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German WW2 Aces and Leading Pilots Database

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EBK16 EJG1 EJG2 EJG21 Epro.Kdo.262 I(F)/123 I(J)/LG2 JG1 JG2 JG3 JG5 JG7 JG11 JG26 JG27 JG51 JG52 JG53 JG54 JG76 JG77 JG54 JG300 JG301 JG400 JGr.L JGr.25JGR50
JGR50 JV44 Kdo.Nowotny KG3 JG51 LG1 NJG1 NJG3 NJG4 NJG5 NJG6 NJG11 Sch.G.1 SG10 SG77 SKG210 Sturmst. 1 ZG1 ZG76

For further information consult these databases
Kracker Luftwaffe Archive
Luftwaffe Victories by Name/Date
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