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The Kracker Luftwaffe Archive: Axis Powers Pilots and Crew

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33,000+ Entries in Database (as of February 2024): largest in the world
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There is a rogue group of copyright infringers who have stolen a much earlier version of my data - from at least 10 years ago - and have the affrontery to publish that, along with using my name, on their poorly researched website. They claim this is the 'original' Kracker Archive, a ridiculous claim since my Archive has been in a state of continuous development for over 30 years and nobody - NOBODY - has the original. They have no right to use my name or my data and readers who come across this nonsense should do nothing to encourage theft of this nature. I am outraged by this blatant theft and misrepresentation of my lifetime's work. The ONLY person I have ever authorized to publish my data and use my name is Kelvin Youngs, who earned my trust and respect many years ago and is authorized by me to publish my work on whichever website he organizes, currently this being its present home at the highly respected Aircrew Remembered.

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These are the results of your search:

You searched for: “meissner AND hans

#Pilot (↑)RankBornPlaceScore (↑)UnitsAircraftAwards*************Notes*************Photo
(Click to Expand)
1 Kothe, HeinrichHptm1/Kü.Fl.Gr-906He 115B-2 Werk # 2754 "8L + GH" (lost 9/17/40)Observer Operational ClaspPOW 17 September, 1940 after his ac struck a hillside while flying in poor weather and fog. The ac crashed near Rosehearty, to the west of Fraserburgh. Remaining crew (POW): Lt.z.S. Hans Otto Aldus, Obs and Uffz Herbert Meissner, R/O (D.Drury).
2 Meissner,Uffz18/JG-2Fw 190A
EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
One known victory, a B-17 S of Abbeville on 16 March, 1944. This could be Hans Meissner, later in 11 Staffel/JG-2
3 Meissner, HansUffz3/KG-28He 111H-5 Werk # 3668 "1H + AL" (lost 7/18/41)Bomber Operational ClaspMIA 18 July, 1941; believed to have gone down off the Scilly Isles, cause unknown. Remaining crew (MIA): Fw Franz Prellwitz, Obs; Gefr Heinz Nowak, R/O and Gefr Anton Taschwer, Gnr. Source: D.Drury.
4 Meissner, HansOblt186/NJG-3 (1/42 Schleswig-Jagel), 2/NJG-3 (12/43), 6/NJG-3 (4/44 Wittmund), II/NJG-3 (2/45)Bf 110C-4/U9 Werk # 480092 "D5 + CP" (lost 4/23/44)
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(10/1/44)

EK 1 & 2
Night Fighter Operational Clasp
One known victory, perhaps his 1st, a B-17 on the Kiel raid on 14 May, 1943. A 2nd, a Stirling at Einfelt north of Neumünster on 25 July, 1943. A 3rd, a Halifax 1 km SW of Höbeck on 28 July, 1943. Three Lancasters on 17 August, 1943; one at Nordküste Alsen, one 2 km NW of Barsmark and one 7 km SW of Hadersleben. A Lancaster 50 km W of Hannover on 2 December, 1943. A "4 mot" NNE of Hannover on 4 December, 1943. A B-17 at Nottfeld on 13 December, 1943. A Lancaster NW of Heilbronn on 24 February, 1944. A Lancaster at Helgoland on 24 March, 1944. Shot down & bailed safely on 23 April, 1944 at Basdüttingdorf. Remaining crew (Safe): Uffz Josef Krinner, R/O & Uffz Fritz Pieper, Grnd Crew passenger (later KilledInAction (KIA) in Russia). The Bf 110 was recovered 18 August, 1990, Krinner witnessing the recovey. A Lancaster NW of Frankfurt-Main on 31 March, 1944. A "4 mot" S of Arhus on 9 April, 1944. Another "4 mot" S of Zwolle on 23 May, 1944.
Added by Stefan Pietrzak Youngs: Josef Krinner: An 18 year old grammar school pupil called Josef Krinner joins the Luftwaffe and trains to be a radar operator. July 1941 Josef Krinner is sent to Belgrade and attached to the nightflying school there. He teams up with a pilot called Hans Meissner. January 1942 The team Meissner/Krinner are posted to Schleswig/Jagel to join II/NJG3. They will be flying Me110 nightfighters. April 1943 They are adding to the squadron's total. Each new victory is added to the victory mast outside the Kommandantur. The nightfighter crews are kept busy as there are many attacks on German facilities in Denmark and the short land crossing over South Jutland is a popular route for the British bombers. In fact, by the war's end there have been over 350 RAF crashes in Denmark alone.

Josef Krinner
5 Meissner, HansOfw76/JG-1 (6/42), 9/JG-1 (8/43 Leeuwarden)Bf 109G-6 Werk # 15472 (20% dam 8/11/43), Bf 109G-6 Werk # 19992 "Yellow 12" (lost 8/19/43)EP

EK 1 & 2
Wound Badge
Fighter Operational Clasp
WIA 17 August, 1943 by B-17 escort fighters on the Regensburg raid. His 1st victory, a Spitfire northwest of Walcheren on 1 June, 1942. His 2nd, a recon Spitfire of RAF No. 542 Sq., flown by Polish officer, F/O Xiezopolski, on 26 February, 1943. His 3rd, a B-17 (HSS) 25 km west of Hoek-van-Holland on 4 March, 1943. Two known victories, his 4th was: a Spitfire BR594 Rolf Engelsen 331 Sqd (Norwegian) on 2 May, 1943, at Kamperland, North Beveland, and his 5th a Ventura on 3 May, 1943, 10 km northwest of Amsterdam. His 6th, a B-17 on 17 August, 1943. His 7th, a Spitfire 4 km N of Haamstede on 19 August, 1943. After this engagement, his G-6 crashed at Walborden, near Vlissingen Holland (DeSwart). Added: Ofw Meissnerwas uninjured 11 August, 1943 when he belly landed at Texel (De Hors) due to engine trouble (SGLO).
6 Meissner, HansFw11/24/192011/JG-2Fw 190A-8 Werk # 680104 (lost)Fighter Operational ClaspKIC 12 April, 1944 near Marchin Belgium, cause not given. Buried Lommel, Block 21/129. Source: A. Rosseels.
Lommel, Belgium

Results 1 to 6 of 6.

Wer vor der Vergangenheit die Augen verschließt, wird blind für die Gegenwart. Richard von Weizsäcker

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