27th Fighter Group Re-union 2004

This is the middle of a large panoramic picture taken at the Wright-Patterson AFB Museum.

You can print these pictures and trim them to fit together into one large picture.

Some of the identifications will have to wait briefly till I get them straight.

Until then, they are:     6  Joe Dehner,    7  Bob Billett (cut here),    8  Bill Daniel,    9  Rick Crabtree,    
10  John Herrmann, our host,    11  Alex Cattanach,    12  Robert White,    13  William T. Schwessinger,    
14  Joe Andres,    15  Bill Eckenrod,    16  Jack Wasserman,    17  Robert Senn, (cut here) and    18  John Gusic!

I want to apologize for my 82 year old memory. I recognize your names instantly when I see them but sometimes they don't come up as fast as I would like!

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