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19,427 Entries in Allied Air Forces Graves in Europe Managed by CWGC (excluding British)
The CWGC manages thousands of Allied graves across the world. This database includes Air Force graves in Europe from many Allied nations, excluding British graves which are presented in other databases on this site. Proper use of the Search function will yield interesting results.

Personnel from these nations are included in this database: Australia, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Greece, India, Italy, Netherlands (Holland), New Zealand, Norway, Poland, South Africa, USA.

Countries where graves are located: Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Gibraltar, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russian Federation, Romania, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Republic of Ireland (Eire), United Kingdom (Great Britain).

Source for Data: acknowledgement and thanks to CWGC with enhancements added by Aircrew Remembered editors.

Examples: If you want to see all Polish graves in France search for 'Poland and France'
New Zealand graves in Denmark search for '(New Zealand) and Denmark'
Other databases with relevant data:
Allied Aircrew Deaths and Resting Places - 120,000 entries
Runnymede Memorial Database - 23,000+ entries
Malta Memorial Database

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You searched for: “new zealand

#Name*First Names*InitialsService NumberAgeDateofBirthAwardsDateOfDeath*RankServiceUnitAircraftAllegianceCountry of MemorialCemeteryPhotoNotes
101 UnderwoodJohn MichaelJ M427237321943-09-28SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air ForceNew ZealandUnited KingdomBath (Haycombe) Cemetery, Plot 39. Sec. H. Row B. Grave 258.Son of Frank and Frances Underwood; husband of Doris Underwood, of Tauranga, Auckland, New Zealand.
102 FranklinDennis AnthonyD A4216041301945-04-09Flight SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air ForceNew ZealandUnited KingdomBath (Haycombe) Cemetery, Plot 39. Sec. H. Row D. Grave 243.Son of Charles Stanley Franklin, and of May Franklin (nee Williams); husband of Muriel Franklin, of Miramar, Wellington, New Zealand.
103 LethabyAlbert HenryA H42173323DFC1945-08-11Pilot OfficerRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force182Sqn (RAF)New ZealandUnited KingdomBath (Haycombe) Cemetery, Plot 39. Sec. H. Row D. Grave 251.Son of Thomas James Lethaby and of Mary Lethaby (nee Reeves), of Kensington, Otago, New Zealand.
104 BrowneBarry StewartB S43458201945-03-22Flight SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air ForceNew ZealandUnited KingdomBath (Haycombe) Cemetery, Plot 39. Sec. H. Row D. Grave 259.Son of Norman S. S. Browne and Evelyn Browne, of New Plymouth, Taranaki, New Zealand.
105 GledhillAlbert William ConradA W C4214048211945-03-02Flight SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force691Sqn (RAF)New ZealandUnited KingdomBath (Haycombe) Cemetery, Plot 39. Sec. H. Row E. Grave 244.Son of Clarance Conrad Gledhill, and of Louisa Catherine Mary Gledhill (nee Stent), of Petone, Wellington, New Zealand.
106 TrousdaleRichard MacklowR M241426DFC and Bar1947-06-16Squadron LeaderRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air ForceNew ZealandUnited KingdomBath (Haycombe) Cemetery, Plot 39. Sec. H. Row F. Grave 243.Son of Archibald and Clarice Rebecca Trousdale, of Howick, Auckland, New Zealand; husband of Dorothy Christine Trousdale, of Howick.
107 MillerLeonardL2451271946-01-02Flight LieutenantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force74Sqn (RAF)New ZealandUnited KingdomBath (Haycombe) Cemetery, Plot 39. Sec. H. Row F. Grave 245.Son of Mathew and Leonora Miller.
108 BurtonOwen AlbertO A422256201943-11-25Flight SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air ForceNew ZealandUnited KingdomBath (Haycombe) Cemetery, Plot 51. Sec. H. Row P. Grave 246.Son of Evelyn Margaret Burton and stepson of Charles Gordon Marks, of Auckland City, New Zealand.
109 HarrisRichard JamesR J415530351944-07-07Flight SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force179Sqn (RAF)New ZealandUnited KingdomBath (Haycombe) Cemetery, Plot 51. Sec. H. Row R. Grave 240.Son of Alfred and Harriet Elizabeth Harris, of Wadestown, Wellington, New Zealand.
110 HeaysIan RichardI R415532221943-09-21Flight SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force53Sqn (RAF)New ZealandUnited KingdomBath (Haycombe) Cemetery, Plot 51. Sec. H. Row S. Grave 249.Son of Robert John and Beatrice Sommerville Heays. of Tutira, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand.
111 HampshireAllan FrederickA F427446201944-10-31Flight SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air ForceNew ZealandUnited KingdomBath (Haycombe) Cemetery, Plot 51. Sec. H. Row T. Grave 237.Son of Frederick Ivo Hampshire and of Rose Edith Hampshire (nee Gadd), of Tauranga, Auckland, New Zealand.
112 McmillanLyell ArvieL A427294231944-08-31Flight SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force595Sqn (RAF)New ZealandUnited KingdomBath (Haycombe) Cemetery, Plot 51. Sec. H. Row T. Grave 238,.Son of Albert Arvie McMillan and Olive Maud McMillan, of Southbridge, Canterbury, New Zealand.
113 MacdonaldNeil Evan McleodN E M42427231944-12-28Warrant OfficerRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force33Sqn (RAF)New ZealandUnited KingdomBath (Haycombe) Cemetery, Plot 51. Sec. H. Row V. Grave 236.Son of Neil and Victoria MacDonald, of Invercargill, Southland, New Zealand.
114 McauleyHenry BruceH B421281221944-07-15Flight SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force172Sqn (RAF)New ZealandUnited KingdomBath (Haycombe) Cemetery, Plot 51. Sec. H. Row V. Grave 240.Son of Henry McAuley, and of Annie McAuley (nee Teal), of Newton, Auckland, New Zealand.
115 EdmondsRobert FergusonR F413254281943-06-12Flight SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force487SqnNew ZealandFranceBayeux War Cemetery, Coll. grave XXVIII. J. 16-19.Son of John Waterhouse Edmonds and of Flora Rose Edmonds (nee McLennan), of Te Kawa, Auckland, New Zealand.
116 SecordRonald WilliamR W404098211943-06-12Warrant OfficerRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force487SqnNew ZealandFranceBayeux War Cemetery, Coll. grave XXVIII. J. 16-19.Son of Percy and Winifred Secord, of Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand.
117 BrewerGordon WilliamG W41219628DFC1943-06-12Flying OfficerRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force487SqnNew ZealandFranceBayeux War Cemetery, Coll. grave. XXVIII. J. 16-19.Son of William Brewer and of Alice Maud Brewer (nee Sims), of Papatoetoe, Auckland, New Zealand.
118 BonischLester LascellesL L422098211944-06-11Pilot OfficerRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force75Sqn (RAF)New ZealandFranceBayeux War Cemetery, XI. K. 2.Son of Ernest Joseph and Clara Adelaide Bonisch, of Gisborne, Auckland, New Zealand.
119 MckenzieJohn Murdoch ThomasJ M T427217271944-06-11Flight SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force75Sqn (RAF)New ZealandFranceBayeux War Cemetery, XI. K. 3.Son of Pte. John Murdock McKenzie, Wellington Regt., N.Z.E.F. (killed in France, 19th October, 1916) and Ivy Winifred McKenzie, of Levin, Wellington, New Zealand.
120 MillerJames StuartJ S427220331944-06-11Flight SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force75Sqn (RAF)New ZealandFranceBayeux War Cemetery, XI. K. 4.Son of James White Miller and of Ida Miller (nee Campbell), of Broad Bay, Otago, New Zealand.
121 ShearerJames MaxwellJ M415721211944-05-07Flight LieutenantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force576Sqn (RAF)New ZealandFranceBayeux War Cemetery, XXIX. H. 21-26 (Coll.)Son of Walter Herbert and Clara Elsie Shearer, of Napier, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand.
122 FinlowJackJ40561241944-07-26Warrant OfficerRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force13Sqn (RAF).New ZealandItalyBeach Head War Cemetery, Anzio, Coll. grave XVIII. J. 7-10.Son of John Henry and Elizabeth Goodison Finlow, of Auckland City, New Zealand.
123 AllwrightPeter FrancisP F429023201944-05-24Flight SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force70Sqn (RAF).New ZealandItalyBeach Head War Cemetery, Anzio, XIX. G. 3.Son of Robert Sydney and Doris Nina Pauline Allwright, of Wellington City, New Zealand.
124 GawithArnoldA422385241944-05-24Flight SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force70Sqn (RAF).New ZealandItalyBeach Head War Cemetery, Anzio, XXII. G. 2.Son of Frederick Gawith and of Mary Ann Gawith (nee Black), of Hawera, Taranaki, New Zealand.
125 WaakaTiongaT425007231944-05-24Flight SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force70Sqn (RAF).New ZealandItalyBeach Head War Cemetery, Anzio, XXII. G. 3.Son of Te Wiremu Waaka and Ngahina Northcroft, of Whakarewarewa, Rotorua, Auckland, New Zealand.
126 PritchardArthur PatnellA P391365201940-12-18Pilot OfficerRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force99Sqn (RAF)New ZealandUnited KingdomBeck Row (St. John) Churchyard, Row A. Grave 7.Son of Arthur John and Ethel Louise Pritchard, of Wanganui, Wellington, New Zealand.
127 NicolJack NapierJ N403625281942-07-16Flight SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force149Sqn (RAF)New ZealandUnited KingdomBeck Row (St. John) Churchyard, Row B. Grave 10.Son of John and Annie Nicol, of Napier, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand.
128 CatoMalcolm VernonM V392015241942-07-16SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force149Sqn (RAF)New ZealandUnited KingdomBeck Row (St. John) Churchyard, Row B. Grave 11.Son of Anson Hutchison Cato and Netty Frances Louisa Cato (nee Hooper), of Te Kaha, Auckland, New Zealand.
129 JohnsonHenry PeterH P41481241942-07-16SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force149Sqn (RAF)New ZealandUnited KingdomBeck Row (St. John) Churchyard, Row B. Grave 8.Son of Henry Peter Johnson and of Ellen Isabella Johnson (nee Craig), of Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand.
130 PoleLeslie ErnestL E39882261942-07-16SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force149Sqn (RAF)New ZealandUnited KingdomBeck Row (St. John) Churchyard, Row B. Grave 9.Son of Ernest and Margaret Pole, of Mount Eden, Auckland City, New Zealand.
131 DreaverBruce ColinB C4091622DFC1943-08-13Pilot OfficerRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force49Sqn (RAF)New ZealandUnited KingdomBeck Row (St. John) Churchyard, Row D. Grave 11.Son of Andrew James Dreaver and the Hon. Mary M. Dreaver, M.B.E., M.L.C., J.P., of Auckland City, New Zealand.
132 MorrisonWilliam HughW H423162311943-09-24Flight SergeantRAAF Royal Australian Air ForceAustraliaUnited KingdomBeck Row (St. John) Churchyard, Row E. Grave 1.Son of Hugh Carlton Morrison and Margaret Morrison; husband of Beryl Rose Morrison, of Hamilton, Auckland, New Zealand.
133 JoblinFrederick John LeighF J L417063251943-05-24SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force75Sqn (RAF)New ZealandNetherlandsBeesd General Cemetery, Coll. grave 1-2.Son of Frederick Leigh Joblin and Ivy Joblin, of Morere, Poverty Bay, New Zealand; husband of Mary Esther Joblin, of Gisborne, Auckland, New Zealand.
134 TietjensStephen MuirS M415640261943-05-24SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force75Sqn (RAF)New ZealandNetherlandsBeesd General Cemetery, Coll. grave 1-2.Son of John Christopher and Margaret Bremner Tietjens, of Auckland City, New Zealand.
135 TurnbullGeorge WatsonG W421342241943-05-24SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force75Sqn (RAF)New ZealandNetherlandsBeesd General Cemetery, Coll. grave 1-2.Son of Charles Le Masurier Turnbull and of Myrtle Victoria Turnbull (nee Dement), of Wellington City, New Zealand.
136 HarrowbyIan GordonI G403777211941-11-07Flight SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force99Sqn (RAF)New ZealandNetherlandsBeilen General Cemetery, Plot A. Grave 4.Son of George Alfred Harrowby and of Mary Harrowby (nee Gordon) of Auckland City, New Zealand.
137 DeveryKeith ThomasK T416683201943-05-15SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air ForceNew ZealandUnited KingdomBelfast (Milltown) Roman Catholic Cemetery, Sec. A. Row L.G. Grave 40.Son of Edward Francis and Grace Mildred Devery, of Auckland City, New Zealand.
138 DyerLloyd SydneyL S415185271943-03-05SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air ForceNew ZealandUnited KingdomBelfast City Cemetery, Glenalina Extn. Sec. A.S. Grave 10.Son of Henry and Mary Dyer, of Wellington City, New Zealand.
139 RattrayWilliam RussellW R41938221942-03-11Pilot OfficerRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force231Sqn (RAF)New ZealandUnited KingdomBelfast City Cemetery, Glenalina Extn. Sec. A.S. Grave 120.Son of George James Rattray and Helen Inglis Rattray, of Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand.
140 HunterHarold EricH E402060251942-03-16Flying OfficerRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force57Sqn (RAF)New ZealandUnited KingdomBelfast City Cemetery, Glenalina Extn. Sec. A.S. Grave 127.Son of Eric Douglas and Rose Amelia Hunter; husband of Maire Ethel Hunter, of Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand.
141 CasserleyNorman JamesN J415515241943-04-08SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air ForceNew ZealandUnited KingdomBelfast City Cemetery, Glenalina Extn. Sec. A.S. Grave 13.Son of John Casserley and of Margaret Casserley (nee Montgomery), of Kaiapoi, Canterbury, New Zealand.
142 ChapmanHerbert James MarriottH J M414588251943-04-08Flying OfficerRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air ForceNew ZealandUnited KingdomBelfast City Cemetery, Glenalina Extn. Sec. A.S. Grave 14.Son of Percival James Chapman and J essie Beatrice Ella Chapman, of Spreydon, Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand.
143 WytkinMerle NoelM N416036211943-04-08Flying OfficerRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air ForceNew ZealandUnited KingdomBelfast City Cemetery, Glenalina Extn. Sec. A.S. Grave 15.Son of Esidor John Wytkin and of Mary Josephine Wytkin (nee Willis), of Egmont Village, Taranaki, New Zealand.
144 StrachanJames ShermanJ S391122311943-04-08Flying OfficerRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air ForceNew ZealandUnited KingdomBelfast City Cemetery, Glenalina Extn. Sec. A.S. Grave 16.Son of Sherman Strachan and of Henrietta Maud d'Oyly Strachan (nee Bayfeild), of Westport, Nelson, New Zealand.
145 DavisArthur ReginaldA R414730241943-05-15SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air ForceNew ZealandUnited KingdomBelfast City Cemetery, Glenalina Extn. Sec. A.S. Grave 19.Son of Charles Albert and Minnie Davis, of Invercargill, Southland, New Zealand; husband of Lorraine Muriel Davis, of Levin, Wellington, New Zealand.
146 GriersonJohn AlexanderJ A405256211941-12-07Pilot OfficerRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air ForceNew ZealandUnited KingdomBenson (St. Helen) Churchyard Extension, Row D. Grave 10.Son of Charles Kirkpatrick Grierson and Elsie Vera Grierson, of Parnell, Auckland, New Zealand.
147 HeffernanNeville AlexanderN A423669231945-01-28Flying OfficerRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force489SqnNew ZealandNorwayBergen (Mollendal) Church Cemetery, Joint grave D. 10.Son of Martin Bernard and May Matilda Heffernan (nee McLeod), of Auckland City, New Zealand.
148 LeslieRaymond William GibsonR W G415702241945-01-28Warrant OfficerRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force489SqnNew ZealandNorwayBergen (Mollendal) Church Cemetery, Joint grave D. 10.Son of Richard Sheridan and Catherine Leslie (nee Gibson), of Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand.
149 MillerDonaldD404617321942-09-17Flight SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force15 O.T.U.New ZealandNetherlandsBergen General Cemetery, Plot 1. Row A. Grave 13.Son of Stanley Napier Miller and Florence Amy Miller, of Hamilton, Auckland, New Zealand.
150 SchofieldSiddle HenryS H404950221942-07-28SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force107Sqn (RAF).New ZealandNetherlandsBergen General Cemetery, Plot 1. Row B. Grave 22.Son of Charles James Schofield and of Elsie Schofield (nee Siddle), of Norsewood, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand.
151 ScraggReuben ActonR A401413241942-03-09Flight SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force12Sqn (RAF)New ZealandNetherlandsBergen General Cemetery, Plot 1. Row D. Grave 7.Son of Harold and Mary Scragg, of Napier, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand; husband of Esther Dorothy Scragg, of Napier.
152 HerbertGeorge AlexanderG A401763231941-08-12Flight LieutenantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force139Sqn (RAF).New ZealandNetherlandsBergen General Cemetery, Plot 1. Row E. Grave 24.Son of Frank and Eva Emma Herbert, of Hamilton, Auckland, New Zealand.
153 CampbellDaniel McleanD M40189251941-05-11Pilot OfficerRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force15SqnNew ZealandNetherlandsBergen General Cemetery, Plot 2. Row B. Grave 14.Son of Robert William and Ellen Campbell.
154 LucasEric RussellE R391860261941-05-11SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force15SqnNew ZealandNetherlandsBergen General Cemetery, Plot 2. Row B. Grave 15.Son of Frank U. and Rose Lucas, of Waitara, Taranaki, New Zealand.
155 StrangEvan RankinE R413718261943-06-23Pilot OfficerRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force427Sqn (RCAF)New ZealandNetherlandsBergen General Cemetery, Plot 2. Row D. Grave 24.Son of Thomas Rankin Strang and of Daisy Hannah Strang (nee Elerig), of Invercargill, Southland, New Zealand.
156 NorthcoatDouglas HaigD H4137731943-06-23Flight SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force427Sqn (RCAF)New ZealandNetherlandsBergen General Cemetery, Plot 2. Row D. Grave 26.
157 GallJohnJ41647620DFC1944-06-01Flying OfficerRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force161Sqn (RAF)New ZealandNetherlandsBergen-op-zoom Canadian War Cemetery, 10. F. 11.Son of John and Madge Gall, of Maza, North Dakota, U.S.A.
158 CookAndrew Harry TheodoreA H T400580251941-11-08SergeantRAAF Royal Australian Air ForceAustraliaNetherlandsBergen-op-zoom Canadian War Cemetery, 6. E. 12.Son of Michael and Emily Maud Cook, of Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand.
159 MalcolmsonGeorge KeithG K414315291945-02-08Flight LieutenantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force2Sqn (RAF)New ZealandNetherlandsBergen-op-zoom Canadian War Cemetery, 6. F. 1.Son of Robert Gavin Malcolmson and Margaret Jane Malcolmson, of Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand; husband of Ena Wynne Malcolmson, of Riccarton, Christchurch.
160 HiltonFrederickF4133024DFC1943-06-25Flight LieutenantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force7Sqn (RAF)New ZealandNetherlandsBergen-op-zoom Canadian War Cemetery, 6. F. 10.Son of James Hilton and of Frances Elsie Hilton (nee Verney), of Coventry, England.
161 GrayTrevor HedleyT H404356271941-11-07SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force75Sqn (RAF)New ZealandNetherlandsBergen-op-zoom Canadian War Cemetery, 8. H. 2.Son of Royden Arthur and Daisy Lennox Gray, of New Plymouth, Taranaki, New Zealand; husband of Doreen Gray, of New Plymouth.
162 BlackJohn WilliamJ W402843271941-11-07Flight SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force75Sqn (RAF)New ZealandNetherlandsBergen-op-zoom Canadian War Cemetery, Coll. Grave 8. H. 3-7.Son of Allan and Elizabeth Welsh Black, of Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand.
163 LloydEricE402197281941-11-07Pilot OfficerRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force75Sqn (RAF)New ZealandNetherlandsBergen-op-zoom Canadian War Cemetery, Coll. Grave 8. H. 3-7.Son of Samuel Edgar Lloyd and of Lilian May Lloyd (nee Toms), of Fordell, Wellington, New Zealand.
164 TennantPhilip AtholP A425771301945-03-20Warrant OfficerRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force7Sqn (RAF)New ZealandNetherlandsBergen-op-zoom War Cemetery, 13. A. 12.Son of David Thomas Tennant and Emily J. Tennant; husband of Margaret A. Tennant, of Westport, Nelson, New Zealand.
165 PenmanAlexander MitchellA M416154231944-10-21Flying OfficerRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force75Sqn (RAF)New ZealandNetherlandsBergen-op-zoom War Cemetery, 13. B. 8.Son of John Penman and of Martha Penman (nee Davie), of Ashburton, Canterbury, New Zealand.
166 MathesonFarquhar DuncanF D392057261943-07-26Flying OfficerRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force77Sqn (RAF)New ZealandNetherlandsBergen-op-zoom War Cemetery, 14. B. 7.Son of Farquhar Matheson and of Norah Matheson (nee McAllum), of New Plymouth, Taranaki, New Zealand.
167 CookseyJames BrettJ B416460231943-06-24Flight SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force75Sqn (RAF)New ZealandNetherlandsBergen-op-zoom War Cemetery, 14. C. 1.Son of Thomas Brett Farmer Cooksey and of Annie Elizabeth Cooksey (nee Ball), of Mangawhare, Auckland, New Zealand.
168 OdowdAlbert WilliamA W41544251942-06-09SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force75Sqn (RAF)New ZealandNetherlandsBergen-op-zoom War Cemetery, 14. C. 6.Son of William Charles and Florence Louise ODowd, of Romford, Essex.
169 McfarlandRobert Louis AndrewR L A411422201942-10-25SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force115Sqn (RAF)New ZealandNetherlandsBergen-op-zoom War Cemetery, 20. A. 2.Son of Charles Louis McFarland and of Letitia McFarland (nee Trevarthen), of Auckland City, New Zealand.
170 MurdochGraham EdwardG E411927261942-06-09Pilot OfficerRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force75Sqn (RAF)New ZealandNetherlandsBergen-op-zoom War Cemetery, 20. A. 7.Son of Arthur Opua Murdoch and of Louisa Murdoch (nee Strickland), of Wellington City, New Zealand.
171 RobsonEdgar LesterE L412903271943-06-22Pilot OfficerRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force428Sqn (RCAF)New ZealandNetherlandsBergen-op-zoom War Cemetery, 25. A. 1.Son of Herbert and Eveline Robson, of Wanganui, Wellington, New Zealand.
172 RobinsonColin HarbenC H41578625DFC1943-06-22Pilot OfficerRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force158Sqn (RAF)New ZealandNetherlandsBergen-op-zoom War Cemetery, 25. B. 2.Son of Walter Francis Robinson and Emily Robinson, of Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand.
173 EllisWilliam TidswellW T413703271943-06-22Pilot OfficerRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force428Sqn (RCAF)New ZealandNetherlandsBergen-op-zoom War Cemetery, 25. C. 8.Son of William and Ethel May Ellis, of Auckland City, New Zealand; husband of Daisy Ellis, of Auckland City.
174 PearceColin ReesC R41467122DFM1943-06-22Pilot OfficerRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force428Sqn (RCAF)New ZealandNetherlandsBergen-op-zoom War Cemetery, 27. A. 3.Son of Alfred Herbert and Ivy Catherine Elizabeth Pearce, of Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand.
175 TateMaurice VareyM V41611281942-09-10SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force218Sqn (RAF)New ZealandNetherlandsBergen-op-zoom War Cemetery, 3. C. 7.Son of Varey Clifton Tate and of Mary Tate (Nee Gaustad), of Waitara, Taranaki, New Zealand; husband of Hilda Lilian Tate, of New Plymouth, Taranaki.
176 GrahamRaymond EdgarR E404483211942-09-10SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force218Sqn (RAF)New ZealandNetherlandsBergen-op-zoom War Cemetery, 3. C. 8.Son of Francis Alexander Graham and Jeannie Graham, of Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand.
177 FotheringhamRobert Ewen ErnestR E E391833291941-07-16SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force75Sqn (RAF)New ZealandNetherlandsBergen-op-zoom War Cemetery, 30. A. 3.Son of John and May Fotheringham, of Takapuna, Auckland, New Zealand.
178 ShepherdLeonard ClarenceL C403994291942-12-17Flight SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force218Sqn (RAF)New ZealandNetherlandsBergen-op-zoom War Cemetery, 32. A. 10.Son of Bernard and Nellie Shepherd, of Paraparaumu, Wellington, New Zealand.
179 KirkcaldieNorman Mervyn KebbellN M K401315231941-05-09Pilot OfficerRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air ForceNew ZealandNetherlandsBergen-op-zoom War Cemetery, 32. C. 2 (Coll.)Son of Norman Kirkcaldie and of Marjorie Grace Kirkcaldie (nee Kebbell), of Ohau, Wellington, New Zealand.
180 WilsonGraham RobertG R40953201941-03-20SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force82Sqn (RAF)New ZealandNetherlandsBergen-op-zoom War Cemetery, 32. C. 8.Son of Robert Wilson and of Hilda Nadine Wilson (nee Hobson), of Wellington City, New Zealand.
181 WarnerTimothy WilliamT W414363251943-05-03SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force487SqnNew ZealandNetherlandsBergen-op-zoom War Cemetery, 33. B. 3.Son of Wilfred Warner and of Mary Warner (nee OLeary), of Motueka, Nelson, New Zealand.
182 SteadAllan BennettoA B41199624DFC1945-01-06Flight LieutenantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force485SqnNew ZealandNetherlandsBergen-op-zoom War Cemetery, 4. A. 6.Son of Allan Stead and of Jane Isabella Stead (nee Bennetto), of Wellington City, New Zealand.
183 MallonThomas AlexanderT A415348301945-03-12Pilot OfficerRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force488SqnNew ZealandNetherlandsBergen-op-zoom War Cemetery, 4. A. 7.Son of Alexander and Dora Mallon, of New Plymouth, Taranaki, New Zealand.
184 BrockGeorge HerbertG H429138221945-03-12Pilot OfficerRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force488SqnNew ZealandNetherlandsBergen-op-zoom War Cemetery, 4. A. 8.Son of George Alfred and Amy L. S. Brock, of Palmerston North, Wellington, New Zealand.
185 MatthewsFrancis CharlesF C4211615201945-01-06Pilot OfficerRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force485SqnNew ZealandNetherlandsBergen-op-zoom War Cemetery, 4. A. 9.Son of Charles and H. F. Matthews, of Palmerston North, Wellington, New Zealand.
186 YeomanKenneth HarryK H41389251942-10-25SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force115Sqn (RAF)New ZealandNetherlandsBergen-op-zoom War Cemetery, 4. D. 3.Son of Harry Bertram Yeoman and of Hildred Agnes Yeoman (nee Parker), of Wellington City, New Zealand.
187 SkinnerPhillip HolmesP H41498211943-03-12Flight SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force149Sqn (RAF)New ZealandNetherlandsBergh (Beek) Roman Catholic Churchyard, Coll. grave 3-8.Son of Vincent Victor and Ada Skinner, of Invercargill, Southland, New Zealand.
188 CattoStuart GeorgeS G426149211944-09-01Flight SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force226Sqn (RAF)New ZealandFranceBezinghem Churchyard, Son of John Catto and of Pearl Catto (nee Hellier), of Otikerama, Southland, New Zealand.
189 BurmanDennis CecilD C404889231944-08-16Warrant OfficerRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air ForceNew ZealandFranceBiache-st. Vaast Communal Cemetery, Grave 3.Son of Cecil Richard and Nellie Burman, of Invercargill, New Zealand.
190 HolderRobertR391356231940-10-26SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force151Sqn (RAF)New ZealandUnited KingdomBidford-on-avon Burial Ground, Grave 217.Son of Charles and Kate Holder, of Broom.
191 HealdKenneth FentonK F404359241942-04-29Flying OfficerRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force57Sqn (RAF)New ZealandFranceBievres Communal Churchyard, Grave 14.Son of Harold Fenton Heald and L. Gwendolyn Heald, of Hastings, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand.
192 BolandThomas LindsayT L41566261942-08-20SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force61Sqn (RAF).New ZealandSpainBilbao British Cemetery, Plot 2. Row A. Coll. grave 6-11.Son of Thomas James Boland and Elizabeth Earl Boland, of Napier, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand.
193 StangerNoel MizpahN M39943241941-02-15SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force235Sqn (RAF)New ZealandUnited KingdomBilton (St. Mark) Churchyard, Block 1. North of church. Grave 4.Son of Peter Gorie Stanger and Millicent Mabel Stanger, of Oamaru, Otago, New Zealand.
194 FlemingJames AlexanderJ A402454311942-01-26Flight SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force12Sqn (RAF)New ZealandUnited KingdomBinbrook (St. Mary) Churchyard, Son of John Thomas Fleming and of Mary Fleming (nee McBride), of Lauder, Otago, New Zealand.
195 O'Connell (Oconnell)Carroll FrederickC F402210231942-01-10Flight Sergeant RNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force 12Sqn (RAF)New ZealandUnited Kingdom Binbrook (St. Mary) Churchyard, Son of Charles Underwood O'Connell and Daisy O'Connell, of Tahunanui, Nelson, New Zealand.
196 ReynoldsVernon SinclairV S40742251940-12-29Pilot OfficerRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air ForceNew ZealandUnited KingdomBirmingham (Lodge Hill) Cemetery, Plot 21B. Joint grave 18669.Son of Edward and Helen Barbara Reynolds, of Lower Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand.
197 AllenRalph NormanR N40124724DFM1942-01-30Pilot OfficerRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air ForceNew ZealandUnited KingdomBlack Bourton (St. Mary) Churchyard, Row E. Grave 2.Son of Arthur Joseph Allen and of Gertrude Howe Allen (nee Provo), of Duneedin, Otago, New Zealand.
198 WarnockJohn MervynJ M402231261942-04-08Pilot OfficerRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air ForceNew ZealandUnited KingdomBlack Bourton (St. Mary) Churchyard, Row E. Grave 2.Son of John Alfred and Margaret Frances Warnock, of Woodville, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand.
199 SmithJohn AlexanderJ A413496191942-07-11SergeantRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air ForceNew ZealandUnited KingdomBlack Bourton (St. Mary) Churchyard, Row G. Grave 4.Son of Thomas Charles Smith and of Annie Smith (nee Taylor), of Dannevirke, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand.
200 MoffatJoseph RaymonJ R424871251945-04-13Pilot OfficerRNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force145SqnNew ZealandItalyBologna War Cemetery, III, A, 4.Son of The Hon. William Moffat, M.L.C., and of Kathleen Moffat (nee McGlone), of Palmerston North, Wellington, New Zealand.

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