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These are the results of your search:

You searched for: “Lent, Helmut

#Pilot (↑)RankBornPlaceScore (↑)UnitsAircraftAwards*************Notes*************PhotoLinksAuthorComments
201 Dittlmann, Heinrich HelmutOfw1/9/1921Waldkirchen577/JG-51Bf 109F & G, Fw 190A-5 Werk # 2555 "Black 6" (lost at Polatsk, Belarus 2/23/44)
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(10/17/43)

EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 23 February, 1944 at Polatsk, Belarus, aerial combat collision with Ofw Otto Würfel. His first known victory, three Soviet Pe-2s SW of Stephanovka on 3 September, 1942. A MiG-3 on 15 January, 1943. Two Pe-2s on 29 January, 1943. Two Il-2s on 3 February, 1943. An Il-4 on 8 June, 1943. A Yak-1 on 5 July, 1943. Two Il-4s on 6 July, 1943. A Boston on 8 July, 1943. A LaGG-3 on 11 July, 1943. A LaGG-5 on 13 July, 1943. Two LaGG-5s on 15 July, 1943. Two Pe-2s and an Il-4 on 17 July, 1943. A LaGG-5 on 18 July, 1943. An Il-2 (m.H.) on 26 July, 1943. An Il-2 (m.H.) and a LaGG-5 on 27 July, 1943. A LaGG-5 on 28 July, 1943. A LaGG-3 on 31 July, 1943. A LaGG-5 on 1 August, 1943. A LaGG-5 and an Il-2 (m.H.) on 2 August, 1943. A Yak-7 and a Yak-9 on 12 August, 1943. A LaGG-3 at Nevel on 10 October, 1943. An Il-2 (m.H.) on 22 November, 1943. A Yak-7 on 5 December, 1943. Two LaGG-5s on 14 January, 1944. A Yak-9 on 25 January, 1944. A Yak-7 on 6 February, 1944. A Yak-7 and two Il-2s on 21 February, 1944. An La-5 on 22 February, 1944. His last two victories, an La-5 and a Yak-7 on 23 February, 1944.
202 Dobrick, ErichOblt1/12/191792/JG-1 (9/39), 6/JG-3 (5/40), 5/JG-11 (9/43), Stab I/JG-11 (11/43), 2/JG-11 (3/44)Bf 109E in JG-3, Bf 109G in JG-11EP

EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
One known victory, his 1st, a LeO-451 on 31 May, 1940, no location. A Spitfire south of London on 18 August, 1940. His 3rd, a B-17 on 26 February, 1943, an Ofw at the time. His 4th victory, a B-17 at Westerholt-Nordeney on 27 September, 1943. His 5th, a B-24 N of Emmerich on 13 November, 1943. His 6th, a B-17 NW of Eitorf on 22 February, 1944. His 8th, a B-17 N of Hölstedt on 6 March, 1944. His 9th, a B-17 near Haldensleben on 29 March, 1944. Magnus Report.

L-R: Erich Dobrick : Gerd Steiger : Helmut Maul : Hans-Gerd Wenneckers. May/June 1942 Husum
203 Doerer, HelmutUffz3/JG-27Bf 109G-4 Werk # 16164 (lost)Wound Badge
Fighter Operational Clasp
Shot down with wounds 4 May, 1943 by RAF fighters 20 km NW of Abbeville. He bailed but his further disposition is unknown.
204 Doetsch, LudwigUffz10/31/19122/KG-66 (2/44)Ju 188E-1 Werk # 260185 "Z6 + HK" (lost 2/24/44)Bomber Operational ClaspPOW 24 February, 1944; crashed after an attack on London, cause and location unknown. Added: Shot down by a Mosquito of No.29 Sq., piloted by F/O Provan. The ac crashed onto Great Street Farm, Framfield, Sussex (C.König). Remaining crew: Ofw Albert Schulz, geb 3/1/1917, (POW), Obs; Lt Hans Heinrich Kothe, geb 2/4/1922, (KilledInAction (KIA)), T.Obs; Uffz Helmut Thomale, geb 12/10/1921, (POW), R/O; and Uffz Helmut Böhm, geb 1/25/1921, (KilledInAction (KIA)), Gunner. Source: B.Bines. Added: Uffz Doetsch & Uffz Thomale bailed and taken prisoner. Lt Kothe, Ofw Schulz and Uffz Böhm were KilledInAction (KIA) (C.König).
205 Dohr, PiusLt4/13/1917Goding3/KG-100He 111H-2 Werk # 2768 "6N + JJ" (lost 11/19/40)Bomber Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 19 November, 1940; the cause may have been an engine fire. The ac crashed on Crevichon, E of St Peter Port, Guernsey. Remaining crew (KilledInAction (KIA)): Ogefr Helmut Keylau, Uffz Karl Weidauer and Uffz Gustav Scher. The four deceased are buried in the War Cem. Mont de Huisnes France, Vault 2: Dohr Grave 55, Keylau Grave 52, Weidauer Grave 53 and Scher Grave 54 (D.Drury).
206 Dollensky, FranzHptmIV/KG-30 (5/43), 8/KG-54Ju 88A-4 Werk # Unk "B3 + AS" (dam 3/25/44), Ju 88A-4 Werk # Unk "B3 + GR" (lost 6/6/44)Bomber Operational ClaspOpposed the Normandy Invasion attacking shipping, along with four others from his squadron. Added: MIA 6 June, 1944 when his ac crashed into Seine Bay, off the Normandy coast. Remaining crew: Uffz Heinrich Hartmann, Ogefr Johann Loley and Gefr Helmut Orth. (D.Drury). Added: He was uninjured in a landing accident on 25 March, 1944, at the Langenlebaum airfield, overshot the runway and crashed through a fence (LOCS). Added: Crew update; Hptm Dollensky, Pilot (MIA); Ogefr Loley, Obs (MIA); Uffz Heinrich Hartmann, R/O (KilledInAction (KIA), bur Osterholz Germany, Blk K, Gr 1964) and Gefr Helmut Orth, Gnr (KilledInAction (KIA)) (D.Drury).
207 Domke, HelmutLt10/10/1916Berlin1/KG-1He 111H Werk # Unk (lost 11/17/39)Bomber Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 17 November, 1939 after becoming disorientated while on a leaflet dropping mission over France. The ac crashed in the Leogang Mountain in the State of Salzburg (before it was returned to Austria). Remaining crew (KilledInAction (KIA)): Fw Wilhelm Trautner, Uffz Erhard Tesch and Fw Wilhelm Altmann. The deceased are buried in the War Cem., St.Johann/Kitzbühl, Austria: Domke Gr 7, Trautner Gr 8, Tesch Gr 6 and Altmann Gr 5. The crew designations were not given; pilot selection per the writer (D.Drury).
208 Dor, WilhelmOgefr4/KG-76 (Med)Ju 88A-4 Werk # 140469 "F1 + MM" (lost 3/31/43)Bomber Operational ClaspMIA with unnamed crew in the Straits of Sicily 31 March, 1943, cause unknown (Ju 88 Loss List). Added: The unnamed crew (MIA): Uffz Helmut Ebert, Obs; Uffz Kur Ries, R/O and Gefr Willi Thoresen, Gnr (Qu.Meister File).dorx
209 Dörflinger, Friedrich WilhelmOblt.6/KG-2Do 217E-4 Werk # 1213 "U5 + DP" (lost 7/30/42)
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(5/18/42)

EK 1 & 2
Bomber Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 30 July, 1942; sd during aerial combat over England. DK-G Awards List and Kaiser RK book ref his one time R/O and RK Holder, Günther Stein (who had fallen ill prior to the mission). Added: The ac was sd by a Beaufighter of No.68 Sq., piloted by F/O Raybould, and crashed into Salthouse Marshes, Norfolk. Remaining crew (positions unk): Gefr Helmut Skrypczak (POW), Ofw Josef Ziegaus (KilledInAction (KIA)) and Uffz Erich Ohnesorge KilledInAction (KIA), bur Scottow Cem., War Graves Plot, Gr 277; no other burial locations known (D.Drury).
210 Dornauf, FritzUffz3/Kü.Fl.Gr-406BV 138C-1 Werk # 310044 "K6 + GL" ("BD + EF") (lost 2/21/42) Air-Sea Rescue Operational Clasp KilledInAction (KIA) 21 February, 1942; crashed into a mountain at Baltsfjord, Senja Troms, Norway, during an operational flight, due to bad weather. Remaining crew: Lt Fritz Karpf, Observer/Co-pilot (KilledInAction (KIA)); Ogefr Kurt Haager, R/O (WIA) and Ogefr Helmut Rende, Mech (WIA) and Ogefr Winter, Gnr (uninjured). Source: SIG Norway.
211 Dörnbach, HelmutUffz8/SG-2Ju 87D-5 Werk # 140795 "T6 + ET" (or ES) (dam 8/9/44) Wound Badge, Dive Bomber Operational Clasp Injured 9 August, 1944 making an emergency landing at Lötzen airfield due to an engine malfunction. No mention of the R/O-Gnr (D.Drury). Note 8 Staffel lettering normally "S".
212 Dörner, HelmutOfhr7/18/192424/JG-54Fw 190A-8 Werk# 172687 "White 15" (lost) EK 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 15 August, 1944 in aerial combat with a Yak-9, 22 km east of Dorpat S.U.. His first known victory, a Soviet Yak-9 on 14 July, 1944. A 2nd, an La-5 on 2 August, 1944.
213 Dörrer, HelmutUffz13/JG-27Bf 109G-6 Werk # 20141 (lost 2/25/44) EK 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 25 February, 1944 during aerial combat, no further detail (Rosseels). One known victory, his 1st, a B-24 HSS ("separated from formation") near Wiener Neustadt, 2 November, 1943.
214 Dorries, HelmutLt5/KG-2 (11/42 Eindhoven)Do 217E-4 Werk # 1211 "U5 + BN" (lost 11/27/42)Bomber Operational ClaspHis Do 217 crashed at Veldhoven Holland (het Heike) on 27 November, 1942, cause and pilot/crew disposition unknown. (DeSwart) This is a different Dörries than Helmut Dörries in a Recon unit and RK Holder. At 1025 hrs on 27 November 1942 the Do 217 E-4 WNr 1211 U5+BN of 5./KG 2 hit the ground ("unfreiwillge Bodenberuhrung") at Veldhoven, near Eindhoven airfield, and crashed. The KG2 history by Ulf Balke shows 27-11-42 at Flugplatz Eindhoven Do217E-4 U5+BN 5/KG2 1211 hit the ground ( unfreiwillge Bodenberuhrung) 90%. Ff Ltn Helmut Dorries killed, Bm Gef Horst Urban and PMa.K. Kurt Wedemann inj. no names shown for B and Bf. Crew: Flugzeugführer Lt. H. Dörries Luftwaffe Ysselsteyn Z-3-59 Bordschütze Gfr. H. Urban Luftwaffe Survived Wounded Prüfmeister - K Wedemann Luftwaffe Survived Wounded
Ysselstein, Holland
215 Dörries, HelmutFhjOfw2(F)/123 (Observer)Do 17P & F and Ju 88A & D

EK 1 & 2
Observer Operational Clasp
216 Drauz, Helmut RichardUffz8/10/19211/NJG-2Ju 88G-6 Werk # 620789 or 799 "4R + RH (lost 12/29/44) Night Fighter Operational Clasp KilledInAction (KIA) 28/29 December, 1944, crashing at Diepenbeek Belgium, west of Roermond Holland. Buried Lommel, Block 5/122. Remaining crew (dispositions unknown): Uffz Friedrich Trumpp and Uffz Wilhelm Drees. (Jager Blatt article & A. Rosseels)
Lommel, Belgium
217 Driesen, HelmutUffzI/JG-51 (4/45 Brüsterort FP)Bf 109G-14 most likely (lost 4/?/45)Fighter Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) in April, 1945 during an Alarm Start from Brüsterort airfield, E. Prussia (now Mayak, Kaliningrad Oblast, Russia), cause unknown. No VDK burial match (D.Drury).
218 Duensing, FritzFw1/15/1918Hannover1/ErproGr-210Bf 110D-3 Werk # 3383 "S9 + GH" (lost 10/5/40)Destroyer Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 5 October 1940; crashed at Industrial School, Millbank Place, S of Ashford, Kent, no further detail. Buried Hawkinge Cem. Kent, Plot O, Row 2, Gr 3. His R/O, Fw Helmut Krappatsch (geb 8/21/1913, Posen), also KilledInAction (KIA), bur Hawkinge, Plot O, Row 1, Gr 2 (Luftwaffe Graves UK). NOTE: I would imagine these two would have been buried near each other, therefore, I think the ROW is incorrect on one of the men. Alternate spelling: Dünsnig (Bf 110 Loss List).
219 Duve, HelmutUffz5/StG-2 (S.U.)Ju 87D-1 Werk # 2126 "T6 + BO" (lost 4/17/42)Dive Bomber Operational ClaspMIA with unnamed crew 17 April, 1942; crashed at Mostki after being hit by flak (Ju 87 Loss List). Added: His unnamed R/O-Gnr was Uffz Hans Föll. Uffz Duve and Uffz Föhl are tentatively identified in the VDK (w/o their rank to confirm), and commemorated in the German War Cem at Sologubowka, Russia (D.Drury).
220 Ebeling, AlfredFw1/SG-2 (Gorgenyaroszfalu, Hungary?)Fw 190G-3 Werk # 160913 "White G" (dam 8/8/44) Wound Badge, Ground Assault Operational Clasp Injured in a mid-air collision 8 August, 1944 with another Fw 190 piloted by Fw Helmut Köster. The collision took place near Reghin (Ger. Sächsisch-Regen), Mures Co., Hungary. Fw Ebeling managed to parachute clear, however, Fw Köster perished (D.Drury).
221 Eber, HelmutObltWekusta 1/Ob.d.L (Bad Zwischehahn)Ju 88D-1 Werk # 430471 "D7 + BH" (lost 6/12/43)Bomber Operational Clasp ?MIA 12 June, 1943; crashed into the North Sea during an operational flight, cause unknown. Remaining crew (all MIA): Weather Inspector Helmut Luft, Observer; Uffz Rudolf Garz, R/O and Ofw Hermann Sterwald, Mech. Source: SIG Norway.
222 Eberhardt, HelmutOblt3(F)/100 (6/43), 2/FAGr-124 (7/43), 1(F)/124 (3/44 Kirkenes)Ju 88D-5 (Trop) Werk # 430043 "G2 + KH" (lost 3/7/44)Observer Operational ClaspPilot reported killed on a reconnaissance mission in Russia, 7 March, 1944, for an unknown reason. He is believed to have crashed near Maselskaja - Belomorsk (Observer Loss List & LOCS).
223 Eberlein, HelmutUffz13/ZG-1Bf 110 EK 2
Destroyer Operational Clasp
One known victory, a Hudson west of Skaggerrak, 15 April, 1940.
224 Eberspächer, HelmutHptm11/18/1915Tübingen7Recon pilot w 7(F)/LG-2, Stfkpt 3/SKG-10 (6/44, later re-desgn III/KG-51 & NSGr-20), 14/SG-151Ju 88A, Fw 190G (in SKG-10), Me 410 in KG-51

Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(7/23/44)

EK 1 (05/08/41) & 2 (05/05/41)

Bomber Operational Clasp in Gold with pendant
Channel pilot. In March, 1945, he served as Stfkpt in 14(Pz)/SG-151, flying the Ju 87G, Fw 190F-8 and the Hs 129. Flew difficult Day and Night sorties. About 170 combat missions. 3 Lancaster victories were Night victories the night of 6 June, 1944 while in KG-51, one at Isigny and two at Carentan. Deceased in Esslingen, 19 June, 2011. Added: served as Obsv in LG 2, starting his pilot qualification in 1942 (CKönig)

225 Eckold, HelmutLt4/JG-52 (S.U.)Bf 109F-2 Werk # 6766 "<< + -" (lost 8/14/41)Fighter Operational ClaspMIA 14 August, 1941 after aerial combat with 8 DB-3s and 4 Il-2s at Minjuschi. This is believed to have been Kdr Woitkes aircraft. Alternate spelling: Eckoldt (Magnus). Victories may be as high as 6 (Magnus).
226 Eder, ErnstOfw2(F)/11Do 17P-1 Werk # 3591 "6M + OK" (lost 12/21/41)Observer Operational ClaspMIA with his entire crew 21 December, 1941 when he failed to return from reconnaissance west of Moscow while covering the Narskie-Novopetrovskaya-Zavidovo areas. Remaining crew: Lt Helmut Mönnigheim, Obs and Gefr Franz Heidinger, R/O. Only Gefr Heidinger can be found in the VDK, as commemorated in the War cem at Rshew, Russia (D.Drury).
227 Eder, HansFwFFS C6Ju 52 Werk # 5265 (60% dam 11/25/40)Transport Operational ClaspHis Ju 52 reported damaged 25 November, 1940 making a failed landing at Lauterbach. Remaining crew: Flt Engr Uffz Gottfried Grasser; two students, Ogefr Max Müller and Gefr Helmut Rosenbaum. no injuries reported.
228 Effmert, WilliFw7/KG-3 (8/40 St Trond Be.)Do 17Z-2 Werk # 1160 "5K + AR" (lost 8/26/40) Wound Badge
Bomber Operational Clasp
WIA/POW 26 August, 1940 when, after being separated from the others, was attacked by Defiants of RAF No. 264 Sq. as they were headed toward the Medway airfield. Both engines were shot out and not running, and the cockpit had been hit. The ac ditched in the Goodwin Sands at low tide. Remaining crew: Uffz Richard Ritzel, Obs (POW); Uffz Helmut Reinhardt, R/O, age 27, (KilledInAction (KIA), buried Ysselsteyn Block BQ, Row 6, Gr 136) and Gefr Heinz Huhn, Mech, age 21, (KilledInAction (KIA), geb 12/2/1918, buried Cannack Chase, Gr 405-1). Both Essmert and Ritzel were interned in Canada. Source: RAF Combat Report # 313/1940. The ac was recovered in June 2013. Alternate spelling: Essmert.
Ysselstein, Holland
229 Eggert, HelmutLt11/30/1919II/KG-4 (2/43), Adj II/KG-4 (7/43) Adj Stab/KG-4 (12/44)He 111H-16 & H-6
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(7/12/43)

EK 1 & 2
EP (2/15/43), Bomber Operational Clasp
DK-G Awards List & LOCS.
230 Ehle, LudwigOfw8/11/1912II/KG-40 (1/42 Soesterberg)Do 217E-2 Werk # 1160 (lost 1/14/42)Bomber Operational ClaspHis Do 217 crashed at the Driebergen-Zeist RR Station, Holland, on 14 January, 1942, cause and pilot/crew disposition unknown (DeSwart). Added: His ac crashed at the RR Station shortly after TO, killing the entire crew. The four deceased were initially buried in Amsterdam, then in 1948, were buried at Ysselsteyn. Pilot, Ofw Ehle, was buried location CX-8-192. Remaining crew: Flg Paul Heinz Wettin (geb 11/22/1906 Szczecin, Poland), Obs (bur CX-8-193); Gefr Helmut Möller (geb 10/20/1919), R/O (bur CX-8-191) and Ogefr Ernst Schmacher (geb9/30/1919), Mech (bur CX-8-190) (Find-A-Grave by Fred).
Ysselstein, Holland
231 Ehling, HerbertUffz11/7/1921Berlin-Spandau1/KG-66 (Channel)Ju 88S-1 Werk # 140606 "Z6 + HH" (lost 2/13/44)Bomber Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 13 February, 1944 when, during a London Raid, he was shot down by a RCAF Mosquito of No. 410 Sq. and AA fire, crashing at Havering-atte-Bower, north of Romford, Essex. Remaining crew: Fw Josef Weikert, geb 10/14/1919, (KilledInAction (KIA)), Obs and Uffz Helmut Niedack, geb 1/4/1920 (bailed and POW), R/O. Added: The Mosquito pilot was S/L James Dean "Red" Somerville, his Nav/Radar Oper F/O George Douglas Robinson. Uffz Ehling buried in CC/1/2/45; Fw Weikert buried CC/1/2/46 (D.Drury).
Cannock Chase
232 Eickmeier, BrunoOfw109/NJG-4 (9/42), 2/NJG-1 (5/43, 9/43 Gilze-Rijen)Bf 110G-4 Werk # 5548 "G9 + BK" (lost 9/4/43)EP

EK 1 & 2
Night Fighter Operational Clasp
KIFA the night of 3/4 September, 1943 in his G-4, crashing at Brummen, SW of Zutphen due to instrument failure in the clouds (DeSwart & Boiten). Added: He is buried at Ysselsteyn M-3-53; his R/O, Uffz H.Fischer was injured (SGLO). A former tank commander, he scored two known victories in Sept & October of 1942. Magnus. Another source says Eickmeier was KilledInAction (KIA) on 24 August, 1943 in aerial combat over Berlin. His R/O this date was said to be Ofw Helmut Fischer (WIA) who served with Knacke & Streib also. (4 September seems correct...from two different sources) One known victory, a Wellington 8 km east of St. Jüst on 3 September, 1942. Another, a Halifax on 16 October, 1942. Another, a Halifax on 13 May, 1943. A Wellington 2 km southwest of Vechtel on 12 June, 1943. A Lancaster on 23 June, 1943. Alternate spelling: Eikmeier. Boiten, 6 victories & alternate spelling: Eikmeier.
Ysselstein, Holland
233 Eiermann, HelmutOblt10/16/1916Hamburg1/Kü.Fl.Gr.-606 (Atlantic)Do 17Z (dam 4/17/40), Ju 88A-5 Werk # 8228 (lost 5/19/41) Wound Badge
Observer Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) with one other unnamed crew 19 May, 1941, the pilot!; crash landed at the Lannion airfield after aerial combat, two other crew WIA (Ju 88 Loss List). Added: Eiermann was WIA when his Do 17 was hit by AA fire while attacking Norwegian torpedo boats. He managed to make an emergency landing NE of Arendal Norway. Eiermann is buried in the War Cem. at Ploudaniel-Lesneven, 10/6/132 (D.Drury). Added: Remaining crew: Fw Emil Jahn (or Janz), R/O (WIA); Gefr Max Schwarzer (geb 12/4/1920 Röwersdorf, bur same cem, 10/6/131), Gnr and Gefr Robert Altermeyer, Mech (WIA) (absa3945).
Plousdaniel-Lesneven, France
234 Einecke, HelmutLt10/8/1919 (?)1/KG-27 (8/40), 7/KG-27 (Orleans-Bricy)He 111P-2 Werk # Unk (lost 8/16/40), He 111P-2 Werk # 1419 "1G + CR" (lost 5/29/41)Bomber Operational ClaspPOW 29 May, 1941; sd by a Beaufighter of No.604 Sq., piloted by W/C C.H.Appleton, pilot bailed safely. Remaining crew: Obs Hans Georg Hartwich (or Hartig)(POW, bailed); R/O Uffz Hans Mühlhahn (POW, bailed) and Engr Gefr Konrad Baron (POW, bailed). The crash location was Buckley, Flintshire, Wales (D.Drury & W.Helmreich). Uninjured 16 August, 1940 when he was sd by a Beaufighter of No.615 Sq., and crashed SE of Bognor Regis (LOCS). Alternate spelling: Einicke.
235 Eisold, Helmut Fw12/25/1919Gross Harthau5/StG-2Ju 87B Werk # 5676 (lost 8/13/40)Dive Bomber Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 13 August, 1940, probably sd by a Spitfire of No. 609 Sq., piloted by F/O Harry M.Goodwin, crashing at Rodden, Portesham, Dorset, buried Cannock Chase, Plot 7, Row 5, Gr 129. Source: M.Croft & D.Drury. His Gnr, Uffz Otto Lindenschmid (geb 3/25/1915), also KilledInAction (KIA), buried in CC, Plot 6, Row 1, Grave 24 (D.Drury).
Cannock Chase
236 Eisseler, HelmutOfw3/16/1916Hamburg45/JG-77, 2(Erg)/JG-77 (9/41)Bf 109E-7 Werk # 4896 (lost 9/4/41)
EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
KIC 4 September, 1941 due to a servicing fault, crashed 5km NW of Chirnogi; burial GWC Bucharest, B/4/69 (M.Krebbers). His first known victory, a Blenheim Mk IV of No.254 Sq., off Stavanger on 25 June, 1940 (H.Wheeler). Two Blenheims in the Aalborg area on 13 August, 1940. His 4th, a Hudson in Norway on 24 October, 1940. Alternate spelling: Eissler.
237 Ellenberger, Ulrich HelmutUffz6/27/1918Tambach28/JG-2 (10-41 Channel)Fw 190A-2 werk # 2104 (lost 9/26/42)
EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 26 September, 1942 in aerial combat with a Spitfire near Brest-Guipavas airfield. One known victory, a Spitfire on 2 October, 1941, no location. His 2nd, a Spitfire 4 km west of Guipavas on 26 September, 1942, shortly before his death. Added: Burial Ploudaniel-Lesneven, Blk 14, Row 7, Gr 441
Plousdaniel-Lesneven, France
238 Ellmer, KonradFhjOfw7/28/1921Würzburg5/KG-27 (10/41), 14/KG-27 (3/43), 4/KG-200 (7/44)He 111H in KG-27, Ju 188 (lost 12/9/44)

Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(10/17/43)

EK 1 & 2
Wound Badge
Bomber Operational Clasp in Gold w/Pend.
MIA 9 December, 1944 over France, no further detail. Remaining crew (MIA): Ofw Willi Blüthgen, Pilot; Ofw Helmut Klimek, R/O; Ofw Kurt Stegmann, Flt Engr. and Uffz Stefan Gessner, parachute observer. Ellmer won the RK while serving as Observer in the Eduard Skrzipek in KG-27.
239 Emig, HansObstlt12/7/1902Wonsowo PosenStab Luftflotte 5 (4/40), 4 Erg/Kü.Fl.Gr.-106 (6/40), Kdr KG-806 (England & Russia)He 60, He 115, Ju 88A-5 Werk # 4284 "M7 + AB" (?) (lost 6/28/41)
RK(8/21/41 Post)

EK 1 & 2
Bomber Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 28 June, 1941 in Russia when his A-5 was blown up by its own 1000kg bomb during a low-level attack along the Stalin Canal on Lake Onega. Remaining crew (KilledInAction (KIA)): Ofw Helmut Rudolf, Obs; Ofw Heinz Bodensiek, R/O and Ofw Werner Hawlitschka, Gnr.. Early service in the DVL & Luft Tech Academy. Misc Staff positions until April, 1940. Source: D.Stankey & L.DeZeng and Ju 88 Loss List.
240 Endlich, HelmutObltII/SG-2 (Grossenhain)Ju 87 & Bf 109E, Fw 190F-8 Werk # 586635 (15% dam) Wound Badge
Assault Operational Clasp
Injured in a crash landing on 17 February, 1945 due to engine trouble at Map Quad Pl.Qu.52746. Added: Battle of Britain pilot flying the Ju 87 & Bf 109E, per distant relative, Guy Walker.
241 Engel, HelmutUffz2/SKG-210 (Channel)Bf 110E-1/N Werk # 3459 "S9 + CK" (lost 5/12/41)Destroyer Operational ClaspMIA with unnamed crew 12 May, 1941 at Martlesham, Suffolk, cause not reported (Bf 110 Loss List). Added: A more precise location was a few miles SE of Martlesham. The ac was hit by AA fire during an attack on RAF Martlesham, after which it crashed into the North Sea, just east of Bawdsey. Remaining crew (MIA): Gefr Adolf Knöchel, R/O and Uffz Rolf Schilling, Gnr (D.Drury). Alternate spelling: Engels.
242 Engelhorn, HelmutOfw9/KG-27He 111H-6
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(7/16/42)

EK 1 & 2
Bomber Operational Clasp
DK-G Awards List
243 Ensinger, HelmutLt6/7/19243/NJG-4 (3/45 Vechta)Ju 88G-6 Werk # 621305 3C + FL" (lost 3/4/45) Night Fighter Operational Clasp Pilot KilledInAction (KIA) the night of 3/4 March, 1945 after hit by enemy fire (Ju 88 Loss List). His Ju 88 crashed at Heemse Holland, southwest of Hardenberg during Operation Gisela. Pilot buried Ysselsteyn Block Q, Row 4, Grave 82. Remaining crew: R/O Ofw Kurt Gäbler (bailed, WIA) and unnamed Gnr bailed safely. Alternate spelling: Emsinger (Rosseels & Ju 88 Loss List).
Ysselstein, Holland
244 Erk, HelmutUffz8/KG-26Ju 88A-17 Werk # 301162 "1H + ES" (lost 6/13/44)Bomber Operational ClaspMIA 13 June, 1944 following the attack on HMS Boadicea, cause unknown. Remaining crew (MIA, desig unk): Uffz Arno Müller, Uffz Egon Walther and Gefr Georg Ramoser (D.Drury).
245 Erler, HelmutOfhr1/JG-11Fw 190A-8 Werk # 171462 "White 4" (lost 8/5/44)Fighter Operational ClaspKIC 5 August, 1944 when he crashed at Bönninghardt during a training flight, cause not given. Source: L. Wiegels.
246 Ermoneit, Helmut PeterHptm1/15/1919Wielkieten, Memel, E. Pruss.10/KG-4 (5/42), 5/KG-4 (7/42), 6/KG-4 (2/43 S.U.), 5/KG-4 (10/43), Adj II/KG-4 (6/44 Zichenau E. Pruss.), Stfkpt 5/KG-4 (10/44)He 111H-6 Werk # 7055 "5J + CP" (dam 2/12/43), He 111H-16 & H-11

Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(10/17/43)
EK1 & 2
Bomber Operational Clasp in Gold w/Pendant
His H-6 was reported damaged by small arms fire 12 February, 1943, wounding his Observer, Gefr Ignaz Benedikt, who was then replaced by Uffz Christian Schramm. Remaining crew (uninjured): Uffz Hans Rückbrod, R/O and Uffz Wilhelm Schultze, Flt Engr.. 376 combat missions, all in the east. Flew support missions over the Oder for the Mistel aircraft. Deceased 18 April, 1989, Einbeck Germany. Brother to Karl ?
247 Ermoneit, Karl HeinzFw2/6/1921Memel, E. PrussiaI/StG-1 (10/41 Derna, Libya), 3/StG-2 (1/42 Elbing), Erg.St./StG-2 (9/42 Nikolayev)Ju 87R in Libya, Ju 87D-1 Werk # 2061 "T6 + DH" (lost 1/9/42), Ju 87D-1 Werk # 2415 (lost 12/30/42)
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(9/24/42)
EP (10/10/41)

EK 1 & 2
Wound Badge
Dive Bomber Operational Clasp
KIC 30 December, 1942 at Volodarsk Ukraine due to bad weather. His R/O/Gnr, Lt Walter Fuchs was also KIC. Both the deceased are believed buried at Mariupol Ukraine. On 5 January, 1942, he was injured in a crash near Elbing, East Prussia, as a result of an involuntary ground contact due to bad weather, no mention of the R/O disposition. DK-G Awards List & Matti Salonen. Brother to Helmut ?
248 Essel, HelmutFwIII/KG-77 (Med)Ju 88A-4 Werk # 142389 "3z + DD" (lost 3/25/43)Pilot BadgeMIA with unnamed crew during an orientation flight 25 March, 1943, cause unknown, location not reported (Ju 88 Loss List).
249 Eube, HelmutGefr9/28/19234/JG-2Fw 190A-8 Werk# 171735 "Blue 1" (lost 12/17/44)Fighter Operational ClaspMIA 17 December, 1944; Combat with a P-47, area of St. Vith. Mombeek MIA List.
250 Faber, HelmutOfw1/KG-30Ju 88 Werk # 3267 (lost)Bomber Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 27 June, 1941, crashing near Turnhout. Source: A. Rosseels.
251 Fahlbusch, Helmut FritzLt62/ZG-76 (12/39 Wangerooge)Bf 109D & E, Bf 110
EK 1 & 2
Destroyer Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 30 April, 1940. Magnus. His first known victory, a Polish PZL P-23 at Dalikow on 5 September, 1939. A 2nd, another P-24 at Zdunska-Wola on 6 September, 1939. (Perry Claims). A Hudson N-7241 of RAF No. 23 Sq. west of Stavanger (Rosseels). A Blenheim in the Stavanger area, 17 April, 1940.
252 Falke, ArnoldUffzI/LG-1 (Gardelegen)Ju 88A-4 Werk # 300268 (lost)Bomber Operational ClaspUninjured 23 January, 1945 when his Ju 88 crashed due to an engine siezure during takeoff from Gardelegen. None of the crew were injured. Remaining crew: Ogefr Georg Zinesch, Obs; Uffz Otto Heyer, R/O and Gefr Helmut Dominik, Gunner. Source: Wings to Victory.
253 Faltin, HelmutUffz2/21/1923Aussicht12/JG-1 (6/44)Fw 190A-8 Werk # 730894 "Black 9" (lost 6/22/44) EK 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 22 June, 1944 during aerial combat at St Lo (Lonrai). Buried Mont de Huisnes France, Vault 48, Grave 85. One known victory, his 1st, a B-17 (HSS) W of Magdeburg on 28 May, 1944.
254 Fanke, HelmutLt1(F)/22 (S.U.)Ju 88D-2 Werk # 0799 "4N + FH" (lost 7/12/41)Observer Operational ClaspMIA with unnamed crew between Nevel and Pskov (Pskov Oblast, Russia) 12 July, 1941, cause unknown (Ju 88 Loss List). Added: The JU 88 was sd by a Soviet fighter, with all the crew bailing. Three were captured and the unamed R/O managed to return to his unit. Remaining crew: Uffz K.Müller, the Pilot! and Gefr G.Schultz, Gnr. Lt Fanke served as Observer this date (D.Drury).
255 Fast, HelmutLt3/19/1918Erprobungskommando EKdo 25 (7/43 Achmer) (Testing & Experimental Command)Fw 190A-5/U8 Werk # 1405 "White 8" (lost 7/28/43)Fighter Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 28 July, 1943, crashing in the village of Ekehaar, 5 km southeast of Assen, in the Netherlands. Buried first at Groningen and later at the German War Cemetery at Ysselsteyn, Grave AX-8-199 per John Manrho, Dutch Researcher.
Ysselstein, Holland
256 Fauser, HelmutOfhr18/JG-27 (Reich Def)Bf 109G-6 Werk # 441469 "Red 13 + I" (lost 5/24/44) EK 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 24 May, 1944 during aerial combat with bombers, 40km south of St Pölten. One known victory, his 1st, a B-24 (HSS) 60 km N of Brück-a.d.-Mür on 24 May, 1944.
257 Fehn, HansLt2/20/19201(Lufttorpedostf)/KG-26 (Bardofuss)He 111H-6 Werk # 7168 "1H + GH" (lost)Bomber Operational ClaspMIA 18 September, 1942; failed to return from a mission, cause and location unknown. Remaining crew (all MIA): Fw Karl Weger, Observer; Uffz Helmut Gärtner, R/O and Fw Josef Schmitt, Mech. Source: SIG Norway. Added: Shot down by British ship fire, crashed into the Artic Ocean near Convoy PQ18, S of Is. Spitzbergen (KG-16 Loss List).
258 Feindt, HugoFhr1/29/1922Grünendeich6/ZG-1Bf 110G-2 Werk # 130083 "2N + AP" (lost 6/26/44)Wound Badge, Destroyer Operational ClaspWIA 26 June, 1944 during aerial combat and crashed in the area of Pezinok to Vinicnym, SlovaKilledInAction (KIA). His R/O, Ogefr Helmut Döpke was KilledInAction (KIA); buried in the War Cem. Hamburg-Ohlsdorf in a single grave, no detail, Hamburg being his hometown (D.Drury).
259 Fenger, HelmutUffz9/ZG-26 (Africa)Bf 110F-2 Trop Werrk # 5115 "3U + RT" (lost 2/3/43)Destroyer Operational ClaspMIA with unnamed crew 3 February, 1943 in the Tunis area due to enemy fire. Bf 110 Loss List
260 Fenner, ErnstOblt7/KG-1 (S.U.)Ju 88A-5 Werk # 4076 "V4 + KT" (lost 4/30/42)Bomber Operational ClaspMIA with unnamed crew 30 April, 1942 at Cholm, cause unknown (Ju 88 Loss List). Added: One Russian source refers to Oblt Fenner as having been captured after his ac was sd by fighters. Remaining crew (MIA): Uffz Helmut Krien, Obs; Uffz Kurt Grosser, R/O and Ogefr Georg Schuricht, Gnr (D.Drury).
261 Fenzl, Helmut Dr.Oblt4/9/1915Würzburg7/JG-27 (10/42 Egypt)Bf 109F-4/Trop Werk # 13136 "White 7 + ~" (lost 10/28/42)Fighter Operational ClaspPOW 28 October, 1942; shot down during aerial combat with a P-40 of RCAF No. 112 Sq., piloted by P/O J.Gary Wright (WIA), near Alamein. Added: Oblt Fenzl made a perfect belly landing behind enemy lines, handing his pristine ac over to the British (C.Sundin).
262 Feustel, HelmutUffzNAGr.-1Fw 189A-3 Werk # 066 (40% dam 9/15/43)Wound Badge
Night Observer Operational Clasp
WIA 15 September, 1943 by enemy return fire at Grigorjewka Russia. No mention of remaining crew injuries. Obs Loss List
263 Fickel, HelmutOblt11/27/1921Meiningen Thüringen1Erg/StG-2, III/StG-2 (S.U.), Adj. III/SG-2 (1/44 S.U.), Stfkpt 9/SG-2Ju 87D-3 in III/StG-2 in S.U., Ju 87 in the Med. in May 41., Fw 190A

Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(12/12/43)
EK 1(6/26/43) & 2
Wnd Bdg
Dive Bomber Oper.Clasp w/Pend
800 missions. Shot down three times. On one occasion, he and R/O Uffz Gustav Partsch were rescued from behind enemy lines by Rudel. His first known victory, a Soviet Il-7 on 30 January, 1944. He was awarded with the Knight´s Cross by Rudel, on June 9th, 1944. Captured by British troops in May 1945.

Rudel on left presenting RK to Helmut Fickel (on right)
264 Fiebig, ErichFw1(H)/32Hs 126 Werk # 3467 "V7 + 1H" (lost 6/25/41)Observer Operational ClaspForce landed at Ylimuonio Finland on 25 June, 1941 due to a fuel shortage. Neither he nor his Observer, Lt Helmut Mett, were injured (Flyvrak Norway).
265 Findeisen,Uffz27/JG-6Bf 109G, Fw 190A EK 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
One known victory, a P-38 2 km N of La Fere on 25 August, 1944. A 2nd, an Auster at Hasselt-Maastricht on 18 September, 1944. This may be Helmut, later in JG-26, however, he may have transferred into JG-6 from ZG-26 initially.
266 Findeisen, GüntherFw6/1/19204(F)/122 (S.U.)Ju 88D-1 Werk # 1365 "F6 + EM" (lost 11/12/41)Observer Operational ClaspMIA with his Observer Lt Helmut Horn and two other unnamed crew at Debaltseve, Ukraine-Likhaya, Russia, 12 November, 1941, cause unknown (Ju 88 Loss List). Added: Remaining crew (MIA): Uffz Ewald Patzke, R/O and Uffz Karl Bens, Flt Engr. Grave locations unknown, however two are commemorated on granite cubes at Rossoschka, Russia: Findeisen on Cube 17, Plate 20 and Bens on Cube 5, Plate 16. Horn is commemorated at Donezk-Sammelfriedhoff, Ukraine. Patzke is commemorated at Charkow, Ukraine (D.Drury).
267 Findeisen, HelmutUffz7/JG-6 (9/44), 2/JG-26 (1/45)Fw 190A-8 Werk # 732026 "Yellow 4" (dam 9/29/44), Fw 190D-9 Werk # 210993 "Black 6" (lost 1/4/45Wound Badge
Fighter Operational Clasp
WIA 4 January, 1945 during aerial combat with a Spitfire of RAF No. 411 Sq. near Melle-Osnabrück. DOW 18 January, 1945. The JG-6 List reported Helmut WIA (head injury) 29 September, 1944 during aerial combat at Richrath.
268 Firsching, WolfgangOblt12/14/19175/KG-40 (9/41 Soesterberg)Do 217E-4 Werk # 5011 "F8 + LN" (60% dam 9/21/41, eng trbl, all safe), Do 217E-4 Werk # 5327 "F8 + EN" (15% dam 4/29/42)Bomber Operational ClaspKIC 29 April, 1942; rammed by another Do 217 during takeoff from the Soesterburg airfield, Utrecht Holland. Oblt Firsching buried Ysselsteyn CW-5-117. Remaining crew: Uffz K.Fränkler, R/O (injured) and Ofw Helmut Wolff (geb 10/30/1912), Mech/Gnr (KIC, bur CW-5-118). No mention of an observer (F.Munckhof & SGLO).
Ysselstein, Holland
269 Fischer, HelmutOfw12/4/192029Radio Oper. I/NJG-1 (6/41 to 3/45)Bf 110, He 219 w/StreibEP

EK 1 & 2
Night Fighter Operational Clasp
R/O for Werner Streib June 43 with 15 victory participations. With Reinhold Knacke, 6 victories between March & May, 1943. With Bruno Eickmeier, he had 2 victories in Sept & Oct, 1942. Other victory participations unknown. Shot down with Eickmeier on 24 August, 1943. He survived, however, Eickmeier was killed. Bailed four times. Flugbuch. Deceased 22 July, 2002.

Courtesy Christian König

KTY Photo
270 Fischpera, HelmutUffz4/12/1919Dillweissenstein / PforzheimFlg.Ausb Regt 33 (8/40 Elbing), FFS 7 (Insterburg 10/41-942), 2/ KG-200 (Gartenfeldt)He 111, Ju 52, B-17F Ser # 41-24585 of 8 AAF, 360BS, 303 BG "Wulfe Hund", Luft desig. "Wulfe Hound" "DL + XC"Transport Operational ClaspHelmut flew many spy missions over Russia, and was known to have flown the captured B-17. On his last mission, he crashed in Cz., set the plane onfire, removed their uniforms and walked home (5 weeks) avoiding Russian captivity. Source: His Son, Richard Fischpera. Added: The B-17 crash landed at Melun France on 12 December, 1942, sd by a Bf 110 of NJG-1. The B-17, piloted by 1 Lt Paul F. Flickenger, made a force landing at Leeuwarden after the engagement. It was rebuilt at Rechlin and flew it's first Luftwaffe mission on 17 March, 1943. It was used primarily for training Luftwaffe personnel and secret missions (Wings Remembered).
271 Folter, HansLt4/KG-26He 111H-5 Werk # 3848 "1H + GM" (lost 1/18/41)Bomber Operational ClaspPOW 18 January, 1941after his ac ran out of fuel during a raid on the Suez Canal, and made a force landing west of Tobruk. His unnamed crew and Maj Helmut Bertram were captured by the British (D.Drury).
272 Forell, HelmutUffz2/JG-77 (Reich Def)Bf 109G-14 Werk # 512359 "Red 3" (lost 12/25/44)Fighter Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 25 December, 1944, cause and location not reported (Bf 109 Loss List).
273 Forrell, HelmutUffzI/JG-77Bf 109GFighter Operational ClaspShot down 25 December, 1944 between Bonn and Cologne by Allied fighters. Pilot disposition unknown.
274 Förster, HansLt9/KG-40He 111H-3 Werk # 3175 "V4 + GL" (lost 4/8/41)Bomber Operational ClaspMIA 8 April, 1941; failed to return from an operation. Believed attacked over Belfast by a Hurricane of No.245 Sq., piloted by S/Ldr John W.C.Simpson, and crashed into the Irish Sea. Remaining crew (MIA): Ofw Helmut Niemeyer, Obs; Uffz Günther Guthschmidt, R/O and Gefr Wilhelm Göpfarth, Flt Engr (D.Drury).
275 Forstreuter, HelmutOfw1/NAGr-2 (S.U.)Bf 109G-4 Werk # 19772 (30% dam 8/3/43)Wound Badge
Observer Operational Clasp
WIA 3 August, 1943 by enemy return fire at Map Quadrant Pl.Qu. 61364.
276 Forti, HelmutUffzIII/KG-76 (S.U. 6/43)Ju 88C-6 Werk # 360224 "F1 + HD" (lost 6/23/43)Bomber Operational ClaspMIA with two other unnamed crew 23 June, 1943 at Stalingrad, cause unknown. His Observer, Lt Oskar Maichel, appears to have returned (Ju 88 Loss List). Added: One other unnamed crewman, Uffz Herbert Haase, R/O, MIA (QU.Meister File).
277 Fraass, HelmutFw53/JG-53 (Med)Bf 109G-6 Werk # 140041 "Yellow 12" (lost 1/13/44)
EK 1 & 2
Wound Badge
Fighter Operational Clasp
WIA 13 January, 1944 during aerial combat with a P-38 15 km northwest of Rome; bailed safely. One known victory, his 1st, a P-38 on 13 January, 1944. The P-38 victory claimed this date may be that of Lt. Ralph W. Sebring (3.5 vics) of 48FS, 14FG. 15AAF, who was subsequently captured an interned at Stalag Luft 1, North 2 Compound, Bks 4, Rm 13, as reported by his son, Ralph Sebring. Still a "Work in Progress"!
278 Frank, Hans DieterHptm7/8/1919Kiel55I/ZG-1, Stab I/NJG-1 (4/41), 2/NJG-1 (10/42), Kdr I/NJG-1 (7/43-9/43)Bf 110 in 41, He 219A-0 Werk # 190053 "G9 + CB" (lost 9/28/43)
EL(3/2/44 Post.)

Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(12/7/42)

EK 1 & 2
Wnd Bdg
NJ Oper.Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 28 September, 1943 when he collided with another Night Fighter at Heese, NW of Celle, and was killed trying to parachute to safety. One known victory, a Hampden 2 km southwest of Neeroesteren/Limburg, 10-11 April, 1941. A 2nd, a Whitley V the night of 11-12 June, 1941, no location. A Wellington and a Whitley V on 17 August, 1941, no location.A Whitley V othe night of 24-25 August, 1941, no location. A Whitley V on 27 October, 1941, no location. A Stirling and a Wellington III on 2 October, 1942; the Wellington of RAF No 419 Sq. at Oosterens, near the Volkel airfield, 3 km south of Uden Holland. A Lancaster on 17 January, 1943. On the night of 22 June, 1943, he shot down six enemy AC. All his victories were Night victories. Bowers/Lednicer, 55 victories.

L-R: Gerhard Hitgen - Hans Dieter Frank - Helmut Stahn

Courtesy Oleg Marin

Courtesy Oleg Marin
279 Frank, HelmutFw8/KG-27He 111H-16 & H-6
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(2/26/43)

EK 1 & 2
Bomber Operational Clasp
DK-G Awards List
280 Frank, HelmutHptm4/17/1914Eylau6/Luft Signal Regt Flg. Versuchs KpHe 111H-5 Werk # 3548 "GD + LL" (lost 4/8/42)Bomber Operational ClaspKIC 8 April, 1942; crashed into the side of a mountain (cliff) at Lindasen, killing the entire crew, no cause reported. Remaining crew: Fw Erich John, Ofw Kurt Jennewein, Uffz Karl Heinz Kunert (R/O) and Uffz Herman Lorenz (Mech) (Flyvrak Norway).
281 Franken, JosefOfw1/NJG-6Bf 110G-4 Werk # 140360 "2Z + RK" (lost 9/2/44)Night Fighter Operational ClaspKIC 2 September, 1944 at Unterschöntal near Backnang on a weather recon flight, cause unknown. A civilian, named Börner was the only survivor, bailing. The R/O Uffz Helmut Lehmann (KIC, 6/21/1922, bur Backnang).
282 Frassek, GeorgUffz2/8/191815(Z)/KG-40 (Atlantic)Ju 88C-6 Werk # 360078 "F8 + NZ" (lost 7/12/43)Bomber Operational ClaspPOW with unnamed crew 12 July, 1943, cause unknown, location not reported (Ju 88 Loss List). Added: Remaining crew (POW): Uffz Helmut Heinze (or Hinze), Obs & Ogefr Heinz Dock, R/O. The crew were picked up at sea, off Cape Finisterre after being sd by a Whitley BD681 of 10 OTU, piloted by Sgt Rudman (R.Randall). Added: The crew of the Whitley were all KilledInAction (KIA) after being attacked by another Ju 88 piloted by Oblt Hans Schuster of 15/KG-40, and went into the sea off Cape Finisterre (D.Drury).
283 Freiberg, RudolfOfw7/KG-100Do 217 Werk # Unk (lost 8/15/44)Bomber Operational ClaspInterned in Spain 15 August, 1944 after failing to return from a mission against shipping off St Raphael France. The ac was lost at sea due to AA fire from one of the vessels. The crew members were rescued by Spanish fishermen. Remaining crew: Fhr Oskar Grüner, Obs; Uffz Ernst Herbert Huber, R/O; Uffz Helmut Ende, Gnr and Ogefr Hans Wassermann, Flt Engr, the only crew member reported repatriated (D.Drury).
284 Freimuth, KarlFwIII/TG-1 (4/43)Ju 52 Werk # 7728 (lost 4/28/43)Transport Operational ClaspKIC 28 April, 1943 when he made accidental ground contact near Vesuv. Remaining crew: Uffz Eduard Rath, Obs (KIC); Uffz Johann Polmanns, R/O (KIC) and Ogefr Helmut Zeitler, Gnr (Qu.Meister File).
285 Freiy, HelmutOGefrFFS A 115Bü-181 B-2 Werknr 330147KIFA on 07/02/44 near Engelhartszell, crashed probably due to pilot error.CKönig
286 Fried, Hans JoachimOblt8/25/19192/Kü.Fl.Gr-906 (5/41), Stab III/KG-26 (11/42)Bv 138C-1 Werk # 0310023 "BL + BK" (lost 5/15/41), Ju 88A-4 Werk # 144276 "VS + HG" (lost 11/8/42) Wound Badge
Air Sea Rescue Operational Clasp
Injured in a takeoff accident at Hornum seaplane base, Nordfriesland Germany on 15 May, 1941, cause unknown. Remaining crew: Ogefr Johann Wirringa, R/O (Inj); Ofw Georg Klare, 1st Flt Engr (inj); Uffz Friedrich Braun, 2nd Flt Engr (inj) and Ogefr Helmut Hahn, Gnr (KIC). Hahn buried at Westerland, on the Island of Sylt, Blk II, Row II, Gr 40 (D.Drury). Added: POW 8 November, 1942; sd in his Ju 88A-4 at sea by naval gunfire during an evening torpedo attack north of Algiers. Remaining crew: Lt.z.S. Horst Renk, Obs (POW); Ogefr Heinrich Teckentrupp, R/O (POW) and Uffz Willi Moll, Flt Engr (evaded capture) (D.Drury & Career Summaries).
287 Friese, HelmutOfw97/JG-52 (10/42 S.U.)Bf 109G-2, Bf 109G-4 Werk # 19225 "White 9" (lost 3/19/43)
EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 19 March, 1943 during aerial combat with a Pe-2 at Kertsch. His first known Soviet victory, two LaGG-3s on 1 November, 1942. An Il-2 on 9 January, 1943. A 4th, a LaGG-3 on 20 January, 1943. A 5th, an I-16 Rata on 2 February, 1943. A 6th, a Boston on 8 February, 1943. Nos 7, 8 & 9, a laGG-3 and two Il-2s on 9 February, 1943.
288 Friese, HelmutFw8/8/1919Egeln3(F)/Aufklär.Gr. Ob.d.L.Do 215B Werk # 0045 "T5 + EL" (lost 9/28/41)Observer Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 28 September, 1941 when his ac was lost at Dniprovka, Ukraine, cause unknown. Remaining crew (believed KilledInAction (KIA)): Oblt August Wollfmeyer (or Wollfmayer or Wulfmeyer), Obs; Fw Erwin Kald and Uffz Erich Lehmann. The deceased are believed buried in Dniprovka, Ukraine (D.Drury).
289 Frisch, HelmutUffzIV/KG-26He 111H-5 Werk # 3739 "1H + EV" (lost 10/20/42)Bomber Operational ClaspKIC 20 October, 1942 when his ac was involved in a mid-air collision with another He 111 at Leba, Pomerania, piloted by Ofw Herbert Hasselbacher. Remaining crew: Oblt Gerhard Salecker, Obs (KIC, bur German War Cem., Hamburg-Ohlsdorf, no further detal); Oblt Georg Linge, Obs #2 (KIC, bur Berlin-Neuköln-Landeseigener Friedhof, Field D, Row 2, Gr 31); Gefr Hans Greve, R/O (KIC, no known grave) and Uffz Adolf Hager, Gnr (Missing). Uffz Fresch buried in a family grave in the War Cem. at Marianske Lazne/Marienbad, Cz Republic (D.Drury).
290 Fritsch, HelmutLt9/27/1923Güstrow1/KG-100He 177A-3 Werk # 332394 "6N + BH" (lost 5/8/44)Bomber Operational ClaspKIC 8 May, 1944; crashed at Lechfeld during a non-operational flight, cause not given. Remaining crew: Uffz Eugen Strasser, geb 5/17/1921, (KIC), K.Obs; Uffz Alfred Becker, geb 11/8/1919, (WIC), R/O; Fw Herbert Menge, geb 10/26/1917, (WIC), Wart and Uffz Alois Dullinger, geb 3/3/1917, (WIC), Gunner. Source: B.Bines.
291 Fritsch, HelmutGefr2./ FFS C Zeltweg3 months of prison because on 10/04/40 he went absent without permission and flew over and around his parents house in low flight.CKönig
292 Fritz, HelmutUffz7/JG-300 (III/JG-11)Bf 109G-6 Werk # 15620 (lost 7/30/43 at Oldenburg)Night Fighter Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 30 July, 1943 during aerial combat near Oldenburg/Schlutter (Bf 109 Loss List).
293 Fritz, RudoUffz04/03/18 (CKönig)Luftflotte-3, 2/Seenot (5/43)Do 24T-3 Werk # 992 "CM + IF" (lost 5/21/43)Air Sea Rescue Operational ClaspHis Do 24 crashed at Buiten, near Schellingwoude Holland, on 21 May, 1943, cause and pilot/crew disposition unknown (DeSwart). Added: The cause of the crash reported as Operator error. Uffz Fritz and two others KIC, three others injured. Remaining crew: Oblt Werner Rothmann, Obs (born 10/06/17 in Saarlouis, CKönig) KIC, bur Yssel CX-4-97); Uffz E.F.W.Becker, R/O (Inj); Uffz K.Dietel, Mech 1 (Inj); Uffz H.Richstein, Mech 2 (Inj) and Oberarzt Dr. Helmut Kilp (born 21/11/15 in Langenaubach (CKönig) KIC, bur Yssel CX-4-96. Uffz Fritz, Pilot, buried Yssel CX-4-98 (SGLO).

294 Fritzsche, HelmutHptm9/27/1923GustrowStfkpt 10/KG-100 (12/42), Stfkpt 3/KG-100 (6/43 Stalino), Stfkpt 1/KG-100 (5/44), 4/JG-102 Rammtrager Unit 4/45He 111H-11 "6N + IL" in 3/KG-100 (lost 6/14/43), He 177A-3 "6N + BH" (dam 5/8/44), Bf 109G-6 (lost 4/7/45)EP(1/11/43)

EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
Survived an emergency landing after the 7 April, 1945 Ram-Attack on US bombers. Source: Arno Rose. His KG-100 data from a photo in the Kaiser RK book taken with the KG-100 Stfkpt in 1943. His EP date from the EP List provided by Fritz Braun. Added: He was uninjured after bailing behind enemy lines from "6N + IL" the night of 13/14 June, 1943. The ac was hit by AA fire and crashed SW of Saratov. The crew were rescued by He 111 "6N + MH". The He 177 was reported crashed at Lechfeld, 8 May, 1944, no further detail (LOCS). Alternate spelling: Fritsch & Fritsche.
295 Fröde, Helmutunkn3./SG 3Ju-87 DKilledInAction (KIA) on 05/06/44 over the Baltic Sea off Finland. Crew MIA: Gefr. Möglin, Herbert (15/03/24)CKönig
296 Fröhlich, HelmutFw48/JG-1 (5/44), 9/JG-1 (6/44)Bf 109G-6, Bf 109G-10 & G-14
EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
One known victory, his 2nd, a Typhoon at Caen on 19 July, 1944. A P-51 on the Normandy front, 10 August, 1944. A 4th, a Spitfire at Platz Ballancourt on 14 August, 1944. One of the most experienced III Gruppe pilots in March 1945 at Anklam airfield.
297 Frohne, HelmutMajStfkpt KGr.z.b.V-9Ju 52Transport Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 28 January, 1941, his Ju 52 crashing on the island of Rhodes in the eastern Aegean.
298 Frommhold, HelmutLt6/19/19149/KG-26 (8/43), 7/KG-26 (2/44)Ju 88A-4 Werk # 822185 "1H + BT (lost 8/13/43), Ju 88A Werk # Unk "1H + HR" (lost 2/12/44)Bomber Operational ClaspMIA 12 February, 1944 near Nettuno Italy (LOCS). This ac, of ac 822185 reported lost in the vicinity of a convoy by Alboron 13 August, 1943, cause unknown, pilot returned, two unnamed crew MIA and one KilledInAction (KIA) (Ju 88 Loss List). Added: The ac was lost while attacking convoy KMS 21, and crashed at sea off Alboran Island, Almeria, Spain (closer to Morocco). Lt Frommhold survived. Remaining crew: Walter Laterner (believed KilledInAction (KIA)), Uffz Erhard Güstrau (MIA) and Uffz Gerhard Schreiner (MIA). Güstrau & Schreiner have grave markers at Yuste de Cuacos, in Memoriam. Laterner's body washed ashore and was buried among the locals on Alboran Island (D.Drury).
299 Frose, HelmutUffz25/JG-77 (Norway)Bf 109E-1 Werk # 3309 (lost 10/12/40)
EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
KIC 12 October, 1940 during a landing accident in Werk # 3309 at the Sola Norway airfield after a sortie. Source: SIG Norway. His two known victories were Blenheims over Aalborg Norway on 13 August, 1940.
300 Frotzscher, Bruno HelmutUffz11/JG-26Bf 109G-6 Werk # 440913 "yellow 18" (lost)Fighter Operational Clasp in BronzeKilledInAction (KIA) 14 June, 1944 during aerial combat with a P-38 of 55FG at Meulan, NW of Paris. He was a new pilot.

Results 201 to 300 of 1214.

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