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These are the results of your search:

You searched for: “"berlin"

#Pilot (↑)RankBornPlaceScore (↑)UnitsAircraftAwards*************Notes*************PhotoLinksAuthorComments
301 Knoke, HeinzHptm3/24/1921Hameln44II/JG-52 (Russia 6/41), 11/JG-2, 2/JG-1 (8/41), Stab/JGr-1 (aka Kdo Losigkeit (3/42 Norway), 5/JG-1, Stfkpt 5/JG-11 (4/43-4/44), Kdr III/JG-1 (8/44)Bf 109E-4 Werk # ? "Black 3" (dam 3/6/42; emergency landing on Lake Sperrilen, near Honefoss Norway due to fuel shortage, pilot OK?), Bf 109F-2 Wk#12866 "Yellow 7" w/JG-1 (25% dam 8/16/41), Bf 109G-1/R2 Werk # 14049 "Black 3" in 2/JG-1 (2/43), Bf 109G-1 "Black 1" (dam 5/21/43; combat w/bombers, pilot OK) in 5/JG-11, Bf 109G-1/R2 "Red 1" in 5/JG-11, Fw 190A-8, Bf 109G-6 Werk # 15623 "Black 1" (60% dam 8/17/43; emergency landing at Rheinbach after combat, pilot OK) in 5/JG-11

Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(11/17/43)

EK 1 & 2
DRL Sports Badge
Wound Badge
Fighter Operational Clasp
Barbarossa pilot. 19 bombers. Over 400 missions. All victories in the West. He wore the Croatian Pilot wings also. He joined the "circle of four-engine bomber slayers: Specht, Frey, Sommer and König. He tried the new idea of dropping a timed-fuse bomb into the middle of a B-17 "box". He crashed a Bf 109G at Hilversum Holland on 30 January, 1944, his injuries, if any, unknown, serving in 5/JG-11 at the time (DeSwart). His 20th victory, a B-17 at Wagenfeld-Sulingen on 10 February, 1944. Opposed the 6 March, 1944 Berlin Raid, and the Schweinfurt Raid, but crashed at an airfield near Bonn after his left wing spar was severely damaged by B-17 return fire. His mechanic was Ogefr Arndt. Flew Bf 109E "Black 3" in Autumn 1941 in JG-1. Flew Bf 109G-1 in 5/JG-11. His 25th victory, a P-51 at the Waggum airfield on 29 April, 1944. Alt incorrect spelling; Knocke. His flying career ended with a car crash on 9 October, 1944 which nearly caused him to lose a leg. After the war, he resided at Ahornweg 7, 4505 Bad Iburg, Ger. Deceased 18 May, 1993.

Knoke by a Me-109 G-6 Gunboat, Jever 1943

Courtesy Christian König

302 Koch, KlemenzUffz13/NJG-3Bf 110
EK 1 & 2
Night Fighter Operational Clasp
One known victory, a Stirling NW of Berlin on 1 September, 1943.
303 Koch, RaimundHptm6/4/1922Berlin-Charlottenburg268/JG-3 (6/43 S.U.), Stfkpt 8/JG-3 (3/44), 11/JG-3 (8/44), Stfkpt 11/JG-3 (11/44)Bf 109G-14 Werk # Unk "Yellow 11 + I" (lost 11/2/44)
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold
EP (6/19/44, other src: 1/10/44)

EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp in Silver
KIFA 2 November, 1944 (Magnus). Added: Killed in a mid-air collision with Oblt Hans Engelhardt, 800m SE of Reinsdorf, vicinity of Heldrungen during a practise flight (C.König). Burial at Esperstedt. His first known victory, a Soviet LaGG-3 on 26 June, 1943. An Il-2 and a LaGG-5 on 5 July, 1943. An Il-2 and a LaGG-5 N of Belgorod on 5 July, 1943. An Il-2 on 9 July, 1943. An Il-5 on 14 July, 1943. A LaGG-3 on 19 July, 1943. One known western victory, his 7th, a B-17 8 km W of Strassburg on 6 September, 1943. Another, his 8th, B-17 near Ilanz, 40 km west of Chur, 1 October, 1943. His 9th, same day, a B-17 (HSS). His 10th, a B-17 over northern Italy, 19 December, 1943. His 11th, a B-17 on 29 January, 1944. A Flak-damaged B-17 on 18 March, 1944. His 15th, a P-51 6 km S of Landsberg on 5 April, 1944. His 20th, a B-24 (HSS) on 19 May, 1944, no location. His 22nd, a B-17 on 28 June, 1944, no location (over the Normandy countryside). A P-47 near Caen on 11 July, 1944. His 24th, a P-47 W of Pont Audemer on 9 August, 1944. His last two victories, both P-51s over the Normandy countryside on 13 August, 1944.

Courtesy Christian König

304 Kofler, OttoFw46/JG-300 (9/43), 5/JG-300 (6/44)Fw 190A-8, or Fw 190G-3 (lost 6/29/44 near Lindenberg/Zeitz)
EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
Pilot reported KilledInAction (KIA) 29 June, 1944, no further detail ( One known victory, a Stirling in mid Berlin on 1 September, 1943. A 2nd, a Lancaster 2 km SE of Mannheim on 6 September, 1943. A 3rd, a Lancaster at Düsseldorf on 23 April, 1944. A 4th, a B-24 (HSS) 20 km SW of Tulln on 24 June, 1944. Alternate spelling: Köfler.
305 Kogler, JohannObstlt6/30/1911Wein, Austria4Kdr Erg/ZG-26 (7/41), Kdr ZG-101 (43), Kdr III/ZG-26 (2/44), Kdr JG-6 (12/44 Quackenbrück)Bf 110D in ZG-26, Fw 190A-9; Bf 110 & Me 410G in ZG-26, Fw 190A-8 Wk# 980543 "<- + -"(lost 1/1/45)
EK 1 & 2
Wound Badge
EP (nd), Destroyer Operational Clasp in Silver
POW 1/1/45. He and his R/O Uffz Adolf Bauer crashed with injuries into the Channel off Felixstone on 11 August, 1940 and were rescued. They were in 1/ZG-26 at the time. Opposed the 6 March, 1944 Berlin Raid while serving as Kdr III/ZG-26. Although badly damaged by a P-51 of 357FG, piloted by F/O Tom Mc Kinney, he, and R/O Fw Kluepfel, made a single engine landing at Magdeburg. Shot down in his A-8 on 1 January, 1945 by AA fire on the way to his assigned target, Volkel airfield. He belly landed his AC four miles west of Severum, northwest of Venlo. Soon after, he was captured by Allied troops. 90+ missions. One known victory, a B-24 on 24 February, 1944, no location. Another, a B-17 at Magdeburg on 8 March, 1944. A 2nd B-17 10 km N of Bammicke on 11 April, 1944. Deceased 24 October, 1982.
306 Köhler, FritzHptm4/7/1918Berlin-CharlottenburgStfkpt 2/KG-76 (Africa)Ju 88A-4 Werk # 140433 "F1 + JK" (lost 1/30/43)
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(8/13/42)

EK 1 & 2
EP (6/12/41), Bomber Operational Clasp
DK-G Awards List. KilledInAction (KIA) with one other unnamed crew at Algiers 30 January, 1943, cause unknown (Ju 88 Loss List). Added: His ac was sd by a Beaufighter, west of Cape Martifou, Bay of Algiers. Hptm Köhler is commemorated on the Kiel-Laboe Naval Memorial. Of the unnamed crew, one reported KilledInAction (KIA) and two POW (D.Drury).
307 Kolberg,UffzFlt Instr Berlin-Gatow 3/41BT-NB TrainerErich Hartmanns flight instructor, March 1941.
308 Komorowski, Joachim Walter AlexanderOFhr2/27/1922Berlin-Friedenau13/JG-27, 4/JG-27 (Reich Def)Bf 109G-14 Werk # 460634 "White 15 + ~" (lost 12/18/44)Fighter Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 18 December, 1944 during aerial combat at Hoffnungsthal, SE of Köln. Added: Ofw Komorowski's birth information and burial at Porz-Wahn, provided by M.Weichert, Köln, 1/2022.
309 König, ArnoUffz11/25/1920BerlinIV/JG-300 (3/45)Bf 109G-14 most likely (lost March '45)Fighter Operational ClaspMIA March, 1945, no further detail (
310 König, FriedrichGefr2/8/1920Berlin6/JG-3 (Volkel)Bf 109G-5y Werk# 26116 "Yellow 2 + -" (lost 12/11/43)Fighter Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 11 December, 1943; Aerial combat in his G-5 with U.S. fighters SE of Norg, NW of Assen, in the Groningen area. His body was recovered 31 August, 1999 by a Dutch Recovery Team at Norg (Prov. Drenthe), in the bottom of Peester Maden, near the hamlet of Peest Holland. He was buried in the German War Cemetary at Ysselsteyn (Prov. Limburg) CB-14-350.

Courtesy Christian König

311 Kornatzki, Hans Günther vonObstlt6/22/19066Kdr II/JG-52 (8/40 Peuplingues), Sturmstaffel 1/JG-1 (1/44), JG-3, Kdr II(Sturm)/JG-4 (7/44)Ar 65 (4/35), Bf 109C,D & E in JG-52, He-51, Fw 190A-6 "White 1" in JG-1, Fw 190A-8/R2 Werk # 681424 "Green 3" (lost 9/12/44)
EK 1 & 2
Fighter & Assault Operational Clasps
KilledInAction (KIA) 12 September, 1944 shortly after his 6th victory! Stfkpt in 3/Fl Grp Damm in April, 1935. Channel pilot. Opposed the 6 March, 1944 Raid on Berlin, leading Sturmstaffel 1. His 5th victory, a B-17 (HSS) at Beckum-Hamm on 23 March, 1944. A 6th victory, a B-17 E of Helmstedt on 12 September, 1944. He seems to be the person credited with the idea of the Rammtrager concept, with led to the Sturmgruppes. Another source states his name as Horst Günther. Another, Walter. Another, Hans Georg. Alternate spelling: Kornatski.

Sturmstaffel 1: 5 Left Maj. von Kornatzki

312 Korthals, GerhardMaj6/22/1914Berlin Lichtenberg2/KGr-100 (9/39), Stfkpt 8/KG-51 (6/40), Kdr V/KG-40 (7/42 Atlantic)He 111P, Ju 88A in KG-51, Ju 88C-6 Werk # 360059 "F8 + ??" (lost 11/3/42)

Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(7/16/42)

EK 1 & 2
Bomber Operational Clasp in Gold
KIFA 3 November, 1942 near the Lorient airport, mechanical failure on a non-combat flight. Also killed were: Ofw Franz Fritz, R/O and Uffz Heinz Winteler, Gnr.. 200+ combat missions. Added: The deceased were buried at Pornichet Cem, Blk 9, Row 16 as follows: Maj Korthals Gr 382, Ofw Fritz (geb 4/27/1917 Karlsruhe) Gr 383 and Uffz Winteler (geb 2/16/1921 Hamburg) Gr 381 (absa3945). Added: According to one source one of the ground crew black men had forgotten his cutlery set in a maintenance hatch which blocked the rudder mechanism. Promoted to Major post-mortem (CKönig)

313 Kosse, WolfgangHptm9/27/1918Berlin276/JG-26(5/40), Stfkpt 5/JG-26(8/40; 9/41 Morseele, Be.), Stfkpt 6/JG-26 (4/42), 1/JG-5, Sturmstf 1(2/44), 10/JG-3(6/44), Stfkpt 13/JG-3(10/44)Bf 109E-7 "Blk 8", Fw 190A-1 Werk # 0100 "Blk 10" (9/41), Fw 190A-4 "Wh 10"in JG-5, Fw 190A-9 Wk# 205265 (lost)
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(1/1/45 Post)

EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 24 December, 1944 in Wk# 205265 "< O +" (or "White 6" by another source) during aerial combat with an RAF Tempest in the Luttich/Liege area. His body has never been found. Busted from Oblt to Flieger on 30 November, 1943, for damaging an aircraft during an unauthorized flight. By the time of his death, he was promoted back to Hptm.. His 1st eleven victories in JG-26. His first victory was a Lysander at Mons on 17 May, 1940. His 2nd, a Morane 406 at Cambrai, 18 May, 1940. His 3rd, a Hurricane at Dunkirk, 1 June, 1940. His 4th, a Hurricane 20 km NE of Dunkirk on 2 June, 1940. His 5th, a Hurricane at Dungeness on 31 August, 1940. His 9th, a Spitfire on 9 August, 1941 S of St Omer France, thought to be either Douglas Bader or "Buck" Casson, Kdr of RAF No. 616 Sq.. Added: Claimed, but not credited, a Blenheim IV of No.21 Sq. near Ostende on 23 July, 1941. Credited to a flakship (H.Wheeler). His 10th, a Spitfire NNW of Calais on 4 April, 1942. A double victory on 11 February, 1944, two B-17s (n.l.) by Heidelberg as a Flg in Sturmstaffel 1(added: 1 claimed by OFhr. Heinz Steffen), CKönig) His 20th, a B-24 on 9 April, 1944, no location. Two B-17s on 29 April, 1944 (Perry Claims). His 25th, a P-47 at Aachen-Kerpen on 17 December, 1944. Two Typhoons in the Ardennes sector on 24 December, 1944. Mombeek MIA List. Added: regarding the demotion of Hptm Kosse: according to the JG 5 website he trusted a transfer order to his Norwegian girlfriend. The conversation was listened to and forwarded to staff. For this purpose on 15/06/43 he was demoted to Flieger and removed from his post (CKönig)

Sturmstaffel 1: 9 Left Gefr. Kosse

Courtesy Christian König

314 Kotzian, AlfredFhr25/01/25Deutsch KrawarnJG 104Bü 133, Ar 96Made his last figher training flight with a mad dive to the target, also observed by General der Jagdflieger Adolf Galland. After landing, Galland personally reprimanded him, since the interception height was approx. 1 m above surface only. In April 45 he was send to a tank hunting commando in Berlin, was WIA and survived as a Russian POW. Deceased 2009 in Germany.

Courtesy Christian König

315 Kowalewski, BernhardOfw4/12/1916Berlin2/KGr.z.b.V.-105Ju 52/3m Werk # 5780 (10% dam 4/2/42)Transport Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 2 April, 1942 when his ac was hit by AA fire, and made an emergency landing at Svity, Smolensk Oblast, Russia. No information on the remaining crew. Ofw Kowalewski has not been recovered for transfer to a military cemetery. His name is recorded in the memorial book at Dukhovshchina Collective Cemetery, Smolensk Oblast,Russia (D.Drury).
316 Kowalewski, RobertObstlt3/15/1914Berlin2Führungskette X Fliegerkorps (9/40 Oslo), Stfkpt 6./KG 26 (01/41), Kdr II/KG-26(01-05/41), Kdr III/KG-40(07-09/43), Kdr ZG-76(1/44), Stab/NJG-1, Kdr KG-76 (3/45)He 111H-3 Wk# 3253 "P4 + BA" (30% dam 9/11/40) His ac was damagedin X Fliegerkorps, Ju 88A-5 Werk # 4389 "??" (lost 12/22/42) in KG-40, Bf 110 & Me 410 in ZG -76, Ar 234 in KG-76

Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(7/20/42)

EK 1 & 2
Wound Badge

Bomber Operational Clasp in Gold with pendant "200" (04/07/44)
Destroyer Operational Clasp in Gold (10/06/41)
Wound badge (11/09/40)
Narvikschild in Silver
Medaglia d'argento al Valore Militare
Cuff band Kreta (01/07/43)
RK for a great number of special anti-shipping missions. Flew with Harlinghausen. Served on the Staff of the X Fliegerkorps. While in the X Flgrkorps, on 11 September, 1940, he is known to have suffered engine trouble following an operation to Moray Firth, Scotland, in Wk# 3253. The ac was damaged in a subsequent landing accident (Oslo?), no report on crew disposition (Source: SIG Norway & D.Drury). On 22 December, 1942, he and his unnamed crew were injured when they crashed at the Cognac airfield after an engine fire (Ju 88 Loss List). At wars end, he served as Kdr KG-76 flying the Ar 234. 280 combat missions. Deceased 5 July, 1996, Herdecke. Added: Combined pilot and observer badge. Knights Cross awarded for sinking 83,680 GRT of enemy merchant shipping, damaging a British cruiser, shooting down a fighter and a flying boat, and bringing his crew back safely on a single engine after a successful raid on Moray Firth/NE Scotland (11/09/40). (CKönig)

317 Kraft, Josef "Sepp"Hptm2/8/1921Vienna, Austria56II/NJG-4, Stab II/NJG-5, 4/NJG-5 (9/43), II/NJG-6, 7/NJG-6 (5/44 S.U.), Stfkpt 12/NJG-1Bf 110, Ju 88

Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(7/23/44)

EK 1 & 2
Night Fighter Operational Clasp
He was especially successful at hunting down British and Russian AC supplying partisans in Hungary. Shot down 20 , 4 of which were Li-2s (Russian made DC-3s).145 Missions. All Night victories. One known victory, a Stirling 50 km N of Bremen on 9 October, 1943. Another, a Lancaster at Berlin on 2 December, 1943. He scored a double victory on 15 February, 1944; a Halifax and a Lancaster. Two "4 mot" in the Strasbourg area on 27 April, 1944. A Halifax at Friedrichshafen on 28 April, 1944. Two "4 mots" on 25 May, 1944, no location. A Wellington at Tamasi on 26 June, 1944. Two Wellingtons S of St Polten on 7 July, 1944. Deceased 16 October, 1994. A Wellington over Hungary on 8 August, 1944. Two Wellingtons E of Steyr on 20 August, 1944. Another Wellington on 22 August, 1944, no location. A Dakota in the Tokaj area on 18 September, 1944. Two more Dakotas in the Nyiregyhaza area on 19 September, 1944. Two Wellingtons, next night, at Szombathely. A double on 13 October, 1944; a B-24 and a Wellington in the Tamasi area. A triple on 20 October, 1944; a B-24 and two Wellingtons S of Steinamanger.

Courtesy Christian König

Courtesy Christian König

318 Kramer, H.Uffz2(F)/Aufkl.Gr. O.d.L (5/40 Berlin-Oranienburg)Do 215B-4 Werk # unk (lost 5/10/40)Observer Operational ClaspHis ac reported lost 10 May, 1940 at Dordrecht- Cillaarshoek, pilot and crew disposition unknown (Netherland Loss Registry). Added: His Dornier sd by a Fokker G-1, piloted by Sgt Maj J.J.Buwalda. The ac crashed a Cillaarshoek, Hoeksche Waard. Remaining crew (all three dispositions unknown): Lt H.Schierhold, Obs and Ofw H.Kaselowski (SGLO).
319 Kratz, Bernard BennoFw73/NJG-6 (8/43), 2/NJG-6 (7/44), 1/NJG-6 (9/44)Bf 110G-4 Werk # 160763 "2Z + HL" (dam 1/25/45)EP

EK 1 & 2
Wound Badge
Night Fighter Operational Clasp
WIA 25 March, 1945 near Oppenheimer bridge by ack-ack during a strafing run (Boiten). WIA 25 January, 1945 after being attacked by 3 P-51s, crashing at Schriesheim. His R/O Fw Heinrich Frankenbach was uninjured. One known victory, a Halifax W of Berlin (Nauen) on 24 August, 1943. A 2nd, a Halifax at Miesenheim on 20 December, 1943. A 3rd & 4th on 27 April, 1944; a Lancaster near Reichental and a "4 mot" near Gansbach. A 5th, a Lancaster at Mössingen on 25 July, 1944. A 6th, a Lancaster at Sindelfingen on 29 July, 1944. A 7th, a B-17 NW of Darmstadt on 12 September, 1944. Navigator named Frankenbach.
320 Kratz, RudolfHptmAdj KG-30 (11/39 frm LKS-Berlin), Italian Air Force Liason Officer, 10/NJG-3 (5/43)Ju 88A, Ju 88C-6 (5/43)Pilot BadgeSubsequent to his KG-30 service, due to his health, he was removed from flight service, and then re-assigned to NJG-3. During this assignment, he was one of several who searched for Oblt Herbert Schmid, thought to have perished in the North Sea. In fact, Schmid had landed at an RAF station (he had defected). Rudolf was a post-war dentist (LOCS & P.Irwin 9/2021). This story is covered extensively in The Defection of Herbert Schmid

Courtesy Christian König

KTY Added image
321 Krause, Fritz E.Hptm2III/JG-300, 1/NJGr-10 (1/44), 1 & 3/NJG-11 (11/44), Kdr III/NJG-11 (1/45 to end)Fw 190A-6 Werk # 550143 "White 11" in NJGr-10, Bf 109G-6, Bf 109H in I/NJG-11(11/44), Fw 190A-9/R11 "White 11"(1/44)
EK 1 & 2
Night Fighter Operational Clasp
One known victory, a Mosquito piloted by Flt Lt E.V. Saunders DFC, during the Bochum raid the night of 7/8 July, 1944, at Kyritz, west of Berlin. A 2nd, a Lancaster S of Essen on 4 November, 1944. He had bailed three times; 11 July, 1944, 8 September, 1944 and 4 November, 1944. The latter as a result of Lancaster return fire. He landed Radevormwald near Remscheid with only minor injuries. It was his 213th combat mission. His A-5 in NJGr-10 was "White 11", in which he scored this one known victory.

Courtesy Christian König

322 Krein, J.Uffz10/KGzbV-1 (5/40 Münster-Handorf)Ju 52/3m Werk # unk "1Z + ?U" (lost 5/10/40)Transport Operational ClaspHis ac reported lost 10 May, 1940 at Rotterdam- Den Haag-Leiden, probably sd by a Fokker G-1, pilot and crew disposition unknown (Netherland Loss Registry). Added: Uffz Klein was killed in the enounter, and buried Berlin-Neukölln, A-25. Remaining known crew (Ret'd): Flg C.Gaisberger, R/O and Uffz H.Gutsche, Mech/Gnr (SGLO).
323 Krentz, KarlUffz3Stab/JG-11 (12/44), 1/JG-11 (3/45)Bf 109G, Fw 190A
EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 24 April, 1945 during aerial combat in the berlin area (L. Wiegels). His first victory, a P-51 S of the Mittelland Kanal on 5 December, 1944. His 2nd victory, a P-51 in the Asch/Maastricht area on 1 January, 1945. His 3rd victory, a P-39 on 27 March, 1945.
324 Kriegbaum, EmilLt10/6/192137/JG-300 (4/44), 8/JG-300 (8/44), 12/JG-300 (11/44)Bf 109G-14 (lost 11/27/44 in the Harz area)
EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 27 November, 1944 during aerial combat with P-51s of 357FG over the Harz mountains (Boiten). One known victory, a "4 mot" 15 km N of Munich on 25 April, 1944. A 2nd, a Mosquito SW of Berlin on 16 August, 1944. A 3rd, a P-38 NW of Belluno on 23 August, 1944.
325 Kröber, ErhardUffz5/21/1922Groitzsch410/JG-3 (5/44), 13/JG-3 (8/44)Bf 109G, Bf 109K-4
EK 1 & 2
Wound Badge
Fighter Operational Clasp
Wounded 23 December, 1944 from return fire of B-26s of the 322nd BG over Euskirchen. He died from these wounds a few days later. Buried Bad Münstereiffel, Block 4/12 (Rosseels). His first known victory, a B-17 NW of Berlin on 24 May, 1944. A 2nd, B-17 at Bouzonville on 3 August, 1944. His 3rd, a B-24 at Mürzzuschlag on 23 August, 1944. His 4th, a B-17 20 km S of Riesa on 11 September, 1944.
326 Kröcher, Friedrich KarlLt4/28/19218/JG-11Fw 190A-7 Werk # 643918 (lost)Fighter Operational Clasp KilledInAction (KIA) 11 April, 1944 during aerial combat, crashing at Haftling, near Diepholz. Source: L. Wiegels. Added: Burial: German War Cemetery, Berlin-Spandau Friedhof "In Den Kisseln, Row 8, Gr 54. "Kisseln", a derivative of the word Küsseln, meaning a sand dune covered with pine trees (D.Drury).
327 Kroker, EberhardFhjOfw96/JG-302 (3/44), 4/JG-302 (4/44), 3/JG-300 (7/44)Fw 190A, Bf 109G-6 (lost 7/44)
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(12/1/44)

EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 21 July, 1944 during aerial combat with P-51s of 359FG at Ebersberg. One known victory, his 1st, a "4 mot" S of Berlin on 24 March, 1944. His 2nd & 3rd, both B-24s (one HSS) on 9 April, 1944, no location. His 4th, a B-24 (HSS) at Braunschweig on 11 April, 1944. His 5th, a B-17 on 18 April, 1944, no location. His 6th, a B-17 (HSS) S of Munden, E of Kassel, on 19 April, 1944. His 7th, a B-25 at Leipkau on 29 April, 1944. A B-17 on 8 May, 1944, no location (Perry Claims). A 9th, a P-51 SW of Halle on 29 June, 1944. Magnus, 12 victories. Alternate spelling: Kröker on DK-G List.
328 Kroll, Hans WernerOfhr8/9/1924Johannisburg (S.A.)12/JG-1 (12/44 Reich Def)Bf 109G-10/AS Werk # 490625 "Blue 3" (lost 12/5/44)Fighter Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 5 December, 1944 during aerial combat at Zehdenick with P-51 escorts during a Berlin raid. Buried Neuruppin Evangel Friedhof, Abteilung 14/2/14. Good friend of Lt. Ottokar Henning.
329 Kroll, HermannOblt11/5/1913Pritzwalk, Brandenburg bei Berlin197/LG-2 (S.U.), 2(F)/122, Stfkpt 1(F)/122 (4/44 Gutenfeld)Bf 110C-5 Werk # 2188 "L2 + FK" (lost 10/2/40) in LG-2, Me 410B-4 (lost 4/26/44)

EK 1 & 2
Observer Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 26 April, 1944 during aerial combat with a Mosquito of RAF No. 85 Sq. near Portsmouth. Crashed at sea & recovered. Kroll buried at Cannock Chase Cemetery Field, CC, Blk 4, Gr 78. His R/O, Ofhr W. Mayer was taken prisoner. All victories were in the East. Luft. Pilot Discussion Board. Added: An Ofw at the time, Kroll was involved in a mid-air collision 2 October, 1940, with Oblt Georg Eckert (KIC). Kroll was the only occupant of the ac, and bailed safely, landing at Erps Querbs (Luft & Allied Air Forces Discussion Board).

Cannock Chase
330 Kroseberg, Heinz-GustavMaj23/02/99BerlinStab/ Fl.Fü. Afrika (003/41), 1. Wüstennotstaffel/ JG 27 (Stfkpt 11/41-05/42)Fi156 C-3 trop
RK (post-mortem)
Wound badge (1918)
MIA on 12/05/42 approx. 80 km N of Derna/Libya while searching for survivors at sea of downed Ju 52s. Posthumously awarded Ritterkreuz and promo to Major. "“Hauptmann Heinz Kroseberg has done extraordinary work in salvaging aircraft crews who’d been shot down in either the desert or the ocean. Deeply fulfilled by his task of recovering his downed comrades, he was able to save the lives of many German soldiers through quiet heroism before sacrificing himself during a salvage flight far over the sea, from which he did not return.”

Courtesy Christian König

331 Krüger, KurtUffz7/31/1922Berlin3/JG-1Fw 190A-7 Werk # 642989 "White 10" (lost 2/22/44)Fighter Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 22 February, 1944 during aerial combat with "4 mots". His A-7 crashed at Gelsenkirchen. Source: L.Wiegels. Buried Berlin, Rei.St.Sebastian Block B2/12/6.
332 Krüger, KurtFw4/7/1917Berlin2/KG-100He 177A-3 Werk # 332355 "6N + GK" (lost 4/11/44)Bomber Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 11 April, 1944; shot down by flak in the Münster-Hahndorf area. On the crash report, he was labeled "f." which I interpretted as Führer, thus named him as pilot. The remainder of the crew were wounded. Remaining crew: Georg Urbanski, geb 11/26/1919, Obs; Erich Domke, geb 3/21/??, Gunner and Uffz Gustav Ballmann,, geb 5/13/1921, Gunner. One other crewman, Ofw Martin Brünnel, geb 7/28/1916, was named on a separate sheet, but no position given. He may have been a Wart (or pilot?). Source: B.Bines.
333 Kruse, Hans JoachimLt1/5/1915Berlin22/NAGr-2 (5/44 S.U.)Fw 189A-3
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(1/1/45)

EK 1 & 2
EP (3/30/42), Observer Operational Clasp
His first known victory, a Soviet R-5 on 15 May, 1944. A 2nd, a P-2 on 15 July, 1944.
334 Kubon, Harry PaulUffz7/24/1922Berlin-CharlottenburgII/JG-26 (joins 6/43), 5/JG-26, II/JG-1 (7/43), 1(Sonderstaffel)/JG-1 (2/44 Hopsten)Fw 190A-4 Werk # 7046 "Black 4" (lost 7/14/43), Fw 190A-7 Werk # 340342 "White 10" (lost 3/29/44) Wound Badge
Fighter Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 29 March, 1944 during aerial combat 2km from Wohlsdorf, bei Helmstedt, no known grave (Geensen). Added: Uffz Kubon is buried in a single grave at Helbra, Saxony-Anhalt (D.Drury). WIA 14 July, 1943 during aerial combat in "Black 4" with a P-47 of 78FG over the Somme Estuary, E of Amiens. He bailed successfully, with minor injuries, into the estuary and was quickly rescued. He transferred out of JG-26 on 29 February, 1944.
335 Kucharsowski, WernerOblt29/JG-301 (1/44), 4/JG-300 (5/44)Bf 109G, Fw 190A-6 (lost 6/20/44 in Bernburg in 4 Staffel)
EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 20 June, 1944 during aerial combat at Bernburg. He bailed safely but died due to parachute belt tearing (Boiten). One known victory, his 1st, a "4 mot" at Berlin on 29 January, 1944. A 2nd, a "4 mot" S of Dortmund on 23 May, 1944. Pilot disposition 6/20/44 unknown. Alternate spelling: Kucharsowsky (4/JG-300 loss).
336 Kudell, ManfredUffz9/2/1924BreslauEJG-1 (2/45 Berlin-Gatow), II(Sturm)/JG-4 (3/45), Stffüh 8/JG-4 (4/45 Rechlin)Fw 190A "White 13" in EJG-1, Fw 190A-8 Werk # Unk "Blue 8" (lost 4/29/45)Wound Badge, Fighter Operational ClaspA comrade and wingman with Helmuth Ziegler, he was shot down by Yak's, with severe burns, on 29 April, 1945, during an attack on Soviet tanks near the Reich Chancellory, and taken prisoner by the Russians. Jager Blatt article. Flugbuch (45). Added: He had flown 29 combat sorties over Berlin between 14 and 29 April (falkeeins-blogspot).

Courtesy Christian König

337 Kufner, EmilSiebel 204Jager Blatt article sighting his flight out of Berlin on 22 April, 1945 to Travemünde.
338 Kühn, HarriUffz6/6/1922Berlin10/JG-1 (Reich Def)Bf 109G-14/AS Wk# 784146 "Blk 9" (lost 12/25/44)Wound Badge
Fighter Operational Clasp
WIA 25 December, 1944 (intercepting bombers) in aerial combat with Mustangs from the 352nd FG over Marche en Famenne. First listed as "Missing", the experienced pilot was found one week later in the shattered wreckage of his "Black 9" at Aremberg. He died of his wounds 27 December, 1944. Buried at Aremberg.
339 Kühn, WillyUffz4/3/1920BerlinI/JG-1 (5/41 Düsseldorf), 2/JG-1 (9/41)Bf 109E-7 Werk # 6110 "Black 1" (80% dam 9/17/41), Fw 190A-5 Werk # 410196 "Black 13" (lost 7/26/43)Fighter Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 26 July, 1943 during aerial combat with "4 mots" near Hattendorf. Buried Wunstorf City Cemetery, Block 9/1/4 (Geensen). His E-7 crashed making a force landing at Deventer Holland on 17 September, 1941, cause unknown, pilot OK.
340 Kuhne, Wolfgang9/JG-52 (8/44 Görlitz)Bf 109G (lost)Fighter Operational ClaspFriend of Bachmann, shot down 26 April, 1945 during an attack on Soviet tanks in the Berlin area. He survived the downing. Jager Blatt 5/2003.
341 Külp, FranzOblt2/10/1919106/JG-27 (6/41 S.U. & N. Africa), Stfkpt 10/JG-7 (4/45 to 5/3/45)Bf 109F-4 (Trop) Werk # 8425 (lost 12/7/41), Me 262A-1aEP

EK 1 & 2
Wound Badge
Fighter Operational Clasp
WIA 24 March, 1945. Reported MIA on 7 December, 1941 at El Adem; returned later. 3 victories in the Me 262. One such victory, a B-17 south of Berlin on 24 March, 1945, the same day he was wounded. 140 combat missions. His first known Soviet victory, two DB-3s on 25 June, 1941. Another DB-3 on 29 June, 1941. One known Desert victory, a British fighter of RAF No. 250 Sq. in the El Adem area on 5 December, 1941. Magnus. Alternate spelling: Kulp (OKL 3/24/45 victory). Deceased 19 September, 1998.
342 Kunde, GerhardOgefr8/27/1918Berlin-CharlottenburgII/ZG-1Bf 110G-2 Werk # 150132 (lost 10/8/43)Destroyer Operational ClaspKIC 8 October, 1943 when he crashed at Le Faou, cause unknown. His R/O-Gnr, Lt Hans Schwidtal was injured (absa3945).
343 Künstle, August KarlHptmLuft HansaFw 200B-2 Werk # 0009 "D-ASSH" "Hessen" (lost 4/21/45)
Spanish Cross
EK 1 & 2
Transport Operational Clasp
KIC 21 April, 1945 at Piesenkofen, Germany, cause unknown. No mention of crew. He was pictured wearing the WWI pilot badge (F.Braun). Added: Hastily loaded with the baggage of the Berlin Hq Staff, the "Hessen" left Berlin for Barcelona with 5 crew and 16 passengers. They never reached Spain. In 1954 evidence was discovered that the overloaded transport crashed and burned with no survivors near Piesenkofen, Kr. Mühlberg, Bavaria (1945 Accidents List/S.Youngs).
344 Kunze, HerbertOblt4/18/1918Berlin2Grp Adj I/JG-77 (Channel)Bf 109E-4 Werk # 3759 "< +" "12" (lost 9/14/40) EK 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 14 September, 1940 during aerial combat over England, crashed into a dyke south of the Royal Military Canal, Selby Farm, 500 yards west of Stutfall, Castle, Lympne, Kent (M.Croft). His first victory, a Spitfire over England on 2 September, 1940. His 2nd, a Spitfire over England on 4 September, 1940. Added: He is buried in the Hawkinge Cem., Plot O, Row 1, Gt 29 (D.Drury & D.Weiss).

Courtesy Christian König

345 Kurz, Johann HansFw51/NJG-2 (3/41 Gilze-Rijen, 9/43 Reich Def), 5/NJG-2 (3/44)Ju 88A-1 Werk # 6119 (20% dam 3/24/41), Bf 110EP

EK 1 & 2
Night Fighter Operational Clasp
POW 1/January, 1945; shot down by ack-ack near Charleroi during an interdiction sortie (Boiten). One known victory, a Halifax W of Viersen on 3 September, 1943. A 2nd, a Halifax 20 km S of Hölzminden on 22 October, 1943. His 3rd, same day, another Halifax 35 km N of Kassel. A 4th, a "4 mot" in the Berlin area on 24 March, 1944. A 5th, a "4 mot" at St Leu on 8 July, 1944. Boiten 6 victories. Added: Fw Kurz, and his R/O, Gefr Folger both safe when they crash landed at Lith when they ran out of fuel on a orientation flight. No mention of the remaining crew (SGLO).
346 Kusche, Klaus Günther Fritz FelixOfhr4/14/1923Berlin (CKönig)8/JG-2 (Nidda)Bf 109G-14 Werk # 464168 (lost 12/23/1944)Fighter Operational ClaspKIC 23 December, 1944; crashed at Borsdorf shortly after takeooff from Nidda due to a technical failure, buried Nidda.

347 Küster, Rudolf 'Rolf'Oblt9/4/1916Berlin5/KG-3 (5/39), 11/KG-53 (6/41), I/KG-53 (12/41-10/42), 6/KG-53 (9/44), TG-30Ju 88, He 111H in 6/KG-53, Ju 52 in TG-30

Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(8/21/42)

EK 1 & 2
Bomber Operational Clasp in Gold
383 combat missions. Deceased 29 July, 1991, Münster.
348 Kutscher, WolfgangLt25/ZG-26Me 410A (lost)
EK 1 & 2
Wound Badge
Destroyer Operational Clasp
Shot down with wounds 6 March, 1944, opposing the Berlin Raid. Both crew bailed successfully and the AC crashed near Doeberitz. His 2nd victory, a B-17 at Brandenburg prior to the crash. His 1st victory, a B-24 S of Znaim on 25 February, 1944.
349 Kynast, GerhardUffz1/13/1923Waldenburg, SchlesienII/JG-105, II/JG-1Fw 190AFighter Operational ClaspMIA 26/27 April 1945 near Neuruppin after being the last to depart from Berlin-Gatow airfield at 9 AM. His was the last Fw 190 lost during WWII. He was accompanied by his Flugzeugführer Stiersdorfer and Wieprich. JagerBlatt article.
350 Lachmann, JohannesUffzII/TG-3 (Berlin-Gatow 4/45)Ju 52/3mTransport Operational ClaspOne of several transport pilots poised to carry German VIP's out of Berlin in the last days. Lachmann served as gunner on the Ju 52 of Ofw Böhm, as they awaited orders on 29 April, 1945 (falkeeins-blogspot).
351 Lademann, Hans GerhardOblt02/12/21III./ KG 40FW 200 CCrash landing on 20/09/44 (LOCS Schwerin airfield, other source states Vaernes airfield near Trondheim). He was reported for further investigation of the accident to Berlin on 26/09/44 ( § 92 M.St. G.B.)CKonig
352 Lahne, RolfLt6/4/1924Berlin116(Sturm)/JG-3Fw 190A-8 Werk # 682060 "Red 5" (lost)
EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
MIA 17 December 1944. Last seen over Puhlheim, near Bonn, after aerial combat in the region. Neither he nor his A-8 have been found. One known victory, his 1st, a B-24 at Hunsrück on 2 December, 1944.

Courtesy Christian König

353 Lämmel, Heinz OswaldUffz7/7/1919Berlin-Staaken5/Sch.G-1Hs 129B-1 Werk # 0157 "Blue B" (lost 5/23/42)Ground Assault Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 23 May, 1942 when his ac was hit by flak on a mission to target Kaherninowka, 3km W of Bereka, Kharkiv Oblast, Ukraine, and 11km W of Petroskaj (D.Drury). Alternate spelling: Lemmel.
354 Landmann,Oblt16/NJG-3Bf 110
EK 1 & 2
Night Fighter Operational Clasp
One known victory, a Halifax over Berlin on 23 November, 1943.
355 Lang, AntonLt3/21/1914Falkenfels1/Flieger Erg.Gr (zur See) CopenhagenBV 138C-1 Werk # 0059 "BD + EU" (lost at sea)Air-Sea Rescue Operational ClaspKIC 14 March, 1943 when he crashed into the sea off the coast of Copenhagen, cause unknown. His body was found at Hällviken Sweden on 21 May, 1943. He was buried at Trelleborg on 24 May, 1943. Remaining crew (all KIC and buried in Denmark); Lt Werner Stangenberg (born 8/10/1915 Berlin), Fw Georg Keller (born 3/13/1917 Stein/Nürnberg) and Uffz Hans Joachim Neumann (born 8/3/1918 Neustreilit). Source: B.Widfeldt. Alternate spelling: Land.
KTY added photo
356 Langer, Karl HeinzMaj4/19/1914Görlitz Schlesien68Stafkpt 7/JG-3(3/42 S.U.), Kdr III/JG-3, zbV (Spec Purpose) Ges., Stab I/JG-300(8/43), Kdr I/JG3 (3/44), Kdr III/JG-3 (1/45)Bf 109F-4 Werk # 13234 (15% dam 5/21/42; WIC: Emergency land, out of fuel), Bf 109F-4 Werk # 13139(9/42), Bf 109G-2 Werk # 13739(12/42), Bf 109G-6y Werk # 26024 "White 1" Oct, 43 in 7/JG-3, Fw 190 RK(4/20/45)

Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(7/26/44)

EK 1 & 2
Wound Badge(9/5/42)
Fighter Operational Clasp w/Pend.
WIA 17 December, 1942 by Soviet bomb splinters. WIA 14 October, 1943 in Wk# 26024 after downing a B-17, his 16th. 486 combat missions. 3 bombers. Another source states his victories as 30. One known victory, perhaps his first Soviet, an I-61 12 km SW of Salustsche on 9 March, 1942. An R-5 at Zarjew and a MiG-1 NE of Leninsk on 24 August, 1942. A LaGG-3 at Akelin on 3 September, 1942. His 8th, a LaGG-3 NE of Gratschi on 1 October, 1942. An Il-2 on 26 October, 1942. A Yak-1 on 28 December, 1942. A LaGG-5 S of Rakitnoje on 5 July, 1943. One known western victory, a "4 mot Flzg." at Berlin on 24 August, 1943. Another "4 mot" W of Nürnburg on 28 August, 1943. A Halifax at Brandenburg-Briest on 1 September, 1943. His 20th, a P-47 at Houdan on 21 June, 1944. A B-26 near Büllingen-Stavelot on 23 December, 1944. His 25th, a P-47 in the Ardennes sector on 27 December, 1944. His 26th, a Soviet Boston on 19 February, 1945. An Il-2 (No. 27) on 6 March, 1945. No. 29, an Il-2 on 4/19/45. His 30th, a Yak-3 on 23 April, 1945. (Could he have scored 41 more victories by May, 1945?) Deceased 6 May, 1955 in Remscheid. Photo

357 Langert, Franz OttoLt4(F)/121 (11/39)Do 17P Werk # Unk "7A + BM" (lost 11/10/39)Observer Operational ClaspKIA 10 November, 1939, when he ws attacked, and seriously damaged by a Hurricane of No.87 Sq., piloted by P/O Horatio James Rennie Dunn. The RAF plane eventually force landed in Belgium, where the pilot was interned briefly, and eventually escaped and returned to Britain. The German ac continued to fly until it crashed near Echterdingen, near Stuttgart, killing the entire crew. Remaining crew (KIA): Oblt Horst Karl Martinköwitz (geb 4/10/1904, Berlin-Karlshorst) Obs and Fw Erwin Frehse, Gnr. The only burials found relate to Oblt Martinköwitz in Friedhof II, Rosslau, Saxony-Anhalt, in Abteilung II, Heckenst 34, and Fw Frehse in the war cemetery at Hamburg-Ohlsdorf, Block X33, Grave 201. No grave found for the pilot.davedrury
358 Langheld, FritzOblt3/26/1917Berlin-Charlottenburg35/JG-11 (8/44), 1/JG-11 (4/45) Bf 109G, Fw 190A (lost 4/12/45)
EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 12 April, 1945; failed to return from a mission at Oderbrücken (L. Wiegels). Added: FTR from a suicide mission against the Oder bridges. His remains have not been transferred to a military cemetery, but a grave is believed to exist at Küstrin/Oder (D.Drury). One known victory, his 1st, a P-47 at Evreux on 23 August, 1944. A 2nd, a P-47 W of Bad Kreuznach on 23 December, 1944. A 3rd, a P-51 near Ingleheim on 25 December, 1944.
359 Laub, HelmutGefr36/JG-27 (2/45)Bf 109G
EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
His first known victory, his 2nd, a Spitfire south of Hesepe on 25 February, 1945. His 3rd, a Yak-9 at Berlin/Tegel on 22 April, 1945.
360 Laube, ErnstHptm22Stfkpt 3/JG-77 (7/42), JGr-25, 7/JG-26 (4/41), Jasta Erla (1/44), 1/JG-3 (5/44), Kdr IV/JG-4 (1/45)Bf 109E-7 "White 15" and "White 13 + I in 7/JG-26, Bf 109G-10/AS "White 3 + I" in JG-4
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold

EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
All 22 victories scored in the West. Opposed the 6 March, 1944 Berlin Raid while serving in Einsatzstaffel "Erla". Served in Sicily in the Spring of 1941 before being transferred to N. Africa. One known Desert victory, his 3rd, a P40E in N. Africa on 13 January, 1943. Another Desert victory, a P-40 on 27 January, 1943. His 5th victory, another Desert victory, a P-40 on 26 February, 1943. His 15th, a P-51 at Wittstock on 19 May, 1944. His 17th, a U.S. fighter at Bapaume-Albert on 20 June, 1944. His 18th, a P-47 over the Normandy countryside on 22 June, 1944. A 19th, a Lancaster in the Ruhr Valley on 12 December, 1944. A 20th, a P-47 in the Wittlich area on 23 December, 1944. A P-51 on 24 December, 1944, no location given (Perry Claims). A P-47 20 km S of Kaiserlautern on 2 January, 1945.

Courtesy Christian König

Courtesy Christian König

361 Laubenheimer, FranzFw22/JG-300, Stab 1/JG-301 (3/44 Neubiberg)Bf 109G-6
EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 18 March, 1944 during aerial combat with P-38s at Ebersberger Forst (Boiten). One known victory, a Halifax W of Berlin on 24 August, 1943. His 2nd, a Lancaster north of Stuttgart on 15 March, 1944 (Perry Claims).


Courtesy Christian König

362 Laumann, Oswald Dr.Oblt3/11/1915Charlottenburg Berlin2/JFS-1 (2/40), IV/ZG-2 (10/42), JG-51 (1/41 Mannheim), Stab/JG-3 (3/42), 3/SKG-10 (12/42), 5/SKG-10 (2/43 Caen-Carpiquet)Bf 109F-1 Werk # 6627 (75% dam), Bf 109F-4 Werk # 10071 (85% dam 3/19/42), Fw 190A-5 Werk # 52554 "Green H" (lost 3/23/43)Wound Badge
Assault Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 23 March, 1943 on his first mission over England after being hit by flak near Strete, 4 miles SW of Dartmouth. Buried initially at Weston Mill Cemetery, Plymouth on 27 March, 1943, Grave # 19729. Later interned at Düsseldorf-Heerdt in 1963. He was injured in a crash at the Mannheim/Sandhofen airfield on 18 January, 1941, no cause reported. Injured a 2nd time on 19 March, 1942 when he crashed at Vissingheim due to engine trouble. The unit was believed to be at home re-equipping at the time. Prior to receiving his Pilot Badge (8 March, 1940), he had earned his Law Degree. Source: Bf 109 Loss List & Adam Lewis.

Courtesy Christian König

363 Lenz, HaraldOblt4/12/1923Berlin11/JG-26 (8/44, 1/45 Plantlünne)Bf 109G-6 Wk # 163184 "Yellow 18" (lost 8/10/44), Bf 109G-14, Bf 109K-4 Wk # 330385 "Yel 18 + I" (lost 1/1/45) Wound Badge
Fighter Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 1 January, 1945 in Bf 109K-4 by "friendly" AA fire over the Schelde and Walcheren Island. He fell to his death on the icy Dutch coast at Nijkerk. WIA 10 August, 1944 during aerial combat in "Yellow 18" with strafing P-51s of 364FG N of Ablis. He crashed with injuries. Added: Burial Ysselsteyn AF-1-3 (Manrho/Putz publ.).
Ysselstein, Holland
364 Leppers, KarlOfhr114/JG-300 (Reich Def)Bf 109G-10 Werk # 151077 (lost 3/2/45) EK 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
MIA 2 March, 1945; aerial combat near Kempten; Update: crashed near Burg. Buried in the Burg Militry Cem (Mombeek MIA List). One known victory, a P-51 opposing the Berlin-Münster Raid on 5 December, 1944. Leppers, Gütel and Heinz Schäfer all went MIA this same day.
365 Leu, GüntherUffz1/11/1921Berlin7/NJG-5Bf 110G-4 Werk # 2686 "C9 + AB" (lost 5/30/43)Night Fighter Operational ClaspKIC 30 May, 1944 when his AC crashed 2.5 km ENE of Nordhausen during a non-operational flight, cause unknown. His R/O, Uffz Franz Michalski (geb 8/24/23. Kattowitz) was also killed in the crash. Alternate spelling: Leue.

Courtesy Christian König

366 Leube, HermannHptm3/19/1924Reichmannsdorf/Saalfeld222/NJG-3 (8/43), 6/NJG-3 (12/43), Stab II/NJG-3 (2/44), 4/NJG-3 (6/44, 12/44 Schleswig)Bf 110 & Ju 88G-6 Werk # 620889 "D5 + RM" (lost 12/28/44)
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold

EK 1 & 2
Night Fighter Operational Clasp
KIC the night of 27/28 December, 1944 in a failed belly landing, his G-6 crashing at Benthuizen Holland. Remaining crew (disp unk): StbFw Druschke and Uffz Scheve. Added: Pilot Oblt Leube buried Yssel BH-8-191. StbsFw F.Druschke, R/O (KIC, bur Yssel BH-8-192) and Uffz E.Scheve (Injured). One known victory, a Stirling opposing the Hamburg raid on 3 August, 1943. A double victory on 23 September, 1943; both "4 mot" SW of Ludwigshafen. A "4 mot" W of Düsseldorf on 3 November, 1943. A 4th known, an "unidentified" AC W of Berlin on 2 December, 1943. A 5th, a Halifax at Frankfurt am Main on 20 December, 1943. A "4 mot" 60 km N of Braunschweig on 20 February, 1944. A "4 mot" SW of Frankfurt on 24 February, 1944. A "4 mot" 100 km WNW of Duisburg on 22 May, 1944. A "4 mot" at Walcheren on 25 May, 1944. A "4 mot" at Eindhoven on 22 June, 1944. Two "4 mots", one E of Bremen, the other near Cuxhaven, on 13 August, 1944. A "4 mot" ESE of Kaiserslautern on 26 August, 1944. A "4 mot" near Königsberg on 30 August, 1944.KTY Image
367 Leupols, KarlFhrEins/EJG-1Fw 190D-9 Werk # 500600 (80% dam 2/13/45)Fighter Operational ClaspKIC 13 February, 1945 at the Berlin-Gatow airfield due to a servicing error.
368 Leupolz,FhrEJG-1 (2/45 Berlin-Gatow)Fw 190A, Fw 190D-9(lost)Fighter Operational ClaspKIC 13 February, 1945 during a transition flight from the Fw 190A to the "long nose"., Leupolz crashed shortly after liftoff into a house adjacent to the airfield and was killed. The elderly lady occupant was rescued from the flaming house.
369 Lichy, WilliOfw7/7/1915Berlin-Aldershof3/KGzbV-1 (5/40 Werl), 11/TG-4 (4/44)Ju 52/3m Werk # unk "1Z + ?L" (lost 5/10/40), Ju 52/3m Werk # 501132 "1Z + JX" (lost 4/17/44) Wound Badge, Transport Operational Clasp WIA & DOW 17 April, 1944 when his ac was sd by a P-38 of 97FS, 82FG, piloted by 1Lt Wm.W.Patterson. The ac crashed near Pancevo, Yugoslavia. Remaining crew (WIA, desig unk): Fw Wilhelm Löwes, Fw Otto Pielicke and Uffz Herbert Hilgenberg. Ofw Lichy is commemorated in the Ger War Cem. at Belgrade Yugoslavia (now Serbia) (D.Drury). His May 1940 ac reported lost 10 May, 1940 at Rotterdam, brought down by AA fire, pilot and crew disposition unknown (Netherland Loss Registry). Added: The Pilot and two-man crew returned to their unit. Remaining crew: Gefr O.Pielicke, R/O and Uffz S.Merkl, Mech/Gnr (SGLO).
370 Liersch, Günther ArnoFw1/12/1919Elbing54/NJG-3 (8/43), 11/NJG-6 (12/44)Ju 88C-6 Werk # 360433 "D5 + BM" (40% dam 8/3/43), Bf 110G-4 Werk # 110043 "2Z + AV" (lost 12/12/44)EP

EK 1 & 2
Night Fighter Operational Clasp
KIFA 12 December, 1944, crashing west of Gundersheim, probably due to engine failure (Boiten). Uninjured in an emergency landing on 3 August, 1943 at Vester Marie Denmark, on the Isalnd of Bornholm, during the defense of a Berlin Raid. He had become disorientated during a thunderstorm on the return to Schleswig. One of the three man crew was slightly injured. Remaining crew: Uffz Walter Priessler, R/O and Uffz Franz Lange, Mech (Source: Air War over Denmark). Two known victories, a Halifax 300 m W of the Westerland airfield, and a "4 mot Flzg." 80 km W of St. Peter on 17 August, 1943. A 3rd, 4th & 5th, two "4 mots" and a Mosquito in the Giessen area the night of 6/7 December, 1944. On 12 December, 1944, Liersch and his crew were killed in a crash west of Gundersheim due to engine failure. The remaining crew: Fw Walter Preissler (1/11/1919 Gaulheulichen), R/O; and Gefr Rudolf Keller, Mechanic.
371 Limbrecht, MaxOfwII/Erg.TG (12/43 Berlin-Schönwalde), 1/KG-200 (4/45 Tutow Süd)Ju 52, Ar 232B-07 Werk # 0110029 "G6 + YY" (12/44), Ar 232B-09 Werk # 0110031 "A3 + SB" (dam 4/25/45)
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(8/1/43)

EK 1 & 2
Wound Badge
Transport Operational Clasp
WIA 25 April, 1945; sd by a Mosquito of No 409 Sq. at Diemitz during a transport mission. Remaining crew: Engr Helmut Kruger (WIA-DOW) and Gnr Friedrich Augull (WIA). DK-G Awards List & Lost Aircraft Report. Added: Participated in Ar 232 cargo drops behind Russian lines in December 1944 (H.D.Zemke).
372 llandeata, fredfwberlin
373 Loebel, WalterObst6/23/1902BerlinKdr I/KG-257 (5/39), Kdr I/KG-26 (9/39), Kdr Stab/KG-30 (8/40 Aalborg)He 111H in I Grp, Ju 88A-1 Werk # 0250 "PM + ZA" (lost 9/6/41) in KG-30 RK(7/29/40)

EK 1 & 2
Bomber Operational Clasp
MIA 6 September, 1941 in the Smolensk area (P. Bastin). Failed to return from a recon mission (Smolensk). Remaining crew (MIA): Fw Max Schrüder, Pilot; Ofw Hans Anbeider, R/O and StbsFw Karl Backhaus, Gnr. (Kaiser RK book). Channel pilot. Planned the attack on Scapa Flow. Later in 1940, he was Kesselrings Operations Officer for the 2nd Air Fleet for Operation Sealion.
374 Loerzer, BrunoGenObst1/22/1891Berlin44DLV Pres (33), Kdr JG-334 (3/37 Rhine Main), Kdr JG-53 (3/37-3/38)Ae 68E, Bf 109B & D, Bf 109ERK (5/29/40)
Pour le Merite (WWI)
EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
WWI veteran w/44 victories and close friend of Hermann Göring. First commander of JG-334, later redesignated JG-53. Deceased 23 August, 1960. Alternate spelling: Lörzer
375 Löfgen, RichardFhjOfw4/11/1915126/JG-1 (43), 6/JG Herrmann, 4/JG-300 (9/43), 5/JG-300 (1/45 Schönfeld), 8(Sturm)/JG-300 (3/45)Fw 190A-6 "Yellow 6 or 8" in JG-1, Fw 190A-6 (2/44) & Fw 190A-8/R8 "Red 3" in 5/JG-300 (11/44), Fw 190A-8 Werk # 960522 "Green 2" (lost 3/2/45)EP

EK 1 & 2
Wound Badge (8/8/44), Fighter Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 2 March, 1945 in "Green 2" at Gross Treben, north of Torgau, during aerial combat with American fighters. Buried at Löbnitz. One known victory, a Stirling 20 km S of Mannheim on 6 September, 1943. A Lancaster NW of Kassel on 22 October, 1943. A B-24 E of Berlin on 21 June, 1944. A B-24 in the Tulln area on 26 June, 1944. A B-24 at Bernbürg on 7 July, 1944. A B-24 at Horn-Eggenberg on 25 July, 1944. A B-17 SW of Berlin on 6 August, 1944. Löfgen served in 6/JG-1 before going to the "Wilde Sau" Unit. Magnus. Alternate spelling: Lofgen or Löffgen.

Courtesy Christian Konig

Courtesy Christian Konig

376 Loos, WalterOfw4/11/1923Oppenheim38III/JG-3 (1/44), 11/JG-3 (3/44), 6/JG-300 (8/44), Instr ERG-Ost (10/44), Stab/JG-301 (4/45 Neustadt-Glewe Ger.)Fw 190A-8/R8 "Yellow 14" w/ 6/JG-300, Ta 152H "Green 4" w/ JG-301 RK(4/20/45)

Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(9/29/44)

EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp in Silver
24 Bombers (22 four engine). Top Sturmgruppen pilot. 7 victories in the East. Plus 8 unconfirmed in only 66 combat missions! Shot down 9 times. One of the few "New Growth" pilots to survive the war. Entered combat in January, 1944. His first aerial victory was on 6 March, 1944, a B-17(HSS), no location, the day Uncle Ralph Kracker was shot down. A double victory on 8 March, 1944; nos. 2 & 3, both B-17s (HSS) , no locations. His 5th, a B-24 (HSS) on 9 April, 1944, no location. His 10th, a B-24 (HSS) S of Sülze-Südheide on 8 May, 1944. A B-24 N of Quedinbürg on 7 July, 1944. A P-51 at Mürzzuschlag on 23 August, 1944. A B-17 at Brünn on 29 August, 1944. His 35th & 36th victories, both Yak-9s S of Berlin on 24 April, 1945. His 37th, a Yak-9 at Berlin on 25 April, 1945. His 38th, and last victory, a Yak-9 at Berlin on 30 April, 1945. His last four claims when flying the Ta 152. Deceased 27 October, 2004.
(Added by Pietrzak Youngs)

Courtesy Christian König

Courtesy Christian König

377 Lorenz, AntonHptm12/29/1898Innsbruck8/KGr.z.b.V.-172 ('39), Stab/Luftgau Belgien-Nordfrankreich (6/40)Ju 52/3m Werk # Unk (lost 6/22/40)Transport Operational ClaspKIFA 22 June, 1940; collided mid-air with another ac while in a Ju 52 of the Deutsche Lufthansa. Also killed was GenMaj Fritz Löb (Lobe), geb 9/14/1895, Berlin: Kdr Luftgau Belgien-Nordfrankreich. He is buried in a single grave in Berlin-Zehlendorf, Dahlem Waldfriedhof. Hptm Lorenz buried in the German War cem at Lommel, Belgium, Blk 43, Ge 293 (D.Drury)..
378 Losigkeit, FritzMajor11/17/1913Berlin - Tegel682/JG-26(9/39), Stafkpt 2/JG-26, Kdr IV & I/JG-1, Kdr III/JG-51(3/43), Kdr JG-51(4/44), Kdr JG-77Bf 109E-4 "Red 16"(3/40) & "Red1" in 2/JG-26, Fw 190A-2(7/42), Fw 190A-5Y in I/JG-1 (4/43)

Spanish Cross

Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(10/17/43)

EK 1 & 2

Fighter Operational Clasp in Gold with pendant
Shot down over Spain 10 February, 1939 and taken prisoner. May have been in JG-2 at this time. His first victory, a Spitfire at Calais, 28 May, 1940, while in 2/JG-26. His 3rd, a Hurricane N of Folkestone on 28 August, 1940. His 4th, a Spitfire SE of Littlestone on 30 August, 1940. His 5th, a Spitfire SE of London on 15 September, 1940. He made a forced landing on a French beach in the Autumn of 1940. In May of 1941, he was assigned as Military Attache to Tokyo until March, 1942. Then assigned JG-1. Took command of JG-77 in April, 1945. Approximately 750 combat missions. 57 victories in the East. 5 victories in JG-26. 1 bomber, a B-17 on 17 April, 1943, his 1st victory.(in I/JG-1). One known Soviet victory, certainly not his first, two Il-2 (m.H.)s on 13 July, 1943. Two LaGG-3s on 1 August, 1943. A Soviet P-51 at Gomel on 22 November, 1943. A Yak-7 and a Yak-9 on 16 January, 1944. A Yak-9 on 10 July, 1944. Avoided Soviet captivity by flying out of the East in a Ju 52, with 46 other JG-77 personnel. Bowers/Lednicer, 68 victories. Deceased 14 January, 1994.

379 Lossau, WernerHptm4/10/1911Berlin - SteglitzFFS-C9 (2/40), BFS-Wien (6/40), KGr z.b.V-104 (7/40)Ju 52Bomber Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 20 February, 1941. Source: Wehrpass found online.
380 Louis, ErwinUffz8/JG-54Bf 109G-6 Werk# 440139 "Black 11" (lost)Fighter Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 6 March, 1944 after aerial combat, opposing the Berlin Raid. His AC crashed at Boistel, 6 miles east of Solingen.
381 Lucas, Werner G.Hptm12/27/1917Berlin1064/JG-3, Stafkpt 4/JG-3 (S.U.), 4/JG-3 Platzschutzstaffel Pitomnik (11/42-01/43)Bf 109F-4 Werk # 7649 (dam 7/23/42; crash land, combat), Bf 109G-2 Werk # 13797 "White 13 + -" (lost 12/1/42), Bf 109G-6 Werk # 27080 "White 7 + -" (lost 10/24/43) RK(9/19/42)

Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(4/2/42)

EK 1 & 2
Wound Badge
Fighter Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 24 October, 1943 in aerial combat in his G-6 with Spitfires over Leijden Holland. WIA 1 December, 1942 during aerial combat with 5 Soviet Bostons at Map Quadrant Pl.Qu.19641, near Stalingrad. His last victory was a B-17 at Issum, northeast of Geldern, 23 October, 1943. Barbarossa pilot with about 100 of his victories over Russia. One known bomber, a Russian TB-3 of 14 TBAP on 10 July, 1941. A double Soviet victory on 15 July, 1942; a DB-3 and a Pe-2. A P-2 on 26 July, 1942. Two Yak-1s on 27 July, 1942. A Pe-2 on 4 August, 1942. 100 victories in the East. One bomber. Five victories on 20 August, 1942; An Il-2 and four P-2s. Two P-2s on 13 September, 1942. Two Il-2 on 26 November, 1942. An Il-2 on 3 December, 1942. Two Pe-2s on 17 December, 1942. Two La-5s on 5 January, 1943. Three DB-3s on 15 January, 1943. Nos 75, 76 & 77, all A-20 Bostons on 20 April, 1943. Two LaGG-3s on 23 April, 1943. A LaGG-3 and a LaGG-5 on 8 June, 1943. His 87th, an Il-2 on 21 June, 1943. Five victories on 5 July, 1943. Burial: Block CW, Row 1, Grave 21. Bowers/Lednicer, 106 victories.
L-R: Werner Lucas - Dietrich Hrabak - Kurt Brandle

382 Lück, ErnstUffz6/27/1915Hannover3/KGzbV-104Ju 52/3mTransport Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 14 April, 1940. One of three Ju 52s making emergency landings in Sweden on 14 April, 1940 due to navigational errors and running low on fuel. This one, however, was shot down by 40mm Bofors as it came in low over a Swedish military unit, not realizing the demise of the AC crew. This occurred during exercise Weserübung. The crew were killed in the crash at Uddevalla Sweden. Remaining crew: Uffz Heinz Priehäusser (born 8 August, 1917 in Oldenburg) and Uffz Reinhold Buchorn (born 22 May, 1902 in Berlin). All three were buried at Bäve Sweden on 23 April, 1940. The wreckage was returned to Germany. Source: B.Widfeldt
383 Lüdecke, KlausOfhr17/JG-300 (Löbnitz)Fw 190A-8 Werk # 960305 "White 18" (lost 1/14/45 in the Berlin area)
EK 1 & 2 (Post)
Fighter Operational Clasp
Lüdecke was killed 14 January, 1945, when his A-8 rammed a B-17, and the two exploded. Alternate spelling: Lüdeke. Image courtesy Riccardo Freitag
384 Lüdicke, Karl HeinzHptm4/2/1913Berlin-WilmersdorfStfkpt 6/KG-1 (5/41), Kdr II/KG-1 (12/41), Stfkpt 11/KG-1 (5/42)Ju 88A-5 Werk # Unk (dam 8/31/41), Ju 88A-5 Werk # Unk (lost 5/15/42)DK-G (12/1/41), EK 1 & 2, Wound Badge, Bomber Operational ClaspInjured in a mid-air collision 15 May, 1942, in the Ssineserka vicinity; died in a field hospital in Bryansk. Injured 31 August, 1941; crashed at the Saborowka airfield, no furthr detail (DK-G Awards List & Locs)..
385 Ludigkeit, GüntherHptm9/22/1919Berlin5/StG-77, Stfkpt 5/SG-77, Stfkpt 7/SG-77 (5/45)Ju 87, Fw 190F RK(3/26/44)

Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(9/7/42)

EK 1 & 2
Dive Bomber w/Pend & Silver Assault Oper.Clasps
Carried out his last mission on 8 May, 1945 against the Prague Radio Station before capitulating to forces in the west to avoid Russian captivity. 800 missions. Deceased 8 October, 1961 in Munich. Buried in the Perlacher Forst Cemetery.
386 Lüdke, GüntherUffz4/2/1922Berlin2/JGr-10Fw 190D-9 (lost)Fighter Operational ClaspMIA 10 April, 1945 after being shot down by US tank fire during a ground attack. His body was discovered in 1991, and he was buried in Barbecke. Jager Blatt 2/2004.
387 Lüpke, Hans JoachimLt77/JG-51 (6/44), Stfkpt 1/JG-1 (8/44 Husum & GreifswaldBf 109G in JG-51, Fw 190A-8 Werk # 175048 "White 2" (lost 12/27/44)
EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
MIA (briefly) 27 December, 1944 near Dinant; sd during combat with P-51's, while protecting panzers in the Ardennes (Mombeek). One known victory, his 1st, a P-38 at Trun-Argentan on 20 June, 1944. A P-51 on 5 December, 1944, during a Berlin raid. Two more, both P-51s of 364FG, over Bastogne on 27 December, 1944. He was carried MIA on 27 December, 1944, but obviously made it back to his lines. His 5th victory, an RAF fighter on 4 January, 1945. Alternate spelling: Luepke
388 Lüth, Detlef Ofw1/1/1920381/JG-3 (Russia), 4/JG-1 (2/42, 8/42 Katwijk), 5/JG-1 (4/43), 4/JG-1 (11/43)Bf 109 in JG-3, Fw 190A-2 Wk# 2116 (eng dam 25% 8/42 Katwijk), Fw 190A-4 Werk # 7030 White 9" (80% dam 9/11/42; Injured in taxi coll at Venlo w/Hans Mohr in Wk# 0609), Fw 190A-6 Werk # 550741 "White 9" (lost 11/3/43), Fw 190A-6 Werk # 550888 (25% dam 11/26/43), Fw 190A-7 Wk# 430680 "White 9" (lost 3/6/44)
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(4/9/42)

EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 6 March, 1944 in aerial combat with a B-17 near Haseluenne during the first large daylight raid on Berlin. He remained trapped in the AC, which crashed at Eydelstadt, south of Barnstorf. Still Missing ?. One known victory, his 1st, a Hurricane over the Thames on 7 October, 1940. His 2nd, a Hurricane in the London area on 30 October, 1940. A Hampden I of RAF No. 50 Sq. into the sea W of Terschelling on 7 February, 1942. His first Soviet victory, an I-16 on 22 June, 1942, during the opening of Operation Barbarossa. His 30th, a B-17 northwest of Texel on 4 February, 1943while in 4/JG-1. His 31st victory was a Spitfire, achieved on 4 April, 1943, while serving in 5/JG-1. His 33rd, a Spitfire into the sea 5 km NW of Ostende on 1 July, 1943. His 34th, a B-17 at Hermenreich on 12 August, 1943. He was shot down by B-17 return fire in his A-2 at Katwijk on 21 August, 1942. He crashed an A-4 Werk # 7030 at the Venlo Holland airfield, cause and pilot disposition unknown (DeSwart). Shot down by B-17 return fire in his A-6 Werk # 550741 "White 9", and bailed successfully on 3 November, 1943. On 26 November, 1943 he was uninjured when he made a force landing after combat at Oldenburg. Alternate spelling: Lueth & Luth.
389 Lütter, OttoOblt5/4/1916Berlin-Dahlem8/JG-2Fw 190A-2 Werk # 0333 (lost 10/21/42)Fighter Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 21 October, 1942 opposing U.S. heavy bombers of the 97th BG over Lorient. Alternate spelling: Lutter. Added: He bailed but his parachute failed. Burial at Ploudaniel-Lesneven, Blk 14, Row 7, Gr 450 (absa3945).
Plousdaniel-Lesneven, France
390 Maas, HerbertLt1/JG-27 (Channel)Bf 109E-1 Werk # 3268 (lost 1/28/41)Fighter Operational ClaspKIFA 28 January, 1941; crashed 2 km SE of Gransee, north of Berlin, on a non-operational flight, cause unknown. Source: D. Stankey.
391 Machetzki, ErichHptm1/18/1913BerlinStfkpt 5/KG-2 (Channel)Do 17Z Werk # Unk (lost 7/12/40)Bomber Operational ClaspMIA 12 July, 1940 with Oblt Heinz Röwe and two other unnamed crew during an attack on Convoy Booty off Orfordness, Suffolk. Shot down by a Hurricane of No.17 Sq., piloted by F/O Count Manfred Beckett Czernin, and shared with W/Cdr Francis V.Beamish of No.151 Sq.. The remaining crew: Uffz Herman Rohr and Uffz Erich Latzke, also MIA. Alternate spelling: Metchetzki (D.Drury).
392 Mahlke, HelmutObstlt8/27/1913Berlin Lankwitz1/Bo.Fl.Gr.-196, 2(Stuka)/TrGr-186T, Kdr III/StG-1 (8/40 Angers, 6/41 Russia), Staff Luftflotte 3Ju 87B-2 Werk # 5926 "J9 + AH" (lost 6/24/41, on fire, Minsk) in III/StG-1, Ju 87R-2 Werk # 6172 "J9 + CH" (lost 7/1/41; landed onfire at Borisow) & Ju 87R-2 Werk # 5772 "J9 + DK" (lost 7/8/41; parachuted after combat with Soviet ftr near Owsicht) in III/StG-1 RK(7/16/41)

Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(3/31/44), EP(6/13/41),

EK 1 & 2
Wound Badge(7/8/41)
Dive Bomber Operational Clasp
Channel pilot. France. Operation Barbarossa pilot. In 159 missions, he succeeded in destroying two destroyers, one submarine and 29 supply ships, while damaging a cruiser and other shipping. Shot down three times in Russia in two and a half weeks. His R/O, Fw Karl Heinz Wüstner. The third time he bailed out, he received serious injuries, and held various staff positions. Authored "Memoirs of a Stuka Pilot". Retired Bundeswehr General living in Heikendorf in 1998. Deceased 26 December, 1998 Heikendorf/Kiel (P. Bastin).

Courtesy Christian König

393 Mai, HansUffz2/7/1921Berlin - Trepow5/JG-54Fw 190A-9 Werk# 205242 "Yellow 4" (lost)Fighter Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 25 December, 1944 in aerial combat with a P-51 near Herrschbach. Buried Sinzig-Bodendorf (A.Rosseels). A. Rosseels states Unit as 15/JG-54 & the AC "Yellow 13", however, my initial data was taken from the JG-54 Loss List, so this data is open to further scrutiny.maix
394 Maiers, FriedrichHptm12/26/1911KGr.z.b.V-600, NJS-1 (1/43), 7/NJG-5Ju 52, Bf 110 G-4 C9+CS (lost)Night Fighter Operational ClaspKIC 2/3 January, 1944; crashed at Berlin-Grunau, no further detail. Source: M. Balss.

KTY Added image
395 Mangelsdorff, HelmutOfw11/5/1918Katowice, PolandLuftdienstkdo 1/3 (Test Facility 9/43)Do-17 P Werknr. 3510 (lost 06/09/43)(CK)War Service Cross w/Swords, Sports Proficiency BadgeKIFA 6 September, 1943 when his ac went down at Burg, by Magdeburg, during a nighttime service flight, cause unknown. The aircraft was a prototype aircraft (never produced; Horten?). Ofw Mangelsdorff attended Luftwaffe Technical School, Berlin in March, 1943, and served as a Test/Delivery Pilot. Source: Frau Hella Mangelsdorff Benner (Australia, Nov 2019). Added: Crew Radop Uffz Helmut Helt, Mech/ Gunr Fw Friedrich Maaß(CK)

396 Manner, WilliOblt03/05/11WBK Deutsch KroneKdo. des Flughafenbereichs 5/III, Ob.d.L. pool (Sch.Etat) (02/43), FFS C 16, 6./KG 40 (04/44)He-177 A-5KIFA on 29/04/44 near Blankenberg-Arlas, S of Bad Lobenstein (other source near Pottiga) when attempting to force land due to engine failure during a transfer flight Bordeaux Mérignac to Garz/ Usedom. Crew (all KIFA) 2nd pilot on board Hptm Horst Wunderlich (born 14/05/14 in Berlin), Radop OFw Rudolf Schmidt, Mech Fw Herbert Kunze, Mech OGefr Albert Aigner (born 12/07/22 in Schachen/ Bavaria see pic), motor Mech Gefr Karl Raff, Gnr OFw Karl Doß, Gunr Uffz Walter Garbe

Aigner Albert

397 Marburg, GerhardFhjOfw7Sturmstaffel 1 (1-2/44), JG-3, II/JG-4 (9/44)Fw 190A in Sturm 1, Bf 109G & K in JG-3, Fw 190A-8 Werk # 681421 (lost 9/3/44)EP

EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
KIFA 3 September, 1944; overturned on landing (Messflug?) at Welzow (Magnus & JG-4 List). Two known victories, his 1st & 2nd, a B-17 at Harderwijk, and a B-17 (HSS) W of Zwolle, on 21 February, 1944. His 3rd, a B-24 at Haldersleben on 11 April, 1944. His 4th, same day, a B-24 (HSS) at Haldersleben. His 5th, a P-51 in the Stendal area, W of Berlin, on 18 April, 1944. His 6th & 7th, both B-24s in the area of Peine-Wolfsburg on 8 May, 1944.

Sturmstaffel 1: 10 Left Obfw. Marburg

398 Marseille, Hans-Joachim 'Jochen'Hptm12/13/1919Berlin - Charlottenburg1581(J)/LG-2 (8/40 Calais-Marck), JG-52 (9/40 Pas de Calais), 3/JG-27 (4/41 Gazala), Stfkpt 3/JG-27 (6/42Bf 109E-4 Werk # 3579 "Wh 14" (50% dam, uninj aft crash at Calais aft combat), Bf 109E-4/B Werk # 2032 (25% dam 10/29/40; crashed at Wissant airfield after combat, pilot OK), Bf 109E-7 Wk# 5579 (75% dam Emer Land Wissant, pilot OK 9/11/40), Bf 109E-7 Werk # 5094 (shot down into Channel 9/23/40; rescued), Bf 109E-7/B Werk # 4091 "White 7" (9/28/40), Bf 109E-7/Trop Werk # 5160 "Yellow 6" (5/41), Bf 109F/Trop Werk# 8693 "Yellow 14", Bf 109F Werk# 8673 "Yellow 14" as Stfkpt., Bf 109F-4/Trop Wk#s 10059 & 10137 (6/17/42), both "Yellow 14"s, Bf 109G-2/Trop Werk # 14256 "Yellow 14" (lost 9/30/42)

Italian Gold Medal for Valor

Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(12/1/41)

EK 1 & 2

Fighter Operational Clasp in Gold
"The Star of Afrika" Killed in a flying accident 30 Sept. 1942 at Sidi-Abid-el-Rahman. Returning from a mission, the new 109 G-2 #14256 he was flying had a fractured oil line and the AC caught fire. When he bailed out, he struck the horizontal stabilizer and failed to open his chute. He was buried 2 October, 1942 at Derna, N. Africa, later reinterred at Memorial Gardens in Tobruk. He flew 383 combat missions. His first victory, a Spitfire over southeast England on 8 September, 1940. 151 victories in the Desert. His 100th, a Hurricane shot down over Gambut airfield, the AC crashing in flames into an AA gun emplacement. EL(6/6/42), S(6/18/42). He shot down an unprecedented 17 AC in one day, 1 September, 1942! Gunther Rall referred to Marseille as the "best shot in the Luftwaffe, a brilliant marksman, using an average of only 15 bullets per kill". Flew 109 Werk # 5237 also. Most of the "F" models were F-4s. His three trusty wingmen were: Rainer Pöttgen, Karl Mentnich and Josef Schlang. Benito Mussolini conferred the Italian Gold Medal for Valor to Marseille for his 1941 Mediterranean service. Hoehler Personality Photo/Profile.

Fritz Wendel - Pöhs - Jochen Marseille discuss Me 262

Marseille (L) with friend Mathew 'Matias' Letulu

Rare photo of Marseille with Italian fighter pilots

Courtesy Christian König

Courtesy Christian Konig

399 Martens, RudolfStabFw3/14/1912Berlin5/JG-1 (1/44)Fw 190A-6 Werk # 550755 "Black 9" (lost)Fighter Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 24 January, 1944 during aerial combat in "Black 9" with a P-47 at Tournai, near Eschweiler. Buried Lommel, Block 59/370 Tournai (Doornik Be.). Claimed a B-17 on 11 January, 1944, however the claim may have gone "unconfirmed".
Lommel, Belgium
400 Marthe, Joachim (aka Johann or Johannes)Oblt2/10/1919Berlin - FriedenauWekusta 5/Ob.d.L.(Vaernes)He 111H-2 Werk # 5555 "1B + EH" (lost)Bomber Operational ClaspMIA at Sea 13 January, 1942; reported an emergency landing at sea during a non-operational flight due to engine failure, location Pl.Qu. B6 West 04. Remaining crew: Reg Rat Dr Frank Weiland, Obs (MIA at Sea); Fw Walter Zink, R/O (KIC) and Ofw Alfons Müller, Mech. (KIC). Source: SIG Norway. Added: The VDK lists the crash location as the North Sea (Nordmeer), but elsewhere the location is said to be the Norwegian Sea (D.Drury).

Results 301 to 400 of 722.

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