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# | Pilot (↑) | Rank | Born | Place | Score (↑) | Units | Aircraft | Awards | *************Notes************* | Photo | Links | AuthorComments |
1 | Claus, Georg 'Schorsch' | Oblt | 9/15/1915 | Elze, Lower Saxony | 17 | 1/JG-51 (9/39), Stab III/JG-51 (11/39), Stab T.O.III/JG-53 (10/39; 4/40), Stfkpt 1/JG-51 (11/11/40) | Bf 109E-1 Werk # 5635 " | EK 1 & 2 Fighter Operational Clasp MIA 11 November, 1940. Added: Presumably shot down by RAF fighters over the Thames Estuary while escorting Ju 87's; No VDK burial detail (D.Drury). One known victory, his 1st, a Morane south of Saarbrücken, 23 November, 1939. His 2nd, a Hurricane at Vouziers, 15 May, 1940. His 3rd, a Morane 406 at Fort de Compiegne on 25 May, 1940. His 4th, a LeO-451 30 km south of Abbeville, 31 May, 1940. His 5th, a Bloch west of Compiegne, 5 June, 1940. His 6th, a Morane 406 SW of Epernay on 11 June, 1940. His 7th, a Spitfire of RAF No.234 Sq, piloted by PO Hardy, on 15 August, 1940, at Cherbourg. His 8th, a Hurricane at Canterbury on 28 August, 1940. His 9th, a Hurricane NE of Folkestone on 31 August, 1940. His 10th, a Spitfire on 3 September, 1940, no location. His 11th, a Spitfire in the London area on 7 September, 1940. His 12th, a Spitfire near London on 15 September, 1940. His 13th, a Spitfire S of London on 16 September, 1940. His 14th, a Hurricane S of Dungeness on 12 October, 1940. Nos.15, 16 & 17, all Hurricanes in the Dungeness area on 8 November, 1940. A close personal friend to Werner Mölders, serving as his wingman and Adjutant ocassionally. | (Added by Pietrzak Youngs) Claus (R) with Werner Mölders Photo: Bundesarchiv Erbenheim 1939 Read Archive Report |
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2 | Mölders, Werner 'Vati' 'Daddy' | Obst | 3/18/1913 | Gelsenkirchen Nordrhein, Westfalen | 101 | 3.J/88 Legion Condor Legion, IV/JG-132 (39), Stafkpt 3/JG-53, Kdr JG-51(7/40 Wissant) | Bf 109B "Black 6x16", Bf 109D-1 "Black 6x79, Bf 109E-4 Werk #s 2804, 5915 "Red 2" & 3737 "Black <-+-" (all e-4s in JG-51), Bf 109F-1 Wk# 5628 "<<-+-" (1940) | RK(5/29/40) Br(7/16/41) Spanish Cross-Br EK 1 & 2 Wound Badge Glider Badge Fighter Oper.Clasp w/"400" | Joined the Luftwaffe in 1935. Plus 14 victories in Spain (Lufts top scorer), 68 in the West (Battle of Britain) and 73 in Russia. His 1st victory, a Hawk 75A near Sierek, 20 September, 1939. His 2nd, a Blenheim at Klusserath, NE of Trier on 30 October, 1939. His 3rd, a Hurricane 15 km NE of Metz on 22 December, 1939. His 5th, a Morane 12 km SE of Diedenhofen on 3 March, 1940. Escaped serious injury bailing from his burning Bf 109 at Chantilly on 5 June, 1940, being shot down by French Ace Lt. Rene Layragues, becoming a POW. He was released after two weeks when the French capitulated. Known to have flow Bf 109E-4s Wk#s 2404 & 3737. The later, flown by Hptm Asmus was lost over England on 25 October, 1940. He flew 300 Operational flights. EL conferred 9/21/40. S conferred 6/22/41. He was killed 22 Nov., 1941, in an He 111 crash from Crimea due to engine failure near Breslau, on the way to attend the funeral of Gen. Udet. Buried Berlin Invalidenfriedhof. Mölders was the first Fighter Pilot to receive the RK and the RK with Diamonds, the first pilot to achieve 50 & 100 victories, and his JG-51 was 1st to achieve 1000 aerial victories, . Hoehler Personality Photo/Profile
Courtesy Christian König | ||
3 | Schellmann, Wolfgang | Obstlt | 3/2/1911 | Kassel | 14 | Stfkpt 1.J/88, IV/JG-132 (39), Kdr II/JG-2 (9/40-10/40 Beaumont le Roger), Kdr JG-27 (6/41 S.U.) | Bf 109B-1 "6-51" & Bf 109C-1 "6x47" in Spain, Bf 109E-7 Werk # 4198 "< - +", Bf 109E-7 Werk # 4189 "<<" (lost 6/22/41) | RK(9/18/40) Spanish Cross-Br EK 1 & 2 Fighter Operational Clasp | MIA (and presumed killed) 22 June, 1941 in Wk# 4189 in the vicinity of Kamenki, near Grodno, S.U., after being rammed by an I-153 Chayka bi-plane of the 127th Fighter Aviation Regt., flown by Lt Petr Kuzmin. Kuzmin was killed and Schellmann bailed successfully, although his fate has remained a mystery. Obermaier suggests he was shot by the NKVD. 150 missions. Plus 12 victories in Spain, second only to the highest scorer in Spain, Werner Mölders. 12 victories in the West and 1 victory in the East, an I-16 on 22 June, 1941. His first victory, a Hurricane at Couly, 5 km east of Rethel, 15 May, 1940. His 2nd, a Lysander southeast of Brüssels, 17 May, 1940. His 3rd, a Lysander W of Tournai on 19 May, 1940. His 4th, a Spitfire at Furnes, E of Dunkirk on 31 May, 1940. His 5th, a Lysander at Dunkirk on 1 June, 1940. His 6th, a Spitfire at Dunkirk on 2 June, 1940. His 7th, a Morane 406 at Compiegne on 3 June, 1940. His 8th, a Blenheim N of Le Harve on 18 July, 1940. His 9th, a Spitfire at Warmwell on 25 August, 1940. No.10, a Spitfire at Wareham on 27 August, 1940. Barbarossa pilot. Also served in I/JG-77 in September, 1939, in Poland, prior to JG-2 assignment.
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Wer vor der Vergangenheit die Augen verschließt, wird blind für die Gegenwart. Richard von Weizsäcker
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