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These are the results of your search:

You searched for: “ott AND alois

#Pilot (↑)RankBornPlaceScore (↑)UnitsAircraftAwards*************Notes*************Photo
(Click to Expand)
1 Aichmeier, AloisFw2/KG-27He 111H
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(4/28/43)

EK 1 & 2
Bomber Operational Clasp
DK-G Awards List
2 Alexa, Karl Ofw3/KG-54 (Med) Ju 88A-4 Werk # 141116 "B3 + DL" (lost 4/25/43) Bomber Operational Clasp MIA 25 April, 1943, with his Observer Oblt Gerhard Ernst and one other unnamed crew returned, cause unknown, location not reported (Ju 88 Loss List). Added: Remaining crew: Ogefr Alois Hermsdörfer, R/O (Ret;d) and Ogefr Karl Lippel, Gnr (MIA) (Qu.Meister File).
3 Auth, AloisUffz8/4/192155/JG-300 Fw 190A-8 Werk # 350180 "Red 17" (lost 10/7/44) EP

EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
MIA 7 October, 1944 in aerial combat with B-17s at Leipzig. One known victory, a B-17 at Wildberg on 9 August, 1944. A 2nd & 3rd, both B-17s at Hildesheim-Salzgitter on 28 September, 1944. A 4th, a B-17 (HSS) at Rathenow on 6 October, 1944. Magnus.
4 Basanow, AloisOfwJG-27 ?Bf 109F & G, Fw 190AFighter Operational ClaspShot down twice, once over the Med., and picked up by a U-boat on one occasion. Long after the war, he moved to the States, using the Given Name, Anthony. Information from his Son-in-Law, a Boeing employe.
5 Becker, Aloysius "Alois"Fw10/16/1918HeinsbergIII/StG-77, 1/JG-26 (joins 8/44)Ju 87, Fw 190A-8 Werk # 175127 "White 13" (lost)EP(4/12/43)

EK 1 & 2
Dive Bomber Operational Clasp
Fighter Operational Clasp
KIA 27 September, 1944 in his "White 13" during aerial combat with a Spitfire of RAF No. 411 Sq. W of Emmerich-Spijk. On the 27th of September 1944 his Staffel was near enemy lines at the German-Dutch border. Becker, flying his Focke Wulf Fw 190 A-8 (Werkn. 175127, Kennz. 'Weiße 13'), got involved in a dogfight with one of the British fighters. Above Emmerich, his aircraft was hit and Becker was forced to jump out of his aircraft but did not manage to release his parachute. He was hit by the tail of his own aircraft, falling to earth unconscious and was instantly killed. He also had 253 missions as a Dive Bomber pilot in StG-77. Added: Birth data & EP data per Vermeer EP Awards List.
6 Bengston, KurtFwKG-27 or KG-4He 111H-20 Werk # Unk "5 + F8" (?) (lost 1/12/45)Bomber Operational Clasp The ac reported crashed Rakovnjk, CZ. Pilot & crew believed bailed safely, cause unknown. Remaining crew: Uffz Alois Werner, Fw Hans Tschatscher, Fw Helmut Elsner and Fw Friedrich Ihnsen (F.Braun). Alternate spelling: Bengtson.
7 Berndl, AloisOfw12/16/1918Oedt a.d.Wild, AustriaI/StG-2, III/SG-1Ju 87D in StG-2, Fw 190F & G in SG-1

EK 1 & 2
Dive Bomber Operational Clasp w/Pendant
As Rear Gunner, nearly all his missions were flown with Friedrich Lang. In April 1945, he began pilot training, but due to the abandonment of the program, he finished the war in a Flak Unit. Became an American POW on 26 April. 1945. 859 missions as rear gunner. Deceased 18 July, 1996.
8 Bicke, JosefOfwI/KG-30Ju 88A-4 Werk # 1049 (lost)Bomber Operational ClaspKIC 11 April, 1942 as a result of a mid-air collision at Oulu Norway with another Ju 88 of KG-30, piloted by Hptm Gottfried Hafer (also KIC). Both were on a non-operational flight. Remaining crew (all KIC): Uffz Heinrich Hellenkamp, Observer; Ofw Alois Lüthgart, R/O; Ofw Walter Horn, Gunner and Fw Emil Kagel, Mech. Source: SIG Norway.
9 Bierbrauer, WalterLt5/KG-30Ju 88A Werk # 550449 "4D + BN" (lost)Bomber Operational ClaspMIA the night of 14/15 May, 1944, failing to return from a bombing raid on Bristol England. Probably lost at sea. Remaining crew (all MIA): Oblt Rolf Sellmann, Observer; Uffz Alois Krebs, R/O and Uffz Helmut Bierle, Gunner. Source: Bristol Past, John Penny.
10 Biermeier, AloisFw2/JG-7Me 262A-1 Werk # 111539 (75% dam 2/19/45)Wound Badge
Fighter Operational Clasp
Injured in a crash by Stubben 19 February, 1945 due to a fuel shortage.
11 Blaschke, AloisUffz48/JG-4Bf 109G-6, G-6/U2, G-6/U4, Fw 190A-8 Werk # 680797 "Blue 3" (lost 9/28/44)
EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
KIA 28 September, 1944 during aerial combat at Halberstadt. One known victory, a B-17 (HSS) at Lössnitz-Olbernhau on 11 September, 1944. A 2nd, a B-17 E of Helmstedt on 12 September, 1944. A 3rd, another B-17, two minutes later same day, west of Magdeburg (Perry Claims). A 4th, a B-24 50 km SE of Kassel on 27 September, 1944.
12 Blätterbinder, AloisUffz10(Pz)/SG-77Ju 87D-2 Werk # 141480 "S2 + RX" (80% dam 1/21/45)Wound Badge
Dive Bomber Operational Clasp
WIA 21 January, 1945; suffered engine damage from flak and made an emergency landing near Grossfelde (?). His R/O Uffz Hans Rokloff was also WIA.
13 Böhm, GerhardOblt10/25/1912Cosel9/KG-51 (S.U.) Ju 88A-5 Werk # 5245 "9K + GT" (lost 6/22/41) Bomber Operational Clasp KIA at Tarnopol with unnamed crew 22 June, 1941, cause unknown Ju 88 Loss List). Added: Crashed 1km NW of Worona, where all four are buried (LOCS & 12 O'clock Forum). Added: Remaining crew (KIA): Gefr Karl Heinz Arens, Obs; Uffz Franz Lykar, R/O and Gefr Ernst Alois Bobinger, Gnr. The four deceased are believed buried at Ivano Ukraine (formerly Stanislau) (D.Drury).
14 Breitschat, AloisUffz9/StG-1 (S.U.)Ju 87D-3 Werk # 2171 (lost 5/22/42)Wound Badge
Dive Bomber Operational Clasp
WIA with unnamed crew by flak, 22 May, 1942,; made an emergency landing at Kirilowschtschino. Ju 87 Loss List
15 Brossler, BrunoOblt5/12/1911 Stab/KG-55 (8/40 Villa Coublay Fr.) He 111P-4 Werk # 2898 "G1 +AA" (lost 8/14/40) Bomber Operational Clasp KIA 14 August, 1940; sd by Spitfires of No. 609 Sq., piloted by F/O John Dundas & P/O David Crook in the area of Boscombe Down, near Middle Wallop. The ac crashed at Dean Hill, East Dean, Hampshire. Remaining crew: Obst Alois Stöckl (or Stoeckl), Obs & RK Holder (KIA, bur CC 2/2/35); Obst Walter Frank, Chief V Fliegerkorps (bur CC 2/2/32); Fw Heinz Grimmstein, R/O (POW) and Fw Jonny Thiel, Flt Engr (POW). Brossler bur CC 2/2/30. Source Kaiser RK book & D.Drury.
Cannock Chase

Courtesy Christian König

16 Brüdern, Hans JoachimLt1/10/19203/KG-2 (10/40 Lille)Do 17Z Werk # Unk (10/15/40), Do 17Z Werk # 2584 "U5 + HL" (lost 4/20/41)Bomber Operational ClaspMIA 20 April, 1941 following a crash in the vicinity of Lamia Greece; sd by Hurricanes of No.33 Sq,. Remaining crew (KIC): Uffz Rudolf Hallfrach, Obs; Fw Heinrich Fehrenbach, R/O and Fw Alois Holler, Gnr. Earlier, on 15 October, 1940, he returned safely to Lille following an equipment failure over England. While losing altitude over England, the flight engineer, Gefr Hans Fellmann, parachuted into Cousley Wood, near Wadhurst, Sussex, and was captured. All others returned to base. Remaining crew: Uffz Richard Trinkner, Obs and Uffz Heinrich Fehrenbach, R/O (D.DRury).
17 Brukhard, HansFw9/KG-76 (4/43)Ju 88A-4 Werk # 2469 "F1 + GR" (lost 4/15/43)Bomber Operational ClaspMIA with his entire crew, 15 April, 1943, when they crashed in the Port of Bone, cause unknown. Remaining crew: Uffz Jakob Staab, Obs; Uffz Georg Appel, R/O and Ufz Alois Koppitz, Gnr (Qu.Meister File).
18 Brunmayr, AloisUffz6/3/1920Waizenkirchen4/NJG-6 Bf 110G-4 Werk # 5323 (lost 11/14/43) Night Fighter Operational Clasp KIC 14 November, 1943; crash landed at Goldbach due to engine failure. Remaining crew (KIC): R/O Uffz Erich Hinz (geb 11/4/1923 Dachshausen) and Engr Ogefr Johann Lescher (geb 1/29/1919 Faid, Kochem).
19 Bugislaus, Georg AndreasHptm6/24/1911Burg10/KG-2 (8/43), 3/KG-2 (12/43), Stfkpt 2/KG-66 (4/44) Ju 188E-1 Werk # 269360 "Z6 + CK" (lost 6/17/44) DK-G (1/1/45), EK 1 & 2, Bomber Operational Clasp in Silver MIA 17 June, 1944; crashed at Vire-Mündung while on a mission, cause unknown. Remaining crew (MIA): Ogefr Egon Erben, geb 2/12/1925, Obs; Gefr Kurt Wollermann, geb 2/25/1925, T.Obs; Fw Alois Bretscher, geb 9/28/1916, R/O and Uffz Hermann Stein, geb 5/7/1920, Mechanic. Source: B.Bines. Added: Prior to becoming a pilot, he was a navigator/observer in September, 1941 (LOCS).
20 Cümbal, AlfredFw5(F)/122 (1/42 Gostkino S.U.)Ju 88D-1 Werk # 1426 "F6 + UN" (lost 1/22/42)Observer Operational ClaspMIA with his entire crew, 22 January, 1942, when they failed to return from a reconnaissance mission covering Torzhok and Bologoye, Kalinin Oblast, Russia, cause unknown. Remaining crew: Lt Helmut Ewald Hombrecher, Obs; Gefr Oswald Ritter, R/O and Uffz Alois Werschnick, Gnr. No VDK burial matches (D.Drury). Alternate spelling: Gümbal.
21 Denko, AloisUffz7/KG-77 (Med)Ju 88A-4 Werk # 140286 "3Z + YR" (lost 3/22/43)Bomber Operational ClaspMIA with unnamed crew at Gabes 22 March, 1943, cause unknown (Ju 88 Loss List).
22 Dinklage, AloisOfwFlugber. NorwegenHe 111H-6 Werk # 4374 (lost)Transport Operational ClaspKIC 17 November, 1943; non-operational crash northeast of Fornebu, cause unknown. Also killed, Mech Fw Gerhard Gimmler. Source: SIG Norway. I believe the word "Flugber." stands for Flugbereit, meaning aircraft ready for delivery. Therefore I believe Dinklage would be transporting/delivering the AC to a bomber squadron when he was killed in the crash along with the mechanic, especially since no other crew were noted.
23 Dollinger, AloisUffz8/28/1917Jattingen5/JG-2 (Channel)Bf 109E-4 Werk # 4861 (lost 9/30/40) EK 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
KIA 30 September, 1940; shot down by F/O T. Nowierski of RAF No. 609 Sq. over Warmwell. Dollinger bailed safely but died when his chute failed to open. The AC crashed at Sprakefield, Hundred Acres Farm, Sydling St Nicholas, England. Buried Cannock Chase, Blick 6, Gr 23 (M.Croft).

Cannock Chase
24 Eckert, WernerUffz3/NAGr-13Bf 109G-8 (lost 8/2/44)Observer Operational ClaspMIA 2 August, 1944; sd during a reconnaissance mission near Evreux France. He was serving as wingman for Alois Landsmann, both MIA (R. Randall).
25 Egeler, ErwinFw6/5/1922112/NJG-1 (Fritzlar) Bf 110G-4 Werk # 110152 "G9 + CZ" (lost 10/20/44)
EK 1 & 2
Night Fighter Operational Clasp
KIA 19/20 October, 1944 during aerial combat, crashing at Treysa/Drieslar (Boiten). Remaining crew (KIA): Uffz Alois Hermanns (3/9/1922) and Gefr Lothar Schubert (12/8/1925) (WASt data). All buried at Drieslar. One known victory, a Lancaster WSW of Mönchen-Gladbach on 19 September, 1944. Boiten, 3 victories.
26 Eichborn, MartinUffz5/Bordflieger Gr-196 (Hommelvik See)Ar 196A-2 Werk # 0053 (lost 8/19/40)Observer Operational ClaspKIC 19 August, 1940 when his ac struck a power cable over the mountains between Skar and Dryna in the Otröy vicinity. His Observer, Lt.z.See, Alois Hirschberger, was also KIC (Flyvrak Norway).
27 Eschborn, MartinUffz5. Bordfliegerstaffel 196Ar-196KIFA on 19/08/40 at Moldefjord when touching a high voltage mast. Crew KIFA Obs Lt z. See Hirschberg, AloisCKönig
28 Ewert, ErwinFwI/TG-2 (4/43)Ju 52 Werk # 3226 (lost 4/18/43)Transport Operational ClaspMIA with his entire crew 18 April, 1943 in the Tunis vicinity due to enemy fire. Remaining crew: Fw August Reuter, R/O; Fw Walter Hanke, Mech and Uffz Alois Zumhelte, Gnr (Qu.Meister File).
29 Felbermeyer, Karl FerdinandFw12/12/1919Baden bei Wein1/KG-100He 177A-3 Werk # 332155 (lost 2/25/44) Wound Badge
Bomber Operational Clasp
WIC 25 February, 1944; crashed in Eger, Cz. during a delivery flight due to engine failure. Gunner, Uffz Rudolf Kastner, geb 12/10/1921, was killed in the crash. Remaining crew (WIC): Uffz Heinrich Jokisch, geb 6/1/1922, Obs; Ogefr Alois Andessner, geb 5/17/1922, R/O and Uffz Erich Fritsch, geb 2/26/1920, Wart. Source: B.Bines.
30 Ferner, AloisFw12/12/1918TamswegFl.ü.G.-1 Fw 189 Werk # 2199 (60% dam 9/24/42) Pilot Badge KIC 24 September, 1942; crashed at Saporoshje, cause unknown. his unnamed crewman was uninjured. Added: He is commemorated in the German War Cem at Kharkiv, Ukraine (D.Drury).
31 Fischer, WilhelmUffz1/6/19225/NJG-1 (1/45 Rheine)Ju88G-1 Werk # 714277 "G9 + AC" (lost 1/1/45)Night Fighter Operational ClaspKIA 1 January, 1945, sd by their own flak at Gerverskop, W of Utrecht. The AC crashed NE of Barneveld during Operation Bodenplatte (DeSwart). The entire crew were killed and buried at Ysselstein. Remaining crew: Ogefr Simon Dagn (geb 8/29/24) Buried Block AB/9/209; Ogefr Heinz Böhle (geb 5/17/22) Buried Block AB/9/211; and Ogefr Alois Stocklöw (geb 3/20/23) Buried Block AB/9/210. No mention of the pilots burial Block, however he may be next to one of the other crew. Source: A. Rosseels.
Ysselstein, Holland

Courtesy Christian König

32 Foucar, KarlFw7/15/19202/KG-66Ju 88S-3 Werk # 330289 "Z6 + GK" (lost)Wound Badge
Bomber Operational Clasp
WIA 22 January, 1945; the crew bailed when their navigational equipment failed on the return from a mission. Low on fuel, they bailed over Quedlinburg. The R/O, Uffz Alois Lechner, geb 7/13/1920 was reported KIA. Remaining crew (Uninjured): Fw Willy Romahn, geb 2/1/1920, Obs and Uffz Heinz Jährisch, geb 9/5/1923, Gunner. Source: B.Bines.
33 Freudenreich, Willi Johann Friedrich (Alois?)Oblt9/11/1915Neustrelitz7/SKG-10Fw 190A-5 Werk # 52526 Yellow "A" (lost 5/7/43)Assault Operational ClaspKIA 7 May, 1943 during a low-level attach when he hit a telephone pole and crashed at sea 200 yards off Newport Cliffs, near Great Yarmouth. Buried Cannaock Chase, Block 5, Row 14, Gr 316. Source: M.Croft & D.Drury.
34 Friedl, ErichLt11/3/1920Horni Plana, Cz.6/KG-26 He 111 Werk # Unk (lost 9/19/43) Bomber Operational Clasp KIC 19 September, 1943; the ac crashed into the Haugstein mountain in Upper Austria due to heavy fog. (The VDK website shows the location as 70km north of Wels). Remaining crew (KIC, desig unk): Uffz Alois Hindinger, Ogefr Anton Mörk, Ogefr Armand Ulrich, Ogefr Heinz Leidecker and Gefr Oswald Schulz. Pilot (pos uncertain) buried in a Family Cem. at Brno; Schulz (geb 11/3/1922) understood buried in Gdansk, formerly Danzig. The others grave locations, unknown, but there is a memorial plaque on a boulder at Haugstein bei Stadl (Gedenkstein) Upper Austria, commemorating all six (D.Drury).
35 Fries, AloisOblt4/ZG-2Me 210A-1
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(8/21/42)

EK 1 & 2
EP (1/5/42), Destroyer Operational Clasp
DK-G Awards List
36 Fritsch, HelmutLt9/27/1923Güstrow1/KG-100He 177A-3 Werk # 332394 "6N + BH" (lost 5/8/44)Bomber Operational ClaspKIC 8 May, 1944; crashed at Lechfeld during a non-operational flight, cause not given. Remaining crew: Uffz Eugen Strasser, geb 5/17/1921, (KIC), K.Obs; Uffz Alfred Becker, geb 11/8/1919, (WIC), R/O; Fw Herbert Menge, geb 10/26/1917, (WIC), Wart and Uffz Alois Dullinger, geb 3/3/1917, (WIC), Gunner. Source: B.Bines.
37 Fuchs, AloisOfw10/KG-200Fw 190F-8 Werk # 584035 "Black 12" (lost 4/5/45)Assault Operational ClaspKIA 5 April, 1945 after being hit by British tank fire. First buried at Burlage, later in the War cem. Diepholz (F.Braun).
38 Geschwind, AloisFwIII/SKG-10 (Africa)Fw 190A-4 Werk # 2458 "SJ + AV" (lost 2/14/43)Assault Operational ClaspMIA 14 February, 1943 probably due to enemy fighters, no location reported.
39 Glatter, AloisUffz1/KG-30 (Finland)Ju 88A-4 Werk # 142063 "4D + FH" (lost 9/4/42)Bomber Operational ClaspMIA 4 September, 1942; missing on a test flight, cause and location unknown. Remaining crew (all MIA): Uffz Alois Wittmann, R/O; Gefr Ludwig Wolz, Mech and Werkmeister Georg Auerochs. Source: SIG Norway.
40 Godde, Heinrich Aloys Heinz Oblt1/31/1918HochlarI/KG-40 (on loan to 1(F)/120 Vaernes,for this fateful mission)Fw 200C-4/U3 Werk # 0131 "F8 + EK" (lost 10/24/42)Bomber Operational ClaspKIA 24 October, 1942; shot down on a mission to Iceland by an American P-39 of 33FS. The Fw 200 was borrowed from I/KG-40. Remaining crew (all KIA, buried Fossvogur (Reykjavik) Iceland Cem, Blk G, Plot 1, Gr 1-36): Fw Mathias Franzen (or Frantzen), Co-pilot; Ofw Horst Kroos (or Kross), R/O; Uffz Manfred Unger, 2nd R/O; Uffz Alois Schwab, Gunner;Uffz Helmut Engelmann, Mech; all from I/KG-40. In addition, an Uffz Hans Todtenhofer (or Todtdenhöfer), Mech (KIA) was from 1(F)/120. Source: SIG Norway & D.Drury.
41 Götz, AloisUffz8/JG-6Fw 190A-8 Werk # 737973 "Blue 11" (lost 12/24/44)Fighter Operational ClaspMIA 24 December, 1944 during aerial combat, crashing near Eupen Belgium. Source: A. Rosseels.
42 Graf, AloisLt9/20/1920610/JG-51 (S.U.)Bf 109F-2 Werk # 5636 "White 9" (lost 6/20/41)
EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
MIA 20 June, 1941, cause and location not reported.
43 Griesenbeck, AloisFw2/JG-53 (Med)Bf 109G-6 Werk # 160675 "Black < I" (lost 1/17/44)Fighter Operational ClaspKIA 17 January, 1944 during aerial combat 10km south of Rom. (Rome?)
44 Gschwind, AloisFw13/JG-51, 10/SKG-10 (2/43)Bf 109E & F, Fw 190A-4 Werk # 142458 "SJ + AV" EK 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
KIC 14 February, 1943 in his A-4 when he accidentally struck the ground 10 km southwest of Zaafria, Tunisia. (Jager Blatt 5/2002 & 1/2003). One known victory, his 1st, a Morane 406 at Abbeville on 21 May, 1940.
45 Günther, Heinrich AlbrechtHptm5/18/1913LeuberIII/KG-27 (39), Stfkpt 7/KG-27 (9/43)He 111H-16 Werk # 162396 "1G + JR" (lost 1/10/44)
RK(6/9/44 Post)

Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(3/1/43)

EK 1 & 2
Bomber Operational Clasp w/Pendant
MIA (and presumed KIA) 10 January, 1944; failed to return from a mission into the Gaissin area. Probably shot down by AA fire during a low-level attack or flew into the ground in heavy snow showers. Remaining crew (MIA): Uffz Friedrich Stagge, Obs; Uffz Alois Wittkemper, R/O; Uffz Johann Härtel, Flt Engr and Gefr Jakob Rudolf, Gnr.. A newspaper article suggests he had nearly 500 combat missions. DK-G Awards List & Kaiser RK book, which spells his name Güntner.
46 Haas, AloisUffz7/ZG-76 (Channel)Bf 110C Werk # unk "2N + BM" (lost 8/15/40)Destroyer Operational ClaspKIA with his R/O, Gefr Ernst Hoffmann 15 August, 1940 during aerial combat NW of Portland. Bf 110 Loss List
47 Hasenknopf, AloisFwIV/JG-301 (Reich Def)Bf 109G-10 Werk # 491186 (15% dam 2/8/45)Wound Badge
Fighter Operational Clasp
WIA 8 February, 1945 during aerial combat near Zerbst.
48 Hasenkopf, AloisFwIII/KG-40, 13/JG-301 (3/45 Reich Defense)He 177 in KG-40, Bf 109G-10 Werk # 491186 "White 9" (dam 3/2/45)Wound Badge, Fighter Operational ClaspKIA 2 March, 1945; this former bomber pilot, wounded and bailed safely, during aerial combat over Burg, on his first Reich Defense flight (C.König).
49 Heine, KurtOfwII/KG-355, 4/KG-53He 111 Werk # Unk (lost 8/18/40)Bomber Operational ClaspKIA 18 August, 1940; sd by a Hurricane of No 151 Sq., piloted by F/O Richard Milne, near Chelmsford, Essex. The He 111 crashed at sea, off the Essex coast, claiming the entire crew. Remaining crew (KIA): Ofw Alois Rusch, R/O; Lt Walter Ludmann, Obs; Fw Erhardt Rascha, Mech; Gefr Klemmens Kahl, Gnr and Maj Reinhold Tamm,Kdr II/KG-53 (aufhimmelzuhause). Added: The three known deceased are buried in the German War Cem, Bourdon (Fr.): Tamm, Blk 16, Row 7, Gr 246; Ludmann, Blk 14, Row 1, Gr 35 and Rusch, Blk 17, Row 5, Gr 145 (D.Drury).
50 Helfer, ArnoOgefr2/KG-4 He 111H-16 Werk # 162407 "6N + IK" (lost 1/19/44) Bomber Operational Clasp POW 19 January, 1944 after his ac made a belly landing in enemy territory south of Skadovsk, Kherson Oblast, Ukraine. The cause is open to question between a night fighter attack and/or a navigational error. The ac marking suggests it was from 2/KG-100 when I/KG-100 transitioned to the He 177A. Remaining crew (believed POW): Uffz Otto Kittel, Obs; Ogefr Josef May, R/O and Fw Alois Rasche, Flt Engr. One source suggests the crew were MIA, but since the ac was captured intact, they are presumed POW (D.Drury).
51 Heyer, OttoUffz4(F)/122 (S.U.) Ju 88D-1 Werk # 430368 "F6 + TM" (lost 4/12/43) Observer Operational Clasp MIA with his Observer Ofw Wolfram Hübsch and two other unnamed crew at the Kuban bridgehead 12 April, 1943, cause unknown (Ju 88 Loss List). Added: The two unnamed (MIA): Uffz Franz Sayka, R/O and Ofw Alois Neumüller, Gnr (Qu.Meister File).
52 Hiltscher, FritzFw3(F)/33 (Channel) Ju 88D-1 Werk # 430079 "8L + EL" (lost 4/20/43) Observer Operational Clasp KIA with his Observer Lt Hans Weissgerber and two other unnamed crew 20 April, 1943, cause unknown, location not reported (Ju 88 Loss List). Added: The unnamed: Uffz Walter Kleinhaus, R/O and Uffz Alois Klutzniy, Gnr (Qu.Meister File).
53 Hofmann, AloisLtStab IV/JG-27 (Reich Def)Bf 109G-14 Werk # 462904 (lost 11/2/44) Wound Badge
Fighter Operational Clasp
WIA 2 November, 1944 during aerial combat in the Weissenfels area (Bf 109 Loss List).
54 Höhn, AloisOblt12/2/1922ErprKdo-25 (2/43 Parchim)Fw 190A-8 (SG 116 equipped)Pilot Badge Höhn was one of the first test pilots to experiment with the upward-firing 30mm cannons (3) slung under the Fw 190 (S.Youngs).
55 Holzmann, AloisFw2/22/1919Wallenfels bei Kronach, Bayern1/FFS-C-5 (New Brandenberg 9/39), Bomber units 42 S.U.,, Werftkomp. Fliegerhorst III/7 (45 France)He 111 & Ju 88 EK 2
Bomber Operational Clasp
Shot down in the Winter 1942 in Russia. Served in France at wars end. POW, interned in Eppinghausen (western Allies) on 4 April, 1945, and was released 19 January, 1948. Migrated to western Australia, where he passed away in 1981. Source: Ina (Holzmann) Canute, daughter. Help appreciated.
56 Horner, AloisUffzIV/JG-26 (joins 3/45), 13/JG-26Fw 190D-9Fighter Operational Clasp in BronzePOW 6 April, 1945 after bailing out of his crippled AC during aerial combat with a Tempest of RAF No. 80 Sq. 5 km W of Stolzenau.
57 Huber, AloisFw9/SG-3 (S.U.)Ju 87D-5 Werk # 130678 (dam 10/31/43)Wound Badge
Dive Bomber Operational Clasp
Huber and his unnamed crew were injured in an emergency landing in Map Quad Pl.Qu. 3785, cause not reported. Ju 87 Loss List
58 Hulha, AloisOblt10/2/1921Hostomitz3(F)/121 (4/40), 12/KG-53 (8/42), 3/KG-53 (3/43), 6/KG-53 (9/44)He 111H & Ju 88

Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(11/14/43)

EK 1 & 2
Bomber Operational Clasp w/Pendant
An Observer, he flew 398 combat missions, 198 on bombers, 200 on long range reconnaissance. Deceased 7 May, 1983, Ludwigsburg.

Courtesy Christian Konig

59 Immerl, AloisOfw21/JG-2 (8/42), II/JG-2, 2/JG-105 (6/43)Bf 109F-2 Werk # 12831(65% lost), Fw 190A-3 Werk # 2237(95% lost)
EK 1 & 2
Wound Badge
Fighter Operational Clasp
Injured in a crash landing in the F-2, 8 March, 1942 at Vernon-Mantes (Seine) due to a fuel shortage. Wounded 5 September, 1942 in the A-3 in aerial combat with fighters near Barbeck. One known victory, a Spitfire on 19 August, 1942. A 2nd victory, a B-17 at Etampes on 26 June, 1943.
60 Jakob, AloisFw110/JG-11Fw 190A-8 Werk # 731034 "Blue 2" (dam 4/5/44) EK 2
Wound Badge
Fighter Operational Clasp
WIA 5 April, 1944, during aerial combat with a P-47 in the Alencon area; DOW 22 July, 1944. One known victory, his 1st, a P-47 in the Alencon area on 5 July, 1944.
61 Job, AloisOfw8JG-26 (39 Werl), 7/JG-1 (1/42), 8/JG-1 (1/43), 10/JG-11 (11/43)Bf 109 E "White 8" (4/42), Bf 109F & G, Fw 190A-4 "Black 6" (1/43)
EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
One known victory, a Photo Recon Spitfire R7041 of 1 PRU at Hövaag, northwest of Kristianland on 12 January, 1943. His wingman this date reported to be Fw Egon Reichstein (Forum account). His 2nd victory, a B-24 (HSS) by Lister on 18 November, 1943. A 3rd, a P-47 at Saar-Hunsrück on 23 December, 1944. His 5th, 6th & 7th, three P-47s in the Asch/Maastricht area on 1 January, 1945. Magnus Report. Flugbuch (4/40 to 2/45).jobx
62 John, AloisFw15/SG-77 (1/44 S.U.)Fw 190A EK 2
Assault Operational Clasp
His first known victory, a Soviet Il-2 on 29 January, 1944.
63 Jungklaus, SiegfriedHptm11/18/1914Gross Fahner, Kreis Gotha7 & 10 (Kroat)/KG-3, Stfkpt 7/KG-3 (2/42), Kdr III/KG-3 (12/42 S.U.))Do 17 in 7/KG-3 (40), Ju 88A-4 Werk # 4615 "5K + BD" (lost 4/22/43)
RK(9/3/43 Post.)

Deutsches Kreuz - Gold99/24/42)

EK 1 & 2
Bomber Operational Clasp in Gold
MIA 22 April, 1943; failed to return from a raid on the Black Sea port of Poti Russia, cause unknown. Remaining crew (MIA): Oblt Johannes Röbert, Obs; Uffz Alois Lenz, R/O and Fw Theodor Oerter, Gnr.. 335 combat missions.
64 Kämpf, FranzUffz12/25/1921Poschitzau, Cz.12/NJG-1 (6/43 Leeuwarden) Bf 110G-4 Werk # 5370 "G9 + DZ" (lost 6/12/43) Night Fighter Operational Clasp KIA 12 June, 1943; sd by his own flak, crashed at Kamp Crailo, Bussum. His R/O-Gnr, Uffz Alois Ott (geb 2/11/14) was also killed. The deceased were initially buried in Leeuwarden, then Ysselsteyn. Uffz Kämpf re-buried in 1958 at Ysselsteyn AR-4-90. Uffz Ott seems to have been re-buried in 1958 at Ysselsteyn AR-4-89, but buried in Germany, since AR-4-89 is now empty (Find-A-Grave by Fred). The pilot was not identified, therefore I selected Uffz Kämpf.
Ysselstein, Holland
65 Kaspar, AloisGefr3/Sch.G.-102 Ju 87B-1 Werk # 303 (lost 12/27/43) Dive Bomber Operational Clasp KIC 27 December, 1943 when on a training mission carrying cement bombs, he crashed in the vicinity of Chotebor. His R/O-Gnr, Gefr Reinhold Nothof, was also killed. The cause reported as pilot error (F.Braun).
66 Kaufner, Friedrich WilhelmMaj11/15/1910Stfkpt 4/KG-51 (4/42 S.U.) Ju 88A-4 Werk # 2558 "9K + BM" (lost 4/21/42) Bomber Operational Clasp MIA with unnamed crew 21 April, 1942 after a fighter attack at Asowsche-Meer (Ju 88 Loss List). Added: Remaining crew (MIA): Fw Walter Heimann, Obs; Ofw Georg Schmidmeister, R/O and Uffz Alois Rambacher, Gnr. The loss location in english is the Sea of Asov. Only Ofw Schmidmeister is found in the VDK; confirmed MIA and commemorated at Charkow (Kharkiv), Ukraine (D.Drury).
67 Keller, ErichLt2/6/1915Stab III/KG-100Do 217K-3 Werk # 4718 "6N + DT" (lost 7/4/44)Bomber Operational ClaspPOW 4 July, 1944 after his ac was sd by a Mosquito night fighter of RAAF No.456 Sq. during an anti-shipping raid over Seine Bay. The ac crashed into the water off the mouth of the River Orne. Lt Keller bailed safely and was captured shortly thereafter. Remaining crew: Uffz Alois Dietershagen, Obs (KIA, bur Ger War Cem. at St. Desir-de-Lisieux, Fr., Blk 1, Row 25, Gr 543); Uffz Heinrich Garns (or Grans), R/O (MIA) and Ogefr Theodor Boetel, Flt Engr (KIA, bur St. Desir-de-Lisieux Blk 1, Row 27, Gr 583). The RAAF crew responsible may have been P/O S.Williams & F/O K.Havord, who claimed a do 217 destroyed the night in question, but w/o specifying a location (D.Drury).
68 Kessler, WolfgangUnk7/KG-26Ju 88A-14 Werk # (14?) 2294 "1H + HR" (lost 8/27/43*)Bomber Operational ClaspThis ac made an emergency landing at S'Avall Spain on 27 August, 1943*, due to a fuel shortage. Remaining crew (interned & repatriated 10/5/43): Alois Edhofer, R/O; Ulrich Zenke, bombardier and Franz Silvester, Gnr (D.Drury). *Another Spanish source suggests the date of loss was 2 April, 1943, however, the Spanish authorities repatriated the internees consistently shortly after their internment.
69 Kiefer, AloisOblt1(F)/122 (Creil)Ju 88D-1 (Trop) Werk # 430549 "F6 + EH" (lost 3/6/43)Observer Operational ClaspMIA 6 March, 1943; failed to return from a reconnaissance mission in the vicinity of Algiers, cause not given. Three unnamed remaining crew were also MIA. Wiki Luft data.
70 Kindler, AlfredHptm9/4/1915Mauschdorf, Oberschlesien 6/KG-2 (10/39), Stfkpt 5/KG-2 (10/41), Stfkpt 6/KG-2 (11/41) Do 17Z-3 Werk # 2839 "U5 + FP" (dam 8/29/40; sd by NF, uninjured), Do 217E-4 Werk # 5482 "U5 + FP" (lost 7/31/42)
RK(9/24/42 in captivity)

Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(2/7/42)

EK 1 & 2
EP (3/8/41), Bomber Operational Clasp
Shot down by flak, and POW, over England, crashing at Newmarket on 31 July, 1942, after 230 combat missions. Remaining crew POW): StbsFw Herbert Schirmer, Obs; Ofw Willi Kostka, R/O and Ofw Alois Horch, Flt Engr.. Deceased 30 August, 2000, Mühltal.
71 Klammer, OskarFw1(F)/124 (Bardufoss)Ju 88D-1 Werk # 430867 "G2 + BH" (lost 2/21/45)Ju 88D Werk # Unk (lost 5/2/45)Wound Badge, Observer Operational ClaspCrew survived a belly landing on 2 May, 1945, landing on Swedish lake, Tometräsk. They blew up the ac, which promptly sank, and it was raised later, and parts sent to a German museum (C.König). The ac had to make a force landing in the snow on 21 February, 1945, 2km west of Andsvatnet due to a fire in the ac. The crew survived the rough landing with minor injuries. Remaining crew: Fhr Klein, Obs; Uffz Heinz Stenger, R/O and Ogefr Alois Unterleitner, Mech (Flyvrak Norway).

Courtesy Christian König

72 Kleinknecht, WilliOfw6/KG-26He 111H-5 Werk # 3850 "1H + AP" (lost 5/8/41)Bomber Operational ClaspMIA 8 May, 1941 when his ac was forced to land on the sea as a result of a fighter attack by Fairey Fulmars of FAA Nos.803 & 806 Sqs.. This took place while returning from a raid on the Suez Canal. Remaining crew: Oblt z.S. Alois Sporkmann, Obs (KIA); Gefr Hugo Kappes, R/O (KIA) and Uffz Rolf Wienecke, Flt Engr (MIA). Gefr Kappes is buried in the War Cem at El Alamein, in a single grave, no detail. Oblt Sporkmann has been declared dead, but he is not listed in the VDK (D.Drury).
73 Kohrs, BernhardUffzIII/KG-54 (4/43)Ju 88A-4 Werk # 142407 (lost 4/1/43)Bomber Operational ClaspKIC with his entire crew, 1 April, 1943; collided with another ac while landing at Bizerte. Remaining crew: Ogefr Alois Zoller, Obs; Uffz Ottmar Mayer, R/O and Uffz Hans Mokansky, Gnr (Qu.Meister File/Mauro 5/2024).
74 Krenn, Ignaz (Ignatz?)ObltStab I/KG-55He 111P Werk # unk "G1 + BB" (lost 8/26/40)Bomber Operational ClaspPOW 26 August, 1940; sd while on a mission to attack Portsmouth. Attacked by Hurricanes of No.43 Sq, piloted by S/L John Badger & Sgt HerbertHallowes and others, The ac crashed at Wick, just north of Littlehampton, Sussex. Remaining crew (POW): Uffz Helmuth Morrack, Obs (WIA); Uffz Hans Degen, R/O; Uffz Willi Schneiders, Flt Engr (WIA and Fw Alois Schreck, Gnr (WIA) (D.Drury).)
75 Krieger, AloisOgefrJG-26 (joins 7/41), 3/JG-26Bf 109F-4 Werk # 8363 (lost)Fighter Operational Clasp in BronzeKIA 19 August, 1941 in aerial combat with British escort fighters. He crashed into the Channel.
76 Laferl, AloisGefr3/JG-52 (Reich Def Ost)Bf 109G-14 Werk # 511471 "Yellow 3" (lost 1/23/45)Fighter Operational ClaspMIA 23 January, 1945 3km SE of Oppeln, 75km SE of Breslau, due to flak.
77 Landsmann, AloisOfw6/7/1915Sulzbach3/NAGr-13 Bf 109G-8 Werk # 200040 (lost 8/2/44)
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(7/26/43)

EK 1 & 2
Observer Operational Clasp. Added: He was awarded the EP on 14 December
1942 (R.Randall)
WIA 2 August, 1944; sd at Combourg, near Evreux France, while on a reconnaissance mission. His wingman, Uffz Werner Eckert also MIA. DK-G Awards List & R.Randall. Added: Ofw Landsmann died of wounds 25 November, 1944; buried Mont de Huisnes, Vault 11, Grave 133 <
78 Lang, FriedrichMaj1/12/1915Mährisch Trübau (Sudetenland) 1/StG-163, Stfkpt 1/StG-2 (6/40-1/42), T/O I/StG-2, Kdr III/SG-1 (4/43-5/44), Kdr SG-2, Kdr SG-101 Ju 87B-2 "T6 + HH" in 1/StG-2, Ju-87D-5 & Fw 190F-9 Werk # 426027 (35% dam 3/13/45) RK(11/23/41)-EL(11/21/42)-S(7/2/44)

Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(5/4/42)

EK 1 & 2
Wound Badge
EP (3/30/42), Dive Bmbr. Oper. Clasp
His last assignment was Kdr SG-101 in February, 1945, flying the Ar 96, Fw 190F and the Hs 129. 1008 missions, including one in the Fw 190, in which he ground looped and was injured returning from a mission on 13 March, 1945. While hospitalized, he became a U.S. POW and was released 10 August, 1945. His expert gunner, Ofw Alois Berndl, 859 missions, also received the RK on 6/16/44. Lang deceased 29 Decemberm 2003 Hannover (P. Bastin).
79 Lechner, AloisLt1/27/19214/StG-1 (S.U.) Ju 87D-3 Werk # 1286 "6G + NR" (lost 5/10/43) Dive Bomber Operational Clasp MIA with unnamed crew 10 May, 1943 at Schtschigry due to enemy fighter attacks. Ju 87 Loss List
80 Lechner, Alois "Loisel"Maj10/1/1911Grosshesselohe bei München43 Erg/NJG-2(3/42), 9/NJG-2(8/42), 10/NJG-5(7/43 S.U.), 1/NJG-100(8/43), Kdr Stab I/NJG-100(1/44) Bf 109, Bf 110, Do 217, Ju 87, Ju 88, Fw 58, Fw 189, Ju 88C-6 Wk# 360319 "V4 + MT" (lost 2/44) RK(2/5/44)

Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(3/6/44)

EK 1 & 2
Night Fighter Operational Clasp
MIA 23 February, 1944 when he was shot down by AA guns, manned by partisans near Mogilew, and was taken prisoner, seriously wounded, after a forced landing at Brigade Leonow airfield. Never returned. One known victory, a Wellington on 9 March, 1942. Another, a Wellington on 15 April, 1942. Two Wellingtons and a B-24 the night of 31 May, 1942. On 18 August, 1942, he downed two more Wellingtons at Schaustenhof. His first known Soviet victory, a DB-3F N of Stellung Borneo I the night of 14-15 July, 1943. A DB-3F the night of 22-23 July, 1943. Another DB-3 the night of 27-28 July, 1943. Two PS-84s the night of 29-30 July, 1943. A PS-84 the night of 11-12 August, 1943. Two more PS-84s and a DB-3 the night of 16-17 August, 1943. A DB-3F the night of 21-22 August, 1943. An S-B the night of 23-24 August, 1943. A DB-3 the night of 24-25 August, 1943. Two DB-3Fs the night of 25-26 August, 1943. An R-5 and a B-25 the night of 6-7 September, 1943. Two DB-3s and a B-25 at Ujuki the night of 12-13 October, 1943. Two more PS-84s on 14 October, 1943. Six DB-3s and a PS-84 the night of 27-28 October, 1943. An R-5 on 12 January, 1944. A PS-84 on 18 February, 1944.
81 Lehner, AloisUffz3/KG-53He 111H-3 Werk # 5481 "A1 + GL" (lost 9/15/40)Bomber Operational ClaspKIA 15 September, 1940 when his ac was attacked by Spitfires of No.92 Sq. and crashed at Sandhurst Cross, Kent. Remaining crew: Oblt Gerhard Büchler (Büchner?), Obs (POW); Fw Kurt Röthig, R/O (KIA); Gefr Hans Stamminger, Flt Engr (WIA/POW) and Gefr Hans Richter, Gnr (WIA/POW). The two deceased are buried at CC Block 1; Lehner bur Row 1, Gr 33, Röthig bur Row 3, Gr 84 (D.Drury).
Cannock Chase
82 Leukoff, AloisUffzI/JG-3 (Reich Def)Bf 109G-6 Werk # 19786 (lost 12/1/43)Fighter Operational ClaspKIA 1 December, 1943 during aerial combat at Frohngau.
83 Lindmayr, AloisOberst9/19/1901LaibachStfkpt 7/KG-76, Kdr III/KG-76 (6/40-9/40 Beauvais-Tille)Do 17Z & Ju 88A RK(7/21/40)

EK 1 & 2
Bomber Operational Clasp in Brz
Destroyed 28 AC on the ground. 30 combat missions. Deceased 17 July, 1965 Wels Austria (P. Bastin).
84 Linecker, AloisGefr8/17/19201(Erg)/JG-26Bf 109E-7 Werk # 916 (lost)Fighter Operational ClaspKIFA 21 October, 1941 when his engine caught fire on T/O from Maldeghem, crashing, with Linecker unable to exit the AC. Buried Lommel, Block 38/78 (Rosseels).
Lommel, Belgium
85 Lipp, KarlLt.11/4/1918Emersacker/WertingenIII/KG-55 (12/41), 4/KG-55He 111P-4 Werk # 3064 "G1 + AC" (dam 6/26/41), He 111H-6 Werk # 7800 "G1 + GM" (lost 11/20/42) RK(11/16/42)

Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(12/19/41)
Wound Badge

EK 1 & 2
Bomber Operational Clasp
MIA 20 November, 1942 in the Stalingrad area. Failed to return from a recon mission in the Kletskaya area in extremely poor weather. Remaining crew (MIA): Maj Hans Joachim Gabriel, Grp Kdr & Obs; Uffz Alois Obermüller, R/O and Uffz Gustav Geschke, Gnr.. WIA 26 June, 1941; hit by flak near Brody. 300+ combat missions. Source: Kaiser RK book.
86 Löhr, AloisLt6/JG-26 (Channel)Fw 190A-1 Werk # 10072 (lost 3/26/42)Fighter Operational ClaspKIFA 26 March, 1942 when his A-1 engine failed at 2500 ft. on a test flight, and he dove into the ground near Abbeville/Hautvillers. Alternate spelling: Loehr.
87 Loseke, HaroldUffz3(F)/22Fw 200C-3/U1 "F8 + MS"Observer Operational ClaspThis Fw 200C, belonging to 8/Transportstaffel "Condor", and at the disposal of 3(F)/22, was on its way from Gardemoen FP outside Oslo to Windau, when it experienced an internal armament explosion. With damage to the tail and the left wing, Loseke managed to reach the Swedish coast with only meters of altitude, and made a perfect emergency landing at the Torslanda Airport outside of Gothenburg Sweden on 8 May, 1945. Remaining crew: Lt Albert Zepf, Uffz Christian Timm, Co-pilot, Ogefr Alois Bauer, Ogefr Eduard Schott, Uffz Paul Schweitzer, and Uffz Walter Träger. Lt Zepf may have been the Co-pilot, but was not identified as such by the author. Another report suggests that one of the crew fired the damaging shots in an act of mutiny, and may have been thrown out in mid-air. No confirmation on this story. Source: Widfeldt Note: The call sign "F8" is attributed to KG-40, which also flew courier flights over Sweden.
88 Maag, AloisObltIII/KG-2, 15/NJG-2 12/44)Do 17Z-2 Werk 3291 "U5 + AK (dam 9/8/41), Do 217 E & K, Me 410A, Ju 88G-6 & Ju 188E RK(9/5/44)

EK 1 & 2
Wound Badge(9/8/41)
Bomber Operational Clasp w/Pendant
WIA 8 September, 1941; AA fire over Lake Ladoga. He was able to return to base making a wheels up landing.
89 Macha, PaulOblt12/30/1915Schwadenfeld7/KG-2 (12/43 Gilze-Rijen) Do 217K-1 Werk # 4531 "U5 + ER" (lost 12/4/43) Bomber Operational Clasp KIA 4 December, 1943 per his grave marker. The ac crashed in the Tilburg Municipality, North Brabant, Netherlands, no further detail known. Remaining crew: Fw Friedrich Krone, Co-pilot, (geb 10/26/19, KIA); Uffz Alois Zaubek (Zonbek or Jonbek as on his Rememberance Card), Obs (geb 3/26/23, Zadni Chodov, Cz., KIA); Uffz Werner Jürgens, Gnr (geb 9/19/24, Halberstadt, KIA) and Uffz Otto Kortmann, R/O (geb 4/4/22, Wattenscheidt, KIA). The deceased were first buried in the Vredehof Cem., Tilburg, and on 23 July, 1954 were reburied at Ysselsteyn, Blk CQ, Row 8. Oblt Macha Gr 176, Fw Krone Gr 177, Uffz Zaubek (Zonbek or Jonbek on Remembrance Card) Gr 178, Kortmann Gr 179 (remains disposed 10/13/55) and Uffz Jürgens Gr 180. Source: Find-A-Grave by Fred

Alois Zaubek

90 Maculan, AloisHptm8/10/1911Rodau AustriaI/JG-76 (38 FP Wien-Aspern), Stfkpt 2/JG-138, later desig II/JG-54, 6/JG-53(8/40)Bf 109C & D, Bf 109E-4 (lost 8/40)Fighter Operational ClaspMIA 25 August, 1940 during aerial combat over Weymouth. Source: Jochen Prien. The ac crashed and exploded on Chesil Beach, Dorset. The credit allegedly went to F/O K.W.Tait of No. 87 Sq.. Neither ac or pilot were recovered. He has no known grave, and quoting Career Summaries "Rumors persisit...he bailed out intentionally" (D.Drury).
91 Mager, AloisFw7/9/1914NeresheimIII/KG-40He 111H-2 Werk # 5578 "V4 + LH" (lost 4/24/41)Bomber Operational ClaspMIA with unnamed crew the night of 24/25 April, 1941; sd during a Portsmouth raid by a Beaufighter of No. 604 Sq., piloted by F/O Edward D.Crew (later became Air Vice-Marshal), crashed into the Channel (Stankey & DeZeng). Added: Remaining crew (MIA): Oblt Kurt Martny, Obs; Uffz Heinz Ullmann, R/O and Gefr heinz Rehr, Flt Engr. Fw Mager is confirmed "missing at sea' and remembered on the Kiel-Laboe Naval Memorial (D.Drury).
92 Magg, AloisHptm12/24/1914Achsheim bei Augsburg2/KG-2 (39), TO II/KG-2 (43), 9/KG-2, Stfkpt 15/NJG-2 (12/44)Do 17Z-3 Werk # 2785 "U5 + FK" (landing dam, 5/13/41), Do 17Z-2 Werk # 3291 "U5 + AK" (AA dam 9/8/41), Do 217, Ju 88G-6 in NJG-2 RK(5/9/44)

Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(1/19/42)
Wound Badge

EK 1 & 2 Bomber Operational Clasp
WIA 8 September, 1941 by AA fire near Lake ladoga, able to make a successful landing. His Observer in 40/41 was RK Holder Heinrich Meyer. 245 combat missions. Retired Bundeswehr Obstlt. in 1971. Deceased 22 October 2001 Prien (P. Bastin).
93 Markiewiez, Hans-JoachimO22/07/211./SG 3Ju-87MIA on 26/05/44 over the Baltic Sea-Finland. Crew (MIA) Ogefr Albrecht, Alois 26/12/21CKönig
94 Mayer, AloisLtWekusta 7 (Reich Def)Ju 88G-1 Werk # 714255 (lost 3/11/45)Meteorological Operational ClaspKIA with unnamed crew at Alt Döbern 11 March, 1945 after being attacked by enemy fighters (Ju 88 Loss List).
95 Mayrhofer, AloisUffzII/JG-5 (S.U.)Bf 109G-2 Werk # 10647 (lost 6/15/43)Wound Badge
Fighter Operational Clasp
WIA 15 June, 1943; shot down with wounds northeast of Kusamo. Source: SIG Norway.
96 Meyer, HeinrichOblt1/26/1919Lehrte - Hannover 2/KG-2 (9/39; 3/41 Channel), 12/KG-76 (10/44) Do 17Z-2 Werk # 3449 (dam by Hurricanes 3/41), Do 17Z Werk # 2785 "U5 + FK" (dam 4/41 AA fire), Do 17Z-2 Werk # 3291 "U5 + AK" (AA fire dam 9/41), Do 217E & K RK(10/15/42)

Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(12/15/41)

EK 1 & 2 Bomber Operational Clasp in Gold
An Observer on the Alois Magg crew. Destroyed 39 AC on the ground. Deceased 15 March, 2008 Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler (P. Bastin).

Courtesy Christian König

97 Meyer, HeinrichUffz6/4/1916MahndorfStab/KG-53He 111H-2 Werk # 3140 "A1 + DA" (lost 9/15/40)Bomber Operational ClaspKIA with his entire crew 15 September, 1940 when his ac was sd by fighters and crashed on the Royal Arsenal site at Woolwich, London SE. Possibly the claims of Sgt Bohumir Furst of No.310 (Cz) Sq. and/or F/O Blair Dalzel of RCAF No.1 Sq.. Remaining crew, buried CC, Blk 1, Row 12: Fw Alois Schweiger, Obs (Gr 467); Fw Arnold Benz, R/O (Gr 468); Fw Michael Ciomber, Flt Engr (WIA/POW) and Uffz Georg Geiger, Gnr (Gr 469). Uffz Meyer buried in grave 470. Ciomber's wounds were so severe, he was repatriated in June, 1944 (D.Drury). < p>

Courtesy Christian König

Courtesy Christian König

98 Miltner, AloisUffzI/JG-2Fw 190A-6 Werk # 550540 (lost 9/23/43)Fighter Operational ClaspKIA 23 September, 1943 during aerial combat near Exreux.
99 Muhlack, HeinzFw2/KG-26Ju 88A-17 Werk # 800614 "3Z + HK" (lost 8/19/44)Bomber Operational ClaspKIC with his entire crew, 19 August, 1944 when their ac crashed in the Rhöne Valley (Rhonetal) France, cause unknown. Remaining crew: Ogefr Alois Baumgartner, R/O; Ogefr Hans Hinz, Ogefr Gerhard Rohnstock and Uffz Heinz Wagner. Remaining crew designations unknown; pilot name selected due to his rank (D.Drury).
100 Neubecker, HeinrichUffzIV/KG-30 (Aalborg West)Ju 88A-4 Werk # 2065 "4D + IX" (lost)Bomber Operational ClaspKIC 13 November, 1943 when, on a training exercise, the AC crashed northwest of Skibsted Denmark during bad weather, killing the crew of four. Remaining crew (KIC): Uffz Albert Söhns, Obs; Ogefr Alois Grzegorek, R/O and Gefr Willi Gundlack, Mech.. All were buried in the Frederikshavn Cemetery on 20 November, 1943. Source: Air War over Denmark.

Results 1 to 100 of 169.

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Wer vor der Vergangenheit die Augen verschließt, wird blind für die Gegenwart. Richard von Weizsäcker

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