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#Pilot (↑)RankBornPlaceScore (↑)UnitsAircraftAwards*************Notes*************Photo
(Click to Expand)
23601 Walburger, AndreasUffz2/JG-27 (Channel)Bf 109E-1 Werk # 6147 "Black 5" (lost 9/15/40)Fighter Operational ClaspPOW 15 September, 1940 after suffering radiator damage and fire during combat with Spitfires while on an escort mission to London. He force landed at Homestead, Ifield near Lewes, Sussex, where he was captured, uninjured.

Courtesy Oleg Marin

23602 Walchhofer, JohannesFw56/JG-27 (6/41 S.U.- 6/42 Africa)Bf 109E & F, Bf 109F-4/Trop Werk # 8465 (lost 6/8/42)
EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 8 June, 1942, when he was shot down by a P-40 of RCAF No. 260 Sq., piloted by F/Sgt J.F. Edwards. He manged to crash his heavily damaged AC in Axis territory, near El Adem, but hit a mine, and was killed in the subsequent explosion. Magnus. His 1st Soviet victory, an SB-2 on 22 June, 1941. One known victim, a Hurricane of RAF No. 208 Sq., piloted by P/O O. C. Stephens, west of Agedabia Malta on 24 January, 1942. Another, a P-40 in the Tobruk area on 18 March, 1942. On 3 April, 1942, he downed two P-40s of RAF No. 94 Sq., piloted by P/O Moon and Sgt Musker, in the area of Ain-el-Gazala, over Bomba Bay.
23603 Wald, HarryFw18JG-51, 12(Sturm)/JG-3 (6/44), Stab/JG-3 (8/44), 16/JG-3 (1/45)Bf 109G in JG-51, Fw 190A-8 Werk # 680848 "Red 20" in JG-3 (8/44)
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold

EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
One known victory, his 1st, a P-51 at Caen on 10 June, 1944. His 9th, a B-17 NW of Halle on 2 November, 1944. His 10th, a B-24 at Hunsrück on 2 December, 1944. His 11th, 12th & 13th, all B-26s at Büllingen-Stavelot on 23 December, 1944. His 14th, a Typhoon in the Eindhoven area on 1 January, 1945. His 15th, a P-39 on 18 February, 1945. His 16th, a Pe-2 on 3 March, 1945. Nos. 17 & 18, both "e/a"s on 15 March, 1945. Magnus Report, 25 victories.
23604 Waldau, Gustav AdolfUffz8/JG-2Fw 190D-9 (lost 3/22/45)Wound Badge
Fighter Operational Clasp
WIA 22 March, 1945 during aerial combat with a P-51 in the Wiesbaden area, bailed safely with injuries.
23605 Walde, PaulUffz2/JG-54Fw 190A-8 Werk# 731044 "White 3" (lost)Fighter Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 7 July, 1944 in aerial combat with P-51s over Bonnieres.
23606 Wälde, Rudolf2/JGr. Süd (?)Bf 109F-4 Werk # 7176 "Blue 16 (lost 1/21/44)Fighter Operational ClaspMIA after seen bailing safely on 21 January, 1944 after aerial combat with American fighters near Toulon; his ac crashed into the sea north of the island, Ille de Bagaud, France (Heinrich Braun). Alternate spelling: Walde.
23607 Waldecker, HelmutHptm9/3/1914Heidelberg2/Kü.Fl. Gr. 606 (9/38), Stfkpt 3/KG-6 (10/42 France)Do 18, Do 17, Ju 88A-4, Ju 188E-1 Werk # 260179 "3E + FL" (lost 10/15/43) RK(11/22/43)

Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(8/31/43)

EK 1 & 2
Bomber Operational Clasp in Gold
An Observer, who became a Pilot October, 1942, POW 15 October, 1943 after being shot down by a Mosquito of No. 85 Sq., piloted by S/L Mcguire. He and his Observer, Ogefr Waldemar Haupt bailed safely, but R/O Uffz Karl Heinz Müller and Gunner Ofw Julius Hohmann were killed in the crash.148 combat missions. Deceased 25 April, 1966, Bruchsal. Source: Kaiser RK book.
23608 Walden, FritzOgefrBomber unit (Zellhausen 12/44)He 111H-20 (lost 12/4/44)Bomber Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 4 December, 1944; sd at Michelbach by a P-61 of 422 Sq, piloted by Capt Raymond A.Anderson. Remaining crew (KilledInAction (KIA)): all Ogefrs. no crew assignments given. Horst Alexander, Werner Bredemeier, Kurt Timm and Manfred Vesper. Lost Aircraft Report.
23609 Walden, HansStbsFw4/19/1910Stralsund2/KGrzbV- 9 (5/40)Ju 52/3m Werk # unk (lost 5/10/40) Wound Badge, Transport Operational Clasp WIA 10 May, 1940 near Ypenburg (Delft?), DOW of a chest wound in the Haag hospital on 16 May, 1940. Buried Ysselsteyn BH-009 where his date of death reads 10 May, 1940. Source: Dr H. Weiss & H.D. Zemke. Added: Buried Ysselsteyn BH-1-9. No crew mention (SGLO).
Ysselstein, Holland
23610 Walden, HeinrichFw4(H)/23Hs 126B-1
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(8/31/43)

EK 1 & 2
Observer Operational Clasp
DK-G Awards List
23611 Waldenberger, WalterFw3/KGzbV-1 (1/43)Ju 52 "1Z + FL"Transport Operational ClaspA Balkans and Russian Campaign Transport pilot. Many missions into the Stalingrad Pocket area, utilizing the last airfield at Pitomnik, haulin fresh soldiers in, and wounded soldiers out.
23612 Waldenberger, WernerUffzJG-301Bf 109G-6 Werk# # 161192 (lost 2/25/44)Wound Badge
Fighter Operational Clasp
WIA 25 February, 1944 during aerial combat with a P-51 at Freudental, bailed safely with wounds.
23613 Waldenburg, Friedrich vonUffzII/SG-4 (Italy)Fw 190G-3 Werk # 160389 "Black D" (lost 11/20/43)Assault Operational ClaspMIA 20 November, 1943 over Italy, cause unknown, exact location not given.
23614 Waldhauser, AntonUffz8/JG-54Bf 109G-6 Werk# 411076 "Black 9" (lost)Fighter Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 29 March, 1944 over Hoya/Weser.
23615 Waldhauser, JohannOblt3/1/1913Freising2/ StG-77, Stfkpt 9/StG-77Ju 87D Werk # 5814 (lost 5/13/42) RK(1/24/42)

EK 1 & 2
Dive Bomber Operational Clasp with star pendant
KilledInAction (KIA) 13 May, 1942, together with his R/O Uffz Martin Kleinert, during a diving attack near Vasilyevka/Kertch (Kerch Peninsula), when their AC received a direct flak hit, and exploded in mid-air. 312 missions with the Ju 87. Channel pilot. First of his unit to win the EK 2 during the Polish Campaign. Added: Explanation for Knights Cross excerpt: "Awarded for the successes of his Staffel in attacking shipping during the Balkans campaign, around Crete and in the Black sea. These amounted to one destroyer and 31000 GRT of shipping sunk, as well as 29000 GRT of shipping damaged. Also contributing to the award was his own mission count, which at the time amounted to over 250 sorties flown."

23616 Waldheim, HeinzUffz2/NJG-2Ju 88G-6 Werk # 620282 "TT + OX" (factory code)(lost 11/30/44)Night Fighter Operational ClaspAC lost 30 November, 1944 in the Issum, Geldern area, no further detail. Remaining crew (dispositions unknown): Uffz Bruno Hermannsdorfer and Uffz Fritz Christ. Source: A. Rosseels.

Franz Christ
Courtesy Christian König

23617 Waldhelm,Oblt1/Schl.G-2 (Africa)Bf 109F-4 Werk # 5485 (40% dam 1/7/43), Bf 109F-4 Werk # 13025 "White 8" (lost 2/3/43)Fighter Operational ClaspMIA 3 February, 1943 after crashing and burning in "White 8", cause and location not reported. WIA 7 January, 1943 when his Wk# 5485 was hit by flak near the Hamreid airfield. Source: Bf 109 Loss List.

Waldhelm left Eberhard Sauer right

23618 Waldherr, RudolfUffz9/JG-26Bf 109G-6 Werk # 440584 "Black 10" (lost)Fighter Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 10 June, 1944 during aerial combat in "Black 10" with an American fighter E of Beauvais. He crashed in his AC.
23619 Waldmann, FranzFw1/NJG-1He 219A-0 Werk # 190211 "G9 + TH" (30% dam 2/21/45)Wound Badge
Night Fighter Operational Clasp
WIA 21 February, 1945; crashed at the Dortmund airfield after engaging in aerial combat.
23620 Waldmann, Hans Peter "Dackel" "Waldi"Oblt9/24/1922Braunschweig1346/JG-52 (9/42 Gonschtakowka S.U.), 4/JG-52 (8/44), 8/JG-3 (6/44), Stffüh 3/JG-7 (11/44-3/45)Bf 109F in 42, Bf 109G-2 Werk # 13566 "Black<2 + -" (tail flak Dam 9/18/42), Bf 109G-2 Werk # 13650 "PJ + CU" (crash land-Ftr 9/25/42), Bf 109G-4 "Yellow 3 + -" at Anapa, Bf 109G-6 in JG-52, Me 262A-1a Wk# 170097 "Yellow 3" in JG-7 RK(2/5/44)-EL(3/1/45)

Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(4/17/43)

EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp in Gold (2/1/43)
2 Bombers in an Me 262. KIFA 18 March, 1945 when his Me 262A-1a Wk# 170097 "Yellow 3" collided with another Me 262, piloted by Lt Hans Dieter Weihs of 3/JG-7 in dense fog near Kaltenkirchen/Holstein, and crashed near Schwarzenbek, E of Hamburg. 527 combat missions. 121 victories in the East. His first known Soviet victory, a LaGG-3 on 9 September, 1942. Another LaGG-3 on 10 September, 1942. An I-153 on 18 September, 1942. A LaGG-3 on 25 September, 1942. An I-153 on 22 October, 1942. A LaGG-3 on 2 November, 1942. An Il-2 on 2 December, 1942. An I-16 on 11 February, 1943. Four I-153s on 12 February, 1943. A LaGG-3 and a P-39 on 30 April, 1943. Seven Soviet victories on 7 May, 1944. His 126th victory, a B-24 at Taverny France on 6 August, 1944. His 128th & 129th, both P-47s SW of Thymerais on 14 August, 1944. His 130th & 131st, both P-47s; one 8 km E of Dreux, and the other 4 km E of Dreux, on 18 August, 1944. His 132nd, a P-47 2 km E of Falaise on 19 August, 1944. His last two victories, Nos. 133 & 134, both P-51s, one 30 km W of Berlin, the other 25 km NE of Brocken on 22 February, 1945. He was buried in Kaltenkirchen. Added: In September 1/942 he served often as the wingman for Johannes Steinhoff (C.Sundin).

Courtesy Christian König

Courtesy Christian König

Courtesy Oleg Marin

23621 Waldmann, HeinzOfw1(F)/33 (Channel)Ju 88D-1 Werk # 430329 (65% dam 11/12/42)Wound Badge
Observer Operational Clasp
Injured in a crash landing with his Observer Oblt Fritz Richter and one other unnamed crew at the Dijon airfield 12 November, 1942; the crash was caused by a servicing fault and killed one other unnamed crew (Ju 88 Loss List).
23622 Waldmann, HermannFw1/2/19157(H)/32Fw 189A-2 Werk # 2279 "M4 + CR" (lost 9/18/42)Observer Operational ClaspMIA 18 September, 1942 at Kabardinka, Krasnodarskiy Kray, Russia, cause unknown. The remaining unnamed crew were also MIA (Obs Loss List). Added: Fw Waldmann is shown as MIA in the VDK, and is commemorated in the War Cem at Krasnodar-Apscheronsk, Russia. His Observer, Lt Karl Heinz Kohlschmidt (geb 10/29/1919), is also confirmed MIA, and is commemorated in the War Cem at Sevastopol-Gontscharnoje, Ukraine. No VDK match found for the Gunner, believed to be Uffz Richard Witt (D.Drury).
23623 Waldner, HansUffz11/25/1915Marling1(F)/Aüf.Kl.Gr. Ob.d.L. (Smolensk NordJu 88D-1 Werk # 430134 (dam 8/5/42)Observer Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 5 August, 1942 in an emergency landing at Rudnya airfield, WNW of Smolensk, Russia. Remaining crew: Oblt Paul Venn, Obs (KilledInAction (KIA)); Uffz Karl Christner, R/O (WIA) and Ogefr Peter Osietzki (or Onitzki?), Gnr (KilledInAction (KIA)). The VDK lists Uffz Waldner buried in the War Cem at Smolensk-Nishnjaja Dubrowinka, Russia. Oblt Venn and Ogefr Osietzki are not in a military cemetery, but are understood to be in graves at Rudnya (D.Drury).
23624 Waldvogel, HelmutOblt12/16/1912Triberg1/KG-40He 111H-3 Werk # 3333 "V4 + BH" (lost 5/9/41)Bomber Operational ClaspMIA 9 May, 1941 when his ac crashed into the irish Sea off South Stack, a small island located just off Holy Island, Anglesey, cause unknown. Remaining crew: Ofw Konrad Raub, Obs (KilledInAction (KIA)); Ofw Franz Resch, R/O (KilledInAction (KIA)) and Ofw Herbert Lehmann, Flt Engr (MIA). The bodies of Ofw Raub and Ofw Resch washed ashore later, and were buried at CC/6/11 in graves 239 & 238 respectively. The two missing are commemorated on the Kiel-Laboe Naval Memorial (D.Drury).
Cannock Chase
23625 Waleszuk, PaulObltI/Schl.G-1Fw 190F-3 Werk # 670237 (lost 7/8/43)Assault Operational ClaspMIA 8 July, 1943 in Russia at Map Quadrant Pl.Qu.6116. The name "WALESZUK" is questioned on the Loss List as tho it is incorrect or mis-spelled.
23626 Walfeld,Uffz8/JG-4 (9/44)Fw 190A-8/R2 Werk # Unk (lost 9/11/44)Fighter Operational ClaspBailed out safely 11 September, 1944, after a ramming incident near Erzgebirge (C.König).
23627 Waliczek, Uffz29/JG-51 (1/44 S.U.), 7/JG-51 (6/44), 15/JG-3 (wars end)Fw 190A, Bf 109G, Fw 190A-8 & Fw 190D-9 in JG-3 EK 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
His first known victory, a Soviet Il-2 (m.H.) on 8 January, 1944, a Gefr at the time. A 2nd, a P-51 at Falais on 29 June, 1944. Pictures with Emil Daniel and Karl Puett in Heide at wars end; identified by Puett. Alternate spelling: Waliczerk.
23628 Walk, WernerUffz8/JG-53 (7/43-12/43 Italy), 15/JG-53 (Reich Def)Bf 109G-6 Werk # 20253 (lost 7/29/43), Bf 109G-6 Werk # 160602 "White 5 + I" (lost 12/25/43), Bf 109G-14 Werk # 462994 "Yellow 6" (lost 12/22/44)Wound Badge
Fighter Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 22 December, 1944 during aerial combat at Kirchdorf. WIA 25 December, 1943 during aerial combat with a P-38 in the Aviano area, bailed safely. Injured in a collision with another G-6, Wk# 18694, piloted by Uffz Heinrich Wirtz (killed) on 29 July, 1943 during an Alarmstart from the Grazzaniese airfield.
23629 Walkenfort, AloisUffz1/KG-27He 111H-6
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(10/27/42)

EK 1 & 2
Bomber Operational Clasp
DK-G Awards List
23630 Walker, ScottFw5/2/1917II/JG-300 (4/45)Fw 190A-8 most likely (lost 4/45)Fighter Operational ClaspReported MIA in April, 1945 per II/JG-300 Loss List (
23631 Walkhoff, HerbertGefrJG-101 (6/44 at Landau), 3/EJG-1 (1/45), "Schulungs-Lehrgang-Elbe" (3/45 Stendal)Fw 190A-8/R8, Bf 109G in "Elbe" GroupFighter Operational Clasp in BronzeKilledInAction (KIA) 7 April, 1945 one his first and only "Rammtrager" mission.
23632 Walkmann, Oblt3/KGr-126He 111HBomber Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 16 August, 1940, no further detail (Stankey & DeZeng).
23633 Wall, WernerObltDive Bomber Enlisted R/O & Gunner 2/Stg-40, Unknown Unit as pilotJu 87,EP(12/23/41)
EK I(4/10/41) & 2(11/14/39)
Blk Wound Bdg(3/15/42)
Dive Bmbr Oper Clasp in Gold(8/12/41)
POW 8 May, 1945. Joined the pre-war Germany Army in 1933. Other awards: Austrian Occupation Medal of 13 March, 1938; Memel Medal of 1 October, 1938; Luft 4 Year Faithful Service Medal; Qualified R/O-Gunners Badge on 24 July, 1936; Qualified Pilot Badge on 21 November, 1943, and two various Sports Badges. Items found for sale online by Germania International.
23634 Walla, FranzUffz202/JG-51 (S.U.)Fw 190A-4 Werk # 7100 "Black 9" (lost 6/21/43)Fighter Operational ClaspMIA 21 June, 1943 in the Shisdra area, cause not reported. The Fw 190 Loss List suggested he had 20 victories, however I never found any on the OKL Claims list.
23635 Wallbaum, RudolfHptm5/21/1907 5/Gross KGfliegerschule-2 (5/42 Hörsching) He 111H Werk # 5051 (lost 5/26/42) Bomber Operational Clasp KIC with his entire crew, 26 May, 1942, when they crashed at Pasching, Upper Austria, due to an engine malfunction; the ac destroyed by fire upon impact. Remaining crew: Gefr Theodor Gahlen, Obs; Uffz Heinz Haas, R/O and Gefr Theodor Lunitz, Gnr. No VDK buriel detail on the remaing crew, however, a "Herr Rudolf Wallbaum", reported to have died on 26 May, 1942, is believed buried in the Steinbergen Cem., Rinteln, Lower Saxony, with no DOB match for certainty (D.Drury).
23636 Walleczeck, JohannFw9/KG-30 (Med)Ju 88A-4 Werk # 300150 "4D + BT" (lost 8/19/43)Bomber Operational ClaspMIA with unnamed crew in the Bizerta harbor 19 August, 1943, cause unknown (Ju 88 Loss List).
23637 Waller, Albert H.Oblt3/JG-52 "Yellow" Staffel (Channel)Bf 109B-4, Bf 109E-4 Werk # 1138 (lost 9/6/40)Fighter Operational ClaspPOW 6 September,1940 during the Battle of Britain. Bailed safely, landing at Stone Street near Sevenoaks. Interned at Camp # 30 in Bowmanville Canada with Steinhilper, and helped/accompanied Steinhilper on his third escape in April, 1942. Both were recaptured.
23638 Waller, F.Oblt27/JG-54 (7/43 Schiphol)Bf 109F, Bf 109G-4 "White ?" (60%), Bf 109G-6 Werk# 20130 "White ?" (20% dam 7/27/43) EK 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
On 17 February, 1943, Waller was rammed by a G-6, Werk# 20135 over Hazenbrouk. On 27 July, 1943, his G-6 was reported 20% damaged at Schiphol Holland airfield. In neither case was the pilot disposition reported. His first known victory, an I-153 on 19 November, 1941. A 2nd, a Spitfire 60 km N of Dunkirk on 24 June, 1943. Added: His Wk# 20130 was clipped by a landing ac, and Oblt Waller was not injured (SGLO).
23639 Wallner, ErnstHptm2/21/19105Luft. Beo Staffel 7 (4/44), 6/NJG-6 (12/44 Schwäbisch Hall)Ju 88G-1 Werk # 711129 "2Z + AP" (lost 12/4/44)(Most likely EP also)
EK 1 & 2
Night Fighter Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 4/5 December, 1944 by Lancaster return fire at Ludwigsburg, near Winzerhausen during a Heilbronn raid (Bolten). Pilot buried Schwäbisch Hall. Remaining crew: Uffz Kurt Morlock (KilledInAction (KIA), 4/25/1922); Uffz Karl Schröter (KilledInAction (KIA), 9/8/1920) and Gnr named Würzinger (bailed). One known victory, a Lancaster in the Friedrichshafen area on 28 April, 1944. A 2nd, a Wellington in the München-Innsbrück area on 14 June, 1944. A 3rd and 4th, a Lancaster near Russelheim and a 2nd Lancaster, 15 km W of Darmstadt, on 26 August, 1944 (PD216 see Archive Report). A 5th, a Lancaster SSE of Heilbronn on 4 December, 1944.
23640 Wallner, FranzUffz2/13/1921Ind.St. Erla FlugzeugwerkeDo 217E-4 Werk # 5434 (lost)KIC 20 December, 1943; crashed near Ukkel Belgium, cause not given. Buried Lommel, Block 44/11. Source: A. Rosseels.
Lommel, Belgium
23641 Wallner, OttoFw11/10/1920Muzau1210/JG-51 (7/43 S.U.), Stabstaffel/JG-51 (8/43)Fw 190A-6 Werk # 428 (lost 8/28/43)EP

EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
KIFA 28 August, 1943; hit an obstruction at the Gluchow, Ukraine airfield during takeoff due to poor visibility. Added: Fw Wallner is believed buried in the Kyiv Sammelfriedhof, Ukraine, Blk 3, among the Unknowns (D.Drury). His first known victory, a Soviet LaGG-5 on 6 July, 1943. A 2nd, an Il-4 on 9 July, 1943. A 3rd, an Il-4 on 13 July, 1943. A 4th, an Il-2(m.H.) on 15 July, 1943. Two Il-2s (m.H.) on 11 August, 1943. A Pe-2 on 12 August, 1943. A LaGG-3 on 13 August, 1943. Nos. 9 & 10, two Il-2s (m.H.) on 18 August, 1943. An 11th, an Il-2 (m.H.) 18 km W of Spas-Demensk on 19 August, 1943. A 12th, an Il-2 (m.H.) 7 km NW of Spas-Demensk on 20 August, 1943.
23642 Wallrath, HansLt15/NJG-3Bf 110 EK 2
Night Fighter Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 22/23 September, 1943 during aerial combat at Gronau, 35 km south of Hannover, by return fire after shooting down a Halifax. Source: T. Bolten.
23643 Wallrath, Karl HeinzUffz10/6/1919Berlin68/JG-3 (5/41)Bf 109F-4 Werk #8634 (lost 2/13/42)EP

EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 13 February, 1942 in aerial combat with a Pe 2 in the Demjansk area. It is possible he crashed into the sea near Malta earlier. One known victory, his 1st, a Hurricane on 25 May, 1941, west of Calais. Magnus, 6 victories. Jager Blatt article.

Courtesy Christian König

23644 Wallrauch, AlexanderUffz9/25/1921Obergrisheim Heilbronn8/NJG-5Bf 110G-4 Werk # 5673 "C9 + AR" (lost) Night Fighter Operational Clasp KilledInAction (KIA) 5 January, 1944 after being shot down during aerial combat, crashing near Uetersen Germany. His R/O, Ofw Max Herbrich was also killed.
23645 Wallys, AlfredUffz58/JG-51 (S.U.)Bf 109F & G, Fw 190A-3 Werk # 303 "Black ?" (80% dam 3/8/43)
EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
KIFA 8 March, 1943 resulting from a landing accident at Orel airfield, colliding with another A-3 Wk# 259 of Stab III/JG-51. One known victory, a Soviet Pe-2 on 21 August, 1942. A 2nd, a P-39 on 7 January, 1943. Three Il-2s on 24 February, 1943.
23646 Walner, AlfonsUffzIII/KGr.z.b.V.-1 (4/43)Ju 52 Werk # 7747 (lost 4/18/43)Transport Operational ClaspWIA with unnamed crew, 18 Aprl, 1943, when they were sd by fighters in the Tunis-Trapani area (Qu.Meister File).
23647 Walrath, HansLt5/NJG-3 (Med)Ju 88C-6 Werk # 750357 "D5 + GN" (lost 9/22/43)Night Fighter Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) with one other unnamed crew 22 September, 1943 during aerial combat, one other crew WIA, location not reported (Ju 88 Loss List).
23648 Walser, GeorgNJG-6 (4/44)Bf 110GWound Badge
Night Fighter Operational Clasp
Injured in a collision with Hptm Reschke during a landing the night of 24-25 April, 1944. Hospitalized at Ansbach. Jager Blatt 1/2000.
23649 Walter,Ofw18/NJG-3Bf 110 EK 2
Night Fighter Operational Clasp
One known victory, a "shared" "4 mot" N of Düsseldorf on 23 April, 1944.
23650 Walter,ObltJV-44 (4/45)Me 262A-1aFighter Operational ClaspFound on JV-44 pilot list on-line. This may be one of the many Walters already recorded.
23651 Walter,Lt8/NJG-1Bf 110D-3 Werk # 4344 (60% dam 5/5/42)Wound Badge
Night Fighter Operational Clasp
Injured in a crash at Wilna on 5 May, 1942 during a non-combat flight when he hit the ground (landing accident per Lost Aircraft Report). No mention of crewman injuries. Bf 110 Loss List
23652 Walter, AdolfOfw18/JG-52Bf 109E EK 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
MIA 1 September, 1941 (Magnus). One known victory, his 1st, a Hawk-75A south of Metz, 18 May, 1940. Magnus, 5 victories.
23653 Walter, AlbertOblt5/16/1921Tübingen1010/NJG-4, 1/NJG-6 (8/43)Bf 110G-4 Werk # 720187 "2Z + ??" (lost 2/24/44)EP

EK 1 & 2
Night Fighter Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 24 February, 1944 during aerial combat with a Halifax of RAF No. 420 Sq. near Egenhausen (Bolten). Remaining crew: R/O Uffz Otto Maier (geb 11/13/1917 Schmedenbach) (KilledInAction (KIA)). Oblt Walter buried Nürtingen 3/6/27. One known victory, a Stirling 25 km NE of Kitzingen on 28 August, 1943. Another, a Halifax at Wustermork on 1 September, 1943. A 3rd, a Halifax E of Rodienbach on 18 November, 1943. A 4th, a Halifax at Michelbach on 20 December, 1943. A Lancaster 3 km SE of Krahne on 20 February, 1944 (DV220). His final victory, a Lancaster 3 km W of Bösingen on 24 February, 1944. Magnus, 11 victories. Bolten 10 victories.
23654 Walter, Albert (Albrecht?)Oblt3/18/191826 _ 376/JG-51 (6/42 S.U.), StabsStaffel/JG-51 (12/42)Bf 109E-1 Werk # Unk (dam 11/7/39, TO acc), Bf 109E-3 Werk # Unk (sd 5/12/40, brief POW), Fw 190A-5 Werk # 410038 "Black 9- + -" (lost 7/13/43)
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(8/31/43 Post.)

EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
MIA 13 July, 1943 during aerial combat over Map Quadrant Pl.Qu. 54416, between Ulyanovo and Bolkov, in the Orel area. Added: he is commemorated in the German War Cem. at Kursk-Besedino (D.Drury). His first known victory, a Soviet SB-3 on 23 June, 1942. A Yak-1 on 8 July, 1942. Two Il-2s on 12 August, 1942. An Il-2 on 13 August, 1942. A MiG-1 on 19 August, 1942. An Il-2 on 21 August, 1942. An Il-2 and a Yak-1 on 22 August, 1942. An Il-2 on 14 September, 1942. An Il-2 12 km WNW of Bjolye on 8 December, 1942. A MiG-3 on 18 March, 1943. A LaGG-5 and a MiG-3 on 3 May, 1943. A Pe-2 on 5 May, 1943. An Il-2 on 7 May, 1943. A P-39 on 11 May, 1943. Two LaGG-5s on 5 July, 1943. A LaGG-5 and a MiG-3 on 6 July, 1943. A LaGG-3 on 7 July, 1943. Two Il-4s on 9 July, 1943. A LaGG-3 on 12 July, 1943. A Yak-1 on 13 July, 1943. Magnus, 37 victories.

23655 Walter, ArnoUffz8(Sturm)/JG-4Fw 190A-8/R2 Werk# 682682 "Blue 12" (lost 12/23/44)Fighter Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 23 December 1944 during aerial combat with a P-47 over the Ardennes (St. Vith). May be the "Walther" a few records back. Mombeek carries him as "MIA". The JG-4 List suggests he was wounded 23 Dec and died of his wounds. Alternate spelling: Walther (D.Parker).
23656 Walter, ArnoOblt11/ZG-76Bf 110 EK 2
Destroyer Operational Clasp
One known victory, a Blenheim west of Romsdahlfjord, 12 June, 1940. Hard to believe this is not the other Arno Walter, an Uffz later in the war!
23657 Walter, BrunoUffz1/JG-4 (Italy)Bf 109G-6 Werk # 162193 "White 5" (lost 4/28/44)Fighter Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 28 April, 1944 after aerial combat with British fighters, when he crashed, somersaulting near Santa Maria del Arzilla, Italy. Jager Blatt article.
23658 Walter, DetlevUffzI/JG-2 (Channel)Bf 109G-3 Werk # 16282 (lost 4/14/43)Fighter Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 14 April, 1943 during aerial combat in the vicinity of the Triqueville airfield.
23659 Walter, DominikusOfw2/KGzbV-PosenJu 52
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(5/11/42)

EK 1 & 2
Transport Operational Clasp
DK-G Awards List
23660 Walter, Friedrich FritzUffz295/JG-77 (6/43)Bf 109G
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold

EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
One known Sicilian victory, his 1st, a P-40 70 km west of Sciacca on 2 July, 1943. His 29th victory, in Sicily, a B-17F 50 km east southeast of Syracuse on 4 July, 1943. This could be Heinz MIA shortly after this date.!
23661 Walter, GerhardUffz42/JG-302 (6/44), II/JG-4 (2/45)Bf 109G-6 in 302, Fw 190A-8 in JG-4
EK 1 & 2
Wound Badge, Fighter Operational Clasp
WIA in July, 1944 during aerial combat with a P-51. Assigned to JG-4 after recuperation; survived the war (C.König). One known victory, his 1st, a B-24 10 km SE of Ingolstadt on 13 June, 1944. His 2nd, a B-24 S of Budapest on 2 July, 1944. In JG-4, his 3rd, a U2(?) on 14 February, 1945 (Perry Claims). A 4th, a U2 on 16 February, 1945. This could be the Uffz Gerhard Walther in 10/JG-4 in December, 1944.
23662 Walter, GerhardLt1/4/19236/KG-3Ju 88A-4
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(1/28/44)

EK 1 & 2
EP (1/17/44), Bomber Operational Clasp
DK-G Awards List & LOCS).
23663 Walter, GerhardOfw8/SG-3 (7/44 Idriza)Fw 190F-8 Werk # 930536 (dam 7/6/44)Wound Badge, Ground Assault Operational ClaspInjured 6 July, 1944 when he cr ashed during an Alarm Start at Idriza airfield (C.König).
23664 Walter, GustavOfw5/JG-54 (S.U.)Bf 109F-4 Werk# 7548 (or 7528) "DR+YV" "Black 5" (lost 4/16/42)Fighter Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 16 April, 1942, crashed after a fighter attack near Tschetschkowo, Russia. Added: Another source suggests that Ofw Walter parachuted clear and was captured. The VDK shows no burial information (D.Drury).
23665 Walter, HansLt12/ZG-1 (S.U.)Bf 110E Werk # 4393 (lost 9/21/42) EK 2
Destroyer Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 21 September, 1942 during enemy fighter attack in Map Quadrant Pl.Qu. 49144, no mention of his crewmember (Bf 110 Loss List). One known victory, a Soviet I-16 Rata on 5 August, 1942.
23666 Walter, HansUffzI/JG-52 (Poland)Bf 109G-14 Werk # 510902 (80% dam 1/16/45)Fighter Operational ClaspKIC 16 January, 1945; takeoff accident from Krakau; collided with G-14 Wk# 512135 (unknown pilot).
23667 Walter, HansHptm1/JG-53 (Italy)Bf 109G-6 Werk # 18323 "White 5" (lost 7/3/43)Wound Badge
Fighter Operational Clasp
Injured 3 July, 1943 in a crash during an Alarmstart from Vobo-Valentia.
23668 Walter, Hans EberhardLt1913Beuthen, Germany6/KG-3Do 17Z Werk # unk (lost 8/15/40)Bomber Operational ClaspPOW 15 August, 1940 after being shot down by a RAF Hurricane of No. 111 Sq., piloted by S/L J.M. "Tommy" Thompson. The entire crew were taken prisoner and interned in Canada, released in 1947. Flew combat missions over CSR, Poland, France and England. Per KG-3 Homepage. Added: The ac crashed into the sea between Deal and Ramsgate, Kent. Remaining crew (POW): Fw F.Schauer, Uffz E.Kirchübel and Uffz A.Pieronczyk (D.Drury).
23669 Walter, Hans GeorgUffz1924Berlin1I/JG-26 (joins 1/44), 5/JG-26Fw 190A-6, Fw 190D-9 Werk # 210246 "White 1" (lost 12/24/45) EK 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 24 December, 1944 in his "White 1" in aerial combat with a P-47 of 36FG, 53FS, piloted by 1/Lt Roger T. Lane, E of Malmedy. Mortally wounded, he was able to bail coming to rest at Schwirzheim, Dist Sellacker, where he was buried in the Soldatenfriedhof Gondelsheim years after his body was found in 1986. This appeared to be his first mission, over the Ardennes. His one victory, a P-51 at Eindhoven on 6 October, 1944. Carried as MIA by Eric Mombeek. Alternate spelling: Walther.
23670 Wälter, HeinrichUffz10/1/1920Lauterbach8/JG-26Bf 109F-4 Werk # 7126 (lost 8/41), Fw 190A-3, Fw 190A-4 Werk # 5622 "Black 2" (lost 1/28/43)Wound Badge
Fighter Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 28 Jan., 1943 during aerial combat near Ypern in "Black 2" with a Whirlwind of RAAF No. 137 Sq., piloted by F/O B.L. Musgrave, at Dadizeele-Beselaere. WIA 14 August, 1941 in aerial combat with a Spitfire at St. Omer. He bailed successfully with injuries. Buried Bourdon Fr., 32/8/135 (Rosseels). Also spelled Waelter.
23671 Walter, HelmutFwI/JG-26 (joins 3/45), 1/JG-26Fw 190D-9 (lost)Fighter Operational Clasp in BronzeKilledInAction (KIA) 29 April, 1945 dduring aerial combat in his D-9 with a Spitfire of RAF No. 412 Sq. at Lauenburg on the Elbe. He was the last of 757 JG-26 pilots lost in the war.
23672 Walter, HelmutGefr5/5/1920Hannover5/JG-1Fw 190A-8 Werk # 731410 "Black 1" (lost)Fighter Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 25 July, 1944 during aerial combat with a P-51 at Laigle, east of Chandai ö. I. Aigle, France. Added: Buried in the War Grave Cem, Champigny St Andre 13/8/428 (M.deWolf).
23673 Walter, HelmutUffz10/26/19193 (Lufttorpedostf)/KG-26 (Bardufoss)He 111H-6 Werk # 4817 "1H + BH" (lost 5/26/42)Bomber Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 26 May, 1942 after returning from a maritime mission. Remaining crew (all KilledInAction (KIA)): Uffz Martin Barnutz, Observer; Uffz Georg Hager, R/O and Uffz Wilhelm Baumann, Gunner. Source: SIG Norway. Added: Hit by a Sea Hurricane from the merchant ship "Empire Lawrence" after attacking Convoy PQ 16, the ac crashed into mountain Neitama on their return to Banak, all are buried at Botn-Rognan (Flyvrak Norway). Added: Piloting the MSFU Sea Hurricane was RAF P/O Alister James Hay. Burials at Botn-Rognan, Norway, Blk B as follows: Uffz Walter B-188; Uffz Barnutz B-245; Uffz Hager B-1375 and Uffz Baumann B-49 (D.Drury). Alternate spelling: Walther.
23674 Wälter, JohannUffz16/JG-4Bf 109G-10 Werk # 490707 "Blue 18" (lost 12/2/44)Fighter Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 2 December, 1944 during aerial combat at Hähnlein (JG-4 List).
23675 Walter, KlausLt4/KG-55He 111P Werk # 2165 "G1 + GM" (lost 8/26/40)Bomber Operational ClaspPOW 26 August, 1940; sd by a Hurricane of No.43 Sq., piloted by P/O Harold North during an attack on Portsmouth. The ac crashed near Waterlooville, Hampshire. Remaining crew (POW): Ofw Otto Hennecke, Obs (KilledInAction (KIA) & buried at Gosport (Ann's Hill) Cem., Plot 188, Gr 64); Uffz Oscar Schufft, R/O (WIA); Uffz Fritz Marmer, Flt Engr (WIA) and Flg Josef Wimmer, Gnr (WIA) (D.Drury).
23676 Walter, KurtHptm10/23/1911Dauernheim HessenFighter-trained, to Bombers w/KG-26, Kdr III/StG-3 (10/42 Africa)Ju 87D-1 Trop Werk # 2562 "S7 + ??" (lost 10/26/42) in III/StG-3 RK(5/18/43 Post.)

Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(9/9/42)

EK 1 & 2
Bomber in Bronze & Dive Bomber in Gold Operational Clasps
KilledInAction (KIA) 26 October, 1942 near El Alamein on returning from a mission, when he was shot down at Haggag el Kasaba by a Hurricane piloted by F/O Houle of RAF No. 213 Sq.. Following the unnamed rear gunners bail out, Walter attempted the same, but his chute did not open due to insufficient altitude. Initial burial in the El Alamein Cemetery (Photo credit, Doug Van Orman). 184 missions, including 58 as a bomber pilot. Destroyed 1 destroyer, 1 patrol craft 20000 BRT of supply ships ant the Brtit. cruiser "Coventry".

Courtesy Christian König

23677 Walter, OskarUnk8/StG-2 (5/15/40 France)Ju 87B Werk # Unk (lost 5/15/40)Dive Bomber Operational ClaspShot down by English fighters, 15 May, 1940, along with Oblt Paul Merz, no further detail (C.König).
23678 Walter, PhillipOfw4/KGzbV-108Ju 52/3m "7U + AM" (interned in Sweden)Transport Operational ClaspThis AC was enroute from Denmark to Pori Finland when it developed engine trouble and made a forced landing at Rommehed Sweden on 19 July, 1943. It carried a crew of five and two passengers. Remaining crew: Fw Karl Gairing, Fw Karl Friedrich Muhme, Ofw Karl Düssel and Uffz Josef Neumann. The pilots were not positively identified by the author. The pilot and co-pilot selections are mine. Source: B.Widfeldt
23679 Walter, RichardOgefr4/JG-26 (12/44), 3/JG-26 (2/45)Fw 190A-8 Werk # 173867 "Blue 4" (dam), Fw 190D-9/R11 Wk# 210986 "Yellow 6" (lost)Wound Badge
Fighter Operational Clasp
KIFA 26 February, 1945 when the engine of his "Yellow 6" failed while he was making a belly landing at Fürstenau after a training flight. The AC caught fire in the crash and Walter was killed. WIFA 3 December, 1944 when injured in a force landing in "Blue 4" due to engine failure on a mission SW of Bremen.
23680 Walter, RudolfUffz9/22/1924115/JG-54 (8/44 S.U., 1/45 Reich Def)Fw 190A-8s; 2 unidentified & # 738240 "Yellow 7", Fw 190A-8 unident. (lost 1/1/45) EK 2
Wound Badge
Fighter Operational Clasp
His first known victory, a Soviet La-5 on 25 August, 1944. Shot down w/o wounds 23 September, 1944 in an A-8 by a P-47, 8 km south of Emmerich. Shot down with wounds 27 November, 1944 in his A-8 "Yellow 7" (66% damaged) 3 km west of Ibbenbüren. Shot down w/o wounds 24 December, 1944 in his A-9 by a P-47 over Euskirchen/Köln. On 1 January, 1945, in an unidentified A-8, he struck a tree and crash landed on the Kirchhellen airfield, pilot OK (Manrho/Putz publ.).
23681 Walter, W.Fw3/KG-51 (Channel)Ju 88A-1 Werk # 7058 "9K + DL" (lost 9/19/40)Bomber Operational ClaspMIA with one other unnamed crew 19 September, 1940, cause unknown and location not reported, two others KilledInAction (KIA) (Ju 88 Loss List). Added: The Ju 88 was sd by a Spitfire of No.152 Sq., piloted by Sgt Kenneth Holland. The ac crashed into the Channel, off the Sussex coast. Remaining crew: Uffz Waldemar Henker, R/O (KilledInAction (KIA)); Fw Heinrich Christian Luckhardt, Obs (KilledInAction (KIA)) and Gefr R. Röder (MIA). Luckhardt, whose body was recovered 14 October, 1940, buried CC, 4/10/133; Henker buried at Brighton City (Bear Road) Cem., War Graves Plot, Sec ZGP, Gr 1. The two MIA's believed to have been KilledInAction (KIA) also (D.Drury).
Cannock Chase
23682 Walter, WernerUffz2/7/1920JGr-Ost (1/43 France), 8/JG-54 (Reich Def)Bf 109F-2 Werk # 9727 (85% dam 1/2/43), Bf 109G-4 Werk# 14964 "Black ?" (lost), Bf 109G-4 Werk # 19230 (lost 7/25/43) Wound Badge
Fighter Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 25 July, 1943 during aerial combat in his Wk# 19230, crashing at Assendelft Holland, 10 km west of Velzen (DeSwart). Shot down 15 May, 1943 over Helgoland-Cuxhaven Germany, pilot disposition unknown. Injured 2 January, 1943 in an emergency landing at Plagne, near Bordeaux, due to engine trouble. Alternate spelling: Walther (SGLO).
23683 Wältermann, Heinrich2/KG-77 (Channel)Ju 88A-5 Werk # 4184 "3Z + BK" (lost 11/9/40)Bomber Operational ClaspPOW with unnamed crew 9 November, 1940 after being shot down at Elphicks Farm, Horsmonden, Kent, by a Hurricane of No. 253 Sq. (S/L Duke-Wooley) (Ju 88 Loss List).
23684 Walther,Lt116/KG-2Ju 88A
EK 1 & 2
Destroyer Operational Clasp
One known victory, a Stirling on 11 August, 1943.
23685 Walther,Uffz11/JG-1 (3/45 Anklam)Bf 109G-14Fighter Operational Clasp


23686 Walther,Uffz13/ZG-1Bf 110 EK 2
Destroyer Operational Clasp
His first known victory, a Soviet LaGG-3 on 23 April, 1943.
23687 Walther, AlfredFw32/NJG-2Bf 110
EK 1 & 2
Night Fighter Operational Clasp
MIA 9/10 June, 1944 during aerial combat over the North Sea (Bolten). One known victory, a "4 mot" 5 km N of Frankfurt-Main on 22 March, 1944. A 2nd, a "4 mot" 30 km NW of Nürnberg on 31 March, 1944. A 3rd, a "4 mot" N of Düsseldorf on 23 April, 1944.
23688 Walther, ArnoObltStfkpt 8/NJG-1Bf 110D Werk # 3143 (lost 10/21/40)Night Fighter Operational ClaspKIC 21 October, 1940; takeoff accident from Stendal, his Gunner, Uffz Horst Hoffmann was also killed. Bf 110 Loss List
23689 Walther, GerhardHptm6/17/1920Cottbus1II/ZG-76, Adj II/SKG-10 (43), II/SG-4, Kdr I/SG-4 (until his death in May, 1944)Bf 110, Fw 190 A-7 in SKG-10, Fw 190A-6 Werk # 470409 (lost 5/18/44) RK(3/26/44)

Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(11/14/42)

EK 1 & 2
EP (3/5/42), Destroyer & Assault Operational Clasps
KilledInAction (KIA) 18 May, 1944 at Scandriglia, near Rieti Italy, in a dogfight with Spitfires. After downing one of them, he was shot down, but during the bail out, struck the tailfin , thus his chute did not open. Channel pilot. Number of missions unknown.

Shown on left

Courtesy Christian König

Courtesy Christian König

23690 Walther, GerhardUffz10/JG-4Bf 109K-4 Werk # 330347 "Black 2" (dam 12/17/44)Wound Badge
Fighter Operational Clasp
WIA 17 December, 1944, no further detail (JG-4 List). Added: In the Danny Parker book, he is said to have been killed; sd by P-47's over the Eifel. Added: If this is Uffz Gerhard Walter (no "h") of JG-4, he survived the war.

Courtesy Christian König

23691 Walther, HelmutFw15/JG-26 (10/41), I/JG-26 (4/45)Kl 35B-1 Werk # 1636 (lost), Fw 190F in 45Wound Badge
Fighter Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 29 April, 1945 in aerial combat with Spitfire XIVs. Walter was the last of 763 JG-26 pilots to be killed in WWII. WIFA 2 October, 1941 when he crashed the JG-26 utility AC, the Kl 35. One known victory, as a Gefr., a P-51 at Eindhoven-Geldrop on 6 October, 1944.
23692 Walther, HorstOblt9/11/1920354/JG-51(6/41 S.U.), Stab II/JG-51(5/43), 4/JG-51(10/43), 6/JG-51(12/43), 11 & 14/JG-51(8/44 S.U.), Stfkpt 2/JG-105 (1/45 Markersdorf/Pielach), JV-44Bf 109F & G, Fw 190A, Me 262
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(1/16/44)

EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
Magnus Report & Jager Blatt 4/2004. His first known Soviet victory, a SB-2 on 24 June, 1941. A Pe-2 on 26 July, 1941. An I-16 on 3 August, 1941. Another Pe-2 on 9 August, 1941. An R-3 on 5 October, 1941. An R-3 on 18 October, 1941. An R-3 and an I-61 on 13 January, 1942. An R-5 on 22 May, 1942. Two Il-2s on 5 July, 1942. An Il-2 35 km ESE of Orel on 9 July, 1942. Two MiG-3s at Lulindra on 10 July, 1942. A LaGG-3 on 2 August, 1942. An Il-2 on 5 August, 1942. Two Il-2s on 23 August, 1942. Two Il-2s 15 km NE of Ulanovo on 28 August, 1942. One known Desert victory, a P-40 at Map Quadrant 8534 on 20 May, 1943. A second, a Spitfire at Map Quadrant 90 511 on 21 May, 1943. A B-17 35 km NE of Kahnertal on 14 October, 1943. Another victory, a B-17 20 km west of Padua Italy, 28 December, 1943. A Soviet P-39 on 9 August, 1944. A Yak-9 on 23 August, 1944. A Yak-9 on 5 September, 1944. An Il-2 (m.H.) on 13 October, 1944. A Soviet "unnamed a/c" on 8 October, 1944.
23693 Walther, JürgenOfhr7/JG-11 (9/44 Breitscheid)Bf 109G-14 Werk # 781238 "Green 3" (lost 9/26/44)Fighter Operational ClaspMIA 26 September, 1944; His G-14 crashed near Arnhem-Wesel area, Holland, on 26 September, 1944, cause unknown (DeSwart). Added: Cause; aerial combat (SGLO).
23694 Walther, Karl HeinzUffz3/27/1923Oberrossau1/JG-53 (6/44 Romania)Bf 109G-6 Werk # 162370 "Yellow 2" (lost 6/6/44)Fighter Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 6 June, 1944 during aerial combat with B-24s and P-51s at Giambocata/Tagovist Romania. Added: Burial; German War Cem. Bucharest, D/2/40 (M.Krebbers).
23695 Walther, RudolfLt213/JG-52 (5/44 S.U.; 9/44 Poland)Bf 109G-6 Werk # 440957 "Yellow 10" (lost 9/21/44)
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold

EK 1 & 2
Wound Badge
Fighter Operational Clasp
WIA 21 September, 1944 during aerial combat at Dukla. His first known victory, a Soviet Il-2 (m.H.) on 2 May, 1944. A 2nd, a P-39 on 14 May, 1944. A 3rd, a P-39 on 31 May, 1944. A 4th, an Il-2 (m.H.) on 2 June, 1944. A 5th, an Il-2 (m.H.) on 3 June, 1944. A 6th & 7th, two Il-2s (m.H.) on 4 June, 1944. Three P-39s on 14 July, 1944. A Yak-9 on 16 July, 1944. A Yak-9 on 4 August, 1944. An Il-2 (m.H.) on 21 August, 1944. A Yak-9 on 22 August, 1944. A Yak-9 on 25 August, 1944. A Yak-9 and a Pe-2 on 26 August, 1944. Nos. 18, 19 & 20, two Il-2s and a Yak-9 on 31 August, 1944. A 21st, an Il-2 (m.H.) on 1 September, 1944. Magnus Report.
23696 Walther, RudolfOfw10/JG-301 (Romania)Bf 109G-6 Werk # 760089 "Black 4" (lost 4/15/44)Fighter Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 15 April, 1944 during aerial combat in the Ploiesti area (Bf 109 Loss List).
23697 Waltherscheid, ClemensLt81/JG-2, 3/JG-2 (3/44)Fw 190A, Bf 109GEP

EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
KIC 2 July, 1944 (Magnus). A double victory on 3 March, 1944; both B-24s, one 15 km S of Orbetello See, the other 9 km SW of Pitigliano. Another double on 7 June, 1944; a P-51 near Mantes and a P-47 in the Caen area. A Spitfire at Caen on 28 June, 1944. A P-47 at Conches-Damville on 29 June, 1944. A 7th, a P-47 at Conches-Breteuil on 30 June, 1944. His 8th, and last, a P-47, same day, at Mantes-Meulan. Alternate spelling: Walterscheidt.
23698 Waltz, OskarOblt12/23/1918II/KG-55 (11/41), 2/KG-55 (11/43)He 111H-6 Werk # Unk "G1 + JK" (lost 7/1/44)
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(8/21/42)

EK 1 & 2
EP (11/3/41), Bomber Operational Clasp
MIA 1 July, 1944 near Sloboda during a supply mission (DK-G Awards List & LOCS).
23699 Waltz, WalterUffzII/Schl.G-4Fw 190G-3 Werk # 160386 (lost 11/3/43)Assault Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 3 November, 1943 during aerial combat at Trigno Mündung.
23700 Walz, AlbrechtOblt6/17/191927Stfkpt 4/JG-3 (4/42 S.U.), StabII/JG-3 (8/42 S.U.), Stab/JG-3 (11/42)Bf 109F, Bf 109G-4 Werk # 19507 "Black <3 + -" (lost 4/11/43)
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(7/12/43 Post.)

EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
MIA 11 April, 1943; shot down by a Soviet LaGG-3 (DK-G Awards List). One known Soviet victory, an R-10 W of Krassinski on 22 June, 1942. A Yak-1 on 30 June, 1942. A MiG-1 at Staryy-Oshkol on 2 July, 1942. A double on 3 July, 1942, both Il-2s on 3 July, 1942. An Il-2 on 20 July, 1942. Another Il-2 on 24 July, 1942. A P-2 on 26 July, 1942. A MiG-1 on 28 July, 1942. A LaGG-3 on 1 August, 1942. Two Il-2s on 6 August, 1942; one NE of Salinskiy, the other SW of Tschapurniki. A Pe-2 S of Klirchevski and a Pe-2 at Setry on 7 August, 1942. A MiG-1 SW of Stalingrad on 11 August, 1942. A Yak-1 24 km SE of Olenino on 14 September, 1942. An Il-2 and a LaGG-3 in the Rzhev/Subzoff areas on 15 September, 1942. A Pe-2 15 km NNE of Rzhev on 21 September, 1942. A P-2 4 km SW of Katmanovo on 21 September, 1942. His 20th, a Yak-1 25 km NNW of Stalingrad on 24 October, 1942. His 21st, a Yak-1 4 km NEW Akhtuba on 1 November, 1942. A LaGG-3 on 23 March, 1943. An I-16 Rata on 27 March, 1943. A MiG-1 on 1 April. 1943. Two I-16s and a LaGG-3 on 11 April, 1943, the same day he was posted as Missing.

Results 23601 to 23700 of 25415.

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