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Battle of Britain: Allied Pilots
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The Battle of Britain clasp is restricted to aircrew from 71 defined units who flew at least one operational sortie
between 00:01 July 10 1940 and 23:59 October 31 1940.
To see a larger database covering the entirety of WWll, refer to our Allied Losses and Incidents database.

Adair Hubert Hastings 'Paddy'
Adams Dennis Arthur
Adams Eric Henry
Adams Hugh Charles
Adams John Sylvester
Adams Reginald Thomas
Addison William Nathan
Aeberhardt Raymond Andre Charles
Agazarian Noel le Chevalier
Aindow Charles Robert
Ainge Eric Douglas
Ainsworth Sidney
Aitken Arthur
Aitken Henry Aloysius
Aitken Sir John William Maxwell 'Max'; 2nd Baron Beaverbrook
Akroyd Harold John
Albertini Anthony Victor
Aldous Eric Stanley
Aldridge Frederick Joseph
Aldridge Keith Russell
Aldwinckle Aylmer James Martinus
Alexander Edward Ariss
Alexander John William Edward
Allan JHL
Allard Geoffrey 'Sammy'
Allcock Peter Owen Denys
Allen Hubert Raymond 'Dizzy'
Allen John Henry Leslie
Allen John Lawrence
Allen John William
Allen Kenneth Mervyn
Allen Leslie Henry
Allgood Harold Henry
Allison Jack Whitwell
Allsop Harold Gordon Leach
Allton Leslie Charles
Ambrose Charles Francis
Ambrose Richard
Ambrus Jan K
Anderson Donald John
Anderson James Alexander
Anderson John Denis
Anderson Michael Frederic
Andreae Christopher John Drake
Andrew Stanley
Andrews Maurice Raymond
Andrews Sydney Ernest
Andruszkow Tadeusz
Angus James George Colin
Angus Robert Alexander
Appleby Michael John
Appleford Alexander N Robin L
Arber Ivor Kenneth
Arbon Paul Wade
Arbuthnott John
Archer Harold Thorpe
Archer Samuel
Aries Ellis Walter
Armitage Dennis Lockhart 'Tage'
Armitage Joseph Fox
Armstrong William
Arnold FF
Arnfield Stanley John
Arthur Charles Ian Rose
Arthur Charles John
Arthur IR
Ash Robert Clifford Vacy
Ashcroft Albert Edward David
Ashfield Glyn
Ashton Dennis Garth
Ashton Dennis Kenneth
Ashworth Jack
Aslett Arthur Thomas Reynor
Aslin Donald James
Assheton William Radclyffe
Atkins Frederick Peter John
Atkinson Allan Arthur
Atkinson George
Atkinson Gordon Barry
Atkinson Harold Derrick
Atkinson Matthew Richard
Atkinson Ronald
Austin Albert Lawrence
Austin Anthony Thomas
Austin D
Austin Frederick
Austin Sydney
Ayers David Hart
Ayling Charles Albert Henry
Babbage Cyril Fredrick 'Frank'
Bachmann Jack Henry
Bacon Charles Harvey
Baddeley Douglas Hiram
Bader Douglas Robert Steuart
Badger Ivor James
Badger John Vincent Clarence
Bailey C G
Bailey Graham George
Bailey George John
Bailey Henry Noel Dawson
Bailey John Cyril Lindsay Dyson
Bailey James Richard Abe 'Jim'
Baillon Paul Abbott
Bain George Stobie Preston
Baines Cyril Edgar Joseph
Baird George Maurice
Baker Aubrey Cyril
Baker Barrie
Baker Clive Conrad Mahoney
Baker Eric Debnam
Baker Henry Collingham 'Butch'
Baker Louis Victor
Baker P
Baker Ronald David
Baker Stanley
Baker-Falkner Roy Sydney
Ball George Eric
Bamberger Cyril Stanley 'Bam'
Bandinel James Julius Frederick Henry
Banham Arthur John
Banister Thomas Henry
Banks William Henry
Bann Samuel Eric
Baraldi Ferdinand Henry Raphael 'Jimmy'
Barański Wieńczysław
Barber Robert Hugh
Barclay Richard George Arthur
Barker Fredrick J
Barker George Leonard
Barker John Keel
Barnard Eric Charles
Barnes John Guy Cardew
Barnes Leslie Dennis
Barnes Wilkinson
Barnett Richard Edgar
Baron Rupert Victor
Barraclough Richard George Victor
Barraclough Stanley Michel
Barran Philip Henry 'Pip'
Barrett William Eric
Barron Norman Percy Gerald
Barrow Hector Jack Raymond
Barry Nathaniel John Merriman
Barthropp Patrick Peter Colum 'Paddy'
Bartlett Leonard H
Bartley Anthony C
Barton Anthony Richard Henry
Barton Robert Alexander 'Butch'
Bartos Jindrich
Barwell Eric Gordon
Barwell Philip Reginald
Bary Ronald Edward
Bashford Harry
Bassett Francis Bernard
Batchelor Gordon Herbert
Batt Leslie Gordon
Batley SH
Baxter Sidney
Bayles Ian Norman
Bayley Edward Alan
Bayliss Derek
Bayliss Ernest John
Bayly James
Bayne Alfred William Alexander
Bayne David Walter
Baynham Geoffery Theodore
Bazin James Michael
Bazley Sidney Howarth
Beake Percival Harold 'Percy'
Beamish Francis Victor
Beamish Ronald
Beamont Roland Prosper 'Bee'
Beaumont Walter
Beaumont S G
Beard John Morris Bentley
Beardmore Eric Walter B
Beardsley Robert Arthur 'Bob'
Beatty Marcus Alfred
Beaumont R
Beaumont Stephen G
Beaumont Walter
Beazley Hugh John Sherard 'Beazle'
Beda Antoni
Bee Ernest Horace
Beechey Alfred Francis
Beedham Joseph Jeffery Ian
Beer Cyril Sydney Frank
Beggs H W
Bełc Marian
Belchem Lawrence George
Beley Robert Wilfred Garth
Bell Charles Algernon
Bell Charles Henry
Bell Derek
Bell John Swift
Bell R
Bell-Salter David Basil
Bell-Walker Howard John
Benn Gordon William
Bennett Clarence Charles
Bennett Hector Ernest
Bennette Geoffrey Ryding
Bennions George Herman 'Ben'
Bennison Alan A
Benson James Gillies
Benson Noel John Victor
Bent Benjamin
Benzie John
Beresford Hugh Richard Aden
Bergman Vaclav
Berkley Thomas Colqhoun Edmonds
Bernard Frantisek Antonin
Bernaś Bronisław
Berridge Horace Walter
Berry Alan
Berry Frederick George
Berry Roland 'Raz'
Berwick Robert Charles
Beveridge Charles
Beytagh Michael Leo
Bickerdike John Laurence
Bicknell Leslie Charles
Bicknell N
Bidgood Eric George
Bidgood Ivor Kenneth Jack
Biggar Arthur James
Bignall John Edward
Binham Arthur Edward
Birch Colin Norman
Birch Raymond Robert Grenville
Bird Ronald Arthur
Bird-Wilson Harold Arthur Cooper
Birkett Thomas
Birrell Maurice Andrew
Bisdee John D 'The Bish'
Bisgood Douglas Leonard
Bitmead Ernest Ralph
Black Allan
Black Herbert Ernest 'Bert'
Blackadder William Francis
Blackwood George Douglas Morant
Blair Charles Edward
Blair KH
Blaize Pierre Michel
Blake Arthur Giles 'Admiral'
Blake Minden Vaughn 'Mindy'
Blake R
Bland John Wellburn
Blane William Higgins
Blatchford Howard Peter 'Cowboy'
Blayney Adolf Jarvis
Blenkharn Frank
Bloomeley David Henry
Bloor Ernest
Blow Kenneth Leslie Owen
Boddington Michael Christopher B
Bodie Crelin Arthur Walford 'Bogle'
Boitel-Gill Derek Pierre Aumale
Bolton Henry Albert
Bon Seigneur Camille Robespeirre
Bomford D
Boot Peter Victor
Booth Glendon Bulmar
Booth J J
Boret Robert John
Borowski Jan
Boswell Reginald Arthur
Boulding R J E
Boulter John Clifford
Boulton John Eric
Bouquillard Henri Jacques
Bowen Charles Earle
Bowen FD
Bowen Nigel Greenstreet
Bowen Peter Duncan
Bowen-Morris Hugh
Bowerman Oswald Robert
Bowman Leonard Douglas
Bowring Benjamin Harvey
Bowyer Walter Stafford
Boyd Adrian Hope 'Ginger'
Boyd Archibald D McNeill
Boyd Robert Finlay
Boyle Cyril
Boyle John Greer 'Beryl'
Braham John Randall Daniel 'Bob'
Bramah Henry George Kenelm
Branch Guy Rawstron
Brand Christopher Joseph Quintin
Brash George Brown
Breeze Reginald Arthur
Brejcha Vaclav
Brennan Jack Stephen
Brett Colin Peter Noel
Brewster John
Briere Yves J
Briese Carl E
Briggs Dennis Rushworth
Briggs MF
Bright Vernon Maxwell
Brimble George William
Brimble John Joseph
Brinsden Francis Noel
Britton Allen Walter Naylor
Britton Henry Wilfred Arthur
Broadhurst Harry 'Broady'
Broadhurst John William
Brooker Robert Edgar Peter
Brookman RWA
Broom PW
Brothers Peter Malam
Brown A E
Brown A W
Brown BM
Brown Bernard W
Brown C B
Brown Charles Walter Dryburgh
Brown D M
Brown De Peyster
Brown F S
Brown G A
Brown James Wood
Brown Mark Henry 'Hilly'
Brown Marvin Kitchener
Brown Maurice Peter
Brown Norman McHardy
Brown PGF
Brown R C
Brown Robert J W
Brown Robert S
Browne C
Browne Dennis Owen Matthew
Bruce David Campbell
Brumby Norman
Brunner Geoffrey C
Bryant R F
Bryant-Fenn L T
Bryson John Samuel
Brzezina Stanislaw 'Breezy'
Brzezowski Michał
Buchanan J
Buchanan James Richebourg
Buchin Maurice Simon Henri Charles
Buck James Allen
Buckland Frank William
Bucknole John Stanley
Budd G O
Budziński Jan
Bull Cecil Halford
Bull J C
Bulmer Geoffrey Gordon Robinson
Bumstead R F
Bunch D C
Bunch Samuel Hoskin
Bungey Robert Wilton
Burda Frantisek
Burdekin A G
Burgess J H B
Burgoyne Eric
Burley P S
Burnard F P
Burnell-Phillips Peter Anthony
Burnett Norman Whitmore
Burns WR
Burns Owen V 'OV'
Burt AD
Burtenshaw AA
Burton CG
Burton D L
Burton H
Burton Howard Frizelle 'Billy'
Burton Leslie Gilbert
Burton L
Burton Percival Ross-Frames
Bury-Burzymski Jan
Bush Basil Martin
Bush Charles Roy
Bushell Gordon Downs
Butterfield Samuel Leslie
Butterick A F
Butterworth K
Byng-Hall Percy
Byrne Edward Leslie 'Paddy'
Cain Anthony Richard
Caister James Russell
Calderhead George Douglas
Calderwood Thomas Morrow
Cale Francis Walter
Cambell DCO
Cambridge William Percival
Cameron James Douglas
Cameron Matthew
Cameron Neil
Campbell Alan Robert McLeod
Campbell Alan
Campbell Alexander Middleton
Campbell David Baillie
Campbell Gillian Lorne
Campbell Donald Cairnie O
Campbell Kenneth Charles
Campbell Norman Neil
Campbell-Colquhoun Ernest William
Candy Robert John
Canham Arthur William
Cannon Bernard
Capel Bernard
Capon Cardale Frederick Alexander
Capstick Herbert
Carbury Brian John George
Cardell Philip Melville
Cardnell Charles Frederick
Carey Frank Reginald
Carlin Sydney 'Timbertoes'
Carlson D
Carnaby William Fleming
Carnall Ralph
Carpenter Jack Conway
Carpenter John Michael Vowles
Carr William Joseph
Carr-Lewty Robert Albert
Carriere Jean Charles
Carswell Malcolm Keith
Carter CAW
Carter Laurence Richmond
Carter Peter Edward George
Carter Victor Arthur
Carthew Gerald Charles Trewalla
Carver John Champion
Carver Kenneth Maltby
Carver Rodney Harold Power
Case Herbert Robert
Cassidy Ernest
Casson Lionel Harwood 'Buck'
Cave John Geoffry
Castle Colin Ewart Patrick
Cawse Frederick Norman
Cebrzyński Arsen
Chabera Frantisek
Chadwick Dennis Frederick
Chaffe Ronald Ivor
Chalder Harry Hutchinson
Chałupa Stanisław Józef
Chaloner Lindsey Patrick
Chamberlain George Philip
Chamberlain Joseph Thomas Ronald
Chandler Horatio Herbert
Chapman Victor Ronald
Chappell Alan Kingsley
Chappell Charles Gordon
Chapple Douglas William Ernest
Chard Wilfred Thomas
Charles Edward Francis John 'Jack'
Charnock Gerard
Charnock Harry Walpole
Chater George Frederick
Cheetham John Cowper
Chelmecki Marian
Chesters Peter
Chetham Charles Arthur Copeland
Chevrier Joseph Armand Jacques
Chew Clifford Archibald
Chignell Robert Alexander
Chiltern Patrick Charles Stuart
Chipping Douglas James
Chisholm Roderick Aeneus
Chłopik Tadeusz P
Chomley John Allison George
Choran Maurice Philipe Cesar
Christie George Patterson
Christie John McBean
Christmas Beverley E
Chrystal(l) Colin
Churches Edward Walter Gillies
Churchill Walter Myers
Cizek Evzen
Clackson David Lawrence
Clandillon James Albert
Clark Colin Anthony Gordon
Clark David de Brassey
Clark Godfrey Percival
Clark Henry Reginald
Clark William Terence Montague 'Terry'
Clarke Arthur William
Clarke Gordon Stuart
Clarke Gordon Thomas
Clarke Henry Reginald
Neville-Clarke Ronald
Clarke Raymond Walter
Cleaver Gordon Neil S 'Mouse'
Clenshaw Ian Charles Cooper
Clerke Rupert Francis Henry
Clift Douglas Gerald 'Duggie'
Clifton John Kenneth Grahame
Clouston Arthur Edmond
Clouston Wilfred Greville
Clowes Arthur Victor
Clyde William Pancoast 'Billy'
Coates James Patrick
Cobden Donald Gordon
Cochrane Arthur Charles 'Cocky'
Cock John Reynolds
Cockburn John Clayton
Cockburn Richard Cockburn
Coggins John
Coghlan John Hunter
Coke The Hon. David Arthur
Cole Charles Frederick John
Colebrook Christopher
Coleman Edward Jack
Collard Peter
Collett George Richard
Collingbridge Leon William
Collins Anthony Roland
Collyns Basil Gordon
Comely Peter Woodruff
Comerford Harry Alfred George
Compton John William
Connell William Charles
Connor Francis Hebblethwaite Powell
Connors Stanley Dudley Pierce
Considene Brian Bertram
Constable-Maxwell Michael Hugh
Constantine Alexander Noel
Cook Arthur Willson
Cook Harry
Cook Robert Vincent
Cooke Charles Alfred
Cooke Herbert Reginald
Coombes Eric
Coombs Robert Johnson
Cooney Cecil John
Coope William Edwin
Cooper Charles Fredrick
Cooper Douglas Clifford
Cooper James Enerton
Cooper Roy Norman
Cooper Sidney Frederick
Cooper Thomas Arthur
Cooper-Key Aston Maurice
Cooper-Slipper Thomas Paul Michael
Coote Leonard Edward Morgan
Copcutt Richard
Copeland Norman Downey
Copeland Percy
Copeman Jack Harry Hamilton
Corbett George Henry
Corbett Vaughan Bowerman
Corbin William James
Corcoran Henry
Cordell Horace Arthur
Corfe Douglas Fredrick
Cork Richard John 'Dickie'
Corkett Allan Henry
Corner Malcolm Charles
Cory Guy Webster
Cory Noel Henry
Cosby Eric Thomas
Cosby Ivor Henry
Cotes-Preedy Digby Vawdre Cartmel
Cottam Gerald
Cottam Hubert Weatherby
Courtis Jack Burall
Courtney Ronald Noel Hamilton
Coussens Herbert William
Couzens George Walter
Coverley William Hugh
Covington Aubrey Richard
Coward James Baird
Cowen William
Cowley James
Cowsill James Roy
Cox David George Samuel Richardson
Cox GJ
Cox GP
Cox Kenneth Henry
Cox Philip Anthony Neville
Cox Ralph Cyril Rupert
Cox WE
Coxon JH
Crabtree DB
Craig George Dudley
Craig John Teasdale 'Bobby'
Cranwell EW
Crawford HH
Crerer F
Cresty KG
Creswell DG
Crew Edward Dixon
Crisp John Lawrence
Crockett Ronald Frederick
Crofts Peter Guerin
Croker EE
Crombie Robert
Crook David Moore
Crook HK
Crook VWJ
Croskell Michael Ernest
Crossey JT
Crossley Michael Nicholson
Crossman RG
Crossman John Dallas
Crowley HR
Crowley-Milling Denis W 'Crow'
Cruickshanks IJA
Cruttenden John
Cryderman Lawrence Elwood
Crystall C
Cuddie William Arthur
Cukr Vaclav
Cullen R W
Culmer J D
Culverwell John Henry
Cumbers A B
Cunningham John Laurence Gilchrist
Cunningham J
Cunningham John 'Cat's Eyes'
Cunningham W
Cunningham Wallace
Cunnington William George
Cupitt T
Curchin John
Curley Albert George
Currant Christopher Frederick 'Bunny'
Curtis F W
Cutts John Wintringham
Czajkowski Franciszek
Czerniak Jerzy
Czernin Count Manfred Beckett
Czerny Jan
Czerwinski Tadeusz
Czternastek Stanisław
Dafforn Robert Chippendall
Dale Peter Alan
Dalton Robert William
Dalton-Morgan Thomas Frederick
Daly John J
Dann James Edwin
Dannatt Alexander George
D'Arcy-Irvine Brian William Jesse
Dargie Albert McDonald Smith
Darley Horace Stanley 'George'
Darling Andrew Smitton
Darling Edward Vivian 'Mitzi'
Darwin Christopher William Warton
Daszewski Jan Kazimierz Michal
Davey Brian
Davey John Arthur Joseph
David William Dennis
Davidson Henry John
Davies Alfred Eric
Davies Graham Gordon Ayerst
Davies John Alfred
Davies John William
Davies Leonard
Davies Maurice Peter
Davies P F M
Davies Roy Blackburne
Davis AS
Davies-Cooke Paul John
Davis Alfred Stewart
Davis Carl Raymond
Davis Charles Trevor
Davis J N
Davis Jack
Davis Peter Edgar
Davis Philip Oscar
Davis William Lee
Davison John Tregonwell
Davy Thomas Daniel Humphrey
Daw Victor George
Dawbarn Peter Leslie
Dawick Kenneth
Dawson Thomas
Dawson-Paul F
Day Frank Samuel
Day Robert Lionel Frank
De Hempricourt de Grunne Compte Rudolph Ghislain Charles
D'Hamale Roger Emile de Cannart
De Hemptinne Baudovin Marie Ghislain
Dejace Leonard Joseph
De la Boucher Francois Henri Edmond Joseph Andre
De la Perelle Victor Breton
De Mancha Ricardo Adriani
De Montbron Xavier de Cherade
De Mozay Jean E
De Scitivaux C J M P
De Spirlet Francois Xavier Egenoff
Deacon Arthur Harry
Deacon-Elliot R
Deansley Edward Christopher
Debenham Kenneth Barry Lempriere
Debree  ?
Dee Orlando John
Deere Alan Christopher
Deller Alan Lawrence Martin
Demetriadi Richard Stephen
Demoulin Rene Jean Ghislain
Denby Gordon Alfred
Denchfield Herbert David
Denholm George Lovell
Denison Richard Warren
Denton Denis Austin
Derbyshire John Montague
Desloges Jean Paul Joseph
Deuntzer Derrick Canut
Devitt Peter Kenneth
Dewar John Michael Firth
Dewar John Scatliff
Dewey Robert Basil
Dewhurst Kenneth Shortland
Dexter Peter Grenfell
Dibnah Ronald Harold
Dickie William Gordon
Dickinson John Holt
Dieu Giovanni E F
Difford Ivor Benison
Digby-Worsley Maxwell Paul
Ditzel John William
Dixon Christopher Alexander Wilfred
Dixon Frederick John Powell
Dixon George
Dixon John Antony
Dixon Lawrence
Dobree Nicholas Robert
Dodd John Dodgson
Dodge Charles William
Doe Robert Francis Thomas
Dolezal Frantisek
Domagala Marian Boguslaw
Don Ralph Stidston
Donahue Arthur Gerald 'Art'
Donald Ian David Grahame
Donaldson Edward Mortlock 'Teddy'
Dossett William Stanley
Doughty Neville Anthony Richard
Douglas William Anderson
Doulton Michael Duke
Douthwaite Basil
Doutrepont Georges Louis Joseph
Dowding The Hon. Derek Hugh Tremenheere
Down John Knight
Down Peter Derrick McLeod
Downer Alan Richard
Draby T
Drake Billy
Drake George James
Draper Bryan Vincent
Draper Gilbert Graham Fairley
Draper R A
Dredge Allan Sydney
Drever Nigel George
Drew Peter Edward
Drobiński Bolesław Henryk
Drummond John Fraser
Du Vivier Reginald Albert Lloyd
Duart John Howard
Dubber Ronald Edwin
Duckenfield Byron Leonard
Duda Josef
Duff Stanley Sutherland
Duke-Woolley Raymond Myles Beecham Duke
Dulwich William Howard
Duncan  ?
Dundas Hugh Spencer Lisle 'Cocky'
Dundas John Charles
Dunmore Jack Townley
Dunlop-Urie John
Dunn Ian Love
Dunning-White Peter William
Dunscombe Raymond Douglas
Dunworth Felix Patrick Raphael
Dupee Osald Arthur
Durrant Carroll Ronald
Duryasz Marian
Duszyński Stanisław
Dutton G W
Dutton Roy Gilbert
le Roy du Vivier Daniel 'Boy'
Du Vivier Reginald Albert Roy
Dvorak Alois
Dye Bertram Ernest
Dyer Henry David Patrick
Dygryn Josef
Dyke Leslie Arthur
Dymond William Lawrence
Eade Arthur William
Earp Richard Llewellyn
Easton David Albert
Eckford Alan Francis
Edge Alexander Rothwell
Edge Gerald Richmond
Edgley Alwyn
Edworthy Gerald Henry
Edmiston Guy Arthur Fownes
Edmond Norman Douglas
Edmunds Eric Ralph
Edridge Hilary Patrick Michael
Edsall Eric Frank
Edwards A J
Edwards Frederick
Edwards Harold Harding
Edwards Harry Davies
Edwards Ivor Herbert
Edwards Kenneth Charles
Edwards Malcolm Finney
Edwards Robert Lesley
Edwards Robert Sydney James
Edworthy Gerald Henry
Edy Allan Laird
Eeles H
Egan Edward James
Eiby William Thorpe
Ekins Victor Howard
Elcome Douglas William
Eldridge HPM
Eley Fredrick William 'Tiger Tim'
Elger Frank Richard Charles
Eliot Hugh William
Elkington John Francis Durham 'Tim'
Ellacombe John Lawrence Wemyss
Ellery Cyril Charles
Elliott George J
Elliott Robert Deacon
Ellis Gordon Eric
Ellis John
Ellis John Hugh Mortimer 'Cockney Sparrow'
Ellis Ronald Vernon
Ellis Walter Thomas
Elsdon Harry Donald Buchanan
Elsdon Thomas Arthur Francis
Else Peter
Emeny Clifford Stanley
Emmett Geoffrey
Emmett William Alexander Coote
English Charles Edward
Ensor Philip Stephen Baddesley
Etherington Wilfred John
Evans Cecil Roy
Evans David
Evans George John
Evans Harold Arthur Charles
Evans Walter Reginald
Everitt Alfred Douglas
Everitt Geoffrey Charles
Eyles Peter Raoul
Eyre Anthony 'Tony'
Fajtl František
Falkowski Jan Pawel
Farley Walter Ronald
Farmer James Nigel Watts
Farnes Eric
Farnes Paul Caswell Powe
Farquhar Andrew Douglas
Farrow John Robinson
Fathing John
Fawcett Derek P
Fayolle Emile Francois Marie Leonce
Fearns Francis
Feary Alan Norman
Feather John Leslie
Fechtner Emil
Fejfar Stanislav
Fenemore Stanley Allen
Fenn Cecil Francis
Fenton Harold Arthur
Fenton John Ollis
Fenton Walter Gordon
Fenwick Charles Raymond
Fenwick Samuel Green
Ferdinand Roy Fredrick
Ferguson Eric Hannah
Ferguson Peter John
Ferić Mirosław
Ferriss Henry Michael
Ficketts HW
Fildes Frank
Finch T R H
Finlay Donald Osborne 'Don'
Finnie Archibald
Finnis John Frederick Fortescue
Finucane Brendan Eamonn Fergus 'Paddy'
Fisher Anthony George Anson
Fisher Gerald
Fisher Basil Mark
Fiske William Meade Lindsley 'Billy'
Fitzgerald Thomas Bernard
Fizel Joseph Francis
Fleming John
Fleming Robert David Spittall
Fletcher Andrew William
Fletcher John Denys
Fletcher John Gordon Bewley
Fletcher Walter Thomas
Flinders John L 'Polly'
Flood Fredrick William
Flower Hubert Luiz
Foglar Vaclav
Foit Emil Antonin
Fokes Ronald Henry
Folliard James Henry
Fopp Desmond
Forbes Athol Stanhope
Ford Ernest George
Ford Roy Clement 'Henry'
Forde Derek Nigel
Forrest Dudley Henry
Forrester George Mathwin
Forshaw Terence Henry Trimble
Forster Anthony Douglas
Forsyth Colin Leo Malcolm
Forward Ronald Victor
Foster Robert William
Fotheringham Allan Cook
Fott E A
Fowler Alfred Lawrence
Fowler Reginald John
Fox Lawrence
Fox Peter Hutton
Foxley-Norris Christopher Neil
Fox-Male Dennis Humbert
Francis A
Francis Clarence William 'Bill'
Francis Colin Dunstone
Francis Douglas Norman
Francis John
Francis Noel Inglis Chalmers
Franklin Walter Derrick Kerr
Franklin William Henry
František Józef
Fraser Robert Henry Braund
Freeborn John Connell
Freeman Richard Powell
Freer Peter Foster
Freese Laurence Eric
French Thomas Lennox
Frey Juliusz Artur
Friend Jack Richard
Friendship Alfred Henry Basil
Fripp Joffre Harry
Frisby Edward Murray
Frith Eric Thomas G
Frizell Charles George
Frost Jack Lynch
Fulford David
Fumerton Robert Carl 'Moose'
Furneaux Rex Horton
Furst Bohumir
Gabszewicz Aleksander Klemens
Gadd James Edward
Gage Douglas Hugh
Gallus Paweł Piotr
Gamblen Douglas Robert
Gane Sidney Russell
Gant Ernest
Gardiner Eric Cecil
Gardiner Fredrick Thomas
Gardiner William Nairn
Gardner Bernard George Derry
Gardner Peter Melvill
Gardner Richard Exton 'Jimmy'
Gardner John Rushton
Garfield Walter James
Garrad Anthony Hugh Hamilton
Garside Geoffrey
Garton Geoffrey William
Garvey Leonard Arthur
Garvin George Desmond
Gash Fredrick 'Fred'
Gaskell Richard Stuart
Gaunce Lionel Manley 'Elmer'
Gaunt Geoffrey Norman 'Jeff'
Gaunt William Edwin
Gavan Arthur
Gawith Alan Antill
Gayner John Richard Hensman
Gear Alan Walter
Geddes Keith Irvine
Gee Victor David
Genney Terence
Gent Raymond John Kitchell
Gibbins Dudley Guy
Gibbons CM
Gibson John Albert Axel
Giddings Herbert Selwyn
Gil Józef
Gilbert Ernest George
Gilbert Humphrey Trench
Gilbert Peter Robert Joseph
Gilders John Stanley 'Gilly'
Gill James Vivian
Gillam Denys Edgar
Gillam Ernest
Gillan James
Gillen Thomas William
Gillespie James Lyon
Gillies J
Gillies Kenneth McLeod
Gillman Keith Reginald
Gilroy George Kemp 'Sheep'
Gilyeat Harold Roy
Girdwood Alexander George
Glaser Ernest Derek 'Dave'
Gleave Thomas Percy
Gledhill Geoffrey
Gleed Ian Richard 'Widge'
Glegg Alexander Joseph
Glendinning John Nixon
Glew Norman Vipan 'Sticky'
Głowacki Antoni 'Toni'
Głowacki Witold Jozef
Glyde Richard Lindsay
Gmur Feliks
Gnyś Wladysław
Goddard Henry Gordon
Goddard William Bernard
Godden SF
Goldsmith Claude Waller
Goldsmith John Ernest
Gonay Henri Alphonse Clement
Goodall Harold Ingham
Gooden Stephen Frederick
Gooderham AJ
Gooderham Albert Thomas
Goodman Geoffrey
Goodman George Ernest 'Randy'
Goodman Maurice Yenning
Goodwin Charles
Goodwin Henry McDonald
Goodwin Roy Daniel
Goodwin Stanley Albert
Goord Robert Leslie
Gordon John Arthur Gerald
Gordon Stanley
Gordon William Hugh Gibson
Gore William Ernest
Gorrie David George
Gorzula Mieczysław Stanisław 'Mick'
Gosling Reginald Clive
Goth Vilem
Gothorpe EC
Gould CL
Gould Derrick Leslie
Gould Gordon Leslie
Gouldstone Ronald Joseph
Gout Geoffrey Kenneth
Gowers Arthur Vincent 'Gus'
Gracie Edward John 'Jumbo'
Graham Edward 'Ted'
Graham James
Graham Kenneth Alfred George
Graham Leslie William
Grandy John
Grant Edwin John Forgan
Grant Donald
Grant Stanley Bernard
Grant Ian Allan Charles
Grassick Robert Davidson
Graves Edward Arthur
Graves Richard Courtney
Gray Anthony Philip
Gray Clifford Kempson
Gray Colin Falkland
Gray Donald McIntosh
Gray Kenneth William
Gray Malcolm
Gray Trevor
Grayson Charles
Green Alexander William Valentine
Green Charles Patrick
Green Fredrick William Woolridge
Green George Graham
Green Herbert Edward
Green Maurice David
Green William James
Greenshields Henry la Fore
Greenwood John Peter Bowtell
Gregory Albert Edward
Gregory Alfred Henry
Gregory Felix Stafford
Gregory William James 'Sticks'
Grellis Horace Eustace
Gresty Kenneth Gaston
Gretton Reginald Harry
Gribble Dorian George
Grice Dennis Neve
Grice Douglas Hamilton
Gridley Robert Victor
Grier Thomas
Griffin John James
Griffiths C
Griffiths Glyn
Grogan George Jacques
Groszewski Bernard
Grove Harry Cyril
Grubb Ernest George
Grubb Henry Frank
Gruszka Franciszek
Grzeszczak Bogdan
Guerin Charles Paul
Guest Thomas Francis
Gundry Kenneth Cradock
Gunn Harold Raymond
Gunning Peter Stackhouse
Gunter Edward Maurice
Gurteen John Vinter
Guthrie Giles Connop McEacharn
Guthrie NH
Guy Leonard Northwood 'Len'
Guy Peter
Guymer Eric Norman Laurence
Hackwood Gerald Henry
Haigh Cyril
Haig John Galloway Edward
Haine Richard Cummins
Haines Leonard Archibald
Haire John Keatinge
Hairs Peter Raymond
Hall Noel Mudie
Hall Rosswell Clifford
Hall Roger Montague Dickenson
Hall William Clifford
Hall P F
Hall Robert
Hallam Ian Lewis McGregor
Halliwell Antony Burton
Hallowes Herbert James Lempriere 'Darkie'
Halton Derrick Walton
Hamar Jack Royston
Hamblin Richard Kaye
Hamer Russel Chapman 'Lofty'
Hamill John Warren
Hamilton Alexander Lewis
Hamilton Arthur Charles
Hamilton Charles Blackley
Hamilton Claud Eric 'Hamish'
Hamilton Harry Raymond
Hamilton James Sutherland
Hamlyn Ronald Fairfax 'Ronnie'
Hammerton Jack
Hammond Derek John
Hampshire Cyril Edward
Hanbury Bruce Alexander
Hanbury Osgood Villiers 'Pedro'
Hancock Bruce
Hancock Ernest Lindsey
Hancock Norman Edward
Hancock Norman Patrick Watkins
Hanmer R
Hannan George Henry
Hanson David Harry Wellstead
Hanus Jan Josef
Hanzlicek Otto
Hardacre John Reginald
Hardcastle Jack
Hardie G
Harding Noel Douglas
Harding Nelson Maxwell
Hardman Harry Gordon
Hardwick WRH
Hardy R
Hardy OA
Hardy SH
Hare Maxwell Templeton
Hargreaves Frederick Norman
Harker AS
Harkness Hill
Harnett TP
Harper WJ
Harris Patrick Arthur
Harrison Anthony Robert James
Harrison David Stewart
Harrison John Howard
Harrold Frederick Cecil
Hart John Stewart
Hart Kenneth Graham
Hart Norris
Hartas Peter McDonnell
Harvey LW
Hastings Douglas
Havercroft Ralph E 'Titch'
Haviland John Kenneth
Haviland Richard Haviland
Haww C
Hawke PS
Hawke Stanley Nelson
Hawkings Redvers Percival
Hawley Frederick Barnard
Haworth Joseph Frederick John
Hay Richard Cuthbert
Hayden LH
Hayes A
Hayes Thomas Norman
Haycock RA
Hayson GDL
Hayter James Chilton Francis 'Spud'
Haywood Douglas 'Haybag'
Haywood D
Hayworth H
Head Fredrick Arthur Percy
Head Geoffrey Mons
Heal Philip William Dunstan
Healy Terence William Richard
Heath Barrie
Hebron George Stephen
Hedges Alan Lindsay
Heimes Leopold 'Pol'
Helcke Denis Arnold
Hellyer Richard Owen
Hemingway John Allman
Henderson James Alan MacDonald
Hendry David Oswald
Hendry DD
Henn William Bryan
Henneberg Zdzisław Karol
Henson Bernard
Henstock Lawrence Frederick
Heron Hugh Michael Turretin
Herrick Brian Henry
Herrick Michael James
Heslop Victor William
Hess Alexander
Hetherington Erik Lawson
Hewett Gordon Arthur
Hewitt Duncan Alexander
Hewlett Colin Roy
Hewson John Minchin
Heycock George Francis Wheaton
Heywood Norman Bagshaw
Heyworth John Harvey
Hick David Thornhill
Higgins William Burley
Higginson Frederick William 'Taffy'
Higgs Thomas Peter Kingsland
Hight Cecil Henry
Hiles Arthur Herbert
Hilken Clive G
Hill Archibald Edmund
Hill Arnold Maurice
Hill Charles Richard
Hill Geoffrey
Hill George Edward
Hill Howard Perry
Hill John Hamar 'Johnnie'
Hill Michael Rowland
Hill Sydney Jenkyn
Hillary Richard Hope
Hillcoat Harry Bryan Lillie
Hillock FW
Hillman Ralph Walter
Hillwood Peter
Himr Jaroslav
Hindrup Fredrick George
Hine Merrik Hubert Eric
Hird Leonard
Hithersay Arthur James Beaumont
Hlavac Jaroslav
Hlobil Alois
Hoare-Scott James Hammond
Hobbis Dudley Ormston
Hobbs Joseph Bedo
Hobbs Sydney John
Hobbs WH
Hobson Colin Anthony
Hobson Desmond Bogan
Hobson William Francis Cripps
Hodds William Henry
Hodge John Stephen Arthur
Hodgkinson Arthur John 'Hodge'
Hodgson William Henry 'Ace'
Hodson Claude Gordon
Hogan Henry Algernon Vickers 'Harry'
Hogg Douglas William
Hogg Edward Sydney
Hogg John Henry
Hogg Robert Dudley
Hogg Richard Malzard
Hogg Ralph Vincent
Holden Eustace
Holden Kenneth
Holder Gerald Arthur
Holder Robert
Holderness John Browning
Holland Arthur Lawrence
Holland Dennis Frederick
Holland Kenneth Christopher
Holland Robert Hugh 'Bob'
Holland Robert Meredith
Hollis Ernest James
Holloway Sydney Victor
Hollowell Kenneth Bruce
Holmes Eric Leonard
Holmes Fredrick Henry
Holmes G
Holmes George Henry
Holmes Raymond Towers 'Ray'
Holroyd Wilfred Barwell
Holton Arthur Gerald Vaughan
Homer Michael Giles
Hone Douglas Harold
Honor Dudley Sandry Garton
Hood Hilary Richard Lionel 'Robin'
Hook Archie
Hookway Douglas Newcombe
Hooper Beresford Gwynne
Hooper-Smith Lawrence E
Hope Sir Archibald Philip
Hope Ralph
Hopewell James
Hopgood Charles Leonard
Hopkin William Pelham 'John Willie'
Hopton Bernard Walter
Hornby William Henry
Horner Frank George
Horrox James Michael
Horsky Vladimir
Horton Patrick Wilmot
Horsley CF
Hough Harold Basil Lincoln
Houghton Cyril George
Houghton Oliver Vincent
van den Hove d'Ertsenrijck Albert Emmaneul Alix DJG
Howard G
Howard  ?
Howard John
Howard-Williams Peter Ian
Howarth Eric Francis
Howe Bernard
Howe Donald Charles
Howell Francis Vincent
Howell Frank Jonathan
Howes Harold Norman
Howes Peter
Howitt Geoffrey Leonard
Howitt Isaac Edward
Howley Richard Alexander
Hoyle George Vincent
Hoyle Henry Nuttall
Hradil Frantisek
Hruby Otakar
Hubacek Josef
Hubbard Brian Fredrick Robert
Hubbard Thomas Edward
Huckin Philip Edward
Hughes A J
Hughes David Ernest
Hughes Dennis Lawrence
Hughes David Price
Hughes Frederick Desmond
Hughes John McCulloch Middlemore
Hughes Paterson Clarence
Hughes William Robert Kent
Hughes-Rees John Anthony
Hugo Petrus Hendrik 'Dutch'
Hulbert Donald James
Hulbert Frank Horace Raymond
Hull Caesar Barraud
Humpherson John Bernard William
Humphrey Andrew Henry
Humphreys Jack David
Humphreys James Samuel
Humphreys Peter Cecil
Humphreys Peter Harry
Hunt Douglas Alfred Charles
Hunt David Walter
Hunt Henry Norman
Hunter Alastair Stewart
Hunter Douglas John
Hunter Philip Algernon
Hunter-Tod John Hunter
Hurry Charles Alexander Lyall
Hurst Peter Richard Scott
Hutchison David Alexander
Hutchinson Iain
Hutchinson JH
Hutley Richard Ralph
Hutton Robert Scott
Hybler Josef Emil
Hyde George Gordon
Hyde John Woollard
Hyde Reginald Jack
Ievers Norman Lancelot
Igglesden Charles Patrick
Imray Horace Stanley
Ingle Alec
Ingle-Finch Michael Roscoe
Innes Robert Alexander
Inness Richard Fredrick
Inniss Aubrey Richard de Lisle
Ireland Sydney
Irving Maurice Milne
Isherwood Donald William
Isaac Lewis Reginald
Iveson Thomas Clifford
Ivey Reginald
Jack Donald Macfarlane
Jackson Arthur
Jackson Patrick Allison Cathcart
Jackson Peter Frederic
Jacobs Henry
Jacobson Norman
James Richard Harwood
James Robert Stuart Seymour
Jameson Patrick Geraint
Janicki Zbigniew
Jankiewicz Jerzy
Janough Svatopluk
Januszewicz Wojciech
Jarrett Raymond Walter Emlyn
Jaske Josef Antonin
Jastrzębski Franciszek
Javaux Lucien Leon Gustav
Jay Dudley Trevor
Jebb Michael
Jeff Robert Voase
Jeffcoat Harry Jeffrey
Jefferies Charles Gordon St David
Jefferies Jessard
Jefferson George
Jefferson Stanley Francis
Jeffrey Alistair John Oswald
Jeffery-Cridge Hugh Ronald
Jefferys George William
Jeka Józef
Jenkins David Nicholas Owen
Jennings Bernard James
Jeram Dennis Mayvore
Jereczek Edmund Vincenty
Jessop Ernest Robert
Jicha Vaclav
Jiroudek Miroslav
Johns George Binmore
Johnson Allan Everitt
Johnson Allan Edward
Johnson Charles Alexander
Johnson Charles Edward
Johnson Gerald Bruce
Johnson James Edgar 'Johnnie'
Johnson Joseph Inkerman 'Joe'
Johnston James Thomas
Johnson R A
Johnson Reginald Bernard
Johnson Richard Kenneth Howard
Johnson Sydney Frederick Farquhar
Johnson William John
Johnstone Alexander Vallance Riddell 'Sandy'
Joll Ian Kenneth Sefton
Jones Cyril Arthur Trevor
Jones Denys Allan Evan
Jones Edwin
Jones Herbert Daniel Baynton
Jones John Sinclair Bucknall
Jones Joseph Trevor
Jones Robert Eric
Jones Richard Leoline
Jones William R
Jottard Alexis Rene Isidore Ghislain
Joubert Charles Cecil Olivier
Jowitt Leonard 'Joey'
Juleff John Rushworth
Kahn Arthur Harold Evans
Kane Terence Michael
Kaña (Kania) Jozef
Karasek Laurence Robert
Karubin Stanisław
Karwowski Włodzimierz Eugeniusz
Kaucky Jan
Kawalecki Tadeusz Wilhelm
Kay Archibald
Kay Desmond Hayward Sidley
Kay Jack Kininmonth
Kayll Joseph Robert 'Joe'
Kay-Shuttleworth Richard Ughtred Paul
Keard John Alexander
Kearsey Albert Wallace
Kearsey Philip James
Keast Francis John
Keatings John 'Bugs'
Kee Ernest Harold Clarke
Keel George Ernest
Keeler Rob Roy Gibbons
Keighley Geoffrey
Kellett Michael
Kellett Ronald Gustave
Kellitt William Henry
Kellow Raymond Alan
Kells Lionel George Hosford
Kelly Dillon Piers Denis Gerard
Kelsey Eric Norman
Kemp John Leslie
Kemp John Richard
Kemp Nigel Leslie Digby
Kendal John Bedford
Kennard Hugh Charles
Kennard-Davis Peter Frank
Kenner Peter Lewis
Kennedy John Connolly
Kennedy Ronald William
Kennett Peter
Kensall George
Kent John Alexander 'Johnnie'
Kent Raymond Dugdale
Keogh Vernon Charles 'Shorty'
Keprt Josef
Ker-Ramsay Robert Gerald
Kershaw Anthony
Kerwin John William
Kestin Ian Herbert
Kestler Oldrich
Keymer Michael
Keynes John Douglas
Kidson Rudal
Killick Peter
Killingback Frederick William George
Kilmartin John Ignatius 'Killy'
Kilner LR
Kilner Joseph Richard
Kinder Douglas Steele
Kinder Maurice Craig
Kindersley Alistair Thomas James
King Eric Bruce
King Frederick Harry
King Leonard Frank Douglas
King Martyn Aurel
King Peter James Christopher
King William Lawrence
King R
Kingaby Donald Ernest
Kingcombe Charles Brian Fabris
Kings Robert Austin
Kirk Thomas Brian
Kirkpatrick James Charles
Kirkwood Mark Tyzack
Kirton David Ian
Kita Szymon
Kitson Thomas Roy
Kleczkowski Stefan
Klein Zygmunt
Klodziński (Klosiński?) Wojciech
Knight Roland Anthony Lee
Knocker William Rodney Alexander
Komaroff Lennert Aexel
Kominek Josef
Kopecky Miroslav
Kopriva Josef
Korber Karel
Kordula Frantisek
Kosarz Wilhelm
Kosiński Bronisław Kazimierz
Koukal Josef
Kowalski Jan
Kowalski Julian
Kozłowski Franciszek
Kramer Marcus
Krasnodębski Zdzislaw
Kratkoruky Bedrich
Kredba Miroslav
Krepski Walenty
Król Wacław Szczepan
Kruml T
Kucera Jaroslav
Kucera Jiri V
Kucera Otmar
Kumiega Tadeusz Leon
Kustrzynski Zbigniew
Kuttlewascher Karl
Kwieciński Jòzef
Lacey Edward Richard
Lacey James Harry 'Ginger'
Lackie William Leckie
Lafont Henrie Gaston
Łaguna Piotr
Laing Alan
Laing Alexander James Alan
Lake Donald Millar
Lamb Albert
Lamb Owen Edward
Lamb Peter Gilbert
Lamb Robert Lionel
Lamb Roderick Russell
Lambert Hugh Michael Standford 'Mike'
Lambie William Gavib Mein
Lammer Alfred
Landels Leslie Ninlan
Lane Brian John Edward 'Sandy'
Lane Roy
Langdon Charles Edward
Langham-Hobart Neville Charles
Langley Gerald Archibald
Langley Leonard
Lanning Francis Charles Anthony
Lansdell John
Lapka Stanislaw
Łapkowski Wacław
Larbalestier Basil Douglas
Laricheliere Joseph Emile Paul
Lascot (??) H
Latta John Blandford F
Lauder Arnold John 'Ginger'
Laughlin John Hamilton
Laurence (??)
Laurence George
Law K S
Lawford Derek Napier
Lawler Edgar Stanley
Lawrence John Thornett
Lawrence Keith Ashley
Lawrence Norman Anthony
Laws Adrian Francis
Laws George Godfrey Stone
Lawson Richard Chester
Lawson Walter John
Lawson-Brown John
Lawton Philip Charles Fenner
Laycock Herbert Keith
Łazoryk Włodzimierz Mikołaj
Leary David Cooper
Leatham Ernest George Cuthbert
Leathart James Anthony 'The Prof'
Leather William Johnson
Le Cheminant Jerrold
Leckrone Philip Howard 'Uncle Sam'
Lecky John Gage
Le Conte Edgar Francis
Ledger Leslie
Le Dong Terry
Lee Kenneth Norman Thomas 'Hawkeye'
Lee Maurice Alexander William
Lee Richard Hugh Antony 'Dickie'
Lees Alan Farquhar Young
Lees Ronald Beresford
Le Jeune O G
Le Rougetel Stanley
LeFevre Peter William
Legg RJ
Legge Brian Pauncefoote
Leggett G
Leggett Percival Graham
Leigh Arthur Charles
Leigh Rupert Henry Archibald
Le Jeune OG
Lenahan John Desmond
Leng Maurice Equity
Lennard Paul Leonard
Lenton Edwin Claude
Lerway Frederick Thomas
Leslie George Mennie
Levenson Stephen Austin
Lewis Albert Gerald 'Zulu'
Lewis Charles Sydney
Lewis Raymond Grant
Lewis William George
Leyland Reginald Harry
Lillie P
Lilley Robert
Limpenny Eric Ronald
Lindsay Alec Ian
Chaloner Lindsey Patrick
Lines Arthur Peter
Lingard John Granville
Linney Anthony Stuart
Lipscombe Alfred John
Lister Robert Charles Franklin
Litchfield Peter
Litson Frederick William Ronald
Little Arthur Guthrie
Little Bernard Williamson
Little James Hayward
Little Ronald
Little Thomas Burgess
Llewellyn Arthur John Alexander
Llewellyn Reginald Thomas
Lloyd AC
Lloyd David Edward
Lloyd John Phillip
Lloyd Philip David
Lockhart James
Lochnan Peter William
Lock Eric Stanley 'Sawn Off' 'Lockie'
Lockton Eric Edward
Lockwood Joseph Charles
Lofts Keith Temple
Logan Colin
Logie Ormonde Arthur
Łokuciewski Witold 'Tolo'
Long  ?
Lonsdale John
Lonsdale Robert Henry
Looker David John
Loudon Malcolm John
Lovell Anthony Desmond Joseph
Lovell-Gregg Terence Gunion 'Shovel'
Loverseed John Eric
Lovett Reginald Eric
Lowe Joseph
Loweth Philip Anthony
Lowther Walter
Loxton Wilfred William 'Bill'
Lucas Robin Morton McTaggart Delight
Lucas Sidney Edward
Łukaszewicz Kazimierz
Lumsden Dugald Thomas Moore
Lumsden J C
Lund John Wilfred
Lusk H S
Lusty Kenneth Roy 'Lucky'
Lyall Alastair McLaren
Lyall Archibald 'Pat'
Lynch James
Lyons Emanuel Barrett
Łysek Antoni
MacArthur Malcolm Robert
MacCaw Derek Charles
MacConochie ARD
Goodwin Henry Macdonald
MacDonald Alexander Stewart
MacDonald Donald Kennedy
MacDonald Duncan Stuart
MacDonald Harold Kennedy
MacDonell Aeness Ranald Donald
MacDougal Charles White
MacDougall Ian Neil
MacDougall Ralph Ian George
MacGregor Alexander Noel
Machacek Jiri
Machin William Howard
Maciejowski Michał Mirosław (Karol?)
Maciński Janusz
MacFie CH
MacKay R
MacKenzie Duncan Cameron
MacKenzie John Noble
Mackenzie Kenneth William
MacKinnon Adam MacLoud
MacKinnon Donald Duncan
MacLachlan Alan Moncrieff
MacLachlan James Archibald Findlay
MacLachlan James Robert
MacLaren Archibald Colin
MacLean Charles Hector
MacLeod George Sutherland Murray
MacNamara Brian Radley
MacPhail Frederick John
MacOnochie Alfred Rippon Duke
MacPherson Robert Reid
MacRae Ian Nicholson
MacRory Harry Ian
Madle Sydney James
Maffett Gerald Hamilton
Maggs Mervyn Henry
Maguire Harold John
Mahoney Timothy Joseph
Main Alistair David Williams
Main Hedley Ronald
Maitland-Walker Wilford Hugh
Makins Arthur Edward
Malan Adolph 'Sailor'
Malengreau Roger Fernand Fulgeance Ghislaine
Males Ernest Edward
Malinowski Bronisław
Malinski Jan L
Mallett Ronald Spencer
Maloney T
Maly Jaroslav M
Mamedoff Andrew B 'Andy'
Manger Kenneth
Mann H Jackie
Mann Harold John
Mansel-Lewis John
Mansfeld Miroslav Jan
Mansfield Bernard Martin
Mansfield David Ernest
Manton Edward
Manton Graham Ashley Leonard
Marchand Roy Achille
Marcinkowski Mieczysław S
Marek Frantisek
Markiewicz Antoni L
Marland Rainford Gent
Marples Roy
Marrs Eric Simcox
Marsh Alan Edward
Marsh Edward Howard
Marsh Henry James
Marsh William Charles
Marshall Alfred Ernest
Marshall James Eglington 'Nigger'
Marshall JE
Marshall John Victor
Marshall Thomas Brian
Marshall Thomas Robson
Marsland Guy
Marston Kenneth John
Martel Ludwik Alfred
Martin A
Martin Alan William
Martin John Claverley
Martin Richard Maurice Scott
Maslen Thomas Arthur
Mason William
Massey Kenneth
Mather John Romney
Mathers James W
Matheson Geoffrey Charles
Mathews Kenneth
Matthews Henry George
Matthews Henry Key Fielding
Matthews Ian Walter
Matthews Peter Gerald Hugh
Maxwell David Alexander
Maxwell Hugh Lockhart
Maxwell MHC
Maxwell Walter
May Leonard Dawson
Mayers Howard Clive
Mayhew Paul Francis
Mayne Ernest
McAdam John
McAdam William David
McAllister P J
McArthur James Henry Gordon
McAvity George Fellows
McAll SV
McCann Thomas Andrew
McCarthy James Patrick
McCarthy Thomas Francis
McCaul John Patrick
McChesney Robert Ian
McClintock John Arthur Peter
McColl John B
McComb James Ellis
McConnell John
McConnell William Winder
McCormack John Bernard
McDermott John Alexander
McDonough Bryan Martin
McDougall Roy
McDowall Andrew
McFadden Aubrey
McFie Colin Hamilton
McGaw Charles Alexander
McGibbon James
McGlashan Kenneth Butterworth
McGowan Robert Henry
McGowan Roy Andrew
McGrath John Keswick Ulick Blake
McGregor Alan James
McGregor Gordon Roy 'Gordie'
McGregor Hector Douglas
McGregor Peter Reginald
McGugan Robert 'Bob'
McHardy Donald Ballantine Hardy
McHardy Eric Hartgill
McInnes A
McIntosh Peter Roy Charles
McIntyre A G
McKay Donald Alastair Stewart
McKellar Archibald Ashmore
Gray D McL
McKnight William Lidstone 'Willie'
McKenzie John Woffenden
McKike EJ
McLaughlin John William
McLure Andrew Crawford Rankin
McMahon John Reginald
McMullen Desmond Anthony Peter
McNab Ernest Archibald
McNair Robin John
McNay Alexander Logan
McPhee J
McPhee Thomas
McPherson RR
Meaker James Reginald Bryan
Mean GM
Meares Stanley Thomas
Measures William Edward Geoffrey 'Tink'
Medworth John Charles Oswald
Meeson Charles Victor
Melville James Cosmo
Melville-Jackson George Holmes
Menage Thomas Nathan
Mercer Robert Turner Deighton
Merchant Henry James
Meredith Arthur Douglas
Mermagen Herbert W 'Tubby'
Merrett John Charles
Merrick Claude
Merryweather Sidney William
Mesner Bertram William
Metcalfe Arthur Charles
Metham James
Meyer Reginald Henry Rome
Michail  ?
Michiels Albert Charles Antoine
Middlemiss William
Middleton William Arthur
Mierzwa Bogusław Leon
Miksa Wlodzimierz
Milburn Reginald Alan
Mildren PR
Mileham Denys Edgar 'Den'
Miles Ernest Edwin
Miles Stanley Fredrick
Miley Miles John
Millar WBM
Millard Jocelyn George Power 'Joce'
Miller Alfred John
Miller Anthony Garforth
Miller Arthur Charles
Miller Robert
Miller Roger Freeman Garland
Miller Thomas Henry
Millington William Henry
Millist Kenneth Milton
Mills Jack Baillie
Mills Jack Percival
Mills Randolph Stuart
Mills-Smith Frank
Milne John Archibald
Milne Richard Maxwell
Milnes Ambrose Henry
Mildren Peter Raymond
Mitchell George
Mitchell Gordon Thomas Manners
Mitchell Harry Thorpe
Mitchell Henry Maynard
Mitchell Herbert Robert
Mitchell Lancelot Robert George
Mitchell Peter
Mitchell Philip Henry Gurrey
Mitchell Richard Ronald
Moberly George Edward
Molson Hartland de Montarville
Monk Denis Aubrey
Monk Ernest William John
Montagu George Wroughton
Montague-Smith Arthur M
De Montbon Xavier
Montgomery Cecil Robert
Montgomery DH
Montgomery Herbert Francis
Moody Dennis George
Moody Henry Wollaston
Moore Arthur Robert
Moore Peter John
Moore William Roy
Moore William Storey
More James Winter Carmichael
Morewood Roger Edward Guy
Morfill Percy Frederick
Morgan Peter Jacques
Morgan Thomas Frederick Dalton
Morgan-Gray Hugh
Morris Edward James
Morris Geoffrey Edward
Morris John
Morrison Joseph Pearson
Morrison Neil
Morrogh-Ryan Oliver Bertram 'Buck'
Mortimer Percival Alexander
Mortimer-Rose Edward Brian
Morton James Storrs
Moss Raymond Christopher
Moss William James March
Mott Walter Henry
Mottram Roy
Mouchotte René
Mould Edward Anthony 'Tony'
Moulton Eric Walter
Mounsdon Maurice Hewlett
Mount Christopher John 'Micky'
Mowat Noel Joseph
Mowat Robert Innes
Moynham Harold Frederick John
Mrazek Karl
Muchowski Konrad Antoni
Mudie Michael Robert
Mudry Włodzimierz Mirosław
Muirhead Ian James
Mümler Mieczysław
Mungo-Park John Colin
Munn Wellesley Spencer
Munro John Gray
Murch Leonard Charles
Murland William John
Murray Alan Duncan
Murray James
Murray Patrick Hatton
Murray Thomas Burnley
Naish Kenneth Edward
Narucki Aleksander Ryszard
Nosowicz Zbigniew
Naughtin Harold Thomas
Neil Thomas Francis 'Ginger'
Nelson Dick
Nelson William Henry
Nelson-Edwards George Hassall
Nenage (?) TN
Nesbitt Arthur Deane
Neville William John
Newbury John Charles
Newbury M A
Newham Edward Arnold
Newling Michael Alan 'Mike'
Newport Douglas Victor
Newton Edwin Frank
Newton Harry Snow
Nicholas John Beville Howard
Nicholls Douglas Benjamin Fletcher
Nicholls Thomas George Frank
Nichols Dennis Hugh
Nicolson James Brindley
Nicolson Peter Bethune
Niemiec Paweł
Nightingale Frederick George
Niven Hugh Glen
Nixon William
Noble Brian Robert
Noble Dennis
Noble William John
Nokes-Cooper Benjamin
Norfolk Norman Robert
Norris Philip Purchell
Norris Robert Wilson C
Norris Stanley Charles
North Gerald
North Harold Leslie
North-Bomford David John
Norwell John King 'Jock'
Norwood Robin Keith Collen
Nosowicz Zbigniew
Nowak Tadeusz
Nowakiewicz Eugeniusz Jan Adam
Nowell William Ronald
Nowierski Tadeusz
Nunn Stanley George
Nute Romilly Ronald James
Nutter Reginald Charles
Oaks Trevor Walter
Oelofse Johannes Roelof Stephanus
O'Brian Peter Geoffrey St.George
O'Brien Joseph Somerton
O'Brien (O'Brian?)
O'Byrne Peter
O'Connell Anthony
Odbert Norman Cyril
Offenberg Jean Henri Marie 'Pyker'
Ogilvie Alfred Keith 'Skeets'
Ogilvy Charles Alexander 'Alastair'
Oglivie Donald Bruce
Oldfield Trevor Guest
O'Leary Arthur Alexander
Oleński Zbigniew
Olesen Wilfrid Pallasen
Olewinski Bolesław
Olive Charles Gordon Chaloner
Oliver George Dixon
Oliver (?) P
Olver Peter
O'Malley Derek Keppel Coleridge
O'Meara James Joseph
Ommanney Rupert John
O'Neill Desmond Hugh
O'Neill John Anthony
Orchard Harold Charles
Orgias Eric
Ortmans Victor Marcel M 'Vicky'
Orzechowski Jerzy
Osmand Alexander Gordon
Ostowicz Antoni
Ostaszewski-Ostoja (Raymond) Piotr
Ottewill PG
Overton Charles Nevil 'Teeny'
Owen Arthur Edward
Owen Henry
Owen William Gethin
Oxspring Robert Wardlow 'Bobby' 'Oxo'
Page Alan Geoffrey
Page Anthony Durrant 'Tony'
Page Arthur John
Page Cyril Leslie
Page Vernon Douglas
Page Wilfrid Thomas
Pain John Francis
Paisey Frederick George
Palak J
Palliser George Charles Calder 'Titch'
Palmer Norman Nelson
Palusiński Jerzy Hipolit
Pankratz Wilhelm
Pannell Geoffrey Charles Russell
Parke Thomas Robert Verner
Parker Denis Keith
Parker Kenneth Bruce
Parker LR
Parker Thomas Campbell
Parker Vincent
Parkes William Bert
Parkin Eric Gordon
Parkinson Cecil
Parnall Denis Geach
Parnall Stuart Boyd
Parr Douglas John
Parr Leslie Alfred
Parrott Dennis Thomas
Parrott Peter Lawrence
Parrott Reginald James
Parry Emlyn
Parry M E
Parsons Claude Arthur
Parsons Edwin Ernest
Parsons John Graham
Parsons Philip Trevor
Passy CW
Paszkiewicz Ludwik Witold 'Pazko'
Paszkiewicz Konrad Józef
Paterek Edward
Paterson Brian 'Blinkers'
Patrick Leon Fred
Patston Arthur George
Patten Hubert Paul Frederick
Patterson Leonard John
Patterson Norris Henry
Patterson Peter John
Patterson Robert Lawson
Paterson James Alfred
Pattinson Aberconway John Sefton
Pattison John David
Pattison John Gordon
Pattison Kenneth Clifton
Pattullo William Blair
Paul Frank Dawson
Pavitt Harold John
Pavlu Otto
Payne Alec Dawson
Payne Reginald Irving
Payne Roy Ainley
Peachment Charles Barton Gower
Peacock Dennis Charles
Peacock Reginald John
Peacock William Albert
Peacock-Edwards Spencer Ritchie
Pearce Leonard Harold Borlase
Pearce Peter Griffin
Pearce Roy
Pearce William John
Pearcy Dennis Jack
Pearmain (Pearman?) Stanley James
Pearse Leslie Lewis
Pearson D E
Pearson Ian Forbes
Pearson Geoffrey Wilberforce
Pearson M
Pearson Philip
Pease Arthur Peter
Pecha J
Peebles William
Peel Charles David
Peel John Ralph Alexander
Pegge Constantine Oliver Joseph
Pemberton David Alwyne
Penfold Paul Eric
Penford Vernon William Rex
Penfold William David
Pennington Denis Arthur
Pennington-Legh Alan William
Pennycuick Bruce
Percy Hugh Harold
Perkin Frederick Stanley
Perrin Georges Camille
Perry Harry Thomas
Peters George Charles Boyce
Peterson Otto John
Pettet Alexander Henry
Pettit Henry William
Pexton Richard Dunning
Pfeiffer Jan Piotr 'Fife'
Philippart Jacques Arthur Laurent
Phillip James
Phillips Austin
Phillips Ernest Russell
Phillips Norman Taylor
Phillips Randall Frederick Prenter
Phillipson John Ross
Philo Robert Ferguson
Piątkowski Stanisław
Pickering James
Pickering John Harcourt T
Pickering Tony Garforth
Pickford James Thomas
Pidd Leslie
Pigg Oswald St John
Pilch Edward Roman
Pilkington Alfred
Pilkington-Miksa W J
Pinckney David John Colin
Pinfold Herbert Moreton
Pinkham Philip Campbell
Pípa Josef
Piper Arthur Howard
Pippard Harold Alfred
Pippet John Gilbert
Pisarek Marian
Pitcher Paul Brooke
Pittman Geoffrey Edward
Plant Ronald Eric
Pledger Geoffrey Frank Colman
Plenderleith Robert
Plummer Richard Pryer
Plzak Stanislav
Pniak Karol
Pocock Maurice Henry
Pollard John Kenneth
Pollard Phillip Selwyn Covey
Pond Arthur Herbert Dorrien 'Bill'
Ponting William Alan
Pool Peter Desmond
Poole Eric Leonard Ronald
Popławski Jerzy
Porter Edward Francis
Porter John Anthony
Porter Owen Wells
Posener Frederick Hyam
Potter John Alfred
Poulton Harry Robert Godfrey
Pound Reginald Robert Charles
Powell Edwin
Powell Robin Peter Reginald
Powell Ronald James
Powell Sydney William Martin
Powell W
Powell-Shedden George Ffolliott
Power Richard Maurice
Prchal Eduard M
Preater Stanley George
Prevot Leon O J
Priak (?) K
Price Arthur Owen
Price James
Price Norman Albert Joseph
Price Robert Buckton
Prickman T
Prihoda Josef
Priestley John Sinclair
Pritchard Charles Arthur
Proctor Jack
Proctor John Ernest
Prosser Percy Rollo
Proudman Douglas Harry
Prowse Harry Arthur Robin
Ptacek Rudolf
Pùda Rajmund
Pudney Geoffrey Bruce
Pugh John Stuart
Pugh Thomas Patrick
Pushman George Rupert
Putt Alan Robert
Puxley William George Vernon
Pye John Walter
Pyman Lawrence Lee
Pyne Colin Campbell
Quelch Basil H
Quill Jeffery Kindersley
Quinn J
Rabagliati Alexander Coultate 'Sandy'
Rabone John Henry Michael
Rabone Paul Wattling
Radomski Jerzy
Radwański Gustaw
Rafter RF
Rafter William Pearce Houghton
Raine Woodrow
Rains Douglas Norman
Ralls Leslie Francis
Ramsay John Basil
Ramsay John Strachan
Ramsay Norman Hugh Donald
Ramshaw John William
Rasmussen Laurie Andrew Woodney
Ravenhill Malcolm
Rawlence Anthony James
Rawnsley Cecil Frederick
Ray R W
Raymond P
Rayner Roderick Malachi Seaburne 'Roddy'
Read William Albert Alexander
Ream Charles Alfred
Reardon-Parker John
Rechka Josef
Reddingon Leslie Arthur Edwin
Redfern Eric Arthur
Redman John
Reece Lawrence Hugh Murrell
Reed Horace
Rees Brian Victor
Reid Robert
Reilley Hugh William
Reilly Charles Christopher
Renvoize James Verdun
Reynell Richard Carew
Reyno Edwin Michael
Rhodes Richard Arthur
Rhodes-Moorhouse William Henry
Ricalton Alan Leslie
Rich Peter Godfrey
Richards Duncan Hamilton
Richards William Charles
Richardson Ronald William
Richardson Eric
Richardson Roland Wharrier
Richardson William Arthur
Richardson Cecil James
Richardson George Frederick
Ricketts Herbert Wain
Ricketts Victor Anthony
Ricks Leo Patrick Vincent John
Riddell-Hannam John Derrick
Riddle Christopher John Henry 'Jack'
Riddle Hugh Joseph
Ridley Marmaduke
Rigby Robert Harold
Riley Frederick
Riley William
Rimmer Reginald Frank
Ringwood Eric Alfred
Ripley William George
Rippon Anthony John
Riseley Arthur Harry 'Rufus'
Ritcher Geoffrey Louis
Ritchie Ian Small
Ritchie James Ritchie
Ritchie Robert Douglas
Ritchie JH
Ritchie Thomas Glyn Finlayson
Ritchie John Millar
Roach Robert James Bain
Robb Robert Andrew Lindsay
Roberts Arthur John Alan
Robbins Robert Horley
Roberts David Francis
Roberts D
Roberts David Neal
Roberts Elwyn Cooper
Roberts George William
Roberts Ralph
Robertson Basil Lionel
Robertson Frederick Neal
Robinson Denis Norman
Robinson Andrew Ian
Robinson Gerald
Robinson James
Robinson James Clifton Edmeston
Robinson Marcus
Robinson Michael Lister
Robinson Maurice Wilbraham Sandford
Robinson Peter Beverley
Robinson Peter Ethelbert Merrick
Robinson Peter Trevor
Robshaw Frederick Aspinall
Robson Norman Charles Harold
Roden Henry Adrian Charles
Rofe Bernard John
Rogers Bruce Arthur
Rogers Everett Bryan
Rogers George Wade
Rogowski Jan (Aleksander?)
Rohacek Rudolf Bohumil
Rolls William Thomas Edward
Roman Charles Louis
Romanis Andrew Lunn
Rook Anthony Hartwell
Rook Michael
Roscoe Geoffrey Lawrence
Rose (Mortimer-Rose) Edward Brian
Rose Jack
Rose James Stanley
Rose PG
Rose Stuart Nigel
Rose-Price Arthur Thomas
Rosier Fredrick Ernest
Ross Alexander Richard
Ross Jack Kenneth
Rothwell John Hedley
Rougetel SP le
Round James Henry
Rourke John
Rouse Geoffrey Walter
Rowden John Hampton
Rowell Peter Archibald
Rowley Richard Michael Bernard
Royce Michael Elliot Appelbee
Royce William Barrington
Rozwadowski Mieczysław
Różycki Władysław
Ruddock Wilfred Shepherd
Rudland Clifford Percival
Rushmer Frederick William
Russel Blair Dalzell 'Dal'
Russell Anthony Gerald
Russell Godfrey Fredrick
Russell Graham Herbert
Russell Humphrey a'Beckett
Russell John Trevor
Russell Leslie Plimmer
Rust C A
Ruston Paul
Rutter Robert Durham
Ryall Browne
Ryalls Derek Lang
Ryder Edgar Norman
Rypl Frantisek
Sadler Herbert Samuel
Sadler Norman Alfred
St. Aubyn Edward Fitzroy
St. John Peter Cape Beauchamp
Salmon Harold Nigel Egerton
Salmond William Noel Compton
Salway Ernest
Samoliński Włodzimierz Michał C 'Sammy'
Sample John
Sampson Arthur
Sanders James Gilbert
Sanders Philip James
Sanders Donald Joseph
Sandifer Alfred Kemp
Sargent Robert Edward Butler
Sarre Alfred Richard
Sasak Wilhelm
Satchell William Arthur John
Saunders Cecil Henry 'Fishy'
Saunders Albert Fredrick Charles
Saunders Gerald Alfred Wellesley
Savage Thomas Wood
Savill Joseph Ernest
Saward Cyril Joseph
Sawicz Tadeusz Władysław
Sawyer Henry Cecil 'Sam'
Sayers James Edgar 'Jimmy'
Schadtler-Law Kennith
Schollar Edward Cranston
Schumer Francis Herbert
Schwind Lionel Harold
Sclanders Kirkpatrick Maclure
Scott Alfred Enoch
Scott Alec Maxtone Wright
Scott Douglas Reginald
Scott Donald Stuart
Scott Ernest
Scott George Wardrop
Scott IMW
Scott John Alan
Scott Ronald Hamilton
Scott William Jack
Scott William John Moir 'Jack' & 'Scotty'
Scott-Malden David Francis Stephen
Scrase George Edward Thomas
Seabourne Eric William
Sears Lionel Argent
Secretan Dennis
Seda Karel
Seddon John Wilfred
Seghers Eugene Georges Aachilles
Sellers Raymond Frederick
Selway John Barry
Senior Benjamin
Senior John Norman
Seredyn Antoni
Service Arthur
Sewell Donald Alec
Shanahan Martin Michael
Shand Michael Moray
Sharman Herbert Ronald
Sharp Bruce Robertson
Sharp Leslie Mark
Sharp Ronald James
Sharpley Hugh
Sharratt William Gordon
Shaw Frederick James
Shaw Ian Garstin
Shaw Robert Henry
Shead Harold Frederick William
Sheard Horace
Sheen Desmond Frederick Burt
Shepherd Frederick Ernest Richard
Shepherd Francis William
Shepherd John Bean 'Shep'
Shepley Douglas Clayton
Sheppherd Edmund Eric
Shepperd George Edward
Sheridan S
Sherrington Thomas Baldwin Aloysius
Shipman Edward Andrew 'Shippy'
Shirley Sidney Harry James
Shorrocks Norman Basil
Shuttleworth Lord R
Sibley Frederick Albert
Sika Jaroslav
Silk Frank Harry
Silver William Gerald
Silvester George Frederick
Sim Roderick Forbes
Simmonds Vernon Churchill
Simpson Geoffrey Mervyn
Simpson John William Charles
Simpson Leslie William
Simpson Peter James
Sims Ivor Reginald
Sims James Ayscough
Sinclair Gordon Leonard
Sinclair John
Sing John Eric James 'Jackie'
Siudak Antoni
Sizer Wilfred Max 'Bill'
Skalski Stanisław
Skillen Victor Hall
Skinner Charles David Evelyn
Skinner Stanley Hewitt
Skinner Wilfred Malcom
Skowron Henryk
Slade John William
Slatter Dudley Malins
Sleigh James Wallace
Slouf Vaclav
Sly Oswald Kenneth
Smallman James
Smart Thomas
Smith Alexander
Smith Arthur Dumbbell
Smith Arthur Joseph
Smith Andrew Thomas
Smith Arthur William
Smith Christopher Dermont Salmond
Smith Denis Norman Evelyn
Smith Donald Sydney
Smith E
Smith Edward Brian Bretherton
Smith Edward Stanley
Smith Eric Claud
Smith Eric Leigh
Smith Forgrave Marshall 'Hiram'
Smith Francis Alan
Smith Frank
Smith Godfrey Ernest
Smith Irving Stanley
Smith James Duncan
Smith Kenneth Barton
Smith Leonard
Smith Leslie Ernest
Smith Norman Henry Jackson
Smith Percy Ronald
Smith Phillip Richard
Smith (?) RAD
Smith Reginald Cyril
Smith Robert Rutherford
Smith Roddick Lee 'Dick'
Smith William Alexander
Smith William Bruce
Smith Wynford Ormonde Leoni
Smith St. James
Smither Ross
Smithers Julian Langley 'Jakes'
Smithson Richard
Smyth Ronald Henry
Smythe Derek Myles Altamont
Smythe George
Smythe Rupert Frederick
Snape WG
Snell Vivian Robert
Snowdon Ernest George
Soars Harold John
Sobey Philip Alfred
Soden John Flewelling
Solak Jerzy Jakub 'George'
Solomon Neville David
Sones Lawrence Charles
Southall George
Southorn George Albert
Southwell John Sydney
Spears Arthur William Peter
Speke Hugh
Spence Douglas James
Spencer Desmond Gerard Heath
Spencer Gordon Hamilton
Spiers Aubrey H
Spires John Henry
Sprague Henry
Sprague Mervyn Herbert
Sprenger William Paterson
Spurdle Robert Lawrence
Spyer Richard Alfred
Squier John William Copous
Stanger Noel Mizpah
St Aubyn Edward Fitzroy
St James-Smith Ronald Godfrey
St John Peter Cape Beauchamp
Stanley Donald Arthur
Stanley Douglas Owen
Stansfield Noel Karl
Staples L
Staples Michael Edmund
Staples Robert Charles John
Stapleton Basil Gerald 'Stapme'
Starr Harold Morley
Stavert Charles Michael
Steadman Dennis James
Stęborowski Michał Jan
Steele Rodney Murrey
Steere Harry
Steere Jack
Stefan J
Stegman Stefan
Stehlik Josef
Stein David
Stenhouse S
Stephen Harbourne Mackay 'Steve'
Stephens Cyril
Stephens Maurice Michael
Stephenson Ian Raitt
Stephenson Patrick Joseph Thomas
Stephenson Stanley Philip
Sterbacek Jaroslav
Stevens Eldred John
Stevens Geoffrey
Stevens Leonard Walter
Stevens Robert Edward
Stevens Richard Playne
Stevens William Ronald
Stevenson Peter Charles Fasken 'Paddy'
Steward George Arthur
Stewart Charles
Stewart Charles Noel Douglas
Stewart Donald George Alexander
Stewart H G
Stewart-Clarke Dudley
Stickney Philip Ambrose Meynell
Stillwell Ronald Leslie
Stock Eric
Stocks Norman James
Stockwell W E J
Stoddart Kenneth Maxwell
Stokes Richard William
Stokoe Jack
Stokoe Sydney
Stone Cedric Arthur Cuthbert
Stones Donald William Alfred
Stone TFE
Stoney George Edward Bowes
Stoodley Donald Raymond
Storie J M
Storrar James Eric 'Jas'
Storrie Alexander James
Straight Whitney Willard
Strange NM
Strang John Talbot
Streatfield Victor Charles Frederick
Stretch Reginald Robert
Strickland Claude Dobree
Strickland James Murray
Strihavka Jaromir
Stroud George Alfred
Stuart Michael
Stuckey Sidney George
Studd John Alnod Peter
Sulman John Edward
Stubbs Dennis Raymond W
Summers Richard Gordon Battensby
Sumner Frank
Sumpter Claude Harry Sidney
Surma Franciszek
Sutcliffe William Alfred
Sutherland Ian Welsh
Sutton Fraser Barton
Sutton Frederick Charles
Sutton Harold Robert
Sutton James Ronald Gabert
Sutton Kenwyn Roland
Sutton Norman
Swanwick George William
Swanwick N T C
Świtoń Leon
Sword-Daniels Albert Thomas
Sydney Charles
Sykes Duncan Broadford
Sykes John Humphrey Charlesworth
Sylvester Edmund John Hilary
Symonds John Edward
Szafraniec Wilhelm
Szaposznikow Eugeniusz
Szczęsny Henryk 'Sneezy'
Szlagowski Józef August
Szulkowski Władysław
Tabor George William
Tait Kenneth William
Talman James MacGill
Tamblyn Hugh Norman
Tanner John Henry
Tatnell Reginald Frederick
Taylor Dennis Edward
Taylor Donald Murray
Taylor Edgar Francis
Taylor Graham Neville
Taylor George Stringer
Taylor Kenneth
Taylor Norman
Taylor Reginald
Taylor Ronald Henry William
Taylour Edward Winchester Tollemache
Tearle Francis Joseph
Temlett Cyril Bernard
Terry Patrick Hugh Richard Runciman
Tew Philip Harry
Thacker David John
Theasby Alec John
Theilmann John Graham
Thomas Charles Raymond Delauney
Thomas Alexander Hendry
Thomas E
Thomas Eric Hugh
Thomas Frederick Mytton
Thomas Gordon Sinclair
Thomas Richard Ceredig
Thomas Samuel Richard
Thomas Robert Tudor
Thompson Anthony Robert Fletcher
Thompson Frank Noble
Thompson John Marlow
Thompson John Rauthmell
Thompson Joseph Beckett
Thompson Peter Douglas
Thompson William Watson
Thomson James Anderson
Thompson Ronald Alexander
Thomson Thomas Russell
Thompson JR
Thorn Edward Roland
Thorogood Laurence Arthur
Thorpe Peter
Tidman Alfred Roberts
Till John
Tillard Rupert Claude
Tillett James
Titley Edward George
Tobin Eugene Quimby 'Red'
Tomlinson Paul Anthony
Tongue Reginald Ellis
Toogood Leonard Vivian
Toombs John Richard
Toombs Frank Albert
Topham John K Groves
Topolnicki Juliusz Jarosław
Touch Donald Frank
Tower-Perkins William
Townsend Peter Wooldridge
Townsend Thomas William
Tracey Owen Vincent
Trevana Charles Warren
Trousdale Richard Macklow
Trueman Alec Albert Gray
Truhlar Jan
Trumble Anthony John 'Tony'
Truran Anthony John Jamieson
Tuck Robert Stanford 'Bob'
Tucker Aidan Boys
Tucker Bernard Eric
Tucker Frank Day
Tucker Ronald Yeoman
Turley-George Douglas Richard
Turnbull Robert Nesbit
Turner Donald Eric
Turner Guy
Turner Percival Stanley 'Stan'
Turner Robert Charles
Tweed Leslie John
Tweed Thomas Reginald
Twitchett Francis John
Tyrer Edward
Tyson Frank Hastings
Unett John Windsor
Unwin George Cecil 'Grumpy'
Upton Hamilton Charles 'Deryk'
Urbanowicz Witold Aleksander
Urie John Dunlop
Urwin-Mann John Ronald 'Jack'
Usmar Frank
Van Mentz Brian
Van-Den Hove d'Ertsenrijck Albert Emmanuel Alix Dieudonne Jean Ghislain
Van-Lierde Willi E
Van-Wayen Berghe Arthur Albert Leopold
Varley George Wallace
Vašátko Alois
Velebrnovski Antonin
Venesoen François Auguste 'Sus'
Venn JA
Verity Victor Bosanquet Strachan
Vesely Vlastimil
Vick James Anderson
Vigors Timothy Ashmead
Viles Leslie William
Villa John Wolferstan 'Pancho'
Vincent Stanley Flamank
Vindis Frantisek
Vinyard Frederick Fenton
Jeff (Voase-Jeff?) Robert Voase
Vokes Arthur Frank
Vopalecky Josef
Vrana Adolf
Vybiral Tomas
Vykoukal Karel Jan
Waddingham John
Wade Trevor Sidney 'Wimpey'
Wadham John Victor
Waghorn Peter Harry
Wagner Alan Derek
Wainwright Alec George
Wainwright Michael Terry
Waite Edward
Wake Frederick William
Wakefield Herbert Kenneth
Wakeham Ernest Cecil John
Wakeling Sidney Richard Ernest
Walch Stuart Crosby
Walker A
Walker George Arthur
Walker James Arthur 'Johnnie'
Walker James Richard
Walker John Harold Gilbert
Walker James Ian Bradley
Walker Norman MacDonald
Walker Robert James
Walker Stanley
Walker William Louis Buchanan
Walker-Smith Francis Richard
Wallace Clarence Alfred Blake
Wallace Thomas Young
Wallen Dennis Stanley
Wallens Ronald Walter 'Wally'
Waller George Alfred
Walley Peter Kenneth
Wallis Donald Sylvester
Walmsley Harold William
Walsh Edmund
Walsh John Joseph
Walsh John Patrick
Walsh Robert William Meade
Walton Herbert
Want William Hudson
Wapniarek Stefan
Ward The Hon Edward Frederick
Ward Derek Harland
Ward John Lewis
Ward Rufus Arthur
Ward William Bruce
Warden Noel Proctor
Ward-Smith Peter
Ware Ralph Taverham
Wareham Michael Percy
Wareing Philip Thomas
Waring William
Warmsley (??) WHC
Warner William Henry Cromwell
Warren Charles
Warren Douglas Albert Palmer
Warren John Benjamin William
Warren Stanley
Warren Thornton Arrowsmith
Waterston Robin McGregor
Watkins Douglas Herbert
Watkinson Arthur Basil
Watling William Charles
Watson Arthur Roy
Watson Edward James
Watson Evan Owens
Watson Fredrick Stanley
Watson John Gordon
Watson Lionel George
Watson Rafael F
Watson-Parker Patrick Ian
Watters Joseph
Watts Edwin Leslie
Watts Reginald Douglas Haig
Watts Roy Fredrick
Way Basil Hugh 'Wonky'
Way Lewis Benjamin Roger
Wczelik Antoni
Weaver Peter Stevenson 'Squeak'
Webb Paul Clifford
Webber (Weber?) Jack
Webber Wyndham Frederick Peirson
Weber Frantisek
Webster Ernest Reginald 'Reggie'
Webster Frederick Kinnersley
Webster Herbert Garth
Webster John Terence 'Terry'
Wedgwood Jefferson Heywood
Wedlock Gordon Victor
Wędzik Marian
Weir Archibald Nigel Charles
Welch Eric
Welford George Henry Ettrick
Wellum Geoffrey Harris Augustus 'Boy'
Wells Edward Preston 'Hawkeye'
Wells ML
Wells Patrick Hardy Vesey 'Pat'
Welsh TD
Wendel Kenneth Victor
West DR
West H
Westcott WHJ
Westlake George Herbert
Westlake RD
Westmacott Innes Bentall
Westmoreland Thomas Emyrs
Whall Basil Ewart Patrick
Wheatcroft NR
Wheeler Norman John
Whelan J
Whinney MT
Whipps George Albert
Whitbread Herbert Laurance
Whitby AW
White Blair Eustace Galloway
White FL
White Jack
White J
White John William
White Robert
Whitehead Clifford
Whitehead RO
Whitehouse SAH
Whitfield Joseph James
Whitley Eric William
Whitley David 'Bull'
Whitney Douglas Mitchell
Whitsun Alfred Daniel
Whittick Harry George
Whittingham Charles Derek
Whitty William Hubert Rigby
Whitwell Peter Coulson
Wickings-Smith Peter Claude
Wickins Arthur Stanley
Wicks Bryan John
Widdows Stanley Charles
Wigg Ronald George
Wigglesworth John Spencer
Wight Ronald Derek Gordon
Wightman Owen Maurice
Wilcox Charles
Wilcox Edgar John
Wildblood Timothy Seddon
Wilde Denis Clifton
Wilkes Geoffrey Norman
Wilkinson Kenneth Astill
Wilkinson Royce Clifford
Wilkinson Rodney Levett
Wilkinson Wilfred Arthur
Willans Derek Alan (AJ?)
Willcocks CPL
Willcocks Peter Hamilton
Williams A
Williams Cedric Watcyn
Williams Dennis Conon
Williams Desmond Gordon
Williams Eric Edward
Williams Gwilym Trevor
Williams Thomas Draper
Williams William Dudley
Williams Wycliff Stuart
Williams Mark Alan
Willis Ronald Frank
Willis William Owen
Wills William Claude
Wilsdon Albert Alfred
Wilson Donald Fraser
Wilson Douglas Strachan
Wilson Leonard Donald
Wilson Robert Roy
Wilson William
Wilson William Charles
Wilson-Macdonald D S
Wingfield Victor John
Winn Charles Vivian
Winskill Archibald Little 'Archie'
Winstanley John
Winter Douglas Cyril
Winter Richard Arthur
Wise John Francis
Wiseman William Douglas
Wissler Denis Heathcote
Withall Latham Carr
Witorzeńc Stefan
Własnowolski Bolesław Andrzej
Wojcicki Antoni
Wojciechowski Miroslaw I
Wojtowicz Stefan
Wolfe Edward Chatham
Wolton Ralph
Wood Kenneth Russell
Wood Stanley Victor
Woodgate Joseph Eric
Woodger David Noel
Woodhall Alfred Basil
Woodland Norman Naylor
Woods-Scawen Charles Anthony 'Tony'
Woods-Scawen Patrick Philip 'Woody'
Woodward Herbert John
Woodward Robert Sinckler
Woolley Arthur William
Wootten Ernest Wait 'Bertie'
Wordsworth Douglas Kenneth Alfred
Worrall John 'Barron'
Worrall Pyers Arthur
Worrall Thomas Victor
Worsdell Kenneth Wilson
Worthington Alec Sillavan
Wotton Harold John
Wright Alexander James
Wright Allan Richard
Wright B
Wright Daniel Leslie
Wright Eric William 'Ricky'
Wright John
Wright RR
Wright William
Wroblewski Zbigniew T A
Wunsche Kazimierz
Wyatt John Pile
Wyatt-Smith Peter
Wydrowski Bronislaw
Wynn Richard Edward Ney Elias
Yapp Derek Sydney
Yates Gordon
Yates T M
Yates William
York Ronald Lewis
Young Cecil Reginald 'Charlie'
Young James Hugh Roumieu
Young John Reginald Cass
Young James Stewart
Young Michael Hugh
Young Randolph Charles
Young Robert Bett Mirk
Young James Harold
Yuile Arthur McL
Yule Robert Duncan
Zak Walerian
Zaluski Jerzy
Zaoral Vladimir
Zatonski Alexander Roman
Zavoral Antonin
Zenker Pawel
Zima Rudolph
Zimprich Stanislav
Zukowski Aleksiej
Zumbach Jan Eugeniusz Ludwig
Zurakowski Janusz 'Jan'
© 2012 Aircrew Remembered - All site material (except as noted elsewhere) is owned or managed by Aircrew Remembered
and should not be used without prior permission.
