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# | Pilot (↑) | Rank | Born | Place | Score (↑) | Units | Aircraft | Awards | *************Notes************* | Photo (Click to Expand) | Links | AuthorComments |
1 | Achard, Gerhard | Lt | 1/10/1924 | Berlin | 4/JG-300 (9/44), I/JG-300 (2/45 Reich Def) | Bf 109G-6/AS (lost 9/25/44 at Elten), Bf 109G-10 Werk # 150826 "Blk 5" (lost 2/14/45 vic Dahlen/Oschatz) | Fighter Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 14 February, 1945 during aerial combat near Dahlen/Oschatz. Regarding the loss of his G-6, cause and pilot disposition unknown. Alternate spelling: Achart. | ||||
2 | Achterberg, Bernhard | Ogefr | 12/13/1924 | I/JG-300 (1/45) | Bf 109G-10 (or G-14) Werk # Unk (lost 1/45) | Fighter Operational Clasp | His name appears on an AC Lost List; AC lost 1/45 at Berlin, Pilot MIA, cause unknown. | |||||
3 | Adam, Paul | Fw | 2/Kü.Fl.Gr-606 | Ju 52n Werk # 5945 "DC + SF" (lost) | Transport Operational Clasp | KIC 4 March, 1941 during a courier flight between Gardermoen and Berlin, cause unknown. Remaining crew (all MIA): Uffz Alfred Gans, R/O; Uffz August Ahrens, Mechanic and Uffz Hans Müller, Gunner. Source: SIG Norway. | ||||||
4 | Adelt, Hans | Hptm | 6/7/1910 | Berlin | Stab II/ZG-76 | Fw 190F-8 Werk # 580203 "BQ + DE" (lost 7/22/44) | Pilot Badge | KIC 22 July, 1944 at Novy Dvor Malacky FP, CZ., circumstances unknown. He may have been assigned there to protect the ac/students of the Observer Training School (D.Drury). | ||||
5 | Ahrensdorf, Hans Werner | Gefr | 12/5/1919 | Berlin | Erg.IV/KG-26 (Blankensee) | He 111H Werk # 3658 (lost 2/16/42) | Bomber Operational Clasp | KIC with unnamed crew 16 February, 1942, no further detail (Stankey & DeZeng). Added: Their ac crashed at Bechelsdorferweg, Olindorf, Mecklenburg, cause remains unknown. Remaining crew (KIC): Gefr Johann Ebeling, Obs; Uffz Günther Klügel, R/O and Gefr Wilhelm Merchel, Gnr.Gefr Ahrensdorf buried in the German War Cem in Döberitz/Dallgow ev Kirchenfriedhof, B5, Row 1, Gr 23. Gefr Merchel buried in the German War Cem in Herne-Eickel Friedhof in Volksgarten, in Gr 92. No other graves known (D.Drury). | ||||
6 | Albinus, Heinz | Ogefr | 2/11/1922 | Berlin | 10/NJG-5 | Bf 110F-4 (lost 5/16/43) | Night Fighter Operational Clasp | KIC 16 May, 1943; crashed at the Morlaix airfield, cause unknown. Burial Ploudaniel-Lesneven, Blk 9, Row 55, Gr 1370 (absa3945). | Plousdaniel-Lesneven, France | |||
7 | Altendorf, Rudolf | Hptm | 7/16/1919 | 24 | 15(Z)/LG-1, 3/NJG-3(6/41), 2/NJG-3(8/42), Stfkpt 2/NJG-4(4/43), 12/NJG-5(10/43), Kdr IV/NJG-5(1/44) | Bf 109E, Bf 110C, Ju 88G-6 "2Z + AC" (10/44) | Deutsches Kreuz - Gold EP EK 1 & 2 Wound Badge Destroyer & Night Fighter Operational Clasp | One known victory, a Hurricane at Salisbury on 13 August, 1940. A Hurricane at Portland on 15 August, 1940, these first two in LG-1. A Wellington at Cloppenburg on 12 May, 1941. Another, a Whitley on 18-19 June, 1941, no location. A Hampden the night of 29-30 June, 1941. Another, a Wellington at Erika on 28 August, 1942. Another, a Halifax II of RAF No. 405 Sq. at Waterloo, 15 km SSE of Brussels, the night of 15-16 October, 1942. Two others, a Stirling and a Halifax on 15 April, 1943. A Lancaster of RAF No.61 Sq., "W4317" "QR-R" 500 m southwest of Givry on 17 April, 1943. A Wellington and a Halifax on 30 May, 1943. Another Halifax 10 km S of Maubeuge on 14 July, 1943. A Halifax N of Berlin on 24 August, 1943. Another Halifax at Nürnburg on 28 August, 1943. A Halifax 27 km E of Herford on 22 October, 1943. An Il-4 the night of 26-27 August, 1944. Two Lancasters; one at Wegeberg, the other in the Königsberg area, on 30 August, 1944. Shot down with injuries three times; 8/17/43 N of Gent, 1/3/44 by Buchholz and 1/20/44 by Strigleben/Terneberg. Alternate spelling: Altendorff. | Allied Losses Database Halifax JD108 | |||
8 | Altner, Richard Herbert | Lt | 3/2/1918 | Naunhof | 25 | 5/NJG-3 (8/42), 2/NJG-3 (1/43), 3/NJG-5 (12/43 Lübeck), 8/NJG-5 (1/44), 10/NJG-11 (4/45 Burg) | Bf 110, Do 217, Ju 88, Me 262B-1a/U1 Wk# 111980 "Red 12", Me 262B-1a/U1 Werk # 110636 "Red 9" (lost 3/27/45, pilot error, bail safely; R/O Uffz Reinhard Lommatzsch KIC) and Ar 234 in NJG-11 in 1945 | Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(1/1/45) EP EK 1 & 2 Night Fighter Operational Clasp | One known victory, a Halifax 1 km SSE of Sonderborg on 19 August, 1942. Another, a Stirling on 18 January, 1943. A Wellington south of Tondern on 19 February, 1943. A B-17 NE of Gedser on 9 October, 1943. Downed a "4 mot" near Berlin on 16 December, 1943. One of these must have been "unconfirmed", since his 5th per OKL, was a B-24 on 4 January, 1944. A "4 mot" W of Paris on 8 June, 1944. a 2nd "4 mot" same day, 80 km N of Paris. A "4 mot" SSW of Paris on 10 June, 1944. Two more "4 mots" SW of Paris on 11 June, 1944. Another double on 13 June, 1944; both "4 mots" in the Lens-Arras area. Scored 5 victories, all Lancasters of RAF No. 619 Sq., within 30 minutes on one mission, 18 July, 1944, over northern France. One late victory, a Mosquito on 3 April, 1945. In the last days of the war, he used the Reinfeld autobahn as a runway during the day. On 7 May, 1945, from his last 262 base at Schleswig-Jagel, rather than waiting to surrender to the British, Altner simply got on his bike and pedaled home! | |||
9 | Andorfer, Anton | Hptm | 12/23/1919 | Linz, Austria | 1/StG-77, Stfkpt 8/SG-77, Stfkpt 2/SG-77 | Ju 87, Fw 190 in SG-77 | RK(3/26/44) Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(5/17/43) EP(9/22/42 or 11/2/42; AR provided list) EK 1 & 2 Dive Bomber w/Pendant Assault Oper.Clasps | KilledInAction (KIA) 11 April, 1945 during the Battle of Berlin, when his Fw 190 was hit by Soviet flak and burned on impact. Nearly 1000 missions including about 200 with the Fw 190. Destroyed 45+ tanks. |
Courtesy Christian König | |||
10 | Anthony, Georg | Ofw | 5/29/1913 | Berlin | 4 | 4/ZG-76 | Bf 110C Werk # 3615 "M8 + MM" (lost 8/30/40) | EK 1 & 2 Destroyer Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 30 August, 1940; crashed at Barley Beans Farm, Kimpton, Hertfordshire, UK; buried Hitchin Cemetery, Hertfordshire, UK, NW Extension, Gr 401 (M.Croft). His R/O-Gnr, Uffz Nordmeier, was injured and taken POW (Bf 110 Loss List). One known victory, a Morane at Le Cateau, 16 May, 1940. His 2nd & 3rd, both Moranes on 17 May, 1940, no location. His 4th, a Spitfire west of Dunkirk, 29 May, 1940. Added: His R/O-Gnr, Uffz Heinrich Nordmeier (Nordmeyer or Nordmeir), suffered a broken back. Their 110 was sd by Hurricanes of Nos 303 and 56 Sqs, piloted by F/O Ludwik W.Paszkiewicz and P/O Bryan J.Wicks respectively (D.Drury). | |||
11 | Apenburg, Helmut | Uffz | 02/10/19 | Alt-Treptow, Treptow-Köpenick, Berlin (CKönig) | 1/JG-3 (7/43, 2/44 Volkel) | Bf 109G-6 Werk # 19634 "White 8" (lost 7/28/43), Bf 109G-6/U4 Werk # 440207 "White 8" (lost) | Fighter Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 22 February, 1944 during aerial combat in his G-6 with a P-47 by Linne, 6 km SW of Roermand Holland. Wk# 19634 reported lost on 28 July, 1943, cause and location not reported, pilot returned. Added: Uffz Apenburg is buried at Yssel L-11-271 (SGLO). | ||||
12 | Aufhammer, Fritz | Obstlt | 11/28/1914 | 5 | II/KG-153 ('37), Adj II/KG-27 ('42), Kdr II/KG-100 (10/42-4/43), Kdr KG-100 (5/43-9/43), Kdr KG-3 (7/44), Kdr JG-301 (9/44 to end) | Do 217 in KG-100, Ju 88 in KG-3, Bf 109G, Fw 190A & Ta 152H | Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(1/12/43) EP (8/3/42), EK 1 & 2 Bomber Operational Clasp w/Pendant | Two known victories, both P-51s in the Müritz Sea area on 5 December, 1944, opposing the Berlin-Münster Raid. Deceased 14 June, 2002 (OKL & LOCS). Alternate spelling: Auffhammer (OKL). | ||||
13 | Autenrieth, Hans | Hptm | 3/15/1921 | Weiler | 22 | 6/NJG-1 (8/41), Stab II/NJG-1 (8/42), 4/NJG-4 (3/43), Stfkpt 6/NJG-4 (6/43 - 1/44), Kdr II/NJG-4 (2/44) | Bf 110G-4 Werk # 5431 (lost 1/21/44), Ju 88G-1 Werk # 712343 (lost 8/4/44) | Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(2/24/44) EP EK 1 & 2 Wound Badge Night Fighter Operational Clasp | POW 6 August, 1944 after being shot down by a Mosquito NE of Rennes on 4 August, 1944. WIA 20/21 January, 1944; shot down by a Lancaster, crashing at Spreenhagen near Berlin. One known victory, possibly his 1st, a Halifax on 13 August, 1941, in the Groningen area. Another victory, two Wellingtons south of Burg on 1 August - Wellington X9917 was one, 1942. Another Wellington 100 m southwest of Venlo on 12 August, 1942. A Wellington III of RAF No. 101 Sq. near Liege on 24-25 August, 1942. A Halifax II #1216 "PM-Q" near Marquillies, crashing at Rosmeer-Bilzen (Be) on 5 October, 1942 (Surviving RAF Nav, F/Sgt Gordon Mellor & Jozef Simons, Secy Hemology Soc.,Rosmeer). A Stirling 6 km northeast of Souilly on 8 March, 1943. Another Stirling 3 km southwest of Chalons-sur-Marne on 12 March, 1943. A Halifax, same location, on 17 April, 1943. Two victories on 23 June, 1943; a Stirling and a Wellington. A Stirling 5 km WSW of Diest, Be. on 25 June, 1943. A Halifax E of Dinant on 26 November, 1943, while in 1/NJG-4. A Lancaster on 10 May, 1944, no location. A "4 mot" at Trappes on 2 June, 1944. A Lancaster 5 km E of Dreux on 10 June, 1944. A Lancaster at St Leo on 8 July, 1944. His only known R/O/Gunner, Uffz Adam was killed by the French Resistance when they were both captured after crashing at Fougeres France. The French turned Autenrieth over to the Americans. American POW, released in 1946. Autenrieth died 8 June, 1996. Added: His 8/4/44 Remaining crew: Fw Rudolf Adam (geb 7/21/1919 Schwemlingen), R/O (MIA) and Uffz Georg Helbig (6/29/1920 Steinfeld), Mech (POW) (absa3945). Added: Another source suggests Fw Adam and Uffz Helbig bailed out the night of 20/21 January, 1944, and returned uninjured; Autenrieth bailed, hitting the tailfin and breaking his leg (C.König)
| Archive Report Archive Report Wellington X9917Archive Report Wellington EF348 Operational Record | ||
14 | Bach, Otto | Lt | 6/18/1919 | Bochum | 25 | Erg/JG-2 (7/41), 12/JG-1 (2/43), 5/JG-1 (7/43), 4/JG-1 (5/44), Stfkpt 7/JG-1 (9/44) | Bf 109F in JG-2, Fw 190A-4 & 5 in JG-1, Fw 190A-6 Wk# 530101 "Black 5" (12/43), Fw 190A-7 Werk # 643949 "White 2" (5/44 Störmede, Ger.) in 4/JG-1, Fw 190A-9 Werk # 205186 "Yellow 15" (lost 11/26/44) | Deutsches Kreuz - Gold EP EK 1 & 2 Fighter Operational Clasp in Gold | KilledInAction (KIA) 26 November, 1944 during aerial combat in "Yellow 15" with P-51 escorts over the Ruhr area, by Rochau, near Stendal. Buried Stendal Friedhof, Gr 101 (A. Rosseels). One known victory, his 1st, a Spitfire at Cherbourg on 10 July, 1941. His 2nd, a Blenheim at Cherbourg on 17 July, 1941. His 3rd, a Spitfire N of Cape de la Hague on 6 August, 1941. Nos 4 & 5, both Spitfires N of Cape de la Hague on 30 September, 1941. Another, his 6th, a B-17 "Lucy Belle" of 303BG 100 km northwest of Terschelling, flown by 1/Lt Lloyd Driffin on 26 February, 1943. Another, his 7th, was a B-17 # 42-3115 of 95BG flown by Lt J.E. Mc Kinley, on 14 May, 1943. The B-17 crashed on North Beveland Island, near Katz village. All the crew perished. His 8th, a B-17 1 km SW of Metternich on 12 August, 1943. His 10th, a B-17 at Dollart, SW of Emden on 11 December, 1943. His 11th, a B-17 S of Delmenhorst on 6 March, 1944. His 13th, a B-17 north of Braunschweig on 11 April, 1944 (Perry Claims). His 15th, a B-17 NE of Berlin on 24 May, 1944. Known to have flown Fw 190A-7 Wk# 643948 "Black 2" (4/44) in 5/JG-1 also. Another A-7, Werk # 643949 "White 2" in 4/JG-1 Major Heinz Bär (Kommandeur ll./JG1) briefing pilots at Rheine: 8 from L - Obfw. Bach |
Courtesy Oleg Marin | ||
15 | Bach, Theo | Lt | 1/25/1924 | Ludwigshaven | 9/KG-2 (2/43) | Do 217M-1 Werk # 722852 "U5 + ET" (lost 8/16/43) | Bomber Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) the night of 15/16/August, 1943 when he crashed at Broadway Farm, Lovedean (or Hovedean), Hampshire, England, after being blinded by searchlights (LOCS). Added: Remaining crew (KilledInAction (KIA)): Ogefr Guenther Jahn (geb 7/22/1922, Berlin), Obs; Uffz Helmuth Carl (geb 8/29/1923, Berlin), R/O and Ogefr Werner Neubert (geb 2/17/1923, Chemnitz), Gnr (C.König). | ||||
16 | Bachmann, | Fw | 5 | A/B-124 (Metz), JG-104 (Nürnberg), 9/JG-52 (Görlitz-Landeskrone 8/44) | Bf 109G | EK 1 & 2 Fighter Operational Clasp | Soviet POW at wars end, released in September 1949. Known for his coverings of Hs 129s and Ju 88s attacking Soviet tanks near Berlin in the last days of the war. Jager Blatt 5/2003. | |||||
17 | Bahr, Günther | Ofw | 7/18/1921 | Neu Leegden, E. Prussia | 37 | 6/SKG-210, 6/ZG-1, I/NJG-1, 4,8 & 12/NJG-4, 7/NJG-3 (8/43), 3/NJG-6 (8/43), 1 & 7/NJG-6 | Bf 110C, He 219 | RK(3/28/45) Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(6/13/44) EP(5/15/44) EK 1 & 2 Night Fighter Operational Clasp in Silver | 36 four-engine bombers at night and one day victory in Russia. About 90 Night combat missions. One known victory, a B-17 20 km SE of Schweinfurt on 14 October, 1943. A 2nd B-17 same day at Sulzbach, 30 km N of Heilbronn. A Lancaster 35 km N of Hameln on 18 October, 1943. Another Lancaster SSW of Hochspeyer on 17 November, 1943. A "4 mot" in the Berlin area on 2 December, 1943. A Lancaster "JB122" of No.625 Sq. 10km NW of Oranienburg. A "4 mot" on 27 April, 1944, no location (most likely near Schweinfurt). A Lancaster 50 km W of Stuttgart on 29 July, 1944. A Halifax W of Russelheim on 26 August, 1944. A B-17 NW of Mannheim on 12 September, 1944. Nos. 21 to 24, 4 B-24s in the Munich area on 8 January, 1945. Nos. 25 to 28, four Lancasters, two near Stuttgart, one N of Ludwigsburg, and one the eastern end of Mannheim, all on 28 January, 1945. Nos. 29 to 35, all Lancasters WSW of Mannheim/Worms 2/21/45. His 36th, a Lancaster NE of Pforzheim on 23 February, 1945. His 37th victory, a Lancaster W of Nürnberg on 16 March, 1945. Deceased 29 April, 2009.
Courtesy Oleg Marin |
Courtesy Christian König | ||
18 | Bahr, Paul | Fw | 2 | 7/NJG-3 (8/43), 11/NJG-6 (8/44) | Bf 110G-4 | EK 1 & 2 Night Fighter Operational Clasp | Killed in Action 24 August, 1944 Source: T. Boiten. His two OKL victories, a "4 mot" 50 km north of Peenemünde 0n 17 August, 1943 and a Stirling north of Berlin on 24 August, 1943. Added: KilledInAction (KIA) 24 August, 1944, Bucharest Romania while serving in 11/NJG-6 (NJG-6 Loss List). | |||||
19 | Baltruschat, Walter | Ofw | 2 | 10/JG-300, NJG-11 | Fw 190A-8 | EK 2 Fighter Operational Clasp | One known victory, a Mosquito E of Berlin on 12 September, 1944. A 2nd Mosquito, same day, SW of Berlin. | |||||
20 | Bannischka, Helmut | Uffz | 6/9/1921 | Berlin | III/JG-26 (joins 8/43), 7/JG-26 (Reich Def) | Bf 109G-6 Werk # 18867 "White 6" (lost 9/14/43) | Fighter Operational Clasp in Bronze | KilledInAction (KIA) 14 September, 1943 in aerial combat with a Spitfire at Wijnendale. He attempted to bail out at 650 feet, but became trapped when the wing came off, and he crashed with his "White 6". Buried Bourdon, Block 5/2/78 (Rosseels). | ||||
21 | Barte, Walter | Maj | 10/10/1911 | 17 | Stab II/NJG-1 (9/41), I/NJG-1 (8/42), 4/NJG-1 (9/42), Kdr III/NJG-3 (10/43 to end) | Ju 88G in III/NJG-3, Bf 110D-3 Werk # Unk "G9 + FM" in /NJG-1 (St Trond) | Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(10/1/44) EP EK 1 & 2 Night Fighter Operational Clasp | Also seen the name spelled 'Barthe'. One known victory, a B-17 of the 100th BG flown by Robert Knox. A double victory, his 1st and 2nd, on 15-16 September, 1941, 2 Hampdens, no locations. Two victories on 31 May, 1942; a Wellington 30 km north of Hasselt, and a Manchester at Kinroy. A Stirling I of RAF No. 149 Sq. at lEcluse (Brabant), 10 km SW of Tienen Belgium the night of 5-6 June, 1942. A Wellington 2 km southwest of Oploo on 1 August, 1942. A Lancaster I of RAF No. 83 Sq. at Morkhoven (Antwerpen), 6 km SSW of Herentals Belgium, the night of 24-25 August, 1942. Two Wellington IVs of RAF No. 21 (OTU) in the Limburg Belgium area the night of 16-17 September, 1942, one being HE110 'SJ-Q', which crashed at Spalbeek, 8km WNW of Hasselt (John Jones, who also supplied the Bf110 images). Two more victories, a Lancaster and a Halifax on 12 June, 1943. Another dual victory, a Lancaster and a Halifax at Peenemünde on 17 August, 1943. A Lancaster at Berlin-Reindendorf on 16 December, 1943. A "4 mot" SW of Düsseldorf on 23 April, 1944. A B-17 at Jävenitz, SW of Stendal, on 29 April, 1944. His occasional R/O was an Uffz Pieper at St Trond. L-R: Barte - Pieper - Unknown Barte's Bf110 based at St. Trond (courtesy Herman Mertens) | ||||
22 | Bartens, Jürgen | Oblt | 1/30/1915 | Berlin | Stfkpt 8/KG-55 (10/40) | He 111P-2, He 111P-4 Werk # 2908 "G1 + LS" (lost 4/9/41) | Bomber Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 9 April, 1941 on a mission over England, crashing at Farmhill Crossroads, Windsor Great Park, Berkshire. He was flying as Observer this date; pilot Ofw Franz Vonier, both buried in Brookwood Mil Cem, Plot 15, Row A Joint Grave 3. Remaining crew (WIA & POW): Fw Fritz Pons, R/O and Fw Hermann Hübler (or Kübler), Mech.. Source: D. Drury). Known to have flown missions against England in October, 1940, specifically one against Thorney Island airfield, Sussex, on 8 October, 1940. | ||||
23 | Bauer, Johann | Ofw | 8 | 11/JG-3 (4/44), 12/JG-3 (5/44), 13/JG-3 (9/44) | Bf 109G-6 | EP EK 1 & 2 Fighter Operational Clasp | Two known victories, his 1st and 2nd, both B-17s in the Nauen area, W of Berlin, on 18 April, 1944. His 3rd, a B-17 at Nidda on 12 May, 1944. A 4th, a B-17 at Mügeln, S of Oschatz, on 11 September, 1944. His 5th, a B-17 (HSS) 50 km S of Halle on 7 October, 1944. A 6th, a B-17 NW of Halle on 2 November, 1944. A 7th (referred to as 6th by OKL), a B-24 at Hunsrück on 2 December, 1944. An 8th (referred to as his 7th by OKL), a B-26 at Büllingen-Stavelot on 23 December, 1944. Magnus Report. | |||||
24 | Bauer, Konrad 'Pitt' | Oblt | 2/9/1919 | Gelsenkirchen | 57 | 10/JG-51 (3/43 S.U.), Stabstaffel/JG-51 (9/43 S.U.), 2/JG-3 (5/44), Stafkpt 5/JG-300 (7/44) | Bf 109G in JG-51, Fw 190A-8 Werk # 171641 "Red 3" (7/44), Fw 190A-8 Werk # 681498 "Red 21" (lost 7/20/44 aft cmbt & dbl vic @ Zwickau), Fw 190A-8/R2 Werk # 681469 "Red 1" (lost 9/11/44), Fw 190A-8 "Red 4" | RK(10/31/44) Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(7/10/44) EP(3/31/44) EK 1 & 2 Wound Badge Fighter Operational Clasp | 32 Bombers. 416 combat missions. His first known Soviet victory, a Pe-2 on 20 March, 1943. A P-2 25 km E of Shlobin on 29 November, 1943. An Il-2 (m.H.) on 15 December, 1943. Four Il-2s (all M.H.) and two Boston IIIs on 15 December, 1943. A Yak-7 and an Il-2 on 10 January, 1944. One known western victory, his 19th, shared with a Flak unit, a B-17 at Zehdenick, N of Berlin, on 18 April, 1944. His 20th & 21st, both B-17s on 24 May, 1944, no location. Two B-24s at Arten and a P-38 at Wernigerode on 7 July, 1944. A P-51 at Obergünzberg on 19 July, 1944. A double victory on 20 July, 1944; both B-17s at Zwickau. A B-24 at Martinsburg-Spitz on 25 July, 1944. A triple victory on 27 July, 1944; three B-24s at Szekesfehervar. A B-17 at Brünn on 29 August, 1944. A triple victory on 11 September, 1944; three P-51s in the Kassel-Giessen area. Shot down in Fw 190A-8 Wk# 681469 "Red 1" with wounds during this engagement, losing two fingers on his right hand. Wounded seven times. Survived the war. Deceased 17 June, 1990.
Courtesy Christian Konig |
Courtesy Christian Konig | ||
25 | Bauschke, Horst | Hptm | 6/8/1920 | Berlin, Neukölln | Stab/Aufkl.Gr.11 (5/42 S.U.), 2(H)/21 8/43), 6(H)/Aufkl.Gr.12 (disband 5/44), 8/NAGr-8 (5/44 to end) | Hs 126B, Bf 109G | Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(8/16/43) EK 1 & 2 Wound Badge Observer Operational Clasp in Gold | Began his Luftwaffe flying career as a FhjUffz in August, 1940. Served as a Short Range Reconnaissance Pilot in Russia. Known bases: Herzogenaurach 2/44 to 8/44, Olita & Raczki during Aug, 1944, Polangen Sept & Oct, 1944, Eichwalde Oct to Dec, 1944, Mackfitz 12/44 to 2/45, and Prenzlau 2/45 to 3/45. Documents found on-line. | ||||
26 | Becker, Kurt | Fw | 1 | 5/JG-302 | Fw 190A-5 Werk # 155868 "Yellow 1" (lost 12/4/43) | EK 2 Fighter Operational Clasp | KIC 4 December, 1943 at Freiburg/Elbe, cause unknown. One known victory, an "unidentified" AC at Berlin on 2 December, 1943. This may be a 2nd Kurt Becker, since the other was an Ofw in July, 1943, and this man is a Fw in December, 1943. (Could have been demoted!) | |||||
27 | Beckhaus, Karl August | Hptm | K/88 Legion Condor (7/39), Stab/Fliegerführer z.b.V.-Berlin, I/KG-40 (4/40) | Ju 52/3m, Ju 290, He 111, Fw 200C Werk # Unk "F8 + CH" (lost 4/21/40) | Bomber Operational Clasp | MIA with unnamed crew 21 April, 1940; failed to return from a mission to Narvik, presumed lost in the North Sea due to bad weather and icing conditions at Vestfjorden (LOCS & falkeeins-blogspot). | ||||||
28 | Beetz, Wilhelm | Ofhr | 9/23/1918 | Berlin - Karlshorst | 6/KG-4 | He 111P-4 Werk # 3085 "5J + GP" (lost) | Bomber Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 16 February, 1941 when the AC was hit by AA fire over South Shields during a raid on the Tyne, and lost height before its port wing collided with a balloon cable from a site on the North Foreshore. It dove at a steep angle crashing at Bents Park. Four were killed when the AC exploded on impact. Beetz managed to bail and had the cruel luck of being electricuted when he landed on trolley car wires. He died shortly after being admitted to Ingham Infirmary. Remaining crew (all KilledInAction (KIA)): Hptm Heinz Styra, Observer, Uffz Karl Günther Brützam, wireless operator, Gefr Franz Friedrich Janeschitz, gunner and Uffz Helmut Herbert Jeckstadt, gunner. Added: An exploding mine at the crash location with the burials as follows in Hylton (Castletown) Cem, Section D: Beetz Row 1, Gr 697; Styra Row 2, Gr 735 (with Brützam); Janeschitz Row 1, Gr 698 and Jeckstadt Row 2, Gr 734 (D.Drury). | ||||
29 | Belz, Josef | Maj | 9/28/1909 | Kindelsdorf | KGr.z.b.V-500 (12/42), Stfkpt 7/Erg.TG (8/43-6/44), 2/KG-200 (11/44) | Ju 52, Ar 232, Fw 200, Ju 188, He 111 Werk # Unk (lost 11/2/44) | RK (12/23/42) EP (1/11/43) EK 1 & 2 Transport Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 2 November, 1944, cause unknown. His ac crashed 3km east of the Gross Schiemann airfield, near Ortelsburg (Traces of War & LOCS). (Added by Pietrzak Youngs) Ar 232 A-101 The first and only unit fully equipped with Ar 232 was the 7./Erg.TG. (Supplementary transport squadron). Their formation, in Schönwalde near Berlin, was apparently ordered as early as June 1943, probably on the 15th. The first squadron commander, Walter Meltzer (Knights Cross) from III./TG 1, had been appointed, but together with the group commander the l./Erg.TG., Major Kurt Wendorff, in a test flight with the Ar 232 A-03, VD + YC, he was fatally injured in Schönwalde along with Oblt. Helmut Jardon, Offz.z.b.V., Ofw. Albert Klenk, Bordmechaniker, and Uffz. Heinrich Gräf, Bordfunker, all of the 7./Erg.TG. Meltzer's successor was Major Josef Belz. While he and a few other members of the squadron, including Ofw. Max Limbrecht, had already been instructed in the new pattern at the factory, it was not until December 1943 that the A-02 aircraft in Schönwalde could be deployed. That same month, the squadron was relocated to Eger. There it received three more machines in January (A-06, A-09 and B-06) and another two in February 1944. The last two should have been at least one more B, most likely the B-05. | ||||
30 | Benkendorff, Helmut 'Mukki' | Lt | 12/8/1910 | Berlin, Pankow | 12 | Flight Instr., 1/JG-3 (9/42), 3/JG-3 (10/42), II/StG-1, II/SG-1 | Bf 109F & G, Ju 87, Bf 109F | RK(3/26/44) Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(11/23/42) EK 1 & 2 Fighter & Assault Operational Clasps w/"300" hangers | 666 missions, mostly in the East. His first known victory, an Il-2 on 26 September, 1942. A 2nd, a Soviet I-16 Rata on 2 October, 1942. A 3rd, a MiG-1 on 17 October, 1942. A 4th, a LaGG-3 on 29 October, 1942. An La-5 on 13 November, 1942. Two Il-2s on 28 November, 1942. An Il-2 on 30 November, 1942. A MiG-1 on 2 December, 1942. An La-5 on 8 December, 1942. An Il-2 on 10 December, 1942. An Il-2 on 31 December, 1942. (Added by Pietrzak Youngs) Benkendorff in front of Stuka after 500 mission celebration
Courtesy Christian König | |||
31 | Benning, Anton | Lt | 5/15/1918 | Hakenberg, Westfalen | 28 | JG-106, JG-300, 1/JG-302 (3/44), 2/JG-302 (5/44), 10/JG-301 (11/44), Stfkpt 1/JG-301 (2/45) | Transports, Bf 109G & Fw 190A-8 in JG-301 | RK(4/13/45) Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(1/1/45) EK 1 & 2 Glider Badge Fighter Operational Clasp in Silver | 18 Bombers. 1 Mosquito. About half his victories were at night. About 100 combat missions after being a Flt Instr & Transport pilot, with numerous missions to the Stalingrad Cauldron (C.König). Two known victories, both Lancasters, one 20 km SE of Bremen, the other NE of Verden on 22 September, 1943. His 4th, a Lancaster over Berlin on 24 March, 1944. A B-24 at Nickelsdorf, SW of Brück, on 10 May, 1944. A 2nd B-24, same day, near Sopron. A double victory on 9 June, 1944; both B-24s near Landshut/Wasserburg. A B-24 (HSS) NE of Augsburg on 13 June, 1944. Another double on 26 November, a B-24 and a P-51, SW of Hannover. His 14th, a P-51 S of Eberswalde on 5 December, 1944. Photo | |||
32 | Bergel, Heinz | Lt | 25/04/23 (ckonigxx) | Leipzig (ckonigxx) | 1 | 2/NJG 5 (06/44 Adj Stab) (ckonigxx) | Bf-110 G-4 Werk # 720054 (dam 12/15/43), Bf-110 G-4 "C9 + BB" Werknr. 740219 (lost on 12/06/44) | EK 1 & 2 Wound Badge Night Fighter Operational Clasp | Injured during an emergency landing 15 December, 1943 at the Fassberg airfield due to a fuel shortage (Bf 110 Loss List). KilledInAction (KIA) on 12/04/44, shot down by night fighter vic Moussy-la-Vieux 29 km NW of Paris(ckonigxx) . Crew: KilledInAction (KIA) Radop Lt Alfred August Emil Rohde (02/08/06 in Potsdam). WIA Uffz Otto Kreutzfeld bailed out (ckonigxx) Buried Champigny-St-Andre (Block 7, Row 9, Grave 711) (ckonigxx) One known victory, a "4 mot" 50 km SW of Berlin on 24 March, 1944. | | ||
33 | Berger, | Oblt | 6 | 2/NJG-3 | Bf 110G-4 | EP EK 1 & 2 Night Fighter Operational Clasp | One known victory, a Lancaster N of Münster on 16 December, 1943. A 2nd, a "4 mot" near Berlin on 24 March, 1944. A triple victory the night of 9-10 April, 1944; 3 "4 mot" in the Grove-Ebsjerg area. A "4 mot" N of Schleswig on 23 April, 1944. | |||||
34 | Bergmann, Gerhard | Lt | 3/11/1924 | Memel | StG-101 (6/43), Flzfüh 3/SG-1 (10/44 S.U.) | Ju 87B, Fw 190F-8 & F-9, Me 262 (Berlin 4/45) | Deutsches Kreuz - Gold EP (9/1/44) EK 1 (5/2/44) & EK 2 (3/2/44) Wound Badge Dive Bomber/Assault Operational Clasp | A Former HJ, he entered the Luftwaffe on 15 October, 1942 and recd his pilot certificate on 2 June, 1943. 248 combat missions; shot down twice by flak. Destroyed 21 Soviet tanks, 2 munition trains and five British transport ships (2 off Malta), 8 bridges and numerous artillery & flak guns. Served in all theaters. He was also qualified to fly the Me 109 and Me 110. His Gunner named Hubert Keuter. Source: His personal photo album on sale online. | ||||
35 | Berlin, Ernst | Uffz | 9/27/19119 | Hagen | 1/KG-2 (12/42 Gilze-Rijen) | Do 217E-4 Werk # 4317 "U5 + IH" (lost 12/12/42) | Bomber Operational Clasp | His Do 217 crashed at Hulten Holland, SE of Rijen, on 12 December, 1942, cause and pilot/crew disposition unknown (DeSwart). Added: The entire crew were killed in the crash and initially buried in Tilburg. In 1954, all four were re-buried at Ysselsteyn. Pilot, Uffz Berlin in Grave CQ-7-154. Remaining crew: Gefr Reinhold Sonneborn (geb 9/13/1923 Erndtebruck), Obs (bur CQ-7-155); Gefr Franz Fruth (geb 2/27/1922 Arnberg), R/O (bur CQ-7-156) and Ogefr Franz Reuter (geb 11/21/1916 Essen), Gnr (bur CQ-7-157) (Find-A-Grave by Fred). | | |||
36 | Berlin, Wilhelm | Maj | 2/18/1916 | Berlin-Lichterfelde | 10/LG-1 (9/39), Stfkpt 4/ZG-26 (5/41 S.U.), Stfkpt 8/ZG-1 (4/42), Kdr III/ZG-1 (10/43) | Bf 110E-1 Werk # 4062 (dam 6/27/41), Bf 110E-1 Werk # Unk (dam 9/7/41), Me 410A-1 Werk # 420025 (lost 10/10/43) | Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(4/3/44 Post.) EK 1 & 2 EP (2/1/43), Wound Badge Destroyer Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 10 October, 1943, in aerial combat over Osnabrück with P-47s, opposing U.S. bombers during the Münster raid. One of the other crew was wounded. WIA 27 June, 1941 when hit by AA fire and crash landed near Nova Volya. Added: WIA 7 September, 1941; AA fire in the vicinity of Saaremaa (LOCS). | ||||
37 | Berlin, Wolfgang | Hptm | Stfkpt 6/KG-55 (3/41 Avord Fr.) | He 111P-4A Werk # 2989 "G1 + CP" (lost 3/12/41) | Bomber Operational Clasp | POW 12 March, 1941; sd by a Hurricane of No. 96 Sq, piloted by Sgt Robin McNair during a raid on Liverpool. He was acting as observer on the ac piloted by Ofw Karl Single. See Single, Karl for further detail. | ||||||
38 | Berndt, Karl Martin | Uffz | 2/8/1914 | Griessenbach | 3(F)/31 | Do 17 Werk # Unk (lost 8/13/40) | Observer Operational Clasp | KIC 13 August, 1940 at Plancoet Fr., cause unknown. Also killed, Flg Hans Richter (geb 7/18/1920 Berlin). Flg Richter died of injuries on 27 August, 1940 at Saint Brieuc. No other crew named. Both are buried at Ploudaniel-Lesneven Cem, Blk 11, Row 1, Flg Richter Gr 6; Uffz Berndt Gr 4 (absa3945). | Plousdaniel-Lesneven, France | |||
39 | Bertram, Herbert | Oblt | 3/25/1915 | Berlin | I/KG-200 (Finow) | Unk | Bomber Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 12 March, 1945 near Parndorf Austria, no further detail. Remaining crew (KilledInAction (KIA)): Uffz Kurt Lisker, Uffz Hans Ott and Ofw Werner Neumeister. All four deceased are buried in the War Cem. at Mattersburg Austria, in Blk 1, Row 10, Graves 226 & 227. Oblt Bertram is presumed to be the pilot due to lack of crew position detail (D.Drury). | ||||
40 | Bertram, Karl Friedrich | Maj | 2/24/1914 | Lüchow/ Hannover (CKönig) | 10 | Aufkl-Gr. Göppingen & 1.(H)/Aufkl.Gr. 13 (10/36-06/40), LKS Dresden (06/40-03/42), Grp Adj I/JG-3 (03-08/42 S.U.), Frontfliegersammelstelle (09/42-05/43), Jafü Berlin (06-10/43), Stab/1 Jagddiv (10/43-03/45) | Bf 109F-4 Werk # Unk (lost 7/4/42) | EP EK 1 & 2 Wound Badge in Silver Fighter Operational Clasp in Silver | WIA 4 July, 1942; severely wounded during aerial combat in the vicinity of Malyschowo, SW of Voronezh; force landed at Kharkov-Rogan. His leg had to be amputated weeks later (Magnus Report & LOCS). His first known Soviet victory, an R-5 on 12 May, 1942. His 2nd, an R-5 on 13 May, 1942. His 3rd, a MiG-1 NW of Molotowo on 19 May, 1942. His 4th on 26 May, 1942. His 5th, an R-5 on 3 June, 1942. His 6th, a LaGG-3 on 23 June, 1942. A 7th, may have been "unconfirmed", an Il-2 on 23 June, 1942. His 7th per OKL Claims, an Il-2 on 28 June, 1942. His 8th, an Il-2 on 2 July, 1942. His 9th & 10, both Bostons on 3 July, 1942. Dismissed 28/03/45
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41 | Beust, Hans Henning, Fhr von | Obst | 4/17/1913 | Karlsruhe | Kdr III/KG-27 "Boelcke" (1/42), Kdr KG-27 (11/43) | He 111H | RK(9/7/41) EL(11/25/43) Spanish Cross in Gold w/Swords Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(3/15/43) EP(10/24/40) EK 1 & 2 Rom. Pilot Badge Bomber Operational Clasp | The RK was awarded for the successful attack on enemy shipping at Odessa S.U.. Former member of Infantry Regt 17 in 1931. 411 missions, mostly in the East. He was commander of the unit carrying Mölders to Berlin when the He 111 crashed, killing Mölders. Mölders was returning to be amongst the Guard of Honor for the Udet funeral. Retired Bundeswehr officer in 1971. Deceased 27 March, 1991 Munich.
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42 | Beyer, Franz | Maj | 4/22/1918 | Berlin, Grunwald | 83 | 8/JG-3 (8/40), II/JG-3 (Operation Barbarossa), Stfkpt 8/JG-3 (8/41), Kdr IV(Sturm)/JG-3 (1/44 Venlo) | Bf 109E, Bf 109F-4 "Black 5 + I" (8/41), Fw 190A-8, Bf 109G-6 Trop Werk # 15762 "RH + JD" (JG-3, San Severo, 1943), Bf 109G-6 Wk# 411036 (lost 2/11/44) | RK(8/30/41) Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(9/19/42) EK 1 & 2 Fighter Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 11 February, 1944 in his G-6, crashing at Helden Holland, near Venlo, when during a low level chase by two Spitfires, he crashed into a tree. His first known victory, a Hurricane over England on 14 August, 1940. 70 victories in Russia (2+ bombers) and at least another 10 AC destroyed on the ground. His 1st Soviet victories, an I-16 and an I-153 on 22 June, 1941. His 45th victory, a Soviet R-5 on 16 February, 1942. A Quad on 20 May, 1942; an Il-2 and a MiG-1, location unknown and an Il-2 NNE of Charkow and a MiG-1 10 km NNE of Volchansk. A Douglas A-20 at Nishne-Kischalje on 11 July, 1942. A LaGG-3 NE of Kalatsch on 28 July, 1942. Two Il-2 NE of Kalatsch on 9 August, 1942. An Il-2 5 km NE of Orlovka on 7 September, 1942. Two Il-2s and a MiG-3 N of Pitomnik on 10 December, 1942. Two MiG-3s and a LaGG-3 near Pitomnik on 11 December, 1942. An Il-2 12 km NNE of Morosowkaja on 28 December, 1942. Two Il-2s E of Jslawjawosk on 12 February, 1943. his 80th, a MiG-3 4 km S of Aksay on 1 April, 1943. Burial: Buried Dr.Blumenkamplaan cemetery Venlo.
Reburied 10/09/1948 Ysselsteyn. Block L, Row 11, Grave 263. Bowers/Lednicer, 81 vics..
Courtesy Christian König | Photo Courtesy Fred | ||
43 | Beyer, Heinz | Gefr | 4/20/1924 | Berlin | Erg/JGr.-Ost ('43), joins 7/JG-3 (7/4/44 Evreux-Fauville Chartres) | Bf 109G-6/R3 Werk # 165268 "Black 8 + I" (lost 7/12/44) | Pilot Badge | MIA 8 days after joining JG-3, 12 July, 1944. While making a low-level attack on Allied troops and cargo gliders, he was hit by AA fire. He crashed in no-mans land, 1km S of Breville-les-Monts, 12km NE of Caen. His remains were unable to be recovered, and he is believed to be buried at La Cambe in Normandy, as unknown. Gratefully acknowledged source: D-Day Wings Museum, Caen & Christian König.. | ||||
44 | Biedermann, Horst | Fw | 9/27/1920 | Berlin (CKönig) | 1/NSG-2 | Ju 87 (lost 3/28/45) | Dive Bomber Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 28 March, 1945 during aerial combat with American fighters at Willingshausen. Remaining crew (KilledInAction (KIA)): R/O Bölling snd Gnr Fw Gerhard Werner Schmidt (1/7/1919 in Magdeburg) . According to another source by Jeckel only 2 crew (Biedermann and Schmidt) on this last flight (CKönig). | ||||
45 | Birkenstock, Hans Jörg | Oblt | 12/25/1919 | Darmstadt | 7 | NJG-1, NJG-4, Stab I/NJG-6 (1/44), Added: 6./NJG 1 (02/42) (CKönig) | Bf-110 E-1 "G9 + CP" Werknr. 3479 (12/41) (CKönig), Bf-110 F-4 in NJG-4, added: Bf-110 G-4 "2Z + BB" Werknr. 730102 in I./ NJG 6,Bf-110 "G9 + AP" Werknr. 3737 (02/42) (CKönig) | EP EK 1 & 2 Wound Badge Night Fighter Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 19 May, 1944; crashing at Vossenack/Eifel, probably shot down by an intruder (Boiten). One known victory, a Lancaster at Erfenbach on 10 August, 1943. A 2nd, a Lancaster at Alsenborn on 11 August, 1943. A 3rd, a Stirling at St. Martin on 18 November, 1943. A 4th, a Lancaster at Berlin-Spandau on 30 January, 1944. A 5th, a Lancaster 60 km SE of FuF Kuli on 25 February, 1944. A "4 mot" by ramming, a Halifax LK 750 "MH-Y2" of RAF No. 51 Sq., piloted by F/G Charles R. Seaman(KilledInAction (KIA)), over Baumholder on 18 March, 1944. Remaining crew: Sgt William Powell, Flt Engr(POW); F/S William A. Robson, Nav(POW); Sgt Roberet H. Pickford, R/O(POW); F/S Edward A. Glover, Bombadier(KilledInAction (KIA)); Sgt Leslie A. Baldwin, Rear Gunner(POW) and Louis H. Gulliver, Mid Upper Gunner(Inj/POW). Sgt Gulliver came down in the central section of the Halifax, being one of a few people to survive a drop of 23,000 feet without a parachute, although he was very badly injured. Birkenstock and his two crewmembers, Uffz Walter Welz (geb 6/19/1921 Brettach, Heilbronn), R/O and Uffz Kurt Maciejewski (geb 3/11/1920 Neumünster) (KilledInAction (KIA) 5/27/44) Gunner, also managed to bail from their stricken AC (Source: Peter H. Gulliver, son of Louis H. Gulliver). Added: Flying accident on 08-09/12/41 on airfield when the Bf 110 turned over and KIFA crew member Uffz Erwin Schulze (see pic2) . WIFA on 24/02/42 on a transport flight to Lüneburg 3 km E of Bremen airfield. Starboard engine caught fire shortly after take-off. Aircraft attempted to return to airfield but starboard wing tip hit the ground and aircraft crashed (Crew (WIFA): Radop Uffz Johann Weiker (born 06/07/22 in Krieglach/Steiermark, later KIA on 20/10/43 in 4./NJG 6), Gunr OFw Gerhard Lange (born 04/10/14 in Straßburg). (CKönig) |
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46 | Birnbaum, Johannes | Lt | 3/25/1920 | Walsdorf | 1 | 1/JG-1 (Greifswald 11/44) | Fw 190A-8 Werk# 960864 "White 14" (lost 2/27/44) | EK 2 Fighter Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 27 December, 1944. While providing cover for Panzers near Dinant (Buldges), he was attacked by Mustangs of the 364th FG. Killed near Antweiler. Buried at Ehrenfriedhof Bodendorf/Ahr. One known victory, a P-51 opposing the Berlin Raid on 5 December, 1944. | |||
47 | Bläse, Ulrich Walter Joachim | Lt | 6/9/1924 | Berlin-Köpenick | Sturmstaffel 1 (1/44), 5/JG-4 (1/45) | Fw 190A-6 Werk # 550779 "White 17 (lost 1/30/44), Fw 190A-8 Werk # 961138 "White 8" (lost 1/26/45) | Wound Badge Fighter Operational Clasp | KIC 26 January, 1945 south of Neutomischel, no further detail. WIA 30 January, 1944 during aerial combat near Diepholz. Added: Neutomischel is today called Nowy Tomysl in Greater Poland Voivodeship, Poland. His remains have not been transferred to a military cemetery, but a grave is understood to exist at Nowy Tomysl, and he is commemorated in the Ger War Cem at Poznan-Milostowo, Poland (D.Drury). Alternate spelling: Blaese. | ||||
48 | Blasig, Arnulf 'Blasmich' | Maj | 12/30/1913 | Berlin | StG-165, I/StG-77, Stfkpt 10/LG-1 & StG-5 (10/42), StG-51, Kdr III/SG-10 | Ju 87B, R & G in StG-5 | RK(9/4/41) EK 1 & 2 Dive Bomber Operational Clasp | 180 missions. His Luftwaffe career began in 1936. A veteran of Poland, France and the English Channel before Russia. Commanded IV (St)/LG-1 in Russia. Survived the war. Added: Retired as a Bundeswehr Oberst 31 March, 1972; deceased 13 November, 1998 in Herborn - Schönbach (D.Drury). |
Courtesy Christian König | |||
49 | Blazek, Waldemar | Uffz | 6/29/1917 | Berlin | 10/JG-301 (Romania) | Bf 109G-6 Werk # 163089 (lost 5/31/44) | Fighter Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 31 May, 1944 during aerial combar near CIiranesti (Bf 109 Loss List). Added: Burial GWC Bucharest, D/2/29 (M.Krebbers). | ||||
50 | Bober, Helmuth | Uffz | 9/5/1922 | Neuköln, Berlin | 5/KG-1 | He 177A-3 Werk # 332146 (lost 6/15/44) | Bomber Operational Clasp | KIFA 15 June, 1944; two aircraft collided as a result of propeller gust. The other AC was flown by Lt Rudolf Beinhardt, however there was no AC identification data on the crash report. Reamining crew: Uffz Hans Tretscher, geb 9/28. 1920 (KIFA), Obs; Ogefr Karl H. Stellmacher, geb 3/22/1922, KIFA, R/O; Fw Emeran Trauenecker, geb 11/20 1914, (WIFA), Wart; Ogefr Günter Plasczymonka, geb 10/23/1919, (WIFA), Gunner and Gefr Heinz Siegemund, geb 9/9/1924, (KIFA), Gunner. Source: B.Bines. | ||||
51 | Bode, Dr. Gustav | Fw | 06/04/12 | Oschersleben | III./KG 53 | He-111 | MIA/ KIA on 23/10/41 near Orel. Crew (KIA) Gunr Uffz Adolf Hammann (born 13/03/16 in Esslingen), Radop Uffz Kurt Richter (born 20/02/18 in Berlin), Gunr Uffz Carl Heinrich/ Heinz Glaser (born 19/01/17 im Uelzen) | CKönig | ||||
52 | Bogatzki, Hans | Lt | 2 | 1/ZG-76 | Bf 110G Werk # 120043 (lost 3/6/44) | EK 1 & 2 Fighter Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 6 March, 1944 opposing the Berlin Raid northeast of Magdeburg. The AC crashed 3 miles southwest of Greienthal. One known victory, a B-17 7 km N of Aschaffenburg on 14 October, 1943. His 2nd, a B-17 S of Landshut on 25 February, 1944. | |||||
53 | Böhm, | Ofw | II/TG-3 (Berlin-Gatow 4/45) | Ju 52/3m | Transport Operational Clasp | One of several transport pilots poised to carry German VIP's out of Berlin in the last days. His gunner, another Ju 52 pilot, Uffz Johannes Lachmund (falkeeins-blogspot). | ||||||
54 | Bohn, | Uffz | Luftverkehrstaffel Berlin-Rangsdorf (Air Traffic Staffel) | Ju 52/3m Werk # 6998 "1Z + BK" (lost 4/15/42) | Transport Operational Clasp | MIA, and presumed killed, 15 April, 1942 when his ac was hit by AA fire in the vicinity of Kholm, Kalinin Oblast, Russia, and crashed. The Observer, Fw Schewe, was wounded, and managed to return, but died in a hospital. The VDK shows an Uffz Werner Bohn, who died 15 April, 1942 near Kholm. If this is a match, his remains could not be identified, and he may be buried among the unknown in the War Cemetery at Korpowo, Russia. It is not, however, the Werner Bohn also carried in the Archive (death dates do not match). No match for Fw Schewe (D.Drury). | ||||||
55 | Bolle, Heinz | Uffz | 2 | 1/JG-3 | Bf 109G | EK 1 & 2 Fighter Operational Clasp | One known victory, his 1st, a B-17 NW of Magdeburg on 8 March, 1944. His 2nd, a P-51 at Berlin on 24 May, 1944. | |||||
56 | Bollerey, Franz | Uffz | 4/11/1921 | Berlin | 3 | 6/JG-300 (7/44) | Fw 190A-8 Werk # 730288 "Yellow15 (lost 7/20/44 at Altenburg/Thuringen), Fw 190A-8 (lost 8/14/44) | EK 1 & 2 Wound Badge, Fighter Operational Clasp | His three known victories were B-17s; two at Sankt-Egidien, and one at Chemnitz, on 20 July, 1944, the same day his A-8 was reported lost near Altenburg. His disposition; wounded 20 July, 1944. Added: Pilot reported KilledInAction (KIA) later, 14 August, 1944, no further detail ( | |||
57 | Bollert, Hans | Lt | 3/19/1919 | Berlin | LKS-2 (2/40) | Unk | Pilot Badge | KIC 24 February, 1940 near Falkenstein, Niederdonau, Austria, cause not reported. Buried Berlin-Kreuzberg (J.Mückler 1/2023). Added: He was a Lt in September, 1939 (LOCS). | Courtesy Jörg Mückler | |||
58 | Bollmann, Alfred | Obstlt | 9/9/1905 | Berlin | 4/KG-26, Stab/KG-100 (6/43), Kdr III/KG-55 (8/43) | He 111 P in KG-26, He 111H-11 Werk # 110065 "G1 + AD" (lost 9/30/43), Bf 109G | RK(10/29/44) Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(10/17/43) EP(9/21/42) EK 1 & 2 Bomber Operational Clasp | Shot down by Russian fighters 30 September, 1943 near Pyatishatki, he and the crew were able to bail safely. Remaining crew: Uffz Hermann Schön, pilot; Uffz Harald Friedrich, R/O; Ogefr Günther Jaufke, Flt Engr and Ogefr Heinz Vetter, Gnr.. The pilot, Uffz Schön was killed when his chute failed to open. An Observer, Bollmann flew 290 missions. | ||||
59 | Bölter, Rolf Eberhard | Uffz | 6/23/1920 | Berlin | 2 | 1/JG-1 (1/43 Reich Def) | Bf 109F, Bf 109G-1/R2Y Werk # 14146 "White 1" (lost 1/27/43) | EK 1 & 2 Fighter Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 27 January, 1943 during aerial combat over the sea north of Wihelmshaven. One known victory, a Boston III 15 km north of Ameland on 23 October, 1942. His 2nd, a Blenheim north of Wangerooge on 31 October, 1942. Buried Berlin-Templehof Parkfriedhof Gr 17. | |||
60 | Börnicke, Hartmut | Lt | 5/5/1922 | Berlin | 4/SG-2 | Fw 190F-8 Werk # 930827 "White 6" (lost 8/16/44) | Assault Operational Clasp | KIC 16 August, 1944 when his ac crashed at Bielice, Poland during a test flight. His remains could not be recovered for transfer to the collective cemetery at Pulawy, Poland, and his name is recorded in the memorial book there (D.Drury). Alternate spelling: Börnick. | ||||
61 | Boy, Hans | Uffz | 7/18/1919 | I/JG-300 (4/45) | Bf 109G-14 Werk # unk (lost 4/45) | Fighter Operational Clasp | MIA in April, 1945 in the Berlin area ( | boyx | ||||
62 | Brand, Heinz | Ofw | 11/1/1923 | Berlin | 10/JG-301 | Fw 190A-8 Werk # 175921 "Red 5" (or "Red 8") (lost 1/20/45) | Ground Assault Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 20 January, 1945; sd by an American fighter of 317FS, 325FG, believed that of Capt Art Fiedler. The Fw 190 crashed into a stony forest west of Chodsky Ujezd, District Tachov, Cz. He is buried in the War Cem Marianske Lazne (F.Braun). Added: Chodsky Ujezd is Heiligenkreuz in German. Ofw Brandt is buried in the German War Cem at Marianske Lazne/Marien Bad, Cz Rep., Blk A, Grave 49 (D.Drury). Alternate spelling: Brandt per VDK. | ||||
63 | Brandt, Josef | Lt | 5 | 10/JG-3 (4/44), Stfkpt 2/JG-3 (12/44) | Bf 109G-14/AS | EP EK 1 & 2 Fighter Operational Clasp | Referred to in the F. Mörl Interrogation Report. Battle of the Ardennes pilot. One known victory, his 1st, a B-17 "GC-1" by Miesterhorst on 11 April, 1944. His 2nd, a B-24 S of Sülze-Südheide on 8 May, 1944. His 3rd, a B-17 at Nidda on 12 May, 1944. His 4th, a B-17 at Nauen, W of Berlin, on 24 May, 1944. His 5th, a B-17 30 km SE of Memmingen on 18 July, 1944. Magnus Report. | |||||
64 | Breme, | Ofw | Stab III/KG-76 (1/45 to 4/45 Kaltenkirchen) | Ar 234 | Bomber Operational Clasp | Flew numerous attacks against the Russians in the Berlin area in April, 1945. Flugbuch. | ||||||
65 | Brenner, Ulrich | Lt | 1/13/1920 | Berlin | 2/JG-1 | Fw 190A-8 Werk # 172991 "Black 2" (90% dam 7/27/44), Fw 190A-8 Werk # 731439 "Black 2" (lost 8/11/44) | Wound Badge Fighter Operational Clasp | KIC 11 August, 1944; killed in a landing accident at Oysonville France. Buried Champigny-St Andre France, Block 17/21/1132. WIA 27 July, 1944 during aerial combat with American fighters near St Martin; bailed safely. | ||||
66 | Bretschneider, Klaus | Oblt | 5/4/1920 | Berlin, Steglitz | 31 | FFS A/B 42 (Flt Instr), 6/JG-300 (3/44), 5/JG-300 (6/44), Stfkpt 5(Nacht)/JG-300 (10/44; 12/44 Löbnitz) | Fw 190A-7 "Yellow 1N" w 6 Stf., Fw 190A-8/R8 "Red 16" (rammed a B-24 in this a/c.), Fw 190A-8/R8 Werk# 682204 "Red 1" (lost 12/24/44) w/5 Stf. | RK(11/18/44) Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(44) EK 1 & 2 Assault Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 24 December, 1944 in "Red 1" "Rauhbautz IV", after being shot down by a Mustang of 357FG, possibly Maj.Leonard "Kit" Carson of 352FS, over the Knüll Mountains in Central Germany, near Kassel (Hausen/Oberaula). Added: Prior to his service in JG-300, he was known to fly transport to Stalingrad with the Ju 34 (C.König). His 1st victory, at night against RAF bombers, came on 6 September, 1943. 14 of his victories were RAF bombers at night, including a double victory on 24 March, 1944; both "4 mots" N of Krefeld. A P-51 in the Füssen area on 18 July, 1944. A P-38 S of Munich on 19 July, 1944. A B-24 at Szekesfehervar on 27 July, 1944. A B-24 (HSS) near Budweis/Böhmen (Bohemia) on 24 August, 1944. A P-51 SE of Göttingen on 27 September, 1944. A B-17 at Hildesheim on 28 September, 1944. 17 of his victories were U.S. bombers during the day, 3 of which he downed on 7 October, 1944. He was forced to bail (safely) on this date after ramming the 3rd B-17. Magnus Report, 34 victories. Bowers/Lednicer, 40 victories. Added: He shared his aircraft in 6. Staffel with Lt. Graziadei (ckonigxx)
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67 | Breuers, Hans | Uffz | 1 | 5/JG-302 | Bf 109G | EK 1 & 2 Fighter Operational Clasp | One known victory, his 1st, a B-17 NE of Berlin on 24 May, 1944. | |||||
68 | Briegleb, Walter | Oblt | 4/30/1923 | 25 | 10/NJG-3 (2/44, 10/44 Westerland), Stfkpt 7/NJG-2 (3/45) | Bf 110, Ju 88G-1 Werk # 710639 "D5 + EV" (lost 10/6/44), Ju 88G-6 Werk # Unk "4R + IR" & Ju 88G-6 Wk# 622338 (or 938) "4R + BR" (all flown in 7/NJG-2, March 1945), Ju 88G-6 Werk # 621800 "4R + LR" (impounded Portugal 5/1/45) | Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(10/15/44) EP EK 1 & 2 Night Fighter Operational Clasp | His Ju 88G-1 crashed at Opsterland Holland, by Bakkeveen, on 6 October, 1944, cause and pilot/crew disposition unknown (DeSwart). Added: Shot down by a Mosquito of No.141 Sq., piloted by F/Lt A.C.Callacher. Oblt Briegleb, his Obs, Uffz Brandt and Gnr Uffz Braunlich were uninjured. His R/O, Fw Paul Kowalewski (born 05/02/21 CKönig), was KilledInAction (KIA) and buried Yssel AT-10-238. One known victory, a "4 mot" W of Berlin on 20 February, 1944. Another "4 mot" at Halle-Leipzig on 24 March, 1944. A "4 mot" 100 km WSW of Copenhagen on 23 April, 1944. A "4 mot" near Duisburg on 22 May, 1944. Four victories, all "4 mots" in the Paris -Rouen area on 11 June, 1944. A "4 mot" in the Abbeville area on 13 June, 1944. A "4 mot" at Beacon "Kurfürst" on 17 June, 1944. A "4 mot" NW of Amsterdam on 19 July, 1944. Two "4 mots" 50 km S of Radio Beacon "Kurfürst" on 21 July, 1944. A "4 mot" at Normeny, S of Metz, on 29 July, 1944. A "4 mot" 30 km SW of Kiel on 26 August, 1944. A Wellington at St Avold on 3 October, 1944. A "4 mot" into the Sea near Ostfreich on 6 October, 1944. A Wellington on 2 December, 1944, no location. His last two victories, Lancasters; one S of Waddington airfield, the 2nd 40 km W of Lincoln, 3/4/March, 1945. On 1 May, 1945, Briegleb and his R/O, Ofw Möller, flew their AC to Portugal. Magnus & Jager Blatt article. Added: On 1 May, 1945, Briegleb & crew reportedly deserted, landing their Werk # 621800 at the Pedras Rubras airport in Porto Portugal. Remaining crew: Ofw Klaus Möller, named as pilot on this flight and Uffz Josef Allram (or Aulram), R/O? (D.Drury). Added: according Jorn Junker from Denmark he met Briegleb several times in Denmark and states that Briegleb went into capitivity in Schleswig. (CKönig) | ||||
69 | Brinkmann, Fritz | Lt | 12/3/1919 | Müssen | 5 | 7/JG-300 (7/43), 9/JG-300 (9/43), TO I/JG-302 (3/44), I/JG-301 (7/44), Stab I/JG-301 (11/44) | Bf 109G-6 (lost 3/21/44), Fw 190A Werk # 202242 (lost 11/26/44) | EK 1 & 2 Wound Badge, Fighter Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 26 November, 1944 during aerial combat, crashed near Einbeckhausen; buried Wunstorf Friedhof 9/10 (A. Rosseels). Two known victories, both "4 mots" at Hamburg, 30 July, 1943. A Lancaster S of Berlin, 4 September, 1943. A "4 mot" at Senarpont and another at St Quentin, on 8 July, 1944. WIA 21 March, 1944; sd by a night fighter in the vicinity of Neuburg, hospitalized (LOCS). | |||
70 | Britzlmair, Eduard | Uffz | 1 | 4/JG-3 | Bf 109G Werk # 411348 (lost) | EK 1 & 2 Wound Badge Fighter Operational Clasp | Opposed the 6 March, 1944 Berlin Raid. Shot down with wounds in aerial combat north of Magdeburg. Pilot bailed successfully, and the AC crashed at Moeckern near Magdeburg. One known victory, his 1st, a B-24 at Bad Hersfeld on 24 February, 1944. | |||||
71 | Brock, Friedrich 'Fritz' | Hptm | 5/6/1916 | Perlach, Bayern, Germany | 8 | FFS AB-63 (11/40), Erg/JGr Ost (9/42), Stab III/JG-54 (11/42-1/43 Siwerskaya S.U.), 8/JG-54 (2/43 Vendville, Fr.), 9/JG-54 (10/43 Schwerin), Adj !V/JG-26(2/25/45) | Bf 109F-2 & F-4 in S.U., Bf 109G-2 "Yellow 5" (in S.U.), Bf 109G-4 Werk # 16136 "Black 7"(5/43 Fr.), Bf 109G-6 Werk # 19821 "Black 7 +~" in 8/JG-54 (later lost by Fw von Düsterloh, 10/14/43)), Bf 109G-6 Wk# 20065 "Black 8" (lost 12/22/43), Bf 109G-6 Werk # 26048 "Black 8 + I" (lost 4/9/44, piloted by Uffz Günther Sahl, killed), Bf 109G-6 Werk # 411502 "Black 7 + I" (lost 4/8/44) | EK 1(4/3/44) & 2(9/3/43) KVK 2(9/1/41) Wound Badge(4/19/44) Fighter Operational Clasp in Bronze(6/1/43) | Up to 60 missions. One known victory, his 1st, a B-17 NE of Kiel on 13 June, 1943. Brock made an emergency landing near Hesselbjerg Denmark, on the island of Langeland, on 13 June, 1943 after running low on fuel after aerial combat. His Bf 109G "Black 6" was 10% damaged, he was unhurt (Source: Air War over Denmark). On 9 October, 1943, he made a belly landing after combat near Graenge, west of Nykobing Falster in Bf 109G Wk# 19821 "Yellow 7"; he was not injured (Air War over Denmark). Shot down in "Black 8" with wounds on 22 December, 1943, and bailed safely by Graffeld/Quackenbrück. A 2nd, a B-17 at Syke-Bassum on 23 March, 1944. A 3rd, a B-17 SE of Bremen on 24 March, 1944. His 8th, a B-24 at Helmstedt on 8 April, 1944. Shot down in "Black 7" on 8 April, 1944, with severe eye and head injuries during this encounter, he bailed safely, but was unable to return to flying duties. He was a British POW until November, 1945, and took up his pre-war career as a dentist. Deceased 3 May, 1994 in Berlin. | |||
72 | Broda, Günter | Uffz | 4/28/1920 | Berlin (CKönig) | III/JG-26 (joins 8/43), 9/JG-26 (München-Gladbach) | Bf 109G-6 Werk # 19661 "White 9" (lost 12/22/43) | Fighter Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 22 December, 1943 during aerial combat in his G-6 with a P-47 of 4FG at Heemse, SW of Hardenberg, Netherlands. Added: Burial Yssel R-10-242 (SGLO). | ||||
73 | Broening, Helmut | Uffz | 8/23/1915 | Bürow | 3/Aufkl.Gr. Ob.d.L | Do 215B WErk # 0060 "L2 + KS" (lost date unk) | Observer Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) when his ac crashed into the yard of the Bell Inn, East Socon, near St Neots, Cambridgeshire, cause and date unknown. Uffz Broening buried CC, Blk 5, Gr 44. Remaining crew (KilledInAction (KIA)): Lt Erwin Meyer Obs (?), (geb 1/9/1916, Berlin, buried CC, Blk 5, Gr 39); Uffz Erhard Hofmann, (bur CC, Blk 5, Gr 40. (Luftwaffe Graves UK). Alternate spelling: Bröning | Cannock Chase | |||
74 | Bruchlos, Friedrich | Ofw | 2/17/1919 | Berlin | 8/KG-76 (Achmer) | Ar 234B-2 Werk # 140589 "F1 + AS" (lost 3/9/45) | Bomber Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 9 March, 1945 after being shot down by US flak at Fockenbachtal Niederbreitbach. Added: The Ar 234 was recovered in 1975 (D.Drury). | ||||
75 | Brückersdorf, Wilhelm A. | Uffz | 5 | 3/NJG-3 (Wittmundhafen) | Bf 110G-4 Werk # 5564 (15% dam 7/26/43 & 10% dam 9/1/43), Bf 110G Werk # Unk (lost 12/24/43) | EK 1 & 2 Wound Badge Night Fighter Operational Clasp | KIC the night of 23/24 December, 1943; crashed at Haustenbeck, east of Augustdorf, near Detmold, cause unknown; victories may be as high as six. WIA 26 July, 1943 in Wk# 5564 by enemy fire at Wittmundhafen airfield, no mention of crew injuries (Boiten). One known victory, a Stirling ESE of Berlin on 1 September, 1943. A 2n, a Lancaster JB220 of No.97 Sq. the night of 18/19 September, 1943, 10km N of Sulingen, near Schwaförden (misidentified to a Bröckerhoff). A 3rd & 4th, both Lancasters on 22 October, 1943; one by Minden, the other 5 km S of Diepholz. A 5th, a Halifax near Stalförden on 4 December, 1943 (OKL Claims List). Wk # 5564 damaged a second time, 1 September, 1943 by bomber return fire near Perleberg (Bf 110 Loss List). Alternate spelling: Brockerhoff, Bröckerhoff or Brockersdorf. | |||||
76 | Bruckmann, Heinz | Oblt | 10/NJG-11 (aka Kommando Welter & NJKdo-262) | Me 262B Night Fighter (lost 1/21/45) | Night Fighter Operational Clasp | KIC 21 January, 1945 in his 262 attempting an emergency landing at Wittstock, NW of Berlin. Osprey publ. | ||||||
77 | Brugger, Fritz | Fhr | 4/30/1920 | Pforzheim | 1/KG-53 | He 111H-16 Werk # 161442 (lost at sea) | Bomber Operational Clasp | MIA 10 December, 1944 after a mission over England, when he crashed into the sea off the coast of Sweden, near Grebbestad. Remaining crew: Ofhr Kurt Tornier (born 2/13/1924 Berlin, Buried at Gothenburg-Kviberg 3/6/45), Uffz Günter Lis (born 2/21/1922 Berlin, Buried in Denmark 2/27/45), Uffz Waldemar Vahle (born 5/7/1923 Mosgau) MIA and Fw Fritz Knop (born 10/5/1920 Brenkenhofstal/Stolp) MIA. The pilot and co-pilot were not positively identified by the author. The selection was mine, believing Brugger to be the co-pilot. Source: B.Widfeldt | ||||
78 | Bubel, Eduard | Ofw | 2/19/1918 | Wien (CKönig) | 13 | 3/JG-54 (11/43 S.U.), 4/JG-11 (4/44 Reich Def), 8/JG-11 (12/44), 1/JG-11 (4/45) | Bf 109G-6 Werk # 440242 "White 2 + -" (lost 5/12/44), , Si 204 (lost 4/25/45) | EP EK 1 & 2 Wound Badge Fighter Operational Clasp | KIFA 25 April, 1945 when he crashed northwest of Berlin while on a delivery flight (L. Wiegels). WIA 12 May, 1944 during aerial combat near Salzkotten, bailed safely. His first known victory, a Soviet Il-2 45 km NE of Dubrovno on 30 November, 1943. A 2nd Il-2 on 15 December, 1943. Two Soviet Il-2s on 3 March, 1944, while in JG-54. A 5th Soviet, a Pe-2 on 10 March, 1944. A 6th Soviet, an Il-2 on 3 April, 1944. One known western victory, his 1st, a P-51 near Diepholz on 29 April, 1944. His 2nd, a P-51 at Nienburg on 8 May, 1944. His 3rd, a P-51 in the Lisieux-Bernay area on 4 July, 1944. A 4th, a P-51 on 15 August, 1944, no location given. A Spitfire over northern France on 19 August, 1944. His 6th, a Spitfire in the Rouen area on 27 August, 1944. A 7th, a P-47 at Neuerburg on 19 December, 1944. Alternate spelling: Bübel. | |||
79 | Buchholz, Erich "Max" | Oblt | 6 | 5/JG-1 (6/42 Katwijk), 6/JG-1 (4/43 Woensdrecht), Stfkpt 9/JG-1 (11/43), Acting Kdr III/JG-1 (7/44) | Fw 190A-2 Werk # 2125 "Black 5" (Katwijk) & A-3 in 5/JG-1 (6/42), Fw 190A-4 Werk # 7027 "Yellow 3" (35% dam 4/10/43), Bf 109G-6 in 9 Stf | EK 1 & 2 Fighter Operational Clasp | Uninjured when he overturned on landing at Woensdrecht on 10 April, 1943, pilot error. Two known victories, both on 29 November, 1943; a B-17 off Den Helder, and a 2nd, a P-38 at Börger, SW of Oldenburg. His 6th, a P-51 N of Berlin on 30 May, 1944. Brother to Hans and Günther Buchholz. Died in a civilian air crash in Ireland in 1961. | |||||
80 | Buchner, Hermann | Lt | 10/30/1919 | Salzburg, Austria | 58 | Sch/FAR, 8/Sch.G-1, II/St.G-2, 4/SG-1 redesig 6/SG-2 (10/43), 10/SG-151 9/44 Prossnitz), 2/Kdo Nowotny (10/44), 10/JG-7 (2/45) | Go 145 "WC + IOBA"(as Flt Instr, Neustadt/Glewe), Ju 87, Bf 109E, Fw 190F-8 Werk # 586132 "White T" (lost 9/21/44 at Hvozd CZ, tech dif, bailed & injured), Me 262A-1a "Yellow 8" ? in JG-7 . Added: "White 7" in Kommando Nowotny (CKönig) | RK(7/20/44) Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(10/17/43) EP(10/2/42) EK 1 & 2 Wnd Bdg Dive Bmbr w/Pend & Assault Oper.Clasps | A former Ground Attack pilot, he flew 631 missions (Crimea & Romania), was shot down five times, wounded twice, and destroyed 46 tanks, etc. 46 victories in the Fw 190 in the East. Twelve jet victories. His first known Soviet victory, a LaGG-3 on 13 September, 1942. An R-5 on 24 October, 1943, while in 6/SG-2. A Boston and a U-2 on 28 October, 1943. Twelve 4 engine bombers with the Me 262. One known bomber victory, while in 6/SG-2, a B-17 in the Bucharest area on 23 June, 1944. A P-47 W of Rheine on 29 October, 1944. A P-51 4 km N of Legden, SE of Ahaus, on 1 November, 1944. His 53rd victory, a P-51 near Stendal on 22 February, 1945. His 54th, a B-17(HSS) NW of Hamburg on 20 March, 1945. His 55th, a B-17 in the Cottbus area on 22 March, 1945. His 56th, a B-17 S of Berlin on 24 March, 1945. His 57th, a B-24 S of Hamburg on 25 March, 1945. His 58th, and last victory, a Lancaster on 31 March, 1945. Nominated for the EL. Survived the war. Last Flugbuch entry, "3/45". Buchner was featured on the History Channel as Me 262 pilot. Deceased 1 December, 2005.
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Courtesy Christian König | ||
81 | Buder, Helmut | Oblt | 7/7/1912 | Ebersbach | 1 | Instr FFS A/B 3 (Guben 43), 7/NJG-6, I/NJG-6 (Wiener-Neustadt), Flgfüh III/NJG-6 (12/44) | Ju 88G-1 Werk # 714628 "2Z + BR" (lost 12/5/44) | EK 1 & 2 Night Fighter Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 4/5 December, 1944; crashed into Lake Balaton, near Ufer, after being hit by flak over Csongrad, during an attack on Russian troops crossing the river Tisza, killing the entire crew. The other known crewmen identified as Lt Gottfried Jentzsch, and R/O Uffz Hans Bühler. This Ju 88 was recovered in 1995 from Lake Balaton in Hungary. Source: Janos Bruckner, diver. One known victory, a Wellington N of Szombathely on 23 November, 1944. Added: Lt Jentzsch was reported to have exited the ac and entered a dinghy, but remains MIA. Oblt Buder is buried in the War Cem. at Szekesfehervar Hungary, Blk 4, Row 6, Gr 268. Uffz Bühler's body could not be recovered, and he is remembered in a special place, also at Szekesfehervar. The ac can be found in the Deutsches Technikmuseum in Berlin (D.Drury). | |||
82 | Buhrig, E. | Fw | I/JG-302 | Bf 109G Werk # 411256 (lost) | Wound Badge Fighter Operational Clasp | Shot down with wounds 6 March, 1944 opposing the Berlin Raid, by a P-51 of 354FG, piloted by Col. Bickell. He bailed out successfully, but died of his wounds later. His AC crashed near Hohenlobbese, east of Magdeburg. | ||||||
83 | Bühring, Wolfgang | Maj | 8/30/1908 | Berlin-Schöneberg | Kdr III/KG-4 (11/41) | He 111H | Bomber Operational Clasp | See Luftwaffe Officer Career Summaries for further detail. | ||||
84 | Büker, Gerhard | Lt | 8/5/1923 | Berlin | 8/JG-3 (Reich Def Ost) | Bf 109G-10 Werk# 490151 "Blue 12 + -" (lost 3/3/45) | Fighter Operational Clasp | MIA 3 March, 1945; Unknown reason, area of Freienwalde. Mombeek MIA List. |
Courtesy Christian König | |||
85 | Bullenkamp, Helmut | Ofhr | 10/10/1924 | Bruchhausen, Vilsen | 1 | 8/JG-1 | Fw 190A-8 Werk # 175003 "Blue 12" (lost 12/26/44) | EK 2 Fighter Operational Clasp | MIA 26 December, 1944 by Gösdorf in aerial combat with American fighters in the Bastogne sector. Still MIA. One known victory, a P-51 opposing the Berlin-Münster Raid on 5 December, 1944. | |||
86 | Bundrock, Kurt | Ofw | 2/6/1917 | Berlin | 49 | I/ZG-1, 1/NJG-1 (2/43 Leerdam) | Bf 110F-4 Werk # 4683 "G9 + DK" (lost 2/4/43) | RK(6/30/44) Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(3/25/43) EP(8/16/43) EK 1 & 2 Night Fighter Operational Clasp | Radio Operator of Knacke and Streib. 120 missions, participated in the 49 Night victories, 35 with Knacke. He bailed safely the fateful night of 3/4 February, 1943, when Knacke died, when he bailed too low for his chute to deploy. Deceased 6 February, 1998. | |||
87 | Burckhardt, Konrad | Lt | III/ZG-26 | Bf 110G Werk # 130062 (lost) | Wound Badge Destroyer Operational Clasp | Shot down with wounds 6 March, 1944 opposing the Berlin Raid east of Magdeburg. Both crew bailed successfully. | ||||||
88 | Burkart, Heinz | Ofw | 2/6/1915 | Berlin | 1/KG-76 | Ju 88A-5 Werk # 5151 "F1 + GH" (lost) | Bomber Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 19 April, 1941 during a raid on London, when he was shot down by Brooklands AA guns, crashing with all onboard at Slaughter Bridge, Slinfold, Sussex. Remaining crew (KilledInAction (KIA)): Ogefr Rudolf Scheithauer, Observer; Ogefr Bruno Kalmus, R/O and Ofw Wolfgang Haselsteiner, Gunner. Added: All four crew are buried in a joint grave at CC/9/10/63 (D.Drury). |
Courtesy Oleg Marin | |||
89 | Campe, Hagen von | Lt | 3/13/1922 | Bückeburg | 2/NJG-1 (7/41 Venlo) | Bf 110C-4 Werk # 3506 (lost 7/16/41) | Night Fighter Operational Clasp | His Bf 110 crashed NW of Bergen Holland, NNW of Boxmeer, on 16 July, 1941, cause and pilot/crew disposition unknown. (DeSwart). Added: He was reported KilledInAction (KIA), location in a swampy area known as the "Vilt", 1km N of Beuge, Holland, Prov North Brabant. Lt Campe buried at Alt Südfriedhof, Weisbaden, Section C1, Gr 63. His R/O, Gefr Georg Otto "Willi" Schumann, born 2 October, 1917 in Berlin-Lichterfelde, also KilledInAction (KIA), bur Templehof-Lichtenrade, Berlin, Blk S, Row E, Gr 4 (Leo Janssen, NL) | ||||
90 | Capesius, Kurt | Hptm | 2/12/1919 | Teplitz Schönau | 9/KG-51 (8/40-4/41 Channel), Stfkpt 10/KG-51 (6/41), Kdr III/KG-51 (5/43), Stf 2/VFS KG-101 (6/43-3/44), Kdr III/KG-66 (9/44-11/44), Kdr II/KG-200 (to 3/45), Staff | Ju 88A-1 Werk # 5042 (or 5024) "9K + AT" (70% dam 8/12/40), Ju 88A-5 Werk # 2272 "9K + HT" (40% dam 3/15/41), Ju 88A-5 Werk # 6293 "9K + ET" (70% dam 4/1/41), Ju 188E | RK(11/30/44) Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(12/7/42) EP(10/19/42) EK 1 & 2 Wound Badge Bomber Operational Clasp | He crashed his A-5 at Schwechat on 1 April, 1941, cause not reported, crew OK (Ju 88 Loss List). His A-1,Wk # 5042 reported damaged by enemy fighters 12 August, 1940. He made and emergency landing at Le Harve. His A-5, Wk# 2271 crashed on landing near Borneville 15 March, 1941, injuring the crew, cause not reported (Ju 88 Loss List). Deceased, 22 September, 1958. (Added by Pietrzak Youngs) Hauptmann Kurt Capesius was an Austrian who joined the Luftwaffe in May 1938. He underwent initial training at the Luftwaffe academy at Berlin-Gatow, followed by spells at a training school at Celle and an instrument school at Wien. Initially, he flew as a fighter pilot with I./JG 134 and then II./JG 54, also based at Wien, but in April 1940 he transferred to 9./KG 51. Capesius took part in missions flying the Jun88 over the British Isles, the Balkans and the Soviet Union. Shortly after the invasion of the USSR, however, he was appointed Staffelkapitän of 10./KG 51, where he was responsible for training replacement crews. Capesius later returned to 9. Staffel and flew many sorties over the Black Sea and Stalingrad. He was awarded the Knight’s Cross on 30 November 1944 | ||||
91 | Carganico, Horst | Maj | 9/27/1917 | Breslau | 60 | 1/JG-77 (S.U.), Stfkpt 6/JG-5, Kdr II/JG-5(4/42 Finland), Kdr III/JG-5, Kdr I/JG-5(5/44) | Bf 109E-7 "White 7" in 1/JG-77, Bf 109E w 6/JG-5, Bf 109F-4/Trop # 10256 "Black <<" (lost 7/22/42), F-4/Trop Wk# 10132 "Black <<" (8/12/42), Bf 109G-6 w/JG-5 (Polar Sea area), Bf 109G-6 Werk # 18502 or 18503 (02/44), Bf 109G-5/AS Werk # 110087 (lost 5/27/44) | RK(9/25/41) Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(5/25/42) EK 1 & 2 Fighter Operational Clasp in Gold with pendant | KilledInAction (KIA) 27 May, 1944 in Bf 109G-5/AS Werk # 110087 after combat with bombers and subsequent forced landing at Chevry, France. On approach, he crashed into high tension wires. Buried Berlin-Zehl-Dahlem (Rosseels). Approx 600 combat missions. 54 victories in the East. His first victory, a Hampden west of Hardanger Fjord, 21 June, 1940. His 4th, a Hudson in Norway on 14 October, 1940. His 5th, a Blenheim 14 km SE of Morlaix on 30 November, 1940. On 22 July, 1942, force landed #10256 at Murovskij due to engine failure. He was not injured. On 12 August, 1942, force landed #10132 at Motovsk after aerial combat damage. Added: 10132 was found in 1990, restored, and found in Natn'l. Aviation Museum, Ottawa, Can.. One of his last known victories, a Mosquito 35 km SW of Wiener Neustadt on 10 May, 1944. Most victories in the East. His first known Soviet victory, a LaGG-5 and an R-5 on 8 December, 1943. An Il-2 on 15 February, 1944. Joined Luftwaffe in 1937. He was the son a Gen. der Fliegers, Victor Carganico. Said to have been a hard core Nazi. Not well liked (..."unsympathetic, ambitious, stubborn and unjust") by some of his young pilots. Also flew Bf 109E-7 "White 7" in July 1941 as Stfkpt 1/JG-77. Bowers/Lednicer, 60 victories.
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92 | Carnier, Gerhard von | Lt | 7/21/1917 | Berlin | 1 | 2/JG-53 (5/40), 9/JG-51(9/40) | Bf 109E-4 Werk # Unk (lost 9/30/40) | EK 2 Wound Badge(5/10/40) Fighter Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 30 September, 1940 when over the English Channel, he ran out of fuel. He bailed out, but his remains were not recovered. He is commemorated in the memorial book at Kiel-Laboe Naval Memorial (D.Drury). WIA 10 May, 1940 during aerial combat with a P-36, making a force landing south of Thionville (Prien). His first victory, a Spitfire during the Battle of Britain, on 30 September, 1940, no location. | |||
93 | Casimir, Athur von | Obst | 1907 | Kdr KGr-100 (Norway 2/40) | He 111H-2 Werk # 2320 "6N + NH" (lost 4/20/40), He 111H "6N + BA" (lost 5/29/40) | Bomber Operational Clasp | POW after being shot down on 29 May, 1940 near Hamaroy Norway. The ac was piloted by Oblt Wolfgang Metzke (POW). Spent the remainder of the war as POW in Great Britain and Canada. Led the air raids on Namsos in April, 1940. Deceased 15 December, 2005. Added: Casimir piloted Wk# 2320 which was sd during an attack on gun emplacements at Namos. The ac force landed on the frozen ice on Lake Jonsvatvet, Trondheim, and eventually sank. Casimir was present to see its raising in 2004. Now at a museum in Berlin (Flyvrak Norway). | |||||
94 | Clässen, Johann | Fw | 9/21/1920 | Rheydt | 7 | 15(Sturm)/JG-3 | Fw 190A-8/R2 Werk# 682943 "Yellow 3" | EK 1 & 2 Fighter Operational Clasp | MIA 25 December, 1944 in aerial combat with P-51s of the 478th FG in the Eupen Belgium area, 30 km east of Liege and 40 km north of St Vith. Also found on Mombeek MIA List, ("Aerial combat, area of Liege-St. Vith"). His 1st victory, a B-17 at Arterm-Querfurt on 11 September, 1944. His 2nd, a B-17 N of Berlin on 12 September, 1944. His 3rd, a B-17 NE of Kölleda on 7 October, 1944. His 4th & 5th, both B-17s NW of Halle on 2 November, 1944. His 6th, a B-26 at Büllingen-Stavelot on 23 December, 1944. His 7th, a B-17 (HSS) in the Ardennes sector on 24 December, 1944. | |||
95 | Clausen, Erwin "Caesar" | Maj | 8/5/1911 | Berlin, Steglitz | 132 | 3(J)/LG-2 (9/39), 1/JG-54 (6/41 S.U.), Stfkpt 1/JG-77, Stfkpt 6/JG-77 (7/42 S.U.), Kdr I/JG-11 (6/43) | Bf 109E Werk # 5804 (75% dam 10/20/40), Bf 109E-7 Werk # 6389 "White 4 + x" (7/41 S.U.), Bf 109F-4 Werk # 13121 "White 1" (coll loss 7/14/42), Fw 190A-5/U12Y Werk# 7358 "Black <<"(lost 10/4/43) | RK(5/19/42) EL(7/23/42) Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(5/25/42) Rum. Order EP EK 1 & 2 Wound Badge(7/14/42) Fighter Oper.Clasp w/Pend. | KilledInAction (KIA) 4 October, 1943 after attacking U.S. bombers over the North Sea, 115 km NW of Borkum. He left a wife and three children. WIFA 14 July, 1942 when he collided with another F-4, piloted by Fw Ernst Reinert of 4/JG-77. Force landed his Wk# 5804 in France after aerial combat NW of Ashford on 20 October, 1940, pilot OK. 561 combat missions, 114 victories in the East, 14 four engine bombers. His first Soviet victory, a SB-2 SE of Pankenberg on 23 June, 1941, as a Fw. His first WWII victory was a Polish P-24 in the Lubien area, 9 September, 1939. His 2nd, a Hurricane at Dunkirk on 29 May, 1940. A Blenheim on 30 June, 1940, no location. His 5th, a Spitfire on 9 September, 1940, no location. His 19th & 20th victories were an I-16 of 210 BBAP and a MiG-3 on 16 January, 1942. His 25th, an I-16 Rata on 16 February, 1942. His 35th, an I-180 on 4 March, 1942. His 40th, one of five this date, an I-18 on 9 March, 1942. His 75th, an R-5, along with two other victories, on 10 July, 1942. Four LaGG-3s and a MiG-3 on 12 July, 1942. His 95th, a LaGG-3 on 21 July, 1942. His 102nd, an I-180 on 26 July, 1942. Three Il-2s on 9 September, 1942. Two La-5s and a LaGG-3 on 15 September, 1942. One known bomber, the B-17 at Schweinfurt, "Mizpah-The Bearded Lady", piloted by 2/Lt Everett Kenner of 322BS on 17 August, 1943.
Courtesy Christian König |
Courtesy Christian König | ||
96 | Czermin, Otto | Uffz | 3 | 11/JG-3 | Bf 109F & G | EK 1 & 2 Fighter Operational Clasp | One known victory, his 1st, a B-17 S of Berlin on 6 March, 1944. His 2nd, a B-17 in the Nauen area, W of Berlin, on 18 April, 1944. His 3rd, same day, a 2nd B-17 same location. | |||||
97 | Czypionka, Jörg | Lt | 3/11/1921 | Berlin | 2 | FFS A/B 115 (Flt Instr in Austria), 10/JG-300 (Jüterbog 10/44), 5/NJG-11, Kommando (Kdo) Welter, 10/NJG-11 (3/45) | Bf 109G-6/AS, Bf 109G-14 Werk # Unk "White 8", Bf 109G-14/AS (dam by eng fire), Me 262 in NJG-11 | EK 2 Fighter Operational Clasp | One known victory, a Mosquito over Berlin on 6 October, 1944. A 2nd victory, AC type unknown (thought to be a Tempest), on 27 March, 1945 (per Jager Blatt article 1/2000). Another source suggests 3 victories. Me 262 Night Fighter Pilot in NJG-11. Lived in California in 2002. Alternate spelling: Czpionka & Cypionka.
Courtesy Christian König | |||
98 | Darjes, Paul Friedrich | Obstlt | 3/20/1911 | Berlin, Friedenau | Bombers KG-51, Kdr II/Sch.G-1 (9/42), II/SG-1, Kdr ZG-1 (10/42) | Ju 87, Bf 109E-7, Hs 129 Do 17 & Hs 123 in II/SchG-1, Bf 110 in ZG-1 | RK(10/14/42) EP(7/20/42) EK 1 & 2 Assault Operational Clasp | Over 200 missions in the East. Survived the war. Retired Bundeswehr as Oberst. Deceased 20 February, 1989. | ||||
99 | Degelsegger, Franz | Lt | FFS Frankfurt (6/41), Stab/SG-104 (9/43) | Fw 190D & Fw 190F-8 | EK 1 & 2 Wound Badge, Ground Support Operational Clasp in Silver | POW abt 28 April, 1945 after being wounded while serving in a Berlin Defense Regiment. WIA by enemy fighters twice during his flight training, bailing once; crash landed the second, killing his instructor. He flew 84 armed reconnaissance & ground strikes, damaging 30 enemy vehicles. After being released from internment, he emigrated to Australia, where he passed away (War Relics Eu via S.Youngs). | In flying suit | |||||
100 | Deisenroth, Dr. | Oblt | IV/KG-100, IV/KG-2 (5/44) | Do 217, Ju 188 | Bomber Operational Clasp | On 20 May 1944 posted to IV/KG 2 to train as Staffelführer. This may be Karl, an Observer in 1940 in KGzbV-1, born 2 December, 1913 in Berlin. |
Results 1 to 100 of 719.
Wer vor der Vergangenheit die Augen verschließt, wird blind für die Gegenwart. Richard von Weizsäcker
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