You searched for: “Lent, Helmut”
# | Pilot (↑) | Rank | Born | Place | Score (↑) | Units | Aircraft | Awards | *************Notes************* | Photo | Links | AuthorComments |
401 | Haubrich, Helmut | Lt | 2(H)/12 | Hs 126 Werk # 4192 "H1 + CK" (lost 11/28/42) | Observer Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 28 November, 1942 at Rogatschewo, crashing after being hit by flak and enemy fighters. His Observer, Hptm Wilhelm Krüger,, was also KilledInAction (KIA). Obs Loss List | ||||||
402 | Haugk, Helmut | Hptm | 2/24/1914 | Gelsenkirchen Buer | 21 | 3/ZG-26 (9/39), 7/ZG-26 (5/40; Sicily '41), 9/ZG-26 (4/42), 1/ZG-101 (6/43), Stfkpt 4/ZG-76 (10/43), 5/ZG-76 (3/44), Stfkpt 4/ZG-101 (5/44), Kdr II/ZG-101 (7/44), Kdr I/JG-102 (9/44-End) | Bf 110C "3U + HR" & Bf 110G-2 "2N + AM" in ZGs, Fw 190 in JG-102 | ![]() RK(12/21/42) ![]() Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(2/19/42) EP(3/1/41) ![]() EK 1 & 2 Wound Badge (3/16/44), Destroyer Operational Clasp | WIA 16 March, 1944 during aerial combat in a Bf 110G-2, while serving in 5/ZG-76 (LOCS). One known victory, a Spitfire on 14 May, 1940 while in 7/ZG-26, no location. Nos. 2 & 3, both Hawk-75s on 3 June, 1940, no location. A 4th, a Spitfire over England on 10 July, 1940. A 5th, a Hurricane over England on 26 September, 1940. A 6th, a Spitfire on 28 September, 1940, no location. Two Desert P-40s on 24 November, 1941. Opposed the 6 March, 1944 Berlin Raid while in II/ZG-76. Plus 40 Tanks. One of the oldest destroyer pilots. 440 combat missions. 18 victories in the West, including 6 in the Desert. 6 bombers. Two of the bombers being B-24s over the sea off the N.African coast on 29 September, 1942, while in III/ZG-26. Kdr II/ZG-101 in July, 1944 in Ju 88. Bowers/Lednicer. 18 victories. Deceased 28 January, 1992. | p>![]() Courtesy Christian König | ||
403 | Haugk, Werner Rudolf | Lt | 4/29/1912 | Gelsenkirchen | 9 | 6/StG-77, 4/ZG-76, Instructor, 1/JG-102 (Aalborg Ost 10/44) | Ju 87, Bf 109, Bf 110G (lost 3/6/44), Bf 109G-6 "White 141 (lost 10/44) | ![]() RK(8/8/44) ![]() Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(5/4/42) EP(5/4/42) ![]() EK 1 & 2 Wnd Badge Dive Bomber & Destroyer Oper.Clasps | Flew in his brothers (Helmut) squadron, ZG-76. A total of about 300 combat missions. KilledInAction (KIA) 18 October, 1944 near Aalborg Denmark. Shot down by British P-51 fighters of the Polish 316 Sq. while flying a Bf 109 Trainer, leading his training group. He crashed in shallow waters one km south of Asa harbor. He was buried in the Frederikshavn Cemetery on 21 October, 1944 (Source: Air War over Denmark). His 8 victories were all bombers, shot down in nine missions. Opposed the 6 March, 1944 Berlin Raid and was shot down with wounds, but bailed successfully. His R/O was killed and the AC crashed near Calvoerde. Bowers/Lednicer, 20 victories. | ![]() Archives | ||
404 | Hauptmeier, Helmut | Fw | 3/21/1917 | Skorken | 1(F)/124 (Kirkenes) | Ju 88A-5 Werk # 0690 "G2 + BH" (lost 8/9/41) | Observer Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 9 August, 1941; shot down by Soviet AA fire at Warlamowo. Remaining crew: Lt Horst Wüllner, Observer (MIA); Uffz Fritz Kreil, R/O (WIA) and Uffz Hans Gebauer, Mech (MIA). Source: SIG Norway. Added: Fw Hauptmeier buried in the Ger War Cem at Petschenga, Russia per VDK records. Lt Wüllner died 8 October, 1942 in Soviet captivity at Oranki, Russia, no burial information. No detail on the remaining crew (D.Drury). | ||||
405 | Hecker, Helmut | Uffz | 6/JG-300 | Fw 190A-8 Werk # 682285 "Yellow 10" (lost 11/27/44 south of Halberstadt) | Fighter Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 27 November, 1944 during aerial combat with fighters southeast of Halberstadt. Source: JG-300 Loss List | ||||||
406 | Heckes, Helmut | Uffz | 12/JG-11 (6/44), JG-53 (2/45) | Fw 190A-7 Werk # 643938 "Red 19 + I" (lost 6/26/44) in JG-11, Bf 109G | Wound Badge Fighter Operational Clasp | WIA 26 June, 1944 rammed by a Pe 2 during aerial combat over Dukodowo; bailed safely. Robert Taylor painting with Erich Hartmann. | ||||||
407 | Hedler, Helmut | Oblt | 5/31/1916 | 9/KG-2 (Schiphol Holland) | Do 217E-4 Werk # 5335 "U5 + LT" (lost) | Bomber Operational Clasp | MIA 9 March, 1942, failing to return from an attack on industrial installations and port facilities of Hull England, cause unknown and location believed to be in the Humber area. Remaining crew (all MIA): Uffz Heinz Stetler, Observer, Fw Günter Kowalski, wireless operator and Uffz Hermann Materne, mechanic. | |||||
408 | Heene, Gottfried | Lt | 6(F)/122 (Bergamo.Ghedi) | Ju 188D-2 Werk # 150235 "F6 + LP" (lost 9/12/44) | Observer Operational Clasp | KIC 12 September, 1944; crashed at Fontane Italy during a recon mission due to engine failure. Remaining crew (KIC): Ogefr Helmut Scheingraber; Uffz Walter Jesko and Uffz Franz Wehmeier. Wiki Luft data & Lost Aircraft Report. | ||||||
409 | Heger, Helmut | Uffz | 8/JG-301 | Fw 190A-9 Werk # 980582 "Blue 4" (lost 3/2/45) | Fighter Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 2 March, 1945 during aerial combat near Dresden-Klotzsche airfield. | ||||||
410 | Heider, Otto | Uffz | KGr.z.b.V.-5 (1/43) | He 111 Werk # 2959 (lost 1/7/43) | Wound Badge, Bomber Operational Clasp | Injured 7 January, 1943, when he crashed at Flugplatz Stalingrad-Pitomik due to bsd weather. Remaining crew: Uffz Karl Heinz Haase, Obs (KIC); Uffz Helmut Krämer, R/O (Inj); Ogefr Johann Schönsteiner, Flt Engr (Inj) and Gefr Helmut Lemke, Gnr (D.Drury). | ||||||
411 | Heimpel, Helmut | Uffz | 7/KG-30 | Ju 88A-4 Werk # 301518 "4D + AR" (lost) | Bomber Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 27/28 March, 1944, shot down during the bombing raid on Bristol targets. The AC crashed at Nessy, near Cherbourg. Remaining crew (all KilledInAction (KIA)): Uffz Ernst Schmidt, Observer; Uffz Matthias Berg, R/O and Uffz Werner Neubert, Gunner. Source: Bristol Past, John Penny. | ||||||
412 | Heimsath, Helmut | Uffz | 2/24/1916 | Essen (CKönig) | 4/KG-4 (5/40 Fassberg) | He 111P Werk # unk "5J + ?M (lost 5/10/40) | Bomber Operational Clasp | His ac reported lost 10 May, 1940 at Soesterberg, cause and pilot and crew disposition unknown. Netherland Loss Registry. Added: He and his crew KilledInAction (KIA) 10 May when they collided with another He 111 piloted by Oblt Patrick von zu Mühlen, after one of the ac was hit by AA fire (Dutch or friendly?). Remaining crew (all bur Yssel CC/4): Lt Alex Bohnenkamp, Obs (born 13/03/13 in Osnabrück, CKömgig, bur Gr 83); Ogefr Wolfgang Römer, R/O (born 14/10/19 in Essen, CKönig, bur Gr 81) and HptGefr Waldemar Mittelhäuser, Flt Engr (born 25/09/15 in Hamburg, CKönig, bur Gr 85. Pilot Heimsath bur Gr 84 (D.Drury). |
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413 | Heinrich, Helmut | Uffz | 3 | 10/JG-51 (8/44 S.U.), 13/JG-51 (10/44) | Bf 109G | ![]() EK 1 & 2 Fighter Operational Clasp | His first known victory, a Soviet Il-2 (m.H.) on 17 August, 1944. A 2nd, an Il-2 (m.H.) on 23 August, 1944. A 3rd, a Pe-2 on 7 October, 1944. | |||||
414 | Heintzer, Hermann | Uffz | 9/KG-1 | He 111H Werk # Unknown (lost 5/10/40) | Wound Badge, Bomber Operational Clasp | WIA 10 May, 1940 when his ac was attacked by Hurricanes of Nos.85 & 607 Sqds; and also hit by AA fire. The ac crashed near Curchy, Somme, France. Remaining crew: Fw Helmut Niemeyer, Obs (WIA); Ogefr Viktor Eisenbach, R/O (KilledInAction (KIA)); Uffz Rudolf Naumann, Flt Engr (KilledInAction (KIA)) and Ofw Fritz Schlotter, Gnr (WIA). The deceased are buried in the German War Cem., Bourdon, Blk 35, Row 5: Ogefr Eisenbach Gr 173, Uffz Naumann, Gr 172 (D.Drury). | ||||||
415 | Heinz, Helmut | Lt | Stfkpt 4/JG-77 (Poland 9/39) | Bf 109E | Fighter Operational Clasp | Source: Wings Palette-Pilots | ||||||
416 | Heinze, Helmut | Fw | 23 | 11/JG-51 (1/44) | Bf 109G | ![]() Deutsches Kreuz - Gold EP ![]() EK 1 & 2 Fighter Operational Clasp | His first known victory, a Soviet Il-2 (m.H.) on 22 January, 1944. A 2nd, an La-5 on 28 January, 1944. Nos. 3 & 4, both Yak-1s on 7 April, 1944. Nos. 5 & 6, both R-5s on 29 April, 1944. Nos. 7 & 8, both Il-2s (m.H.) on 2 May, 1944. Nos. 9 & 10, a P-39 and a Yak-9 on 10 May, 1944. Magnus Report. | |||||
417 | Heiser, Helmut | FhjOfw | 5/4/1915 | 16 | 9/JG-300 (12/44), III/JG-7 (3/45), III/JG-300 (4/45) | Fw 190A, Me 262, Bf109G-14 most likely (lost 4/4/45) | ![]() Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(10/17/43) EP ![]() EK 1 & 2 Fighter Operational Clasp | One known victory, a B-24 at Ratibor-Beuthen on 17 December, 1944. One known Me 262 victory, a B-17 NW of Hamburg on 20 March, 1945. Magnus, final victory count may be higher. Added: Pilot reported killed 4 April, 1945 ( | ||||
418 | Heisig, Helmut | Hptm | 2/14/1920 | Hotzenplatz, Cz. | 2/KG-4 (2/42), IV/KG-4 (2/43), I/SKG-10 (6/43), Stfkpt 1/SKG-10 (3/44) | He 111H-11 in KG-4 (dam 2/25/42), Bf 109 Werk # Unk (lost 10/27/43), Bf 109G-2 Werk # 160498 "White 1" (lost 3/24/44) | ![]() Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(1/12/43) ![]() EK 1 & 2 EP (8/24/42), Wound Badge, Assault or Bomber Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 24 March, 1944; believed sd by a Mosquito of No. 85 Sq., piloted by S/L Thwaites, and crashed at sea off Hastings, Sussex. WIA 25 February 1942 when his He 111 was hit by AA fire 3km south of Pupowo. Injured again on 27 October, 1943 when his 109 is believed to have been sabotaged. (LOCS & DK-G Awards List). | ||||
419 | Heitkamp, Walter | Ofw | 40 | 1/JG-52, JGr-Ost | Bf 109E-7 Werk # 6381 (lost 4/7/43) | ![]() Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(1/28/43) EP ![]() EK 1 & 2 Fighter Operational Clasp | KIFA 7 April, 1943; collided with another Bf 109E-7, Wk# 3768, piloted by Fhr Helmut Kulke (KIC). His first known victory, a LaGG-3 on 8 August, 1942. A 2nd, a LaGG-3 on 11 August, 1942. Two LaGG-3s on 12 August, 1942. A Yak-1 on 21 August, 1942. A LaGG-3 on 23 August, 1942. A LaGG-3 on 3 September, 1942. An Il-2 on 5 September, 1942. An Il-2 2 km S of Werigino on 10 September, 1942. An Il-2 on 13 September, 1942. An Il-2 on 15 September, 1942. Two Il-2s on 16 October, 1942. | |||||
420 | Helmut, | Ofw | 1 | 7/JG-5 (3/44 S.U.) | Fw 190A | ![]() Fighter Operational Clasp | His first known victory, a Soviet Yak N of Prummaki on 17 March, 1944. | |||||
421 | Helmut, Heinz | Oblt | 6/ZG-26 | Bf 110C-4 Werk # unk (lost 8/18/40) | Destroyer Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 18 August, 1940 over England when he was shot down by a Hurricane of No.56 Sq., piloted by P/O Maurice Mounsdon, by Lenham. His R/O-Gnr, Uffz Franz Winter was also killed, no known graves. Alternate spelling: Hellmuth. Jager Blatt 3/2003 & D.Drury. | ||||||
422 | Hemmrlein, Georg | Fw | 1921 | TG-30 | He 111H-16 Werk # 162450 "S3 + BH" (lost 1/15/45) | Transport Operational Clasp | KIC the night of 14/15 January, 1945. With an engine burning during the return from St Nazaire, he crashed east of Bremelau, killing the entire crew. Remaining crew: Fw Ernst Fahrenwald, age 25; Uffz Helmut Adam, age 21; Ofw Hugo Reppin, Mech, ago 32 and Uffz Wilhelm Hubert, age 24. Fahrenwald, Adam & Reppin buried in the Bremelauer Cemetery. Source: F.Braun. | |||||
423 | Hempel, Helmut | Fw | 9/11/1917 | Görlitz | 4(F)/11 (S.U.) | Ju 88D-5 Werk # 430027 (lost 7/18/42) | Observer Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) with his Observer Oblt Heinz Wiedicke and two other unnamed crew at Juchow 18 July, 1942 after being hit by flak (Ju 88 Loss List). Added: The precise location of the loss is 10km WNW of Yukhnov (Juchnow in German), Kaluga Oblast, Russia. Fw Hempel is not buried in a military cemetery, but a grave is understood to exist at Gratschewka, NW of Yukhnov. Oblt Wiedicke is buried in the same place. Remaining crew (believed buried Gratschewka): Uffz Hermann Goldschmidt, R/O and Uffz Alfred Fähnrich, Gnr (D.Drury). | ||||
424 | Henke, Georg | Lt | 1(F)/121 | He 111 "7A + HH" (lost) | Observer Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 21 May, 1940; shot down by French fighters, D-520s of GC II/3, over Warendin, 10 km north of Douai France during a reconnaissance mission. On this date, he was acting as Observer, although he is pictured wearing a Pilot Badge. Remaining crew (KilledInAction (KIA)): Fw Helmut Marx, Pilot; Uffz Arthur Neubert, R/O and Uffz Georg Gawron, Gunner. | ||||||
425 | Hennings, Eberhard | Hptm | 1/31/1912 | Danzig Langfuhr | I/KG-4 (39), Stfkpt 1/KG-4 (7/41), Stfkpt 10/KG-4 (3/42) | He 111H-5 Werk # 4034 "5J + MU" (lost 4/28/42) | ![]() RK(5/14/42) ![]() Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(11/24/41) EP(12/14/40) ![]() EK 1 & 2 Bomber Operational Clasp | MIA 28 April, 1942; Taking part in the "Baedecker Raids" against targets in Great Britain, he was shot down by a British night fighter east of Harwich. Remaining crew (MIA): StbsFw Paul Heinemann, Obs; Fw Helmut Bark, R/O and Uffz Gerhard Platen, Gnr.. Over 100 combat missions. | ||||
426 | Henstedt, Helmut | Lt | 1 | 8/JG-54 | Bf 109E | ![]() Fighter Operational Clasp | His first victory, a Blenheim W of Ijmuiden on 31 July, 1940. | |||||
427 | Henz, Helmut | Hptm | 1/27/1911 | Berlin | 6 | 4./ J88, Stfkpt 4/JG-77 (12/39, 04/40),, Kdr II/JG-77 (4/41) | Bf 109D, Bf 109E-3 "White 13 + -" (Fall 39), Bf 109E-7 Werk # 1271 (lost 5/25/42) | ![]() EK 1 & 2 Fighter Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 25 May, 1942; crashed at sea off Malame. One known victory, his 1st, a Wellington N of Wangerooge, 14 December, 1939. His 2nd, another Wellington northeast of Wangerooge, 18 December, 1939. His 3rd, a Blenheim west of Stavanger, 30 April, 1940. His 4th, a Hudson at Bergen on 8 September, 1940. His 5th, a Hurricane at Belgrad on 6 April, 1941. His 6th, a Beaufort of No. 217 Sq. at Lannilis on 15 Feb., 1942, no location. Magnus.
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428 | Herdtle, Jens | Lt | 3/30/1921 | 2/KG-66 | Ju 188E-1 Werk # 260189 "Z6 + FK" (lost) | Bomber Operational Clasp | MIA 18 February, 1944; failed to return from an attack on London, cause and location unknown. Remaining crew (MIA): Uffz Johann Förstl, geb 12/24/1919, Obs; Uffz Erwin Ahlt, geb 3/5/1921, T.Obs; Ofw Helmut Leuthold, geb 8/29/1912, R/O and Ofw Ernst Fehr, geb 11/19/1915, Mechanic. Source: B. Bines. | |||||
429 | Herlt, Helmut | Fw | I/JG-27 (Channel) | Bf 109G-6 Werk # 19689 (lost 7/17/43) | Fighter Operational Clasp | KIC 17 July, 1943; collided with another G-6 Wk# 15457 (pilot name not reported) during takeoff from the Poix airfield. | ||||||
430 | Hermersdorfer, Helmut | Fw | 7/LG-2 | Fw 189A-2 Werk # 2298 (40% damaged) | Wound Badge Observer Operational Clasp | Wounded during aerial combat at Donbogen, but managed to make a force landing at the Tschernischewskaja airfield, doing 40 % damge to the AC. Remaining crew: Ofw Horst Schütze, Observer, and Uffz August Jäger. Jager Blatt 4/2001. | ||||||
431 | Herold, Helmut | Uffz | 12/20/1924 | Venedien (Königsberg, E.Pruss.?) | 1/JG-51 (2/45 Danzig-Langfuhr FP, Reich Def Ost) | Bf 109G-14 Werk # 785726 "White 16" (lost 2/11/45) | Fighter Operational Clasp | On 11 February, 1945, he crashed his Bf 109 in Richtung Danzig/Langfuhr, E of Heiligenbeil, and was buried next to his AC by Flak soldiers. Added: His ac came down in Mohrungen (now Morag, Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship, Poland) near his hometown. His remains have not been transferred to a military cemetery, but a grave is believed to exist at Morag. He is commemorated in the German War Cem at Bartossen/Bartosze, Poland (D.Drury). | ||||
432 | Heron, Helmut | Uffz | 4/13/1924 | III/JG-300 (4/45) | Bf 109G-14 most likely (lost 4/45) | Fighter Operational Clasp | Reported lost April, 1945 per III/JG-300 Loss List, Pilot MIA ( | |||||
433 | Herrmann, Helmut | Uffz | 9/JG-54 | Fw 190A-7 Werk# 430329 "Yellow 10" (lost) | Fighter Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 12 July, 1944, location unknown. | ||||||
434 | Herzog, Helmut | Uffz | 6 | 10/JG-51 (4/44 S.U.) | Bf 109G | ![]() EK 1 & 2 Fighter Operational Clasp | His first known victory, a Soviet LaGG-5 on 10 April, 1944. Magnus Report. | |||||
435 | Hesse, Günter | Fw | 2/27/1917 | Nordhausen | 3/Kü.Fl.Gr-606 | Do 17Z Werk # 2838 "7T + GL" (lost 8/30/40) | Observer Operational Clasp | KIC 30 August, 1940; following an operation over England, they experienced a problem with the navigational equipment. They flew on until they made contact with the ground, in a fog at Güenes, about 9 miles SW of Balboa Spain. Remaining crew (KIC): Lt.z.S Helmut Hanschke, Obs; Uffz Hans Marschener (aka Marschner), R/O and Uffz Hans Meinicke, Flt Engr. Their bodies were taken across the border, into France for burial. Hesse in the War Cem at Berneuil, 3/14/756. Hanschke in the same cem, 3/16/838. Meinicke, same cem, 3/15/802. No known location for Marschener or Marschner (D.Drury). | ||||
436 | Hesse, Walter | Oblt | Stfkpt 7/KG-55 | He 111P-2 Werk # 2806 "G1 + MR" (lost 3/13/41) | Bomber Operational Clasp | POW 13 March, 1941 when his ac was sd by a Beaufighter of No.219 Sq., piloted by P/O Arthur J.Hodgkinson. The ac crashed near Bramdean, Hampshire. Remaining crew: Fw Gottfried Groschopf, Obs (POW); Ofw Bernhard Manek, R/O (KilledInAction (KIA), bur CC/2/2/21) and Fw Helmut Klein, Flt Engr (KilledInAction (KIA), bur CC/2/2/22) (D.Drury). | ![]() Cannock Chase | |||||
437 | Hettinger, Franz | Ofw | 7/28/1913 | Stuttgart | 1 | 1/StG-165, 1/StG-51, 1/StG-77 | Ju 87 | ![]() RK(7/27/44) ![]() Deutsches Kreuz - Gold ![]() EK 1 & 2 Dive Bomber Operational Clasp w/Pendant | R/O & Rear Gunner for Helmut Bruck. In May 1944, Hettinger did receive pilot training, but did not see action as a pilot. 800 missions. His one victory was a British fighter over the Channel. Deceased 6 June, 1946 in Wertheim/Main. | |||
438 | Hetz, Helmut | Lt | 1/29/1924 | BFS A-1 (6/43), FAGr.-1 (nd), 1/FAG-5 (8/44), Test Pilot AGO factory - Oschersleben (9/44), Test Pilot Einflieger-Kdo of Messerschmitt factory - Schwabisch Hall (1/45), TO 1/FAGr.-5 (2/45 trf to Kdo. Norwegen), | Ar 234B-2b Werk # 140341 "9V + AH" (80% damaged 3/23/45) | Wound Badge, Observer Operational Clasp | Aircraft reported damaged in a crash on 23 March, 1945 at the Sola/Land Norway airfield due to technical difficulties. Pilot uninjured. No mention of crew dispositions. Source: SIG Norway. Added: He was attacked by Spitfires after completing a recon mission over the length of Scotland and northern England (these photos in the National Archives). After the war, he flew as a Senior Pilot for United Airlines (R.Randall). Added: On 23 March, 1945, Lt Hetz was injured when his ac suffered engine failures (both), and he crashed at Stavanger-Sola airfield. He had been attempting a recon mission over the Firth of Forth (LOCS).
Note: 1/FAGr.-5 likely flew the last weather recon mission of the unit on 11 August, 1944 in Ju 290a-7 "9V + HH". Their last flight believed to be 4 May, 1945 in Ar 234B "9V + BH".
Sent by Jcscrack7. | ![]() Sent by Jcscrack7. | ||||
439 | Heuer, Helmut | Fw | 7/KG-77 (Malta) | Ju 88A-4 Werk # 140211 "3Z + BR" (lost 7/27/42) | Bomber Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) with two other unnamed crew 27 July, 1942; shot down by Spitfires of No. 126 Sq., one other crew POW (Ju 88 Loss List). | ||||||
440 | Heuser, Helmut | Ofhr | 1 | II/JG-26 (joins 11/44), 6/JG-26 (1/45 Nordhorn) | Fw 190D-9 Werk # 500034 "Black 16" (lost) | ![]() EK 1 & 2 Fighter Operational Clasp | POW; After attacking Brussels-Evere airfield on 1 January, 1945, , he was shot down by British AA fire at the Westerschelde river, southwest of Poortvliet Holland, crashing on Tholen Is. He was forced to make a belly landing. His one known victory, a Lancaster W of Cologne on 23 December, 1944. | |||||
441 | Heyde, Rroderich von der | Lt | 3/31/1917 | 1/KG-2 (1/44 Eindhoven), 2/KG-2 (Gilze-Rijen) | Do 217M-1 Werk # 56123 "U5 + BH" (lost 1/4/44), Ju 188A-2 Werk # Unk "U5 + GK" (lost 6/23/44), Ju 188A-2 Werk # 180401 "U5 + FH" (lost 6/29/44) | Bomber Operational Clasp | POW the night of 28/29 June, 1944 when his ac was reported lost during a mine laying operation over the Seine Estuary, circumstances unknown (LOCS & D.Drury) His Do 217 crashed near the Eindhoven Holland airfield on 4 January, 1944, cause and pilot/crew disposition unknown (DeSwart). Added: He had been attacked by a Typhoon while landing, and was the only member of the crew who was unhurt. Remaining crew (WIA): Uffz Helmut Grosser, Obs; Uffz Walter Klie, R/O and Uffz Josef Slabon, Gnr. He was uninjured in a crash at Gilze-Rijen the night of 23/24 June, 1944, detail unknown (LOCS & D.Drury). Added: June 23/24 Remaining crew (all safe); Uffz W. Hinck, Obs; Uffz W.Klie, R/O; Uffz J.Slabon, Mech and Gefr H.Kanin, Gnr (SGLO). | |||||
442 | Heyden, Hanfried | Oblt | 28/07/17 | Düsseldorf (CKönig) | Stab(Stuka)/TrGr-186 | Ju 87 B "J9+CH" (lost) | Dive Bomber Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 14 May, 1940; crashed near Florenville. Source: A. Rosseels Added: Crew Gunr Lt d. R. Helmut Cords (KIA, born 30/04/13 in Stettin), shot down by Hurricanes from 3. Sqdr. Cords Flugbuch begins at 01/11/37 (CKönig) | ||||
443 | Heyer, Albert | Ofw | 12/KG-2 | Do 17Z-2 Werk # 3306 "U5 + CW" (lost 5/4/42) | Bomber Operational Clasp | MIA the night of 3/4 May, 1942 when his ac was sd by a Beaufighter of No.604 Sq., piloted by F/Lt Edward Dixon Crew & P/O Basil Duckett. The plane crashed into the English Channel off Portland, Dorset. Remaining crew (MIA): StbsFw Franz Warwas, Obs; Fw helmut Fahle, R/O and Ofw Heinrich Pillmann, Flt Engr. The only known grave is that of StbsFw Warwas, whose body washed ashore, 5 September, 1942, and he is now buried at Portland Royal navy Cem. in Grave 728. F/Lt Crew remained in the Raf, achieving the rank of Air Vice-Marshall (D.Drury). | ||||||
444 | Hezel, Helmut | Ofw | 4/KG-51 (S.U.) | Ju 88A-4 Werk # 141181 "9K + KM" (lost 7/28/43) | Bomber Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) with unnamed crew when their ac exploded in flight 28 July, 1943, crashing northeast of Karatschew (Ju 88 & KG-51 Loss Lists). | ||||||
445 | Hildebrand, Walter | Hptm | 2/16/1914 | Rybnik | 1(F)/127 (38), Stab/KG-26 (39), Stfkpt 3/KG-26 95/43) | He 111H-11 Werk # 110363 "1H + TL" (lost 10/21/43) | ![]() RK(4/6/44 Post.) ![]() Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(10/17/43) EP(8/24/42) ![]() EK 1 & 2 Bomber Operational Clasp | MIA 21 October, 1943; last seen making a torpedo run against convoy MKS 28 off Cape Tenes, Algeria, probably hit by AA fire after dropping his torpedos. Remaining crew (MIA): Lt Helmut Renz, Obs; Fw Ernst Kittel, R/O and Fw Theodor Eckert, Gnr.. The ship believed to have downed Hildebrand's ac was the Norwegian M/S Belnor (D.Drury). | ||||
446 | Hillen, Helmut | Uffz | ZG 1 | Bf-110 | ![]() Fighter Operational Clasp in Silver (14/04/43) | Document of the Fighter Operational Clasp in Silver found in the Web - could be the Radop/ Gunr | CKönig | |||||
447 | Hiller, Arthur | Ofw | 10. Seenotstaffel | Do 24T-3 Werk # 0094 "DJ + ZT" (lost) | Air-Sea Rescue Operational Clasp | MIA 5 June, 1943; landing accident southeast of Rybatchij during the rescue of a JG-5 pilot. Remaining crew (all MIA): Lt Helmut Dix, Observer; Uffz Georg Wassermann, R/O; Ofw Otto Kellner, Gunner; Ofw Fritz Schröder, Mech and Uffz Gerhard Richert, 2nd Mech. Source: SIG Norway. | ||||||
448 | Hinnethal, Helmut | Fw | I/JG-2 (Channel) | Fw 190A-3 Werk # 2272 (lost 12/3/42) | Fighter Operational Clasp | KIC 3 December, 1942; Crashed due to engine failure at Marseille-Marignane airfield. Alternate spelling: Hinnenthal. | ||||||
449 | Hinrichs, Ernst | Uffz | 8/15/1915 | Sandeneufeld | 2/Kü.Fl.Gr.-606 (Sylt, Schleswig-Holstein) | Do 18D-3 Werk # 833 "8L + WK" (lost 9/6/39) | Observer Operational Clasp | Injured in the crash on 6 September, 1939 when his ac overturned making a night landing at sea off Hörnum, Sylt. He died of his injuries 9 September, 1939. Remaining crew: Oblt z.S. Helmut Rabach, Obs (geb 1/8/1911, DOW 9/7/39); Ogefr Herbert Rusch (Inj) and Uffz Karl Evers, Flt Engr (KIC). No VDK grave listing for Oblt Rabach. Uffz Hinrichs is buried at Wilhelmshaven Ehrenfriedhof, Germany, Blk Ea, Gr 13. Uffz Evers is buried in the War Cem. at Quarnbek-Flemhude, Germany (D.Drury). | ||||
450 | Hinrichs, Kurt | Fw | 2/Kü.Fl.Gr.-906 | Do 18D-3 Werk # 815 "8L + EK" (lost 4/11/40) | Air Sea Rescue Operational Clasp | POW 11 April, 1940 after his ac was attacked by a Lockheed Hudson of No.224 Sq. of Coastal Command. He was forced to make an emergency landing at sea, off Kinnaird Head, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. The ac sank; three crew members were rescued and captured, one MIA. Remaining crew: Lt.z.S. Helmut Kuhl, Obs (MIA); Ufw Otto Klepzig, Asst Obs (POW) and Uffz Werner Budgereit, R/O (POW). The VDK lists Lt Kuhl as still missing (D.Drury). | ||||||
451 | Hinteregger, Helmut | Oblt | 1/6/1919 | 2(F)/122 | Ju 88D-1(Trop) | ![]() Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(12/12/42) ![]() EK 1 & 2 EP (9/28/42), Observer Operational Clasp | DK-G Awards List | |||||
452 | Hirsacker, Fritz | Lt | 8/14/1914 | Flg.Waffenschule (See) Parow | Fw 58C Werk # 3851 "CB + GH" (lost) | Air Sea Rescue Operational Clasp | KIC 27 January, 1943 when he crashed in the Baltic Sea between Parow and the island of Bornholm, cause not given. His body washed ashore near Boderne, Bornholm Island, date unknown, and he was buried in the Ronne Cemetery, and later moved to Kobenhavn (Copenhagen) Vestre Cemetery, Blk B, Row 7, Gr 543. His Observer, Oblt zur See Helmut Obermann (MIA) has no known grave. Source: Air War over Denmark & D.Drury. | |||||
453 | Hirschfelder, Werner | Lt | 2(F)/122 (Perugia, It.) | Me 410A-1 Werk # 100212 "F6 + XK" (lost) | Observer Operational Clasp | MIA 14 October, 1943; shot down by Spitfires near Bari while on recon along the Termoli-Bari route. R/O Ogefr Helmut Seidel also MIA. Wiki Luft data. | ||||||
454 | Hoarse, Helmut | Ofw | 5/4/1915 | III/JG-300 (4/45) | Bf 109G-14 most likely (lost 4/4/45) | Fighter Operational Clasp | Reported lost 4 April, 1945 per III/JG-300 Loss List, Pilot killed ( | |||||
455 | Hoben, Heinrich | Fw | II/KG-1 | Ju 88A-1 Werk # 6255 (lost) | Bomber Operational Clasp | KIC 16/17 March, 1941; Returning from the Bristol bombing raid, he crashed between Beaumont and Cherbourg due to fuel shortage. Remaining crew (all KIC): Uffz Helmut Wetzel, Observer; Uffz Hans Kugelsetter, R/o and Fw Heinrich Brunstein, Gunner. Source: Bristol Past, John Penny. | ||||||
456 | Hoch, Helmut | Lt | I/JG-54 | Bf 109E | Fighter Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 20 April, 1940 in aerial combat over the Belfort region with Fr. Moranes. His AC exploded in mid-air. He is believed to be JG-54s 1st combat fatality. | ||||||
457 | Hofbauer, Rudolf | Uffz | 7/KG-77 (Med) | Ju 88A-4 Werk # 140540 "3Z + XR" (lost 3/26/43) | Bomber Operational Clasp | MIA with unnamed crew in the Algiers harbor 26 March, 1943, cause unknown (Ju 88 Loss List). Added: The unamed crew (MIA): Ogefr Helmut Petsch, Obs; Uffz Werner Sachadae, R/O and Ogefr Jakob Hehl, Gnr (Qu.Meister File). | ||||||
458 | Höfer, Helmut | Fw | 4/KG-26 | He 111H-2 "1H + KM" (lost) | Bomber Operational Clasp | MIA 30 January, 1940 after his AC shot down by two Hurricanes of RAF No. 43 Sq., piloted by F/Lt Caesar Hull and Sgt Frank Carey. The He 111 was seen crashing into the sea 10 miles E of Coquet Island, breaking up on impact. All 4 crew members killed. Uffz Richard Feist, Observer, Ogefr Albert Hain, wireless operator and Gefr Werner Korsinsky, mechanic.
| ||||||
459 | Höfer, Helmut | Hptm | 19/08/16 | 1.(F)/Aufkl.Gr. 123 (01/40), 2.(F)/Aufkl.Gr. 123 (05/40 Stfkpt), Erg.NAGr., 3.(F)/Aufkl.Gr. 123 (06/43, Stfkpt 08/43-03/44) | Do-17, Ju-88 | ![]() EK 1 & 2 Observer Operational Clasp | CKönig | |||||
460 | Hoferichter Helmut | Uffz | 7/JG-6 | Fw 190A-8 (or a D-9) Werk # 601059 "Blue 12" (lost 3/20/45) | Fighter Operational Clasp | MIA 20 March, 1945 at Neisse, no further detail (JG-6 List). | ||||||
461 | Hoffmann, Helmut | Lt | 9/9/1916 ? | 8/KG-3 (S.U.) | Ju 88A-4 Werk # 6710 "5K + KS" (lost 8/22/42) | EP(9/21/42)![]() EK 1 & 2 Bomber Operational Clasp | MIA with unnamed crew in Map Quadrant Pl.Qu. 47732, 22 August, 1942 after being hit by flak (Ju 88 Loss List). EP date per Vermeer EP Awards List. | |||||
462 | Hoffmann, Werner | Ofw | 1/KGr.z.b.V-108 | Ju 52/3m Werk # 6968"TE + DH" (lost), Ju 52/3mg5e (See) Werk # 6978 "7U + FH" (lost 11/42) | Wound Badge Transport Operational Clasp | MIA 13 November, 1942 during a mission in the Aalborg/Tromsö area, cause unknown. WIA (injured) in a non-operational crash on 8 October, 1941 near Hommelvik, a Fw at the time, cause unknown. Remaining crew (all WIA): Fw Helmut Heine, R/O; Fw Johann Schwerst, Mech and Fw Helmut Davidoit, Gunner. Source: SIG Norway. | ||||||
463 | Hoffrichter, Helmut | Uffz | 7/JG-6 | Fw 190D-9 Werk # 212155 "Blue 15" (lost 3/20/45) | Fighter Operational Clasp | MIA 20 March, 1945, unknown reason, over the Neisse River. Mombeek MIA List. Another source, suggests ac was "Blue 12 and alternate spelling as Hofrichter. | ||||||
464 | Hofmann, Ludwig | Uffz | 1923 | 2(F)/11 (6/43) | Ju 88D-1 Werk # 430503 (lost 6/22/43) | EK 1 & 2, Observer Operational Clasp in bronze | KilledInAction (KIA) 22 June, 1943; heavily damaged on a reconnaissance mission, and on one engine, he attempted a landing at the Kharkov North airfield, but crashed, killing all four crew members. Remaining crew: Lt Josef Tschope, Obs; Gefr Helmut Bruntsch, R/O and Gefr Friedrich Arbe, Gnr. The four deceased are buried on the German Soldatenfriedhof, Kharkov, Russia (C.König).
| ||||
465 | Höger, Wilhelm | Uffz | 1(F)/124 (Bardufoss) | Ju 88D-1 Werk # 7374 "G2 + AH" (lost 12/12/44) | Observer Operational Clasp | KIC 12 December, 1944; crashed NW of the Bardufoss airfield due to a heavy snow storm, killing the entire crew. Remaining crew: Uffz Paul Tode, Uffz Richard Winter and Gefr Helmut Schick (Flyvrak Norway). | ||||||
466 | Hogg, Fridolin | Uffz | 2/28/1915 | Stetten | 1/KG-1 | He 111H Werk # Unk (lost 7/11/40) | Bomber Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) with the entire crew, 11 July, 1940 after they were attacked by Huricanes of Nos.145 & 601 Sqs. over the English Channel. They were able to return to France, but crashed at Ligny-Thilloy, killing the crew. Remaining crew (all bur Bourdon Blk 30, Row 14): Oblt Helmut Grunwald, Obs (Gr 542); Ogefr Herbert Köster, R/O (bur Gr 539) and Uffz Günter Mende, Flt Engr (bur Gr 540). Pilot Hogg buried in Gr 541 (D.Drury). | ||||
467 | Hohmann, Helmut | Ofhr | 8/5/1923 | 7/JG-300 | Fw 190A-8 Werk # 682211 "White 7" (lost 12/17/44) | Fighter Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 17 December, 1944 during aerial combat at Hruska, Prostejov, CZ. Source: JG-300 Loss List | |||||
468 | Höhner, Horst | Lt | 12/22/1922 | Ibbenbüren | 11/KG-6 | Ju 88A-4 Werk # 8650 (lost 9/23/43) | Bomber Operational Clasp | KIC 23 September, 1943 after his ac encountered engine damage during a night exercise, and crashed near Poulaines, Indre, France. Remaining crew (all KIC, buried Ger. War Cem. Mont-de-Huisnes, Fr., Crypt 63): Gefr Maxentius Schwarz, Obs (Gr 110); Uffz Helmut Habicht, R/O (Gr 109) and Ogefr Heinz Finkensiep, Gnr (Gr 108). Pilot Lt Höhner buried Gr 111 (D.Drury). Alternate spelling: Hohner. | ||||
469 | Hollerith, Josef | Fw | 7/ZG-1 | Ju 88C-6 Werk # 750699 (lost 6/7/44) | Destroyer Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 7 June, 1944; sd at Talence (or Falence) France. Remaining crew (KilledInAction (KIA)): Ogfr Helmut Rieger, Obs (buried Ger War Cem. Berneuil, 3/10/532) and Uffz Johann Lechner, R/O. No known graves for the two remaining deceased (D.Drury). | ||||||
470 | Holter, Helmut | Lt | 6/20/1915 | Wels | Führungskette X. Fliegerkorps | He 111H-5 Werk # 3873 "P4 + AA" (lost 7/4/41) | Bomber Operational Clasp | KIC 4 July, 1941 when he crashed at Saguovec, N of Zagreb, Yugoslavia (today Croatia), cause unknown. All three members of the creware buried in the German War Cemetery at Zagreb-Mirogoi, Croatia, Plot 82, Field 6, Row 6: Pilot Holter in Grave 173. Remaining crew: Uffz Herbert Hotze, Obs (Gr 172) and Gefr Hermann Patzelt, Flt Engr (Gr 171) (D.Drury). | ||||
471 | Holtz, Helmut | Fw | 3/26/1919 | Genthin | 56 | 11/JG-51 (9/42 S.U.) | Bf 109F, Bf 109G-6 Werk # 140145 "Black 14" (lost 4/18/44) | ![]() Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(1/28/44) EP ![]() EK 1 & 2 Fighter Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 18 April, 1944 (Magnus). Added: The pilot and his wingman, were captured by Russian troops, and never heard from again. After combat, Fw Holtz attempted to rescue his wingman*, who had been shot down, when the Holtz ac became bogged down in mud, preventing liftoff (D.Drury). His first known victory, a Soviet Pe-2 on 10 September, 1942. A P-39 on 22 May, 1943. A LaGG-3 on 2 June, 1943. A LaGG-3 on 15 June, 1943. A LaGG-3 on 5 July, 1943. A LaGG-3 and a LaGG-5 on 6 July, 1943. An Il-2 and a Pe-2 on 7 July, 1943. Two LaGG-5s on 9 July, 1943. A LaGG-5 on 10 July, 1943. A LaGG-3 on 14 July, 1943. A LaGG-3 on 16 July, 1943. Two Pe-2s and a LaGG-5 on 17 July, 1943. A LaGG-5 at Tsergejevka on 14 September, 1943. A Yak-9 NE of Voroshilovka on 15 September, 1943. A Pe-2 N of Lichova on 27 September, 1943. An Re-40, a Yak-9 and a Yak-1 on 30 September, 1943. Two R-2s in the Mischurin-Rog area on 2 October, 1943. Two U-2s in the Pjatichatki-Popelnastnoye areas on 25 October, 1943. An Il-2 (m.H.) at Pavlovskoye on 22 November, 1943. An Il-2 2 km W of Novo-Nikolayevka on 29 November, 1943. A LaGG-5 on 7 January, 1944. Twi Il-2s (m.H.) on 22 January, 1944. Two La-5s on 27 January, 1944. An R-5 and a Yak-4 on 9 April, 1944. A Yak-9 on 13 April, 1944. An R-5 on 16 April, 1944. An Il-2 on 17 April, 1944. * The wingman may have been Fw Franz (Fritz) Andreaus commemorated in the Kyiv Sammelfriedhof, Ukraine, based on VDK detail for MIA date and location, and the Staffel for both men (D.Drury). | |||
472 | Holzinger, Helmut | Uffz | II/JG-26 (joins 6/44), 8/JG-26 | Fw 190A-8 Werk # 731995 "Blue 2" (lost) | Fighter Operational Clasp in Bronze | KilledInAction (KIA) 18 August, 1944 in one of the worst "slaughters" of New Growth pilots, by P-51s of 315FG at Chartres. | ||||||
473 | Hönmanns, Erich | Maj Dr. | 10/20/1887 | Hanover | Kdr Stab/Flieger Div. (1/40 Münster-Loddenheide FP), Kdr Fl.H.Kdtr. A(o) 8/III (Dievenow (4/44-12/44) | Bf 108 "D-NFAW" (Civ Regis) (lost 1/10/40) | Pilot Badge | POW 10 January, 1940 after crash landing, due to carbureator icing, in Mechlin Belgium. Added: He became disorientated due to fog, ran low on fuel, and landed in a field near Vught (Maasmechelen), Belgium, where the two were arrested. Repatriated in 1943 due to a heart disease (D.Drury). Spent the war in a Canadian POW Camp. His passenger was a courier named Major Helmut Reinberger, who was carrying secret plans regarding the invasion of France, which were confiscated by the Belgian police before Reinberger could destroy. | ||||
474 | Hopf, Helmut | Lt | 8/KG-76 (S.U.) | Ju 88A-4 Werk # 4113 "F1 + HS" (lost 10/18/42) | Bomber Operational Clasp | MIA with unnamed crew at Stalingrad 18 October, 1942, cause unknown (Ju 88 Loss List). | ||||||
475 | Hopp, Helmut | Gefr | I/JG-54 | Fw 190A-8 Werk# 961068 | Fighter Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 5 March, 1945 at the Zabeln S.U. airfield. | ||||||
476 | Hoppe, Helmut | Hptm | 9/9/1918 | 25 | 6/JG-26 (10/42), 5/JG-26 (1/43), 8/JG-26 (5/43), Stfkpt 4/JG-26(8/43), Stfkpt 5/JG-26 (12/43) | Fw 190A-4 & 5, Fw 190A-6 Werk # 550731 "White 6 + -" (lost 12/1/43) | ![]() Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(10/29/43) EP (8/23/43) ![]() EK 1 & 2 Fighter Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 1 December, 1943 by a Canadian Spitfire, piloted by F/O S.A. Mills of No. 411 Sq., while taking off from Cambrai, Fr. By accident, on 17 August, 1943, Hoppe was about to join up with a group of Spitfires of RAF No. 403 Sq.. In a wild scramble that followed, the propeller of one Spitfire cut the fuselage of another in two. He claimed a victory, but it was denied. One known victory, B-17 of the 91BG, 323BS (either "Vulgar Virgin"-Lt Lawrence J. Stark or # 42-5406-Lt Homer C. Biggs Jr.) on 13 May, 1943. Another, his 13th, the B-17 "Exterminator" of the 95BG, 412BS W of Rouen on 10 July, 1943 flown by Lt James R. Sarchet. Six died in the crash at Elbent France. His 14th, a Spitfire IV 8 km S of Berck-sur-Mer on 15 July, 1943. A B-17 (HSS) 2 km west of Phillipine on 12 August, 1943. His 19th, a B-17 N of Paris on 3 September, 1943. His 20th, a Spitfire 2 km W of Berck-sur-Mer on 4 September, 1943. His 21st, a Typhoon S of Aumale on 11 September, 1943. Bowers/Lednicer, 25 victories. | ||||
477 | Hoppert, Helmut Louis | Ofw | 1/12/1913 | 11/SG-151 (Prossnitz) | Fw 190G-3 Werk # 160700 "Black 30" (lost 10/21/44) | Assault Operational Clasp | KIFA 21 October, 1944; crashed on takeoff from the Prostejov Cz airfield. | |||||
478 | Hördt, Helmut | Fw | 10/22/1918 | 25 | 12/JG-51 (9/41 S.U.) | Bf 109E, Bf 109F-2 Werk # 9241 "Brown 4" (lost 6/25/42) | ![]() Deutsches Kreuz - Gold EP ![]() EK 1 & 2 Fighter Operational Clasp | MIA 25 June, 1942, cause & location, in Russia, unknown(Magnus & VDK). Added: His status of MIA is confirmed, and he is commemorated in the German War Cem. at Sologubowka, Russia (D.Drury). His first known Soviet victory, an I-18 on 27 July, 1941. An SB-3 on 9 August, 1941. A DB-3 on 10 August, 1941. On 20 August, 1941, two R-5's and an I-18. On 27 August, 1941, two R-3's. An R-10 on 30 August, 1941. Two DB-3's on 4 September, 1941. Two SB-2's on 16 September, 1941. Two I-18's 17 September, 1941. An I-61 on 15 October, 1941. An I-18 on 24 October, 1941. An R-3 on 4 November, 1941. Note: Victories found on a JG-51 list online. | ||||
479 | Horn, Jürgen von | Oblt | Stab/KG-53 | He 111H Werk # Unk (lost 5/11/40) | Bomber Operational Clasp | POW 11 May, 1940; sd by Curtiss H-75A fighters of GC II/5, piloted by Capt Gerard Portalis, S/C Eduard Sales and S/C Frantisek Chabera. The ac crashed S of Mars-la-Tour (Dept Meurthe-et-Moselle). Remaining crew (designations Unk): Fw Horst Zeep (WIA/DOW 8 June, 1940), Ofw Josef Beine (KilledInAction (KIA)), Fw Helmut Jeschke (KilledInAction (KIA)) and Uffz R.Mayer (POW briefly). The three deceased are buried at Niederbronn-les-Bains (Fr), Blk 33: Zeep Row 9, Gr 283; Beine Row 12, Gr 404 and Jeschke Row 12, Gr 403. The pilot selection, Horn, made due to lack of crew designations (D.Drury). | ||||||
480 | Hornatschek, Helmut | Gefr | 1 | 9/JG-26 (Channel) | Bf 109E-1 Werk # 4820 (lost 9/30/40) | ![]() Fighter Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 30 September, 1940 shot down over Beachy Head while returning from a mission. He was killed in the crash at the Thames Estuary, Canterbury. His one victory, a Spitfire of RAF No. 92 Sq. over the Thames Estuary on 23 September, 1940. | |||||
481 | Hötzel, Helmut | Gefr | 1 | Stab II/JG-3 | Bf 109G | ![]() Fighter Operational Clasp | One known victory, his 1st, a P-47 over the Normandy countryside on 25 June, 1944. | |||||
482 | Hövelmann, Helmut | Uffz | 5/KG-76 (Africa) | Ju 88A-4 Werk # 140048 "F1 + EN" (lost 2/22/43) | Bomber Operational Clasp | MIA with unnamed crew 22 February, 1943, cause unknown, location not reported (Ju 88 Loss List). | ||||||
483 | Hugler, Helmut | Fw | 1 | 6/JG-27 | Bf 109G | ![]() Fighter Operational Clasp | One known victory, a P-51 at Mürzzuschlag on 25 July, 1944. | |||||
484 | Hunger, Helmut | Fw | 3/26/1917 | 1/KG-2 (12/42 Gilze-Rijen) | Do 217E-4 Werk # 5472 "U5 + CH" (lost 12/2/42) | Bomber Operational Clasp | KIC 2 December, 1942, his Do 217 crashed at Het Broek Holland, 3 km north of Gilze Rijen, cause unknown, Hunger buried Ysselsteyn CQ-6-150. Remaining crew (KIC, all buried Ysselsteyn): Uffz Josef Henkel, geb 10/22/19, bur CQ-7-151; Gefr Heinz Pröhl, geb 4/10/21, bur CQ-7-152 and Uffz Karl Hoegen, geb1/14/20, bur CQ-7-153. (DeSwart & Graves Found). Cause reported as inclement weather (SGLO). | ![]() Ysselstein, Holland | ||||
485 | Hüttig, Helmut | Gefr | I/JG-26 (joins 8/43), 1/JG-26 | Fw 190A-8 Werk # 680186 "White 2" (lost) | Fighter Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 7 June, 1944 during aerial combat with Allied fighters 30 km SW of Rouen. Exact detail unknown; never returned to base. | ||||||
486 | Ibold, Walter | Fw | 9/30/1921 | 25 | ScG-101, 2/ZG-76, 2/JG-76 (9/44), 2/JG-26, 14/JG-300 (10/44), 13/JG-300 (1/45 Reinsdorf) | Ar 96, Bf 110, Hs 129, Me 410 in 101 & ZG-76, Bf 109G in 2/JG-26 & JG-300 | ![]() Deutsches Kreuz - Gold EP ![]() EK 1 & 2 Fighter Operational Clasp in Silver | 6 heavy bombers plus 3 unconfirmed other victories. 60+ missions. His R/O was Helmut Schmale. Shot down twice, bailing once. Crash landed at Ingolstadt early 1944. One known victory while in JG-76, a P-51 at Sinsen on 19 September, 1944. 2/JG-76 was formed from 2/ZG-76 in August, 1944. The 1/14/45 JG-300 Loss List reports he lost a Bf 109 on 14 January, 1945, no further detail. Deceased 24 May, 2000. | ||||
487 | Ilse, Helmut | Fw | 2/Seeaufklarungsgruppe (SAGr)-128 (11/43), 3/JG-102 (9/44) | Ar 196A-3 in SAGr, Variety in JG-102 | EK 2, Observer Operational Clasp in Gold | Wehrpass found online/R.Heppler 5/2024. | ||||||
488 | Imle, Helmut | Uffz | 8(Sturm)/JG-4 (11/44) | Fw 190A-8 Werk # 682276 "Blue 10" (lost 11/19/44) | Fighter Operational Clasp | KIC 19 November, 1944, a "Verlegung" crash ?? at Königgrätz (JG-4 List). Added: Uffz Imle was sd by American fighters and crashed near the village of Slemeno, CZ. (F.Braun). | ||||||
489 | Iwanowsky, Helmut | Uffz | Lg.Stab.z.b.V-1 | Fi 156C-3 Werk # 5459 " PP + QT" (lost) | Transport/Liason Operational Clasp | According to SIG Norway, this AC was involved in some sort of accident at Lieksa Norway on 25 March, 1942 during a non-operational flight (added: due to bad weather (CKönig). The cause, injuries and damage extents were not reported, nor did they identify the pilot (my choice, Iwanowsky). A passenger was named Christian Seelig, with a rank of "Obertlt", which I think should have been Oberstlt, since SIGs abbreviation for Oberleutnant was "Oblt". This Seelig may have been the Commander of this unit. Added: See entry of Seelig (CKönig) | ||||||
490 | Jablonka, Helmut | Uffz | 12/4/1919 | 8/KGr-77 | Ju 88A-4 Werk # 5680 "3Z + ??" (lost 6/8/42) | Bomber Operational Clasp | KIC with his entire crew at Kermorin 8 June, 1942, cause unknown. Remaining crew (all bur Mont de Huisnes, Vault 2): Uffz Horst Kösterke (geb 6/11/1920, bur Gr 78); Uffz Kurt Pflüger (geb 6/21/1921 Biersbronn, bur Gr 77) and Ogefr Herbert Roth (geb 2/11/1915, bur Gr 79). Pilot Uffz Jablonka buried Grave 76 (absa3945). | |||||
491 | Jacob, Eduard | Hptm | 9/24/1911 | Soest | 2 | 11/KG-30 ('41), Stfkpt 3/NJG-2 (10/43, 1/44 Kassel-Rothwesten), 2/NJG-6 (1/45 Hailfingen) | Ju 88C-6 Werk # 720095 "R4 + ?L" (lost 1/22/44), Ju 88G-6 Werk # 620403 "2Z + EK" (lost 1/3/45) | RK![]() EK 1 & 2 Wound Badge Night Fighter Operational Clasp | His G-6 was reported sd near Oppenheim on the night of 2/3 January, 1945. Three of the crew , including the pilot bailed safely, the R/O was killed. Remaining crew: Fw Karl Vogelhauer (or Vogelhuber), Obs (bail); Uffz Günter Ferth, R/O (KilledInAction (KIA)) and Ogefr Helmuth Pieper, Gnr (bail). Injured when his Ju 88C-6 crashed on landing at the Deelen Holland airfield on 21/22 January, 1944, cause unknown (DeSwart). One known victory, a B-17 NE of Mergentheim on 14 October, 1943. A 2nd, a Halifax 2 km S of Harzburg on 22 October, 1943. His victories may be as high as 4 (Boiten). Deceased 27 September, 1995. Added: Hptm Jacob was injured in the 22 January crash at Deelen. His Gnr, Fw K.Weinschenk survived with wounds. R/O, Ofw Helmut Rietscher (geb 12/31/1917), was killed, and buried Ysselsteyn, BM-4-82 (Find-A-Grave by Fred). | ![]() Ysselstein, Holland | ||
492 | Jaculi, Helmut | Fw | III/ZG-76 | Bf 110C | Destroyer Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 9 April, 1941 in aerial combat with F/O Goodman of RAF No. 73 Sq. near the Derna Rd (N. Africa). His gunner, Uffz Wala was seriously wounded. | ||||||
493 | Jaeger, Helmut | Uffz | 4/KG-26 (Vaernes) | He 111H-4 Werk # Unk "1H + BM" (lost 5/14/40) | Bomber Operational Clasp | Pilot and unnamed crew uninjured 14 May, 1940 when their ac was damaged by aircraft off the Ark Royal, and made a force landing in the shallow waters of the Stjördals river, near the Vaernes airfield (Flyvrak Norway). | ||||||
494 | Jäger, Hans | Oblt | 5/10/1912 | 3 | Adj I/ZG-76 (5/40 Norway) | Bf 109, D & E, Bf 110C "M8 + LL" (lost 5/29/40) | ![]() EK 1 & 2 Destroyer Operational Clasp | POW with crewman Uffz Helmut Feick 29 May, 1940 after combat with an RAF Hurricane of No. 46 Sq., piloted by F/Sgt Shackley at Tjelsund, west of Skaarland. Their 110 ditched in shallow waters at Kobbvika. Both jumped out before it sank and became POWs (Source: Lars Berthinussen). Deceased 28 October, 2000. Jager Blatt Obit. Flugbuch (3/40 to 5/40). His first known victory credit, a Polish PZL P-24 at Deblin on 2 September, 1939. Another P-24 east of Turek on 6 September, 1939. (Perry Claims). A Wellington northwest of Borkum, 18 December, 1939. One "damage" claim, a Gladiator near Bode, 27 May, 1940. | ||||
495 | Jäger, Helmut | Gefr | 2/JG-26 | Fw 190A-8 Werk # 172665 "Black 10" (lost) | Fighter Operational Clasp | KIFA 24 August, 1944 crashed his "Black 10" on a non-operational test flight at Fresnes airfield. | ||||||
496 | Jänicke, Helmut A.G. | Uffz | 2 | 6/NJG-1 | Bf 110 | ![]() Night Fighter Operational Clasp | Source: T. Boiten. | |||||
497 | Jankowski, Helmut | Oblt | 1 | 1/NJG-5 (1/44), Stab I/NJG-5 | Bf 110G-4 Werk # 720259 (lost 3/6/44) | ![]() EK 1 & 2 Night Fighter Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 6 March, 1944 opposing the Berlin Raid after being shot down by P-51s at Altgersdorg, 8 km south of Eberswalde, near Berlin. Both crew killed when the AC crashed 5 miles southwest of Eberswalde. One known victory, a "4 mot" at Belzig-Wittenburg on 20 February, 1944. Boiten, 3 victories. | |||||
498 | Janssen, Heinz Helmut | Uffz | 4/JG-52 (S.U.) | Bf 109G-6 Werk # 20126 "White 8 + -" (lost 1/9/44) | Fighter Operational Clasp | KilledInAction (KIA) 9 January, 1744 during aerial combat, location not reported. | ||||||
499 | Jeckstat, Erich | Lt | 7/8/1919 | Kuiken bei Goldap, Ostpreussen | 1/KG-100 (9/41), 12/KG-100 (8/43), 9/KG-54 (9/44), 7(J)/KG-54 | He 111H, Do 217, He 177, Me 262 | ![]() RK(3/14/43) ![]() Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(12/9/42) EP(6/23/42) ![]() EK 1 & 2 Bomber Operational Clasp | He rescued his Stfkpt Hptm Helmut Fritsche and crew when their He 111 was shot down some 500 km behind Russian lines. 393 combat missions in 18 months. Deceased 11 October, 1958, Augsburg. | ||||
500 | Jeschky, Helmut | Uffz | I/StG-2 | Ju 87D-3 | ![]() Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(7/23/43) ![]() EK 1 & 2 Dive Bomber Operational Clasp | DK-G Awards List |
Results 401 to 500 of 1223.
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Wer vor der Vergangenheit die Augen verschließt, wird blind für die Gegenwart. Richard von Weizsäcker
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