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These are the results of your search:

You searched for: “becker, martin

#Pilot (↑)RankBornPlaceScore (↑)UnitsAircraftAwards*************Notes*************PhotoLinksAuthorComments
401 Saller, MartinFw12/JGr Süd (8/43), 3/JG-1 (1/44)Fw 190A-6 in 3/JG-1, Fw 190A-5 Werk # 410194 "Yellow 3" (lost)
EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 24 January, 1944 opposing American bombers by Erlenbach near Eschweiler. He made a force landing at Räderreichen suffering severe burns. He was driven to a nearby house (Hückeswageners on Wassersturm Strasse) where he was treated by a Doctor. No known grave. From this point, there are no further details. One known victory, a B-17 10 km S of Lahn am Main on 17 August, 1943.
402 Schamberger, MartinFw1411/JG-51 (10/42 Witebsk, S.U.)Bf 109F-2 Werk # 8312 "Black 11" (10/30/42) Fw 190A-4 Werk # 5540 "Black 2" (lost 6/19/43)EP

EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
MIA 19 June, 1943, after his last victory, making a force landing in enemy territory, at Map Quadrant Pl.Qu. 26383, 1km west of Borschtschina. One known victory, a Soviet Il-2 N of Surazh on 30 October, 1942. A 2nd, a MiG-3 5 km W of Velikiye Luki on 3 December, 1942. A 3rd, an Il-2 10 km N of Velikiye Luki on 14 December, 1942. A 4th, another Il-2, same area, 16 December, 1942. A 5th, a LaGG-3 on 15 January, 1943. A 6th, a Pe-2 on 16 January, 1943. A 7th, a Pe-2 on 27 January, 1943. Two Pe-2s on 19 March, 1943. A 10th & 11th, both Yak-1s on 13 April, 1943. Nos. 12 & 13, both LaGG-3s on 13 June, 1943. A 14th, a Yak-4 on 19 June, 1943.
403 Scharf, HeinzOgefr"Yellow Staffel" JG-5 (7/42)Bf 109F-4/Z Werk # 7197 "Yellow 9" + Bomb (interned Switzerland 7/25/42), Bf 109G-6 (?) (dam 6/20/44) Wound Badge
Fighter Operational Clasp
Injured in a takeoff accident 20 June, 1944, suffering a broken neck, no further detail. Interned in Switzerland on 25 July, 1942 when he and Fw Martin Villing became lost in a thunderstorm during a transfer flight from France to Germany, and ultimately on to Africa. They were forced to reroute, and running low on fuel, landed at Bern-Belpmoos airfield. They and an Italian, Alfredo Porta, were repatriated in December, 1942, in exchange for a British crew. It is not known if Scharf returned to an operational status. Source: D.Drury
404 Schaurr, WalterUffzII/KG-2 (4/43)Do 217E-4 Werk # 5573 "U5 + KP" (lost 4/14/43)Bomber Operational ClaspMIA 14 April, 1943, no cause or location reported. Remaining crew: Lt Heinrich Hertram, Obs; Uffz Franz Witte, R/O and Uffz Martin Schwars, Gnr (Qu.Meister File).
405 Scheel, WalterOblt08/07/19Höhscheid/ SolingenIII/NJG-1 (Adjutant 5/44)Bf 110, Ju 88, He 219
EK 1 & 2
Night fighter Operational Clasp
Added: He was member of the Luftwaffe since 1939. He served on airfield during the French Campaign, became a air gunner, went to LKS and later to a Luftwaffen-Felddivision. After a longer illness (he caught typhus in Russia) he became Offizier zBV in NJG 1. He was the Adjudant of ace and Kdr II./ NJG 1 Martin Drewes and flew as radar operator with Major Horst Höfele. From 1974 - 1979 Dr. Walter Scheel was the fourth president (Bundespräsident) of the Federal Republic of Germany. Deceased 24/08/16 in Bad Krozingen (CKönig)

Scheel right and Drewes

Walter Scheel as Bundespräsident 1974

406 Schieck, MartinOfhr4/JG-27 (Fels)Bf 109G Werk # Unk (dam 8/5/44)Wound Badge, Fighter Operational ClaspWIA 5 August, 1944. II/JG-27 Casualty List online via Janssen Militaria.
407 Schied, AdolfStbsFw11/14/1913Augsburg9/KG-55He 111P Werk # 1619 "G1 + BT" (lost 5/11/41)Bomber Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 11 May, 1941; sd by a night fighter, crashed at Withyham, Sussex. Schied bailed safely but died of wounds he received. Remaining crew: Lt Martin Reiser, Obs (POW); Ofw Leodegar Schuderer, R/O (geb 5/16/16, KilledInAction (KIA)) and Ofw Lorenz Huber, Flt Engr (geb1/10/15, KilledInAction (KIA)). The three deceased are buried at CC: Schied Blk 1, Row 5 Gr 141; Schuderer Blk 9, Row 7, Gr 43 and Huber Blk 9, Row 7, Gr 43 (D.Drury).
Cannock Chase
408 Schimscheimer, FriedrichUffz11/JG-2 (Channel)Fw 190A-2 Werk # 313 (lost 1/21/43)Wound Badge
Fighter Operational Clasp
Injured in a crash at St Martin, near Trouville on 21 January, 1943 due to an engine fire in flight.
409 Schlenkhoff, WolfgangHptmStfkpt 3.K/88 (8/37 Spain), Kdr 2/Kü.Fl.Gr.-106 (Channel), Kdr Kü.Fl.Gr.-106 (6/41)Ju 88A-6 Werk # 2426 "M2 + CK" (lost 6/28/41)Spanish Cross, Observer Operational ClaspMIA with unnamed crew 28 June, 1941, cause unknown, location not reported (Ju 88 Loss List). Added: Crash location believed to be the English Channel. Remaining crew (MIA): Lt.z.S. Martin Gerhard Bünz (or Büns), Obs; Uffz Albert Künze, R/O and Fw Johann Mühleck, Gnr. There are no VDK grave location matches (D.Drury)
410 Schlimpen, BernhardOblt1Stfkpt 1/NJG-101 (5/44), 11/NJG-101 (9/44), Stab II/NJG-3 (1/45 Schleswig)Bf 110, Ju 88G-6 Werk # 621291 (lost 1/6/45)
EK 1 & 2
Night Fighter Operational Clasp
Slightly injured the night of 5/6 January, 1945 during an operation, when the crew were forced to bail out in the vicinity of Ring Mark, 10km E of Bogense Denmark. No cause given. Remaining crew (both slightly injured): Fähnrich Alfred Wirthensohn, R/O and Karl Heinz Becker, Gunner. All were treated at a hospital in Odense. Source: Air War over Denmark. One known victory, a "4 mot" NW of Frankfurt on 12 September, 1944.
411 Schludecker, Wilhelm 'Willi'Fw192010 Stf, 6 Stf & 3/KG-2 (4/41-7/42 Gilze-Rijen)Do 217E-4s "U5 + AU"(10Stf), "U5 + HP"(6 Stf), Wk# 5473 "U5 + CL"(60% dam), Do 217E-4 Wk# 4252 "U5 + BL" (dam 7//24/42)
EK 1 & 2
Wound Badge

Bomber Operational Clasp in Gold
WIA 24 July, 1942 when he was shot down near Gilze-Rijen Holland in Do 217E-4 Werk # 4252. Remaining crew this day: Oblt Hans Reisz, Obs (WIA); Uffz A.Bemelmans, R/O (Safe) and Fw H.Buhr, Gnr (WIA). His was the victim of F/Lt E.L. Peter McMillan, of RCAF No. 409 Sq., ending his flight operations. After spending 6 months in a hospital, he was assigned to instructor duties. During his career, he was shot down nine times and made 23 emergency landings. His last, a takeoff crash, 27/28 June, 1942, in Wk# 5473 at Evreux-Fauville airfield due to engine failure, injuring all the crew. Remaining crew: Oblt Hans Reisz, Observer; Uffz Alfons Bemelmans, R/O and Ofw Heinrich Buhr, Gunner. Oblt Reisz, who was acting as Observer, was actually the Staffel Kapitan of this unit, 3/KG-2. Source: Bristol Past, John Penny. Schludecker flew 120 war flights; (32) over Britain, Russia and the Balkans and apologized to the residents of Bath and York in a Memorial service in April 2008. 417 civilians were killed in the Bath Raid in April, 1942. Schludecker was an electrical engineer in Cologne after the war (Martin Wainwright UK article). Daily Mail article about Schludecker flying in to UK to apologize

Courtesy Oleg Mrin

412 Schmid, MartinHptm4/30/1916Stfkpt 8/KG-77 (Med)Ju 88A-4 Werk # 141019 "3Z + FS" (lost 11/13/42)EP (1/4/43), EK 1 & 2, Bomber Operational ClaspMIA with unnamed crew at Hafen von Bougie 13 November, 1942, cause unknown (Ju 88 Loss List). Added: POW 13 November, 1942; sd into the sea off Djidjelli Algeria by AA fire and a Spitfire during an afternoon attack on Allied shipping (LOCS).
413 Schmiedt, HelmerMajGr.Kü.Fl.Schule-5, ParowBV 138C-1 Werk # 0310048 "BD + EJ" (95% damaged)Air-Sea Rescue Operational ClaspKIC 9 June, 1942; takeoff accident at Sola See Norway airfield on a non-operational flight. Remaining crew: Hptm Elmer Blanke, Observer (WIC); Uffz Möbius, 2nd Observer (WIC); Ofw Bohnsack, R/O (WIC); Gefr Martin Schwartz, Gunner (WIC) and Uffz Franz Pöllath, Mech (KIC). Source: SIG Norway.
414 Schmitz, GustavFwIV/NJG-3Ju 88G-6 Werk # 620028 "D5 + AX" (lost 3/45)Night Fighter Operational ClaspAC destroyed 3/4 March, 1945 during Operation Gisela, crashing at Sutton on Derwent, near Elvington, Yorkshire. Remaining crew (disposition not given): Ofw Hugo Böker and Fw Martin Bechter. Source: A. Rosseels.
415 Schmölzer, AmbrosUffz2/KG-2 (Cambrai France)Do 17Z Werk # 2425 "U5 + GK" (lost) EK 2
Bomber Operational Clasp
POW 26 August, 1940; shot down by Spitfires after attacking RAF Hornchurch Airdrome. On the return flight the AC experienced engine trouble on one engine and lagged behind, when both engines were put out of action, and made a force landing 2 miles southwest of Eastchurch, Kent. The Observer, Oblt Siegfried Hertel was killed in the crash. Remaining crew (POW): Uffz Helmut Buhr, R/O and Maj. Martin Gutzmann, Gunner. Gutzmann was the Kdr of II/KG-2 at the time. Alternate spelling: Schmoelzer. Added: Oblt Hertel buried at CC, Plot 1, Row 11, Gr 440 (D.Drury).
Cannock Chase
416 Schneider, JoachimOblt5/KG-2Do 17Z-3 Werk # U5 + BN" (lost 9/8/40) Wound Badge, Bomber Operational Clasp POW/WIA 8 September, 1940 when his ac was in close proximity to the ac of Oblt Martin Ziems when it exploded, and crashed near Farningham Road Station, Darenth, Kent. Remaining crew (all POW/WIA): Uffz Josef Schumacher, Ogefr Hans Hoffmann and Flg Willi Kohl (D.Drury). Note: LOCS suggests the pilot may have been repatriated, perhaps due to his wounds.
417 Schneider, MartinLt2/28/19213(F)/Aufklgr. Ob.d.L. (Luga-Gostkino)Ju 88D-1 Werk # 1648 "T5 + HL" (lost 4/25/42)Observer Operational ClaspMIA with his entire crew, 25 April, 1942, when their ac failed to return from a reconnaissance mission to Vologda, Vologda Oblast , Russia, cause unknown. Remaining crew: Uffz Johannes Beyer, Obs; Uffz Wilfried Zimmer, R/O and Ogefr Willi Goslar, Gnr (D.Drury).
418 Schneiderbauer, ErnstOblt10/10/1917Schaerding3/KG-2 (2/43 Gilze-Rijen)Do 217E-4 Wk# 4397 "U5 + LL" (6m5% dam 2/8/43), Do 217E-4 Wk# 4541 "U5 + BL" (lost 3/11/43)Wound Badge
Bomber Operational Clasp
POW 11 March, 1943 after being bracketed by searchlights over Teesside, and were shot down by a Beaufighter of RAF No. 219 Sq., piloted by F/Lt John Willson, crashing at Great Stainton. Remaining crew (all POW): Uffz Martin Hoffmann, Observer, Uffz Hans Weber, wireless operator and Ofw Gregor Eilbrecht, gunner. The entire crew bailed successfully with wounds, and were promptly captured. Earlier, he crashed his Wk# 4397 at Ulicoten Holland, WNW of Baarle-Nassau, the night of 7/8 February, 1943, cause and pilot/crew disposition unknown (DeSwart). Added: The cause was a belly landing due to engine damage, all safe, including the wounded Observer. Remaining crew: Ofw W.Zacharias, Obs (WIA); Uffz H.Weber, R/O and Ofw G.Eilbrecht, Gnr (SGLO).

Courtesy Olrg Marin

Courtesy Christian König

419 Scholz, MartinFw6/KG-30 (Med)Ju 88A-4 Werk # 1765 "4D + DP" (lost 2/24/43)Bomber Operational ClaspMIA with unnamed crew 24 February, 1943, cause unknown, location not reported (Ju 88 Loss List)
420 Schönhoff, MartinUffz3/KG-3Ju 88A-4 & A-14
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(2/26/43)

EK 1 & 2
Bomber Operational Clasp
DK-G Awards List
421 Schoob, MartinOfw2/NJG-1 (10/43 Venlo)Bf 110D-3 Werk # 4379 "G9 + GK" (75% dam 10/17/43) Night Fighter Operational Clasp His D-3 crashed at Grubbenvorst Holland, north of Venlo, on 17 October, 1943, due to a servicing fault, pilot/crew disposition unknown (DeSwart). Added: Crashed on landing. Both Ofw Schoob and his R/O[Gnr, Gefr P.Neidhardt KIC and buried Ysselsteyn, M-3-72 and M-3-73 respectively (SGLO).
Ysselstein, Holland
422 Schrader, MartinUffz8/KG-54 (Med)Ju 88A-4 Werk # 3987 "B3 + RS" (lost 6/30/43)Bomber Operational ClaspMIA with unnamed crew at the Bone harbor 30 June, 1943, cause unknown (Ju 88 Loss List).
423 Schramm, MartinLt1914Stabs Kp./Sch.G-1 ('42), Stfkpt 3/SG-101 (9/43), Stfkpt 5/SG-101 (10/44)Bf 109E-7
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(1/4/43)

EK 1 & 2
Assault Operational Clasp
DK-G Awards List & LOCS
424 Schröder, Ludwig MartinLt9/4/1923Greifswald/Eberswald, Brdbg.12, 10 & 9/LG-1 (12/41), Stffuh 8/LG-1 (8/43 Kastelli/Iraklion, Crete)Ju 88A-4 Werk # 550404 "L1 + CS" (lost 12/13/43) EK 2
Bomber Operational Clasp in Bronze(4/16/43)
MIA with unnamed crew on a night mission in the Bari Harbor, southern Italy, 13 December, 1943, cause unknown. Began his Luftwaffe career in 1941 (Ju 88 Loss List & Oakleaf Militaria Soldbuch). Added: Remaining crew (MIA): Uffz Josef Hardt, Obs; Uffz Heinz Friedrich, R/O and Uffz Gottfried Spalt, Gnr (D.Drury). Alternate spelling: Schroeder.
425 Schröpfer, MartinUffz9/JG-26Bf 109E-1 (lost)Fighter Operational ClaspPOW 16 May, 1940 in aerial combat with Hurricanes of RAF No. 615 Sq., at Buggenhout, NE of Brussels. Interned in Canada. Also spelled Schroepfer.
426 Schultz, SiegfriedLt2/KG-27 (3/43)He 111H Werk # 7057 "1G + BK" (lost 3/8/43)Bomber Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) with his entire crew, 8 March, 1943 at Ljuzotin, cause unknown. Remaining crew: Oblt Fritz Müller, Obs; Fw Wilhelm Dürkop, R/O; Ogefr Willi Heider, Mech and Ogefr Erich Becker, Gnr (Qu.Meister File).
427 Schulz, MartinLtTG unitJu 52
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(1/1/45)

EK 1 & 2
EP (6/5/43), Transport Operational Clasp
DK-G Awards List & LOCS.
428 Schulze, MartinFw31/JG-301Bf 109G
EK 1 & 2
Wound Badge
Fighter Operational Clasp
WIA 27/28 August, 1944 during aerial combat in the Cambrai area, possibly a Mosquito of RAF No. 25 Sq. (Boiten). One known victory, his 1st, a "4 mot" over northern France on 5 July, 1944. His 2nd, another "4 mot", same day, W of Paris. His 3rd, a B-26 at Pont Remy on 8 July, 1944.
429 Schumann, MartinMajStfkpt 9/KG-4 (4/40), Stfkpt Erg/KG-30 (2/41), Kdr IV/KG-30 (4/41), Kdr III/KG-30 (7/41-6/42)He 111 Werk # Unk "5J + AT" (lost 4/24/40), Ju 88A Werk # Unk "5J + AT" (lost 5/24/40)Wound Badge (5/24/40), Bomber Operational ClaspPOW briefly 24 April, 1940 when he was sd by a Skua of No.803 Sq. north of Dombas, force landed on the Holum Farm, Dovre Norway. WIA 24 May, 1940 when he crashed at Quackenbrück due to engine failure on takeoff (LOCS).
430 Schuster, MartinUffz2/13/192214/JG-54Fw 190A-8 Werk# 352519 "Black 8" (lost)Fighter Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 14 January, 1945 over Hesepe/Oldenburg.
431 Schwarz, MartinLt2(F)/122 (Frosinone, It.)Me 410A-1 Werk # 110161 "F6 + UK" (lost)Observer Operational ClaspMIA 29 July, 1943; failed to return from a reconnaissance mission over western Sicilian harbors. R/O Uffz Franz Prandstötter also MIA. Wiki Luft data.
432 Schwarz, VincentUffz5/Bordflieger Gr-196 (Hommelvik See)Ar 196A-2 Werk # 0064 (lost 8/19/40)Observer Operational ClaspKIC 19 August, 1940; while flying his ship-borne ac and searching for another lost Ar 196 Wk# 0053 (pilot Uffz Martin Eichborn) from the same unit, he crashed into the mountainside at Midsundvatnet, Otröy. His Observer, Lt.z.See, Ulrich Burk, was also KIC (Flyvrak Norway).
433 Siegel, MartinUffz13/09/22Buchholz/ Annaberg22/NJG-2 (3/44)Ju 88C-6 Werk # 750934 (lost 3/16/44) EK 2
Wound Badge, Night Fighter Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 9/10 June, 1944 during aerial combat, crashing 4 km east of Harfleur, near Le Harve. Source: T. Boiten. Added: Shot down w/wounds, and bailed safely, the night of 15/16 March, 1944, due to British bomber return fire. The ac crashed near Reutlingen. Remaining crew: Ogefr Rudolf Reichert (born 10/04/22 in Kiefernrode; bail w/wounds) and Gefr Horst Nickel (bail safely) (C.König).
434 Skazedonik, FranzLt7/26/1923Hohenmauthen Steiermark4/NJG-2Bf 110F-4Night Fighter Operational ClaspKIFA 29 January, 1944 during an operational flight by Rhaunen, near Kirn, when he rammed another Bf 110F-4 Werk # 4704 "NL + SFD". His R/O, Uffz Hans Becker survived with wounds. Jager Blatt article.

Courtesy Christian König

435 Sommer, JohannesFwStab/KG-1He 111H-3 Werk # 5606 "V4 + FA" (lost 9/11/40)Bomber Operational ClaspPOW with his entire crew 11 September, 1940 when his ac was sd by AA fire and Spitfires of Nos.66 & 74 squadrons. The ac made a force landing at Broomhill, East Guldeford, Sussex, where the crew set it onfire. Remaining crew (POW): Lt Otto Behn (or Behm), Obs; Uffz Paul Moeck (or Möck), R/O (WIA); Uffz Gerhard Arndt, Flt Engr (WIA) and Gefr Martin Männich, Gnr (WIA) (D.Drury). Obs

436 Speigl, MartinOfw1/20/1915AmbergFlight Instructor Sch.Kp./Blindflugschule-4 (Kastrup)Ju 52/3m Werk # 4039 (lost at sea)Transport Operational ClaspKIC 14 July, 1941, crashing into the Baltic Sea, off the coast of Sweden, near Kögebukten, during a training mission. Swedish AA guns did fire at a German AC at Trelleborg on this date, and Speigls AC may have been the one on the receiving end, and causing the crash. His body washed ashore 6 August, 1941 at Kögebukten, near Ystad, and was buried at Trelleborg Sweden on 9 August, 1941. Two other crewmen from this flight were buried in the Kobenhavn Vestre Cemetery in Denmark; Uffz Heinz Rutenberg, a student R/O (born 1/18/1917 Güstrow) and Uffz Hans Thalec, R/O Instr (born 10/28/1916 Leoben/Steiermark). Two others remain MIA, both student pilots; Uffz Helmut Wirth (born 11/4/1917 Orteisburg) and Gefr Viktor Lechner (born 1/19/1920 Senzenberg). Source: B.Widfeldt
437 Spiering, WernerFw3/KG-2 (7/43 - 2/44)Do 217M Werk # 722736 "U5 + CL" (lost 2/24/44)EK 1 & 2, Wound Badge, Bomber Operational Clasp in BrzPOW/WIA 24 February, 1944 after being ht by AA fire, and attacked by a Mosquito Mk XII of No.29 Sq., piloted by F/Lt Berry & F/O Hopkins. They were on a night mission to London, and the wreckage crashed at Willesborough, near Ashford, Kent, England. Remaining crew: Fw Heinrich Boegholz, EK 1 & 2, Obs (POW/WIA); Fw Martin Vogel, EK 1 & 2, R/O (KIC) and Uffz Siegfried Erschwig, EK 1 & 2, Gnr (POW/WIA). Fw Vogel was found in the wreckage. The crew had been together since July 1943 (C.König).
438 Spierling, WernerFw3/KG-2 (2/44 Channel)Do 217M-1 Werk # 722736 "U5 + CL" (lost 2/25/44)Bomber Operational ClaspPOW the night of 24/25 February, 1944; sd by a Mosquito of No. 29 Sq., piloted by F/O Barry, during a raid on London. The ac crashed in Willesborough, S.Ashford, NW of Folkstone, Kent. Remaining crew: Fw Heinrich Bögeholz (Bail/POW), Uffz Siegfried Ersching (Bail/POW) and Fw Martin Vogel (Bail w/wounds; DOW Kent Hosp 2/25/44) (C.König).
439 Spille, WalterFw23/NJG-1 (8/42 Venlo)Bf 110F-4 Werk # 2694 "G9 + BL" (lost 8/28/42)
EK 1 & 2
Night Fighter Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) the night of 27/28 August, 1942 during aerial combat. His Bf 110 crashed at Reeuwijk Holland, north of Gouda (DeSwart & Benton). Added: His R/O-Gnr, Uffz J.Becker, was also killed; both buried at Yssel, Fw Spille M-2-30 and Uffz Bcker M-2-31 (SGLO). One known victory, a "4 Mot Flgz." 500 m south of Maeseyck on 1 August, 1942. His 2nd, a Wellington 400 m south of Lierop on 12 August, 1942.
440 Stadermann, WaldemarOblt1/3/1916Gotha-Siebleben6/KG-77 (Med)Ju 88A-5 Werk # 4362 (dam 8/14/41), Ju 88A-4 Werk # 8581 "3Z + FP" (lost 2/15/42) RK(11/12/41)

EK 1 & 2
Wound Badge(8/14/41)
Bomber Operational Clasp
MIA 15 February, 1942 over Malta, while dive bombing Luga airfield, hit by British flak near Zurrieg. Two of the crew managed to escape the plunging ac by parachute, but only Obs Ofw Walter Hesse survived, to be captured by the British. Stadermann and R/O Ofw Albert Stahl were posted MIA. Gnr Uffz Martin Knoblach had been KilledInAction (KIA) prior to the crash. Wk# 4362 was hit by AA fire near Lichkovo, he and crew suffered minor injuries. Remaining crew: Lt Walter Finger, Observer; Fw Albert Stahl, R/O and Fw Bruno Arndt, Gnr..70 AC destroyed on the ground. Source: Kaiser RK book. Added: Pilot KilledInAction (KIA) and buried in the St Michele Cem., Cagliari, Sardinia (German Losses Over Malta).
441 Stahl, FritzFw2./Kü.Fl.Gr-506He-115 C "DC + GN" Werknr. 2763KilledInAction (KIA) on 28/05/40 off the Norwegian coast, 500 km W of Vestfjord (Pl.Qu. 6632). Shot down by carrier aircrafts while trying to stay in contact with the carrier. Crew KilledInAction (KIA): Obsv Lt z. See Urban, Hans-Joachim, ROpr OGefr Fohrmann, Martin. It took off from Trondheim.CKönig
442 Stahlberg, MartinGefr8/JG-54Bf 109G-6 Werk# 410875 "Black 13" (lost)Fighter Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 29 March, 1944 in a Mid-air collision with another G-6, Werk# 410136 over Lüneburg Germany.
443 Stahlschmidt, Manfred "Martin"Lt5/JG-5 (6/43), Stab II/JG-5 (8/43), Stfkpt in 5/JG-5 (9/43 Finland)Bf 109G-2 Werk # 13926 (55% dam 8/14/43), Bf 109G-2 Werk # 13504 "Blk <" (lost 9/20/43) Wound Badge
Fighter Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 20 September, 1943; shot down by Soviet fighters at Kongsoyfjorden near Varde. WIC/ MIA briefly 14 August, 1943; non-operational landing accident at Salmijärvi Norway airfield. Source: SIG Norway. He has been referred to as Martin and Manfred by SIG Norway.
444 Stalp, ErichUffz6/JG-54Bf 109F-2 Werk# 5543 "Black ?" (lost)Fighter Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 31 July, 1941 by return fire from Martin Bombers near Gostizy. Magnus lists his Given Name as Erwin with 5 victories.
445 Steffens, Hans JoachimLt6/3/1921Lübeck105/JG-51 (11/40), Stfkpt 5/JG-51 (7/41 S.U.)Bf 109E, Bf 109F-2 Werk # 12683 "Black 10" (lost 7/30/41)EP

EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 30 July, 1941 by Soviet I-16s of the 32 Fighter Aviation Regt. while attacking Soviet bombers near Staryj Bychow (VDK), north of Bobruisk, Belarus. Added: His remains could not be recovered for transfer to the military cemetery at Shchatkovo, Belarus, and he is commemorated in the memorial book there (D.Drury). One known victory, his 1st, a Hurricane N of Margate on 7 November, 1940. His 2nd, a Spitfire 12 km west of Le Touquet, 5 March, 1941. His first known Soviet victory, three Martin B-26s on 24 June, 1941. Two DB-3s and a DB-5 on 30 June, 1941. An I-15 Rata and a Pe-2 on 3 July, 1941. Magnus, 22 victories. Bowers/Lednicer, 22 victories.
446 Stegmann, MartinOfhr2/JG-4 (Reich Def Ost)Bf 109K-4 Werk # 332376 "Black 6" (lost 2/8/45)Fighter Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 8 February, 1945 at Eichberg; hit while making a low-level attack (Bf 109 Loss List & JG-4 List).
447 Stein, Hans MartinLt12/11/19201Stffüh 9/JG-3Bf 109G-6 Werk # 440117 "Yellow 7 + I" (lost 4/12/44)
EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 12 April, 1944; crashed at Leobersdorf after being hit by B-24 return fire during combat. One known victory, his 1st, a B-17 at Weyer Markt on 2 April, 1944.

Courtesy Christian König

448 Steinbock, MartinUffz2/FAGr-5Ju 290A-7 Werk # 0187 "9V + LK" (lost 5/31/44)Observer Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 31 May, 1944, when flying as Co-pilot, his damaged ac crashed into a mountain in the vicinity of Posada de Llanes, Asturias, Spain, killing the entire crew. Steinbock buries in the War Cem. Cuacos de Yuste, Row 6, Gr 107 (D.Drury). See pilot Lt Heinz Ernst for further detail.
449 Stempel, WernerOfhr6/12/1924Duisburg (CKönig)1/JG-2Fw 190D-9 Werk# 500393 (lost 3/2/45)Fighter Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 2 March, 1945; Combat with a B-26, a P-47 and a P-51 in the area of Mainz. Mombeek MIA List. Update: Bailed safely, but fell into the Lahn River, and presumably drowned. He is buried in a local cemetery at Stockhausen, 13 km west of Wetzlar (Claudio Becker).

Courtesy Christian König

450 Strauss,OfwWekusta 5 (8/44 Vaernes)Ju 88D-1 Werk # 430904 "D7 + BN" (lost 8/27/44) Meteorological Operational Clasp KIC 27 August, 1944 probably near the Jan Mayen Island, no mention of cause or crew disposition (Wekusta Loss List). Added: Another ac bearing the same Wk#, etc, reported sd by Spitfires of No.611 Sq., piloted by F/Sgts I.G.W. Walker & K. Mack, said to be lost 9 October, 1944, belonging to Wekusta 3. Two known crew: StbsFw Will Meier and RegRat Martin Hanetzki (J.Alistair 9/2024).
451 Strelow, HansLt3/26/1922Berlin68II/JG-51 (2/42), Stafkpt 5/JG-51 (3/42 Szolzy, S.U.)Bf 109F-2 Wk# 8239 "Black 10" (lost 5/22/42) RK(3/18/42)-EL(3/24/42)

EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
MIA 22 May 1942 in "Blacl 10" by Uspenskoje, southwest of Tula, after shooting down his last victim, a Russian Pe 2. As the Pe 2 was falling, the tail gunner shot down Strelow's aircraft (Blk 10) and he parachuted, landing east of Mszensh, 9 km behind the front lines. Surrounded by Russian soldiers, he shot himself. Added: Still reported as MIA by the VDK, he is commemorated in the German War Cem. at Sologubowka, Russia (D.Drury). This was his first mission after returning from a leave after receiving the RK. This happened often to other pilots after returning from leave. On 18 March, 1942, he shot down seven aircraft! At age 20 in March of 1942, he was the youngest EL holder in the entire Wehrmacht! 200+ missions, all victories in the East. His first known Soviet victory, a Martin B-26 on 25 June, 1941. A DB-3 on 30 June, 1941. A Vultee-11 on 16 July, 1941. Two Pe-2s and an I-18 on 30 August, 1941. Bowers/Lednicer, 68 victories.

Adolf Galland left,Hans Strelow with Bekh right

452 Struck, KarlFw8/KG-26Ju 88A-17 Werk # 801705 "1H + AS" (lost 5/30/44)Bomber Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 30 May, 1944; his ac crashed at Malgrat Barcelona, Spain, killing the entire crew, believed lost at sea, cause unknown. Remaining crew: Ofw Heinz Kühn, Obs; Uffz Josef Swoboda, R/O and Uffz Martin Wagenknecht, Flt Engr (bur IM at Cuacos de Yuste). Source: D.Drury.
453 Such, Wilhelm AugustFw7/14/1917KönigsbergKG-1He 111H-2 Werk # 3148 "V4 + D?" (lost 4/10/41)Bomber Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) the night of 9/10 April, 1941 during an attack on Coventry, cause unknown. The ac crashed into the English Channel. The pilot's body washed ashore on the Goodwin Sands off Kent, and he was buried at sea. He is memorialized at the Laboe Naval Memorial. Remaining crew (all MIA): Lt Konrad Martin, Obs; Uffz Karl Pauly, R/O and Fw Willi Leisegang, Flt Engr. One source identifies the Observer as Martin Konrad (D.Drury).
454 Sy, Erwin PaulMaj8/21/1915Angermünde4(K)/LG-1 (9/39), Stab II/LG-1 (Med 2/41), Stfkpt 4/LG-1 (Africa)Ju 86, He 111H Werk # Unk "L1 + EM" (dam 5/10/40), Ju 88A-5 Werk # 2203 (50% dam 2/4/41), Ju 88A-4 Werk # 8610 "L1 +BA" (lost 12/2/42) RK(5/22/42)

Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(1/2/42)

EK 1 & 2
Wound Badge
Bomber Operational Clasp w/Pendant
Shortly after receiving his RK, he and his crew were sd during an attack on the fortress of Tobruk on 2 December, 1942 in Wk# 8610, buried Derna Cem.. Remaining crew (KilledInAction (KIA)):his Commander, Obstlt Franz von Benda, Obs; Fw Ernst Neumeister, R/O and Fw Ewald Bauer, Gnr.. Sy and his Gunner, Uffz Ewald Bauer were WIA when attacked by Hurricanes near Malta on 4 February, 1941. 300 combat missions. Source: Kaiser RK book. Added: On 10 May, 1940, his He 111 made a forced landing on the beach near Calais-Marck after being attacked by an MS 406 of GC III/1, piloted by Sgt Albert Durand and a Bloch 152 of GC II/8, piloted by SC jean Honorat, Sy, the observer on this flight, was captured unhurt. Remaining crew (POW): Oblt Horst Merkwitz, Pilot; Fw Bruno Falkenhagen, R/O and Fw Rudolf Martin, Flt Engr (WIA). All POW's repatriated soon after (D.Drury).syxx
455 Tange, OttoOblt9/22/1915Hochdonn Holstein685/JG-51 (8/40), Stab/JG-51 (2/42 S.U.)Bf 109E-4 "Red 7" (7/40 Marquise), Bf 109F-2 Werk # 8120 "Black 3" (5/42 Bryansk), Fw 190A-6 Wk# 550163 "Black 4" (lost 7/30/43) RK(3/19/42)

Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(11/22/41)

EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 30 July, 1943 when his "Black 4" was hit by AA guns and crashed and burned into a Russian village. 426 combat missions. His first victory, a Spitfire east of Ramsgate, NW of Dover, on 10 July, 1940. His 2nd, a Hurricane S of Clacton on 15 August, 1940. His 3rd, a Spitfire 12 km W of LeTouquet on 5 March, 1941. His first known Soviet victories, a DB-3 and two Martin B-26s on 25 June, 1941. A Pe 2 on 13 July, 1941. An I-61 on 30 August, 1941. A double Soviet victory on 4 October, 1941; an I-18 and a DB-3. An I-18 on 2 December, 1941. A Yak-1 on 16 May, 1942. A MiG-3 on 12 August, 1942. Two MiG-3s on 22 August, 1942. Two Il-2s on 29 August, 1942. Two Il-2s and a MiG-3 on 14 September, 1942. At least 3 victories in the West. One known, his 1st victory, a Spitfire E of Ramsgate on 10 July, 1940. A Spitfire 12 km west of Le Touquet, 5 March, 1941. Bowers/Lednicer, 68 victories. Photo

456 Teckelmann, KurtOfwFl.Kp./Ln.Rgt.-32 (4/43)Ju 52 Werk # 6215 "SE + AS" (lost 4/13/43)Transport Operational ClaspReported MIA with his entire crew, 13 April, 1943, cause and location not reported. Remaining crew: Ofw Karl Heinz Becker, R/O; Uffz Alfre Kaden, Gnr and Ofw Hans Anderten, Mech (Qu.Meister File).
457 Tegethoff, BernhardUffz4/4/19206/NJG-1 (12/44 Düsseldorf)Bf 110G-4 Werk # 730354 "G9 + IP" (lost 12/18/44) Night Fighter Operational Clasp KilledInAction (KIA) the night of 17/18 December, 1944. His G-4 crashed at Elsloo (Lage bos Elsloo) Holland after being hit by AA fire of the 108th Haa Regt.. Remaining crew (KilledInAction (KIA)): Uffz Heinrich Becker (2/9/25) and Ogefr Kurt Behrendton (12/26/23). All were buried in a field grave next to the crashed ac. Reburied in Ysselsteyn in March 1949, all three in T-12-299 (DeSwart & Find-a Grave by Fred)
Ysselstein, Holland
458 Teich, MartinWekusta-1 (2/37 to 10/44) (Weather Unit)Ju 88D-5Observer Operational ClaspFlugbuch.
459 Thiele, MartinUffz19/JG-53 (Italy)Bf 109G-6 Werk # 163344 "Yellow 2 + I" (lost 4/23/44)
EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 23 April, 1944 during aerial combat with enemy fighters 2km west of Lake Bolsena. Bf 109 Loss List. His one known victory, a B-24 sd on 24 March, 1944, 20km west of Cassino (J.Schadskaje).
460 Thieme, HilmarUffz9/25/1923BerlinII/EJG-1Fw 190A-8 Werk # 732178 (lost 2/3/45)Fighter Operational ClaspKIC 3 February, 1945, hitting an obstruction northwest of Werneuchen. Buried Neuen Friedhof, Werneuchen. Birth and burial information, Martin Kuban.
461 Thoevel, MartinFwII./F.A.G. 101Ju-88 A-4 Werknr 1498 (lost on 21/12/43)KIFA when crashed with entire crew on non-combat/ training flight due to pilot error near Strehlen. Crew: Obsv Fhr Wolf Hesler, Radiop Uffz Willi Spiller, Engr Uffz Rudi Selg.

462 Tholen, HeinzLt1/22/1920 4/KG-3 (11/40 Deurne Antwerpen) Do 17Z-2 Werk # 3904 5K + GM" (lost 11/3/40) Bomber Operational Clasp KIC 3 November, 1940 when his Do 17 crashed at Heer Arendskerke, cause unknown. Buried Ysselsteyn, Block BC/3/60. Remaining crew: Gefr Hans Hengvoss(KilledInAction (KIA), bur Yssel BC-3-61), Ogefr Kurt Hyttner (alternate: Hüttner), (WIA) and Ogefr Martin Güls (WIA). (DeSwart & Wings to Victory). Added: Another source, Netherland Loss Registry, indicates the Wk# as 3904.
Ysselstein, Holland
463 Traber, MartinOblt12/26/19221/KG-66Ju 88S-3 (lost)Bomber Operational ClaspMIA 11 April, 1945; failed to return from a mission in the Diepholz area. No crew mentioned. Source: B.Bines.
464 Tremel, MartinUffz10/6/1918AltötingErg/StG-77Ju 87R-1 Werk # 5444 "DK + RS" (lost)Dive Bomber Operational ClaspKIC 20 April, 1943; crashed during a practice bombing run at Godorochowka, Ukraine, pulling out too late and hitting the ground. His R/O-Gunner, Uffz Hugo Mayer, was also killed. Originally buried in Nikolajew Russia, the Soviets later destroyed the cemetery, so his resting place is unknown

Courtesy Christian König

465 Trinkle, AdolfOgefr9/30/1913Stuttgart-Canstatt2/KG-30Ju 88A-2 "4D + C?" (lost 5/15/40) EK 2
Wound Badge
Bomber Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 1 December, 1942, Welikije-Luki Russia, no further detail, no known grave. WIA 15 May, 1940 while attacking two British destroyers, HMS Valentine and HMS Whitley on the river Westerschelde, off Terneuzen. HMS Valentine took a hit in the engine room and grounded in the river. Return fire from the Whitley brought down the Ju 88 which ditched in the river 5 km west, in the vicinity of Sea Arm Braakman, by Vlissingen. Although wounded, including a broken leg, Trinkle survived the crash and was picked up by a tugboat and taken to Flushing. He was taken to Vlissingen by a Bv-36, where he was hospitalized until 1 June, 1940, and then sent to Antwerp. Remaining crew (KilledInAction (KIA), all buried Ysselsteyn): Uffz Ludwig Wengert, geb 12/17/1914, buried BB-7-165; Ofw Josef Wunder, geb 5/1/1919, buried BA-4-99 and Uffz Martin Stampfer, geb 4/10/1918, buried BC-3-58. (DeSwart & Geensen) Alternate spelling: Trinkl. Another source, Wings to Victory & SGLO, suggests that Uffz Ludwig Wengert was the pilot, Trinkle the Gunner. Due to the confusion, I am carrying Wengert as a pilot, and leaving the Trinkle (or Trinkl) data, as is, to be resolved at a later date.
Ysselstein, Holland
466 Trümpelmann, MartinOblt1/JG-27Bf 109E-1 (lost)Fighter Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 18 August, 1940 during aerial combat with a British fighter; crashed into the sea off the Isle of Wight. Source: D. Stankey.
467 Tschirsch, MartinLt8/27/1923126/NJG-2, 5/NJG-2Bf 110, Ju 88G-6 Werk # 620543 "4R + DN" (lost 2/21/45)EP

EK 1 & 2
Night Fighter Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) with one other unnamed crew 21 February, 1945; attacked by an intruder at Anröchte, 20km south of Lippstadt, one other crew WIA (Boiten & Ju 88 Loss List)). Buried Lippstadt, Gr.61 (Rosseels). Two known victories, both "4 mots" on 8 June, 1944; one W of Paris, the other NE of Paris. A "4 mot" N of Beauvais on 13 June, 1944. A "4 mot" on 25 June, 1944 over the Normandy Front. Three "4 mots"; two at St Leu and one in the Gisors area, on 8 July, 1944. Magnus, 11 victories. Boiten 12 victories. Alternate spelling: Tschiersch
468 Tuchscherer, MartinUffz3/KG-76 (Med)Ju 88A-4 Werk # 550402 "F1 + CL" (lost 10/21/43)Bomber Operational ClaspMIA with one other unnamed crew at Neapel 21 October, 1943, cause unknown, two other crew returned (Ju 88 Loss list).
469 Ulbrich, MartinFw3511/JG-51 (4/43 S.U.)Bf 109G
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold

EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
His first known victory, a Soviet Pe-2 on 26 April, 1943. An Il-2 and a LaGG-5 on 8 June, 1943. A Yak-9 SE of Vassiliyevko on 30 September, 1943. An Re-2 SW of Verijewka on 2 October, 1943. A Pe-2 E of Kischenki on 3 October, 1943. An Il-2 at Osolochino on 7 October, 1943. A Pe-2 SE of Tscherwoka-Kamenka on 29 October, 1943. An Il-2 (m.H.) on 7 January, 1944. An Il-2 on 25 April, 1944. An Il-2 (m.H.) on 2 May, 1944. A Yak-9 on 28 May, 1944. A Boston III on 21 July, 1944. A Boston III on 22 July, 1944. A P-39 on 24 July, 1944. A Yak-9 on 31 July, 1944. A Yak-9 on 1 August, 1944. A Yak-9 on 2 August, 1944. An Il-2 on 7 August, 1944. Two Yak-9s and two Il-2s on 9 August, 1944. Two Yak-9s on 17 August, 1944. A Yak-9 on 24 August, 1944. Two Il-2s (m.H.) on 1 September, 1944. An Il-2 on 4 September, 1944. Two Il-2s (m.H.) on 24 October, 1944. Magnus, 35 victories. Bowers/Lednicer, 33 victories.
470 Ullmann, MartinFw42/NJG-4Bf 110
EK 1 & 2
Night Fighter Operational Clasp
Three known victories, all "4 mots" on 7 June, 1944; over the invasion front, no locations given. A 4th, a "4 mot" SE of Stuttgart on 29 July, 1944. Boiten; 5 victories and alternate spelling: Uhlmann.

Courtesy Christian König

Courtesy Christian König

471 Ullmann, MartinUffz12/JG-5 (4/44 Norway), 9/JG-5 (3/45 Herdla)Bf 109G-2 Werk # 14675 (lost), Bf 109G-2 Werk # 14700, Fw 190A-8 Werk # Unk "White 3" "Ingeborg"Fighter Operational ClaspEmergency landing 5 May, 1944 in Wk# 14700 at Forus. No mention of injures or AC damage. Landing accident 8 April, 1944 at Kopervik, pilot disposition unknown. Source: SIG Norway. Alternate spelling: Ulmann.
KTY Photo
472 Ullrich, MartinOfw9/5/1921IV/JG-51 (1/45 Danzig-Langfuhr)Bf 109G Werk # Unk (lost 1/?/45)Fighter Operational ClaspMIA in January 1945 at Danzig, E.Prussia, circumstances unknown. The VDK confirms his MIA status. He is commemorated in the memorial book of the German War Cem at Gdansk, Poland, formerly Danzig (D.Drury).
473 Ungar, Friedrich "Fritz"Ofw1JG-107, JGr-West, 9/JG-54 (10/43 Schwerin), 2, 11, & 14/JG-54 (5/45)Bf 109G-5 Werk # 27119 "Yellow 11" bet 11/43 - 4/44, when lost by Uffz Kroll, Bf 109G-6 # 19839 "Yel 10" (30%), Bf 109 G-6/U4 # 440180 "Yel 6" (lost 3/6/44), Fw 190D-9 Werk # 210015 "White 2" & Werk # 21008 "White 3" in 9/JG-54
EK 1 & 2
Wound Badge
Fighter Operational Clasp
Shot down with foot wounds 6 March, 1944 in "Yellow 6" over Homfeld/Hoya by a P-47s of 56FG, piloted by Lt Barney Casteel; or 2/Lt Marvin H.Becker of 63FS, 356FG per C.Sundin. He made a force landing in a field at Homfeld. He crash landed on 9 October, 1943, his "Yellow 10" was reported damaged 30% over Nakskov Denmark, however Ungar escaped injury. (Both incidents in 9/JG-54). Entered combat alongside JG-26 in late Dec. 44 after being equipped with the Fw 190D "Long Nose". One known victory, a Typhoon of RCAF No. 439 Sq. on 29 December, 1944. He was the sole survivor of JG-54s worst lost on "Swartze Tag" (Black Day), 29 December, 1944, where 31 out of 70 AC were lost to Allied fighters. Flugbuch (5/43 to 5/45).


474 Unger,Fw1II/JG-54 (9/44 S.U.)Fw 190A EK 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
His first known victory, a Soviet Il-2 on 16 September, 1944. This may be Martin Unger.
475 Unger, MartinFw9/JG-54Fw 190A-8 Werk# 739548 "White 17" (lost 3/22/45)Fighter Operational ClaspMIA 22 March, 1945 over Müncheberg-Fürstenwalde.
476 Urban, AlfredUffz1919Vienna ?7/JG-53Bf 109F-2 (lost 5/17/41) EK 2
Fighter Operational Clasp in Bronze
KIC 17 May, 1941 at Leipzig-Mockau, cause unknown. He was buried in Vienna, 21 May, 1941. Source: Jochen Prien & Obit Card per Martin Kuban.
477 Vacano, Martin vonOblt12/29/1918Bochum8Stfkpt 9/JG-53 (5/43; 3/44 Italy; 12/44 Nellingen)Bf 109G-4/Trop "Yellow 6 + I" (Italy), Bf 109G-6 Werk # ? "Yellow 4 + I" (dam 3/23/44), Bf 109G-6 Werk # unknown "Yellow 9 + I" (lost 5/14/44), Bf 109G-14 Werk # ? "Yellow 24 + I" (dam 12/4/44; emergency land at Germersheim after engine hit, pilot OK), Bf 109K-4 "White 18 + I" (dam 3/19/45; crashed at Blankenloch, pilot OK)
EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
Shot down 14 May, 1944 during aerial combat by Spitfires in the Cassino area, bailed safely, pilot OK. Shot down in "Yellow 4" by Spitfires at Littoria on 23 March, 1944, pilot OK. One known victory in Sicily, a P-38 30 km northwest of Trapani on 25 May, 1943. His 2nd, a Spitfire 40 km northeast of Pantellaria on 11 June, 1943. His 3rd, a B-24 5 km south of Fossiata, Italy on 16 August, 1943. His 4th, a B-26 at Velletri on 23 May, 1944. His 5th, a B-17 SW of Lüneburg on 24 August, 1944. His 6th & 7th, a P-51 and a P-47 on 23 February, 1945. His 8th victory, a P-47 on 23 March, 1945. Added: SD 19 March, 1945 during combat with US fighters. He bailed safely, the ac crashed at Blankenloch N of Karlsruhe (Klaus Deschner).

478 Veith, AlfredHptm4/25/1918Pomster bei Ahrweiler4/KG-55 (2/40), 9/KG-4 (7/44), Stfkpt 5/KG-55 (8/44 & converts to Bf 109G)He 111P-4 Werk # 2955 "G1 + AP" (lost 6/26/41), Bf 109G-14 Werk # 785195 "Bt + EZ" (lost 1/4/45) RK(10/24/44)

Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(7/16/42)

EK 1 & 2
Wound Badge
Bomber Operational Clasp w/Pendant
Seriously injured 4 January, 1945 when his 109 collided with that of Uffz Erich Barein (KIFA) near Plattling while on a training mission. Veith bailed safely. His P-4 was sd by AA fire south of Kholoyov behind Soviet lines; all uninjured and made their way back to German lines. Remaining crew: Lt Eitel Barth, Pilot & RK Holder; Fw Gerhard Weidemann, R/O; Fw Martin Wallrabenstein, Flt Engr and Uffz Ernst Mantel, Gnr.. An Observer, and pilot (7/44) in 9/KG-4, he ended the war with 420 combat missions, including the destruction of 27 locomotives, 24 AC on the ground and 16 tanks.
479 Vetter, MartinObst4/20/1905Yabim, Dutch New GuineaKdr II/KG-26 (8/40), Kdr KG-40 (7/42-9/43), Führerreserve RLM Ob.d.L. (9/43), Kdr Fsch.Jg.Rgt.17 (11/44), Kdr Nachtschlachtkdo-9 (3/45-5/45)He 111H RK(5/16/40)

EK 1 & 2
Bomber Operational Clasp in Gold
"Bodenplatte" Gruppe Leader whose mission was to bomb the British airfield at Eindhoven. Over 150 combat missions. Deceased 25 September, 1982, Himmelpforten.
480 Vetter, MartinMaj6/29/1918Stfkpt 12/KG-51 (2/43), Kdr III/KG-3 (2/44), Kdr I/KG-53 (10/44), Kdr II/KG-51 (1/45)Ju 88A-4, He 111H-16, Me 262A2 in KG-51DK-G (7/27/42), EP (4/2/42), EK 1 & 2, Bomber Operational ClaspLOCS
481 Villing, MartinOfw213/JG-77, "White Staffel" 6/JG-5 (7/42), 10/JG-5 (9/44)Bf 109F-4/Z Werk # 7605 "Blue 10" (interned Switzerland 7/25/42), Bf 109G-6
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold

EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
On 25 July, 1942, he and Ogefr Heinz Scharf became lost on a transfer flight from France to Germany, and ultimately on to Africa, rerouting around a thunderstorm. Running low on fuel, they landed at Bern-Belpmoos airfield in Switzerland, where they were interned. They were repatriated in December 1942, with an Italian, Alfredo Porta, in exchange for a British crew. One known victory, a Beaufighter west of Stavanger on 1 May, 1943 (Rosseels). A Soviet Yak-9 on 17 September, 1944. A 2nd, a Yak-9 on 26 September, 1944. Flugbuch (1/41 to 10/44). Magnus Report, 21 victories.

Courtesy Christian König

Courtesy Christian König

482 Völker, MartinUffz7/JG-53 (Reich Def)Bf 109G-14/AS Werk # 780816 "White 4+ -" (lost 9/29/44)Fighter Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 29 September, 1944 during aerial combat with a P-47 in the Venningen/Edenkoben area.
483 Vollertsen, ErwinFw1/Kü.Fl.Gr-406He 115B Werk # 2751 "K6 + AH" (lost)Air-Sea Rescue Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 26 January, 1942; crashed during an operational flight near Vadsö, cuase unknown. Remaining crew: Lt Martin Immenroth, Observer (KilledInAction (KIA)) and Uffz Karl Heinz Köhler, R/O (MIA). Source: SIG Norway.
484 Vollmer, MartinHptm6/20/1914Guaschwitz10/KG-53 ('43), 2/KG-53 (6/43), 11/KG-53 ('44), JG-1, Erg/JG-300 (11/44), 6/JG-300 (1/45)He 111H-16 Werk # 8500 "A1 + DK" (?dam 6/1/43)EP(11/8/43), EK 1 & 2, Wound Badge, Bomber Operational ClaspWIA 1 June, 1943; his ac hit by AA fire at Wolchow, Leningrad Oblast, Russia, while attacking the Bridgehead there. Also WIA, his Observer Fw Heinz Fritsche; no further crew detail. Hptm Vollmer known to make an emergency landing in another H-16, "A1 + ER" on 18 January, 1944, no further detail. Converted to fighters in November 1944 (D.Drury).
485 Wache, SiegfriedFw1(F)/120 (Sola)Ju 88A-5 Werk # 0391 (95% damaged) Wound Badge
Observer Operational Clasp
WIA 29 April, 1941 when after being hit by AA fire and engaged by a Spitfire of No.72 Sq., he and the entire crew were either wounded or injured and they belly-landed their crippled Ju 88 at the Sola Norway airfield upon returning from a mission. Remaining crew (all WIA): Oblt Fritz Heidenreich, Observer; Gefr Martin Scholz, Mech and Fw Fritz Freitag, R/O. Source: SIG Norway.
486 Waldhauser, JohannOblt3/1/1913Freising2/ StG-77, Stfkpt 9/StG-77Ju 87D Werk # 5814 (lost 5/13/42) RK(1/24/42)

EK 1 & 2
Dive Bomber Operational Clasp with star pendant
KilledInAction (KIA) 13 May, 1942, together with his R/O Uffz Martin Kleinert, during a diving attack near Vasilyevka/Kertch (Kerch Peninsula), when their AC received a direct flak hit, and exploded in mid-air. 312 missions with the Ju 87. Channel pilot. First of his unit to win the EK 2 during the Polish Campaign. Added: Explanation for Knights Cross excerpt: "Awarded for the successes of his Staffel in attacking shipping during the Balkans campaign, around Crete and in the Black sea. These amounted to one destroyer and 31000 GRT of shipping sunk, as well as 29000 GRT of shipping damaged. Also contributing to the award was his own mission count, which at the time amounted to over 250 sorties flown."

487 Walter, HelmutUffz10/26/19193 (Lufttorpedostf)/KG-26 (Bardufoss)He 111H-6 Werk # 4817 "1H + BH" (lost 5/26/42)Bomber Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 26 May, 1942 after returning from a maritime mission. Remaining crew (all KilledInAction (KIA)): Uffz Martin Barnutz, Observer; Uffz Georg Hager, R/O and Uffz Wilhelm Baumann, Gunner. Source: SIG Norway. Added: Hit by a Sea Hurricane from the merchant ship "Empire Lawrence" after attacking Convoy PQ 16, the ac crashed into mountain Neitama on their return to Banak, all are buried at Botn-Rognan (Flyvrak Norway). Added: Piloting the MSFU Sea Hurricane was RAF P/O Alister James Hay. Burials at Botn-Rognan, Norway, Blk B as follows: Uffz Walter B-188; Uffz Barnutz B-245; Uffz Hager B-1375 and Uffz Baumann B-49 (D.Drury). Alternate spelling: Walther.
488 Weber, HansLt11/24/19153.(F)/Aufkl.Gr. 123Ju 88D-1 Werk # 430325 (lost 10/4/42)
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(7/27/42)
EP (01/12/41)(CKönig)
EK 1 & 2
Observer Operational Clasp
KIC with his entire crew, 4 October, 1942, when they crashed in the vicinity of Coudray Vilboux, cause unknown. Remaining crew (pos unk, all bur Mont de Huisnes, Vault 10): OFw Otto Bauer (geb 9/4/1915), Gr 115;OFw Martin Bachmann (geb 9/28/1915), Gr 98 and Uffz Kurt Wilke (geb 3/15/1919), Gr 82. Lt Weber buried in Grave 132 (DK-G Awards List, absa3945 & LOCS). Added: Roman Gastager and Radop OFw Bauer (shot down 2 Blenheim on 30/06/40 over Guernsey) flew with him from 05/41-02/42 (CKönig)

489 Wehrstedt, AlbertLt4/28/19181(F)/123Ju 88T-1 Werk # 1533 "4U + NH" (lost 5/23/44)
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(3/29/44)

EK 1 & 2
EP (6/25/43), Observer Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 23 May, 1944 with his entire crew, presumably in Italy or surrounding waters. Remaining crew (all buried German War Cem, Costerman Italy, Blk 9): Stfkpt Hptm Helmut Wippersteg, Obs, Gr 174; Fw Martin Franz, R/O, Gr 266 and Ogefr Horst Uhrig, Gnr, Gr 173. The pilot, Lt Wehrstedt buried Gr 265 (DK-G Awards List & D.Drury).
490 Weidlich, MartinUffz3/Schl.G-1 (S.U.)Bf 109E-7 Werk # 5381 (lost 6/10/42)Fighter Operational ClaspMIA 10 June, 1942 after enemy fighter attack at Alem Ak-Tatjanewca.
491 Weipprecht, Martin WilhelmUffz11/2/1920Bönnigheim3/JG-11Fw 190A-7 Werk # 430690 (lost 2/10/44)Fighter Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 10 February, 1944 during aerial combat, crashing near Hesepe/Twist (L. Wiegels). Added: He bailed from his crippled A-7, but did not survive his jump for unknown reasons. When he was found, his parachute was extended, but not deployed, on the ground, behind him. He is buried in Bönnigheim (C.König).
492 Wendt, Rudolf "Rudi"Ofw1Jagdfliegerschule 5, ERG Zestorer Gruppe, 5/Sch.G-1, 5/SG-2 (6/44 S.U.)Fw 190F-8 RK(4/17/45)

Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(1/1/45)

EK 1 & 2
Assault Operational Clasp
Following the Squadrons disbandenment on 8 May, 1945, under the leadership of Maj. Fridolin Becker, he tried to reach Germany but fell into an ambush by Czech guerillas after being disarmed by Soviets. Many were killed including Rudi Wendt. Approximately 600 missions as an Assault Pilot. His first known victory, a Soviet Il-2 (m.H.) on 4 June, 1944.
493 Wengert, LudwigUffz12/17/19142/KG-30 (5/40 Schiphol)Ju 88A-1 "4D + C?" (lost)Bomber Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 15 May, 1940 while attacking two British destroyers, HMS Valentine and HMS Whitley on the river Westerschelde, off Terneuzen. The Valentine took a hit in the engine room and grounded in the river. Valentine return fire brought down the Ju 88, which ditched in the river, 5 km west, in the vicinity of Sea Arm Braakman, near Vlissingen. Wengert buried Ysselsteyn, Block BB/7/165. Remaining crew: Ogefr J. Wunder, geb 5/1/1919, (KilledInAction (KIA)), Obs, Buried Ysselsteyn, Block BA/4/99; Uffz Martin Stampfer, geb 4/10/1918, (KilledInAction (KIA)), R/O, Buried Ysselsteyn, Block BC/3/58. and Flg Adolf Trinkl, geb 9/30/1913, (WIA), Gunner. Trinkl was taken to Bethesda Hospital in Vlissingen, where he was treated for injuries, incl a broken leg. Later transferred to Antwerp. Source: Wings to Victory. See Adolf Trinkle for more.
Ysselstein, Holland
494 Wengert, LudwigUffz12/17/19142/KG-30 (5/40 Schiphol)Ju 88A-1 "4D + C?" (lost)Bomber Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 15 May, 1940 while attacking two British destroyers, HMS Valentine and HMS Whitley on the river Westerschelde, off Terneuzen. The Valentine took a hit in the engine room and grounded in the river. Valentine return fire brought down the Ju 88, which ditched in the river, 5 km west, in the vicinity of Sea Arm Braakman, near Vlissingen. Wengert buried Ysselsteyn, Block BB/7/165. Remaining crew: Ogefr J. Wunder, geb 5/1/1919, (KilledInAction (KIA)), Obs, Buried Ysselsteyn, Block BA/4/99; Uffz Martin Stampfer, geb 4/10/1918, (KilledInAction (KIA)), R/O, Buried Ysselsteyn, Block BC/3/58. and Flg Adolf Trinkl, geb 9/30/1913, (WIA), Gunner. Trinkl was taken to Bethesda Hospital in Vlissingen, where he was treated for injuries, incl a broken leg. Later transferred to Antwerp. Source: Wings to Victory. See Adolf Trinkle for more.

Courtesy Christian König

Ysselstein, Holland

495 Werkmeister, GerhardUffz2/KGzbV-107 (Sola, Stavanger)Ju 52/3m (lost 5/30/40)Transport Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 30 May, 1940; sd by British fighter in the early morning at Skotten, killing the crew and four unnamed passengers. Remaining crew: Johann Leikermoser, Gnr; Uffz Hermann Becker, R/O and Gefr Herbert Voigt, Mech (flyvrak Norway).
496 Wiegmink, GerritObstLtStfkpt 5/BoFlGr-196 (12/39), Gruppe Kdr Bordfliegergruppe 196 (Aalborg 9/43)He 60, Ar 196, Ju W34 Werk # 1436 (lost)Wound Badge
Observation Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 24 March, 1944 when he was shot down by a Mosquito "LR 374" of RAF No. 613 Sq., piloted by Wing Commander John R.D. Braham and Navigator S/Ldr Robertson. The AC was hit on the starboard wing, caught fire and crashed to the ground near Sdr, Tranders Denmark. The entire crew perished in the fiery crash. Remaining crew (KilledInAction (KIA)): Gruppe Adjutant Hptm Ernst Gallmann, Co-pilot; Uffz Friedrich Brüske and Uffz Martin Liess. All were buried in the Frederikshavn Cemetery on 29 March, 1944. Source: Air War over Denmark. WIA 15 August, 1940 (Stankey & DeZeng).
497 Wiese, AugustFw5/KG-1 (S.U.)Ju 88A-5 Werk # 4296 "V4 +ON" (lost 6/27/41)
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold

EK 1 & 2
Bomber Operational Clasp
AC reported lost 27 June, 1941 due to aerial combat 20 km NE of Riga, one KilledInAction (KIA), three returned (Ju 88 Loss List). Added: Remaining crew: Fw Martin Haustein, Obs (Ret'd); Uffz Armin Wuigk, R/O (Ret'd) and Uffz Friedrich Thomas Leibold, Gnr (KilledInAction (KIA)). Fw Wiese also returned. The VDK places Leibold's death at Baltezers-Adazi, on the White Sea, Latvia. Uffz Leibold was probably transferred to the Saldus (Frauenburg) War Cem., Latvia, among the unknown (D.Drury).
498 Wilfert, EugenUffz4/9/19204/NJG-4 (6/44 Plantlünne)Ju 88G-1 Werk # 710455 "D5 + ??" (lost 6/28/44) Night Fighter Operational Clasp KilledInAction (KIA) the night of 27/28 June, 1944 during aerial combat with a Mosquito of RAF No. 141 Sq., crashing at Arendonk Belgium. Buried Lommel, Block 51/537. Source: A. Rosseels. Added: Remaining crew: Ogefr K.Martin, R/O (KilledInAction (KIA), bur Yssel Z-4-86) and Gefr R.Scherbaum, Gnr (Bailed with wounds/Safe) (SGLO).
Lommel, Belgium
499 Willung, MartinUffz1/JG-77Bf 109E Werk # 3818 (lost)Wound Badge
Fight Operational Clasp
WIA 11 July, 1941 during aerial combat near Notowskij. Forced to make an emergency landing due to engine trouble. Source: SIG Norway.
500 Winkler, MartinUffz1/21/19153/JG-53 (Wiesbaden - Erbenheim)Bf 109E (lost)Fighter Operational ClaspWIA 20 September, 1939 during aerial combat with a P-36 of 11/5, piloted by French pilot S/C Legrand, west of Merzig. He made a force landing at Hermeskeil, but died of his injuries on 24 September, 1939. Buried Wiesbaden, Alt Südfriedhof, Sec C, Gr 3. Source: Jochen Prien & D.Drury.

Results 401 to 500 of 513.

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