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Andrew Mielnik Memorial Archiwum: Ulepszone Dane Personalne Sił Powietrznych 1940 - 1947

Archive: Enhanced Polish Air Force Personnel Data

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Dedicated to the Memory of Andrew Mielnik: 16 February 1928 - 13 March 2022
Andrew Mielnik (kontynuacja T. Krzystek) uzupełnione dane personalne PSP 1940-1947.
Histories prepared by Tadeusz Krzystek in a muti-decadal collaboration with Andrew Mielnik involving extensive contributions, corrections and amendments from him, which were further enhanced by Mr. Mielnik for 9 years after Mr. Krzystek's death in 2013 right up to his own passing in March 2022. Developed by Aircrew Remembered from Mr. Mielnik's notes into a searchable database format and further enhanced on a continuous basis by Aircrew Remembered researchers and editors. Dedicated to the memory of these dedicated researchers and chroniclers

In addition to data on Polish Air Force (PAF) personnel, extensive notes on the PAF in the UK and its organization were prepared by Mr. Krzystek with only minor contributions from Andrew Mielnik. This additional information is at listakrzystka site

Andrew Mielnik in 1944

Prawie 17 000 lotników przedostało się różnymi drogami do Wielkiej Brytanii po upadku Polski w 1939 roku. Ich ciągłym życzeniem było pomszczenie niemieckiego ataku na ich Ojczyznę i rodziny wszelkimi dostępnymi środkami. Że to zrobili z honorem i niezachwianą odwagą - każdy z nich, od urzędnika do najwyższego rangą dowódcy - jest świadectwem ich przyrzeczenia wobec Polski: Miłość żąda ofiary wyhaftowanym na Sztandarze Lotnictwa Polskiego przez zakonnice w okupowanej Polsce i przemyconym do Wielkiej Brytanii w 1941. Ta baza danych jest wynikiem pracochłonnych badań przeprowadzonych przez Andrew Mielnik w Melbourne, Australia. Teraz (2019) zapewnia tysiące uzupełnień do wielu oryginalnych danych. Uważa się zatem, że przedstawione tutaj informacje są wyczerpującym i dokładnym zestawieniem informacji o personelu, co powinno przynieść korzyści naukowcom na całym świecie. W tej bazie danych zapisujemy kluczowe dane każdego, który służył w PSP w W. Brytanii. Podaj nam dodatkowe informacje za pomocą Help Desk.

Almost 17,000 airmen made their way by various incredible means to reach the shores of Great Britain after the fall of Poland in 1939. Their abiding wish was to avenge the German assault of their homeland and families by every means at their disposal. That they did so with honour and undaunted courage - every one of them, from the office orderly to the highest ranking commander - is testament of their pledge to Poland : Love Demands Sacrifice. This pledge was embroidered on the Polish Air Force banner by nuns in occupied Poland and smuggled to Britain through war-torn Europe in 1941. In this database we record key details of every airman who served in PAF in the UK. Use the Addition button to send additional information via our Help Desk.

We sincerely pay our respects to the beautiful site which has done an outstanding job collating information on members of the Polish Air Force. We acknowledge our debt to them for some of the images in the Archiwum and for their valuable information on many grave locations. We also acknowledge our debt to the listakrzystka site for its extensive collection of various aspects of the Polish Air Force in the West.

OBJAŚNIENIA Wykaz imienny obejmuje: - Numer ewidencyjny RAF, Nazwisko i Imię; odznaczenia, Data urodzenia, Data zgonu (+ = śmiercią naturalną † = śmiercią lotnika) oraz wiek, w którym zmarł lub zginął, stopień wojskowy polski / angielski posiadany w roku 1947, specjalność lotnicza i przydział do jednostki lub dywizjonu. - Miejsce urodzenia(o ile znane) i dalsze informacje odnośnie przebiegu służby, - stacja RAF, typ samolotu i numer. – O ile zginął / zmarł - miejsce gdzie pochowany, w nawiasie numer grobu (o ile znany) odnotowany w Sekretariacie SLP – podaje dodatkowe informacje o Dowódcach Dywizjonów lub osób, które pełniły funkcję w Stowarzyszeniu Lotników Polskich, oraz dane dotyczące lotów bojowych. Symbol > wskazuje nowe informacje.

EXPLANATIONS The personnel list includes: - -. RAF registration number, Surname and Name; decorations, Date of birth, Date of death (+ = natural death † = death in service) and age in which he died or died, Polish / English military rank held in 1947, air specialty and assignment to unit or squadron. - Place of birth (if known) and further information about the service, - RAF station, type of aircraft and number. - If he died / died - a place where he is buried, in brackets the number of the grave (if known) noted in the SLP Secretariat additional information about the Commanders Squadrons or people who served as part of the Polish Airmen Association, and data on combat flights. The symbol > indicates new information.

Baza strat i incydentów sojuszniczych zawiera ponad 7000 polskich wpisów, które mogą zawierać dodatkowe informacje do podanych tutaj. The Allied Losses and Incidents database contains over 7000 Polish entries which may contain additional information to that provided here. Zobacz też/Check Allied Losses and Incidents Database

Przykładowe wyszukiwania/Example Searches: (1) 309DMR AND pilot AND virtuti (2) mechanik AND 303DM (3) Plut AND Radar (4) 1918 AND 309DMR (5) Strzelec AND 301DB

Searches now permitted on 2 character minimum (previously 3). Supplementary Information in English: this material is provided by Aircrew Remembered researchers and Editors as information becomes available, with appropriate care for its provenance, but was not necessarily validated by Andrew Mielnik whilst he was alive. Responsibility for its accuracy therefore rests with Aircrew Remembered.

Owing to a restriction placed by our hosting service, searches cannot be made on less than 4 characters. Searching on 3 or less will produce no results.
We are working on techniques to mitigate this restriction.

TO SEARCH ON SQUADRON USE FORMATS: 300DB, 301DB, 302DM, 303DM, 304DB, 305DB, 306DM, 307DM, 308DM, 309DMR, 315DM, 316DM, 317DM, 318DMR

To search for 3-character names add 'x' to name. Example: to find 'Zuk' put 'Zukx' in search box.
Aby wyszukać nazwy 3-znakowe dodaj „x” do nazwy. Przykład: aby znaleźć „Zuk”, wpisz „Zukx” w polu wyszukiwania

Enter Your search conditions and click Search This
Searching for a 3-character name requires special treatment

These are the results of your search:

You searched for: “"hf208"

#Nazwisko/ NameImie/ First NamesStopien/ RankService NumberSpecjalnosc/ TradeOdznaczenia/ HonoursPrzydzial/ UnitDataZgonu /DateDeathCodeWiek/ AgeData Urodzenia/ BornMiejsce Birthplace******************Notatka/Notes************************************Photo******************Links
1 AdamowiczKlemensmajst. / F/Sgt780537PilotMedal Lotniczy

1943-12-21321911-04-25ZamośćUr. w Zamościu. -1943 zginął –RAF Predannack – “Wellington”-HF208 – Patrol zatoki Biskajskiej – w locie powrotnym nad Półn. Irlandią, samolot stanął w płomieniach, prawdopodobnie na skutek uderzenia pioruna i runął na ziemię koło miejscowości Brandon. - zginęła cała załoga. – pochowany w Milltown k/Belfast (LG-45) Półn. Irlandia
Added by Stefan Pietrzak Youngs: 1943-12-20: Wellington HF208Take-off dawn RAF Predannack, Cornwall, UK. Anti sub patrol over Bay of Biscay. Bitterly cold. Crew: Flight Sergeant Adamowicz, co-pilot Sergeant Czerniawski. Navigator Sergeant Kuflik, W/Op Sergeant Kowalewicz. AG Pietrzak and AG Lugowski. Flt Sgt Adamowicz radioed back to base request return to base with malfunction of the radio location equipment. Last seen flying over Lismore, Co. Waterford in poor visibility, HF208 crashed into Arraglen on Mount Brandon, Co. Kerry. All six crew on board died in the incident. Reports indicated snowstorms in the area but no thunder or lightning. Two of the men killed suffered burns in the accident. No injuries were sustained by gunshot or exploding ammunition as one report claimed. The names of the six men were taken from identity discs in their uniform pockets before their bodies were removed at 2100hrs. Local coroner Sheehan decided no inquest was necessary. The graves of five of the Polish airmen are in Milltown Cemetery, Belfast, Co. Antrim. Sergeant Kuflik was laid to rest in the Jewish Cemetery at Carnmoney.

Belfast Milltown UK
2 CzerniawskiStanisławplut./Sgt794362PilotMedal Lotniczy

1943-12-21271916-02-14Patoki1943 zginął –RAF Predannack – “Wellington”-HF208 – Patrol zatoki Biskajskiej – w locie powrotnym nad Północną Irlandią, samolot stanał w płomieniach, prawdopodobnie na skutek uderzenia pioruna i runął na ziemię koło miejscowości Brandon. - zginęła cała załoga. – pochowany w Milltown k/Belfast (LG-46) Półn. Irlandia
Added by Stefan Pietrzak Youngs: 1943-12-20: Wellington HF208Take-off dawn RAF Predannack, Cornwall, UK. Anti sub patrol over Bay of Biscay. Bitterly cold. Crew: Flight Sergeant Adamowicz, co-pilot Sergeant Czerniawski. Navigator Sergeant Kuflik, W/Op Sergeant Kowalewicz. AG Pietrzak and AG Lugowski. Flt Sgt Adamowicz radioed back to base request return to base with malfunction of the radio location equipment. Last seen flying over Lismore, Co. Waterford in poor visibility, HF208 crashed into Arraglen on Mount Brandon, Co. Kerry. All six crew on board died in the incident. Reports indicated snowstorms in the area but no thunder or lightning. Two of the men killed suffered burns in the accident. No injuries were sustained by gunshot or exploding ammunition as one report claimed. The names of the six men were taken from identity discs in their uniform pockets before their bodies were removed at 2100hrs. Local coroner Sheehan decided no inquest was necessary. The graves of five of the Polish airmen are in Milltown Cemetery, Belfast, Co. Antrim. Sergeant Kuflik was laid to rest in the Jewish Cemetery at Carnmoney.

Belfast Milltown UK
3 KowalewiczPawełplut./Sgt703968Strzelec pokładowyMedal Lotniczy

1943-12-21261917-02-09Piaski Stare–RAF Predannack – “Wellington”-HF208 – Patrol Zatoki Biskajskiej – w locie powrotnym nad Półn. Irlandią, samolot stanął w płomieniach, prawdopodobnie na skutek uderzenia pioruna i runął na ziemię koło miejscowości Brandon. - zginęła cała załoga. – pochowany w Milltown k/Belfast (LG-47) Półn. Irlandia
Added by Stefan Pietrzak Youngs: 1943-12-20: Wellington HF208Take-off dawn RAF Predannack, Cornwall, UK. Anti sub patrol over Bay of Biscay. Bitterly cold. Crew: Flight Sergeant Adamowicz, co-pilot Sergeant Czerniawski. Navigator Sergeant Kuflik, W/Op Sergeant Kowalewicz. AG Pietrzak and AG Lugowski. Flt Sgt Adamowicz radioed back to base request return to base with malfunction of the radio location equipment. Last seen flying over Lismore, Co. Waterford in poor visibility, HF208 crashed into Arraglen on Mount Brandon, Co. Kerry. All six crew on board died in the incident. Reports indicated snowstorms in the area but no thunder or lightning. Two of the men killed suffered burns in the accident. No injuries were sustained by gunshot or exploding ammunition as one report claimed. The names of the six men were taken from identity discs in their uniform pockets before their bodies were removed at 2100hrs. Local coroner Sheehan decided no inquest was necessary. The graves of five of the Polish airmen are in Milltown Cemetery, Belfast, Co. Antrim. Sergeant Kuflik was laid to rest in the Jewish Cemetery at Carnmoney.

Belfast Milltown UK
4 KuflikNaftali Hirsch Pawełplut./Sgt794712NawigatorMedal Lotniczy


–RAF Predannack – “Wellington”-HF208 – Patrol Zatoki Biskajskiej – w locie powrot. nad Półn. Irlandią samolot stanął w płomieniach, prawdopodob. na skutek uderzenia pioruna i runął na ziemię k/miejscowości Brandon. - cała załoga zginęła. – pochowany w Milltown k/Belfast (LG-44), Północna Irlandia
Added by Stefan Pietrzak Youngs: 1943-12-20: Wellington HF208Take-off dawn RAF Predannack, Cornwall, UK. Anti sub patrol over Bay of Biscay. Bitterly cold. Crew: Flight Sergeant Adamowicz, co-pilot Sergeant Czerniawski. Navigator Sergeant Kuflik, W/Op Sergeant Kowalewicz. AG Pietrzak and AG Lugowski. Flt Sgt Adamowicz radioed back to base request return to base with malfunction of the radio location equipment. Last seen flying over Lismore, Co. Waterford in poor visibility, HF208 crashed into Arraglen on Mount Brandon, Co. Kerry. All six crew on board died in the incident. Reports indicated snowstorms in the area but no thunder or lightning. Two of the men killed suffered burns in the accident. No injuries were sustained by gunshot or exploding ammunition as one report claimed. The names of the six men were taken from identity discs in their uniform pockets before their bodies were removed at 2100hrs. Local coroner Sheehan decided no inquest was necessary. The graves of five of the Polish airmen are in Milltown Cemetery, Belfast, Co. Antrim. Sergeant Kuflik was laid to rest in the Jewish Cemetery at Carnmoney.

Carnmoney Jewish Cemetery Belfast UK
5 ŁugowskiKazimierzst.szer./Sgt703438Strzelec pokładowyMedal Lotniczy

1943-12-21231920-07-20Chromna–RAF Predannack – “Wellington”-HF208 – Patrol Zatoki Biskajskiej – w locie powrot. nad Półn. Irlandią, samolot stanął w płomieniach, prawdopod. wskutek uderzenia pioruna i runął na ziemię k/ miejsc. Brandon. - zginęła cała załoga. – poch. w Milltown k/Belfastu (IG64) Półn. Irlandia.
Added by Stefan Pietrzak Youngs: 1943-12-20: Wellington HF208Take-off dawn RAF Predannack, Cornwall, UK. Anti sub patrol over Bay of Biscay. Bitterly cold. Crew: Flight Sergeant Adamowicz, co-pilot Sergeant Czerniawski. Navigator Sergeant Kuflik, W/Op Sergeant Kowalewicz. AG Pietrzak and AG Lugowski. Flt Sgt Adamowicz radioed back to base request return to base with malfunction of the radio location equipment. Last seen flying over Lismore, Co. Waterford in poor visibility, HF208 crashed into Arraglen on Mount Brandon, Co. Kerry. All six crew on board died in the incident. Reports indicated snowstorms in the area but no thunder or lightning. Two of the men killed suffered burns in the accident. No injuries were sustained by gunshot or exploding ammunition as one report claimed. The names of the six men were taken from identity discs in their uniform pockets before their bodies were removed at 2100hrs. Local coroner Sheehan decided no inquest was necessary. The graves of five of the Polish airmen are in Milltown Cemetery, Belfast, Co. Antrim. Sergeant Kuflik was laid to rest in the Jewish Cemetery at Carnmoney.

Belfast Milltown UK
6 PietrzakWincentykpr./Sgt782657Strzelec pokładowyMedal Lotniczy (x2)

1943-12-21271916-07-25Święciniec–RAF Predannack – “Wellington”-HF208 – Patrol zatoki Biskajskiej – w locie powrot. nad Półn. Irlandią, samolot stanął w płomieniach, prawdopod. na skutek uderzenia pioruna i runął na ziemię k/Brandon. - zginęła cała załoga. – kpr. W. Pietrzak został poch. w Milltown k/Belfast (LG-48) Półn. Irlandia
Added by Stefan Pietrzak Youngs: 1943-12-20: Wellington HF208Take-off dawn RAF Predannack, Cornwall, UK. Anti sub patrol over Bay of Biscay. Bitterly cold. Crew: Flight Sergeant Adamowicz, co-pilot Sergeant Czerniawski. Navigator Sergeant Kuflik, W/Op Sergeant Kowalewicz. AG Pietrzak and AG Lugowski. Flt Sgt Adamowicz radioed back to base request return to base with malfunction of the radio location equipment. Last seen flying over Lismore, Co. Waterford in poor visibility, HF208 crashed into Arraglen on Mount Brandon, Co. Kerry. All six crew on board died in the incident. Reports indicated snowstorms in the area but no thunder or lightning. Two of the men killed suffered burns in the accident. No injuries were sustained by gunshot or exploding ammunition as one report claimed. The names of the six men were taken from identity discs in their uniform pockets before their bodies were removed at 2100hrs. Local coroner Sheehan decided no inquest was necessary. The graves of five of the Polish airmen are in Milltown Cemetery, Belfast, Co. Antrim. Sergeant Kuflik was laid to rest in the Jewish Cemetery at Carnmoney.

Belfast Milltown UK

Results 1 to 6 of 6.
