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# | Pilot (↑) | Rank | Born | Place | Score (↑) | Units | Aircraft | Awards | *************Notes************* | Photo | Links | AuthorComments |
1 | Gänsler, Wilhelm | Ofw | 5/22/1919 | Oberndorf Württemberg | 115 | Observer/Gunner NJG-1 & NJG-4 | Bf 110 | ![]() RK(7/27/44) ![]() Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(3/20/44) EP(1/17/44) ![]() EK 1 & 2 Night Fighter Operational Clasp | Although not a pilot, he was the Night Fighters most successful gunner, and famous for his outstanding vision. He flew gunner for Ludwig Becker and Schnaufer, 150 missions. His victory participations were 17 with Becker and 98 with Schnaufer. Deceased 22 November, 1985 in Calw/Wurttemberg, Germany |
| Archive Report | |
2 | Tegethoff, Bernhard | Uffz | 4/4/1920 | 6/NJG-1 (12/44 Düsseldorf) | Bf 110G-4 Werk # 730354 "G9 + IP" (lost 12/18/44) | Night Fighter Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) the night of 17/18 December, 1944. His G-4 crashed at Elsloo (Lage bos Elsloo) Holland after being hit by AA fire of the 108th Haa Regt.. Remaining crew (KilledInAction (KIA)): Uffz Heinrich Becker (2/9/25) and Ogefr Kurt Behrendton (12/26/23). All were buried in a field grave next to the crashed ac. Reburied in Ysselsteyn in March 1949, all three in T-12-299 (DeSwart & Find-a Grave by Fred) | ![]() Ysselstein, Holland | ||||
3 | Spille, Walter | Fw | 2 | 3/NJG-1 (8/42 Venlo) | Bf 110F-4 Werk # 2694 "G9 + BL" (lost 8/28/42) | ![]() EK 1 & 2 Night Fighter Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) the night of 27/28 August, 1942 during aerial combat. His Bf 110 crashed at Reeuwijk Holland, north of Gouda (DeSwart & Benton). Added: His R/O-Gnr, Uffz J.Becker, was also killed; both buried at Yssel, Fw Spille M-2-30 and Uffz Bcker M-2-31 (SGLO). One known victory, a "4 Mot Flgz." 500 m south of Maeseyck on 1 August, 1942. His 2nd, a Wellington 400 m south of Lierop on 12 August, 1942. | |||||
4 | Skazedonik, Franz | Lt | 7/26/1923 | Hohenmauthen Steiermark | 4/NJG-2 | Bf 110F-4 | Night Fighter Operational Clasp | KIFA 29 January, 1944 during an operational flight by Rhaunen, near Kirn, when he rammed another Bf 110F-4 Werk # 4704 "NL + SFD". His R/O, Uffz Hans Becker survived with wounds. Jager Blatt article. | ![]() Courtesy Christian König | |||
5 | Schlimpen, Bernhard | Oblt | 1 | Stfkpt 1/NJG-101 (5/44), 11/NJG-101 (9/44), Stab II/NJG-3 (1/45 Schleswig) | Bf 110, Ju 88G-6 Werk # 621291 (lost 1/6/45) | ![]() EK 1 & 2 Night Fighter Operational Clasp | Slightly injured the night of 5/6 January, 1945 during an operation, when the crew were forced to bail out in the vicinity of Ring Mark, 10km E of Bogense Denmark. No cause given. Remaining crew (both slightly injured): Fähnrich Alfred Wirthensohn, R/O and Karl Heinz Becker, Gunner. All were treated at a hospital in Odense. Source: Air War over Denmark. One known victory, a "4 mot" NW of Frankfurt on 12 September, 1944. | |||||
6 | Polzer, J. | Uffz | 5/NJG-3 (5/44 Plantlünne) | Ju 88C-6 Werk # 750922 "D5 + ??" (lost 5/13/44) | Night Fighter Operational Clasp | His Ju 88 crashed near Hoog Cruts Holland, S of Margraten, the night of 12/13 May, 1944, cause and pilot/crew disposition unknown (DeSwart). Added: Remaining crew disposition: Pilot Uffz Polzer (KilledInAction (KIA), bur Yssel BZ-9-210); Ogefr H.Klünder, Obs (DOW, bur Gem.Friedhof Eldena, Krs Ludwigslust) and Gefr H.Becker, Gnr (WIA) (SGLO). | ||||||
7 | Neuber, Kurt | Lt | 7/KG-53 (1/45) | He 111H-20 Werk # Unk "A1 + CR" (lost 1/5/45) | Bomber Operational Clasp | MIA with his entire crew, 5 January, 1945, when they failed to return from a V-1 missel launch, over the North Sea, aimed at target London, possibly sd by a Night Fighter. Remaining crew (yet uncertain): Fw Henry Aehlig, R/O; Uffz Adam Becker, Gnr 1; Uffz Bruno Burow, Gnr 2; and Fw Oskar Köhler, Obs (D.Drury). | ||||||
8 | Liebscher, Hans | Lt | 1 | 5/NJG-2 | Ju 88C-6 Werk # 360034 "R4 + AM" (lost 4/25/43) | ![]() Night Fighter Operational Clasp | MIA with unnamed crew 24/25 April, 1943 after ditching in the Mediterranean due to engine failure (Boiten & Ju 88 Loss List). Added: Remaining crew (MIA): Uffz Georg Becker, R/O and Ogefr (no Given name) Schumacher (Qu.Meister File). | |||||
9 | Johanssen, Karl-Ludwig | Lt | 5/15/1921 | Kiel | 59 | III/NJG-4, I/NJG-6 | Bf 110 | ![]() RK(3/20/45) ![]() Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(5/25/44) EP(5/16/44) EK1 & 2 Night Fighter Operational Clasp in Silver | Although a radio operator, he did achieve three victories the night of 15 March, 1945, using the rear mounted MG 131. He flew 68 Night missions and participated in 59 victories, all as Martin Beckers RO except one mission. Deceased 11 August, 2009. Photo (Added by Pietrzak Youngs) Captain Becker, commander in a night fighter wing, and his radio operator, Lieutenant Johannsen, brought down to a crash 9 four-engine bombers on the night of 14 to 15 March. When Captain Becker, after the 6 kill could not continue to shoot due to a gun jam, his radio operator, Lieutenant Johannsen, destroyed 3 more Anglo-American bombers. | ![]() | ||
10 | Hammerschmitt, Willi | Uffz | 5/NJG-3 (6/44) | Ju 88G-1 Werk # 710454 (lost 6/6/44) | Night Fighter Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) with his entire crew, the night of 5/6 June, 1944, when they were attacked by a Mosquito of No.239 Sq., piloted by F/O Breithaupt. They crashed into the sea, 20km N of Spickeroog Island. Remaining crew: Uffz Friedrich Karl Becker and Fw Johannes Kuhrt (C.König). | ||||||
11 | Andres, Ernst | Hptm. | 9/19/1921 | Pfullingen | 28 | KG-4, Stab II/KG-2 (5/43), Stfkpt 5/NJG-4 (2/45) | Do 217K-1 Wk# 4415 "U5 + AA" (lost 5/5/43), Me 410 & Ju 188 in KG-2, Ju 88G-1 Wk# 710856 "3C + FN" (lost 2/12/45) | ![]() RK(4/20/44) ![]() Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(12/3/42) ![]() EK 1 & 2 Wound Badge Bomber & Night Fighter Operational Clasps | KilledInAction (KIA) 12 February, 1945 when his Ju 88G-1 "3C + FN" was shot down by a Mosquito as he was taking off from Gütersloh airfield near Oelde. His RO, Fw Kurt Sauter and Gunner, Ofw Gerhard Andrä, were also killed. He received the RK for bombing operations over England. He was injured the night of 4/5 May, 1943 when he crashed his Do 217 north of Amsterdam due to engine failure. Added: Killed were Obstlt Walter Bradel, Obs (see his entry in the Archive, bur Yssel CX-4-85) and Flg W.Becker, Gnr (bur Yssel CX-4-84). WIA were Uffz A.Drechler, R/O and Ogefr W.Schlagbaum, Mech/Gnr (SGLO). He was retrained as a Night Fighter in 1944, and it is not known if he scored any confirmed victories. Bowers/Lednicer suggests 29 victories.
Courtesy Christian König | ![]() | ||
12 | Becker, sic | Hptm | 1 | Stab I/NJG-101 | Bf 110G-4, Ju 88C & G | ![]() EK 1 & 2 Night Fighter Operational Clasp | One known victory, a "4 mot" at Karlstuhl on 26 August, 1944. This looks like Hptm Karl Becker, NJG-101 with a second victory. | |||||
13 | Becker, Martin "Tino" | Hptm | 4/12/1916 | Wiesbaden. | 58 | 6/NJG-2 (8/42), 2/NJG-3 (10/43), I/NJG-4, Kdr IV/NJG-6 (10/44 to end) | Bf 110F, Bf 110G "3C + MK" (7/44), Ju 88G-6 "2Z + AF", "2Z + MF" & Bf 110G-4 "2Z + BB" & Bf 110G-6 "C9 + MK" in NJG-6 | ![]() RK(4/20/44) EL(3/20/45) ![]() Deutsches Kreuz - Gold (5/25/44) ![]() EK 1 & 2 Night Fighter Operational Clasp | All night victories. Famous for his 'serial' victories: 6 on 23 March, 1944; 7 on 31 March, 1944; and 9 on 14 March, 1945. Nos. 44 & 45, both Lancasters on 2 January, 1945. Nos. 46 to 48, all '4 mots' on 21 February, 1945. Victories 49 to 57, eight Lancasters and a B-17 on 14 March, 1945. His 58th and last victory, a Lancaster on 16 March, 1945. 110 combat missions including 27 reconnaissance in 1940 before transferring to Night Fighters. His R/O from 3/44 to the end, Ofw Karl Ludwig Johanssen won the RK on 16 March, 1945, one of the few R/Os to do so. His Gunner at the end was Ogefr Weizenbach. Survived the war. Bowers/Lednicer, 57 victories. There are several records in the Allied Losses and Incidents Database where Becker is mentioned as the Attacker. Search for Becker in the database and look in the Notes column for Attacker.
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| Operational Record | |
14 | Becker, Ludwig | Hptm | 8/22/1911 | Dortmund, Aplerbeck | 44 | Stuka pilot, 3/ZG-1, 4/NJG-1 (8/40), 6/NJG-2 (1/42), Stafkpt 14/NJG-1, Stfkpt 12/NJG-1 (2/43 Leeuwarden) | Ju 87, Bf 110C "G9+LZ", Do 215B-5 "G9 + OM", Bf 110G-4 Wk # 4864 "G9 + LZ" (lost 2/26/43) | ![]() RK(7/1/42) EL(2/26/43) ![]() Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(5/4/42) EP(3/2/42) ![]() EK 1 & 2 Night Fighter Operational Clasp | MIA 26 February, 1943 in his G-4 while on a daylight mission intercepting a B-17 over the North Sea and crashing 10 km north of Schiermonnikoog Holland. Also missing was his R/O Ofw Josef Straub. It was their first daylight sortie. All victories at night. He is known to have crashed a Bf 110 at Meddo Holland, NNW of Winterswijk, on 30 August, 1940, cause and crew disposition unknown, a Lt at the time (DeSwart). His first known victory, a Wellington the night of 16-17 October, 1940, no location. He is credited with the 1st radar-controlled victory, and this may have been the AC, downed while in 4/NJG-1. A Wellington near Nieue Schans on 8-9 August, 1941. A Manchester by Shlochteren, E of Groningen the night of 12-13 August, 1941. A Whitley V by Vredepeel the night of 14-15 August, 1941. A Whitley at Oldebrock the night of 6-7 September, 1941. Another Wellington of RAF No. 115 Sq. at Blijham/Groningen on 29 September, 1941. A Whitley the night of 8-9 November, 1941, no location. A Wellington II of RAF No.12 Sq. the night of 20-21 January, 1942 near the Dutch Frisian Island of Terschelling. He began his military career as a Luftwaffe volunteer in 1934. Bowers/Lednicer, 46 victories.
Courtesy Christian König |
Courtesy Christian König | Extended Record Archive Report | |
15 | Becker, L. | Lt | 2/NJG-1 (8/40 Gütersloh) | Bf 110 Werk # unk (lost 8/30/40) | Night Fighter Operational Clasp | His ac reported lost the night of 30/31 August, 1940 at Meddo, near Winterswijk, cause and pilot and crew disposition unknown (Netherland Loss Registry). Added: Lt Becker KilledInAction (KIA). His R/O-Gnr named Staub, no disposition (SGLO). | ||||||
16 | Becker, Karl Heinz | Fw | 8 | 10/NJG-11 (aka Kdo Welter & NJ Kdo-262, Feb.45) | Me 262A-1 Werk # 500075 "Red 2" (20% dam 2/15/45; uninj emer land between Warendorf & Telgte, cause unk), Me 262B-1a/U1 Night Fighter | EP![]() EK 1 & 2 Night Fighter Operational Clasp | Magnus Report. 5 Mosquitos. All victories in the Me 262. Second most successful Me 262 Night Fighter pilot. One known victory, a P-38 on 15 February, 1945. A 2nd, a Mosquito on 21 March, 1945. A 3rd, a Mosquito on 22 March, 1945. A 4th & 5th, both Mosquitos on 24 March, 1945. Nos. 6 & 7, both Mosquitos on 27 March, 1945. One of the victims on March 27th was F/Lt Andre van Amsterdam in a Mosquito Mk XVI Serial: MM131 XD-J of RAF No. 139 (Jamaica) Sq. north of Brandenburg. van Amsterdam bailed safely but has not been found (R.Philips). An 8th, a Mosquito on 31 March, 1945. | ![]() | ||||
17 | Becker, Karl | Hptm | 1 | 9/NJG-2 (9/42), Stfkpt 2/NJG-3 (5/43), Stfkpt 6/NJG-3 (12/43), Kdr II/NJG-3 (7/44), Kdr I/NJG-101 (8/44) | Ju 88C-6, Do 217J | ![]() EP (7/1/42), Night Fighter Operational Clasp | LOCS. One known victory, a Boston on 11 September, 1942. | |||||
18 | Becker, Horst | Fw | 11/26/1919 | Cieszów (CKönig) | 1 | 8/NJG-1 (1/44 Twente) | Bf 110D & E, Bf 110G-4 Werk # 720024 "G9 + LS" (lost 1/15/44) | ![]() EK 1 & 2 Night Fighter Operational Clasp | His G-4 crashed on landing at De Lutte (gem. Losser) Holland the night of 14/15 January, 1944, cause unknown (DeSwart). Pilot KIC, bur Ysselsteyn Q-10-226. Remaining crew (KIC): Obs Uffz Karl Allmendinger, bur Ysselsteyn Q-10-227 and R/O Helmut Knauck, bur Ysselsteyn Q-10-228 (Lost Aircraft Report). One known victory, a Halifax S of Hameln on 22 September, 1943, an Uffz at the time. | |||
19 | Becker, Erich | Ofw | 4/330/1918 | Crossen, Oder | 3 | 2/NJG-6 | Bf 110D-2, Bf 110F-4, Bf 110G-4 Werk # Unk (lost 2/24/44) | ![]() EK 1 & 2 Night Fighter Operational Clasp | His G-4 reported sd 24 February, 1944 at Marlow, by Warnemünde, no further detail (NJG-6 Loss List). One known victory, a Halifax 5 km N of Düsseldorf on 3 November, 1943. A 2nd same day, a Lancaster at Düsseldorf. A 3rd, a Halifax WSW of Mannheim on 18 November, 1943. |
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Wer vor der Vergangenheit die Augen verschließt, wird blind für die Gegenwart. Richard von Weizsäcker
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