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NOTE ON DATES: IMPORTANT: For consistency, the Date is given as the date the mission TOOK OFF since the precise time of a loss is not always certain. Take Off date is unambigous and fixed in the official records, but obviously in those cases where the incident occurred before midnight UK time, then the Take Off Date will be the same as the Incident Date. Of course, most Bomber Command missions flew through midnight, therefore a Luftwaffe claim against a plane - or a locally generated crash report - may record the incident as occurring on the day following our Take Off Date. Bear this in mind when cross-referencing to our Luftwaffe Victories by Name/Date Database and other Luftwaffe sources. In some cases other sources may quote the date following our date, using locally generated reports as their source. To add to the potential for confusion, remember to take into account a Luftwaffe recorded date will be in local time, 1 hour ahead of UK time. When we discover a validated Incident Date we change our record if necessary.

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These are the results of your search:

You searched for: “439 sqd rcaf

#Name*First NamesTitleRankRAF Equivalent RankService No.BornNationalityRoleAwardsAir ForceCommandUnitDateofIncident *See NoteAircraftTypeSerialCodeVictories (Fighters)BaseTimeMission                        Incident                        FateCommemoratedPhoto (Click to Expand)Referring Database                        Notes                        Links/Archive Reports
201 AllenbyT PSergeantRCAFBomber Command26 OTU
1942-09-10WellingtonICDV867?-EWing2100DusseldorfCrashed between Stramproy & Hunsel HollandKilledJonkerbos War CemeteryParadie Archive Database
202 AlleynF RWarrant Officer Class 1RCAFBomber Command426Sqn RCAF
1944-02-19LancasterIIDS776OW-ALinton on Ouse2354LeipzigCrashed at Valkenswaard {Noord-Brabant}KilledWoensel General Cemetery Paradie Archive Database
203 AllinG JFlying Officer154550Fighter418Sqn RCAF
1944-09-30MosquitoVINS906RangerKilledRunnymede Memorial United Kingdom
Mosquito NS906 on 30-09-1944 crashed in Grib Forest southeast of Mårum, Sjælland, Denmark. Both aviators died. The Germans refused to report where they buried the bodies. To this day, the graves have not been found. In 1945 the Danes erected a memorial stone in Grib Forest. See LOST - Rob Philips Memorial Archive on this site
204 AllisonH D CFlight SergeantRCAFBomber Command626Sqn
1944-08-27LancasterIME742UM-B2Wickenby2051StettinCrashed in SwedenInternedParadie Archive DatabaseParadie Archive
205 AllisonJames KennethFlight LieutenantJ/11084CanadianPilotRCAF2 TAF181Sqn
1944-07-06TyphoonIbMN821EL-HB-6 CoulombsArmed recceDamaged by flak, pilot injured, crash landed and slammed into 3 parked Typhoons bursting into flames.Injured by flak, severely burned in crash landing Accident reportMember of the Guinea Pig Club
206 AllisonESergeantBomber Command427Sqn RCAF
1943-02-28WellingtonIIIBK343ZL-VCroft1810St NazaireBelieved crashed in seaPoWPornic War Cemetery
207 AllmanLeonard RalphFlying OfficerJ1358810th March 1919 in Toronto, OntarioCanadianPilotRCAF143 Wing, 2nd Tactical Air Force440Sqn RCAF
1944-06-06TyphoonIbMN428I8:ZRAF Hurn20:00Armed recceSee archive report for detailsKiABeny-Sur-Mer Canadian War Cemetery, Reviers, Xiii. H. 13. France
Paradie RCAF Database
208 AllwellPFlight SergeantBomber Command426Sqn RCAF
1944-01-02LancasterIIDS760OW-MLinton on Ouse.0005.BerlinKilledRunnymede
209 AlmE RFlight SergeantRCAFBomber Command429Sqn RCAF
1945-02-25Halifax IIIMZ452ZL-ELeeming1658GardeningLost without traceKilledRunnymedeParadie Archive Database
210 AlmasR HFlight SergeantRCAFBomber Command103Sqn
1945-03-07LancasterIRA500PM-BElsham Wolds1728Dessau Paradie Archive Database
211 AlmasR MWarrant Officer Class 2RCAFBomber Command429Sqn RCAF
1944-11-21HalifaxIIIMZ377AL-DLeeming1546Castrop-RauxelKilledReichswald Forest War CemeteryParadie Archive Database
212 AlmondJ NSergeantRCAFBomber Command424Sqn RCAF
1944-05-24HalifaxIIILW157QB-SSkipton on Swale2251AachenKilledRunnymede Paradie Archive Database
213 AlpPercy LeonardPilot Officer54973RAFVRBomber Command431Sqn RCAF
1944-07-17HalifaxIIIMZ628SE-YCroft1521VairesCrashed near Cramoisy {Oise}Killed Age 30Commemorated Creil Communal Cemetery, Plot 1. Grave 389.Son Of Stanley William Alp And Of Mary Ann Alp (Nee Rogers); Husband Of Constance Maureen Alp, Of Rugby, Warwickshire.

214 AlsopN FSergeantRCAFBomber Command419Sqn RCAF
1944-05-15LancasterXKB701VR-BMiddleton St George2238TrainingCrashed Helmsley MoorKilledHarrogate [Stonefall] Cemetery Paradie Archive Database
215 AltersonJSergeantRCAFBomber Command77Sqn
1941-10-12WhitleyVZ6801KN-LeemingNurnbergCrashed at DaussoisKilledDinant MilitaryParadie Archive Database
216 AlthanRPilot OfficerRCAFBomber Command419Sqn RCAF
1945-02-20LancasterXKB804VR-EMiddleton St George2126DortmundHit by flak crew baled outPoW Paradie Archive Database
217 AlticNorman IrwinFlying OfficerJ22101CanadianNavigatorRCAFBomber Command420 (Snowy Owl) Sqn, RCAF
1944-03-24HalifaxIIILW373PT:WTholthorpe19:07BerlinClaimed as a probable by Oblt. Joseph Draft, his 18th Abschuss and 2nd of the night, from 4./NJG5 over Halle-Weissenfels at 6.700m at 22:58 hrs. (Nachtjagd Combat Archive (16 March 1944 - 11 May 1944) Part 2 - Theo Boiten)PoW No. 3974, Stalag Luft 1Paradie Archive DatabaseThe crew had arrived from 61 Base on the 21st January and this was their 6th mission.

Promoted to Flt Lt whilst a PoW
218 AltyFrederick RoyFlying OfficerJ3839226th June 1924 in South Shields, EnglandCanadianBomb AimerRCAFBomber Command431 (Iroquois) Sqn RCAF
1945-03-31LancasterXKB859SE:UCroft06:26HamburgCrashed at 09:07 at Hittfeld, 9km South of Harburg quite close to 419 Sqn, Lancaster X, VR-Q captained by F/O. Donald Stuart Maxwell Bowes RCAF shot down about the same time and recorded as an Me262 loss.KilledBecklingen War Cemetery 14.C.11
Courtesy Jack Albrecht

Paradie Archive DatabaseSon of Frederick Roy and Florence (née Fawkes) Alty, of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
219 AlwardF LFlying OfficerRCAFBomber Command426Sqn RCAF
1945-03-25Halifax VIINP818OQ-MLinton on Ouse730MunsterClipped plane two above on take off Paradie Archive Database
220 AmesEdward JosephPilot OfficerJ/15130CanadianPilotRCAFFighter118Sqn
1942-02-02SpitfireVbAA741NK-RAF Ibsley13:00RhubarbShot down over the English Channel by Bf-109F from III./JG 2Missing/KilledRunnymede Memorial, Panel 99.Accident report
221 AmesW EFlying OfficerRCAFBomber Command426Sqn RCAF
1944-10-06HalifaxVIINP739OW-ULinton on Ouse1642DortmundPoW Paradie Archive Database
222 AmesVictor EthelbertFlight Sergeant9054701916RAFVRCoastal Command228Sqn RAF
1942-09-05SunderlandW4032Oban20:40Convoy ProtectionLanded in ocean out of fuel.Killed Age 26Canterbury Cemetery Plot X.M. Grave 143
Son of Llewellyn Herbert Spencer Ames and Esther Ames; husband of Dorothy May Ames, of Canterbury.

Onboard were were 10 crew and a journalist Fred NanCarrow from the Glasgow Herald, some say he was investigating the death of the Duke of Kent in a sister Sunderland a week previously at Eagle's Rock. After several hours at sea the giant flying boat turned around for home, but it became apparent that there was insufficient fuel to make it back to Oban. Flying Officer F J Fife of the RCAF decided to put down in the water, on the face of it not a major problem for a flying boat, and take on more fuel. At 8.40pm the Sunderland set down in Vane Bay but hit a rock which ripped the bottom out of the aircraft causing it to start sinking.

An SOS signal resulted in the Tobermory lifeboat setting out to assist the airmen. At the last known position of the Sunderland, all that was found was clothing floating on the surface. An RAF Hudson spotted a dinghy with one man in it off the north coast of Coll. The lifeboat arived but the only people still alive were Flying Officer M E Russell, the co-pilot and Flight Sgt R B H Scroggs. Fife, William Henderson and William Currie were recovered from the water having drowned, the bodies of Charles Castle (Gunner), Victor Ames (Flt Sgt), Kenneth Page (Gunner), Edward Cowan (Radio operator) were recovered later on having died of exposure.
223 Amey'Moss' Roland RaymondFlying OfficerJ/20654Age 20CanadaPilotRCAFFighter Command56Sqn
1943-11-20TyphoonIbEK209US-PRAF Martlesham Heath, Suffolk15:35RamrodSee archive report for further detailsSeriously injured - died later that eveningBrookwood Military Cemetery. Grave 47.G.7

Paradie Archive DatabaseBorn on the 06th July 1923 in Newfoundland. Worked as a clerk for the Bank of Nova Scotia prior to service. Enlisted on the 09th October 1941. Pilot wings awarded on the 06th November 1942.

Son of William (died 27th December 1954, age 65) and Amelia Jane Amey (née Billard - died 31st March 1965, age 75), of Cornwall Street, North Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada. Brother to Arthur, Olive, Ruth Mary Augusta (Forsey), William Cecil, Ethel (Hiscock), Jean (Walsh), Gerald and Gloria (Neilson). Epitaph: 'Greater Love Hath No Man Than This, That A Man Lay Down His Life For Friends'.

224 AmiraultA BSergeantR/88416RCAFBomber Command214Sqn
1943-03-05StirlingIIIBK662BU-KChedburgh1935EssenCrashed into seaKilledRunnymedeParadie Archive Database
225 AmiraultAlphe BaptisteSergeantR/88416Air GunnerRCAFBomber Command214Sqn
1942-11-20StirlingIR9165BU-YChedburgh1855TorinoDuring the sortie the aircraft experienced problems with the exactor controls on two engines. Whilst landing back at base the port inner unit suddenly surged and the aircraft swung and crashed at 0210 hrsSurvived
226 AmlinA HSergeantRCAFBomber Command142Sqn
1942-08-27WellingtonIVZ1411QT-ZGrimsby2040Kassel?KilledReichswald Forest War CemeteryParadie Archive Database
227 AmosL HFlying OfficerRCAFBomber Command431Sqn RCAF
1945-04-25LancasterXKB822SE-WCroft1455WangeroogeColliede with plane below off NordeneyKilled Paradie Archive Database
228 AmosR JSergeant1330644Bomber Command419Sqn RCAF
1943-04-08HalifaxIIBB327VR-QMiddleton St George2147DuisburgCrashed near BochumKilledReichswald Forest War Cemetery
229 AmosGSergeantBomber Command429Sqn RCAF
1943-01-26WellingtonIIIBK163AL-HEast Moor1717Lorient?KilledRunnymede
230 AmsteinN WSergeantRCAFBomber Command102Sqn (Ceylon)
1944-06-16HalifaxIIIMZ652DY-ZPocklington2304SterkradeKilledReichswald Forest War CemeteryParadie Archive Database
231 AmyH TFlight LieutenantRCAFBomber Command424Sqn RCAF
1944-05-10HalifaxIIIHX314QB-CSkipton on Swale2218GardeningCrashed in sea off LorientKilledGuidel Communal CemeteryParadie Archive Databaseamyx
232 AnakaPeter JohnFlying Officer Pilot J/25832RCAFBomber Command115Sqn
1944-06-15LancasterIHK550KO-YRAF Witchford, Cambridgshire2305Valenciennes Crashed at Oisy-le-Verger {Pas-de-Calais} EvaderNone - died 25th April 1994Paradie Archive DatabaseRead Archive Report
233 AndersenEiler VillyWarrant Officer Class 1R129717CanadianWireless Operator/Air GunnerRCAFBomber Command432 (Leaside) Sqn RCAF
1945-03-15Halifax VIINP689QO:MEast Moor17:07HagenSee archive report for detailsPoW Unknown camp
Paradie Archive Database
234 AndersenPaulSergeantDenmark CanadaRCAFBomber Command44Sqn
1944-07-15LancasterIIIPB206KM-QDunholme Lodge2232GardeningKilledRunnymede

Paradie Archive DatabaseDanish parents, but he held dual citizenship at time of enlistment. On 15/16 July, Andersen took off on his last operation. Took off at 22.32 hrs. from Dunholme Lodge. Gardening over Danish waters. Landfall near Agger on the western coast of Jutland, crossed the eastern coast north of Grenaa to reach their Gardening area north of Sjællands Odde. Aircraft was lost without a trace. Possibly victim of Lt Dräger from 3./NJG 3, who claimed a four-engined aircraft 20 miles off the Jutland coast at Hvide Sande at 02.10 hrs. Paul Andersen’s nineteenth operation in Bomber Command.
235 AndersonHugh JohnFlight LieutenantC/17844Flight Engineer DFM

RCAFBomber Command405Sqn RCAF
1944-09-26LancasterIIIPB129LQ-A RAF Gransden Lodge, Cambridgeshire 1200Cap Gris Nez See archive report for full details InjuredNone - survived the war. Passed away 1965. Paradie Archive Database Read Archive Report
236 AndersonM WFlight LieutenantRCAFBomber Command408Sqn RCAF
1944-11-16HalifaxVIINP770EQ-GLinton on Ouse1222MunsterAbandoned over BelgiumParadie Archive Database
237 AndersonBruce BenjaminFlying OfficerJ/35534Age 27CanadianBomb AimerRCAFBomber Command415Sqn RCAF
1944-11-02HalifaxIIIMZ6036U-ERAF RAF East Moor, Yorkshire1606DusseldorfSee Archive report for further detailsKilledRheinberg War Cemetery. Plot 7. Row B. Collective Grave 14-18
Courtesy John Jones

Born on the 26th December 1917 in Llandudno, Wales. Son of Benjamin Wellington Anderson and Margaret Ethel Anderson (née Jackson), of Toronto, Ontario. Canada Grave inscription: 'His Sun Has Set While It Is Yet Day'.
238 AndersonGeorgePilot OfficerJ/95243RCAFBomber Command415Sqn RCAF
1945-03-31Halifax IIIMZ9226U-CEast Moor623HamburgReported shot down by Me262KilledRunnymedeParadie Archive DatabasePosthumously promoted to P/O
239 AndersonH GPilot OfficerRCAFBomber Command419Sqn RCAF
1942-02-12WellingtonICZ1091VR-AMildenhall1700Fuller?KilledRunnymedeParadie Archive Database
240 AndersonJ AFlight SergeantR99890RCAFBomber Command419Sqn RCAF
1943-07-03HalifaxIIJD159VR-YMiddleton St George2230KolnCrashed MuizenKilledSchoonlselhof Cemetery {Antwerpen} Belgium Paradie Archive Database
241 AndersonHoward FrancisFlight Sergeant W/Op Air GunnerJ/92358RCAFBomber Command419Sqn RCAF
1944-08-25LancasterXKB708VR-ERAF Middleton St George1934Russelsheim (Opel works) Crashed at Boscombe Down on return KilledBrookwood Military Cemetery, Surrey. Grave 43.G.3. Paradie Archive Database Read Archive Report
242 AndersonWilliam SmithFlying OfficerJ/41164PilotRCAFBomber Command420Sqn RCAF
1945-02-14Halifax IIINA179PT-BTholthorpe1701ChemnitzCrashed 1mile N of airfield on returnKilledHarrogate (Stonefall) CemeteryParadie Archive DatabaseParadie Archive
243 AndersonRobert AllanSergeantR/191468Age 20CanadaAir GunnerRCAFBomber Command420 Sqn RCAF
1944-04-20HalifaxIIILW692PT-VRAF Tholthorpe, North Yorkshire2113LensSee archive report for further brief detailsPoW No: 4176 Camp: Stalag Luft Sagan and BelariaNone - Survived the warParadie Archive DatabasePromoted to Fg.Off. 1st September 1944
244 AndersonMark Sylvester HaroldPilot OfficerJ/92728CanadianPilotRCAFBomber Command425Sqn RCAF
1945-03-05Halifax IIIMZ845KW-JRAF Tholthorpe, North Riding of Yorkshire1647ChemnitzCollided with 426 Sqn (PN 228) aircraft and crashed near Linton on OuseKilledHarrogate {Stonefall} Cemetery - Sec. G. Row H. Grave 12. Paradie Archive Database Read Archive Report
245 AndersonL LSergeantR101990RCAFBomber Command426Sqn RCAF
1943-04-04WellingtonIIIX3699OW-Dishforth2030KielDitched 10 miles off Cromer Norfolk Paradie Archive Database
246 AndersonWilliam FrankFlying OfficerJ292025th January 1923CanadaPilotRCAFBomber Command426Sqn RCAF
1944-11-01HalifaxVIINP709OW:ARAF Linton-on-Ouse, Yorkshire17:44OberhausenSee Archive report for further detailsMiARunnymede Memorial. Panel 244
Courtesy John Jones

Paradie Archive Database
247 AndersonRobert Desmond (Bob)Warrant Officer Class 2R161094CanadianWireless Operator/Air GunnerRCAFBomber Command427 (Lion) Sqn RCAF
1943-12-29HalifaxIIILK965ZL:?LeemingBerlinSee Archive report for detailsSafeParadie Archive Database
248 AndersonWilliam BrodieSquadron LeaderJ892426th February 1914 in Winnipeg, ManitobaCanadianPilotDFC
RCAFBomber Command429 (Bison) Sqn RCAF
1944-06-08HalifaxIIILW128AL:VLeeming23:15Acherers Rail YardsSee archive report for detailsDied of injuriesBrookwood Military Cemetery Plot 49 Row G Grave 9.Paradie Archive Database
249 AndersonLeslie LesterFlying OfficerJ/18158CanadaWireless Operator/Air GunnerDFM
RCAFBomber Command431 Sqn RCAF
1944-04-27HalifaxIIIMZ529SE:ERAF Croft, Yorkshire23:25MontzenSee Archive report for further detailsPoW No: 5976 Camp: Stalag Luft Sagan and BelariaNone - survived the warAccident ReportArchive Report
250 AndersonWilliamFlying OfficerJ/36997CanadianPilotRCAF2 TAF439Sqn RCAF
1945-03-24TyphoonIbMN9365V-BB.78 Eindhoven NLSweepHit by flak, crashed near DingdenKilledReichswald Forest War Cemetery, 31. B. 18. Germany
Accident report

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