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NOTE ON DATES: IMPORTANT: For consistency, the Date is given as the date the mission TOOK OFF since the precise time of a loss is not always certain. Take Off date is unambigous and fixed in the official records, but obviously in those cases where the incident occurred before midnight UK time, then the Take Off Date will be the same as the Incident Date. Of course, most Bomber Command missions flew through midnight, therefore a Luftwaffe claim against a plane - or a locally generated crash report - may record the incident as occurring on the day following our Take Off Date. Bear this in mind when cross-referencing to our Luftwaffe Victories by Name/Date Database and other Luftwaffe sources. In some cases other sources may quote the date following our date, using locally generated reports as their source. To add to the potential for confusion, remember to take into account a Luftwaffe recorded date will be in local time, 1 hour ahead of UK time. When we discover a validated Incident Date we change our record if necessary.

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These are the results of your search:

You searched for: “439 sqd rcaf

#Name*First NamesTitleRankRAF Equivalent RankService No.BornNationalityRoleAwardsAir ForceCommandUnitDateofIncident *See NoteAircraftTypeSerialCodeVictories (Fighters)BaseTimeMission                        Incident                        FateCommemoratedPhoto (Click to Expand)Referring Database                        Notes                        Links/Archive Reports
251 AndersonPeter GordonFlying Officer PilotJ/36360RCAFBomber Command50Sqn
1945-02-21LancasterILL741VN-X RAF Skellingthorpe, Lincolnshire 1702Gravenhorst Partially abandoned crashed near Helenaveen KilledGroesbeek Canadian War Cemetery. Grave XV.D.8 Paradie Archive Database Read Archive Report
252 AndersonL EFlying OfficerRCAFBomber Command50Sqn
1944-09-11LancasterINF919VN-DSkellingthorpe2054DarmstadtCrashed at Niederkirchen bei DeidsheimKilledRheinberg War CemeteryParadie Archive Database
253 AndersonA JFlight SergeantRCAFBomber Command61Sqn
1944-08-25LancasterIIIPA998QR-OSkellingthorpe2101DarmstadtCrashed at Gross-GerauKilledRunnymede Paradie Archive Database
254 AndersonW CSergeantR70818RCAFBomber Command619Sqn
1943-06-11LancasterIIIED978PG-BWoodhall Spa2237DusseldorfCrashed Tongeren BelgiumPoW Paradie Archive Database
255 AndersonLloyd GeorgeSergeantR/131824Age 21CanadaAir GunnerRCAFBomber Command625Sqn
1944-03-30LancasterIIIW5009CF-ZRAF Kelstern2144Nurnberg See archive report for further details KilledRheinberg War Cemetery- Coll. Grave 17. D. 12-18Paradie Archive Database Read Archive Report
256 AndersonW DSergeantRCAFBomber Command78Sqn
1943-09-06HalifaxIIJD454EY-EBreighton1902Munchen?KilledDurnbach War CemeteryParadie Archive Database
257 AndersonC HSergeantRCAFBomber Command9Sqn
1943-08-30LancasterIIIED551WS-MWoodhall Spa.0008.Monchengladbach?KilledRunnymedeParadie Archive Database
258 AndersonB ASergeantRCAFBomber Command90Sqn
1943-08-27StirlingIIIEF439WP-HWratting Common2146NurnbergCrashed at HesselbergKilledDurnbach War CemeteryParadie Archive Database
259 AndersonL MFlight LieutenantJ16829Bomber Command405Sqn RCAF
1943-07-03HalifaxIIHR813LQ-HGransden LodgeKolnCrashed vicinity Wavre BelgiumPoW
260 AndersonJPilot OfficerBomber Command405Sqn RCAF
1943-12-03LancasterIIIJB222LQ-MGransden Lodge.0024.LeipzigCrashed near DelitzschKilledBerlin 1939-1945 War Cemetery
261 Anderson'Andy' William JamesFlight LieutenantJ/16562 (R/82659)Age 22 (note: the CWGC incorrectly states he was 26)CanadianPilotRCAFFighter Command

Tactical Air Force

412Sqn RCAF

(Earlier accidents in Spitfire Vb BL808 and Spitfire IX BR637)

VZ-JB.88 Heesch, Holland10:55RecceSee archive report for details. Involved in two accidents prior to his loss.

Crashed at Zelham

KilledZelhem General Cemetery. Plot E. Row 2. Grave 14. Also remembered on parents' grave in Lowry Cemetery, Carp, Ontario, Canada

Zelhem General Cemetery (Holland)

Born on the 21st September 1922 in Ontario, Canada. Educated at Kilburn Continuation School. Worked as an office boy in the civil service in Ontario. Enlisted on the 22nd January 1941. Trained at No. 3 Initial Training School, No. 13 Elementary Flying Training School, No. 9 Service Flying Training School. Awarded pilot wings on the 24th October 1941.

Embarked from Canada to England on the 13th October 1941. At no. 3 Personnel Reception Centre on the 23rd November 1941. Further training with No. 57 Operational Training Unit. joined 416 squadron on the 01st October 1942. Served a tour of 30 operational sorties in Malta with 143 squadron. Wounded in combat and sent back to Canada for a leave of 30 days before returning to England. Commissioned on the 19th November 1942. Flying Officer on the 19th June 1943. Flight Lieutenant on the 19th December 1944. Joined 412 squadron on the 25th November 1944. A total of 60 hours of operational sorties.

Son of William Gilmour Anderson (died 1950, age 68) and of Annie Euphie Anderson (nee Ross - died 1968, age 81), of RR No. 1, Woodlawn, Ontario, Canada. Brother of Gilmour Ross (died 19th January 2000, age 84), Hugh Haig (died 2010, age 91), Ethel Beatrice (died 1996, age 83), Margaret Elinor and Marion Elaine. Friend of Miss Edna Wipp of 123 Longthornton Road, Streatham, London SW.16. Epitaph: 'Be Ye Also Ready: For In Such An Hour As Ye Think Not The Son Of Man Cometh'.

262 AndersonT GFlight LieutenantFighter418Sqn RCAF
263 AndersonP JSergeantBomber Command419Sqn RCAF
1942-10-15WellingtonIIIBK270VR-Croft1855KolnCrashed near MonchengladbachKilledRheinberg War Cemetery
264 AndersonN TSergeantBomber Command431Sqn RCAF
1943-12-03HalifaxVLK968SE-PTholthorpe2338LeipzigCrashed near HannoverKilledHannover War Cemetery
265 AndersonClarence WilliamFlight Sergeant409880AustraliaRAAF6 Service Flying Training School RCAF1943-09-30RAAF Honour Roll
266 AndersonJohn LionelSergeant411724AustraliaRAAFHeadquarters Ferry Comd RCAF1942-07-22RAAF Honour Roll
267 AndersonCharles EdwardFlight LieutenantJ1345026th August 1921 in St. Boniface, ManitobaCanadianPilotRCAFBomber Command298Sqn (RAF)

1944.08.06HalifaxVILL3348A:QRAF Tarrant Rushton23:42"Diplomat 9", SOESee Archive report for detailsKiAEssoyes Communal Cemetery.

268 AndersonWilliam AndrewSquadron LeaderC/1099CanadianPilotDFC
RCAFCoastal Command407Sqn RCAF
1942-02-12HudsonVAM712RR-WRAF North Coates12:15Anti-ShippingShot down by intense naval AAA fire during an attack on German warships Prinz Eugen, Scharnhorst and GneisnauKilledRunnymede Memorial, Panel 99. United Kingdom
Accident report
269 AndersonArchibaldSergeantFlight EngineerRAFVRBomber Command408Sqn RCAF
1944-11-02HalifaxVIINP744EQ-X RAF Linton-On-Ouse, North Yorkshire 1618Dusseldorf See archive report for further details InjuredNone - survived the war Read Archive Report
270 AndersonHoward LeroySergeantR193090CanadianAir Gunner (Mid Upper)RCAFBomber Command10Sqn
1943-11-22HalifaxIIJD367ZA:ZRAF Melbourne, Yorkshire16:54BerlinSee archive report for further detailsKiAReishswald Forest War Cemetery. Coll. Grave 26.A.12-14Paradie Archive Database
271 AndersonL RFlight SergeantRCAFBomber Command101Sqn
1942-12-06LancasterIED322SR-THolme on Spalding MoorMannheimCrashed Carmarthen BayKilledRunnymedeParadie Archive DatabaseRead Archive Report
272 AndersonRobert Fred LindsayFlying OfficerJ10415CanadianObserverRCAFBomber Command105 Sqn
1942-11-13MosquitoIVDZ320GB-Marham12:08VlissingenAttacked the "Neumark". Hit by flak and crashed 12:40 near Oostkapelle (Zeeland), HollandKilledFlushing (Vlissingen) Northern Cemetery Row D. Grave 11Paradie Archive DatabaseSon of Fred M. and Irene M. Anderson, of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
273 AndersonS AWarrant Officer Class 2RCAFBomber Command115Sqn
1943-11-18LancasterIIDS680KO-LLittle Snoring1803BerlinCrashed Hermee BelgiumKilledHeverlee War Cemetery BelgiumParadie Archive Database
274 AndersonFWarrant Officer Class 2RCAFBomber Command138Sqn (Special)
1944-03-30HalifaxVLL287NF-STempsfordSOECrashed near Hansweert {Zeeland}KilledRunnymede Paradie Archive Database
275 AndersonW DSergeantRCAFBomber Command14 OTU
1942-09-10HampdenIL4131PL-ACottesmore2020Dusseldorf?KilledReichswald Forest War CemeteryParadie Archive Database
276 AndersonJSergeantRCAFBomber Command142Sqn
1942-08-04WellingtonIVZ1487QT-ZGrimsby2309GardeningCrashed on W coast of FranceKilledNoirmoutier-en-L'ille Paradie Archive Database
277 AndersonJ SSergeantRCAFBomber Command158Sqn
1942-10-13HalifaxIIW7766NP-HEast Moor1829KielCrashed at East Moor on returnDied of Injury 17/10.42York {Fulford}Paradie Archive Database
278 AndersonA ASergeantRCAFBomber Command166Sqn
1944-05-21LancasterIIIND956AS-IKirmington2235DuisburgCrashed Goudriaan {Zuid-Holland}KilledGourdriaan General CemeteryParadie Archive Database
279 AndersonP MFlight LieutenantDFM

RCAFBomber Command207Sqn
1945-04-10LancasterIII ME472EM-OSpilsby1807LeipzigBaled out after aircraft damagedKilledBrussels Town Cemetery Paradie Archive Database
280 AndersonRichard FrankSergeantR83108CanadianPilot (Under training)RCAFBomber Command21OTU
1942-02-06WellingtonIcR1047RAF EdgehillPMBombing trainingSee archive report for detailsKilledMoreton-In-Marsh New Cemetery. Sec. K. Grave 25.Paradie Archive Database
281 AndersonRichard JohnFlight SergeantR/77386Age 23CanadianNavigatorRCAFBomber Command218Sqn
1942-07-02StirlingIN3718HA-CRAF Marham, Norfolk23:25BremenShot down by a Ju88 night fighter of 9./NJG 2Missing - believed killedRunnymede Memorial, Panel 102. United Kingdom.
Accident reportBorn on the 20th April 1919 in Ontario. Enlisted 15th November 1940. Son of James William and Muriel Evelyn Anderson (née Storey - deceased) of 446 Maple Avenue, St. Lambert, Province of Quebec, Canada.
282 AndersonRobert Edward VenningSergeantR/54533CanadianNavigatorRCAFBomber Command218Sqn
1941-04-10WellingtonIcR1442HA-DMarham1930BrestCrashed off BrestKilledBrest (Kerfautras) Cemetery, Plot 40. Row 1. Grave 9. France.
218 Squadron Association
283 AndersonBert OscarSergeantR/155939CanadianAir GunnerRCAFBomber Command218Sqn
1943-07-29StirlingIIIBF578HA-ADownham Market2235HamburgDamaged by flak over target, shot down by a night fighter of NJG3 on return leg. Crashed at Ahrenswohlde.PoW - Interned at Stalag Luft L3 and Stalag IVB.Accident reportCommissioned to Pilot Officer with service number J/99961 following return to UK from captivity in Germany..
284 AndersonJ BSergeantRCAFBomber Command35Sqn (Madras Presidency)
1941-08-24HalifaxIL9572TL-GLinton on Ouse2053DusseldorfCrashed near Chievres BelgiumKilledChievres Communal CemeteryParadie Archive Database
285 AndersonJ BSergeantRCAFBomber Command35Sqn (Madras Presidency)
1941-08-12HalifaxIL9497TL-KLinton on Ouse2125BerlinCrash landed Salhouse NorfolkParadie Archive Database
286 AndersonRobert WilliamFlying OfficerJ/28754Age 20CanadianPilotRCAF126 (RCAF) Wing, No.83 Group, Second Tactical Air Force401Sqn RCAF
1945-04-20SpitfireLF.IXMJ980YO-MB.116 Wunstorf, GermanyPMArmed ReconnaissanceSee archive report for further detailsMissing - believed killedRunnymede Memorial. Panel 278
Paradie Archive DatabaseBorn on the 22nd May 1924 in Vancouver. Educated at Saskatchewan Central Collegiate and Kitsilano Senior High School. A mechanic prior to joining RCAF. Enlisted on the 28th July 1942. P/O. 23rd July 1943 and received his pilots wings. F/O. 23rd January 1944.

Son of William Lloyd Anderson (died 26th February 1967, age 73) and Lilian Grace Anderson (née Cameron - died 24th april 1968, age 79), brother of George Cameron, Clifford Lloyd and Winifred Grace, of 2315 West 18th Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia. Canada.

287 AndersonE ASergeantRCAFBomber Command405Sqn RCAF
1942-07-31HalifaxIIW1109LQ-SPocklington.0036.DusseldorfCrashed near VorstKilledReichswald Forest War CemeteryParadie Archive Database
288 AndersonF R WFlight SergeantR198929RCAFBomber Command405Sqn RCAF
1943-04-06HalifaxIIDT699LQ-GLeeming2042GardeningPresumed crashed in seaKilledRunnymedeParadie Archive Database
289 AndersonG BSergeantRCAFBomber Command405Sqn RCAF
1942-10-06HalifaxIIW7763LQ-OTopcliffe1854OsnabruckCrashed near Prattenburg HollandPoW Paradie Archive Database
290 AndersonJ IFlying OfficerJ17006RCAFBomber Command405Sqn RCAF
1943-07-03HalifaxIIHR813LQ-HGransden LodgeKolnCrashed vicinity Wavre BelgiumPoW Paradie Archive Database
291 Anderson

(note some publications list his name Andersen)

Nels Peter HelinFlight SergeantC9521020th March 1923CanadaAir Gunner (Mid Upper)RCAFBomber Command408Sqn RCAF
1945-02-21Halifax VIINP711EQ:ORAF Linton-On-Ouse, North Yorkshire17:14WormsSee archive report for further detailsKilledRheinberg War Cemetery. Collective grave 18. G.2-5
Courtesy Erik Wieman

Paradie Archive Database
292 AndertonJ ASergeantRCAFBomber Command90Sqn
1944-06-10LancasterIIINE149WP-ATuddenham2313DreuxCrashed at Berou-la-Mulotiere {Eure-et-Loir}KilledBerou-la-Mulotiere Communal Cemetery Paradie Archive Database
293 AndetR JFlight LieutenantPilotDFC

Fighter411Sqn RCAF
1945-02-08SpitfireIXPL430RhubarbAbandoned near Heesch
294 AndetRichard ‘Dick’ JosephFlight LieutenantJ2013613th March 1922 in Lethbridge, AlbertaCanadianPilotDFC

RCAFFighter411 Sqn RCAF
1945-03-03SpitfireLF.IXEMK950DB:GSee Archive report for detailsRAF Digby, Lincolnshire, EnglandArmed ReconnaissanceSee Archive report for detailsMissing - believed killedRunnymede Memorial, Panel 278

Paradie Archive Database

Aircrew Deaths Database
295 AndrewPrentis BlairSergeantR726635 November 1917CanadianWireless Operator/Air GunnerRCAFBomber Command16 OTU
1942-07-28WellingtonICL7894XG:U2Upper Heyford21:57HamburgConed by 1. & 2./Flakscheinw.Abt.119, 1./Flakscheinw.Abt.368 and 4./Flakscheinw.Abt.610, hit by 1. & 3./schw. Flak Abt. 267 (o) (Grossbatterie Wendlohe), 1. & 3./schw. Flak Abt. 162 (Grossbatteroe Steilshoop) and 5./Res. Flak Abt. 165. The aircraft crashed near Line-Schönningstedt at 01:32 hrs. (Nachtjagd Combat Archive (30 May - 31 December 1942) The Early Years Part 3 - Theo Boiten)KilledHamburg Cemetery Plot 5A Row C Grave 3A.Paradie Archive DatabaseSon of Blois H. and Edith Alexandria Andrew, of Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada
296 AndrewGeorge VarnumPilot OfficerJ1907011th January 1923 in Sarnia, OntarioCanadianAir Gunner (Rear)RCAFBomber Command426 (Thunderbird) Sqn, RCAF
1943-12-20LancasterIILL630OW:DLinton on Ouse17:04FrankfurtLL630 was claimed by Lt. Ludwig Wirtz, his 3rd Abschuss, from 3. Luftbeobachter Staffel, over Güls near Koblenz at 5.200m at 20:30 hrs. (Nachtjagd Combat Archive (23 September - 31 December) 1943 Part 3 - Theo Boiten)KilledRheinberg War Cemetery Coll. grave 10.E.9-13
Paradie Archive DatabaseSon of George A.C. and Elizabeth Harriet (née Varnum) Andrew of Sarnia, Ontario, Canada
297 AndrewC MFlying OfficerRCAFBomber Command7Sqn
1944-06-23LancasterIIIND766MG-SOakington2356CoubronneKilledEsquelbecq Military Cemetery Paradie Archive Database
298 AndrewJ FSergeantBomber Command426Sqn RCAF
1944-09-09HalifaxVIINP681OW-JLinton on Ouse621le HavreCrashed at WallingfordKilled
299 AndrewsP CWarrant Officer1316904PilotRAFVRBomber Command405Sqn RCAF
1943-06-24HalifaxIIHR816LQ-C RAF Gransden Lodge, Cambridgeshire 2246Wuppertal See archive report for further information PoW No: 6471 Camp: Sagan and BelariaNone - understood to have survived the war Read Archive Report
300 AndrewsJohn FrenchSergeant Wireless Operator/Air GunnerJ/89901RCAFBomber Command101Sqn
1944-08-12LancasterIIIPB258SR-VRAF Ludford Magna,Lincolnshire2134Braunschweig3 variants for shot down by fighter. One is possibly shot down by night fighter piloted by Lt. Josef F̦örster and crashed at Barver, Germany. See Archive Report for other 2. Crew believes shot down by flakKilledHeverlee War Cemetery Belgium, Joint Grave No. 6.E.8Paradie Archive DatabaseRead Archive Report

Results 251 to 300 of 17905.

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