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NOTE ON DATES: IMPORTANT: For consistency, the Date is given as the date the mission TOOK OFF since the precise time of a loss is not always certain. Take Off date is unambigous and fixed in the official records, but obviously in those cases where the incident occurred before midnight UK time, then the Take Off Date will be the same as the Incident Date. Of course, most Bomber Command missions flew through midnight, therefore a Luftwaffe claim against a plane - or a locally generated crash report - may record the incident as occurring on the day following our Take Off Date. Bear this in mind when cross-referencing to our Luftwaffe Victories by Name/Date Database and other Luftwaffe sources. In some cases other sources may quote the date following our date, using locally generated reports as their source. To add to the potential for confusion, remember to take into account a Luftwaffe recorded date will be in local time, 1 hour ahead of UK time. When we discover a validated Incident Date we change our record if necessary.

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You searched for: “439 sqd rcaf

#Name*First NamesTitleRankRAF Equivalent RankService No.BornNationalityRoleAwardsAir ForceCommandUnitDateofIncident *See NoteAircraftTypeSerialCodeVictories (Fighters)BaseTimeMission                        Incident                        FateCommemoratedPhoto (Click to Expand)Referring Database                        Notes                        Links/Archive Reports
801 BartlettChristopher SmalesWing Commander39928Age 26CanadaPilotDFC

RCAFBomber Command434Sqn RCAF
1944-06-12HalifaxIIILW173WL-KRAF Croft, County Durham2244ArrasPossible claim by Lt. Heinz Altner 8/NJG5 - Lens area either at 01:39 or 01:41 hrs.KilledCalais Canadian War Cemetery. Plot 4, Row G, Grave 10
John Jones Jarrold

Son of Christopher Pennycuick Bartlett and Dora Margaret Bartlett (née Smales), of Fort Qu'Appelle, Saskatchewan, Canada. Bartlett Lake in Saskatchewan named after him. Grave inscription: 'To All The World He Was But One, To Us He Was All The World'.

DFC Citation: Flight Lieutenant Christopher Smales Bartlett of 216 Squadron. One night in May, 1941, this officer carried out a flight which necessitated transporting a party of Royal Engineers and landing them beside a highly strategical railway bridge which it was intended to destroy. Much of the complete success of this daring and difficult operation can be attributed to the skill displayed by this officer. Flight Lieutenant Bartlett has also executed eleven successful night raids.

Bar to DFC: Acting Wing Commander Christopher Smales Bartlett, DFC of 434 (RCAF) Sqn. In the course of his second tour of operations this officer has attacked many strongly defended targets, including several attacks on Berlin and numerous others on industrial centres in the Ruhr. He is a forceful and courageous leader whose example has inspired all.

Information courtesy John Jones March 2021.

802 BartlettF ASergeantBomber Command434Sqn RCAF
1943-08-30HalifaxVLK894IP-KTholthorpe2348MonchengladbachCrashed at Kessenich BelgiumKilledHeverlee War Cemetery Belgium
803 BartleyHugh JFlying OfficerJ17039CanadianPilotRCAFBomber Command128 Sqn
1944-09-16MosquitoXXKB210MS:PWyton00:29BraunschweigBelieved crew were forced to bail out (engine failure) above Liège at 00:29 hrs.InjuredParadie Archive Database
804 BartleyF WFlight SergeantBomber Command424Sqn RCAF
1944-02-15HalifaxIIIHX311QB-ASkipton on Swale1721BerlinCrashed at AhrensfeldeKilledBerlin 1939-1945 War Cemetery
805 BartmanG HWarrant OfficerR103506RCAFBomber Command102Sqn (Ceylon)
1943-04-20HalifaxIIHR712DY-Pocklington2134StettinCrashed Nyborg DenmarkKilledNyborg New Cemetery DenmarkParadie Archive Database
806 BartmanLloyd WallaceWarrant Officer Class 2R92543CanadianWireless Operator/Air GunnerRCAFBomber Command7 Sqn
1943-04-14StirlingIIIBK769MG:GRAF Oakington, Cambridgeshire21:17StuttgartSee archive report for further informationKilledDurnbach War Cemetery. Grave 9.D. 22Paradie Archive Database
807 BartonR JFlying OfficerRCAFBomber Command166Sqn
1944-02-24LancasterIME641AS-BKirmington2000SchweinfurtCollided with 460Sqn Lancaster & crashed Market Rasen LincsKilledHarrogate [Stonefall] CemeteryParadie Archive Database
808 BartonHugh HartilFlying OfficerJ/25015PilotRCAFBomber Command23 OTU (Operational Training Unit - 91 Group)1943-11-09WellingtonIIIX3932WE-PRAF Pershore1838Training exercise Aircraft malfunction - see archive report KilledPershore Cemetery, Worcestershire. Plot Q. Grave 38Paradie Archive Database Read Archive Report
809 BartonT GFlight SergeantRCAFBomber Command425Sqn RCAF
1944-07-28HalifaxIIIMZ641KW-KTholthorpe2205HamburgKilledRunnymede Paradie Archive DatabaseFirst French Canadian squadron
810 BartonV ASergeantRCAFBomber Command429Sqn RCAF
1944-02-19HalifaxVLK662AL-QLeeming2317LeipzigPoWParadie Archive Database
811 BartonW KSergeantBomber Command408Sqn RCAF
1943-01-29HalifaxIIHR662EQ-HLeeming1656Lorient?KilledGuidel Communal Cemetery
812 BartramE GSergeantBomber Command428Sqn RCAF
1943-09-22HalifaxVLK914NA-KMiddleton St George1831Hannover?PoW
813 BartyWilliam Edward HeatonPilot Officer187752Air Gunner (Mid Upper)RAFVRBomber Command429 (Bison) Sqn RCAF
1944-12-06HalifaxIIIMZ463AL:JRAF Leeming, North Yorkshire16:19OsnabruckSee Archive report for detailsMissingRunnymede Memorial, Panel 210.
814 BartyW E HFlight SergeantBomber Command429Sqn RCAF
1944-09-17HalifaxIIIMZ900AL-KLeeming714BoulogneDitched off French Coast
815 BarzeeleC SWarrant Officer Class 2RCAFBomber Command431Sqn RCAF
1944-05-12HalifaxIIIMZ629SE-BCroft2147LeuvenCrashed Waterloo {Brabant}Evader Paradie Archive Database
816 BasarabLSergeantRCAFBomber Command408Sqn RCAF
1944-11-21HalifaxVIINP810EQ-HLinton on Ouse1520Castrop-RauxelKilledReichswald Forest War CemeteryParadie Archive Database
817 BastableVernon JamesWarrant Officer Class 2R/953132 Dec 1914 in Winnipeg, CanadaCanadianPilotRCAFBomber Command156Sqn
1942-09-19WellingtonIIIBJ883GT-WarboysSaarbruckenConed by searchlights in the Abbeville area and hit by Flak. Abandoned near Abbeville time unknownPoW No. 27139 Stalag 344 Lamsdorf Paradie Archive Database WO Bastable was captured in the Rouen area in Sep 1942 and was held in various PoW camps. He made his first attempt to escape in May 1943. whilst with a working party at Metsdorf. Sudetenland, having obtained civilian clothes from the Czechoslovakias. His true identity was discovered and he was returned to Stalag 344. He then decided to make an immediate attempt to escape in an Army uniform. He cut the wires of a second floor window and timing his action to miss the guards, he jumped clear and escaped. He travelled in the direction of Prague but after three days he was discovered by some German civilians. He was handed over to the authorities and sent to a Gestapo prison where he was kept for 14 days in solitary confinement. He was sent back to Stalag Luft 344 and spent a further 10 days in solitary confinement. In Oct 1943. He made another attempt to escape by means of an emergency ladder in the main shaft of a coal mine in which he was working. He gained his liberty for 2 days after which he was recaptured by German police in company with a Czechoslovakia Air Force Sgt. He made another attempt to escape from Stalag 344 but was recaptured and returned to camp. He and the same Czechoslovakia Sgt. finally escaped in Oct 1944 by jumping from the roof cf their billets over the fence and proceeding into some woods nearby. Here they were assisted by Czechoslovakia civilians. They eventually made contact with the Czechoslovakia underground with arms and ammunition and took part in many operations. destroying railways, bridges, road Docks, and electrical installations. The Czechoslovakia Sgt. was captured again and has not been heard of since. WO Bastable continued serving in the underground movement until he was liberated by the Russians in May 1945.
818 BastableHarold DenisFlying OfficerJ27478CanadianNavigatorRCAFBomber Command640 Sqn
1944-06-07HalifaxIIILK866C8:LRAF Leconfield00:24VersaillesSee archive report for detailsPoW, 78378 Buchenwald, PoW No. 8927 Stalag Luft 3Paradie Archive Database
819 BastenHenry GeorgeSergeant1399763Flight EngineerRAFVRBomber Command408Sqn RCAF
1944-02-24LancasterIIDS844EQ-XRAF Linton-on-Ouse, Yorkshire2048Schweinfurt See archive report for further information KilledDurnbach War Cemetery Durnbach, Germany. Grave 7.A.13 Read Archive Report
820 BastianPeter SpencerPilot Officer126739Wireless OperatorBomber Command429Sqn RCAF
1942-12-21WellingtonIIIDF624AL-East MoorTrainingThe crew were undertaking a training flight from their base at East Moor and while the a/c was close to the North Yorkshire Moors the a/c suffered an electrical failure which caused the propellers on both engines to go into a fully fine pitch. This then caused the engines to over-rev and eventually to overheat. Fearing he was loosing control of the a/c the captain ordered his five crew to abandon the a/c, this was done successfully. The pilot and rear gunner received slight injuries on landing, the pilot suffered his injuries after landing on a fence. The a/c crashed near Kirkby, a few miles south of Stokesley and was destroyed. RAF East Moor took charge of the crash site; they sent transport to collect the crew, put a guard on the a/c and destroyed secret equipment it was carrying. (References- Aircraft Accidents in Yorkshire)Survived - Killed in Action 26 March 1943429 Sqn Wellington MS487
821 BastianPeter SpencerPilot Officer126739Wireless Operator/Air GunnerRAFVRBomber Command429Sqn RCAF
1943-03-26WellingtonXMS487AL-CEast Moor1932DuisburgHome bound was hit by flak, which damaged the port engine, fuel tanks and flying controls. Crashed at 2230 hours on an estate known as De Raaphorst, 3 km SE of Wassenaar (Zuid Holland). Claimed by 2. & 3./Marine-Flak-Abteilung 816 (Nachtjagd Combat Archives 1943 Part 2 - Theo Boiten)KilledThe Hague (Westduin) General Cemetery, Allied plot, Row 2, Grave 41
822 BatchelorR HSergeant1299738Bomber Command408Sqn RCAF
1943-03-27HalifaxIIBB332EQ-HLeeming2000BerlinCrashed Blindberg SwedenInterned
823 BateA JFlying OfficerRCAFBomber Command101Sqn
1944-06-11LancasterIPB692SR-K2Ludford Magna1200GelsenkirchenCrashed at Wanne-EickelKilledReichswald Forest War CemeteryParadie Archive Database
824 BatemanJ RFlight SergeantRCAFBomber Command100Sqn
1943-12-16LancasterIIIJB674HW-QGrimsby1611BerlinCollided with next and crashed near Grimsby LincsKilledParadie Archive Database
825 BatemanD WFlying OfficerRCAFBomber Command158Sqn
1945-02-23Halifax IIIPN380NP-MLissett1200EssenLost without traceKilledRunnymedeParadie Archive Database
826 BatemanA LSergeantRCAFBomber Command419Sqn RCAF
1943-03-01HalifaxIIDT641VR-RMiddleton St George1850BerlinPresumed crashed in seaKilledRunnymedeParadie Archive Database
827 BatesAlbertPilot Officer175422Flight EngineerRAFVRBomber Command429 Sqn RCAF
1944-05-24HalifaxIIILW137AL:KRAF Leeming, Yorkshire22:53AachenSee Archive report for further detailsKilledJonkerbos War Cemetery. Grave 24.J.7
828 BatesDavid HendersonFlight SergeantR1315519th March 1920 in Magrath, AlbertaCanadianPilotRCAFBomber Command428 (Ghost) Sqn RCAF
1943-07-29HalifaxVDK239NA:QMiddleton St George22:23HamburgSee Archive report for detailsKilledBecklingen War Cemetery. Grave 14.C.13Paradie Archive Database
829 BatesL SSergeantRCAFBomber Command428Sqn RCAF
1943-08-23HalifaxVDK267NA-HMiddleton St George2025BerlinAbandoned near Annelov SwedenPoW Paradie Archive Database
830 BatesJ DSergeantRCAFBomber Command431Sqn RCAF
1944-02-19HalifaxVLK964SE-TCroft2336LeipzigKilledBerlin 1939-1945 War CemeteryParadie Archive Database
831 BatesJ ESergeantBomber Command408Sqn RCAF
1944-03-30LancasterIILL633EQ-LLinton on Ouse2204NurnbergCrashed GerolzhofenPoW
832 BatesE W HSergeantBomber Command429Sqn RCAF
833 BatesJSergeant353790Bomber Command429Sqn RCAF
1943-03-05WellingtonIIIBJ755AL-East Moor1918EssenCrashed almost at onceInjured
834 BatesRaymond LeonardSergeant1600459Age 21W/op/Air/GnrRAFVRBomber Command431Sqn RCAF
1944-02-25HalifaxVLK705SE-XRAF Croft, Yorkshire2027GardeningSee archive report for further brief detailsKilledEsbjerg (Fourfelt) Cemetery, Denmark. Collective grave A.8.24-25Son of John and Hilda Alice Bates, of Porchester, Fareham, Hampshire, England
835 BatkinW CFlight Sergeant656918Bomber Command419Sqn RCAF
1943-07-13HalifaxIIBB323VR-RMiddleton St George2256AachenCrashed near Venlo HollandKilledJonkerbos War Cemetery
836 BattC SFlight SergeantBomber Command420Sqn RCAF
1944-07-28HalifaxIIIMZ645PT-NTholthorpe2237HamburgCrashed at EstorfPoW Attacker Klaus Möller
837 BattensbyKennethMstrCivilianNoneBystander - childCivilianBomber Command433Sqn RCAF
1944-05-08HalifaxIIIMZ828BM-H RAF Skipton-on-Swale, Yorkshire 1038St-Leu See Archive report for further details KilledSkipton on Swale Churchyard Read Archive Report
838 BattersHarold MarkFlight SergeantR/95487PilotRCAFFighter Command401Sqn RCAF
1942-12-04SpitfireIXBS277YO-?RAF Biggin Hill, KentPMRodeoSee other archive report for a few detailsKilledLonguenesse Souvenir Cemetery (St. Omer). Plot 8. Row A. Grave 6Paradie Archive DatabaseRead Archive Report
839 BattertonJ MSergeantRCAFBomber Command419Sqn RCAF
1943-08-17HalifaxIIJD163VR-NMiddleton St George2125PeenemundeDitched off Happisburgh NorfolkKilledRunnymedeParadie Archive Database
840 BattlerRalph OscarSergeantR20589330th January 1925 in Kitchener, OntarioCanadianAir Gunner (Rear)RCAFBomber Command420Sqn RCAF
1945-03-05Halifax IIINA190PT:URAF Tholthorpe16:29ChemnitzSee archive report for detailKilledHarrogate (Stonefall) Cemetery - Sec. H. Row H. Grave 11.
Paradie RCAF Database
841 BattsDWarrant Officer Class 2RCAFBomber Command44Sqn
1943-08-31LancasterIIIED665KM-LDunholme Lodge2011BerlinCrashed at SchonebeckKilledBerlin 1939-1945 War CemeteryParadie Archive Database
842 BattyF WFlight SergeantR132193RCAFBomber Command35Sqn (Madras Presidency)
1943-06-11HalifaxIIDT805TL-YGraveley2315MunsterCrashed at Selhem HollandPoWParadie Archive Database
843 BattyArchie VerdunFlying OfficerJ2118213th March 1916 in Limerick, SaskatchewanCanadianBomb AimerRCAFBomber Command428 (Ghost) Sqn, RCAF
1944-10-14LancasterXKB780NA:TMiddleton St George05:58DuisburgThe aircraft disintegrated in mid-air scattering small pieces over a wide area. The wreckage falling in the of area Wasserbau und Schffahrtsamt, Emmerichsrstraße and the Rhine Herne Canal.KilledRheinberg War Cemetery Coll.Grave 13.F. 19-23
Paradie Archive DatabaseSon of Samuel and Agnes Jane (née Maxwell) Batty; husband of Avelin Evonne Batty, of Indian Head, Saskatchewan, Canada
844 BattyESergeant1111947Bomber Command431Sqn RCAF
1943-06-22WellingtonXHE394SE-VBurn2319MulheimCrashed near MonchengladbachKilledRheinberg War Cemetery
845 BatyW JFlight SergeantRCAFBomber Command408Sqn RCAF
1945-02-02Halifax VIINP757EQ-BLinton on Ouse2010Wanne-EickelAbandoned and crashed near North WithamParadie Archive Database
846 BauerW FFlight SergeantRCAFBomber Command425Sqn RCAF
1942-10-24WellingtonIIIBJ958KW-NElsham WoldsTransitCrashed near High Hunsley YORKSKilledDishforth Paradie Archive DatabaseFirst French Canadian squadron
847 BauerLouis Walter AllanFlying Officer437247AustraliaRAAF15 Service Flying Training School RCAF1944-08-28RAAF Honour Roll
848 BaulfI H WSergeantRNZAFBomber Command424Sqn RCAF
1943-02-20WellingtonIIIBK435QB-UTopcliffe1742GardeningCrashed in North Sea off TexelKilledRunnymede
849 BaumW G RFlying OfficerRCAFBomber Command427Sqn RCAF
1943-08-23HalifaxVDK184ZL-Leeming2052BerlinCrashed near GermandorfKilledBerlin 1939-1945 War CemeteryParadie Archive Database
850 BaumannG RPilot OfficerRCAFBomber Command431Sqn RCAF
1944-07-28HalifaxIIIMZ859SE-ACroft2232HamburgCrashed at DeichhausenKilledKiel War CemeteryParadie Archive Database

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