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# | Pilot (↑) | Rank | Born | Place | Score (↑) | Units | Aircraft | Awards | *************Notes************* | Photo | Links | AuthorComments |
23701 | Walter, Kurt | Hptm | 10/23/1911 | Dauernheim Hessen | Fighter-trained, to Bombers w/KG-26, Kdr III/StG-3 (10/42 Africa) | Ju 87D-1 Trop Werk # 2562 "S7 + ??" (lost 10/26/42) in III/StG-3 | ![]() ![]() Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(9/9/42) ![]() EK 1 & 2 Bomber in Bronze & Dive Bomber in Gold Operational Clasps | KilledInAction (KIA) 26 October, 1942 near El Alamein on returning from a mission, when he was shot down at Haggag el Kasaba by a Hurricane piloted by F/O Houle of RAF No. 213 Sq.. Following the unnamed rear gunners bail out, Walter attempted the same, but his chute did not open due to insufficient altitude. Initial burial in the El Alamein Cemetery (Photo credit, Doug Van Orman). 184 missions, including 58 as a bomber pilot. Destroyed 1 destroyer, 1 patrol craft 20000 BRT of supply ships ant the Brtit. cruiser "Coventry".
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23702 | Walter, Oskar | Unk | 8/StG-2 (5/15/40 France) | Ju 87B Werk # Unk (lost 5/15/40) | Dive Bomber Operational Clasp | Shot down by English fighters, 15 May, 1940, along with Oblt Paul Merz, no further detail (C.König). | ||||||
23703 | Walter, Phillip | Ofw | 4/KGzbV-108 | Ju 52/3m "7U + AM" (interned in Sweden) | Transport Operational Clasp | This AC was enroute from Denmark to Pori Finland when it developed engine trouble and made a forced landing at Rommehed Sweden on 19 July, 1943. It carried a crew of five and two passengers. Remaining crew: Fw Karl Gairing, Fw Karl Friedrich Muhme, Ofw Karl Düssel and Uffz Josef Neumann. The pilots were not positively identified by the author. The pilot and co-pilot selections are mine. Source: B.Widfeldt | ||||||
23704 | Walter, Richard | Ogefr | 4/JG-26 (12/44), 3/JG-26 (2/45) | Fw 190A-8 Werk # 173867 "Blue 4" (dam), Fw 190D-9/R11 Wk# 210986 "Yellow 6" (lost) | Wound Badge Fighter Operational Clasp | KIFA 26 February, 1945 when the engine of his "Yellow 6" failed while he was making a belly landing at Fürstenau after a training flight. The AC caught fire in the crash and Walter was killed. WIFA 3 December, 1944 when injured in a force landing in "Blue 4" due to engine failure on a mission SW of Bremen. | ||||||
23705 | Walter, Rudolf | Uffz | 9/22/1924 | 1 | 15/JG-54 (8/44 S.U., 1/45 Reich Def) | Fw 190A-8s; 2 unidentified & # 738240 "Yellow 7", Fw 190A-8 unident. (lost 1/1/45) | ![]() Wound Badge Fighter Operational Clasp | His first known victory, a Soviet La-5 on 25 August, 1944. Shot down w/o wounds 23 September, 1944 in an A-8 by a P-47, 8 km south of Emmerich. Shot down with wounds 27 November, 1944 in his A-8 "Yellow 7" (66% damaged) 3 km west of Ibbenbüren. Shot down w/o wounds 24 December, 1944 in his A-9 by a P-47 over Euskirchen/Köln. On 1 January, 1945, in an unidentified A-8, he struck a tree and crash landed on the Kirchhellen airfield, pilot OK (Manrho/Putz publ.). | ||||
23706 | Walter, W. | Fw | 3/KG-51 (Channel) | Ju 88A-1 Werk # 7058 "9K + DL" (lost 9/19/40) | Bomber Operational Clasp | MIA with one other unnamed crew 19 September, 1940, cause unknown and location not reported, two others KilledInAction (KIA) (Ju 88 Loss List). Added: The Ju 88 was sd by a Spitfire of No.152 Sq., piloted by Sgt Kenneth Holland. The ac crashed into the Channel, off the Sussex coast. Remaining crew: Uffz Waldemar Henker, R/O (KilledInAction (KIA)); Fw Heinrich Christian Luckhardt, Obs (KilledInAction (KIA)) and Gefr R. Röder (MIA). Luckhardt, whose body was recovered 14 October, 1940, buried CC, 4/10/133; Henker buried at Brighton City (Bear Road) Cem., War Graves Plot, Sec ZGP, Gr 1. The two MIA's believed to have been KilledInAction (KIA) also (D.Drury). | ![]() Cannock Chase | |||||
23707 | Walter, Werner | Uffz | 2/7/1920 | JGr-Ost (1/43 France), 8/JG-54 (Reich Def) | Bf 109F-2 Werk # 9727 (85% dam 1/2/43), Bf 109G-4 Werk# 14964 "Black ?" (lost), Bf 109G-4 Werk # 19230 (lost 7/25/43) | Wound Badge Fighter Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 25 July, 1943 during aerial combat in his Wk# 19230, crashing at Assendelft Holland, 10 km west of Velzen (DeSwart). Shot down 15 May, 1943 over Helgoland-Cuxhaven Germany, pilot disposition unknown. Injured 2 January, 1943 in an emergency landing at Plagne, near Bordeaux, due to engine trouble. Alternate spelling: Walther (SGLO). | |||||
23708 | Wältermann, Heinrich | 2/KG-77 (Channel) | Ju 88A-5 Werk # 4184 "3Z + BK" (lost 11/9/40) | Bomber Operational Clasp | POW with unnamed crew 9 November, 1940 after being shot down at Elphicks Farm, Horsmonden, Kent, by a Hurricane of No. 253 Sq. (S/L Duke-Wooley) (Ju 88 Loss List). | |||||||
23709 | Walther, | Lt | 1 | 16/KG-2 | Ju 88A | ![]() EK 1 & 2 Destroyer Operational Clasp | One known victory, a Stirling on 11 August, 1943. | |||||
23710 | Walther, | Uffz | 11/JG-1 (3/45 Anklam) | Bf 109G-14 | Fighter Operational Clasp |
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23711 | Walther, | Uffz | 1 | 3/ZG-1 | Bf 110 | ![]() Destroyer Operational Clasp | His first known victory, a Soviet LaGG-3 on 23 April, 1943. | |||||
23712 | Walther, Alfred | Fw | 3 | 2/NJG-2 | Bf 110 | ![]() EK 1 & 2 Night Fighter Operational Clasp | MIA 9/10 June, 1944 during aerial combat over the North Sea (Bolten). One known victory, a "4 mot" 5 km N of Frankfurt-Main on 22 March, 1944. A 2nd, a "4 mot" 30 km NW of Nürnberg on 31 March, 1944. A 3rd, a "4 mot" N of Düsseldorf on 23 April, 1944. | |||||
23713 | Walther, Arno | Oblt | Stfkpt 8/NJG-1 | Bf 110D Werk # 3143 (lost 10/21/40) | Night Fighter Operational Clasp | KIC 21 October, 1940; takeoff accident from Stendal, his Gunner, Uffz Horst Hoffmann was also killed. Bf 110 Loss List | ||||||
23714 | Walther, Gerhard | Hptm | 6/17/1920 | Cottbus | 1 | II/ZG-76, Adj II/SKG-10 (43), II/SG-4, Kdr I/SG-4 (until his death in May, 1944) | Bf 110, Fw 190 A-7 in SKG-10, Fw 190A-6 Werk # 470409 (lost 5/18/44) | ![]() ![]() Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(11/14/42) ![]() EK 1 & 2 EP (3/5/42), Destroyer & Assault Operational Clasps | KilledInAction (KIA) 18 May, 1944 at Scandriglia, near Rieti Italy, in a dogfight with Spitfires. After downing one of them, he was shot down, but during the bail out, struck the tailfin , thus his chute did not open. Channel pilot. Number of missions unknown.
Shown on left Courtesy Christian König | ![]()
Courtesy Christian König | ||
23715 | Walther, Gerhard | Uffz | 10/JG-4 | Bf 109K-4 Werk # 330347 "Black 2" (dam 12/17/44) | Wound Badge Fighter Operational Clasp | WIA 17 December, 1944, no further detail (JG-4 List). Added: In the Danny Parker book, he is said to have been killed; sd by P-47's over the Eifel. Added: If this is Uffz Gerhard Walter (no "h") of JG-4, he survived the war.
Courtesy Christian König | ||||||
23716 | Walther, Helmut | Fw | 1 | 5/JG-26 (10/41), I/JG-26 (4/45) | Kl 35B-1 Werk # 1636 (lost), Fw 190F in 45 | Wound Badge Fighter Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 29 April, 1945 in aerial combat with Spitfire XIVs. Walter was the last of 763 JG-26 pilots to be killed in WWII. WIFA 2 October, 1941 when he crashed the JG-26 utility AC, the Kl 35. One known victory, as a Gefr., a P-51 at Eindhoven-Geldrop on 6 October, 1944. | |||||
23717 | Walther, Horst | Oblt | 9/11/1920 | 35 | 4/JG-51(6/41 S.U.), Stab II/JG-51(5/43), 4/JG-51(10/43), 6/JG-51(12/43), 11 & 14/JG-51(8/44 S.U.), Stfkpt 2/JG-105 (1/45 Markersdorf/Pielach), JV-44 | Bf 109F & G, Fw 190A, Me 262 | ![]() Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(1/16/44) EP ![]() EK 1 & 2 Fighter Operational Clasp | Magnus Report & Jager Blatt 4/2004. His first known Soviet victory, a SB-2 on 24 June, 1941. A Pe-2 on 26 July, 1941. An I-16 on 3 August, 1941. Another Pe-2 on 9 August, 1941. An R-3 on 5 October, 1941. An R-3 on 18 October, 1941. An R-3 and an I-61 on 13 January, 1942. An R-5 on 22 May, 1942. Two Il-2s on 5 July, 1942. An Il-2 35 km ESE of Orel on 9 July, 1942. Two MiG-3s at Lulindra on 10 July, 1942. A LaGG-3 on 2 August, 1942. An Il-2 on 5 August, 1942. Two Il-2s on 23 August, 1942. Two Il-2s 15 km NE of Ulanovo on 28 August, 1942. One known Desert victory, a P-40 at Map Quadrant 8534 on 20 May, 1943. A second, a Spitfire at Map Quadrant 90 511 on 21 May, 1943. A B-17 35 km NE of Kahnertal on 14 October, 1943. Another victory, a B-17 20 km west of Padua Italy, 28 December, 1943. A Soviet P-39 on 9 August, 1944. A Yak-9 on 23 August, 1944. A Yak-9 on 5 September, 1944. An Il-2 (m.H.) on 13 October, 1944. A Soviet "unnamed a/c" on 8 October, 1944. | ||||
23718 | Walther, Jürgen | Ofhr | 7/JG-11 (9/44 Breitscheid) | Bf 109G-14 Werk # 781238 "Green 3" (lost 9/26/44) | Fighter Operational Clasp | MIA 26 September, 1944; His G-14 crashed near Arnhem-Wesel area, Holland, on 26 September, 1944, cause unknown (DeSwart). Added: Cause; aerial combat (SGLO). | ||||||
23719 | Walther, Karl Heinz | Uffz | 3/27/1923 | Oberrossau | 1/JG-53 (6/44 Romania) | Bf 109G-6 Werk # 162370 "Yellow 2" (lost 6/6/44) | Fighter Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 6 June, 1944 during aerial combat with B-24s and P-51s at Giambocata/Tagovist Romania. Added: Burial; German War Cem. Bucharest, D/2/40 (M.Krebbers). | ||||
23720 | Walther, Rudolf | Lt | 21 | 3/JG-52 (5/44 S.U.; 9/44 Poland) | Bf 109G-6 Werk # 440957 "Yellow 10" (lost 9/21/44) | ![]() Deutsches Kreuz - Gold EP ![]() EK 1 & 2 Wound Badge Fighter Operational Clasp | WIA 21 September, 1944 during aerial combat at Dukla. His first known victory, a Soviet Il-2 (m.H.) on 2 May, 1944. A 2nd, a P-39 on 14 May, 1944. A 3rd, a P-39 on 31 May, 1944. A 4th, an Il-2 (m.H.) on 2 June, 1944. A 5th, an Il-2 (m.H.) on 3 June, 1944. A 6th & 7th, two Il-2s (m.H.) on 4 June, 1944. Three P-39s on 14 July, 1944. A Yak-9 on 16 July, 1944. A Yak-9 on 4 August, 1944. An Il-2 (m.H.) on 21 August, 1944. A Yak-9 on 22 August, 1944. A Yak-9 on 25 August, 1944. A Yak-9 and a Pe-2 on 26 August, 1944. Nos. 18, 19 & 20, two Il-2s and a Yak-9 on 31 August, 1944. A 21st, an Il-2 (m.H.) on 1 September, 1944. Magnus Report. | |||||
23721 | Walther, Rudolf | Ofw | 10/JG-301 (Romania) | Bf 109G-6 Werk # 760089 "Black 4" (lost 4/15/44) | Fighter Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 15 April, 1944 during aerial combat in the Ploiesti area (Bf 109 Loss List). | ||||||
23722 | Waltherscheid, Clemens | Lt | 8 | 1/JG-2, 3/JG-2 (3/44) | Fw 190A, Bf 109G | EP![]() EK 1 & 2 Fighter Operational Clasp | KIC 2 July, 1944 (Magnus). A double victory on 3 March, 1944; both B-24s, one 15 km S of Orbetello See, the other 9 km SW of Pitigliano. Another double on 7 June, 1944; a P-51 near Mantes and a P-47 in the Caen area. A Spitfire at Caen on 28 June, 1944. A P-47 at Conches-Damville on 29 June, 1944. A 7th, a P-47 at Conches-Breteuil on 30 June, 1944. His 8th, and last, a P-47, same day, at Mantes-Meulan. Alternate spelling: Walterscheidt. | |||||
23723 | Waltz, Oskar | Oblt | 12/23/1918 | II/KG-55 (11/41), 2/KG-55 (11/43) | He 111H-6 Werk # Unk "G1 + JK" (lost 7/1/44) | ![]() Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(8/21/42) ![]() EK 1 & 2 EP (11/3/41), Bomber Operational Clasp | MIA 1 July, 1944 near Sloboda during a supply mission (DK-G Awards List & LOCS). | |||||
23724 | Waltz, Walter | Uffz | II/Schl.G-4 | Fw 190G-3 Werk # 160386 (lost 11/3/43) | Assault Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 3 November, 1943 during aerial combat at Trigno Mündung. | ||||||
23725 | Walz, Albrecht | Oblt | 6/17/1919 | 27 | Stfkpt 4/JG-3 (4/42 S.U.), StabII/JG-3 (8/42 S.U.), Stab/JG-3 (11/42) | Bf 109F, Bf 109G-4 Werk # 19507 "Black <3 + -" (lost 4/11/43) | ![]() Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(7/12/43 Post.) EP(11/23/42) ![]() EK 1 & 2 Fighter Operational Clasp | MIA 11 April, 1943; shot down by a Soviet LaGG-3 (DK-G Awards List). One known Soviet victory, an R-10 W of Krassinski on 22 June, 1942. A Yak-1 on 30 June, 1942. A MiG-1 at Staryy-Oshkol on 2 July, 1942. A double on 3 July, 1942, both Il-2s on 3 July, 1942. An Il-2 on 20 July, 1942. Another Il-2 on 24 July, 1942. A P-2 on 26 July, 1942. A MiG-1 on 28 July, 1942. A LaGG-3 on 1 August, 1942. Two Il-2s on 6 August, 1942; one NE of Salinskiy, the other SW of Tschapurniki. A Pe-2 S of Klirchevski and a Pe-2 at Setry on 7 August, 1942. A MiG-1 SW of Stalingrad on 11 August, 1942. A Yak-1 24 km SE of Olenino on 14 September, 1942. An Il-2 and a LaGG-3 in the Rzhev/Subzoff areas on 15 September, 1942. A Pe-2 15 km NNE of Rzhev on 21 September, 1942. A P-2 4 km SW of Katmanovo on 21 September, 1942. His 20th, a Yak-1 25 km NNW of Stalingrad on 24 October, 1942. His 21st, a Yak-1 4 km NEW Akhtuba on 1 November, 1942. A LaGG-3 on 23 March, 1943. An I-16 Rata on 27 March, 1943. A MiG-1 on 1 April. 1943. Two I-16s and a LaGG-3 on 11 April, 1943, the same day he was posted as Missing. | ||||
23726 | Walz, Ernst Gottlob | Gefr | 9/StG-1 | Ju 87R (lost 8/8/40) | Dive Bomber Operational Clasp | MIA 8 August, 1940; sd while attacking shipping and crashed at sea SW of the Isle of Wight. His R/O-Gnr, Gefr Robert Schütz (alternate Schutz) also MIA (D.Drury). | ||||||
23727 | Walz, Georg | Fw | II/SG-4 (Viterbo) | Fw 190F-8 (or G-2) Werk # Unk (lost 11/3/43) | Assault Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 3 November, 1943 during aerial combat near Termoli; sd by a Supermarine Spitfire Mk VIII of No.145 Sq., piloted by S/L Lance C."Wildcat" Wade (www.historynet/S.Youngs). | ||||||
23728 | Walz, Hermann | Fw | I/SG-1 | Fw 190F-8 Werk # 582351 (lost 3/22/45) | Assault Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 22 March, 1945 during aerial combat; crashed south of Trebussersee. | ||||||
23729 | Walz, Karl | Uffz | 8/25/1919 | Feucht/ Bavaria (CKönig) | 2/JG-1 (7/43 Schiphol) | Bf 109F, Fw 190A-5 Werk # 410198 "Black 5" (lost 7/1/43), | Fighter Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 1 July, 1943 during aerial combat with fighters, his 190 crashing into the North Sea west of Hoek van Holland. Buried Ysselsteyn CT/11/251. (DeSwart & Geensen) Added: air combat with P-47 (CKönig).
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23730 | Echtler, Albert Adolf | Uffz | 13/02/16 | Nordheim/ Donauwörth | KIFA on 13/07/39 at Lübeck/ Blankenfee. | | CKönig | |||||
23731 | Walz, Kurt Karl | Fw | 10/2/1922 | Mähringen | 5/JG-51 (8/40), Stab/JG-51 (4/44) | Bf 109E-3 Werk # Unk (lost 8/11/40), Bf 109G-6 most likely, Werk # Unk (lost 4/3/44) | Fighter Operational Clasp | Most likely rescued from the water, he was later sd NE of Kovel, Volyn Oblast, Ukraine on 3 April, 1944. His remains have not been transferred to a military cemetery, but a grave is believed to exist at Kovel, Ukraine. He is commemorated in the German War Cem. at Potelytsch, Ukraine. MIA 11 August, 1940 following aerial combat over the Channel, most likely in the Dover area. His attacker, P/O A. "Tony" R.H.Barton, saw the 109 going down, but lost sight of it when he turned to see if he was being chased. Witnesses reported an unidentified fighter crashing into the water. Barton was flying a Hurricane of No.32 Sq. (D.Drury). | ||||
23732 | Walz, Rudolf | Fw | 5(H)/41 | Fw 189A-2 | ![]() Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(8/16/43) ![]() EK 1 & 2 Observer Operational Clasp | DK-G Awards List | ||||||
23733 | Walz, Wilhelm | Uffz | 2/22/1924 | Berghausen | 6/JG-51 (Vesprem) | Bf 109G-14 Werk # Unk (lost3/17/45) | Fighter Operational Clasp | MIA 17 March, 1945 during aerial combat with an La-7 over Stuhlweissenburg. Jager Blatt 3 & 4/2004. Added: The VDK shows he died 4 April, 1945 at Stuhlweissenburg (today Szekesfehervar, Hungary). His remains could not be recovered for a planned transfer to the War Cem at Szekesfehervar, but his name is recorded there (D.Drury). | ||||
23734 | Walz, Willi | Uffz | I/JG-53 (Reich Def) | Bf 109G-14 Werk # 512641 (lost 3/6/45) | Fighter Operational Clasp | MIA 6 March, 1945, cause and location not reported (Bf 109 Loss List). I think Willi and Wilhelm are one in the same person, even tho Wilhelm was reported in JG-51. The Jager Blatt articles are not always accurate. | ||||||
23735 | Wanack, Heinz | Ofw | 2/JG-300 | Bf 109G-14 (lost 9/27/44 at Eisenach/Babro | Fighter Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 27 September, 1944 during aerial combat near Eisenach. Source: JG-300 Loss List | ||||||
23736 | Wandam, Siegfried | Hptm | 6/11/1916 | Kernein | 10 | I/ZG-1, Kdr Erg/NJG-1 (40), Stab I/NJG-1 (7/40), 2/NJG-1 (8/42), 3/NJG-1 (8/42), Kdr I/NJG-5 (9/42) | Bf 109E & Bf 110 in NJG-1, Bf 110G-4 Werk # 5422 "G9 + AB" (lost 7/4/43) | EP(8/9/43)![]() EK 1 & 2 Night Fighter Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 3/4 July, 1943; crashed at Hoepertingen on landing at St Trond due to combat damage and engine failure on his final approach (Bolten). Buried Lommel, Block 21, Grave 238. His R/O, Fw Alfred Shöpke, also killed and buried at Lommel, Block 21, Grave 303 (Rosseels). One known victory, a Wellington on 21 July, 1940. Another Wellington on 28 August, 1942. A Lancaster southeast of Thorn on 29 August, 1942. A Halifax on 7 September, 1942. A Stirling on 10 September, 1942. A Halifax on 12 June, 1943. A Wellington 4 km N of Roermond and a Stirling 1 km E of Ackel on 22 June, 1943. A Wellington at Herkenbosch on 4 July, 1943, and a Halifax near Limburg. Magnus, 14 victories. Bowers/Lednicer, 10 victories. Bolten 13 victories. | ![]()
| One of his claims described here: | |
23737 | Wandel, Joachim 'Gnom' | Hptm | 5/7/1914 | Schlochau Westpreussen | 75 | Legion Condor, Stfkpt 2/JG-76, Adj II/JG-54 (3/42 S.U.), Stfkpt 5/JG-54 (7/42 S.U.) | Bf 109E & F, Bf 109G-2 Werk# 10353 "Black 11 + --" (lost 10/7/42) | ![]() RK(8/23/42) ![]() Spanish Cross ![]() Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(7/27/42) EP(7/1/42) ![]() EK 1 & 2 ![]() Fighter Operational Clasp in Gold | KilledInAction (KIA) 7 October, 1942 in "Black 11" in aerial combat with Russian LaGG-3 fighters northeast of Ostashkov, after diving into the ground SE of Ilmensee, from a low altitude. Sixteen Night victories. POW in Spain, but returned. His first victory, a Morane 406 at Amiens, 5 June, 1940. His 2nd, a Hurricane south of Dieppe, 7 June, 1940. His first known Soviet victory, an I-26 on 15 March, 1942. An I-18 1 km SE of Gremjaschkowo airfield on 19 March, 1942. An Il-2 15 km W of Staraya Russia on 23 March, 1942. An Il-2 5 km E of Ramenschowo on 25 April, 1942. A Yak-1 10 km NE of Dammschowo on 28 April, 1942. A U-2 at Demjansk on 6 July, 1942. Six victories on 7 July, 1942 in the Kraseja/Ramenchewo areas; a TB-3, an SB-2 and four U-2s. A double on 17 July, 1942; a LaGG-3 at Koscheljewo and a Yak-1 at Wjasowel. A Yak-2 E of Malyushki and a LaGG-3 at Kochelyevo on 18 July, 1942. A triple on 3 August, 1942; all U-2s. Five victories, all MiG-3s in the Jakowiew area, on 9 August, 1942. Bowers/Lednicer, 75 victories.
Courtesy Christian Konig | ![]()
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23738 | Wandelt, Richard | Hptm | 10/6/1909 | Erg/Transportstaffel (1/44) | Ju 52/3m Werk # Unk "L5 + GH" (dam 1/27/44) | Transport Operational Clasp | Hptm Wandelt and crew were uninjured on 27 January, 1944, when making a flight from Vicenza to Hörsching, they made an emergency landing on snow at Trinksteinsattel, Rax mountains, Austria, cause unknown. Remaining crew: Uffz Brechtel, Co-pilot; Ogefr Wittwer, Mech; Gefr Kregel, Gnr and Oberzahlmeister Adam, Finance. All were rescued the next day (D.Drury). | |||||
23739 | Wandenelis, Ernst | Uffz | 2/22/1913 | 4/KGr.z.b.V-9 (Neumünster) | Ju 52 (lost 4/9/40) | Transport Operational Clasp | KIC 9 April, 1940 on a flight to Norway with a 5 Man flak crew. They became lost when they encountered severe weather and fog at Ringkobing, and failed an attempt at making an emergency landing east of Vium Church, south of Tarm Denmark. All in the AC were killed except the Mechanic, Uffz Franz Sauerland, who suffered a broken leg. Remaining crew: Uffz Ernst Sünder, Observer and R/O Uffz Erich Lohr. All were buried in the Egvad Cemetery on 11 April. In the 1960, they were all transferred to the Cemetery in Grove Denmark. Source: Air War over Denmark. Added: Grove Burials; Crew: Uffz Wandenelis, Blk 2, Row 9, Gr 305; Uffz Sunder, Blk 2, Row 8, Gr 301 and Uffz Lohr, Blk 2, Row 8, Gr 303. Grove Burials; Flak Crew: Uffz Karl Tröpfner 2/8/302; Gefr Alfons Okon 2/8/304; Gefr Wilhelm Hochgürtel 2/9/307; Kanonier Gustav Berndt 2/9/306 and Kanonier Stephan Sebastian 2/8/300 (D.Drury). | |||||
23740 | Wanderer, Werner | Oblt | 6/29/1914 | 4/KG-26 (10/39), 5/KG-26 (9/40 Gilze-Rijen) | He 111H Werk # Unk "1H + LM" (lost 10/9/39), He 111H-3 Werk # 3164 "1H + ?N" (lost 9/3/40) | Bomber Operational Clasp | His ac reported lost 3 September, 1940 at Maasbree, cause and pilot and crew disposition unknown. Netherland Loss Registry. Added: Although acting as observer this date, he was killed when his ac collided with another 5/KG-26 ac piloted by Oblt Georg Zobernig. Both ac came down between Maasbree and Blerick Netherlands. Remaining known crew (KIC): Ogefr Willi Herberger, R/O and Ogefr Walter Steitz, Gnr. These three deceased buried at Ysselsteyn, Blk L; Wanderer Row 10, Gr 226; Herberger Row 10, Gr 229 and Steitz Row 9, Gr 221 (D.Drury). Added: He made an emergency landing on the Isle of Fano, Denmark, following combat with English naval forces and nearly out of fuel (LOCS). | ![]() Ysselstein, Holland | ||||
23741 | Wandschneider, Hans Walter | Uffz | 10(Jabo)/JG-2 (Channel) | Bf 109F-4/R1, Fw 190A-2 Werk# 20215 (lost 9/17/42) | Fighter Operational Clasp | MIA 17 September, 1942; Combat with a Spitfire, crashed into the Channel, Map Quadrant 1180/15. Mombeek MIA List. Added: He is believed to have been sd by RCAF pilot Barry Needham, on the return from an attack on the Worthing Gas Works (Carolyn Yeager/Willi Wenger online article). | ||||||
23742 | Wanfried, J. | Oblt | 3(F)/22 | Bf 110C-5, Do 17P, Ju 88D-1 | Observer Operational Clasp | A known pilot stationed at the Dno airfield, along with then Oblt Hermann Fischer, when it was attacked by Soviet fighters on 30 January, 1942, his disposition unknown (D.Drury). | ||||||
23743 | Wangelin, Hans Joachim Jacobi von | Oblt | 9/19/1914 | Klausdorf | 6/KG-1 (7/40), Stfkpt 1 & 2/KG-77 (Channel?) | Ju 88A-4 Werk # 144139 "3Z + GK" (lost 8/18/42) | ![]() ![]() Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(7/2/42) EP(12/8/41) ![]() EK 1 & 2 Bomber Operational Clasp (11/4/41) | MIA with unnamed crew on 18 August, 1942, cause unknown, location not reported (Ju 88 Loss List). Believed sd by a British night fighter over the English Channel (Kaiser RK book). | ||||
23744 | Wangerow, Otto von | Hptm | Stfkpt 5/KG-77 (Med) | Ju 88A-4 Werk # 140258 "??" (dam 3/24/43), Ju 88A-4 Werk # 8843 "3Z + GN" (lost 7/27/43) | Wound Badge Bomber Operational Clasp | MIA with unnamed crew 27 July, 1943, cause unknown, location not reported (Ju 88 Loss List). Crew (unnamed) injured in a crash landing at Piacenza 24 March, 1943, no further detail (Ju 88 Loss List). Added: The unnamed crew (Inj): Ofw Alois Liesenfeld, Obs; Ofw Helmut Kern, R/O and Uffz Franz Bursa, Gnr (Qu.Meister File). | ||||||
23745 | Wangner, Rudolf 'Rudi' | Hptm | 5 | Stfkpt 5/ZG-1 (4/43 Sicily) | Bf 110 G-2 Werk # Unk "2N + KN" (lost 6/27/44) | Spanish Cross, EK 2, Destroyer Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 27 June, 1944 during aerial combat south of Budapest (LOCS). Added: Pictured on falkeeins-blogspot wearing the Spanish Cross & EK 2. | ![]() Spring Sicily 1943 | ||||
23746 | Wanivenhaus, Hugo von | Fw | 9/KG-4 | He 111H-16 | ![]() Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(10/17/43) ![]() EK 1 & 2 Bomber Operational Clasp | DK-G Awards List | ||||||
23747 | Wanka, Hans | Oblt | 7/KG-2 (8/42 Deelen) | Do 217E-4 Werk # 5447 "U5 + KT" (dam 8/3/42) | Bomber Operational Clasp | Uninjured 3 August, 1942, when his ac was damaged by flak during a mission to Sheffield. His observer, Uffz Hartwig Leesh (geb 1/6/1922, bur Ysselsteyn CW/3/69) was KilledInAction (KIA), hit by a 20mm in the stomach near the Cottesmore airfield. The remainder of the unnamed crew were uninjured (Find-A-Grave). Added: Remaining crew: Uffz H.Wieler, R/O and Fw R.Braun, Gnr (SGLO). | ![]() Ysselstein, Holland | |||||
23748 | Wanke, Johannes | Lt | Küstenstf Krim | Bf 110F-3 Werk # 5180 "1K + BU" (lost 10/8/43) | Observer Operational Clasp | MIA with unnamed crew at Anapa, probably due to enemy fighters. Bf 110 Loss List | ||||||
23749 | Wanl, Josef | Uffz | 1/StG-3 (Med) | Ju 87D-3 Werk # 2707 (lost 8/24/42) | Dive Bomber Operational Clasp | KIC with unnamed crew 24 August, 1942 near Pancrazio due to a servicing fault. Ju 87 Loss List | ||||||
23750 | Wannek, Rudolf | Uffz | 3 | 7/JG-53 (10/42 Africa), 9/JG-53 (2/43 Med) | Bf 109F-4 Werk # 7093 (80% dam 10/25/42), Bf 109G-6 Werk # 18660 "Yellow 5 + I" (40% dam 8/21/43) | ![]() EK 1 & 2 Wound Badge Fighter Operational Clasp | WIA 21 August, 1943 during aerial combat near the Grazzaniese airfield. Force landed with wounds in his F-4 near Daba on 25 October, 1942 after being hit during aerial combat by a Spitfire near Alamein. One known Desert victory, a Spitfire on 15 February, 1943. His 2nd, a P-38 30 km northwest of Marettimo on 6 May, 1943. His 3rd, a B-24 10 km southeast of Malfi, southern Italy, on 16 August, 1943. | |||||
23751 | Wannenmacher, Ernst Leopold | Hptm | 9/8/1921 | 2/LG-1 ('42), Adj IV(K)/LG-1 (8/43), Stfkpt 4/LG-1 (5/44), II/LG-1 (12/44 Gross Sachsenheim), Stfkpt 10/LG-1 (2/45), Stfkpt 5/LG-1 (4/45) | Ju 88S-3 (12/44) | DK-G (11/18/44), EP, EK 1 & 2, Bomber Operational Clasp | Participated in a raid on the Hotel Ritz in Paris, the home of Allied Commanders, the night of 26 December, 1944. The raid was ineffective due to erroneous fuses being set. He is also known to have served in N.Arica (C.König & LOCS). | |||||
23752 | Wanner, Erich | Uffz | 2/NSGr-5 | Ar 66, Fw 58, Go145, Fw 190 | ![]() Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(3/20/44) ![]() EK 1 & 2 Assault Operational Clasp | DK-G Awards List | ||||||
23753 | Wanner, Johann | Uffz | 10/18/1919 | Erg/StG-1 | Ju 87 Werk # 5095 (lost) | Dive Bomber Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 10 July, 1941; buried Lommel, Block 49/100. Source: A. Rosseels. | ![]() Lommel, Belgium | ||||
23754 | Wanser, Rudolf | Uffz | 2/KG-55 | He 111H-6 | ![]() Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(2/8/43) ![]() EK 1 & 2 Bomber Operational Clasp | DK-G Awards List | ||||||
23755 | Wanzeck, Erich | Ofw | 4/KG-77 (Med) | Ju 88A-4 Werk # 142240 "3Z + EM" (lost 8/4/43) | Bomber Operational Clasp | MIA with unnamed crew at a Palermo anchorage site 4 August, 1943, cause unknown (Ju 88 Loss List). | ||||||
23756 | Wappler, Fritz | Lt | 9/16/1917 | Ohorn | I/TG-2 | Ju 52/3m Werk # Unk (lost 10/9/43) | ![]() Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(8/31/43) EP (6/1/42) ![]() EK 1 & 2 Transport Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 9 October, 1943; force landed in the Offersheim vicinity, 7km SW of Heidelberg, cause unknown (DK-G Awards List & LOCS). | ||||
23757 | Wappler, Harry | Oblt | 7/2/1912 | 8/KG-27 (Rennes) | He 111P Werk # 2670 "1G + DS" (lost 9/13/40) | Bomber Operational Clasp | POW 13 September, 1940; hit a barrage balloon and crashed into a house in Newport, pilot bailed safely. Remaining crew (KilledInAction (KIA) & bur Cannock Chase, Block 7): Nav Uffz Fritz Berndt (Grave 295); R/O Ofw Johannes Elster (Grave 294) and Gnr Uffz Herbert Okuneck (Grave 296). Added: Wappler and Lt Heinz Schnabel escaped from Shap Wells POW Camp (Cumberland) in a stolen Miles Magister in November, 1941. However, running low on fuel, they returned to Norfolk and were re-captured and transferred to a POW Camp in Canada (D.Drury). | ![]()
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23758 | Warganz, Ernst | Oblt | 12/14/1917 | 6 Seenot.Gr.III, 6.Seenotstaffel (5/42), Stfkpt 6.Seenotstaffel (5/43) | Bv 128, He 59, Do 24T-2 Werk # Unk "CM + IN" (dam 5-17/42, pilot uninj), Do 24T-3 Werk # Unk "DM (or CM!) + RB" (lost 5/14/43) | ![]() Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(5/11/42) ![]() EK 1 & 2 EP (2/9/42), Air-Sea Rescue Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 14 May, 1943; his T-3 sd by a Spitfire 35km NE of Cape Spartivento, Pl.Qu. 13 Ost 6975. Uninjured in his T-2, 17 May, 1942 when he was shot up by fighters in the Malta vicinity, Pl/Qu. 13 Ost 4716 (LOCS). DK-G Awards List & LOCS. | |||||
23759 | Warkalla, Johannes | Lt | 1/7/1917 | Gross Kleeburg | 2 & 1/KG-54 (Malta) | Ju 88A-5 Werk # Unk (dam 5/5/41; belly lnd, eng fail), Ju 88A-6 Werk # Unk (dam 6/2/41; belly lnd Evreuz, shot up), Ju 88A-4/B Werk # 5685 "B3 + GH" (lost 5/10/42) | ![]() Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(4/9/42) ![]() EK 1 & 2 Bomber Operational Clasp | DK-G Awards List. MIA with one other unnamed crew 10 May, 1942 after being hit by flak, two other crew POW (Ju 88 Loss List). | ||||
23760 | Warmbold, Adolf | Hptm | 5/20/1912 | (H)/22 (8/39), Stfkpt 2(H)/14 (8/42-3/43 Tunisia) | Bf 109F-4 Werk # 7517 "Black 6" (lost 3/2/43) | Observer Operational Clasp | POW 2 March, 1943 after being shot down by an enemy fighter in the Mateur-Beja area of Tunisia. Source: D.Stankey & L.DeZeng. | |||||
23761 | Warnat, Georg. | Maj | 8/18/1908 | Kdr NSGr-1 | Ju 87, Fw 190F | Night Assault Operational Clasp | Jager Blatt 1/2002. | |||||
23762 | Warncke, Joachim | Oblt | II/StG-2 (Africa) | Ju 87R-2 Werk # 6053 (lost 7/15/41) | Dive Bomber Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) with unnamed crew 15 July, 1941 near Gambut due to enemy fighters. Ju 87 Loss List | ||||||
23763 | Warnecke, Heinz | Uffz | 1 | 12/JG-301 (10/44), 11/JG-301 (4/45) | Fw 190A-8 Werk # Unk (lost 4/2/45) | ![]() EK 1 & 2 Fighter Operational Clasp | MIA 2 April, 1945 in aerial combat in the Thüringen area. Mombeek. One known victory, a B-24 S of Hannover on 26 November, 1944.
Heinz Warnecke (alternate spelling Warnicke), Heinrich Dorr and Walter Backer
JG301 Shown L-R: Straub, Egon - Schrack Franz - Michaelis Rudolf - Fw Dörr, Heinrich - Dürr, Hermann - Scheller, Walter - Greiner, Willi - Prawitz- Wissmann,
| ![]() Courtesy Christian König | ||||
23764 | Warrelmann, Alfred | Fw | 2 | I & IV(Z)/LG-1, I/NJG-3 | Bf 109D & E, Bf 110 | ![]() Destroyer Operational Clasp | His name referenced in a book (personal accounts) entitled "Bombs & Machine Guns over Poland", German text. His first known victory, two Polish PZL P-24s northwest of Rozan on 4 September, 1939 (Perry Claims). Alternate spelling: Warelmann (Perry). Victory count may be as high as 8 (Magnus). Bolten 8 victories; 1 Night, 7 Day. | |||||
23765 | Wartenberg, Hans | Gefr | 7/JG-27 (Reich Def) | Bf 109G-14 Werk # 413724 "White 13 + I" (lost 8/9/44) | Fighter Operational Clasp | KIC 9 August, 1944; crashed during a training flight near Werl. | ||||||
23766 | Wartenberg, Rudolf von "Stefan" | Oblt | 1/25/1913 | Herischdorf | 1/KG-30 (5/40 Oldenburg) | Ju 88A-2 Werk # 2027 "4D +IT" (lost 5/10/40) | Bomber Operational Clasp | His Ju 88 crashed at Princenbeek, No. Brabant, Holland on 10 May, 1940, cause and pilot/crerw disposition unknown (DeSwart). Added: The ac was brought down by AA fire. Remaining crew (deceased buried Ysselsteyn): Gefr D.Falcke, Obs (WIA); Uffz Siegfried Weiss, R/O (KilledInAction (KIA), born 25/03/19 in Bockau), bur AZ/2/30) and Uffz Herbert Otto Müller, Gnr (KilledInAction (KIA) born 11/07/15 in Lindenau, bur AZ/2/31). Oblt Wartenberg buried AZ/2/29 (D.Drury). Added: Not on board was Uffz. Uhlig, the crew's regular gunner: Confined to quarters for 3 days because of a disciplinary matters his place was taken by the aircraft's ground crew chief, Uffz. Müller: This change was to save Uhlig's life and mean death for Uffz. Müller. The dramatic events of this mission are described in a memo written after the interrogation of observer Gefr. Falke. Uffz Weiss was directly killed by Flak. Falke: "Flying over such a bridge at 1000 meters was akin to an attempted suicide.""After recovering from his serious head injuries, Dietrich Falke returned to KG 30 and resumed operational flying. He ended the war as a pilot in 4./KG1. Src Asizbiz (CKönig)
| |||
23767 | Wartenberger, Gerhard | Ofhr | 10/11/1922 | Beilrode Torgau | 3 | 4/NJG-3 | Bf 110, Ju 88G-1 Werk # 710525 (lost at sea) | ![]() EK 1 & 2 Night Fighter Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 30 August, 1944 when he crashed into the sea of the Swedish coast near Gotland due to engine failure while on an operational flight. His body was found at Sysne, Gotland, Sweden on 19 October, 1944 and he was buried at Östergarn on 24 October, then later with the other war dead at Telleborg. Remaining crew (KIC); Ogefr Karl Tugend (born 1/9/1921 Oberissigheim, Buried at Östergarn 10/24/44 after discovery the first of September, 1944) (Source: B.Widfeldt) One known victory, a "4 mot" SW of Feindhoren on 21 July, 1944. A 2nd, a "4 mot" 100 km SW of Stuttgart on 29 July, 1944. A 3rd, a "4 mot" ESE of Radio Beacon "Herzog" (northern Germany) on 27 August, 1944. Three victories found in OKL List. | |||
23768 | Wartens, Friedrich | Oblt | II/Schl.G-1 | Fw 190A-5 Werk # 5990 (30% dam) | Wound Badge Assault Operational Clasp | WIA 8 May, 1943 at Anapa Russia by flak. | ||||||
23769 | Warthemann, Günter | Uffz | 1 | JG-6, 6/JG-26 (12/44) | Fw 190D-9 "Black 15" in JG-26 | ![]() Wound Badge Fighter Operational Clasp | WIA 22 March, 1945 in "Black 15" in aerial combat with the Tempests of RAF No 56 or 80 Sq. (one of which he downed this date) at Dreierwalde. His one victory, a Tempest of RAF No. 56 or 80 Sq. near Rheine on 22 March, 1945. | |||||
23770 | Warthol, Walter | Lt | 2 | 7/JG-53 (8/41), 5(F)/123 | Bf 109G-6 WRrk # Unk "Black 17" (lost 8/16/44) | ![]() Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(10/1/44 in absentia) ![]() EK 1 & 2 EP (1/17/44), Observer Operational Clasp | POW 16 August, 1944; shot down by flak, 10km S of Dreux (DK-G Awards List & LOCS). | ![]() Courtesy Christian König | ||||
23771 | Wartmann, Kurt | Uffz | 8/KG-77 (Med) | Ju 88A-4 Werk # 141034 "3Z + MS" (lost 3/26/43) | Bomber Operational Clasp | MIA with unnamed crew in the Algiers harbor 26 March, 1943, cause unknown (Ju 88 Loss List). Added: The unnamed crew: Gefr Heinz Krüger, Obs (KIC); Ogefr Herbert Stich, R/O (MIA) and Uffz Kurt Lenk, Gnr (MIA) (Qu.Meister File). | ||||||
23772 | Warzecha, Edgar | Ofw | Stab/StG-1 (S.U.) | Bf 110E-3 Werk # 2491 "A5 + BF" (lost 8/16/42) | Observer Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 16 August, 1942 at Kirischi, cause unknown. His Obs, Lt Karl Klempa, also KilledInAction (KIA). Bf 110 Loss List | ||||||
23773 | Warzecka, | Gefr | 13/TG-1 | Ju 52/3m | The only Ju 52 to come down in Sweden in 1942. The pilot was on a test flight on 29 May, 1942, from Kastrup Denmark and believed he was landing in Denmark, but landed at the Bulltofta airfield. The pilot and crew were allowed to return same day, but the AC was not returned until 13 June, 1942. Remaining crew: Fw Budesheim, a "Kontr" (contractor?) Harder and mechanic Conrad. Source: B.Widfeldt | |||||||
23774 | Waschke, E. | Uffz | 3/KGzbV-12 (5/40 Störmede) | Ju 52/3m Werk # unk "G6 + ?L" (lost 5/10/40) | Wound Badge, Transport Operational Clasp | His ac reported lost 10 May, 1940; crash landed at Ockenburg airfield, collided with another Ockenburg aircrasft; destroyed by groundfire, pilot and crew disposition unknown (Netherland Loss Registry). Added: Ofw Waschke and his two crew, were injured and returned to their unit. Remaining crew: Uffz P.Quasdorf, R/O and Uffz R.Lemke, Mech/Gnr (SGLO). | ||||||
23775 | Wäschle, Wilhelm | Uffz | 2/16/1921 | 4/JG-1 | Fw 190A-8 Werk # 731785 "Black 25" (lost 8/10/44) | Fighter Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 10 August, 1944 during aerial combat with Spitfires over Avranches, crashing at Montreau/Etampes France. Buried in the War Grave Cem, Champigny-St Andre, Block 17, Gr 2464. | |||||
23776 | Washneck, Otto | Uffz | 4(H)/31 | Fw 189A-1 Werk # 2244 "D5 + MM" (lost 6/5/42) | Observer Operational Clasp | MIA 5 June, 1942 at Tamanskaja Russia, cause unknown. Also MIA, his Observer, Oblt Günther Bauch and another unnamed crewmember. Obs Loss List | ||||||
23777 | Waskott, | Ofhr | 1/JG-27 | Bf 109E & F | Fighter Operational Clasp | POW 22 November, 1941 after being shot down during aerial combat with a P-40 of RAAF No. 3 Sq. S of Tobruk. He was able to bale safely, but was captured by British ground forces. | ||||||
23778 | Wasse, Günther | Oblt | 12/28/1916 | 5/KG-3 (9/41 S.U.), 6/JG-300 (9/44) | Ju 88A-4 Werk # 550142 (dam 7/20/43), Fw 190A-8/R2 Werk # Unk "Yellow 10" (lost 9/27/44) | ![]() Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(1/1/44) ![]() EK 1 & 2 EP (2/28/44), Wound Badge Bomber Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 27 September, 1944, in the Gotha vicinity, opposing the Kassel raid. WIA with two other unnamed crew in Map Quadrant Pl.Qu. 7075 on 20 July, 1943; hit by enemy return fire (Ju 88 Loss List, LOCS & DK-G Awards). List). | |||||
23779 | Wasserkampf, Gerhard | Hptm | 10/25/1917 | KGr.z.b.V. 400 (4/42), Luft.Tr.St.290 (3/43), Stfkpt Luft.Tr.St.290 (6/43), 5 (10/43-9/44), Stfkpt 14/TG-4 (9/44-5/45) | Ju 52, Ar 232B | Transport Operational Clasp | LOCS. Alternate spelling: Wasser Kampt. | |||||
23780 | Wassermann, Erich | Fw | 8 | 7/JG-27 (7/41 S.U.- 12/41 Africa) | Bf 109F-4/Trop Werk # 8529 (lost 12/22/41) | ![]() EK 1 & 2 Fighter Operational Clasp | KIFA 22 December, 1941; crashed at Magrun after an engine fire. His first known Soviet victory, an I-153 on 14 July, 1941. An I-153 on 20 July, 1941. A TBC-3 on 26 July, 1941. Two SB-2s on 28 July, 1941. His 6th, an I-16 NE of Krasnoye Selo on 11 September, 1941. His 7th, a SB-2 NE of Uritzk on 19 September, 1941. His 8th, an SB-2 W of Grodno on 4 October, 1941. | |||||
23781 | Wassermann, Heinz | Uffz | 2 | 7/JG-77 (Romania) | Bf 109G-6 Werk # 160861 "White 12" (15% dam 7/31/44) | ![]() EK 1 & 2 Wound Badge Fighter Operational Clasp | WIA 31 July, 1944 during aerial combat with a P-51 at Turnu-Magurele, crash landed at Meri. One known victory, his 1st, a P-38 S of Titü on 10 June, 1944. His 2nd, a B-24 at Guvedze Bulgaria on 11 June, 1944. This could be Theodor Wassermann, but inconclusive. | |||||
23782 | Wassermann, Theodor | Uffz | 1 | 10/JG-51 (4/44 S.U.) | Bf 109G | ![]() Fighter Operational Clasp | His first known victory, a Soviet Il-2 on 7 April, 1944. | |||||
23783 | Wasserzier, Herbert | Oblt | 1 | I/JG-1 (4/40), 7/JG-27 (7/40) | Bf 109E-3 "Black 9" (lost 5/40), Bf 109E-7 Werk # 1652 "Black 1" (lost 4/41) | ![]() Fighter Operational Clasp | KIC 20 April, 1941 when he made accidental ground contact at Tanagra (Stankey). Made a spectacular crash landing into a building at Charleville in May, 1940. He was unhurt, but the AC was totaled. His first victory, a Blenheim N of Cherbourg on 25 July, 1940. | |||||
23784 | Wassum, Paul Karl? | Uffz | I/Schl.G-152 | Fw 190A-3 Werk # 7018 (lost 12/29/43) | Assault Operational Clasp | KIC 29 December, 1943 east of Garwolin due to a servicing error. | ||||||
23785 | Waterbeck, Karl | Oblt | 1/1/1915 | Coesfeld | Kr.O.Fl (6/43 Kr?.Oberkommando der Luftwaffe.Flieger), 3/KG-40 (4/41), Stfkpt 3/KG-40 (11/43-1/44) | Fw 200 (Norway?), He 177A-3 Werk # 535747 "F8 + HH" (lost 1/22/44) | ![]() Deutsches Kreuz - Gold (11/25/43) ![]() EK 1 & 2 Bomber Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) the night of 21/22 January, 1944; sd at Whitmore Vale near Hindhead, Surrey, England by a Mosquito NF.XII of No. 151 Sq., piloted by W/O Howard K. Kemp (later KilledInAction (KIA)). Waterbeck buried CC 1/234, and a second known crewman, Gefr Johannes Conrad, 2nd Gnr, also KilledInAction (KIA), buried CC 1/235. Four remaining unnamed crew taken prisoner. DK-G & Andrew Hall. Added: Ogefr Jann Bikker, Obs; Ofw Erwin Mirbach,R/O; Ofw Georg Six, Flt Engr and Ogefr Werner Doge, Gnr (Andrew Hall). Added: His was the 1st He 177 to crash in England. He crashed attempting to make a belly landing (LOCS). | ![]() Cannock Chase | |||
23786 | Waterbeck, Karl | Hptm | 1/1/1915 | Coesfeld | Stfkpt 3/KG-40 (6/41), 1/KG-40 (1/44) | Fw 200C, He 111H, He 177A-3 Werk # 5747 "F8 (?) + HH" (lost 1/21/44) | DK-G (11/25/43), EP (2/15/43), EK 1 & 2, Bomber Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 21 January, 1944; sd by a Mosquito of No.151 Sq., crashed attempting a forced landing at Whitmore Vale Hindhead, Surrey. He is buried at CC, Blk 1, Gr 235. One known crewman, Gefr Johannes Conrad (geb 4/29/1923, Schönfeld) KilledInAction (KIA), buried at CC, Blk 1, Gr 234 (Luftwaffe Graves UK). | ![]() Cannock Chase | |||
23787 | Wätzlich, Johannes | Uffz | 1919 | 5/JG-1 | Fw 190A-8 Werk # 171607 "White 6" (lost 12/5/44) | Fighter Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 5 December, 1944; enemy action with a P-51 in the Bornkrug area. Buried in the War Grave Cem, Güstrow-Rosocker Chaussee Germany, Block 1/9/11. Source: J. Geensen. | |||||
23788 | Wawrzin, Fritz | Fw | 2/26/1915 | 10/JG-5 (Norway) | Bf 109G-1 Werk # 14106 (lost 10/25/43) | Fighter Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 25 October, 1943; operational crash at Trolla Bruk, cause unknown. Source: SIG Norway. Added: an early morning crash on takeoff from Lade airfield. He is buried in the Havstein Cemetery, Trondheim (Flyvrak Norway). | |||||
23789 | Weas, Klaus | Uffz | I/KG-54 (4/43) | Ju 88A-4 Werk # 140496 (4/17/43) | Bomber Operational Clasp | KIC with his entire crew, 17 April, 1943; Crashed and burned at Catania, no further detail. Remaining crew: Uffz Ulrich von Lötzen, Obs; Uffz Eberhard Weigel, R/O and Herbert Reiner, Gnr (Qu.Meister File). | ||||||
23790 | Weber, | Ogefr | I/JG-77 (Reich Def Ost) | Bf 109G-10 Werk # 6127XX (lost 3/22/45) | Wound Badge Fighter Operational Clasp | WIA 22 March, 1945 after being hit by flak near Budweis (Budejovice, Cz)(Bf 109 Loss List). | ||||||
23791 | Weber, | Lt | 3/NAGr.-1 (1/45 Twente) | Bf 109G-6 Werk # 201126 "Black 53" (75% dam 1/20/45) | Observer Operational Clasp | Uninjured 20 January, 1945 when his ac was damaged as he taxied into a bomb crater at Twente airfield, swerving to avoid the holes (SGLO). |
| |||||
23792 | Weber, ? | Fhj-Uffz | FFS A/B 3 Guben | KIFA on 17/07/40. He carried out a low attack on a building without permission, then collided with a tree and crashed. Weber was buried without military honours. Source: official document. | CKönig | |||||||
23793 | Weber, Albrecht | Fw | 1(H)/31 | Fw 189A-2 | ![]() Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(8/31/43) ![]() EK 1 & 2 Observer Operational Clasp | DK-G Awards List | ||||||
23794 | Weber, Alois | Fw | 1/13/1925 | 1 | 10/JG-2 | Fw 190A-8 Werk # 738192 (lost 12/23/44) | ![]() Fighter Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 23 December, 1944 during aerial combat at Helferskirchen, buried Montabaur. One known victory, a P-47 in the Osnabrück area on 8 November, 1944. | ||||
23795 | Weber, Anton | Uffz | 3/16/1923 | Unit unknown | Bf 109G (lost 3/26/45) | Fighter Operational Clasp | Pilot reported killed at Breitenbach 26 March, 1945 although he was known to have bailed. No further detail. | |||||
23796 | Weber, Bert | Uffz | 28 Fliegerverbindungs Geschwader 2 | Fi 156C-3 (Trop) Werk # 3825 "PP + QA" (interned in Sweden) | Liason Operational Clasp | While on a flight from the Eastern Front, he and Uffz Heinrich Eepe landed at Olsäng Sweden, southwest of Kristianopel, on 7 May, 1945. Eepe is believed to be the passenger although the pilot was not positively identified by the author. Source: B.Widfwldt | ||||||
23797 | Weber, Christoph | Lt | 4 | 2/SG-4 (7/44 S.U.) | Fw 190F-8 | ![]() Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(10/1/44) ![]() EK 1 & 2 Assault Operational Clasp | His first known victory, a Soviet P-39 on 10 July, 1944. Nos. 2 & 3, both Il-2s, 7 km NW of Budruken on 18 July, 1944. A 4th, a P-39 S of Dünaburg on 20 July, 1944. | |||||
23798 | Weber, Dietrich | Hptm | 2/KG-40 (Trondheim - Vaernes Norway) | Fw 200C-3/U4 Werk # 0081 "F8 + CK" (lost 12/31/42) | Bomber Operational Clasp | MIA 31 December, 1942; failed to return from a mission, en route from Norway to Iceland (Fw 200 Loss List), cause and location unknown, most likely, the Norwegian Sea. Remaining crew (all MIA): Uffz Hans Wieser, Co-pilot; Uffz Wolfgang Melzer, R/O; Uffz Willi Nuss, 2nd R/O; Fw Alfons Lischke, Mech and Ogefr Heinrich Köhl, Gunner. Source: SIG Norway & D.Drury. | ||||||
23799 | Weber, E. | Fw | 3/KGzbV-12 (5/40 Störmede) | Ju 52/3m Werk # unk "G6 + ?L" (lost 5/10/40) | Transport Operational Clasp | His ac reported lost 10 May, 1940, damaged on landing at Ockenburg airfield, colliding with another Ju 52, destroyed by groundfire, pilot and crew disposition unknown (Netherland Loss Registry). Added: Fw Weber and his R/O, Uffz H.Velten, were taken prisoner and sent to the UK. His Mech/Gnr, ffz H.Winkler was KIC, buried Yssel BI-12-278 (SGLO). | ||||||
23800 | Weber, Ernst | Oblt | 5/23/1917 | Austria | 7/KG-26 (7/42), Stfkpt 11/KG-26 (6/43), Stab/OKL (9/43-4/44) | He 111H, Ju 88A | ![]() Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(7/2/42) ![]() EK 1 & 2 Bomber Operational Clasp in Gols w/"200" Pendant | DK-G Awards List & LOCS. |
Results 23701 to 23800 of 25483.
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Wer vor der Vergangenheit die Augen verschließt, wird blind für die Gegenwart. Richard von Weizsäcker
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