OLudford Magna2133BraunschweigCrashed at BrockhumKilledHannover War Cemetery
RAAF Honour Roll
17 AdamsR HFlight SergeantAUS-409012AustraliaPilotRAAFFighter1449 Flt1943-10-03HurricaneIIbASRKilledRunnymede Memorial United Kingdom
18 AdamsDenis GordonSergeantAus/402335AustraliaPilotRAAFBomber Command18Sqn
1941-09-04BlenheimIVZ7296WV-PHorsham St Faiths1501Circus 93 Hit by flak and shot down fighter. Crashed near St. Omer, Pas-de-Calais, France PoW No. 9621 Camp: Stalag Luft Sagan and Belaria - L3 Read Archive Report
19 AdamsW KWarrant OfficerAustraliaRAAFBomber Command467Sqn RAAF
1944-09-12LancasterILM226PO-HWaddington1903StuttgartCrashed at MuhlhausenKilledDurnbach War Cemetery
20 AdamsStephenFlight Sergeant426290Age 25AustraliaBomb AimerRAAFBomber Command467Sqn RAAF
1944-07-07LancasterILM219PO:GRAF Waddington, Lincolnshire22:21St-LeuSee archive report for further detailsEvader Courtesy NAA

21 AdamsJ CPilot OfficerAustraliaRAAFBomber Command50Sqn
1943-11-26LancasterIIIDV178VN-NSkellingthorpe1715BerlinCollided with another Lancaster and ditched at WilhelmshavenPoW
22 AdamsFrank PercyFlight SergeantAUS/434217AustraliaAir/GnrRAAFBomber Command625Sqn
1944-06-10LancasterIND995CF-?RAF Kelstern, Lincolnshire2315Achères See archive report for further details Seriously injured - died latedCambridge City Cemetery. Grave 13907/43 Read Archive Report
23 AdamsF T HSergeantBomber Command463Sqn RAAF
1944-01-30LancasterIIIED949JO-AWaddington1717BerlinCrashed at NeuruppinKilledBerlin 1939-1945 War Cemetery
24 AdamsRoydon JamesPilot Officer205795AustraliaRAAF10Sqn RAAF
1943-08-11RAAF Honour Roll
25 AdamsRaymond JamesCorporal5463AustraliaRAAF11Sqn RAAF
1942-02-24RAAF Honour Roll
26 Earp Frederick Wentworth Flight Sergeant40332523rd November 1921 in Penrith, New South WalesAustralianCo-Pilot DSC (US)

RAAF5th Air Force93rd Bombardment Squadron (H), 19th Bombardment Group (H)1942-08-07B-17 ‘Why Don’t We Do This More Often’E41-2439None7 Mile Drome, Port Moresby, New GuineaVunakanau Aerodrome, Rabaul, New BritainSee Archive report for detailsKiARabaul (Bita Paka) War Cemetery H.D.5., Papua New Guinea
27 AbbottRoy EdgarFlight Lieutenant264204AustraliaRAAFHeadquarters NW Area1943-11-16RAAF Honour Roll
28 A'Court (Acourt)G AFlight SergeantRAAFBomber Command467Sqn RAAF
1944-06-21LancasterIIIED532PO-HWaddington2302Scholven-BuerCrashed at SundernKilledReichswald Forest War Cemetery
29 A'Court (Acourt)Gladstone ArthurPilot Officer418496AustraliaRAAF467Sqn RAAF
1944-06-22RAAF Honour Roll
30 AbbeyDonald GeorgeFlight Sergeant410135AustraliaRAAF1944-04-21RAAF Honour Roll
31 AbbottSydney Charles BertramFlying Officer4004041911AustralianPilotDFC

RAAFBomber Command487 Sqn RNZAF
1943-08-09VenturaAJ454EG-GSculthorpeTest flight Aircraft crashed at Larchwood in Norfolk, cause unknown Killed Marham Cemetery War Graves Plot. Grave 41.Son of Sydney Bertram and Isabel Beryl Abbott, of Balwyn, Victoria, Australia. Dip. Agr. (Dookie)
32 AbbottA RPilot OfficerRNZAFBomber Command455Sqn RAAF
33 AbbottLyman CarlFlying Officer155130NavigatorRAFVRBomber Command466Sqn RAAF
1944-07-17HalifaxIIIMZ313HD:RAF Driffield15:22VariesHit by Flak before reaching the target at Vaires. As ordered 5 of the crew baled out. Bombs were jettisoned after which the Pilot and Bomb Aimer managed to fly the Halifax back across the English Channel before baling out near Dungeness in KentEvader
34 AbbottGeoffrey DavidLeading Aircraftman423520AustraliaRAAF2 Air Observers School1943-05-27RAAF Honour Roll
35 AbbottBruce Andrew StanleyFlying OfficerAus/422360Age 21AustraliaNavigatorRAAFBomber Command248Sqn RAF
1945-03-12MosquitoFBVIHR632DM-QRAF BanffSweepSee archive report for further brief detailsMissing - believed killedRunnymede Memorial. Panel 282 Courtesy NAA

RAAF Honour RollSon of Frederick and Lillian Beatrice Moffat, husband of Marjorie Moffat, of Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia. Born 4th March 1922, Brisbane, Australia.
36 AbbottNeville Warrant Officer420513AustraliaRAAF30Sqn RAAF
1944-07-13RAAF Honour Roll
37 AbbottLewis JamesSergeant400167AustraliaRAAF40Sqn RAF
1941-12-06RAAF Honour Roll
38 AbbottStanley ArthurFlight Sergeant436790AustraliaRAAF463Sqn RAAF
1944-08-31RAAF Honour Roll
39 AbbottSydney Charles BertramFlying Officer400404AustraliaRAAF487Sqn RNZAF
1943-08-09RAAF Honour Roll
40 Mackay AlexanderPilot OfficerAus/4020197 May 1910 at Nausori, FijiAustralian?NavigatorRAAFMiddle East Command38Sqn
1941-07-15Vickers Wellington1CT2849Call Sign TRAF Shallufa, Egypt22.25Minelaying in Benghazi harbourHit by flack and crashed about 55 miles SW of El Mechili in LibyaPoW No. 228327 Camp: Stalag Luft Sagan and Belaria - L3Read Archive Report
41 AbeBernard VictorCorporal50050AustraliaRAAFRAAF Headquarters Melbourne1944-06-11RAAF Honour Rollabex
42 AbelVictor Pilot Officer422089AustraliaRAAF82Sqn RAF
1944-09-13RAAF Honour Roll
43 AbellD RFlight SergeantRAAFBomber Command207Sqn
1944-10-06LancasterIME667EM-XSpilsby1730BremenCrashed at Lehester DeichKilledHamburg (Ohlsdorf) Cemetery
44 AbellR EFlight SergeantRAAFBomber Command51Sqn
1944-06-07HalifaxIIILV862MH-ASnaith1910CroixdalleAbandoned on return
45 AbellDouglas RoyPilot Officer417773AustraliaRAAF207Sqn RAF
1944-10-06RAAF Honour Roll
46 AbercrombiePeter FlemingLeading Aircraftman72179AustraliaRAAF165 Radar Stn1945-01-03RAAF Honour Roll
47 AberleD BSergeantRAAFBomber Command460Sqn RAAF
1943-11-23LancasterIIIED664AR-A2Binbrook1737BerlinCrashed near BahnhofKilledReichswald Forest War Cemetery
48 AberleDouglas BuchananFlight Sergeant427631AustraliaRAAF460Sqn RAAF
1943-11-23RAAF Honour Roll
49 AblewhiteE JSergeant1433368Bomber Command460Sqn RAAF
1943-04-16LancasterIW4942UV-FBreighton2106PilzenCrashed Worms-HorchheimKilledDurnbach War Cemetery
50 AbrahamJ HFlight SergeantRAAFBomber Command467Sqn RAAF
1944-07-20LancasterILM119PO-EWaddington2318CourtraiCrashed at Kaaskeke {West-Vlaanderen}KilledKaaskerke Communal Cemetery

Results 1 to 50 of 18482.

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