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You searched for: “becker, martin

#Pilot (↑)RankBornPlaceScore (↑)UnitsAircraftAwards*************Notes*************PhotoLinksAuthorComments
1 Becker, JoachimLtStab II/JG-2Bf 109G-6 Werk # Unk (lost 6/20/44)Fighter Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 20 June, 1944; aerial combat in the vicinity of Neaufles St Martin, 4km NW of Gisors (LOCS).
2 Becker, Martin "Tino"Hptm4/12/1916Wiesbaden.586/NJG-2 (8/42), 2/NJG-3 (10/43), I/NJG-4, Kdr IV/NJG-6 (10/44 to end)Bf 110F, Bf 110G "3C + MK" (7/44), Ju 88G-6 "2Z + AF", "2Z + MF" & Bf 110G-4 "2Z + BB" & Bf 110G-6 "C9 + MK" in NJG-6

Deutsches Kreuz - Gold (5/25/44)

EK 1 & 2
Night Fighter Operational Clasp
All night victories. Famous for his 'serial' victories: 6 on 23 March, 1944; 7 on 31 March, 1944; and 9 on 14 March, 1945. Nos. 44 & 45, both Lancasters on 2 January, 1945. Nos. 46 to 48, all '4 mots' on 21 February, 1945. Victories 49 to 57, eight Lancasters and a B-17 on 14 March, 1945. His 58th and last victory, a Lancaster on 16 March, 1945. 110 combat missions including 27 reconnaissance in 1940 before transferring to Night Fighters. His R/O from 3/44 to the end, Ofw Karl Ludwig Johanssen won the RK on 16 March, 1945, one of the few R/Os to do so. His Gunner at the end was Ogefr Weizenbach. Survived the war. Bowers/Lednicer, 57 victories.

There are several records in the Allied Losses and Incidents Database where Becker is mentioned as the Attacker. Search for Becker in the database and look in the Notes column for Attacker.

3 Johanssen, Karl-LudwigLt5/15/1921Kiel59III/NJG-4, I/NJG-6Bf 110

Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(5/25/44)
EK1 & 2
Night Fighter Operational Clasp in Silver
Although a radio operator, he did achieve three victories the night of 15 March, 1945, using the rear mounted MG 131. He flew 68 Night missions and participated in 59 victories, all as Martin Beckers RO except one mission. Deceased 11 August, 2009. Photo
(Added by Pietrzak Youngs)
Captain Becker, commander in a night fighter wing, and his radio operator, Lieutenant Johannsen, brought down to a crash 9 four-engine bombers on the night of 14 to 15 March. When Captain Becker, after the 6 kill could not continue to shoot due to a gun jam, his radio operator, Lieutenant Johannsen, destroyed 3 more Anglo-American bombers.

4 Heigl, MartinFw6/KG-30 (8/41 Finland, 1/43 Med)Ju 88A-5 Werk # 0882278 "4D + IP" (lost 8/8/41), Ju 88A-4 Werk # 6132 "??" (lost 1/1/43)Bomber Operational ClaspKIC with unnamed crew 1 January, 1943; flew into the ground east of Miarmonte (Ju 88 Loss List). Added: Heigl made a force landing in his A-5 in a bog at Lentokonejänkä Finland on 8 August, 1941due to engine failure. They were later picked up, uninjured, by a Fiesler Storch. Remaining crew: Uffz Gerhard Jabs, Obs; Uffz Häring and Gefr Becker (Flyvrak Norway).

Courtesy Christian König

Gerhard Jabs
Courtesy Christian König

5 Gurklies, Richard Martin Uffz3/7/1923Kallnuggen3/Kü.Fl.Gr.-106 (Atlantic)Ju 88A-4 Werk # 1558 "M2 + LL" (lost 3/23/42)Observer Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) with his observer Oblt Horst Becker 23 March, 1942; sd by flak at Davis Timber Yard, Chesilton, Portland, Dorset (Ju 88 Loss List). Remaining crew (KilledInAction (KIA)): Gefr Josef Rother and Uffz Helmut Kording. All four crew buried in the Portland Royal Navy Cemetery, graves 717 to 720 (Weltkriegsopfer via D.Drury). Alternate spelling: Gorkelis (Ju 88 Loss List). The tailfin from this crash is located at the Bong Heritage Center in Superior, Wisconsin, USA and is shown to the right
(Added by Pietrzak Youngs)
For 23.03.1942, 3/Küstenfliegergruppe 106, Ju 88a-4, Werk Nr 1558, M2+LL, Crew, Oblt Horst Becker, Uffz Richard Gurklies, Uffz Helmut Kording and Gefr Josef Rother Source; The Blitz then and now, Vol 3.
6 Adolf, MartinUffz1/9/1920Ober-Kauffung6/KG-1 (Med)Ju 88A-4 Werk # 0049 "V4 + ZP" (lost 7/13/43) .Bomber Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) with two other unnamed crew over Sicily 13 July, 1943, cause unknown, one other MIA (Ju 88 Loss List). Added: The precise location of the loss was Syracuse Harbor, Sicily. The ac was sd, buy the sources vary on whether this was attributable to Spitfires or shipping. Remaining crew (desig unk): Ogefr Bernhard Gomoll (KilledInAction (KIA)); Ogefr Günter Holzenburg (KilledInAction (KIA)) and Uffz Kurt Lenk (MIA or POW, sources inconsistent). The three deceased are buried in the German War Cem at Motta St Anastasia, Italy, among the unknowns (D.Drury). Alternate spelling: Adolph.
7 Adolph, MartinLt11/23/1921Flensburg39/JG-2 (4/41)Bf 109F-2 Werk # 8220 (lost)Fighter Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 22 June, 1941 in aerial combat 3 km north northwest of Les Hemmes, near Calais.
8 Andres, ErnstHptm.9/19/1921Pfullingen28KG-4, Stab II/KG-2 (5/43), Stfkpt 5/NJG-4 (2/45)Do 217K-1 Wk# 4415 "U5 + AA" (lost 5/5/43), Me 410 & Ju 188 in KG-2, Ju 88G-1 Wk# 710856 "3C + FN" (lost 2/12/45)

Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(12/3/42)

EK 1 & 2
Wound Badge
Bomber & Night Fighter Operational Clasps
KilledInAction (KIA) 12 February, 1945 when his Ju 88G-1 "3C + FN" was shot down by a Mosquito as he was taking off from Gütersloh airfield near Oelde. His RO, Fw Kurt Sauter and Gunner, Ofw Gerhard Andrä, were also killed. He received the RK for bombing operations over England. He was injured the night of 4/5 May, 1943 when he crashed his Do 217 north of Amsterdam due to engine failure. Added: Killed were Obstlt Walter Bradel, Obs (see his entry in the Archive, bur Yssel CX-4-85) and Flg W.Becker, Gnr (bur Yssel CX-4-84). WIA were Uffz A.Drechler, R/O and Ogefr W.Schlagbaum, Mech/Gnr (SGLO). He was retrained as a Night Fighter in 1944, and it is not known if he scored any confirmed victories. Bowers/Lednicer suggests 29 victories.

Courtesy Christian König

Courtesy Christian König

9 Annies, MartinLt28/02/17KönigsbergIII/KG-4 (8/40 Schiphol)Ju 88A-5 Werk # (88)0284 "5J + CD" (lost 8/27/40)Bomber Operational ClaspHis Ju 88 crashed into the North Sea off the Dutch coast on 27 August, 1940, cause and pilot/crew disposition unknown (DeSwart). Added: Cause still unknown; the deceased crew buried Ysselsteyn. Pilot Oblt Annies buried Yssel CV-1-7. Remaining crew: Lt,z,See W.von Atens, Obs (MIA); Uffz J.Hartmann, R/O (bur CX-11-273) and Gefr W.Ramm, Gnr (bur CV-1-6) (SGLO).

Courtesy Christian König

10 Arnulf, MartinUffz6/SKG-210 (S.U.)Bf 110E-2 Werk # 3788 "S9 + EP" (lost 10/12/41)Destroyer Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 12 October, 1941 at Medyn after being hit by flak, no mention of crew disposition. Bf 110 Loss List
11 Aubrecht, HermannUffz315/JG-51 (S.U.)Bf 109E, Bf 109F-4 Werk # 7061 "Black 6" (lost 8/9/42 in Orel, S.U.)
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(10/3/42)

EK 1 & 2
Wound Badge(8/9/42)
Fighter Operational Clasp
WIA 9 August, 1942 by flak; returned after making an emergency landing at Map Quadrant Pl.Qu. 56391. One known victory, a Blenheim Mk IV over the English Channel on 29 April, 1941, a Gefr at the time. His first known Soviet victory,a Martin B-26 on 24 June, 1941. An SB-2 on 30 June, 1941. A DB-3 on 13 July, 1941. A Vultee-11 on 16 July, 1941. A Pe-2 on 14 December, 1941. An R-Z on 4 February, 1942. A MiG-1 on 22 July, 1942. A LaGG-3 on 5 August, 1942. An Il-2 and a Pe-2 on 8 August, 1942. An Il-2 18 km E of Gshalsk on 9 August, 1942. Survived the war. Magnus Report.

Courtesy Christian König

12 Baerwald, PaulUffz7/StG-3 (Tunisia)Ju 87D-1 Werk # 2048 "S7 + GR" (lost 4/3/43)Dive Bomber Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) with unnamed crew 3 April, 1943, cause unknown, location not reported. LW Loss Report & Ju 87 Loss List. Added: Uffz Baerwald was sd by USAAF Spitfires of 2FS, 52FG, crashing 60km ESE of Gafsa (Mark Reardon, 5/2021). Added: is R/O, Fw Martin Falk, was also KilledInAction (KIA) (QU.Meister File).
13 Bär, MartinFwKü.Fl.Gr. 806KIFA on 09/03/42 in crash on airfield Benghazi, Gnr Uffz Bier, Herbert (KIFA)CKönig barx
14 Bargen, Johann Hans vonHptm10/14/1914Malente, GremsmühlenI/StG-3, 1/SG-3 (Finland '44), Kdr I/SG-3Ju 87D-5 Werk # 131586 "S7 + OH", Fw 190F

Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(3/19/42)

EK 1 & 2
Dive Bomber Operational Clasp w/Pendant
KilledInAction (KIA) 6 July, 1944 during his second attack on Soviet troops in Aeyraepaeae Finland, receiving a direct flak hit during the dive, crashing and burning. Also killed , was his faithful R/O Ofw Wilhelm Becker. 400+ missions. Another source (Finland Aviation Museum) names his R/O as Albert Becker.

Courtesy Christian Konig

15 Bartel, KurtOfwStab II/KGzbV-1Ju 52/3m "1Z + BC"Transport Operational ClaspOne of three Ju 52s making emergency landings in Sweden on 14 April, 1940 due to navigational errors and running low on fuel. This one landed on the weak ice of Lake Vänern at Mariestad at 2247 hours. The crew attempted to taxi to shore, but fell through the thin ice and settled to the bottom. This occurred during exercise Weserübung after dropping paratroopers. They were a crew of five, however, only four are known. Remaining crew: Ofw Josef Becker, Fw Ernst Rethmeier and Uffz Werner Röhr. Note: the pilots were not positively identified by the author. I selected the two senior ranking persons as pilots. The wreckage was returned to Germany on 23 January, 1941 after its recovery and repair. Source: B.Widfeldt

16 Bartelt, MartinLt1/29/1921Stab/StG-2 (S.U.)Bf 110E-3 Werk # 2482 "T6 + HA" (lost 8/1/42)Destroyer Operational ClaspMIA 1 August, 1942 in Map Quadrant Pl.Qu. 3933, cause unknown. Remaining crew, unnamed, one MIA and one KilledInAction (KIA). Bf 110 Loss List
17 Bauer, MartinHptm6/10/1915Soest (W.B.K.) (CKönig)102/NJG-1 (2/42), 7/NJG-1 (8/42), 1/NJG-1 (11/42), 3/NJG-1 (1/43), Stfkpt 11/NJG-6 (6/43), 11/NJG-6 (4/44 Balkans). Added: FFS C 4 Sprottau (-03/41), Blindflugsschule 2 Neuburg, III./ NJG 1 (10/41) (CKönig)Bf 110C, D & EEP

EK 1 & 2
Night Fighter Operational Clasp
Two known victories, a Stirling 4 km southwest of Bentelo, and a Halifax 15 km southwest of Leer, both on 28 August, 1942. A Lancaster on 16 September, 1942. A Halifax on 20 December, 1942. Another victory, a Stirling 2 km southwest of Boxmeer on 14 February, 1943. A 6th, a Wellington 2 km east of Wauroy on 29 March, 1943. A 7th, a B-24 NE of Bechetul on 4 April, 1944. An 8th, a B-24 over the Balkans, SW of Bucharest on 7 May, 1944. Nos. 9 & 10, a Halifax and a B-24 W of Bucharest on 10 August, 1944. Magnus Report suggests his victories are 13. Added: picture found with a shot down Wellington titled "Shot down by Oblt Bauer and Uffz Steins on 20/06/42! (CKönig)

18 Baumann, MartinOblt6/KG-77Ju 88A-5 Werk # 7117 "3Z + FP" (lost)Bomber Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 5 May, 1941, failing to return from a bombing mission at Belfast. The crew ditched into the sea off Bridlington after the Ju 88 experienced engine failure. Remaining crew: Ofw Karl Auernhammer, Observer (KilledInAction (KIA)), Fw Wilhelm Hopfer, wireless operator (KilledInAction (KIA)) and Ofw Emmerich Schieting, gunner (POW). Schieting was the only survivor, being picked up by a passing ship.
19 Beck, MartinLt1/11/19204(H)/33 (S.U.)Bf 110E-3 Werk # unk "H8 + CM"
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(7/12/43)

EK 1 & 2
Observer Operational Clasp
DK-G Awards List. His E-3 was fitted with rear firing fuselage MGs & periscope. His Obs, Oblt Adolf Keiner was also a DK-G recipient.
20 Becker,Uffz11/ZG-1Ju 88C-6, Ju 88R-2
EK 1 & 2
Destroyer Operational Clasp
One known victory, a B-17 3 km SW of Raalte on 10 October, 1943.
21 Becker,Lt5/JG-52 (4/43 S.U.)Bf 109GFighter Operational ClaspServed under Batz & Helmut Kühle. Possibly Lt Otto Becker, Stfkpt 8/JG-52.
22 Becker,FwIII/KG-26 (8/40), 7/KG-26 (4/43)He 111H-3, Ju 88A-4 Werk # 142294 "1H + HR" (lost 4/2/43)Bomber Operational Clasp Crew: Uffz Ludwig Havighorst, bombardier born Ostbevern; R/O Ebbinghaus. Added: Fw Becker and crew all MIA. Remaining crew: Ufz Radda, Obs; Ogefr Schreiter, R/O and Ogefr Benler, Mech (Qu.Meister File).
23 Becker,FwSonderkommando (Special Command) "Bienenstock" (5/45 Salzburg-Ainring)Bu 131Fighter Operational ClaspAttacked the railline at Ödenburg the evening of 5 May, 1945. Jager Blatt 3/1999.
24 Becker,Uffz1Erg/ZG-76Bf 110 EK 2
Destroyer Operational Clasp
His one known victory, a Beaufort into the sea off Terschelling on 2 June, 1941. Perry Claims.
25 Becker,Gefr8/JG-53 (9/40)Bf 109E-4 (lost 9/40)Fighter Operational ClaspCrashed into the Channel on 29 September, 1940, after aerial combat over England (Prien). Not certain if he perished, since I have a Gefr Heinrich Becker later in 8/JG-53 and a Fw Becker later in 6/JG-53.
26 Becker,Fw4/KGr.z.b.V. 900 (3/42 S.U.)Ju 52/3m Werk # Unk "CH + HY'Transport Operational Clasp Photo online; flew support missions into the Demyansk Pocket (falkeeins-blogspot).
27 Becker, ?Uffz3./Kü.Fl.Gr-506KilledInAction (KIA) on 04/09/39 near Hela, shot down by Flak. Crew (KilledInAction (KIA)) R/O Uffz Fuchs, ? Engr Uffz Mux, Obs Lt z. See Münscher, KlausCKönig
28 Becker, AdamUffz8/KG-1Ju 88A-5 Werk # 3358 "V4 + BS" (lost 5/5/41)Bomber Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) with unnamed crew the night of 4/5 May, 1941; they are s/d by Beaufighter piloted by W/Co Atcherley from 25 Sqn into the “Butcher Arms” public house at Bourne-Market Deeping near Eastergate. Four civilians and three soldiers are killed along with the German crew.
29 Becker, AlbertOfhrFFS Lyngby (Denmark 10/43), 2/JG-77 (5/44 Italy)Bf 109F-4 "DR + ZM" (interned in Sweden), Bf 109G-6 Werk # 163214 "Red 3" (lost 5/25/44)Fighter Operational ClaspBecker was undergoing combat training when his unit had been alerted that American bombers were flying over Denmark, so a number of fighters departed at once. Becker had no contact with the members of his unit, however, he stumbled across about 100 B-17 bombers. He made a passat the last B-17 but was soon out of contact and flying in a fog bank.He decided to return to base but became disoriented and flew in over Sweden. Running low on fuel, he made a wheels up landing according to procedure at Växjö. Becker was unhurt in the landing and was permitted to return to Germany. Source: B.Widfeldt. KilledInAction (KIA) 25 May, 1944 during aerial combat with a B-24 and a P-38 at Grosseto (Bf 109 Loss List).
30 Becker, AlbertFw3/KG-3 (S.U.)Ju 88A-6 Werk # 2446 "5K + GL" (lost 7/12/41)Bomber Operational ClaspMIA with unnamed crew at Slonim-Mohlew 12 July, 1941, cause unknown (Ju 88 Loss List).
31 Becker, AlbertOFw08/04/13I./SG 3FW-190 FMIA on 06/07/44 in FinlandCKönig
32 Becker, AlfredOfw1(F)/33 Long Range Reconnaissance Sq.Ju 88 (all models), Bf 109F-4/R3Observer Operational ClaspJager Blatt article.
33 Becker, Aloysius "Alois"Fw10/16/1918HeinsbergIII/StG-77, 1/JG-26 (joins 8/44)Ju 87, Fw 190A-8 Werk # 175127 "White 13" (lost)EP(4/12/43)

EK 1 & 2
Dive Bomber Operational Clasp
Fighter Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 27 September, 1944 in his "White 13" during aerial combat with a Spitfire of RAF No. 411 Sq. W of Emmerich-Spijk. On the 27th of September 1944 his Staffel was near enemy lines at the German-Dutch border. Becker, flying his Focke Wulf Fw 190 A-8 (Werkn. 175127, Kennz. 'Weiße 13'), got involved in a dogfight with one of the British fighters. Above Emmerich, his aircraft was hit and Becker was forced to jump out of his aircraft but did not manage to release his parachute. He was hit by the tail of his own aircraft, falling to earth unconscious and was instantly killed. He also had 253 missions as a Dive Bomber pilot in StG-77. Added: Birth data & EP data per Vermeer EP Awards List.
34 Becker, ArnoOblt1Stab I/JG-1 (5/40), Stfkpt 8/JG-27 (10/40)Bf 109E-7 Werk # 4185 "Black 1" (or Blk 2) (lost 4/6/41) EK 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 6 April, 1941 during aerial combat with a Hurricane at Rupel Pass, west of Gefyroudi Romania. One known victory, his 1st, a Morane 406 over Amiens, 20 May, 1940, a Lt at the time. Added: Believed sd by S/L Thomas St.John Pattle.
35 Becker, ArnoldGefr7/29/1922FFS B7 (Clermont-Ferrand)Si 204 Werk # 46 (lost 2/4/44)Trainee?KIC with co-pilot Gefr Waldemar Hecht (geb 2/19/1923) on 4 February, 1944, cause unknown, however the occupants in the village of Auvergnate heard the ac in distress before hitting the ground and burning. Remaining crew (KIC): Uffz Heinz Horn, geb 7/18/1922, Observer. The French crash report suggests he survived, but died of his injuries later. However his grave marker displays Feb 4. A 4th person, Fw Heinrich Leopold geb 10/13/1919 is on a grave marker with one of this crew, showing his date of death as 2/10/44 (curiously). All are buried in the Dagneux Cemetery. Source: French Crash Report online, thanks to F. Braun
36 Becker, BernhardLt23/KG(J)-54 (3/45 Giebelstadt)Me 262A/1a Werk # 110943 "B3 + HL" (65% dam 3/9/45), Me 262A/1a Werk # Unk "B3 + LL" (dam 4/10/45)
EK 1 & 2
Wound Badge, Fighter Operational Clasp
WIA 10 April, 1945 when he was shot up while landing at Barby,near Giebelstadt. "B3 + HL" was damaged 9 March, 1945 while making an emergency landing in the vicinity of Kitzingen (LOCS). His first known victory, a B-17 on 4 April, 1945. A 2nd, a B-17 on 10 April, 1945.
37 Becker, BrunoUffz12(H)/13Fw 189A-2 Werk # 125115 (lost)
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(8/16/43 Post.)

EK 1 & 2
Observer Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 31 July, 1943; shot down by enemy return fire north of Poljana Russia. His Observer, Oblt Otto Henzler, was also KilledInAction (KIA), and the 3rd unnamed crewman was WIA. Obs Loss List & DK-G Awards List
38 Becker, BrunoLtJGr.-Süd (3/43)Bf 109F-4 Werk # 7246 (lost 3/31/43)Fighter Operational ClaspKIFA 31 March, 1943; struck an object at Nimes, no further detail (Qu.Meister File).
39 Becker, EduardUffzIII/JG-54Bf 109G-4 Werk # 16108 (lost)Fighter Operational ClaspUninjured in a force landing crash 13 March, 1943, when he experienced engine problems and set down near Blankenberge. Source: A. Rosseels.
40 Becker, EgonUffz8/29/1921Dillingen1/JG-53 (8/43 Italy; 7/44 Romania)Bf 109G-6 Werk # 18724 (80% dam 8/17/43), Bf 109G-6 Werk # 760231 (lost 7/4/44), Bf 109G-6 Werk # 166004 "White 16" (lost 7/31/44) Wound Badge
Fighter Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 31 July, 1944 in Wk# 166004 during aerial combat at Corabia, near Turnu Magurele Romania. Added: Buried GWC Bucharest, D/5/106 (M.Krebbers). Wk# 760231 lost 4 July, 1944 during aerial combat at Suseni Romania; pilot OK. Becker injured 17 August, 1943 in a takeoff crash from San Severo-Süd.
41 Becker, ErhardFw7/JG-54, 10/JG-54 (S.U.)Bf 109G-4 Werk # 16139 "Brown 9" (10% dam 7/14/43) in 7/JG-54, Bf109G-6 Werk# 17014 "White ?" (lost 9/29/43)Fighter Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 29 September, 1943 northeast of Krasnoje-Selo, S.U.. This was the 5th time he was shot down, losing 4 109G-4s before this final incident. Added: One such incident happened 14 July, 1943 when he made a forced landing without injury near Hoofddorp Holland due to engine trouble. [This ac was lost over the North Sea, piloted by Uffz Gotthard Obst, 2 August, 1943].
42 Becker, ErichOfw4/330/1918Crossen, Oder32/NJG-6Bf 110D-2, Bf 110F-4, Bf 110G-4 Werk # Unk (lost 2/24/44)
EK 1 & 2
Night Fighter Operational Clasp
His G-4 reported sd 24 February, 1944 at Marlow, by Warnemünde, no further detail (NJG-6 Loss List). One known victory, a Halifax 5 km N of Düsseldorf on 3 November, 1943. A 2nd same day, a Lancaster at Düsseldorf. A 3rd, a Halifax WSW of Mannheim on 18 November, 1943.
43 Becker, ErichOfwKGzbV-106, III/TG-2Ju 52
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(5/17/43)

EK 1 & 2
Transport Operational Clasp
DK-G Awards List
44 Becker, ErnstOfhr2/JG-300 (6/44), 1/JG-300 (1/45)Bf 109G-6 (6/44), Bf 109G-10 or G-14 (lost 1/1/45 at Stade)EK 2, Fighter Operational ClaspReported lost 1 January, 1945 per JG-300 Loss List, Pilot KilledInAction (KIA) ( One known victory, a B-17 E of Leipzig, 29 June, 1944.
45 Becker, ErnstUffz9/14/1918AachenSG-102 (3/44 Budejovice, Cz.)Ju 87D-3 Werk # 131347 (lost 5/10/44)Dive Bomber Operational ClaspKIC 10 May, 1944 when he crashed between two houses in Dolni Slovenice, Budejovice Region, CZ., cause unknown. No mention of the R/O-Gnr (F.Braun). Added: A bombing and strafing training mission was scheduled for this day. The mission was cancelled due to fog, while the ac were in flight. Uffz Becker failed to see the red flares, struck a tree, and crashed in a local garden. He is buried in the German War Cem. Wien, Zentralfriedhof, Gruppe 97, Blk 1, Row 14, Gr 7. Of interest; died in Cz., buried in Austria (D.Drury).
46 Becker, ErnstFwIV/KG-77 (4/43)ju 88A-4 Werk # 2661 (lost 4/6/43)Bomber Operational ClaspKIC with his entire crew, 6 April, 1943, when they crashed near Nimes, cause not reported. Remaining crew: Fw Willi Reuter, Obs; Gefr Horst Engel, R/O and Gefr Johannes Haugk, Gnr (Qu,Meister File).
47 Becker, FranzUffz4/KG-54He 111P-2 Werk # unk (lost 6/2/40)Bomber Operational ClaspUninjured in a crash 2 June, 1940: sd after combat in the Dunkirk area, probably by Spitfires of No.92 Sq.. Crash location uncertain, but probably in Belgium, as the two wounded crewmen were taken to an Antwerp hospital. Remaining crew: Hptm Lothar Maiwald, Obs (unhurt); Ogefr Karl Braun, R/O (WIA) and Uffz Karl Wissussek, Flt Engr (WIA). Source: D.Drury
48 Becker, FriedrichUffz7/31/1916Pfungstadt16/JG-3Bf 109E-4 (lost 8/18/40)Wound Badge
EK 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
One known victory, his 1st, a Blenheim on 15 June, 1940, no location. Added: WIA 18 August, 1940: he returned wounded to France after combat and managed a crash landing at Marquise airfield, SW of Calais, but later died of his wounds. He is buried in the Bourdon War Cem., Blk 25, Row 6, Gr 226 (D.Drury).
49 Becker, FriedrichUffz6/JG-53Bf 108 Werk # 1123 (lost)Fighter Operational ClaspKIC 25 December, 1941, crashing into a mountain at Chiaramonte. Source: Jochen Prien
50 Becker, GerhardOblt5/25/19166/KG-77Ju 88 (lost 3/9/42)EK 1 & 2, DK-G (4/14/42 Post.), Bomber Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 9 March, 1942; sd by AA fire over Malta, buried in St Michele Cem., Cagliari, Sardinia (German Losses Over Malta).
51 Becker, GeroldGefr2/JG-53 (Italy)Bf 109G-6 Werk # 162255 "Black 12" (lost 4/28/44)Fighter Operational ClaspMIA 28 April, 1944 at Rimini after aerial combat with P-47s.
52 Becker, GüntherOfw5/13/19163(F)/22, 3(F)/122Do 17 P & F, He 111H & Ju 88A & D

Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(7/12/43)

EK 1 & 2
Observer Operational Clasp
Oberfeldwebel Günther Becker (May 13, 1916 - October 20, 1953) was a scout pilot of the birth of Buxtehude who crossed the Western Front and Eastern Front. He was awarded the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on February 28, 1945 as Oberfeldwebel and the Flugzeugführer in 3. Staffel (Fern) / Aufklärungsgruppe 122 / Kommandierende General der Deutschen Luftwaffe in Italien / Luftflotte 2. Not much was known about him, other than that he died in 1953 Australia (another version mentions July 14, 1988). Other medals and awards he received: Eisernes Kreuz II.Klasse und I.Klasse; and the Deutsches Kreuz in Gold (July 12, 1943)

Courtesy Christian König

53 Becker, GüntherLt1/KG-55 (Melun-Villaroche)He 111H-4 Werk # 1724 "G1 + GH" (lost 5/8/41)Bomber Operational ClaspMIA with his entire crew the night of 7/8 May, 1941; failed to return from a mission to Liverpool. Remaining crew: Uffz Emil Vierner (or Vilser), Obs; Uffz Rdgar Faulhaber, R/O and Ofw Georg Lunz, Flt Engr (D.Drury).
54 Becker, HorstLt24/04/22 (CKönig)Bluesenbach/ Cologne (CKönig)4/KG-2 (8/43 Soesterberg, 3/44 France)Do 217K-1 Werk# 4432 "U5 + GM" (lost 8/3/43), Ju 188E-1 Werk # 260238 "U5 + BM" (lost lost 3/14/44)Bomber Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) with unnamed crew 14 March, 1944; shot down by a Mosquito of No. 488 Sq., piloted by S/L Bunting. Added: Belly landed 3 August, 1943 in Wk# 4432 at Oude Geinsche Polder, Vreeswijk Holland, due to engine trouble, pilot Lt Becker wounded. A Tech Rep, Prüfmeister Kurt Berthold (18/011/08 in Hilbersdorf, CKönig) was the only other onboard, and he died in the crash, buried Yssel CT-11-260 (SGLO).
55 Becker, Hanns-GottfriedLt22/09/23StettinFernaufklärungsgeschwader 101MIA in 03/45 at Kölleda

Courtesy Christian König

56 Becker, HansJG-5, 6/JG-54 (7/44 Russia)Bf 109G-6, Fw 190AFighter Operational ClaspDue to the commonness of the name, this person may be two different! The Hans Becker in 6/JG-54 came from a photo in Jager Blatt 1/1997.
57 Becker, HansLt6/12/1916Neubiberg11/JG-300Bf 109G-6 Werk # Unk "White 9" (lost 6/21/44 by Magdeburg)
EK 1 & 2
Wound Badge
Fighter Operational Clasp
WIA 21 June, 1944 while opposing the B-17s over Magdeburg (JG-300 Loss List). One known victory a B-17 at Burg by Magdeburg on 21 June, 1944, the same day his G-6 was a loss.
58 Becker, HansObltStfkpt 15/KG-6 (9/42), Stfkpt 5/KG-6 (11/43), 9/KG-6 (3/44)Ju 88A-4
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(3/29/44)

EP (7/6/42), EK 1 & 2
Bomber Operational Clasp
DK-G Awards List & LOCS
59 Becker, HansFw6/JG-1Fw 190A-5 Werk # 7323 "Yellow 7" (90% dam 9/27/43)Wound Badge
Fighter Operational Clasp
Injured in a crash at Diepholz on 27 September, 1943 due to a fuel shortage. This could be one of the other Beckers without a first name.
60 Becker, HansUffz3/JG-52 (Reich Def)Bf 109G-6 Werk # 441437 "Yellow 3" (lost 10/17/44)Fighter Operational ClaspMIA 17 October, 1944 after aerial combat 10km south of Ebenrode.
61 Becker, Hans GeorgUffzI/JG-26 (joins 7/43), 1/JG-26 (8/43 Woensdrecht)Fw 190A-4 Werk # 140620 "White 3" (20% dam 8/17/43), Fw 190A-8 Werk # 730456 "White 5" (lost) Wound Badge
Fighter Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 7 June, 1944 in "White 5" in aerial combat with Allied fighters 40 km SW of Rouen. WIA 17 August, 1943 in "White 3" from B-17 return fire at Liege. Despite his wounds, he made a force landing at Venlo. Returned to 1st Staffel 27 April, 1944.
62 Becker, HeinrichUffz4(Jabo)/JG-54Fw 190A-6 "Red ?" (lost)Fighter Operational ClaspMIA 4 January, 1944 over Map Coordinate 97834.
63 Becker, HeinrichUffz1/27/1919Trier2(Erg)/JG-53 (early 1941), Flugzeugführer 8/JG-53 (4/42 Cimiso Italy)Bf 109E Wk # 1232 (12/41), Bf 109F-4 Wk # 7531 "Black 7 + I" (lost 4/25/42), Bf 109F-4 Wk# 7513 "Black 8 + I" (lost 5/8/42)Fighter Operational ClaspPOW 8 May, 1942, shot down in Werk # 7513 "Black 8 + I" by English flak over Lucqa Venezia Malta, bailed safely. Jager Blatt 2/2004 & Prien. Uninjured in "Black 7" in a crash on 25 April, 1942 at Vittoria, 50 km south of Cap Scaramia due to ground fire, bailed safely, pilot OK (Prien). Survived the war.
64 Becker, HeinrichUffz7/31/1914Berleburg9/StG-1 (Med)Ju 87B-2 Werk # 0524 "J9 + CL" (lost 5/4/41)Dive Bomber Operational ClaspMIA 4 May, 1941 over Malta, cause unknown, his unnamed R/O KilledInAction (KIA). Ju 87 Loss List. Added: Failed to return from a mission over Valletta Malta. KilledInAction (KIA) and buried at St Michele Cem., Cagliari, Sardinia (German Losses Over Malta).
65 Becker, HeinrichUffzKGr.z.b.V. 800 or 900Ju 52Transport Operational Clasp in Gold (6/15/42)Weitze Docs online
66 Becker, HeinzUffz 12/KG-54 (Med)Ju 88A-5 Werk # 3301 "??" (80% dam 12/19/42)Wound Badge
Bomber Operational Clasp
Pilot and two unnamed crew injured when Becker made an emergency landing at the Grotaglio airfield on 19 December, 1942 due to engine trouble (Ju 88 Loss List).
67 Becker, HelmutLt10/17/1920Bochum58 (or 12)/JG-2 (12/42 as Uffz), 4/JG-2 (10/43), 8/EJGr-Süd (10/44. later 8/EJG-1), 7(or 10)/JG-2Bf 109G-6 Werk # 19486 (50% dam 6/29/43), Bf 109G-6 Werk # 1880 (45% dam 10/20/43), Fw 190D-9 Werk # 600662 "Black 18" (lost 3/12/45)EP

EK 1 & 2
Wound Badge, Fighter Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 12 March, 1945 when he was sd by friendly AA fire and crashed at Kripp, buried Bodendorf. WIA 29 June, 1943; sd by enemy fire and made a force landing near Dieppe. WIA 20 October, 1943; sd by Spitfires and made a force landing in the vicinity of St Elier, France (LOCS). One known victory, a Spitfire on 18 January, 1943. A 2nd, a B-17 on 23 January, 1943. A 3rd, a Spitfire in the Dunkirk region on 13 February, 1943. A 4th, a B-17 in the Bordeaux-Lorient area on 17 May, 1943. Another B-17 at Hippolytushoef on 29 May, 1943. This may be two persons; this Helmut claimed three victories per LOCS. A second Helmut, in 10 & 12/JG-2, may have two victories.
68 Becker, HelmutUffz3/KG-6 (Med)Ju 88A-14 Werk # 144725 "3E " LL" (lost 7/11/43)Bomber Operational ClaspMIA with unnamed crew at Mitiletto 11 July, 1943 after aerial combat (Ju 88 Loss List).
69 Becker, Herbert TheodorOblt6/6/1915Marburg, LahnIV(St)/LG-1Ju 87 (lost)Dive Bomber Operational ClaspKIC 15 December, 1940; crashed on takeoff from Goetsenhoven airfield, buried Bad-Bergzabern, Grave 437. Source: A. Rosseels.
70 Becker, HermannOblt2(F)/100 (S.U.)Ju 88D-1 Werk # 430480 "T5 + CK" (lost 7/9/43)Observer Operational ClaspMIA with his Observer Oblt Reinhold Taufe and two other unnamed crew at Woronesch-Kastornoje 9 July, 1943, cause unknown (Ju 88 Loss List). Added: Crew MIA: + OGefr Brandhorst, Heinz, StbsFw Plaswich, Paul (CKönig)
71 Becker, HorstFw11/26/1919Cieszów (CKönig)18/NJG-1 (1/44 Twente)Bf 110D & E, Bf 110G-4 Werk # 720024 "G9 + LS" (lost 1/15/44)
EK 1 & 2
Night Fighter Operational Clasp
His G-4 crashed on landing at De Lutte (gem. Losser) Holland the night of 14/15 January, 1944, cause unknown (DeSwart). Pilot KIC, bur Ysselsteyn Q-10-226. Remaining crew (KIC): Obs Uffz Karl Allmendinger, bur Ysselsteyn Q-10-227 and R/O Helmut Knauck, bur Ysselsteyn Q-10-228 (Lost Aircraft Report). One known victory, a Halifax S of Hameln on 22 September, 1943, an Uffz at the time.
72 Becker, HorstLt4/24/1922Bluesenbach, Cologne4/KG-2Ju 188E-1 Werk # 260238 "U5 + BM" (lost)Bomber Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 14/15 March, 1944 during a night attack on London, when he was shot down by a Mosquito of RAF No. 488 Sq., piloted by S/L S.L. Bunting (DFC). The AC was struck on the starboard engine, which caught fire and the AC veered sharply to starboard and dove into the ground on White House Farm, near Chelmsford, Essex, killing the entire crew. Remaining crew (KilledInAction (KIA)): Uffz Gerhard Bartolain, Observer; Uffz Albert Lange, R/O; Uffz Gunter Goecking, Gunner 1 and Ofw Heinrich Litschke, Gunner 2.

Courtesy Christian König


73 Becker, JosefOfwStab II/KGzbV-1Ju 52/3m "1Z + BC"Transport Operational ClaspOne of three Ju 52s making emergency landings in Sweden on 14 April, 1940 due to navigational errors and running low on fuel. This one landed on the weak ice of Lake Vänern at Mariestad at 2247 hours. The crew attempted to taxi to shore, but fell through the thin ice and settled to the bottom. This occurred during exercise Weserübung after dropping paratroopers. They were a crew of five, however, only four are known. Remaining crew: Ofw Kurt Bartel, Fw Ernst Rethmeier and Uffz Werner Röhr. Note: the pilots were not positively identified by the author. I selected the two senior ranking persons as pilots. The wreckage was returned to Germany on 23 January, 1941 after its recovery and repair. Source: B.Widfeldt
74 Becker, JosefOfhrIV/JG-301 (Reich Def)Bf 109G-10 Werk # 491151 (lost 3/2/45)Wound Badge
Fighter Operational Clasp
WIA 2 march, 1945 during aerial combat near Grabow (Bf 109 Loss List).
75 Becker, JuliusUffz8/KG-51Ju 88A-4
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(11/7/42)

EK 1 & 2
Bomber Operational Clasp
DK-G Awards List
76 Becker, KarlFw95/JG-11 (5/44 Reich Def), 1/JG-11 (4/45)Bf 109G-6 Werk # 163446 "Black 6" (lost 5/24/44), Fw 190A & D
EK 1 & 2
Wound Badge
Fighter Operational Clasp
WIA 24 May, 1944 during aerial combat in the Quickborn area. His 1st victory, a B-17 on 24 May, 1944, in the Neumünster area, a Gefr at the time. His 5th & 6th victories, both Yak-9s on 16 April, 1945. Magnus Report.
77 Becker, KarlHptm19/NJG-2 (9/42), Stfkpt 2/NJG-3 (5/43), Stfkpt 6/NJG-3 (12/43), Kdr II/NJG-3 (7/44), Kdr I/NJG-101 (8/44)Ju 88C-6, Do 217J EK 2
EP (7/1/42), Night Fighter Operational Clasp
LOCS. One known victory, a Boston on 11 September, 1942.
78 Becker, KarlLt1/JG-11 (Rotenburg)Fw 190A-8 Werk # 680141 "Black 13" (lost 5/8/44)Fighter Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 8 May, 1944 during aerial combat, crashing at Bruchhausen, in the area of Hoya. Source: L.Wiegels.
79 Becker, KarlUffz8/KG-30 (Schiphol)Ju 88A-1 Werk # 5014 "5J + US" (lost 10/29/40)Bomber Operational ClaspMIA 29 October, 1940 during a minelaying operation over the Thames, no cause reported. Remaining crew (MIA): Obs Oblt Johann Schubert; R/O Uffz Kurt Kaufmann and Gnr Ogefr Wilhelm Knau.
80 Becker, Karl AdolfOfw13(Z)/JG-5Bf 110F-2 Werk # 5096 "LN + DR" (lost 6/23/43), Bf 110F-2 (Trop) Werk # 5073 "1B + CX" (lost 11/12/43) Wound Badge
Destroyer Operational Clasp
WIA 12 November, 1943; fire after an emergency landing at Svartnes Norway airfield after an operational flight. His Observer, Lt Georg Lisbe, was also wounded. Source: SIG Norway. Added: Wk# 5096 was sd by a Russian P-39, piloted by Lt Borisov at Batsfjordnaringen Norway. Becker managed to make a belly landing offshore. His R/O-Gnr, Uffz Ottmar Werz bailed and was picked up at sea by a German subchaser. The ac was blown up (Flyvrak Norway).
81 Becker, Karl AugustOblt6/7/1915Weilheim an der Teck/Esslingen412/JG-1 (3/43), Stfkpt 3/JG-1 (7/43 Deelen)Bf 109F & G, Fw 190A-5 Werk # 410005 "Yellow 14" (lost 7/30/43)
EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
MIA 30 July, 1943 in aerial combat in his A-5 with a P-47 over Hengelo (Ijsselmeer) Holland. The A-5 reported to have crashed at Angeren, south of Arnhem (DeSwart). No known grave. One known victory, his 1st, a B-17 north of Ameland on 18 March, 1943. His 2nd, a B-17 on 26 July, 1943. his 3rd, a B-17 (HSS) NW of Oldenburg on 28 July, 1943. His 4th, and last, another B-17 at Doesburg on 30 July, 1943. Added: His remains were recovered 16 November, 2022 by WABO Research WOII. His remains are with BIDKL in Soesterberg for 100% identification. They will eventually be transferred to Ysselsteyn at Plot AB-13-306 (Find-A-Grave by Fred, 12/2022). He is confirmed resting Yssel AB-13-314 (Find-A-Grave by Fred 6/2023). New gravemarker set 10/16/2023 (Fred).

Courtesy Christian König

Courtesy Fred

82 Becker, Karl HeinzFw810/NJG-11 (aka Kdo Welter & NJ Kdo-262, Feb.45)Me 262A-1 Werk # 500075 "Red 2" (20% dam 2/15/45; uninj emer land between Warendorf & Telgte, cause unk), Me 262B-1a/U1 Night FighterEP

EK 1 & 2
Night Fighter Operational Clasp
Magnus Report. 5 Mosquitos. All victories in the Me 262. Second most successful Me 262 Night Fighter pilot. One known victory, a P-38 on 15 February, 1945. A 2nd, a Mosquito on 21 March, 1945. A 3rd, a Mosquito on 22 March, 1945. A 4th & 5th, both Mosquitos on 24 March, 1945. Nos. 6 & 7, both Mosquitos on 27 March, 1945. One of the victims on March 27th was F/Lt Andre van Amsterdam in a Mosquito Mk XVI Serial: MM131 XD-J of RAF No. 139 (Jamaica) Sq. north of Brandenburg. van Amsterdam bailed safely but has not been found (R.Philips). An 8th, a Mosquito on 31 March, 1945.
83 Becker, KurtOfw11/JG-300Bf 109G-6
EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
One known victory, a "4 mot Flzg." at Remscheid on 31 July, 1943.
84 Becker, KurtFw15/JG-302Fw 190A-5 Werk # 155868 "Yellow 1" (lost 12/4/43) EK 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
KIC 4 December, 1943 at Freiburg/Elbe, cause unknown. One known victory, an "unidentified" AC at Berlin on 2 December, 1943. This may be a 2nd Kurt Becker, since the other was an Ofw in July, 1943, and this man is a Fw in December, 1943. (Could have been demoted!)
85 Becker, L.Lt2/NJG-1 (8/40 Gütersloh)Bf 110 Werk # unk (lost 8/30/40) Night Fighter Operational Clasp His ac reported lost the night of 30/31 August, 1940 at Meddo, near Winterswijk, cause and pilot and crew disposition unknown (Netherland Loss Registry). Added: Lt Becker KilledInAction (KIA). His R/O-Gnr named Staub, no disposition (SGLO).
86 Becker, LudwigHptm8/22/1911Dortmund, Aplerbeck44Stuka pilot, 3/ZG-1, 4/NJG-1 (8/40), 6/NJG-2 (1/42), Stafkpt 14/NJG-1, Stfkpt 12/NJG-1 (2/43 Leeuwarden)Ju 87, Bf 110C "G9+LZ", Do 215B-5 "G9 + OM", Bf 110G-4 Wk # 4864 "G9 + LZ" (lost 2/26/43)

Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(5/4/42)

EK 1 & 2
Night Fighter Operational Clasp
MIA 26 February, 1943 in his G-4 while on a daylight mission intercepting a B-17 over the North Sea and crashing 10 km north of Schiermonnikoog Holland. Also missing was his R/O Ofw Josef Straub. It was their first daylight sortie. All victories at night. He is known to have crashed a Bf 110 at Meddo Holland, NNW of Winterswijk, on 30 August, 1940, cause and crew disposition unknown, a Lt at the time (DeSwart). His first known victory, a Wellington the night of 16-17 October, 1940, no location. He is credited with the 1st radar-controlled victory, and this may have been the AC, downed while in 4/NJG-1. A Wellington near Nieue Schans on 8-9 August, 1941. A Manchester by Shlochteren, E of Groningen the night of 12-13 August, 1941. A Whitley V by Vredepeel the night of 14-15 August, 1941. A Whitley at Oldebrock the night of 6-7 September, 1941. Another Wellington of RAF No. 115 Sq. at Blijham/Groningen on 29 September, 1941. A Whitley the night of 8-9 November, 1941, no location. A Wellington II of RAF No.12 Sq. the night of 20-21 January, 1942 near the Dutch Frisian Island of Terschelling. He began his military career as a Luftwaffe volunteer in 1934. Bowers/Lednicer, 46 victories.

Courtesy Christian König

Courtesy Christian König

87 Becker, LudwigOfw7(H)/13, 3/NAGr-12Hs 126B
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(5/17/43)

EK 1 & 2
Observer Operational Clasp
DK-G Awards List
88 Becker, MaximilianLt2/NAGr-4Bf 109G-4 Werk # Unk "Black 10" (lost 9/5/43)Night Observer Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 5 September, 1943; aerial combat west of Jelna (LOCS).
89 Becker, OlafLt6/22/192211/JG-3Bf 109G-6 Werk # Unk (lost 3/23/44)
EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 23 March, 1944; sd near Hohegeiss, no further detail (LOCS). One known victory, his 1st, a B-17 near Wageningen, by Arnhem on 28 July, 1943.
90 Becker, PaulUffz18/04/21Hessen10/JG-4 (9/44 Lippspringe)Bf 109G-6 Werk # 413899 "Black 1" (lost 9/26/44)Wound Badge
Fighter Operational Clasp
His G-6 crashed near Arnhem Holland on 26 September, 1944, cause unknown. (DeSwart) Per the JG-4 List, he was wounded during this action. Added: Reported KilledInAction (KIA) 26 September, 1944, and probably buried among the unknowns at Ysselsteyn (SGLO).
Ysselstein, Holland
91 Becker, PaulLt9/14/1920212/JG-27 (9/42), 1/JG-27 (11/43), Stffüh 11/JG-27 (1/44; 6/44 France)Bf 109F & G (Trop), Bf 109G-6 Werk # 165162 "Red 11 + ~" (lost 6/29/44)
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold

EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
MIA 29 June, 1944 during aerial combat near Paris. Mombeek. Magnus. One known victory, a Spitfire V south southeast of El Alamein on 6 September, 1942. Over Malta on 14 October, 1942, he downed a Spitfire north of Valetta. His 5th, a P-51 100 km west of Ijmuiden on 18 April, 1943. His 6th & 7th victories, both B-24s southwest of Mattersburg, near Wiener Neustadt, 2 November, 1943. His 8th & 9th this same day, two more B-24s, south southeast of Wiener Neustadt. His 10th, a Spitfire S of Insel Split on 12 January, 1944. His 11th, a P-38 NW of Metkovic Croatia on 14 January, 1944. His 15th, a Typhoon SE of Caen on 8 June, 1944. His 16th & 17th, both P-47s near Beaumont le Roger on 12 June, 1944. His 18th & 19th, both P-47s 10 km SE of Lisieux on 14 June, 1944. His 20th, a P-51 SSW of Cherbourg on 24 June, 1944. His 21st, a P-47 at Thiberville on 29 June, 1944.
92 Becker, PaulOfw7/JG-301 (11/44)Fw 190A-8 Werk # 175169 "Yellow 23" (lost 12/5/44)Fighter Operational ClaspShot down 5 December, 1944, pilot disposition unknown. Jager Blatt 2/2001. Added: KilledInAction (KIA) at Prenzlau (C.König).
93 Becker, PeterGefr8/13/1920Kitz bei Dramburg8/JG-53 (Channel)Bf 109E-1 Werk # 6139 "Black 1 + I" (lost (9/9/40)Fighter Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 9 September, 1940 during aerial combat south of Brighton, crashing at Sundown Farm, Ditcham, Hampshire. Source: Jochen Prien. Buried Cannock Chase, Block 6, Gr 157 (M.Croft).
Cannock Chase
94 Becker, sicHptm1Stab I/NJG-101Bf 110G-4, Ju 88C & G
EK 1 & 2
Night Fighter Operational Clasp
One known victory, a "4 mot" at Karlstuhl on 26 August, 1944. This looks like Hptm Karl Becker, NJG-101 with a second victory.
95 Becker, SiegfriedUffz1Flugzeugführer 1/ZG-2Bf 110C-4 Werk # 3208 "3M + KH" (lost 8/25/40) EK 2
Destroyer Operational Clasp
POW 25 August, 1940 after being shot down at Priory Farm, East Holme, near Wareham. He and his gunner, Ogefr Walter Wöpzel (or Wötzel), bailed safely, and taken POW, the victims of F/O Agazarian & Gaunt of 609 Sq. (Bf 110 Loss List). One known victory, his 1st, a Polish P-23 west of Krakau, 12 September, 1939.
96 Becker, W.Uffz4(F)/122Ju 88A-1 (lost)Observer Operational ClaspForce landed 27 May, 1940 after being severely damaged by a fighter, possibly that of F/Lt Pearson of RAF No. 54 Sq.. Only one of the Remaining crew identified; Gefr J. Speck (WIA). Remainder of the crew and pilot disposition unknown. No mention of a POW status. Wiki Luft data.
97 Becker, WalterLt11/15/1919510/JG-5 (12/43), 6/JG-3 (4/44), Stfkpt 6/JG-3 (7/44)Fw 190A-2 & A-3, Bf 109G-2, Bf 109G-14 Werk # Unk "Black 10 + -" (lost 11/2/44) (Added: Werknr. 461487, CKönig)
EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 2 November, 1944 (Magnus & LOCS). One known victory, his 1st, a Beaufighter on 8 December, 1943. A 2nd, a B-17 in the Helmstedt area on 29 April, 1944. His 3rd, a B-17 on 12 May, 1944, no location. A 4th, a B-24 at Wollin on 29 May, 1944. Added: He was shot down by P-51s (CKönig)

Front sitting

Courtesy Christian König

98 Becker, WalterUffz8/StG-77 (Russia)Ju 87B-2 Werk # 5760 (lost)Dive Bomber Operational ClaspKIC 18 December, 1942 SW of Smolensk making an emergency landing after becoming disorientated. The AC sustained 60% damage. His wireless operator, Uffz Karl Heinz Grossmann was injured.
99 Becker, WalterUffzGr. Kampfflierschule-4 (Thorn)Ju 52/3m Werk # 3037 "BR + AL" (85% dam 10/24/41)Transport Operational ClaspHis Ju 52 crashed 24 October, 1941 on the northern slope of Vapenny vrch, Liberec due bad weather icing. Two of the crew were slightly injured (and were not named). Known remaining crew: Uffz Karl Heinz Richter and Uffz Hans Weickert, positions not reported (F.Braun).
100 Becker, Wilhelm WilliFw12/JG-4 (4/44 Italy), 1/JG-4 (1/45 Reich Def) 3/JG-4 (2/45 Reich Def Ost)Bf 109G-6 Werk # 1629_5 (lost 4/30/44), Bf 109G-10 Werk # 491314 (lost 1/14/45), Bf 109K-4 Werk # 332897 (lost 2/10/45) EK 2
Wound Badge
Fighter Operational Clasp
MIA 10 February, 1945, cause unknown, location not reported (Bf 109 Loss List). WIA 14 January, 1945 during aerial combat near Gimmedingen. WIA 30 April, 1944 during aerial combat at Ferrara, bailed safely (JG-4 List). One known victory, a P-38 at Passo di Futa on 25 April, 1944.

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Wer vor der Vergangenheit die Augen verschließt, wird blind für die Gegenwart. Richard von Weizsäcker

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