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Donating to Aircrew Remembered

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Select Your Donation To Our Work

Logbooks of Wing Commander Roland Beamont DSO & Bar DFC & Bar

If you are making a donation of £25 or more and wish to receive a brand new copy of this wonderful book as our way of saying Thankyou, then make your donation by clicking the button above (and selecting £25 option) or donate a larger amount using the Paypal button lower on this page and choosing your donation amount. Then EITHER send us a note with your request on the PayPal form you complete OR send us an email with your name and address and a request for the book. Postage and Packing is included for all shipments in the UK. Postage for shipments elsewhere will be charged at cost (we will advise you when your donation arrives and you can then make a further donation to cover this charge).

This is a lavishly illustrated book that brings you right into the action just as Beamont experienced it. It's one of a kind and a true collector's dream. Given the limited print run it is likely to prove a great investment over time. One of our supporters has donated a small number to us by way of encouraging people to make a healthy donation to Aircrew Remembered's efforts towards honouring and respecting the sacrifices made by others.


What started out several years ago as a personal quest to find the story of our own family hero developed into a passion to record the stories of ordinary people in aviation. Right from the start we experienced moving responses to the stories we uncovered: the effect on a mother of seeing for the first time the grave of her son, thanks to our research.

And we read of a sister's lifelong anguish at never knowing the fate of her brother, who left one morning on a mission and was never seen again, and how we were able to bring a sense of closure to her after researching his story. We heard from the friend of a crew-member whose last memory of his pal was seeing him climb into a doomed bomber, having taken his place at the last minute owing to some chance of fate.

Tens of thousands of stories, hundreds of thousand hearts moved, yet so much more still to find out and record. The personal quest turned into a passion to help record the stories of ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances.

As the scale of our effort expanded worldwide, so did the expense. Now, today, we need you to play your part in this grand endeavour so we can continue our work. It's your history as much as anyone's and we need your support to continue.

Our research is costly and, of course, limited funds restrict the amount we can accomplish for families. Because although our Editors and Researchers mostly perform their work pro bono, they are frequently involved in personal expense for access to National Archive material for example, microfiche conversion expenses and so on. There is also a travel overhead incurred in many cases because being there in person is often the only way we can get the detailed information we need. And we sometimes have to hire the services of specialist researchers who do this work for a living and must obviously be paid. Expenses involved in maintaining our site are also high because of the advanced technology used and the size of our site.

We would like to do more but to accomplish this, we need your help.

Donation via Credit Card

You can make a straightforward donation to us by credit/debit card in any currency, using the secure PayPal credit/debit card payment facility. Just click the image below. You can choose to send as much or as little as you wish. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE A PAYPAL ACCOUNT TO PAY US BY CREDIT OR DEBIT CARD. Payment is by a secure mechanism. Aircrew Remembered does not know your payment information and stores nothing about you on our site. You can, of course, also pay directly from your PayPal account, instead of via our link, if you wish: make your payee [email protected].

Click button above
The payee will be shown as [email protected], the email account for Aircrew Remembered Technical Director Stefan Pietrzak Youngs.
Choose an amount to Donate. This is in British Pounds (£). A rough guide in other currencies is:
£10 = US$13
£10 = Euro 12
£10 = Canadian$ 17
£10 = Australian$ 18
£10 = NZ$ 19

For currency conversion rates, refer to

In PayPal window, Click 'Donate' to do so via your PayPal account, or click 'Donate with a Card' to use your Credit Card (You do NOT need a PayPal account to pay by Credit Card). Complete Card details and click Agree & Donate Now

We never see your card details and your transaction does not go through our site: you are dealing directly with PayPal's site. Only PayPal sees your details.

Donation via PayPal

Use the PayPal link above to access your PayPal account. Mark your purchase as 'Aircrew Remembered Donation'

You can show your appreciation by buying the team a coffee via!

  You can show you value this content by offering your dedicated research team a coffee!  

Donate to our Coinbase Wallet Using Cryptocurrency: Bitcoin, Ether, Litecoin, Monero etc.

Our ICP Wallet Address is 11e9200aa716bbd8c5af487063c487fc03b4c2f73b6e2607372c4f441098ac58

Our Bitcoin Wallet Address is 3NLTXcf5KYAgVXJtoCsoxJ1m1ijxzxtiQ5

Our wallet can accept over 1200 different ERC20 compatible cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, Ether, Litecoin, Monero.

Because this is cryptocurrency, your donation will - of course - be completely anonymous.

If you would like us to acknowledge your generosity, please tell us via the Helpdesk that you made a transfer to us and we will be happy to do so.

Lay A Wreath

Some people are content to make a straightforward donation, and we have a simple mechanism to make this possible. Others have asked for a more personal way to honour their loved ones, and for this we evolved Lay A Wreath, which we also call sponsoring a page.

You may wish to honour one or more particular individuals mentioned on our site, or honour a person whose story has touched you in some special sense. A fine way to pay your respects is by laying a wreath on one of our pages. This simple personal act by you does more than recognize sacrifices made: it is a perpetual reminder that each loss was a son or daughter, husband or wife, brother or sister, or friend, and at the same time it provides us with research funding so we can bring comfort to other families and friends. Click this button to be taken to the facility that enables this. The process is simple.

This is what your wreath will look like. You can either choose your own wording or select our anonymous message. You can lay a wreath for anyone: family, friend or someone whose story touches you, and you can even let us choose the recipient for you.

This is the wreath we provide when you wish to be anonymous.

This is a wreath where you can choose your own personal message.

Memorial Plaque in Databases

If you wish to pay your respects to an individual for whom we have not published a story, and consequently there is no opportunity to Lay A Wreath, we provide a means for you to do so. You can place a Memorial Plaque next to the individual's record in one of our databases. Your plaque can contain your personal message. To see examples of this in use, search for InMemoriam in our Allied Losses and Incidents Database.

Use the Sponsor/Lay a Wreath/Memorial Plaque form and specify the individual and your message where indicated. Make as generous a donation as you can afford to help us defray the costs of this site please.

If you have used Lay a Wreath we will include Memorial Plaque automatically for you.


Some prefer to send a cheque. In this case, please make the cheque payable to our Director, Kelvin T. Youngs and send to this address:

Kelvin Youngs
Aircrew Remembered
14 Audley Street
Great Yarmouth NR30 1EW

Amazon Banner

This is designed to complement our other donation mechanisms. Use it as well as donating please. If you use our Aircrew Remembered banner to get to the Amazon site, our site earns a small commission on everything you buy. It costs you nothing, you pay the same as if you had gone direct to Amazon. Make our link your permanent bookmark so you can help us in all your future purchases.

A big thankyou to all of you who already make this your Amazon banner: it's really helping cover some of our expenses

Help Our Research
Everything you buy from Amazon through our banner earns our site a small commission and costs you nothing. Please use it for all your Amazon purchases by bookmarking this as your regular Amazon link.


We also have a mechanism whereby you can bequeath any amount you wish to us in your Will. Please contact us via our Helpdesk for personal details as to how this may be done.

Honouring A Group

We have been asked to develop a mechanism that permits one of more people to pay their respects to an entire group rather than to an individual (for example, to honour a particular Squadron, or all the participants of a particular course, or those based at a certain airfield, or a factory building the planes). Our concept is to develop one of more pages dedicated to the memory of the group, with as much information as we can find, and to add to this the names of those who wish to pay their respects. If you are interested in such a scheme, please contact us via our Helpdesk.

At the going down of the sun, and in the morning we will remember them. - Laurence Binyon
Content owned or managed and © 2012 - 2025 by Aircrew Remembered.

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