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NOTE ON DATES: IMPORTANT: For consistency, the Date is given as the date the mission TOOK OFF since the precise time of a loss is not always certain. Take Off date is unambigous and fixed in the official records, but obviously in those cases where the incident occurred before midnight UK time, then the Take Off Date will be the same as the Incident Date. Of course, most Bomber Command missions flew through midnight, therefore a Luftwaffe claim against a plane - or a locally generated crash report - may record the incident as occurring on the day following our Take Off Date. Bear this in mind when cross-referencing to our Luftwaffe Victories by Name/Date Database and other Luftwaffe sources. In some cases other sources may quote the date following our date, using locally generated reports as their source. To add to the potential for confusion, remember to take into account a Luftwaffe recorded date will be in local time, 1 hour ahead of UK time. When we discover a validated Incident Date we change our record if necessary.

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You searched for: “439 sqd rcaf

#Name*First NamesTitleRankRAF Equivalent RankService No.BornNationalityRoleAwardsAir ForceCommandUnitDateofIncident *See NoteAircraftTypeSerialCodeVictories (Fighters)BaseTimeMission                        Incident                        FateCommemoratedPhoto (Click to Expand)Referring Database                        Notes                        Links/Archive Reports
651 BallHarold LesterPilot OfficerJ/93228CanadianPilotRCAFBomber Command76Sqn
1945-02-21Halifax IIINR121MP-EHolme on Spalding Moor1649WormsCrashed at Hohen-Sulzen 10km WSW of WormsKilledRheinberg War Cemetery, Coll. grave 19. B. 18-22., Germany
652 BallH LFlight SergeantRCAFBomber Command76Sqn
1945-01-05Halifax MZ693MP-FCollided with last returned safeParadie Archive Database
653 BallWSergeantBomber Command427Sqn RCAF
1943-02-12WellingtonIIIBJ778ZL-DCroft1726GardeningCrashed Black Intake MoorKilled
654 BallGeorge ESergeantAir Gunner (Mid Upper)Bomber Command434 (Bluenose) Sqn RCAF
1944-08-07HalifaxIIILW176WL:JCroft20:32la Hogue Strong PointOn take off the aircraft swung out of control and hit another Squadron aircraft LK799 WL:E before crashing through a brick wall. No injuries reported.Uninjured
655 BallantyneJames HamiltonFlying OfficerJ/16085 (R/85860)Age 26CanadaPilotDFM

RCAFFighter Command403Sqn RCAF
1944-03-08SpitfireIXMJ876KH-?RAF Kenley, Surrey16:00RangerSee archive report for detailsKilledSt- Andre-De-L'eure Communal Cemetery France . Grave 6Paradie Archive DatabaseBorn on the 14th January 1918 in Ontario. Educated at McMavich Public School and Oakwood Collegiate. Worked as a stock keeper and book keeper for John Hepburn. Enlisted on the 20th December 1940. in Toronto. Wings awarded on the 08th August 1940.

Son of James Harry Hamilton Ballantyne (died 27th November 1971, age 89) and Rebecca Rita Ballantyne (née Baird) - died 25th August 1955, age 69 of Apartment 1529 Bathurst Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

656 BallantyneW BSergeantRCAFBomber Command434Sqn RCAF
1943-10-08HalifaxVLK647IP-CTholthorpe2305Hannover?KilledHamburg (Ohlsdorf) CemeteryParadie Archive Database
657 BallentineR EPilot OfficerRCAFBomber Command434Sqn RCAF
1944-03-18HalifaxVLL178WL-RCroft1834GardeningCrashed ThorodaleKilledHarrogate [Stonefall] CemeteryParadie Archive Database
658 BallingallD LFlight SergeantRCAFBomber Command57Sqn
1942-03-26WellingtonIIIX3665DX-Feltwell1940Essen?KilledReichswald Forest War CemeteryParadie Archive Database
659 BallochJ HPilot OfficerRCAFBomber Command427Sqn RCAF
1943-10-22HalifaxVDK234ZL-ZLeeming1715KasselCrashed near DusseldorfKilledRunnymedeParadie Archive Database
660 BaltzerR LPilot OfficerRCAFBomber Command405Sqn RCAF
1942-06-01HalifaxIIW7713LQ-TPocklington2346EssenCrashed vicinity of KrefeldKilledReichswald Forest War CemeteryParadie Archive Database
661 BalyxG AFlight SergeantRCAFBomber Command425Sqn RCAF
1945-03-18Halifax IIIMZ482KW-GTholthorpe2355WittenCollided with 515 Sqn Mosquito and crashed near Ciney {Namur} Paradie Archive DatabaseFirst French Canadian squadron
662 BambridgeJ HSergeantRCAFBomber Command619Sqn
1943-06-09LancasterIIIEE113PG-Air Test?KilledRunnymedeParadie Archive Database
663 BamfordJFlying OfficerPilotFighter421Sqn RCAF
1944-06-27SpitfireIXMK969Dive BombingCrash landed at VaravillePoW
664 BancescuGWarrant OfficerR107703RCAFBomber Command405Sqn RCAF
1943-05-23HalifaxIIJB896LQ-CGransden Lodge2242Dortmund?KilledRunnymedeParadie Archive Database
665 BandeenW RFlying OfficerRCAFBomber Command405Sqn RCAF
1942-07-31HalifaxIIW7718LQ-TPocklington.0034.DusseldorfCrashed SE of Heppeneert BelgiumPoW Paradie Archive Database
666 BandleLSergeantRCAFBomber Command432Sqn RCAF
1944-03-24HalifaxIIILW593QO-OEast Moor1908BerlinCrashed Target areaKilledBerlin 1939-1945 War CemeteryParadie Archive Database
667 BandurSigmund BernardPilot OfficerJ884136th September 1915 at Broderick, SaskatchewanCanadianNavigatorRCAFBomber Command619Sqn
1944-05-21LancasterINN695PG:XDunholme Lodge22:58DuisburgIt is reported that the aircraft was shot down by an intruder over East Anglia. The aircraft crashed near RAF East Wretham airfield.

Uffz. Eberhard Baier, his 5th Abschuss, from 6./KG51 claimed a Liberator 20 km north of Bury St.Edmunds at 600m at 02:51 hrs. However it was probable that this was Lancaster NN695 (Nachtjagd Combat Archive (12 May 1944 - 23 July 1944) Part 3 - Theo Boiten)
KiABrookwood Military Cemetery Plot 49 Row C Grave 6
Paradie Archive DatabaseSon of Barney and Angela (née Jarva) Bandur from Broderick, Saskatchewan, Canada.

He was promoted to Plt.Off. on the 21st May 1945 , effective 2nd October 1944.
668 BanfordJames GreenwoodFlight LieutenantJ/3725 (R60840)Age 27CanadianPilotRCAFFighter Command411Sqn RCAF
1943-04-14SpitfireVbEN907DB-?RAF Redhill, SurreyPMRhubarbSee Archive Report for detailsKilledBayeux War Cemetery. Grave XXIX K.4
Born on the 24th January 1918 in Edmonton. Educated at westmount High School. Worked as an accountant prior to service. Enlisted on the 21st June 1941 at Edmonton. Trained at Trenton, Ontario, and Maclean, Alberta. A qualified flying instructor. S

Son of William Henry Banford (died 27th March 1929, age 42) Margaret Frances Banford (née Greenwood - died 24th February 1965, age 88), brother of Margaret Emily of 9844-113 Street, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

669 BanksK APilot OfficerRCAFBomber Command15Sqn
1943-07-30StirlingIIIEF427LS-AMildenhall2242RemscheidCrashed near MannheimPoW Paradie Archive Database
670 BanksD EFlying OfficerRCAFBomber Command192Sqn
1945-03-05Halifax IIINR180DT-SFoulsham1716BSFlew into tail of a Lancaster AbandonedPoWParadie Archive Database
671 BanksStirling DavidSergeantR/72892PilotRCAFFighter3Sqn
1942-08-19HurricaneIIcBD867QO-YDieppeSee archive report for detailsKilledAbbeville Communal Cemetery Extension, Plot 7. Row D. Grave 3Paradie Archive DatabaseRead Archive Report
672 BanksAFlight SergeantRCAFBomber Command425Sqn RCAF
1945-03-18Halifax IIIMZ482KW-GTholthorpe2355WittenCollided with 515 Sqn Mosquito and crashed near Ciney {Namur}KilledHotton War CemeteryParadie Archive DatabaseFirst French Canadian squadron
673 BanksL MSergeantRCAFBomber Command428Sqn RCAF
1943-08-17HalifaxVDK230NA-VMiddleton St George2109PeenemundeCrashed in the BalticKilledBerlin 1939-1945 War CemeteryParadie Archive Database
674 BanksVFlying OfficerRCAFBomber Command428Sqn RCAF
1945-04-13LancasterXKB784NA-KMiddleton St George2020KielDitchedPoW Paradie Archive Database
675 BanksH CFlying OfficerBomber Command405Sqn RCAF
1943-05-04HalifaxIIJB897LQ-TGransden Lodge2143DortmundCrash landed near Wyton
676 BanksJFlight SergeantBomber Command424Sqn RCAF
1943-02-24WellingtonXHE369QB-PTopcliffe1820WilhelmshavenCrashed on return to baseKilled
677 BanksJack StandishFlying OfficerJ/15267CanadianPilotDFM
RCAFTraining Command20 (P) AFU (RAF)1943-06-03OxfordIIV3821RAF Kingston Bagpuize10:05TrainingMid air collision with Oxford X6871, both aircraft spun in and burnedKilledKidlington Burial Ground, Sec. B. Grave 15. United Kingdom
Accident report
678 BannerW TSergeantBomber Command428Sqn RCAF
1944-01-20HalifaxVLK739NA-PMiddleton St George1638BerlinEvader
679 BannihirR HFlying OfficerRCAFBomber Command424Sqn RCAF
1944-06-07HalifaxIIILW169QB-LSkipton on Swale532SiracourtCrashed at St-Pol {Pas-de-Calais}KilledSt-Pol War Cemetery Paradie Archive Database
680 BanningJoseph David JamesWarrant Officer Class 1R117093CanadianWireless Operator/Air GunnerRCAFBomber Command429 (Bison) Sqn RCAF
1944-06-08HalifaxIIILW128AL:VLeeming23:15Acherers Rail YardsSee archive report for detailsPoW 204, Stalag Luft VII Bankan near Kruelberg Upper SilesiaParadie Archive Database
681 BanningA E FSergeantBomber Command431Sqn RCAF
1943-12-29HalifaxVLK701SE-LCroftBerlin?KilledHannover War Cemetery
682 BannisterR HFlight SergeantRCAFBomber Command166Sqn
1944-03-30LancasterIIIND798AS-CKirmington2202NurnbergCrashed GriesenbachPoWParadie Archive Database
683 BannisterLorne CrosbySergeantR154600Canadian2nd PilotRCAFBomber Command434 (Bluenose) Sqn RCAF
1944-01-28HalifaxVLL134WL:UCroft23:49BerlinClaimed as a probable by Hptm. Leopold Fellerer, his 26th Abschuss, from Stab II./NJG5 at 03:15 hrs. The aircraft crashed at Perleberg. (Nachtjagd Combat Archive (1 January - 15 March 1944) Part 1 - Theo Boiten)PoW No. 1256, Stalag Luft 6Paradie Archive DatabaseCommissioned and promoted to J85911 Plt Off whilst a PoW
684 BannonCarlin AnthonysergeantR/203391Age 20CanadaAir/GnrRCAFBomber Command22 Operational Training Unit1944-01-30WellingtonIIIDF566Not issued RAF Wellesbourne Mountford, Warwickshire 1924Training See archive report for further details KilledStratford-On-Avon Cemetery Grave. 4210 Paradie Archive Database Read Archive Report
685 BanvilleR TFlying OfficerRCAFBomber Command166Sqn
1944-07-12LancasterILL896AS-RKirmington2125RevignyCrashed at Montiers-sur-Saulx EvaderParadie Archive Database
686 BanvilleJSergeantRCAFBomber Command434Sqn RCAF
1944-10-28HalifaxIIIMZ420WL-FCroft1325KolnCrashed near Linton on OuseParadie Archive Database
687 BanvilleJ I JSergeantBomb AimerBomber Command434 (Bluenose) Sqn RCAF
1944-08-07HalifaxIIILK799WL:ECroft20:32la Hogue Strong PointOn take off the aircraft swung out of control and hit another Squadron aircraft LW176 WL:J before crashing through a brick wall. No injuries reported.Uninjured
688 BarabonoffJoseph AlexandernWO2R/129211Age 20CanadianW/Op/Air GunnerRCAFBomber Reconnaissance Squadron10Sqn (RCAF)1943-10-19B-24 Liberator3701HGander, Newfoundland2216TransportSee archive report for further brief detailsKilledSt. Donat Roman Catholic Cemetery Collective Grave Lot GE 34Son of Alexander and Polly (nee Ziebin) Barabonoff of Whitebeech, Saskatchewan
689 BaralFred LPrivate 1st Class13029108PassengerUSAAFBomber Command419Sqn RCAF
1942-07-06WellingtonIIIX3556VR-LRAF Mildenhall, SuffolkTrainingCrashed near Catworth, HuntingdonshireKilledUS Military Cemetery Cambridge - Grave Reference Plot C. Row 5. Grave 10 Read Archive Report
690 BaranMichaelWarrant Officer Class 1R11735915th April 1908 in Portage La Prairie, ManitobaCanadianWireless Operator/Air GunnerRCAFBomber Command419Sqn RCAF
1944-06-16LancasterXKB734VR:FRAF Middleton St George23:05SterkradeSee Archive Report for detailsKiAAmersfoort (Old Leusden) General Cemetery Plot 13, Row 1, Grave 8
Paradie Archive Database
691 BarbeM JSergeantRCAFBomber Command50Sqn
1943-01-27LancasterIIIED486VN-Skellingthorpe1754DusseldorfCrashed near airfieldKilled Paradie Archive Database
692 BarberJ WSergeantRCAFBomber Command101Sqn
1944-05-24LancasterIDV389SR-XLudford MagnaAachenCrashed OlzheimKilledRheinberg War CemeteryParadie Archive Database
693 BarberBernard HigsonWarrant Officer Class IIR/101359PilotRCAFFighter409Sqn RCAF
1942-12-31BeaufighterVI.FEL184KP-? RAF Coleby Grange, Lincolnshire Not knownTrainingMid air collision with X8192 over Gainsborough, LincolnshireKilledScopwick Church, Lincolnshire. Row 4. Grave 27.Paradie Archive Database Read Archive Report
Nighthawks Story
694 BarberRobert JohnFlying OfficerJ8634221st April 1919 in Uxbridge, Durham, OntarioCanadian2nd-PilotRCAFBomber Command44 Sqn
1944-05-19LancasterIIIND689KM:ODunholme Lodge22:56AmiensCollided with 207 Sqn Lancaster III LM535 (Plt.Off Smart) on run up to the target. WO2 Scott was thrown from the aircraft during the collision. The aircraft crashed into one of the ponds (Long Marshes) around Amiens.

LM535 suffered considerable damage but made a successful emergency landing at RAF Manston with no injuries to the crew.
KilledAbbeville Communal Cemetery Extension Plot 6 Row E Grave 4Paradie Archive DatabaseAdditional information available on request

Son of Elwin A. and Teresa M. (née Stiner) Barber of Toronto, Canada
695 BarberR TSergeantRCAFBomber Command83Sqn
1942-10-13LancasterIR5911OI-CWyton1840Kiel?KilledRunnymedeParadie Archive Database
696 BarberHerbert BoydFlying OfficerJ568617 December 1942CanadianNavigatorRCAFBomber Command83Sqn
1942-07-25LancasterIIR5619OL-SScampton32DuisburgClaim by Lt Rolf Bussmann 9/NJG3 - North Sea West of Bergen op Zoom at 0346KilledRunnymede Memorial Panel 99.Paradie Archive DatabaseSon of Boyd Enby Barber and Adelaide Victoria Barber; husband of Margaret Barber, of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
697 BarberV EWarrant OfficerPilotFighter402Sqn RCAF
698 BarberKenneth PageFlight Sergeant5725271922Air GunnerRAFCoastal Command228Sqn RAF
1942-09-05SunderlandW4032Oban20:40Convoy ProtectionLanded in ocean out of fuel.Killed Age 20Weston Super Mare Cemetery Con. Sec. Grave 3915
Son of Hugh Alister Barber and Nell Page Barber, of Weston-super-Mare.

Onboard were were 10 crew and a journalist Fred NanCarrow from the Glasgow Herald, some say he was investigating the death of the Duke of Kent in a sister Sunderland a week previously at Eagle's Rock. After several hours at sea the giant flying boat turned around for home, but it became apparent that there was insufficient fuel to make it back to Oban. Flying Officer F J Fife of the RCAF decided to put down in the water, on the face of it not a major problem for a flying boat, and take on more fuel. At 8.40pm the Sunderland set down in Vane Bay but hit a rock which ripped the bottom out of the aircraft causing it to start sinking.

An SOS signal resulted in the Tobermory lifeboat setting out to assist the airmen. At the last known position of the Sunderland, all that was found was clothing floating on the surface. An RAF Hudson spotted a dinghy with one man in it off the north coast of Coll. The lifeboat arived but the only people still alive were Flying Officer M E Russell, the co-pilot and Flight Sgt R B H Scroggs. Fife, William Henderson and William Currie were recovered from the water having drowned, the bodies of Charles Castle (Gunner), Victor Ames (Flt Sgt), Kenneth Page (Gunner), Edward Cowan (Radio operator) were recovered later on having died of exposure.
699 BarbourF DFlight SergeantRCAFBomber Command419Sqn RCAF
1942-04-14WellingtonIIIX3484VR-OMildenhall2130Dortmund?KilledRunnymedeParadie Archive Database
700 BarclayR TSgt Pilot1343921RAFVRBomber Command431Sqn RCAF
1943-05-25WellingtonXHE990SE-ZRAF Burn2345DusseldorfCrashed at Venlo, Netherlands - shot down by night fighterPoW No: 60 Camp: Stalag Kopernikus (357)None Read Archive Report

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