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These are the results of your search:

You searched for: “lent

#Pilot (↑)RankBornPlaceScore (↑)UnitsAircraftAwards*************Notes*************Photo
(Click to Expand)
1 Kautz, WernerSndrfühIII/NJG-3Bf 110, Ju 88G-6 Night Fighter Operational Clasp Jager Blatt 6/2003 says he crashed with Helmut Lent (I didnt have him in that crew). His rank, Sonderführer, is strange for a pilot, therefore I think he was a crew member.
2 Kubisch, WalterLt9/7/1918Helbigsdorf, Sachsen88I/ZG-76, 4/NJG-1 (7/43), NJG-3 (8/43-10/44)Do 215B-5 Werk # 0100 "R4 +DC" (?) (10% dam 7/10/41, minor cmbt dam nr Leeuwarden), Bf 110C & G-4, Ju 88G-6 Werk # 751081 "D5 + AA" (lost 10/5/44)

Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(5/19/43)

EK 1 & 2
Night Fighter Operational Clasp
KIFA 5 October, 1944, when he crashed with Lent, during a landing at Paderborn. He died of his injuries the next day (10/6). (Buried at Stade, Alter Garnisonsfriedhof, in a single grave with the others/D.Drury). Also killed in the crash, War Correspondent Lt. Werner Kark and Oblt Herman Kloss. He flew primarily with Lent as Radio Operator. On 28 July, he shot down one AC on his own, a Lancaster at Terschlling, using his rear gun. Over 250 missions. 80 victory participations were Night victories, 8 by Day. Added: Kubisch was promoted to Lt postmortem (CKönig)
3 Lent, HelmutObstlt6/13/1918Pyrehne Neumark1103/ZG-76, 6/NJG-1(5/41), 4/NJG-1 (7/41), Kdr II/NJG-1(11/41), Kdr IV/NJG-1(10/42-7/43), Kdr NJG-3 (8/43)Bf 110C "M8 + DH" (80% dam 9/4/40), Do 215B-5 Werk # 0100 "R4 + DC" (?) (10% cmbt dam 7/10/41 nr Leeuwarden), Bf 110G-4 "< RK(8/30/41)-Br(7/31/44)

Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(4/20/42)

EK 1 & 2
Wnd Bdg
Narvik Shield
Night Fighter Operational Clasp in Gold with Pendent "500"
102 victories were Night Vics. His 1st two victories were Wellingtons northwest of Borkum, 18 December, 1939 while in ZG-76. His 5th, making him an Ace, a Gladiator by Förnebu Denmark on 9 April, 1940. He is known to have crash-landed his Bf 110C after this victory. Two early 6/NJG-1 victories, both Wellingtons, one at Süderstapel, the other into the North Sea, the night of 11-12 May, 1941. Added: His R/O this night, an Uffz Richter (S.Previtera). Two Stirlings the night of 29-30 June, 1941. Two Wellingtons over Friesland the night of 7-8 September, 1941. A Wellington and a Hampden on 13 October, 1941. A Wellington the night of 8-9 November, 1941, no location. A Hampden I of RAF No. 455 Sq. into the sea 70 km west of Terschelling the night of 6 February, 1942. 50th victory on 8 January, 1943. A triple victory on 16 June, 1944; all "4 mots", one SW of Lille, the other two in the Bethune area. Severely injured in a flying accident 5 Oct. 1944, (DOW 7 October, 1944); crashed on landing due to engine failure and colliding with hard to detect high tension wires in his Ju 88G-6 at Paderborn. Also killed were his R/O, Ofw Walter Kubisch , Oblt Hermann Klöss (Observer?) and Lt Werner Kark (War Correspondent, holder of the German Cross in Gold). All four deceased, they flew with Lent for months and are buried at Stade, Alter Garnisonsfriedhof, in a single grave (D.Drury). EL 6/6/42. S 8/2/43. Also served in NJG-2. Flew Do 215B-5 "R4 + DC" at Leeuwarden, 1941 Added: 520 combat missions, promoted to Oberst post-mortem

Ofw Walter Kubisch

4 Neureiter, ?Fw11./ZG 76 (2./ ZG 26 ckonigxx)Bf-110 D-0 "NO + DS" Werknr 3154 (ckonigxx EK 2
Destroyer Operational Clasp
One known victory, with Helmut Lent this date, a Gladiator at Lakseivdal, 2 June, 1940. Belly landed the aircraft on a frozen sea on 25/05/40 in Upmasjaure/ Sweden. Crew: Obsv Uffz Heinz Hätscher. Crew interred?

Above images taken in 1983

5 Rolfmeister,OgefrUnknownBf 109G Werk # unk (lost 9/23/44)Fighter Operational ClaspHis ac reported lost 23 September, 1944 at Lent Holland, cause and pilot disposition unknown. Netherland Loss Registry
6 Rolfsmeister, H.F.OgefrBf 109G (lost 9/23/44)Fighter Operational ClaspHis 109 crashed at Lent Holland on 23 September, 1944, cause and pilot disposition unknown. (DeSwart)

Results 1 to 6 of 6.

Wer vor der Vergangenheit die Augen verschließt, wird blind für die Gegenwart. Richard von Weizsäcker

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