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NOTE ON DATES: IMPORTANT: For consistency, the Date is given as the date the mission TOOK OFF since the precise time of a loss is not always certain. Take Off date is unambigous and fixed in the official records, but obviously in those cases where the incident occurred before midnight UK time, then the Take Off Date will be the same as the Incident Date. Of course, most Bomber Command missions flew through midnight, therefore a Luftwaffe claim against a plane - or a locally generated crash report - may record the incident as occurring on the day following our Take Off Date. Bear this in mind when cross-referencing to our Luftwaffe Victories by Name/Date Database and other Luftwaffe sources. In some cases other sources may quote the date following our date, using locally generated reports as their source. To add to the potential for confusion, remember to take into account a Luftwaffe recorded date will be in local time, 1 hour ahead of UK time. When we discover a validated Incident Date we change our record if necessary.

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You searched for: “"RNZAF"

#Name*First NamesTitleRankRAF Equivalent RankService No.BornNationalityRoleAwardsAir ForceCommandUnitDateofIncident *See NoteAircraftTypeSerialCodeVictories (Fighters)BaseTimeMission                        Incident                        FateCommemoratedPhoto (Click to Expand)Referring Database                        Notes                        Links/Archive Reports
1501 GordonRonaldFlying Officer Pilot185116RAFVRBomber Command75Sqn RNZAF
1944-11-20LancasterIPB689AA-XRAF Mepal, Cambridgeshire1249HombergExploded near BaerlKilledReichswald Forest War Cemetery. Collective grave 29. B.1-16. Read Archive Report
1502 GordonD HSergeantRNZAFBomber Command115Sqn
1942-10-16WellingtonIIIX3946KO-QMildenhall1800GardeningPresumed crashed in target areaKilledIle de Re Commmunal
1503 GordonL BPilot OfficerPilotRNZAFFighter485Sqn RNZAF
1943-02-06SpitfireVbBM513RhubarbCrash landed in FrancePoW
1504 GordonJohn StanleyLeading AircraftmanNZ/426169Age 29New ZealanderPilot (U/T)RNZAFTraining Command1 Elementary Flying Training School
1943-01-14Tiger MothIINZ805-RNZAF Taieri, New Zealand1450TrainingSee archive report for further detailsKilledTapanui Cemetery. Grave 145. 10
Courtesy Air Museum of New Zealand
Born on the 11th March 1913 in Tapanui. Worked as a farmer. Member of Kelso Gliding Club. Enlisted at Woodbourne on the 30th May 1942 as an aircraft hand. Re-mustered as a pilot under training on the 15th October 1942. With No. 1 Elementary Flying Training School on the 28th November 1941.

Son of John (died 1938, age 68) and Mary Marshall Gordon (née Smith - died 1963, age 91) of Heriot, Otago, New Zealand.

1505 GoreDon WSergeant1624691Flight EngineerRAFVRBomber Command75Sqn RNZAF
1944-07-20LancasterIME691AA-RRAF Mepal, Cambridgeshire2335HombergCrashed at Veghel {Noord-Brabant}PoW No. 455 Camp: Stalag Luft BankanNone - known to have survived the war
1506 GormanR EFlight SergeantRCAFBomber Command75Sqn RNZAF
1942-09-10WellingtonIIIBJ968AA-WMildenhallDusseldorf?KilledRunnymedeParadie Archive Database
1507 GosdenW LSergeant New ZealandRNZAFBomber CommandNo.18 OTU1941-02-04Vickers WellingtonIcR1298RAF Bramcote Training Flight - Navigation Exercise Took off from Bramcote on a navigation exercise, during which the crew strayed off track. At 12:50 hrs the aircraft flew into a Barrage Balloon cable and crashed near Church Minshull, some four miles South-West of Middlewich, Cheshire. Location : United Kingdom.Killed on Training Flight CREW : F/O D Warburton (RAF); W/O Z J Perkowski; F/O A Minkiewicz; Sgt L Jachna; Sgt V C Hill (RAF); Sgt B T Abbott (RAF); Sgt J P Orynek; Sgt S J Wojcieckowski; Sgt W L Gosden (RNZAF); LAC H R Kwiatkowski
1508 GoslingGFlight SergeantRNZAFBomber Command214Sqn
1943-07-24StirlingIIIEE902BU-PChedburghHamburgCrashed at BarchelPoW
1509 GosslingEdmund EatonCorporalNZ/391404Age 36New ZealandPassengerRNZAFTransport Command40 Squadron (RNZAF)1945-09-24C-47B DakotaNZ3526-Whenuapai, Auckland, New Zealand530TransitSee archive report for further brief details and his lossMissing - believed killedBourail Memorial. Panel 8

Courtesy AWMM

Born on the 10th March 1909 at Winbourne, England. Moved to New Zealand around 1920. Enlisted on the 21st November 1939 at Levin. Son of Samuel John (died 15th October 1950, age 70) and Mabel Lottie Gossling and husband of Marjory Gossling (née Jackson), of Redcliffs, Canterbury, New Zealand. Served as fire crew with No. 31 Service Unit..
1510 GoughDouglas WilliamSergeantNZ/40764Age 19New ZealandPilotRNZAFBomber Command40Sqn
1941-03-12WellingtonIcT2515BL-URAF Alconbury, Cambridgeshire1950BoulogneSee archive report for further brief detailsKilledWimille Communal CemeterySon of William Henry Charles and Violet (née Jimmieson) Gough of Palmerston North, New Zealand. Prior to enlisting on the 12th March 1940 worked as a postal messenger and assistant for P and T Department. A total of 277 flying hours logged and on his 1st operational sortie.
1511 GouldRobert JohnSergeant405483New ZealanderBomb AimerRNZAFBomber Command102 Sqn (Ceylon)
1942-09-23HalifaxIIW1055DY:FPocklington00:16FlensburgSee archive report for detailsKilledKiel War Cemetery. Grave 1.G.10.
1512 GouldW HFlying OfficerRNZAFBomber Command408Sqn RCAF
1942-08-28HampdenIAE227EQ-DBalderton1956SaarbruckenCrashed at Dudweiler KilledRheinberg War Cemetery
1513 GouldJ DSergeantRNZAFBomber Command75Sqn RNZAF
1942-07-10WellingtonIIIX3720AA-FeltwellDusseldorfLost over seaKilledRunnymede
1514 GouldenD AFlying OfficerRNZAFBomber Command550Sqn
1944-05-09LancasterIIIJA918BQ-WNorth Killingholme2249MardyckCrashed in sea close to target areaKilledOye-Plage Communal Cemetery
1515 GouldingC PFlight SergeantRNZAFBomber Command15Sqn
1941-12-18StirlingIN3665LS-SOakington950BrestCrashed at PlouguerneauKilledRunnymede
1516 GouldingJFlying OfficerRNZAFBomber Command77Sqn
1943-08-30HalifaxIIJD460KN-DElvington.0022.MonchengladbachCrashed target areaKilledRheinberg War Cemetery
1517 GoverC C WPilot OfficerRNZAFBomber Command101Sqn
1944-06-11LancasterILL751SR-FLudford Magna.0059.EvreuxCrashed target areaKilledEvreaux Communal Cemetery
1518 GowJ GFlight SergeantRNZAFBomber Command149Sqn (East India)
1943-02-14StirlingIW7638OJ-RLakenheath1848KolnCrashed near Boxmeer HollandKilledEindhoven {Woensel}
1519 GowJ GFlight SergeantRNZAFBomber Command149Sqn (East India)
1942-10-27StirlingIBF389OJ-SLakenheath2020TrainingCrashed almost at once
1520 GradyJohn ArthurSergeant 2nd Pilot401268RNZAFBomber Command9Sqn
1941-07-08WellingtonIcT2973WS-GHonington2331MunsterCrashed at NeussKilledRheinberg War Cemetery. Grave Ref. Coll. 6.B.15-17Read Archive Report
1521 GrahamJ APilot OfficerRNZAFBomber Command149Sqn (East India)
1941-04-08WellingtonIcX3167OJ-HMildenhallKielLost over sea. KilledKiel War Cemetery
1522 GrahamIan DundeeFlying OfficerNZ/413407Age 30New ZealandPilotRNZAFBomber Command186Sqn
1944-10-19LancasterING176AP-HRAF Tuddenham, Suffolk1810StuttgartSee archive report for full detailsKilledCholoy War Cemetery. Grave: 2.B.3
Born on the 10th January 1914 at Auckland. Son of Albert Rotorua Graham (died 05th December 1938, age 60) and Lily Jane Graham (née Forgie) and husband of Marie Elizabeth Graham (née Gunthorp), of Howick, Auckland, New Zealand. A very experienced pilot with 1502 flying hours logged.
1523 GrahamR ESergeantRNZAFBomber Command218Sqn
1942-09-10StirlingIBF351HA-CDownham Market2125DusseldorfCrashed St-Philipsland HollandKilledBergen op Zoom War Cemetery
1524 GrahamASergeant1369996Bomber Command75Sqn RNZAF
1943-04-28StirlingIR9290AA-XNewmarket2041GardeningCrashed off Lolland DenmarkKilledRunnymede
1525 GrahamBenjamin Alexander BlackieSergeant1077700RAFVRBomber Command77Sqn
1944-01-21HalifaxVLL190KN-NElvington1951MagdeburgAttacked by nightfighterKilledBerlin 1939-1945 War Cemetery 6. K. 7.On the night of 21-22 January 1944, during a sortie to Magdeburg, his aircraft was attacked and shot down by a night fighter; only one member of crew survived to be taken PoW, Flight Sergeant R. R. J. Simpson, RNZAF
1526 GrahamLawrence AlbertFlying OfficerNZ/4211838Age 24New ZealandNavigatorRNZAF2nd Tactical Air Force487Sqn1945-04-11MosquitoFB.NI.TA113EG-OB.87 Rosières-en-Santerre, France2340IntruderSee archive report for detailsMissing - believed killedRunnymede Memorial Panel 285
courtesy Ian Banks
Born on the 22nd October 1920 at Wellington. A clerk for PWD at Temuka. Enlisted on the19th September 1942. The son of Hugh and Ethel Augusta Graham (née Wilson) of Wanganui. 459 flying hours logged. Completed 55 operational sorties.
1527 GrahamRobert BavinFlying OfficerNZ/414282Age 24New ZealanderNavigatorRNZAF2 Group. 2nd Tactical Air Force2 Support Unit1944-08-11MosquitoFB.VIILR271-RAF Swanton Morley, Norfolk13TrainingSee archive report for further brief detailsKilledCambridge City Cemetery. Grave 14503

Courtesy AWMM

Born on the 25th June 1920 at Auckland. Worked for Armstrong and Springhall as a typewriter mechanic prior to service. Enlisted at Levin on the 27th July 1941. Awarded his observers badge and promoted to sergeant on the 04th July 1942. Served with 8 squadron RCAF with Western Air Command at Bolingbroke, Nova Scotia. Commissioned 25th May 1943. Embarked for UK on the 24th November 1943. Son of R. E. Graham, and Margaret Graham (née Bavin), of Auckland City, New Zealand and husband of Sheila Mary Graham (née Gregory), of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. 401 flying hours logged. Completed 10 operational sorties with 8 squadron in Canada.
1528 GrahamKeith MaxwellFlying OfficerNZ/436754Age 20New ZealandPilotRNZAFFar East4Sqn (RNZAF)
1945-05-28VenturaPV-INZ4578-RNZAF Henderson Field, Guadalcanal, Solon Islands611PatrolSee archive report for detailed informationMissing - believed killedBourail Memorial. Panel 4Born on the 07th September 1924 in Hokitika. Enlisted at Harewood on the 15th May 1943. 1119 flying hours logged with 159 on the Ventura. Son of Peter and Elizabeth Muriel Graham (née Pringle), of Franz Josef Glacier, Westland, New Zealand.
1529 GraingerJames KennedyPilot OfficerNZ/42295NavigatorRNZAFBomber Command75Sqn RNZAF
1943-04-14StirlingIIIBF513AA-ERAF Newmarket, Suffolk2132Stuttgart See archive report for further details KilledFlorennes Communal Cemetery. Row 2. Coll. grave 22-26 Read Archive Report
1530 GraingerEricSergeant625045UKFlight EngineerRAFVRBomber Command75Sqn RNZAF
1943-06-22StirlingIIIEH889AA-ZNewmarket2348MulheimShot down by a Bf 110 G-4 night fighter flown by Feldwebel Heinz Vinke of the 11./NJG 1. Crashed in IJsselmeerKilledRunnymede Memorial Panel 151. United KingdomAccident report
1531 GraingerEricSergeant625045UKFlight EngineerRAFVRBomber Command75Sqn RNZAF
1943-04-10StirlingIIIBF455AA-YRAF Newmarket, Suffolk2355FrankfurtHit by A.A. fire and enemy night fighter. Ran out of petrol and ditched in Channel off Shoreham Sussex. <> See Archive report for further detaulsRescuedLater: Runnymede Memorial. Panel 151Accident reportSon of William Henry and Myra Grainger. No further details - are you able to assist?
1532 GrangeTSergeantBomber Command75Sqn RNZAF
1943-08-31StirlingIIIEF501AA-KMepal2023BerlinCrashed at PotsdamKilledRunnymede
1533 GrantReginald Joseph CowanWCdrNew ZealandPilotRAF RNZAFFighter Command145Sqn
485Sqn (NZ)

8 [7+1]Killed 1944-02-28Ace
1534 GrantDonald Cameron KitchenerSergeant527237Air GunnerRAFVRBomber Command75 Sqn RNZAF
1944-05-22LancasterIME690AA:ZMepal22:49DortmundSee archive report for detailsKilledHeverlee War Cemetery. Grave 6.C.7
1535 GrantIan AlexanderPilot OfficerNZ/414283New ZealanderPilotRNZAFBomber Command11 OTU
1942-09-16WellingtonICDV480OP-N Bar (Call sign 5CUN Bar)RAF Bassingbourne, Cambridgeshire2030EssenCrashed on a sandbank in the Springersdiep between the Punt van Goeree and the Hompelvoet at 0010 (Flak?)KilledOuddorp General Cemetery Row 1 Grave 3

Courtesy AWMM

Born on the 18th February 1918 IN Shanghai, China. Moved to New Zealand around 1940. Served for 6 months in the Shanghai Volunteers. Worked as a clerk for Woolworths, Auckland. Enlisted at Levin on the 21st July 1941. Initial training with No. 4 Elementary Flying Training School.

Embarked for Canada on the 17th November 1941. Pilots badge and awarded his commission on the 27th March 1942. Embarked for England on the 01st May 1942, further training with No. 15 Pilot Advanced Training Unit on the 27th June 1942. Joined 11 Operational Training Unit on the 21st July 1942.

Son of John Eadie and Lilian Rose Grant (née Ratcliffe), of London, England.

1536 GrantReginald Joseph CowanWing CommanderNZ/391352Age 29New ZealandPilotDFC

and bar,

RNZAFFighter Command122 Wing1944-02-28MustangIIIFX996YT-?RAF Gravesend, Kent12:35RamrodSee archive report for further detailsKilledBrookwood Military Cemetery. Grave 2.K.6
Born 3 June 1914 Woodville, Manawatu-Wanganui, New Zealand Son of William Edward Grant and of Gertrude Isabella Grant (nee Rowntree).
1537 GrantIan Allan CharlesFlying OfficerNZ/391351Age 27New ZealandPilotRNZAFFighter Command485Sqn RNZAF
1943-02-13SpitfireVbBM482UO-WRAF Weshampnett, Sussex1140Rodeo 168See archive report for further detailsMissing - believed killedRunnymede Memorial. Panel 197

Born on the 21st November 1915, the son of William Edward and Gertrude Isabella Grant, of Mission Bay, Auckland, New Zealand. 875 Flying hours logged and on his 22nd operational sortie. The family lost two other sons, one pre-war.
1538 GRantD IFlying OfficerRNZAFBomber Command619Sqn
1944-07-18LancasterIIIPB245PG-ZDunholme Lodge2258RevignyCrashed Ussy-sur-Marne {Seine-et-Marne}KilledUssy-sur-Marne Communal Cemetery
1539 GrantR HFlight SergeantRNZAFBomber Command7Sqn
1540 GrantHorace LlewellynSergeantNZ/405254Age 27New ZealandObserverRNZAFBomber Command75Sqn RNZAF
1942-09-03WellingtonIIIX3396AA-RRAF Mildenhall, Suffolk2328EmdenSee archive report for further detailsKilledSage War Cemetery Grave 3.B. 4.

Born on the 08th October 1914, the son of Leonard and Constance Grant, of Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand. Occupation prior to service a baker. A total of 250 flying hours logged and on his 02nd operational sortie. Medals probably awarded - The 1939-1945 Star. The Aircrew Europe Star. Defence Medal. The War Medal 1939-1945. NZ War Service Medal 1939 - 1945. The NZ Memorial Cross.
1541 GrantJames SutherlandSergeantNZ/421274Age ?New ZealandAir GunnerRNZAFBomber Command75Sqn RNZAF
1943-08-31StirlingIIIEE878AA-PRAF Mepal, Cambridgeshire2031Berlin See archive report for further details PoW No: 43260 Camp: Stalag KopernikusNone - survived the war Read Archive Report
1542 GrantIan CurtisPilot OfficerNZ/41898Age 24New ZealandPilotRNZAFBomber Command21 Operational Training Unit. 6 Group1941-12-23WellingtonICDV422-RAF Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire / RAF Edgefield, Oxfordshire1420TrainingSee archive report for further brief detailsKilledMoreton-in-Marsh Cemetery. Sec. K. Grave 6

Courtesy Courtesy Jennifer Lemaire

Born on the 30th January 1917 at Inglewood. Before enlisting worked as a clerk for the Farmers Co-Op Society at New Plymouth. Enlisted at Levin on the 08th February 1941. Pilots badge awarded on the 26th July 1941 and his commission on the 06th September 1941. Embarked for England on the 12th September 1941. Son of Ian Percy and Myrtle Eileen Grant (nee Curtis), of Inglewood, Taranaki, New Zealand. A total of 140 flying hours logged.
1543 GrantJohn Grigor MacKenzieSq/LdrNZ/491759Age 28New ZealandPilotDFC

RNZAFMiddle East26 Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit.
1944-06-15HurricaneIICHW408-1 E/A DestroyedRAF El Firdan, Egypt930Air TestSee archive report for detailed informationKilledMoascar War Cemetery. Grave 2.C.18

Born on the 05th April 1916 at Tapanui. A steel inspector for Buxton Tube and Steel Company. Enlisted at Levin on the 02nd July 1940. With No. 1 Elementary Flying Training School 29th July 1940. With No. 1 Flying Training School 28th September 1940. Pilot badge awarded on the 12th December 1940 and commissioned on the 18th January 1941.

Embarked for England on the 30th January 1941. With No, 3 Personnel Reception Centre 06th March 1941. Further training with No. 52 Operational Training Unit 10th March 1941 flying the Hurricane. Joined 257 squadron 22nd April 1941. Embarked with squadron on HM Argus for Gibraltar on or about the 20th May 1941. Transferred to HMS Ark Royal flew off the Ark Royal to Malta on the 06th June 1941. Served with 1435 Flight and 127 squadron, before leaving to Egypt with 73 squadron on the 30th June 1942. Joined 26 Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit on the 06th December 1942 and becoming comanding officer. Credited with 1 enemy aircraft destroyed.

Son of John Grant and of Isabella Grant (nee MacKenzie), of Oamaru, Otago, New Zealand.

1544 GrattonJ RFlight SergeantRNZAFBomber Command75Sqn RNZAF
1545 GrattonJ JSergeantBomber Command75Sqn RNZAF
1943-08-23StirlingIIIBF564JN-WMepal2051BerlinCrashed at MartensmuhleKilledBerlin 1939-1945 War Cemetery
1546 GrayColin FalklandWCdrNew ZealandPilotRAF RNZAFFighter Command54Sqn

43Sqn 1Sqn 41Sqn 616Sqn 484Sqn 64Sqn 81Sqn 322Wg
29 [27+2}

Courtesy AWMM

Ace. Top Gun New Zealand 275
Born in Christchurch, Gray was accepted into the RAF in 1939 after two previous attempts failed on medical grounds. He flew with No. 54 Squadron during the Battles of France and Britain, and had shot down 14 aircraft and had a half share in another by September 1940. He later added another 13 kills while leading fighter squadrons and wings in the North African and Italian Campaigns, and finished the war with a confirmed 27½ kills. After the war he held a number of staff and command positions in the RAF before his eventual retirement in 1961. He returned to New Zealand to work for Unilever. He died in 1995 at the age of 80.
1547 GrayJohnSergeant Air GunnerRAFVRBomber Command75Sqn RNZAF
1944-11-20LancasterIIIND911AA-VRAF Mepal, Cambridgeshire1247HombergPoWNone Read Archive Report
1548 GrayR WFlight SergeantRNZAFBomber Command15Sqn
1943-08-30StirlingIIIBK764LS-RMildenhall.0024.MonchengladbachCrashed at WassenbergKilledRheinberg War Cemetery
1549 GrayWilfred JohnSergeant4054841919New ZealandAir GunnerRNZAFBomber Command158Sqn
1942-08-06HalifaxIIW7750NP-MEast Moor29DuisburgClaim by Hptm Walter Ehle Stab II/NJG1 - 2km South west of Gruitrode: 4,500m at 0240 hours. Crashed between Opglabeek and Gruitrode two villages North East of Genk and South of Bree.KilledHeverlee War Cemetery Plot 3 Row B Grave 3.Sgt Gray RNZAF got stuck in the aircraft and was killed

Son of Harold Joseph Gray, and of Mary Ann Gray, of Okaiawa, Taranaki, New Zealand.
1550 GrayH GFlying OfficerRNZAFBomber Command192Sqn
1944-03-26HalifaxIIILW626DT-VFoulsham2043BSDitched off Cromer NorfolkKilledCambridge City Cemetery

Results 1501 to 1550 of 4553.

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