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NOTE ON DATES: IMPORTANT: For consistency, the Date is given as the date the mission TOOK OFF since the precise time of a loss is not always certain. Take Off date is unambigous and fixed in the official records, but obviously in those cases where the incident occurred before midnight UK time, then the Take Off Date will be the same as the Incident Date. Of course, most Bomber Command missions flew through midnight, therefore a Luftwaffe claim against a plane - or a locally generated crash report - may record the incident as occurring on the day following our Take Off Date. Bear this in mind when cross-referencing to our Luftwaffe Victories by Name/Date Database and other Luftwaffe sources. In some cases other sources may quote the date following our date, using locally generated reports as their source. To add to the potential for confusion, remember to take into account a Luftwaffe recorded date will be in local time, 1 hour ahead of UK time. When we discover a validated Incident Date we change our record if necessary.

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Thanks to Personnel of the Polish Air Force in Great Britain for supplementary data and images (marked with a chequerboard device) related to the Polish Air Force, and many images courtesy of our respected colleagues Wojtek Matusiak and Robert Gretzyngier. Other images from our own archives.
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You searched for: “"Poland"

#Name*First NamesTitleRankRAF Equivalent RankService No.BornNationalityRoleAwardsAir ForceCommandUnitDateofIncident *See NoteAircraftTypeSerialCodeVictories (Fighters)BaseTimeMission                        Incident                        FateCommemoratedPhoto (Click to Expand)Referring Database                        Notes                        Links/Archive Reports
1751 MalinowskiMieczysławKapitanFlight LieutenantP-0708Born on the 28th April 1917PolandNavigatorVirtuti Militari

Krzyz Walecznych (x3)

Medal Lotniczy (x2)

PAFBomber Command138Sqn (Special)
1943-10-09LiberatorIIIBZ858NF-FTempsfordOperation Cottage 7 See archive report for further details Interned. Died Australia unknown date Archiwum Polish Database
1752 MalinowskiAntoniChorazy PilotWarrant OfficerP.782781Born 1 March 1899 (Age 45)PolandPilotPAFNo.5 Ferry Unit, 276 Group1944-11-22CorsairKD262Ferry Flight, Makrafur, Madras, India. Location : India. Killed on Transport FlightPAF Memorial, Northolt, Madras War Cemetery, Chennai, India Plot VII Row D Grave 2 (Originally buried Putter Mission Cemetery, Madras, India Plot 1, Row 2, Grave 9)Archiwum Polish Database
1753 MalinowskiEdmund JerzyKapral Strzelec BombardierStaff SergeantP.793407Born 16 November 1915 Dobrzyń Lipno (Age 27 when killed)PolandBomb Aimer / Air GunnerMedal Lotniczy

PAFBomber Command305Sqn (Polish)
1943-01-29Vickers WellingtonIVZ1415SM-NRAF Hemswell16:14GardeningBelieved shot down in target area. Location : France. Killed on Operational FlightPAF Memorial, Northolt, Lanveoc Communal Cemetery - Finistere, France. Grave 5

Archiwum Polish Database
1754 MalinowskiMieczysławKapitanFlight LieutenantP-070828.04.1917 Bobrujsk – RussiaPolandNavigatorVirtuti Militari

Krzyz Walecznych (x3)

Medal Lotniczy (x2)

PAFBomber Command300Sqn Polish
1942-03-27WellingtonIVZ1291BH-FRAF HemswellEssen On Operation to Essen. Aircraft returned safely. Survived war. Last known of in Australia Archiwum Polish Database
1755 MalinskiZygmuntPodporucznik BombardierPilot OfficerBorn 6 December 1919 (Age 24)PolandBomb Aimer PAF1944-09-23. Location : . Killed on Operational FlightPAF Memorial, Northolt, Archiwum Polish Database
1756 MaliszewskiRobert BronisławStarszy Szeregowiec Radio Operator StrzelecelecSergeantP.780393Born 31 May 1922 (Age 20)PolandRadio Operator / Air GunnerMedal Lotniczy

PAFBomber Command301Sqn (Polish)
1942-07-21WellingtonIVZ1406GR-GRAF Hemswell23:36DuisburgExploded in mid air when hit by flak near Wanne-Eidkel in Holland. Parts of the a/c fell on to the town of HerneKilled on Operational FlightPAF Memorial, Northolt, Reichswald Forest War Cemetery - Kleve, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany. Plot Xxvii Row F Grave 3

Reichswald, Kleve, Germany
Further details Archiwum Polish Database Z1406
1757 MalkiewiczWitold EugeniuszPodporucznik PilotPilot OfficerP-1645Born 8 February 1918 (Age 24)PolandPilotPAFNo. 58 OTU1942-04-17Supermarine SpitfirelaX4905RAF GrangemouthTrainingSee archive report for further detailsKilledPAF Memorial, Northolt, Grangemouth (Grandsable) Cemetery - Stirlingshire, United Kingdom. War Graves Section Row B/ Withanother Grave Joint 24Archiwum Polish Database
1758 MałeckiAleksanderPorucznikFlight LieutenantP-2207 / 79380929.12.1915 WarszawaPolandAir GunnerVirtuti Militari



Krzyz Walecznych (x3)

Medal Lotniczy

PAFBomber Command300Sqn Polish
1942-04-27WellingtonIVZ1276BH-QHemswell2200KolnCrashed near Givet FranceEvader. Died 18.07.1994 Sheffield, ashes interred at Newark-on-Trent UKArchiwum Polish Database
1759 MałeckiIgnacyKapral Radio OperatorSergeantP.703117Born 25 March 1915 Drańcza Ukraine (Age 29 when killed)PolandRadio OperatorKrzyż Walecznych

Medal Lotniczy

PAFBomber Command300Sqn (Polish)
1944-06-30Avro LancasterIIIED814BH-NRAF Faldingworth22:18VierzonTook off from Faldingworth 22.16 30 June 1944 on an Operation to bomb railway yards at Vierzon. Shot down by a German night fighter and crashed near Beauvilliers, Loir-et-Cher, 5 km North West from Ouceques at 03.17.. Location : France. Killed in Action, on Operational Flight PAF Memorial, Northolt, Originally buried in the Military Plot at Beauvilliers, 30 miles from Orleans, but were later moved to the Polish Field of Honour at Grainville-Langannieres, Calvados, France
Archiwum Polish Database
1760 MałkowskiJan TadeuszPodporucznik NawigPilot OfficerP.2852Born 8 March 1918 Kraków (Age 26 when killed)PolandNavigatorMedal Lotniczy

PAFBomber Command1662 HCU
1944-11-21Handley Page HalifaxVLL126RAF Blyton, Lincolnshire1550 Training - night cross country Killed at Long Ashton, Bristol, whilst on a training flight. Location : United Kingdom. Killed on Training FlightPAF Memorial, Northolt, Newark-Upon-Trent Cemetery - Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom. Section M War Graves Plot Grave 326a

Archiwum Polish Database
1761 MałuszekKonrad AntoniPorucznik NawigFlying OfficerP-1816 / 783671Born 18 November 1919 Dusseldorf Germany (Age 23 when killed)PolandNavigatorKrzyz Walecznych (x2)

Medal Lotniczy (x2)

PAFCoastal Command307Sqn (Polish)
1943-08-22De Havilland MosquitollHJ655EW-RAF Predannack DownInstepAt 49.94N 06.50W, while flying at 100 feet four Mosquitos spotted four FW190s flying in pairs, heading North North East, flying slightly above them. Our aircraft turned but were attacked by the Enemy aircraft. F/Sgt Eckert's aircraft was hit by two bursts from 300 to 50 yards range, the tail of his aircraft disintegrated, the aircraft caught fire and fell into the sea.. Location : France. Missing Presumed Killed in Action on Operational Flight PAF Memorial, Northolt, No Known Grave. Aircraft lost off French Coast

Archiwum Polish Database
1762 MałyniczLech KazimierzPorucznik PilotFlight LieutenantP.0463Born 25 March 1911 Mohylew Belarus (Age 33 when killed)PolandPilotKrzyz Walecznych

Medal Lotniczy (x3)

PAFBomber Command304Sqn (Polish)
1944-04-11Vickers WellingtonXIVHF188 (A188?)RAF ChivenorThis aircraft was shot down by German fighters over the Bay of Biscay and in spite of getting off an SOS, the whole crew was lostMissing Presumed Killed in Action on Operational FlightPAF Memorial, Northolt,

Polish Memorial Northolt UK
Fuller details at Archiwum Polish Database A188
1763 MamakStanisław JózefKapral StrzelecFlight SergeantP.703439Born 26 December 1918 Łomża (Age 25 when killed)PolandAir GunnerKrzyz Walecznych (x2)

Medal Lotniczy

PAFBomber Command300Sqn (Polish)
1944-07-18Avro LancasterIIIPB171BH-KRAF Faldingworth23:15Scholven-BuerTook off from Faldingworth 23.15 18 July 1944 on an Operation to bomb Scholven-Buer. Lost without trace, probably shot down by a night fighter. Most of crew were on their 28th sortie. Location : .Killed in Action, on Operational Flight PAF Memorial, Northolt, No Known Grave - Aircraft probably shot down over Germany
Archiwum Polish Database
1764 ManasiakMarianSierzant StrzelecSergeantP.780085Born 13 May 1917 Strzelce Mogilno (Age 24 when killed)PolandAir GunnerKrzyż Walecznych (x2)
PAFBomber Command301Sqn (Polish)
1941-06-18Vickers WellingtonIcR1365GR-RAF Swinderby22:24BremenTook off from Swinderby at 22:20 hrs. Shot down by a night-fighter flown by Ofw Paul Gildner 4/NJG1, and crashed into the sea off Terschelling at 02:34 hrs. Location : North Sea / Netherlands. Missing Presumed Killed in Action on Operational Flight PAF Memorial, Northolt, No Known Grave - Aircraft crashed in North Sea

Archiwum Polish Database
1765 ManekStefan Kapral Mechanic PokladowySergeantP.780277Born 13 January 1922 (Age 22)PolandFlight EngineerPAFBomber CommandNo.1662 HCU1944-11-11Handley Page HalifaxllJN967RAF Blyton17:52East Ferry, LincolnshireTook off from Blyton at 17:52 on a Night Navigational and Practice Bombing Exercise. Eight minutes later, after climbing to 3,000 feet, one of the starboard engines caught fire, and the aircraft crashed in flames at East Ferry, 8 miles South-West of Scunthorpe, Lincolnshire. Buried 18 November 1944. Location : United Kingdom.Killed on Training FlightPAF Memorial, Northolt, Newark-Upon-Trent Cemetery - Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom. Section O War Graves Plot Grave 326a

Archiwum Polish Database
1766 MankaEmilStarszy Szeregowiec uczen PilotLeading AircraftmanP.782800Born 21 April 1921 (Age 20)PolandPilot under trainingPAFNo.16 (Polish) Service Flying Training School1941-11-25Fairey BattlelR7407RAF NewtonNewton, NottinghamshireCrashed at R.A.F. Newton whilst on a training flight. Location : United Kingdom. Killed on Training FlightPAF Memorial, Northolt, Newark-Upon-Trent Cemetery - Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom. War Graves Plot Sec J Grave 305

Archiwum Polish Database
1767 MańkowskiRyszard KazimierzSierżantWarrant Officer70609021.05.1921 Zaleszczyki UkrainePolandAir/GnrKrzyz Walecznych

Medal Lotniczy

PAFBomber Command300Sqn Polish
1945-01-28LancasterIPB846BH-KRAF Faldingworth, Lincolnshire1958Stuttgart See archive report for further details PoWNone - survived the war. Passed away on the 02nd April 1994, age 73 Blackpool, Lancs UK Archiwum Polish Database
1768 MarasJan KazimierzPorucznik PilotPilot OfficerP.0657Born 11 February 1917 (Age 24)PolandPilotPAFFighter Command306Sqn (Polish)
1941-07-23Supermarine SpitfireIIbP8461RRAF NortholtCircusFailed to return. Location : France. 306 Squadron 15 January 1941Killed in Action, on Operational FlightPAF Memorial, Northolt, Pihen-Les-Guines Communal Cemetery - Pas De Calais, France. Plot British Row B Grave 2Archiwum Polish Database
1769 MarchwickiJózefPlutonowy Mechanic PokladowySergeantP.782267Born 25 October 1912 Róża Nowy Tomyśl (Age 31 when killed)PolandFlight EngineerMedal Lotniczy (x2)

PAF1586 Special Duties Flight SOE1944-01-06Consolidated LiberatorBZ949GR-TRAF Brindisi, ItalyVilla Castelli, ItalyAircraft was unable to find the receiving post for Supply drop in gale force winds. Severely iced-up, the aircraft hit a mountain near Villa Castelli, whilst attempting to land at Grottaglie airfield, Italy. The entire crew were killed. Location : Italy.Killed on Operational Flight PAF Memorial, Northolt, Originally buried in Cemetery at Brindisi. Later exhumed and buried in Polish War Cemetery, Casamassima, five miles from Bari, Italy
Archiwum Polish Database
1770 MarciniakJanuszKapitan PilotSquadron LeaderP-0317Born 11 July 1916 (Age 27)PolandPilotPAFFighter Command306Sqn (Polish)
1944-06-23North Americam P-51d MustangIIIEX970UZ-CRAF Holmsley SouthCombat West of Dreux at Noon with FW-190. Location : France. 306 Squadron 8 June 1944 Killed in Action, on Operational Flight PAF Memorial, Northolt, Polish Field of Honour at Grainville-Langannieres, Calvados, France (Originally buried in Crulai Civil Cemetery) Archiwum Polish Database
1771 MarciniakLudwikStarszy Szeregowiec Rez. MechanikBorn 1904 (Age 36)PolandMechanicPAFCentrum Wyszkolenia Lotnictwa Training Centre1940-05-10Lyon-BronFrench Campaign 1940Killed in Bombing Raid on Lyon-Bron. Location : France. Killed in Bombing Raid on Lyon-BronGuillotiere Cemetery, near Lyon, France
Archiwum Polish Database
1772 MarciniszynPaweł BolesławKapral PilotSergeantP.782886Born 3 June 1915 Ropienka Ustrzyki Dolne (Age 27 when killed)PolandPilotKrzyz Walecznych

Medal Lotniczy

PAFBomber Command300Sqn (Polish)
1943-02-03Vickers Wellington lllBK511BH-XRAF Hemswell18:13HamburgTook off from Hemswell 18.13 3 February 1943 on an Operation to bomb Hamburg. Lost without trace, presumably over the sea. Location : North Sea.Killed in Action, on Operational FlightPAF Memorial, Northolt. , No Known Grave. Aircraft presumed lost in North Sea

Polish Memorial Northolt UK
Fuller details: Archiwum Polish Database BK511
1773 MarcinkowskiMieczyslawSierzant PilotSergeantP.780491Born 24 February 1919 (Age 21)PolandPilotPAFFighter Command501Sqn
1940-11-01Hawker HurricanelV7405RAF KenleyPatrolFailed to return from a sortie over the Channel. Location : United Kingdom. 151 Squadron ? ; 501 Squadron October 1940Missing Presumed Killed in Action on Operational FlightPAF Memorial, Northolt, Archiwum Polish Database
1774 MarcinkusRPilot Officer89580PilotFighter1Sqn
1942-02-12HurricaneIIcBD949JExecusted by Gestapo March 1944 following the 'Great Escape' from Stalag Lugt lll, Sagen-Killed 3/44Poznan Old Garrison Cemetery Poland
1775 MarcolaMieczysławFlying OfficerP-0098PolandNavigatorKrzyż Walecznych (x3)

Medal Lotniczy (x2)

PAFBomber Command305Sqn Polish
1941-07-09WellingtonIcR1762SM-GSyerston2312OsnabruckShot down by a night-fighter. aircraft shot down and crashed at Schwefingen-Meppen, Germany.PoW
Fuller details at Archiwum Polish Database R17621941-07-10 305Sqn R1762 Took off 2312 9 July 1941 from Syerston. Shot down by a night-fighter. aircraft shot down and crashed at Schwefingen-Meppen, Germany. Sgt Jan DEBIEC (P780642) PoW Stalag 4B Muhlberg (Elbe), Fg Off Mieczyslaw MARCOLA (P0098), Sgt Jan MIKSZO (P782327) PoW Stalag 4B Muhlberg (Elbe), Sgt Mieczyslaw MINTA (P780192) PoW Stalag 4B Muhlberg (Elbe), Sgt Waclaw SIEMINSKI (P782220) PoW Stalag 357 Kopernikus, Kapitan Brunon Powel OKONSKI (P/0096) Killed buried Reichswald Forest War Cemetery
1776 MarczukWładysławKapral Radio Operator StrzelecelecSergeantP.794308Born 16 February 1917 Petersburg – Russia (Age 26 when killed)PolandRadio Operator GunnerMedal Lotniczy

PAFBomber Command300Sqn (Polish)
1943-04-08Vickers Wellington XHE148BH-TRAF Hemswell21:04DuisburgTook off from Hemswell 21.40 9 April 1943 on an Operation to Duisburg. Shot down by Kreigsmarine anti-aircraft fire near the Dutch coast. Crashed into sea 23.07, about 20 km West of Dutch port of Ijmuiden . Three bodies came ashore, those of Sgt S Slusarski, P/O J Rudek, Sgt S Stepien and are buried in Bergen General Cemetery. Location : HollandMissing Presumed Killed in Action on Operational FlightPAF Memorial, Northolt,

Polish Memorial Northolt UK
Fuller details at Archiwum Polish Database HE148
1777 MareckiJanPlutonowy Mechanic PokladowySergeantP.781707Born 9 October 1920 Poznań (Age 23 when killed)PolandFlight EngineerKrzyz Walecznych (x2)

Medal Lotniczy (x2)

PAF1586 Special Duties Flight SOE1944-08-17Consolidated LiberatorVIEW275GR-RRAF Brindisi, Italy. Location : Poland. Killed on Operational FlightPAF Memorial, Northolt, Krakow Rakowicki Cemetery, Poland. Plot I Row A Grave 9-10 Collective
Fuller details at Archiwum Polish Database EW275
1778 MarglewskiJozefSierzant Podchorazy PilotSergeantP.794064Born 27 February 1908 (Age 33)PolandPilotPAF?1941-03-18ScotlandDied in Hospital, Eliock, Sanguhar, Scotland. Location : United Kingdom. Died on Active Service, Dumfries (St Andrew's) Roman Catholic Cemetery - Dumfriesshire, United Kingdom. Archiwum Polish Database
1779 MargulaStefanPlutonowyFlight Sergeant70468301.07.1917 LublinPolandFlight EngineerMedal Lotniczy (x3)

PAFBomber Command300Sqn Polish
1945-05-10LancasterIPB730BH-RBrussels - Melsbroek1348ExodusTransporting 24 ex PoWs. Veered off runway - no injuries to crew or passengersSurvived war. Died 08.1986 Clarks Summit, PA, USA Archiwum Polish Database
1780 MarkiewiczAndrezejMajor NawigFlight LieutenantP.0183Born 14 April 1910 (Age 33)PolandNavigatorPAFNo.10 Air Gunners School, R.C.A.F.1943-05-08Avro Anson6729Near Elgin, Alberta, CanadaCrashed near Elgin, Alberta, Canada, whilst on a training flight. Location : Canada. Killed on Training FlightPAF Memorial, Northolt, Moncton (St Bernard's) Roman Catholic Cemetery - New Brunswick, Canada. Plot 72 Row 6 Grave 2Archiwum Polish Database
1781 MarkowskiTadeusz MarianPorucznik PilotFlying OfficerP.2089Born 24 October 1909 (Age 34 when killed)PolandPilotPAFNo.6 OTU1944-05-05Vickers Wellington XIIMP541RAF SillothTraining Killed whilst on a training flight. Location : United Kingdom. Killed on Training Flight PAF Memorial, Northolt, No Known Grave - Lost on training flight

Archiwum Polish Database
1782 MaronaCzesław MarianSierzant Mechanic PokladowyFlight SergeantP.780079Born 7 September 1912 (Age 32)PolandFlight EngineerPAFBomber Command300 Sqn (Polish)
1944-10-14Avro LancasterI NF959BH:RRAF Faldingworth06:04DuisburgTook off from Faldingworth 06.40hrs 14 October 1944 on an Operation to bomb Duisburg. Hit by flak while approaching the Aiming Point of target and aircraft exploded near Kinrchellen, GermanyKilledReichswald Forest War Cemetery Plot 20 Row F Collective Grave 15-17

Polish War Memorial RAF Northolt Panel 43

Reichswald Germany
Fuller details at Archiwum Polish Database NF959
1783 MarshDouglas NormanFlight Sergeant145203111th March 1922 in Brigg, LincolnshireNavigatorRAFVRBomber Command57Sqn
1944-01-27LancasterIIIJB366DX:NRAF East Kirkby17:40BerlinSee archive report for full detailsPoW No: 1621, Stalag 357 Kopernikus at Thorn (Toruń) in Poland
1784 MarszalekZbigniew JozefPorucznik PilotFlight LieutenantP.2069Born 23 May 1919 (Age 24)PolandPilotPAFFighter Command303Sqn (Polish)
1944-05-16Supermarine SpitfireEE625RAF ColtishallFunnels Farm, Nutley, SussexCrashed at Funnels Farm, Nutley, Sussex. Location : United Kingdom. Killed on Operational FlightPAF Memorial, Northolt, Northwood Cemetery - Middlesex, United Kingdom. Service Section H Grave 428

Archiwum Polish Database
1785 MartinDonald WilliamPrivate374998661923AmericanTail GunnerUSAAF15th Air Force831st Bomber Squadron (485th Bombardment Group (H))1944-06-13B-24 Gawgia PeachH42-52709-Venosa, ItalyMünchen (Munich), GermanySee Archive report for detailsPoW, Stalag Luft 4 Gross-Tychow, Pomerania, Prussia now Poland
1786 MartonBronisławPlutonowy PilotFlight SergeantP.793886Born 4 April 1914 (Age 30 when killed)PolandPilotMedal Lotniczy (x2)

PAFBomber Command304Sqn (Polish)
1944-04-07Vickers Wellington HF121RAF Chivenor19.56Lost off Spanish CoastThis aircraft was probably shot down by a fighter over the Bay of Biscay off Spanish coast, the crew managed to make a Mayday call at 01:23 but all were lost Missing Presumed Killed in Action on Operational Flight PAF Memorial, Northolt, No Known Grave - Lost off Spanish Coast

Archiwum Polish Database
1787 MartowiczPiotrSzeregowiecAircraftman 2nd ClassP.784447Born 27 June 1905 (Age 35)PolandPAFNo.16 (Polish) Service Flying Training School1941-07-18RAF NewtonSheffield Road, NewtonKilled in a Motorcycle accident on Sheffield Road, Newton. Location : United Kingdom. Killed in a Motorcycle accident, Newark-Upon-Trent Cemetery - Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom. War Graves Plot Section L Grave 303aArchiwum Polish Database
1788 MartyniecJózef Kazimierz Plutonowy Radio Operator Strzelecelec SergeantP.794865Born 19 March 1917 Potok Złoty (Age 26 when killed)PolandRadio Operator / Air GunnerKrzyż Walecznych (x3)

Medal Lotniczy

PAFBomber Command300Sqn (Polish)
1943-08-15Vickers Wellington XHE768BH-NRAF Ingham20:57Gardening Took off from Ingham 20.57 15 August 1943 on a Gardening, mine-laying operation, off the Fresian Islands.Four minutes before they reached the target area, the starboard engine caught fire. The operation was continues but twenty minutes later the bomber was shot down by a German night-fighter and it crashed into the sea, near the Island of Borkum at 23.50 hours. The two survivors were adrift for eight days in dinghy before being rescued by the German Kreigsmarine.. Location : North Sea / Germany / Denmark.Killed in Action, on Operational Flight PAF Memorial, Northolt, Lemvig Cemetery, Denmark. Grave 718

Archiwum Polish Database
1789 MartyniukJulian BogdanSierzant StrzelecSergeantP.705517Born 6 February 1912 Husiatyn (Age 31 when killed)PolandAir GunnerMedal Lotniczy

PAFBomber1586 Special Duties Flight SOE1944-09-23Handley Page HalifaxllJP222GR-ERAF Brindisi, ItalyNorthern Italy Returning fron an operation to Northern Italy, the aircraft crashed into the sea at the end of it's landing run. All the crew drowned. Location : Italy. Killed on Operational Flight PAF Memorial, Northolt, No Known Grave - Lost in sea off Bari, Italy
Archiwum Polish Database
1790 MarynowskiMieczyslawKapral StrzelecSergeantP.706779Born 28 October 1921 (Age 22)PolandAir GunnerMedal Lotniczy

PAFBomber Command1586 Special Duties Flight SOE1944-09-02Handley Page HalifaxllJN889GR-PRAF Brindisi, ItalySupply DropsShot down by a fighter over Hungary making supply drops to Reception Posts in the Radom-Kielce area. Sgt R Tyrol (Pilot); F/Sgt Z Bar (Despatcher); Sgt M Marynowski (Gunner) were killed; Sgt T Michalkiewicz was wounded and was taken Prisoner. The rest; F/O J Abczynski; Sgt J Frackowiak; W/O W Sibilski evaded capture and helped by Yugoslav Partisans, were able to return to Italy. Location : Hungary.
Added by Stefan Pietrzak Youngs: 1944-09-02 Halifax JN889 RAF Brindisi. Shot down by a fighter over Hungary making supply drops to Reception Posts in the Radom-Kielce area. Pilot Sgt Reyhold Tyrol (780850); Despatcher F/Sgt Zbigniew Bar (794207), GunnerSgt Mieczysław Marynowski (706779) were killed; Gunner Sgt Tadeusz Michalkiewicz (706663) was wounded and was taken Prisoner. The rest; Navigator/Observer F/O J Abczyński (P-2040); FE Sgt Józef Frąckowiak (780319); W/Op W/O Władysław Sibilski (793755) evaded capture and helped by Yugoslav Partisans, were able to return to Italy. Location : Hungary. Killed commemorated at PAF Memorial, Northolt, No Known Grave - Probably buried close to place where they fell in Hungary
Killed on Operational FlightPAF Memorial, Northolt, No Known Grave - Probably buried close to place where they fell in Hungary
Polish Memorial Northolt UK
Archiwum Polish Database JN889
1791 MarynowskiZbigniew AntoniKapral StrzelecSergeant703890Age 21PolandAir GunnerMedal Lotniczy

PAFBomber Command18 otu1943-10-21WellingtonllIBK471RAF Bircotes1917TrainingSee archive report for further detailsInjured - Died 2013None - survived the war
Archiwum Polish DatabaseArchive Report BK471
1792 MasfenLancelot CharlesSergeant798462Air Gunner (Rear)RAFVRBomber Command15Sqn
1942-07-16StirlingIW7524LA:DRAF Wyton, Cambridgeshire18:40Lübecker FlenderwerkeSee Archive report for further detailsPoW No: 25671 Stalag 8B Lamsdorf, Poland
1793 MasiorskiTadeuszPlutonowyWarrant Officer70610012.10.1917PolandAir GunnerKrzyz Walecznych (x3)

Medal Lotniczy

Odznaka Za Rany i Kontuzje (Wound Badge)
PAFBomber Command300Sqn Polish
1945-02-02LancasterIME744BH-PFaldingworth2104WiesbadenCrashed near RambachPoW. Died 12.01.2007 Doylestown, PA, USA
Doylestown - Narodowe Sanktuarium Matki Bożej Częstochowskiej USA
Fuller details: Archiwum Polish Database ME744
1794 MaślankaLudwik ZdzisławKapitan NawigFlight LieutenantP.0770Born 9 July 1911 Lwów Ukraine (Age 31 when killed)PolandNavigatorVirtuti Militari

Krzyz Walecznych (x4)

Medal Lotniczy (x2)

PAFBomber Command304Sqn (Polish)
1942-08-11Vickers Wellington HX384RAF DaleDale, near HaverfordwestAs a result of heavy losses suffered by the squadron at the beginning of 1942, in May 1942 it was transfered to Coastal Command. The airmen had to become familiar with the technique of detecting and countering U - Boat depth charges. First flight over the Atlantic on May 19 1942. On August 12, 1942 HX384 took off from Dale airfield. The airport runway is on a high coastal bluff towards the sea. The weather was not favourable to the pilots that day with strong winds. After reaching the end of the runway, the bomb-laden Wellington could not enter the air. The plane fell into the water and exploded. All crew perished. Dale, near Haverfordwest. Location : United Kingdom.Killed on Operational FlightPAF Memorial, Northolt, Newark-Upon-Trent Cemetery - Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom. Section J Grave 310a

Newark UK
Archiwum Polish Database
1795 MaslarczykZbigniewStarszy Szeregowiec PilotSergeantP.781297Born 17 January 1915 (Age 27)PolandPilotPAFNo.6 Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit1942-05-31Miles MasterN7553RAF CarkRingway Aerodrome, CheshireCrashed at Ringway Aerodrome, Cheshire, whilst on a training flight. Location : United Kingdom. Killed on Training FlightPAF Memorial, Northolt, Blackpool (Layton) Cemetery - Lancashire, United Kingdom. Section Rr Row E Grave 236Archiwum Polish Database
1796 MasseyWilliam CarringtonTechnical SergeantSergeant209376391920AmericanRadio OperatorUSAAF8th Air Force861st Bomber Squadron (493rd Bombardment Group (H))1944-11-21B-17G43-38107BDebach (Station #152), Suffolk, EnglandLützkendorf, GermanySee Archive report for detailsPoW, Stalag Luft 1 Barth-Vogelsang, Prussia now Poland
1797 MatelowskiJózef KarolKapral Radio Operator StrzelecelecSergeantP.783855Born 28 January 1918 Krosno (Age 24 when killed)PolandRadio Operator / Air GunnerMedal Lotniczy

PAFBomber Command300Sqn (Polish)
1943-02-03Vickers Wellington lllBK511BH-XRAF Hemswell18:13HamburgTook off from Hemswell 18.13 3 February 1943 on an Operation to bomb Hamburg. Lost without trace, presumably over the sea. Location : North Sea.Missing Presumed Killed in Action on Operational FlightPAF Memorial, Northolt. , No Known Grave. Aircraft presumed lost in North Sea

Polish Memorial Northolt UK
Fuller details: Archiwum Polish Database BK511
1798 MateuszukCzesławSierzant PilotSergeantP.780057Born 1 April 1912 at Biala Podl (Age 28 when killed)PolandPilotMedal Lotniczy

PAFNo.10 Bombing and Gunnery School1941-03-06Armstrong Whitworth WhitleylllK7229RAF Dumfries Lochnarbriggs, Dumfries, Scotland Aircraft crashed Lochnarbriggs, Dumfries, Scotland, whilst on a training flight. Location : United Kingdom. Killed on Training FlightPAF Memorial, Northolt, Dumfries (St Andrew's) Roman Catholic Cemetery - Dumfriesshire, United Kingdom. War Graves Group Section A Grave 239
Archiwum Polish Database
1799 MatlakFranciszek Plutonowy Radio OperatorFlight SergeantP.781111Born 7 April 1917 Łęki Oświęcim (Age 27 when killed)PolandRadio OperatorKrzyz Walecznych (x2)

Medal Lotniczy (x2)

PAFBomber Command304Sqn (Polish)
1944-04-11Vickers Wellington XIVHF188 (A188?)RAF ChivenorThis aircraft was shot down by German fighters over the Bay of Biscay and in spite of getting off an SOS, the whole crew was lostMissing Presumed Killed in Action on Operational FlightPAF Memorial, Northolt,

Polish Memorial Northolt UK
Fuller details at Archiwum Polish Database A188
1800 MatthewsGSergeant1651820NavigatorRAFVRBomber Command10Sqn
1944-04-10HalifaxIIILV858ZA-JRAF Melbourne, Yorkshire2105Tergnier See archive report for further details PoW No: 3540 Camp: Stalag Kopernikus (357) Thorn, PolandNone - survived the war Read Archive Report

Results 1751 to 1800 of 3358.

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