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# | Nazwisko/ Name | Imie/ First Names | Stopien/ Rank | Service Number | Specjalnosc/ Trade | Odznaczenia/ Honours | Przydzial/ Unit | DataZgonu /DateDeath | Code | Wiek/ Age | Data Urodzenia/ Born | Miejsce Birthplace | ******************Notatka/Notes****************** | ******************Photo****************** | Links |
1 | Kubacik | Franciszek | kpr./Sgt | 793053 | Strzelec pokładowy | Krzyż Walecznych (x3)![]() Medal Lotniczy ![]() | 304DB![]() | 1942-10-16 | † | 26 | 1916-05-09 | Dobroniów | – RAF Talbenny-„Wellington”-R1413- lot boj. w celu patrolow. rejonu Zatoki Biskajskiej i zwalcz. niem. okrętów podw. Do bazy dotarł dwukr. sygnał SOS o atakach niem. myśliwców. Samolot został zestrz. do morza. Zginęła cała załoga. Added by Stefan Pietrzak Youngs: REASON FOR LOSS:Took off at 08.25hrs on an anti-submarine sweep. During the patrol the squadron received a telegram informing them that F/O. Targowski had been awarded the DFC. Shot down by Uffz. Werner Steurich of 13/KG40 T 16.38 hrs. Read Archive Report for fuller account | ![]() ![]() Polish Memorial Northolt UK | Archive Report Wellington R1413 |
2 | Łozowicki (Lawson) | Alojzy 'Lolek' | sierż. /Sgt | 782216 | Pilot | Krzyż Walecznych (x2)![]() Odznaka Za Rany i Kontuzje (Wound Badge) | 304DB![]() | 1983 | + | 1915-05-24 | Wilno Litwa | Zmarł w Wallingford Berk’s UK -brak daty zgonu i dalszych informacji Added by Stefan Pietrzak Youngs: 'Lolek' Lawson, along with his wonderful wife Pat, were treasured family friends of Stefan Pietrzak. He translated many family letters between UK and Poland, made many telephone calls for us, and accompanied us on a visit to Warszawa where he became a great friend to my uncle Ryszard (younger brother of my late father Aleksander Pietrzak VM) and his wife my beloved Aunt Jadzia. He is greatly missed. Great tales of desperate corkscrews to escape the nightfighters. Wellington R1413 near Micklefield. On the night of 30th September / 1st October 1941 this 304 Squadron aircraft had been used on an operational flight to bomb Hamburg, on the return flight they had landed at Finningley. During the morning of the 1st October 1941 the aircraft was to be flown the five miles back to Lindholme and the second pilot (from the operational sortie) along with a number of ground-crew were on board for the short flight. No fuel was put in the aircraft before take-off. Why the aircraft was so far away from the Finningley area is not known but later the same morning the aircraft ran out of fuel, after the crew became lost. The short hop of a flight between Finningley and Lindholme would hardly be any distance at all to become lost. It is possible the pilot took the three members of ground crew for a round-about route back to Lindholme and got themselves lost in the process. The aircraft was force-landed in a large field and close to a railway line between Micklefield and Garforth. It would appear to have pretty much stayed intact and the crew escaped serious injury with one member possibly sustaining slight injuries. It remained in the field for some days before 60 M.U. recovered it, firstly it was taken up the field and nearer to Micklefield (probably so it was closer to the nearest road when the trailers became available). The aircraft was guarded in the field by a detachment of men from 70 Btn. West Yorkshire Regiment, stationed at Wetherby. The aircraft was later taken away, rebuilt and flew again. Pilot - Sgt Alojzy Lozowicki PAF (P.782216). Mechanic - Sgt Wladyslav Krzempek PAF (P.781622). Mechanic - A/C Florian Polok PAF (P.780609). Mechanic - LAC Edward Wrona PAF (P.782160). Slightly injured. On 12th / 13th April 1942 Lozowicki was flying Ops to Essen in Wellington DV437 when the aircraft was attacked by an enemy night-fighter. He took evasive and although the port engine failed the pilot was able to make a return to the UK but force-landed after the other engine overheated, he made a crash landing near March, Cambridgeshire. After the incident in April 1942 Lozowicki did not fly again with 304 Squadron and was posted to Blackpool in 1943 (which was a holding unit for aircrew). After discharge from PAF/RAF service he remained in the UK, became a British subject and changed his name to Lawson. | ![]() | ||
3 | Młynarski | Władysław | kpr./Sgt | 781558 | Strzelec pokładowy | Virtuti Militari![]() 9612 Krzyż Walecznych (x2) ![]() Medal Lotniczy ![]() | 304DB![]() | 1942-10-16 | † | 26 | 1916-02-02 | Góry | RAF Talbenny-„Wellington”- R1413- lot boj. w celu patrol. rejonu Zatoki Biskaj. i zwalcz. niem. okrętów podwod.- Do bazy dotarł dwukrotnie nadany sygnał SOS o atakach niem. myśliwców. Samolot został zestrz. do morza.- Zginęła cała załoga. Added by Stefan Pietrzak Youngs: REASON FOR LOSS:Took off at 08.25hrs on an anti-submarine sweep. During the patrol the squadron received a telegram informing them that F/O. Targowski had been awarded the DFC. Shot down by Uffz. Werner Steurich of 13/KG40 T 16.38 hrs. Read Archive Report for fuller account | ![]() ![]() Polish Memorial Northolt UK | Archive Report R1413 |
4 | Oleś | Tadeusz | por./F/O | P-0367 | Obserwator | Virtuti Militari![]() 9620 Krzyż Walecznych (x2) ![]() Medal Lotniczy ![]() | 304DB![]() | 1942-10-16 | † | 32 | 1910-01-27 | brak danych | – RAF Talbenny-„Wellington”-R1413- lot boj. w celu patrol. rejonu Zatoki Biskajskiej i zwalczania niem. okrętów podw. Do bazy dotarł dwukr. nadany sygnał SOS o atakach niem. myśliwców. Samolot został zestrz. do morza. - Zginęła cała załoga. Oleś Tadeusz, porucznik nawigator służył w PSP w 304 Dywizjonie Bombowym, nr służbowy P-0367. Kawaler VM V.kl. nr 10665 i 2xKW. Zginął 16 października 1942 roku podczas lotu patrolowego w rejonie Zatoki Biskajskiej. ( Added by Stefan Pietrzak Youngs: REASON FOR LOSS:Took off at 08.25hrs on an anti-submarine sweep. During the patrol the squadron received a telegram informing them that F/O. Targowski had been awarded the DFC. Shot down by Uffz. Werner Steurich of 13/KG40 T 16.38 hrs. Read Archive Report for fuller account | ![]() ![]() Polish Memorial Northolt UK | Allied Losses Database R1413 Archive Report Wellington R1413 |
5 | Piechowiak | Zygmunt Stanisław | plut./Sgt | 792815 | Strzelec pokładowy | Krzyż Walecznych (x3)![]() Medal Lotniczy ![]() | 304DB![]() | 1942-10-16 | † | 22 | 1920-04-04 | Buk | – RAF Talbenny-„Wellington”-R1413- lot boj. w celu patrol. rejonu Zatoki Biskajskiej i zwalcz. niem. okrętów podw. Do bazy dotarł dwukr. nadany sygnał SOS o atakach niem. myśl. -Samolot został zestrz. do morza. Zginęła cała załoga. Added by Stefan Pietrzak Youngs: REASON FOR LOSS:Took off at 08.25hrs on an anti-submarine sweep. During the patrol the squadron received a telegram informing them that F/O. Targowski had been awarded the DFC. Shot down by Uffz. Werner Steurich of 13/KG40 T 16.38 hrs. Read Archive Report for fuller account | ![]() ![]() Polish Memorial Northolt UK | Archive Report Wellington R1413 Stormy Down Newspaper 1941 |
6 | Targowski | Stanisław Marian | por./P/O | P-1073 | Pilot | Virtuti Militari![]() 9611 DFC ![]() Krzyż Walecznych ![]() Medal Lotniczy ![]() | 304DB![]() | 1942-10-16 | † | 33 | 1909-12-08 | Kijów | – RAF Talbenny-„Wellington”-R1413- lot boj. w celu patrol. rejonu Zatoki Bisk. i zwalczania niem. okrętów podw. Do bazy dotarł dwukr. nadany sygnał SOS o atakach niem. myśl. Samolot został zestrz. do morza. Zginęła cała załoga. Added by Stefan Pietrzak Youngs: REASON FOR LOSS:Took off at 08.25hrs on an anti-submarine sweep. During the patrol the squadron received a telegram informing them that F/O. Targowski had been awarded the DFC. Shot down by Uffz. Werner Steurich of 13/KG40 T 16.38 hrs. Read Archive Report for fuller account | ![]() ![]() Polish Memorial Northolt UK | Archive Report Wellington R1413 |
7 | Twardoch | Gerard | plut./Sgt | 792266 | Pilot | Virtuti Militari![]() 8242 Krzyż Walecznych (x3) ![]() Medal Lotniczy ![]() | 304DB![]() | 1942-10-16 | † | 26 | 1916-02-11 | brak danych | – RAF Talbenny-„Wellington”-R1413- lot boj. w celu patrol. rejonu Zatoki Biskajskiej i zwalcz. niem. okrętów podw. Do bazy dotarł dwukr. nadany sygnał SOS o atakach niem. myśl. - samolot został zestrz. do morza. Zginęła cała załoga. Added by Stefan Pietrzak Youngs: REASON FOR LOSS:Took off at 08.25hrs on an anti-submarine sweep. During the patrol the squadron received a telegram informing them that F/O. Targowski had been awarded the DFC. Shot down by Uffz. Werner Steurich of 13/KG40 T 16.38 hrs. Read Archive Report for fuller account | ![]() ![]() Polish Memorial Northolt UK | Archive Report Wellington R1413 |
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