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# | Nazwisko/ Name | Imie/ First Names | Stopien/ Rank | Service Number | Specjalnosc/ Trade | Odznaczenia/ Honours | Przydzial/ Unit | DataZgonu /DateDeath | Code | Wiek/ Age | Data Urodzenia/ Born | Miejsce Birthplace | ******************Notatka/Notes****************** | ******************Photo****************** | Links |
1 | Barzdo | Władysław | st.sierż. / Sgt | 782464 | Mechanik pokładowy | Krzyż Walecznych (x2) | 138 Sqd RAF | 1943-09-17 | † | 27 | 1916-01-24 | Podbrodzie | Ur. w m. Święciny woj. wileńskie. – W roku 1933 wstąpił do SPLdM w Bydgoszczy, którą ukończył w 1936 jako mechanik samolotowy i został przydzielony do 1PL w Warszawie. Brał czynny udział w kampanii wrześniowej w 1939 roku w ramach „Brygady Bombowej”. Przez Rumunię i Francję przedostał się do W. Brytanii. Po przeszkoleniu technicznym został skierowany do 315DM jako mechanik silnikowy.- Ochotniczo zgłosił się do służby w personelu latającym i w styczniu 1943 roku rozpoczął szkolenie na mechanika pokład., które ukończył w marcu 1943 r. dnia 7 maja 1943 otrzymał przydział do 138DS RAF. „Halifax”-BB309- lot do Polski z rzutami broni i amunicji – zestrz. przez JU88 nad wyspą Sjealand (Dania). Samolot spadł na zabudowania farmy zabijając pięciu jej mieszkańców. Z załogi zginęli: por. Wincenty S Wasilewski, st.sierż. Władysław Barzdo, plut. Julian Michalski i kpr. Władysław S Patlewicz. W niem. szpitalu zmarł z ran sierż.pil. Eugeniusz P Kasprzak. Uratowali się: sierż. Roman Puchała i sierż.pil. Tadeusz Miecznik, który zbiegł i wrócił do W. Brytanii w grudniu 1943 r. Added by Stefan Pietrzak Youngs: 1943-09-17 Halifax BB309 NF-T, took off Tempsford 18:29. Dropped 2nd Lt M.Kryszezukajtis and B.Augustyn at SOE Neon dropping zone Obraz 108 in Poland and on its return flight Halifax attacked by Pilot Leutnant Richard Burdyna, Bordward. Obergefreiter Leo Klotz and Bordfunker Obergefreiter Fritz Merten in Ju 88C-6 night fighter of 11./NJG 3, guided onto the Halifax by radar station Seehund based at Tybjerg. The intercept was made even though the Halifax was at tree-top height, estimated at 200 ft. Pilot F/S Tadeusz Miecznik PAF tried to crashland tat 04:45 hours but hit a house which started a fierce fire. 11 sleeping in the house which the Halifax hit, 3 adults and 2 children died in the fire. Rear gunner AG Sgt Roman Puchala managed to safely exit unharmed but was soon captured by the Germans. He was sent to Dulag Luft in Oberursel for interrogation, then to Stalag Luft VI Gross Tychow and later to Stalag 357 Thorn/Fallingbostel. FE Sgt Wladyslaw Barzdo PAF, Navigator F/Lt Wizenty Wasilewski PAF, Wop F/S Julian Michalski PAF and Air Gnr.Sgt Wladyslaw Patlewicz PAF were all killed and buried in Slaglille cemetery at 3AM 18 September 1943 along with Co-pilot Sgt Eugeniusz Kasprzak who had been taken to Ringsted hospital but had died from his wounds later the same day. Pilot F/S Tadeusz Miecznik had been brought to Ringsted hospital suffering from a broken arm and leg. On 7 Nov 1943 at 22:00 Marius Petersen and Jørgen Wibolt helped him escape through a window in his room. Taken to København and after two days sailed to Sweden by Erling Kiær. JU 88 had been hit by return-fire and circled the area at very low level. Went into trees in Bjernede Skov forrest, crashed at 04:47 hours. The pilot died outright and the two crew members died later on the same day in Ringsted hospital. | Kracker Luftwaffe Archive Burdyna Allied Losses and Incidents Database BB309 |
2 | Kasprzak | Eugeniusz Piotr | plut./F/Sgt | 783202 | Pilot | Medal Lotniczy (x2) | 138 Sqd | 1943-09-17 | † | 21 | 1922-01-08 | Lublin | 1943 zginął – RAF 138DB „Halifax”-BB309- lot do Polski z rzutami broni i amunicji – zestrz. przez JU88 nad wyspą Sjealand (Dania). Samolot spadł na zabudowania farmy zabijając pięciu jej mieszkańców. Z załogi zginęli: por. Wincenty S Wasilewski, st.sierż. Władysław Barzo, plut. Julian Michalski i kpr. Władysław S Patlewicz. W niemieckim szpitalu zmarł z ran sierż.pil. Eugeniusz P Kasprzak. Uratowali się: sierż. Roman Puchała i sierż.pil. Tadeusz Miecznik, który zbiegł i wrócił do W. Brytanii w grudniu 1943 roku. - pil. Eugeniusz Kasprzak pochowany w wspólnym grobie w Slaglille, 2 mile od Soro (Wyspa Zelandia, Dania) Added by Stefan Pietrzak Youngs: 1943-09-17 Halifax BB309 NF-T, took off Tempsford 18:29. Dropped 2nd Lt M.Kryszezukajtis and B.Augustyn at SOE Neon dropping zone Obraz 108 in Poland and on its return flight Halifax attacked by Pilot Leutnant Richard Burdyna, Bordward. Obergefreiter Leo Klotz and Bordfunker Obergefreiter Fritz Merten in Ju 88C-6 night fighter of 11./NJG 3, guided onto the Halifax by radar station Seehund based at Tybjerg. The intercept was made even though the Halifax was at tree-top height, estimated at 200 ft. Pilot F/S Tadeusz Miecznik PAF tried to crashland tat 04:45 hours but hit a house which started a fierce fire. 11 sleeping in the house which the Halifax hit, 3 adults and 2 children died in the fire. Rear gunner AG Sgt Roman Puchala managed to safely exit unharmed but was soon captured by the Germans. He was sent to Dulag Luft in Oberursel for interrogation, then to Stalag Luft VI Gross Tychow and later to Stalag 357 Thorn/Fallingbostel. FE Sgt Wladyslaw Barzdo PAF, Navigator F/Lt Wizenty Wasilewski PAF, Wop F/S Julian Michalski PAF and Air Gnr.Sgt Wladyslaw Patlewicz PAF were all killed and buried in Slaglille cemetery at 3AM 18 September 1943 along with Co-pilot Sgt Eugeniusz Kasprzak who had been taken to Ringsted hospital but had died from his wounds later the same day. Pilot F/S Tadeusz Miecznik had been brought to Ringsted hospital suffering from a broken arm and leg. On 7 Nov 1943 at 22:00 Marius Petersen and Jørgen Wibolt helped him escape through a window in his room. Taken to København and after two days sailed to Sweden by Erling Kiær. JU 88 had been hit by return-fire and circled the area at very low level. Went into trees in Bjernede Skov forrest, crashed at 04:47 hours. The pilot died outright and the two crew members died later on the same day in Ringsted hospital. | Kracker Luftwaffe Archive Burdyna Allied Losses and Incidents Database BB309 |
3 | Michalski | Julian | plut./F/Sgt | 793235 | Strzelec pokładowy | Virtuti Militari 8458 Krzyż Walecznych (x2) Medal Lotniczy (x2) | 304DB 138 Sqd RAF | 1943-09-17 | † | 35 | 1908-07-12 | Radom | – RAF 138Sqn. „Halifax”-BB309- lot do Polski z rzutami broni i amunicji – zestrz. przez JU 88 nad wyspą Sjealand (Dania) Samolot spadł na zabud. farmy zabijając pięciu jej mieszk. Z załogi zginęli: por. Wincenty S Wasilewski, St.sierż. Barzo, plut. Julian Michalski i kpr. Władysław S Patlewicz. W niem. szpitalu zmarł z ran sierż.pil. Eugeniusz P Kasprzak. Uratowali się: sierż. Roman Puchała i sierż.pil. Tadeusz Miecznik, który zbiegł i wrócił do W. Brytanii w grudniu 1943 roku - plut. J. Michalski pochowany w wspólnym grobie w Slaglille 2 mile od Soro, Dania) Added by Stefan Pietrzak Youngs: 1943-09-17 Halifax BB309 NF-T, took off Tempsford 18:29. Dropped 2nd Lt M.Kryszezukajtis and B.Augustyn at SOE Neon dropping zone Obraz 108 in Poland and on its return flight Halifax attacked by Pilot Leutnant Richard Burdyna, Bordward. Obergefreiter Leo Klotz and Bordfunker Obergefreiter Fritz Merten in Ju 88C-6 night fighter of 11./NJG 3, guided onto the Halifax by radar station Seehund based at Tybjerg. The intercept was made even though the Halifax was at tree-top height, estimated at 200 ft. Pilot F/S Tadeusz Miecznik PAF tried to crashland tat 04:45 hours but hit a house which started a fierce fire. 11 sleeping in the house which the Halifax hit, 3 adults and 2 children died in the fire. Rear gunner AG Sgt Roman Puchala managed to safely exit unharmed but was soon captured by the Germans. He was sent to Dulag Luft in Oberursel for interrogation, then to Stalag Luft VI Gross Tychow and later to Stalag 357 Thorn/Fallingbostel. FE Sgt Wladyslaw Barzdo PAF, Navigator F/Lt Wizenty Wasilewski PAF, Wop F/S Julian Michalski PAF and Air Gnr.Sgt Wladyslaw Patlewicz PAF were all killed and buried in Slaglille cemetery at 3AM 18 September 1943 along with Co-pilot Sgt Eugeniusz Kasprzak who had been taken to Ringsted hospital but had died from his wounds later the same day. Pilot F/S Tadeusz Miecznik had been brought to Ringsted hospital suffering from a broken arm and leg. On 7 Nov 1943 at 22:00 Marius Petersen and Jørgen Wibolt helped him escape through a window in his room. Taken to København and after two days sailed to Sweden by Erling Kiær. JU 88 had been hit by return-fire and circled the area at very low level. Went into trees in Bjernede Skov forrest, crashed at 04:47 hours. The pilot died outright and the two crew members died later on the same day in Ringsted hospital. | Slaglille Denmark | Kracker Luftwaffe Archive Burdyna Allied Losses and Incidents Database BB309 |
4 | Miecznik | Tadeusz | st.sierż./W/O | 793802 | Pilot | Virtuti Militari 11563 Krzyz Walecznych (x3) Medal Lotniczy (x2) Odznaka Za Rany i Kontuzje (Wound Badge) | 304DB 138 Sqd SOE | 1995-03-21 | + | 1915-02-25 | Gołąbki | 17.09.1943 – RAF 128 Sqn. „Halifax”-BB309- lot do Polski z rzutami broni i amunicji – zestrz. przez JU88 nad wyspą Sjealand (Dania ). Samolot spadł na zabudowania farmy zabijając pięciu jej mieszkańców. Z załogi zginęli: por. Wincenty S Wasilewski, st.sierż. Władysław Barzo, plut. Julian Michalski i kpr. Władysław S Patlewicz. W niem. szpitalu zmarł z ran sierż.pil. Eugeniusz P Kasprzak. Uratowali się: sierż. Roman Puchała i sierż.pil. T. Miecznik, zbiegł i wrócił do W. Brytanii w grudniu 1943 roku- zmarł w Adelaide 5000 South Australia -brak danych. Added by Stefan Pietrzak Youngs: 1943-09-17 Halifax BB309 NF-T, took off Tempsford 18:29. Dropped 2nd Lt M.Kryszezukajtis and B.Augustyn at SOE Neon dropping zone Obraz 108 in Poland and on its return flight Halifax attacked by Pilot Leutnant Richard Burdyna, Bordward. Obergefreiter Leo Klotz and Bordfunker Obergefreiter Fritz Merten in Ju 88C-6 night fighter of 11./NJG 3, guided onto the Halifax by radar station Seehund based at Tybjerg. The intercept was made even though the Halifax was at tree-top height, estimated at 200 ft. Pilot F/S Tadeusz Miecznik PAF tried to crashland tat 04:45 hours but hit a house which started a fierce fire. 11 sleeping in the house which the Halifax hit, 3 adults and 2 children died in the fire. Rear gunner AG Sgt Roman Puchala managed to safely exit unharmed but was soon captured by the Germans. He was sent to Dulag Luft in Oberursel for interrogation, then to Stalag Luft VI Gross Tychow and later to Stalag 357 Thorn/Fallingbostel. FE Sgt Wladyslaw Barzdo PAF, Navigator F/Lt Wizenty Wasilewski PAF, Wop F/S Julian Michalski PAF and Air Gnr.Sgt Wladyslaw Patlewicz PAF were all killed and buried in Slaglille cemetery at 3AM 18 September 1943 along with Co-pilot Sgt Eugeniusz Kasprzak who had been taken to Ringsted hospital but had died from his wounds later the same day. Pilot F/S Tadeusz Miecznik had been brought to Ringsted hospital suffering from a broken arm and leg. On 7 Nov 1943 at 22:00 Marius Petersen and Jørgen Wibolt helped him escape through a window in his room. Taken to København and after two days sailed to Sweden by Erling Kiær. JU 88 had been hit by return-fire and circled the area at very low level. Went into trees in Bjernede Skov forrest, crashed at 04:47 hours. The pilot died outright and the two crew members died later on the same day in Ringsted hospital. | Kracker Luftwaffe Archive Burdyna Allied Losses and Incidents Database BB309 |
5 | Patlewicz | Władysław Stanisław | kpr./Sgt | 780909 | Strzelec pokładowy | Krzyz Walecznych (x2) Medal Lotniczy (x2) | 138 Sqd | 1943-09-17 | † | 28 | 1915-01-20 | Cergowa | – RAF 138 Sqn. „Halifax”-BB309- lot do Polski z rzutami broni i amunicji – zestrz. przez Junkersa JU88 nad wyspą Sjealand (Dania). Samolot spadł na zabudow. farmy zabijając pięciu jej mieszk. Z załogi zginęli: por. Wincenty S Wasilewski, st.sierż. Władysław Barzo, plut. Julian Michalski i kpr. Władysław S. Patlewicz. W niem. szpitalu zmarł z ran sierż.pil. Eugeniusz P Kasprzak. Uratowali się: sierż. Roman Puchała i sierż. pil. Tadeusz Miecznik, który zbiegł i wrócił do W.B. w grudniu 1943 roku. - pochowany w wspólnym grobie w Slaglille 2 mile od Sorø, Dania. (uzup. A.M.9/2017) Added by Stefan Pietrzak Youngs: 1943-09-17 Halifax BB309 NF-T, took off Tempsford 18:29. Dropped 2nd Lt M.Kryszezukajtis and B.Augustyn at SOE Neon dropping zone Obraz 108 in Poland and on its return flight Halifax attacked by Pilot Leutnant Richard Burdyna, Bordward. Obergefreiter Leo Klotz and Bordfunker Obergefreiter Fritz Merten in Ju 88C-6 night fighter of 11./NJG 3, guided onto the Halifax by radar station Seehund based at Tybjerg. The intercept was made even though the Halifax was at tree-top height, estimated at 200 ft. Pilot F/S Tadeusz Miecznik PAF tried to crashland tat 04:45 hours but hit a house which started a fierce fire. 11 sleeping in the house which the Halifax hit, 3 adults and 2 children died in the fire. Rear gunner AG Sgt Roman Puchala managed to safely exit unharmed but was soon captured by the Germans. He was sent to Dulag Luft in Oberursel for interrogation, then to Stalag Luft VI Gross Tychow and later to Stalag 357 Thorn/Fallingbostel. FE Sgt Wladyslaw Barzdo PAF, Navigator F/Lt Wizenty Wasilewski PAF, Wop F/S Julian Michalski PAF and Air Gnr.Sgt Wladyslaw Patlewicz PAF were all killed and buried in Slaglille cemetery at 3AM 18 September 1943 along with Co-pilot Sgt Eugeniusz Kasprzak who had been taken to Ringsted hospital but had died from his wounds later the same day. Pilot F/S Tadeusz Miecznik had been brought to Ringsted hospital suffering from a broken arm and leg. On 7 Nov 1943 at 22:00 Marius Petersen and Jørgen Wibolt helped him escape through a window in his room. Taken to København and after two days sailed to Sweden by Erling Kiær. JU 88 had been hit by return-fire and circled the area at very low level. Went into trees in Bjernede Skov forrest, crashed at 04:47 hours. The pilot died outright and the two crew members died later on the same day in Ringsted hospital. | Kracker Luftwaffe Archive Burdyna Allied Losses and Incidents Database BB309 |
6 | Puchała | Roman | sierż./W/O | 793808 | Strzelec pokładowy | Krzyz Walecznych (x3) Medal Lotniczy | 304DB 138 Sqd (Special) | 1997 | + | 1916-06-12 | Szymanów | 17.09.1943 – RAF Tempsford-„Halifax”-BB309- lot boj. ze zrzutami amunicji, broni i „cichociemnych”. Podczas powr. lotu samolot został zestrz. przez niem. noc. myśliwca JU88 nad Slaglille (wyspa Sjealand) i spadł na zabud. farmy, zabijając pięciu jej mieszkańców. Z załogi uratowali się T. Miecznik wzięty do niewoli (zbiegł i w grudniu 1943 roku dotarł do Anglii) i R.Puchała, który również został wzięty do niewoli. - Zmarł w Mansfield Nott’s i tu poch. UK. -Brak daty zgonu i dalszych informacji Added by Stefan Pietrzak Youngs: 1943-09-17 Halifax BB309 NF-T, took off Tempsford 18:29. Dropped 2nd Lt M.Kryszezukajtis and B.Augustyn at SOE Neon dropping zone Obraz 108 in Poland and on its return flight Halifax attacked by Pilot Leutnant Richard Burdyna, Bordward. Obergefreiter Leo Klotz and Bordfunker Obergefreiter Fritz Merten in Ju 88C-6 night fighter of 11./NJG 3, guided onto the Halifax by radar station Seehund based at Tybjerg. The intercept was made even though the Halifax was at tree-top height, estimated at 200 ft. Pilot F/S Tadeusz Miecznik PAF tried to crashland tat 04:45 hours but hit a house which started a fierce fire. 11 sleeping in the house which the Halifax hit, 3 adults and 2 children died in the fire. Rear gunner AG Sgt Roman Puchala managed to safely exit unharmed but was soon captured by the Germans. He was sent to Dulag Luft in Oberursel for interrogation, then to Stalag Luft VI Gross Tychow and later to Stalag 357 Thorn/Fallingbostel. FE Sgt Wladyslaw Barzdo PAF, Navigator F/Lt Wizenty Wasilewski PAF, Wop F/S Julian Michalski PAF and Air Gnr.Sgt Wladyslaw Patlewicz PAF were all killed and buried in Slaglille cemetery at 3AM 18 September 1943 along with Co-pilot Sgt Eugeniusz Kasprzak who had been taken to Ringsted hospital but had died from his wounds later the same day. Pilot F/S Tadeusz Miecznik had been brought to Ringsted hospital suffering from a broken arm and leg. On 7 Nov 1943 at 22:00 Marius Petersen and Jørgen Wibolt helped him escape through a window in his room. Taken to København and after two days sailed to Sweden by Erling Kiær. JU 88 had been hit by return-fire and circled the area at very low level. Went into trees in Bjernede Skov forrest, crashed at 04:47 hours. The pilot died outright and the two crew members died later on the same day in Ringsted hospital. | Kracker Luftwaffe Archive Burdyna Allied Losses and Incidents Database BB309 |
7 | Wasilewski | Wincenty | por./F/Lt | P-0839 | Obserwator | Virtuti Militari 8440 DFM & Bar Krzyż Walecznych (x3) Medal Lotniczy | 138 Sqd SOE | 1943-09-17 | † | 27 | 1916-01-24 | Lipno | 07.11.1941 – 138DS RAF „Halifax” L9612 lot ze zrzutem skoczków, - wracając ze znacznym oblodzeniem nie udało się schować (?) podwozia. Zwiększone zużycie paliwa zmusiło załogę do przymus. lądowania w Szwecji k/Ystad i tam został internowany, samolot zniszcz. Zwolniony i przesłany do W. Brytanii. 1943 zginął – 138DS RAF „Halifax”-BB309- lot do Polski z rzutami broni i amunicji – zestrz. przez „Ju-88” nad Slaglille k/m. Soro na wyspie Sjealand (Dania ). Samolot spadł na zabud. farmy zabijając jej mieszkańców. Z załogi zginęli: W. Wasilewski, Władysław Barzo, Julian Michalski i Władysław S Patlewicz. W niem. szpitalu zmarł z ran Eugeniusz P Kasprzak. Uratowali się: Roman Puchała i Tadeusz Miecznik, który zbiegł i wrócił do W. Brytanii w grudniu 1943 roku. - por. Wincenty Wasilewski został poch. na cmentarzu w Slaglille – grób zbiorowy. (Dania) (inf.A.M.-2015 uzup nr bocz.) Added by Stefan Pietrzak Youngs: Halifax L9612, 138 Squadron, 7 November 1941. Tech Officer 301 Sqn. head winds caused increased fuel consumption, which led to the loss of aircraft. interned; forced landing in Sweden. Ran out of fuel over Denmark whilst returning from Operation Ruction to Ugor, Poland. Crash landed at Tomelilla near Ystad in Sweden. Aircraft set on fire before crew surrendered to Swedish police. Crew: Flying Officer T Jasinski (Polish: W/Op), Sergeant F Sobkowiak (Polish: Co Pilot), Flying Officer S Krol (Polish: Nav), Wing Commander R Rudkowski (PolishL Pilot), Sergeant J Chodyra (Polish: Nose gunner), Sergeant R Mol (Polish: turrent gunner), Sergeant W Wasilewski (Polish: W/Op), Sergeant J Soltytsiak (Polish: FE): Interned, later returned to UK. Halifax L9612 crash, Sweden Added by Stefan Pietrzak Youngs: 1943-09-17 Halifax BB309 NF-T, took off Tempsford 18:29. Dropped 2nd Lt M.Kryszezukajtis and B.Augustyn at SOE Neon dropping zone Obraz 108 in Poland and on its return flight Halifax attacked by Pilot Leutnant Richard Burdyna, Bordward. Obergefreiter Leo Klotz and Bordfunker Obergefreiter Fritz Merten in Ju 88C-6 night fighter of 11./NJG 3, guided onto the Halifax by radar station Seehund based at Tybjerg. The intercept was made even though the Halifax was at tree-top height, estimated at 200 ft. Pilot F/S Tadeusz Miecznik PAF tried to crashland tat 04:45 hours but hit a house which started a fierce fire. 11 sleeping in the house which the Halifax hit, 3 adults and 2 children died in the fire. Rear gunner AG Sgt Roman Puchala managed to safely exit unharmed but was soon captured by the Germans. He was sent to Dulag Luft in Oberursel for interrogation, then to Stalag Luft VI Gross Tychow and later to Stalag 357 Thorn/Fallingbostel. FE Sgt Wladyslaw Barzdo PAF, Navigator F/Lt Wizenty Wasilewski PAF, Wop F/S Julian Michalski PAF and Air Gnr.Sgt Wladyslaw Patlewicz PAF were all killed and buried in Slaglille cemetery at 3AM 18 September 1943 along with Co-pilot Sgt Eugeniusz Kasprzak who had been taken to Ringsted hospital but had died from his wounds later the same day. Pilot F/S Tadeusz Miecznik had been brought to Ringsted hospital suffering from a broken arm and leg. On 7 Nov 1943 at 22:00 Marius Petersen and Jørgen Wibolt helped him escape through a window in his room. Taken to København and after two days sailed to Sweden by Erling Kiær. JU 88 had been hit by return-fire and circled the area at very low level. Went into trees in Bjernede Skov forrest, crashed at 04:47 hours. The pilot died outright and the two crew members died later on the same day in Ringsted hospital. | Slaglille Denmark | Kracker Luftwaffe Archive Burdyna Allied Losses and Incidents Database BB309 |
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