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NOTE ON DATES: IMPORTANT: For consistency, the Date is given as the date the mission TOOK OFF since the precise time of a loss is not always certain. Take Off date is unambigous and fixed in the official records, but obviously in those cases where the incident occurred before midnight UK time, then the Take Off Date will be the same as the Incident Date. Of course, most Bomber Command missions flew through midnight, therefore a Luftwaffe claim against a plane - or a locally generated crash report - may record the incident as occurring on the day following our Take Off Date. Bear this in mind when cross-referencing to our Luftwaffe Victories by Name/Date Database and other Luftwaffe sources. In some cases other sources may quote the date following our date, using locally generated reports as their source. To add to the potential for confusion, remember to take into account a Luftwaffe recorded date will be in local time, 1 hour ahead of UK time. When we discover a validated Incident Date we change our record if necessary.

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These are the results of your search:

You searched for: “439 sqd rcaf

#Name*First NamesTitleRankRAF Equivalent RankService No.BornNationalityRoleAwardsAir ForceCommandUnitDateofIncident *See NoteAircraftTypeSerialCodeVictories (Fighters)BaseTimeMission                        Incident                        FateCommemoratedPhoto (Click to Expand)Referring Database                        Notes                        Links/Archive Reports
701 BarclayWilliam ScottFlight SergeantR/69651Age 28CanadianW/Op/Air/GnrRCAFBomber Command15 OTU
1941-10-14WellingtonIcR1783-RAF Mount Farm, OxfordshireNickelSee archive report for further brief detailsKilledBarville Churchyard. Grave 1Paradie Archive DatabaseSon of James Alexander Barclay and Clara Barclay of Toronto, Ontario
702 BarclayPhilip GrimshawSergeantR/80160Age 21CanadianObserverRCAFBomber Command22OTU
1942-05-30WellingtonICR1235OR-ORAF Wellesbourne Mountford, Warwickshire2255KolnSee archive report for further detailsKilledRheinberg War Cemetery. Collective grave 14.C. 15-19

Paradie Archive DatabaseSon of Philip Grimshaw Barclay and Mary Harvey Barclay, of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
703 BarclayW PFlying OfficerRCAFBomber Command419Sqn RCAF
1944-03-13HalifaxIIJD459VR-QMiddleton St George2131le MansCrash landed at base on return Paradie Archive Database
704 BarclayA SFlying OfficerRCAFBomber Command640Sqn
1944-02-19HalifaxIIILV422C8-RLeconfield.0021.LeipzigCrashed at StendalKilledBerlin 1939-1945 War CemeteryParadie Archive Database
705 BarclayPhilip PaulSergeant1386435Flight EngineerRAFVRBomber Command419 (Moose) Sqn, RCAF
1944-07-04LancasterXKB718VR:JRAF Middleton St George21:50VilleneuveSee archive report for detailsEvader
706 BardleyESergeantRCAFBomber Command158Sqn
1942-10-13HalifaxIIW7766NP-HEast Moor1829KielCrashed at East Moor on returnInjuredParadie Archive Database
707 BardourF DSergeantRCAFBomber Command419Sqn RCAF
1942-03-10WellingtonICZ1077VR-PMildenhall1930EssenCrashed on return to base Paradie Archive Database
708 BardwellCharles AlfredFlying OfficerJ/43919Age 21CanadaNavigatorRCAFTraining Command1 Advanced Flying Unit1944-11-13AnsonIAX177Not known RAF Wigtown, Dumfries, Scotland 1928Training See archive report for brief details KilledSt Patricks Churchyard, Jurby, Michael, Isle of Man. Grave 368Paradie Archive Database Read Archive Report
709 BaribeauLeo JosephSergeantR/149418Air GunnerRCAFBomber Command426Sqn RCAF
1943-03-09WellingtonIIIX3284OW-XRAF Dishforth, Yorkshire1832Gardening See archive report for further details Missing - believed killedRunnymede Memorial. Panel 186Paradie Archive Database Read Archive Report
710 BarkerRobert WaltonSergeant989712Flight EngineerRAFVRBomber Command408Sqn RCAF
1943-04-03HalifaxIIHR713EQ:FRAF Leeming19:45EssenSee Archive report for further detailsMiARunnymede Panel 141
711 BarkerMalcolm MellyPilot OfficerJ/95239Age 19CanadianAir Gunner (Mid Upper)RCAFBomber Command12Sqn
1945-03-16LancasterIRF188PH-URAF Whickenby, Lincolnshire17:28NurnbergSee Archive Report for detailsKilledDurnbach War Cemetery. Grave 11.F.26

Paradie Archive DatabaseBorn on the 29th March 1926 in Verdun, Quebec, Canada.Worked for Pratt and Whitney Aircraft. Enlisted on the 26th October 1943

Son of George Alfred (died 19069, age 85) and Susan Maud Barker (née Good - died 1971, age 82), brother of Alan, Pauline and Vera of Pineville, Pinehurst, East Greenfield, Province of Quebec, Canada. Epitaph: 'Always Good, Unselfish And Kind Ever Remembered By Mother, Dad, Brothers & Sisters

712 BarkerHerbertFlying OfficerJ/37212CanadianBomb AimerRCAFBomber Command138Sqn (Special)
1944-05-31HalifaxVLL419NF-VTempsford01:41SOEShot down by a He219 of the 3./NJG 1KilledRunnymede Memorial, Panel 245. United Kingdom
Accident report
713 BarkerJ CSergeantRCAFBomber Command149Sqn (East India)
1943-01-03StirlingIR9334OJ-GTrainingOvershot on return to LakenheathInjuredParadie Archive Database
714 BarkerJ GSergeant1442933RCAFBomber Command149Sqn (East India)
1943-05-01StirlingIIIBK696OJ-LLakenheath2130GardeningAbandoned on returnParadie Archive Database
715 BarkerFrank HarveySergeant PilotR/103678RCAFBomber Command419Sqn RCAF
1943-01-09HalifaxIIW7857VR-OMiddleton St George1632Gardening in the Schiermonnikoog and Simonsand areasShot down over the North Sea by Obit. Hans-Joseph Jabs (1) of 11./NJG1 at 2215hrsKilledRunnymede Memorial Panel 179Paradie Archive DatabaseRead Archive Report
716 BarkerL RSergeantRCAFBomber Command431Sqn RCAF
1944-03-15HalifaxVLL152SE-UCroft1823AmiensReturned to base and rear fuselage destroyed by explosionKilledHarrogate [Stonefall] Cemetery Paradie Archive Database
717 BarkerKenneth HubertFlying OfficerJ/29701Air BomberRCAFBomber Command514Sqn
1944-11-21LancasterIPD265JI-GRAF Waterbeach, Cambridgeshire1228Homberg See Archive report for further details KilledReichswald Forest War Cemetery. Grave 25.G.6. Paradie Archive DatabaseRead Archive Report
718 BarkerM EPilot OfficerJ17650RCAFBomber Command57Sqn
1943-05-13LancasterIW4944DX-Scampton2139PilzenCrashed SW of MeppenKilledReichswald Forest War CemeteryParadie Archive Database
719 BarkerA C SSergeantRCAFBomber Command626Sqn
1944-06-30LancasterIME774UM-L2Wickenby2155VierzonKilledRunnymede Paradie Archive Database
720 BarkerGareth AllanFlight Lieutenant J/13359(Age 22)CanadaPilotRCAFBomber Command305Sqn (Polish)
1945-04-06De Havilland MosquitoF.B.VlHR191A.75 Advanced Landing Ground (Cambrai/Epinoy) RAFAircraft lost whilst attacking Enemy Tramsport in Northern Holland. Location : Germany. Killed on Operational Flight, Becklingen War Cemetery - Soltau, Niedersachsen, Germany. Plot 11, Row B, Grave 5Paradie Archive DatabaseCREW : F/Lt G A Barker; Sgt G E Arthur. Son of Frederick William Barker and Olive Ruth Barker, of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
721 BarkerR BFlight LieutenantPilotFighter412Sqn RCAF
722 BarkerAWing CommanderFighter418Sqn RCAF
1944-05-10MosquitoVINT117IntruderCrashed in English Channel
723 BarkerLesleyFlight Sergeant137938619th August 1920Air Gunner (Mid Upp)RAFVRBomber Command419Sqn RCAF
1943-06-24HalifaxIIJD147VR:CRAF Middleton St George22:40WuppertalSee archive report for detailsPoW 11027, Lazarett 6G
724 BarkerF CSergeantBomber Command427Sqn RCAF
1944-02-25HalifaxIIILK759ZL-ZLeeming2130AugsburgCrashed BeurenKilledKoln-Sud Friedhof
725 BarkerR BFlying OfficerPilotFighter442Sqn RCAF
726 BarkerGerald LouisFlying OfficerJ/20378Age 26CanadianPilotRCAFBomber Command - Middle East458Sqn RAAF. 3 Group
1943-07-21WellingtonXIIIHZ594MD-?Protville, Tunisia2130ShippingSee archive report for further detailsMissing - believed killedMalta Memorial. Panel 10, Column 1

Oleg Marin

Worked for Hudson Bay Mining at Manitoba prior to enlisting. Trained with No. 7 Operational Training Unit. Son of Henry E and Mary Barker of 511 Gertrude Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, and husband of Shirley O. Barker of Niagara Falls, New York State, USA.?

Barker Lake northeast of Waterloo Lake, Manitoba was named after F/O. Gerald Louis Barker in 1969.

727 BarkhouseD FSergeantRCAFBomber Command75Sqn RNZAF
1941-10-15WellingtonIcX9916AA-FeltwellKolnCrashed Koln-WidenKilledRheinberg War CemeteryParadie Archive Database
728 BarkhouseD FSergeantRCAFBomber Command75Sqn RNZAF
1941-09-20WellingtonIcR1518AA-Feltwell1930BerlinCrashed Swanton Abbot NorfolkParadie Archive Database
729 BarkwayP J WFlight SergeantRCAFBomber Command626Sqn
1944-05-03LancasterIDV281UM-D2Wickenby2157Mailly-le-CampCrashed St-remy-sous-Barbuise {Aube}KilledSt-Remy-sous-Barbuise ChurchyardParadie Archive Database
730 BarlowJ PFlight LieutenantRCAFBomber Command419Sqn RCAF
1945-02-04LancasterXKB787VR-MMiddleton St George1723BonnCollided with next and crashed S of Vielsalm [Luxembourg]KilledHotton War CemeteryParadie Archive Database
731 BarlowE SSergeantRCAFBomber Command431Sqn RCAF
1944-05-01HalifaxVLK698SE-NCroft1915TrainingCrashed at Coatham Stob DurhamKilledHarrogate [Stonefall] Cemetery Paradie Archive Database
732 BarlowR MSergeantRCAFBomber Command432Sqn RCAF
1943-09-22WellingtonXLN554QO-Skipton on Swale1902HannoverDitched E of Flamborough HeadKilledRunnymedeParadie Archive Database
733 BarlowG M BFlying OfficerRCAFBomber Command434Sqn RCAF
1945-02-14LancasterXKB741WL-C2Croft1652ChemnitzKilledBerlin 1939-45 War CemeteryParadie Archive Database
734 BarlowPFlying OfficerRCAFBomber Command61Sqn
1944-12-17LancasterIIILM729QR-VSkellingthorpe1640MunchenCrashed near MunchenKilledDurnbach War CemeteryParadie Archive Database
735 BarnardLeonard JosephSergeantR/1175793 Nov 1916, Brooklyn, NY, USAAmericanAir GunnerRCAFBomber Command149Sqn (East India)
1942-10-23StirlingIW7628OJ-BLakenheathGenovaRan out of fuel on the turn leg. Crashed on Rye Street, Cliffe, Kent at 0300 hrs.

Aware that the crew were in difficulties, a local searchlight battery switched on its lights directing the beams towards nearby marshes, but to no avail. At least two cottages bore the brunt of the impact; Miss Delia Batchelor woke to find pieces from her bedroom ceiling on her bed and was then shocked to discover that the outside wall of the room had disappeared. Already, local inhabitants were trying to help but for Mrs Lilian May McPherson, just 21 and the mother of a two-month old baby girl, Diana, it was already too late. Taken from what was left of 3 Rye Street Cottages, to an army medical facility at Cooling Castle she was pronounced dead soon after being admitted. Miraculously, her little girl was found in an alcove, still in her crib, and completely unscathed. Diana was 10 weeks old at the time of the incident. Lilian May McPherson is commemorated on a special memorial in the churchyard along with the names of all the crew killed in the incident
KilledBrookwood Military Cemetery Plot 33 Row E Grave 9
Paradie Archive Database Son of Leonard and Amelia (née Steinhouse) Barnard of Brooklyn, NY. Husband of Alice (née Jackson) Barnard of Brooklyn, NY, USA
736 BarnardDavid RussellWarrant Officer Class 1R9962019th April 1918 in Morris, OntarioCanadianWireless Operator/Air GunnerRCAFBomber Command419 (Moose) Sqn, RCAF
1944-08-25LancasterXKB775VR:YMiddleton St George19:58RusselsheimCollided with 115 Sqn, Lancaster I PD274 and crashed in the target area. While spinning, the aircraft broke up, throwing Fg Off. Witwer clear. The aircraft crashed in a small forest 2 Km west of the village of Unter-Eisesheim. The crew were initially buried in the village cemeteryKilledDurnbach War cemetery Coll. grave 5.H. 16-18Paradie Archive DatabaseCommissioned and promoted to Plt Off. (J92354) with effect 24th August 1944

Son of Edward and Ellen (née Mulligan) Barnard; husband of Lillian Eva (née Losch) Barnard, of Mildmay, Ontario, Canada
737 BarnardW SSergeantRCAFBomber Command420Sqn RCAF
1944-07-19HalifaxIIILK803PT-HTholthorpe1130TrainingKilledHarrogate [Stonefall] Cemetery Paradie Archive Database
738 BarnardA EPilot OfficerPilotFighter402Sqn RCAF
1944-05-21SpitfireVcW3454StrafingCrash landed at HawkingeInjured
739 BarnesA J GFlight SergeantRCAFBomber Command138Sqn (Special)
1944-04-27HalifaxVLL356NF-UTempsfordSOECrashed off Frisian IslandsKilledRunnymede Paradie Archive DatabaseArchive Report
740 BarnesJ F Flight SergeantR150671RCAFBomber Command408Sqn RCAF
1943-03-29HalifaxIIHR654EQ-RLeeming2127BerlinCrashed SSE of FlensburgKilledKiel War CemeteryParadie Archive Database
741 BarnesN EFlight LieutenantRCAFCoastal Command415Sqn RCAF
1944-08-07HalifaxIIILW6866U-East Moor2110CaenCrashed at base on return Paradie Archive Database
742 BarnesWilfred HenryWarrant Officer Class 2R1303956 February 1923 at Sundridge, Parry Sound, Ontario, CanadaCanadianAir GunnerRCAFBomber Command419Sqn RCAF
1944-01-21HalifaxIIIJD420VR-DRAF Middleton St. George, County Durham1946MagdeburgHit by flak. Crashed at Neuenfelde near Elsfleth on the Weser, GermanyPoW No. 270003 Camp: Stalag Mühlberg (Elbe) - 4B Paradie Archive Database Read Archive Report
743 BarnesA CSergeantRCAFBomber Command427Sqn RCAF
1943-12-20HalifaxVLK627ZL-KLeeming1615Frankfurt?PoW Paradie Archive Database
744 BarnesG J LFlight SergeantRCAFBomber Command429Sqn RCAF
1945-02-14Halifax IIIMZ865AL-VLeeming1803GardeningCrashed in sea off Falsterbo LighthouseKilledParadie Archive Database
745 BarnesR HFlying OfficerRCAFBomber Command429Sqn RCAF
1945-01-12Halifax IIINR173AL-DLeeming1718GardeningPoWParadie Archive Database
746 BarnesJ BFlight LieutenantRCAFBomber Command550Sqn
1945-03-24LancasterIPD320BQ-HN Killingholme1251DortmundKilledReichswald Forest War CemeteryParadie Archive Database
747 BarnesR JWarrant OfficerR87330RCAFBomber Command75Sqn RNZAF
1943-04-16StirlingIW7469AA-ONewmarket2217MannheimCrashed at KatzenbachKilledRheinberg War CemeteryParadie Archive Database
748 BarnesL GFlight LieutenantPilotFighter402Sqn RCAF
1945-02-21SpitfireXIVRM839RecceAbandoned near Holtern
749 BarnesSSergeantPilotFighter403Sqn RCAF
1943-10-03SpitfireIXMA648Ramrod 259Crashed near RoyePoW
750 BarnesSSergeantBomber Command426Sqn RCAF
1943-08-17LancasterIIDS674OW-Linton on Ouse2127Peenemunde?KilledRunnymede

Results 701 to 750 of 17903.

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