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These are the results of your search:

You searched for: “Lent, Helmut

#Pilot (↑)RankBornPlaceScore (↑)UnitsAircraftAwards*************Notes*************PhotoLinksAuthorComments
901 Roth, HelmutUffz110/JG-3Bf 109G-14 Werk # 464096 "<1" (lost 1/30/45) EK 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
His G-14 was reported lost 30 January, 1945 at Landesberg an der Warthe, now called Gorzow Wielkopolski, Lubusz Voivodeship, Poland (formerly Germany), cause unknown. He was reported hospitalized after bailing from his ac (D.Drury). One known victory, his 1st, a P-47 at Russelheim on 5 September, 1944.
902 Rudek, ErichGefr4/KG-55He 111P-2 Werk # 2643 "G1 + CM" (lost 9/30/40)Bomber Operational ClaspMIA 30 September, 1940; sd by Hurricanes of Nos. 238 & 504 Sqs. during an operation to Yeovil, Somerset. The ac crashed into the sea off Portland, Dorset. Remaining crew: Ofw Helmut Guttler (or Güttler), Obs (MIA); Gefr Karl Bauer, R/O (MIA); Gefr Fritz Strauss, Flt Engr (MIA) and Ogefr Willi Schocke, Gnr (KilledInAction (KIA)). The body of Gefr Schocke washed ashore on 14 October, 1940, and was buried at Gosport (Ann's Hill) Cem., Plot 189, Gr 24 (D.Drury). Alternate spelling: Rudeck.
903 Rudel, Hans-UlrichObst7/2/1916Konradswaldau Schlesien9III/StG-2 (9/41 S.U.), 8/ZG-2 (7/42 S.U.), StG-3, Stfkpt 1/StG-2, Kdr III/SG-2 (10/43; Romania 6/44), Kdr SG-2 (S.U.)Ju 87R-2 Werk # 5836 "T6 + CD" (lost 9/23/41; lost when borrowed by Ernst Steen KIA, R/O Uffz Alfred Scharnovsky KIA ), Bf 110 in ZG-2 (?), Ju 87B-2 "T6+AD" (2/42, Herbst 1943), Ju 87D-5 "T6 +AD" in III/StG-2, Ju 87G-2 Werk # 494193 "< - + -" (Cannon Machine; his 519th tank victory in this ac, Dr E.Gadermann, his R/O)

Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(8/12/41)

EK 1 & 2, Air-to-Ground Operational Clasp in Gold w/Bril.
He was the highest decorated Luftwaffe pilot in WWII, with 2530 missions. The only recipient of the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes mit Goldenem Eichenlaub, Schwertern und Brillanten (The Knight's Cross with Golden Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds). The first pilot to sink a battleship, the Russian "Marat"on 23 September, 1941. His gunner this date was a Scharnovski. He is also credited with sinking 2 cruisers and destroying 532 Tanks. One known victory, an Il-18 at Staryy-Oshkol on 2 July, 1942, as an Ofw in 8/ZG-2 (if this was Hans!) He lost his right leg from Flak, but continued to fly. Shot down 30 times; wounded five times, yet survived the war. His R/O on his 1000th mission, Ofw Erwin Hentschel. A recipient of the Hungarian Medal for Bravery (among many others!). U.S. POW released April, 1946. Deceased 18 December, 1982 Rosenheim (P. Bastin).

Courtesy Christian König

(Added by Pietrzak Youngs)

Ulrich training pilots in anti-tank warfare
(Added by Pietrzak Youngs)

This interview was done at Dr Migeod's house on 29 May 2010 in Somerset West South Africa when he was 92 years old. He was a Luftwaffe stuka pilot who saw service in France, Battle of Britain, Balkans, Crete and Africa. Rudel had joined their group but their leader found Rudel unfit for operational flying!

Rudel on left presenting RK to Helmut Fickel (on right)

Courtesy Christian König

904 Rudolf, HelmutFw4/JG-300Bf 109G-14/AS (lost 9/28/44 at Quedlinburg)Fighter Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 28 September, 1944 during aerial combat at Quedlinburg. Source: JG-300 Loss List
905 Rudzinski, HelmutFhjUffz7/JG-52 (Reich Def Ost)Bf 109G-6 Werk # 442047 "White 6" (lost 3/1/45)Fighter Operational ClaspMIA 1 March, 1945 during aerial combat with P-51s, location not reported (Bf 109 Loss List).
906 Rüffler, HelmutOfw1/18/1918Weissstein Schlesien98Erg/JG-3, 9/JG-3 (2/41), 7/JG-3 (6/41 S.U.), 1/JG-3, 4/JG-3 (10/43), JG-7, Stafkpt 9/JG-51 (3/45)Bf 109G-6 Werk # 165451 "White 13" (WIA 7/18/44) in 4/JG-3, Me 262 in JG-7(trng only) RK(12/23/42)

Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(8/20/42)

EK 1 & 2
Wound Badge

Fighter Operational Clasp in Gold with pendant
Shot down in "White 13" with severe wounds 18 July, 1944 near Flensburg after downing two P-51s. 32 fighters and 66 bombers (54 twin engine), including one B-17 on 20 October, 1943, his 52nd victory. Another known victory, his 55th, a B-24 on 8 April, 1944, no location. His 60th, a P-51 at Seine Mündung on 30 June, 1944. 690 combat missions. 86 victories in the East. His 1st Soviet victory, an I-15 on 22 June, 1941. A U-2 on 4 March, 1942. A Pe-2 on 9 March, 1942. A triple on 28 March, 1942; an I-61 and two I-301s. His 18th, a MiG-3 on 25 July, 1942. A LaGG-3 on 23 August, 1942. A LaGG-3 on 27 August, 1942. A MiG-1 and a LaGG-3 on 27 September, 1942. Two Yak-1s and an Il-2 on 28 September, 1942. His 29th, a Yak-4 on 1 October, 1942. Nos. 30, 31 and 32; two Il-2s and a Yak-1 on 2 October, 1942. His 34th, a LaGG-3 on 8 October, 1942. Two Il-2s and a LaGG-3 on 17 October, 1942. His 61st, a Spitfire at Conde-sur-Noireau on 16 July, 1944 (Perry Claims). Shot down 5 times. Retired Bundeswehr. Deceased 21 September, 2001 at Niederkassel. Bowers, 70 vics.. Photo. Alternate spelling: Rueffler.
907 Rumpff, HelmutFw4/KG-2Do 217K-1 Werk # 4620 "U5 +CM" (lost 9/22/43)Bomber Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 22 September, 1943 when his Dornier struck the ground at Out Newton, at a shallow angle, during a low-level mine laying mission on the Humber Estuary near Withernsea. They were believed blinded by searchlights. Remaining crew were all buried in the Hull North Cemetery. His crew: Fw Siegfried Vomweg, Observer, Gefr Arno Ehemann, wireless operator and Ogefr Kurt Stiegler, gunner.
908 Rupp, JosefOfw2/5/191810/TG-4Ju 52/3m Werk # 640612 "G6 + DU" (lost 1/16/45)
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(4/15/44)

EK 1 & 2
Transport Operational Clasp
DK-G Awards List. Added: MIA 16 January, 1945 while on a combat mission to Budapest. He was sd by Flak and fighters 25km SW of Szekesfehervar (Stuhlweissenburg) Hungary. This information provided by a relative, Sebastian Campos, on behalf of Gary Rupp, son of Josef, 7/2021. Added: Remaining crew (all MIA): Ofw Rudolf Lechelt, Obs; Uffz Helmut Grunelt, Flt Engr and Ofw Hermann Meinecke, Gnr. Per VDK, Ofw Rupp is confirmed MIA, and commemorated in the German War Cem at Budaörs, Hungary (D.Drury).
909 Ruschen, HelmutLt102/JG-54, 6/JG-51 (5/45)Bf 109F-2 Werk # 12803 (10% dam 6/30/41)EP

EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
His F-2 damaged by Soviet ground fire at Bobruisk; pilot OK. Magnus Report, victory count is approximate. Flugbuch (3/38 to 5/45).
910 Sachse, HelmutUffz6/14/19143(F)/122Ju 88A (lost)Observer Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 12 May, 1940 during the French Campaign, crashing near Orp-le-Grand. Buried Lommel, Block 47/227. Source: A. Rosseels.
Lommel, Belgium
911 Sainisch, HelmutUffz1/5/19249/JG-1 (1/44 Volkel)Bf 109G-6 Werk # Unk (45% dam 1/31/44), Bf 109G-6 Werk # 410141 "Yellow 9" (lost 2/21/44)Wound Badge, Fighter Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 21 February, 1944 during aerial combat. His G-6 crashed at Ijsselmeer Holland. Buried Ysselsteyn CT/9/221 (DeSwart & Geensen). The Bf 109 Loss List states the ac was "Yellow 5 + I". Added: Earlier, he was injured making a belly landing at Ressen, 6km N of Nijmegen due to lack of fuel (SGLO).
Ysselstein, Holland
912 Saint-Paul, HelmutUffz1/JG-2Fw 190A-8 Werk# 171647Fighter Operational ClaspMIA 14 August, 1944; Combat with a P-38 and a P-47, area of Voise-Santeuil, 20 km southeast of Chartres. Mombeek MIA List.
913 Salborn, HelmutOfwTransport UnitJu 52EK 1 & 2, EP (11/30/42), Transport Operational ClaspId'd as FF on EP Award List
914 Samorski, EmilUffz6/KG-53, 6/KG-3, III/KG-55 (9/41)He 111 Werk # 4436 (lost 9/13/41)Bomber Operational ClaspKIC with his entire crew, 13 September, 1941; crashed into a rocky ridge near Maria Rock near the village of Jetrichovice due to bad weather. Remaining crew: Fw Helmut Hertal, Uffz August Moormann and Uffz Bernhard Friedrich (F.Braun). Note: the positions were not named, I selected Samorski as pilot.
915 Sander, KarlOfw11/11/19091/KG-100He 111H-1 Werk # 5247 "6N + MH" (lost 9/22/40)Bomber Operational ClaspKIC with his crew at Vannes on 22 September, 1940, cause unknown. Remaining crew (KIC, bur Mont de Huisnes, Vault 2): Gefr Kurt Babel (geb 11/18/1916, bur Gr 49) and Fw Helmut Eilers (geb 12/22/1913, bur Gr 50). Pilot Ofw Sander buried Gr 51 (absa3945).
916 Sanorski, EmilUffzIII/KG-55He 111 Werk # 4436 (lost 9/13/41)Bomber Operational ClaspThe ac reported crashed Decin, CZ. Pilot & crew believed killed in the crash, cause unknown. Remaining crew: Fw Helmut Hertal, Uffz August Moormann and Uffz Bernhard Friedrich (F.Braun).
917 Sattler, GeorgOblt4/14/1917Munich2/LG-1 (6/42 Med), Stfkpt 1/LG-1Do 17Z, Ju 88A-4 "L1 + GK", "L1 + JK", "L1 + AL" & "L1 + NH" in 2/LG-1 June 1942, Ju 88S-3 Werk # 330715 "L1 + AH" (lost 8/31/44) RK(2/5/44)-EL(12/6/44 Post.)

Deutsches Kreuz - Gold (1/12/43)

EK 1 & 2
Bomber Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) the night of August 31/1 September, 1944 during takeoff from the Melsbroek Belgium airfield. Remaining crew (KilledInAction (KIA)): Uffz Helmut Sowade, Obs; Fw Wilhelm Shartel, R/O and Fw Hans Bürmeister, Gnr. Buried Lommel, Block 46/329. Source: A. Rosseels.
Lommel, Belgium
918 Schäfer-Suren, Geert HelmutMaj5/23/1914Kiel22/Ku.Fl.Gr.-306 (11/39), I/KG-28 (11/41), 2/NJG-1 (6/44), Stfkpt 7/NJG-5 (10/44)Bf 110, Ju 88G
DK-G ( 11/24/41), EP (11/3/41), EK 1 & 2
Night Fighter Operational Clasp
One known victory, a "4 mot" at Beacon "Kurfurst" on 17 June, 1944. A 2nd "4 mot" at Beacon "Kuli" (northern France) on 29 July, 1944.
919 Schäfer, FritzOfw1/KGr-806Ju 88A-5 Werk # 8161 "M7 + AH" (lost 5/3/41)Bomber Operational ClaspPOW 3 May, 1941; sd by a Beaufighter of No. 600 Sq., piloted by F/O Woodward. The entire crew bailed safely and were taken prisoner. The ac crashed near Stoke St Michael, Somerset. Remaining crew: Lt Gottwald Gerlach, Obs; Fw Helmut Soland, R/O and Fw Walter Kramer, Mech (D.Drury)
920 Schäfer, HelmutLt1/12/19246/KG-54 (Med)Ju 88A-4/Trop Werk # 300613 "B3 + BP" (or CP) (lost 11/26/43)Bomber Operational ClaspMIA with unnamed crew in Neapel harbor 26 November, 1943, cause unknown (Ju 88 Loss List). Added: Mid-Air collision over the sea in Nettuno-Napoli Harbor (LOCS).
921 Schalke, HelmutObstltKdr I/KG-1 (7/42)Ju 88Bomber Operational Clasp
922 Scharrchusch, HeinrichFw3/KG-27 (Tours)He 111H-5 Werk # 3911 "1G + AL" (lost 3/3/41)Bomber Operational ClaspPOW 3 March, 1941 after suffering some sort of engine failure and force landing on Lundy Island, believed due to enemy action. The ac was destroyed by fire. Remaining crew (POW): Obs Uffz Elmar Böttcher; R/O Fw Hans Bongers; Engr Fw Helmut Ludwig and Gnr Gefr Philipp Timmerman. Alternate spelling: Scharrschuch.
923 Schattschneider, HelmutUffz6/JG-5 (5/42 Finland), 4/JG-5 (5/17/42)Bf 109E-7 Werk # 3457 "White 7 + -" (lost 5/17/42)Fighter Operational ClaspMIA 17 May, 1942 after he was rammed during aerial combat by a shot down Soviet Hurricane of 760 IAP in the Kandalska area. He made a force landing behind enemy lines, but managed to return to his unit, exhausted and on foot, 15 days later. SIG Norway reported that he collided with the Soviet Hurricane and bailed without injury.
924 Scheid, HelmutLt27/ZG-26 (12/41), Stab III/ZG-26 (5/42 Africa)Bf 110C, Bf 110F-2 Werk # 4543 "3U + BD" (lost 5/24/42)
EK 1 & 2
Destroyer Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) with unnamed crew 24 May, 1942 in the Benghazi area, cause unknown (Bf 110 Loss List). One known victory, a Hurricane on 8 December, 1941 in the desert. His second, a Beaufighter on 18 December, 1941.
925 Schell, HelmutUffzFl.ü.G.-1Bf 109G-2 Werk # 14604 (20% dam 3/21/44)Pilot BadgePilot uninjured 21 March, 1944 when he made an emergency landing east of Hannover Buchholz due to engine failure.
926 Schenderlein, HelmutFhr6/28/1908IrchwitzStab I/KG-200B-17G-25-DL USAAF Ser # 42-38017 "A3 + BB" (lost 3/3/45)Bomber Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 3 March, 1945 when his ac was believed sd by a Beaufighter(?) of USAAF 415th Night Fighter Sq., piloted by 1/Lt Henry J.Giblin & 2/Lt Walter Cleary. The ac crashed at Luvigny, Vosges, France. Remaining crew: Uffz Werner Hoff, Co-Pilot (POW); Oblt Paul Gerhard Beudel, Obs (KilledInAction (KIA)); Fw Willi Helmdach, R/O 1 (POW); Gefr Karl Heinz Mehl (geb 5/8/1925 , Mönchen-Gladbach), R/O 2 (KilledInAction (KIA)); Ofw Karl Buch, Flt Engr 1 (KilledInAction (KIA)); Uffz Alfred Weber, Flt Engr 2 (KilledInAction (KIA)); Fw Herbert Adams, Gnr 1 (POW); Uffz Kurt Böttcher, Gnr 2 (POW); Uffz Wilhelm Lott, Gnr 3 (POW) and Fw Walter Rätzer, Gnr 4 (POW). The four of the deceased are buried in the Ger War Cem. at Andilly, France, Blk 36, Row 9 as follows: Fhr Schenderlein, Gr 425; Gefr Mehl, Gr 428; Ofw Buch, Gr 426 and Uffz Weber, Gr 427. Oblt Beudel is buried in the Ger War Cem. at Niederbronn-les-Bains, Fr., Blk 46, Row 6, Gr 245 (D.Drury). NOTE: Uffz Werner Hoff, Co-Pilot, may be the same person as Gefr Werner Hoff who rec'd his Pilot Badge on 26 May, 1944, but lacking any information. About this B-17: believed to be of the 349BS, 100BG, piloted by 1/Lt John G. Grossage. On 3 March, 1944, thinking he was making it to Sweden with wounded onboard and one engine damaged, he mistakenly landed in Denmark, where all 10 were taken prisoner (MACR 3025).
927 Schenk, HelmutUnkRechlin Test Facility (Test Pilot)He 280V-1 "DL + AS" (lost 1/13/42)Pilot BadgeUninjured 13 January, 1942, when, while testing the V-1's prototype engines, his control surfaces iced up and became inoperative in a heavy snow shower. Having no controls, he released the towline from a Bf 110C tug ac, and ejected. He became the first person to escape from a stricken ac using an ejection seat (" article via S.Youngs).

Schenk being towed aloft by Me 110
928 Scherer, HelmutFwI/JG-2Bf 109E-7 Werk # 7670(50% lost)Wound Badge
Fighter Operational Clasp
Injured in a crash 24 November, 1941 during an emergency landing due to engine failure at Nuncq airfield.
929 Schettler, HelmutObltI/KG-76 (S.U.)Ju 88A-4 Werk # 4245 "??" (lost 9/20/43)Bomber Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 20 September, 1943 crashed at Markowo 20 September, 1942 after being hit by flak, remaining crew OK (Ju 88 Loss List).
930 Scheuber, HelmutHptm12/10/191111/JG-51 (10/44 S.U.), Stfkpt 15/JG-51 (4/45)Bf 109G
EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
His first known victory, a Soviet Il-2 (m.H.) on 10 October, 1944. Magnus Report, 5 victories.
931 Schierning, HelmutUffz6/JG-53 (4/42 Malta)Bf 109F-4 (lost 5/42), Bf 109F-4 Werk # 8395 "Yellow 6 + -" (lost 5/9/42)Fighter Operational ClaspMIA six days later on 9 May, 1942 when he was shot down during aerial combat south of Comiso. Uninjured 3 May, 1942 while on an operation and he crashed into the sea, reason and location not given. Source: Jochen Prien
932 Schild, Heinrich "Heinz" "Jan"Oblt3/2/1918Siegburg132/JG-26(7/42, 8/43 Woensdrecht), JG-5 (Norway), JG-54(SU), Stfkpt 10/JG-26, 12/JG-26(8/44 Reich Def), Stfkpt 1 & 5/JG-26, Stfkpt 2/JG-26 (2/44)Fw 190A Werk # Unk "Black 7" w 2 Staffel (5% dam W of Roosendaal), Fw 190A-7 Werk # 642532 "Black 14" (WIA 2/4/44 in 2/JG-26), Fw 190A-8 w II Gruppe, Bf 109G-14 Werk # 781300 "White 6" (dam 10/12/44 WIA E of Bremer Voerde), BF 109G "Yel 1", Fw 190D-9 Added: Fw-190 D-9 R-4/M "White 1" Werknr. 210 069 (05/05/45 in Lister)EP

EK 1 & 2
Honor Roll Clasp
Wound Badge in Silver
Fighter Operational Clasp in Gold
On 19 August, 1943, he crashed an Fw 190 at Vinkenbroek Holland, west of Roosendaa, pilot OKl (DeSwart). One known victory, the B-17 42-39759 "Sarah Jane" of 390BG, 571BS, in 2 Staffel, on 30 December, 1943, flown by 2/Lt Campbell C. Brigman Jr. It crashed near Vimy France. All the crew survived. Stayed with JG-26 until V-E Day. POW 5 May, 1945. He flew into internment at Kristainsand, Norway with several other JG-26 pilots. On 12 August, 1943, "Uffz" Schild flew his 115th mission.His 3rd victory was recorded on 30 January, 1944, a P-38 at Wesel-Xanten. April 44, he was promoted to Lt.. His 4th, a P-38 at Evreux on 20 June, 1944. A P-51 at Beauvais on 18 August, 1944. A P-47 at Maastricht on 11 September, 1944. A P-51 at Kerken on 17 September, 1944. A P-51 N of Emmerich on 19 September, 1944. Severely wounded (3rd time) on 12 Oct., 1944 by P-51s (thought to have been Chuck Yeager), he didnt return to flight status until April 45. 222 missions, the last being flown on 4 May, 1945. Three "unconfirmed" victories, two Hurricanes and a Stirling on 20 August, 1942. Flugbuch (4/43 to 5/45). Deceased 15 October, 2002.

933 Schiller, WalterObltStab III/ZG-76Bf 110C-4 Werk # 3254 "2N + BM" (lost 9/4/40)Destroyer Operational ClaspPOW 4 September, 1940 when he was shot down by P/O H.C. Upton of RAF No. 43 Sq. during an escort mission and crashed at High Salvington, near Finden, Worthing, Sussex. Both he and R/O-Gunner Fw Helmut Winkler were taken prisoner.
934 Schilli, HelmutLt9/18/192214/KG-40 (Atlantic)Ju 88C-6 Werk # 750015 "F8 + GY" (lost 10/7/43)Bomber Operational ClaspMIA with unnamed crew 7 October, 1943; cause unknown, location not reported (Ju 88 Loss List). Added: The location was Map Quadrant Pl.Qu. 24 West/1622. The cause is given as shot down by Beaufighters of No.143 Sq. (Coastal Command). Remaining crew (MIA): Fw Karl Wenz, Obs and Uffz Bernhard Kothmann, R/O. No mention of a Flt Engr/Mech/Gnr (D.Drury). Alternate spelling: Schülli.
935 Schindler, Rudolf Helmut ?FhjFw5/8/192132/NAGr-5 (3/44 S.U.), 8/JG-53 (8/44 Reich Def)Fw 189A-3, Bf 109G-6 Werk # 166010 ? "Black 21 + I" (lost 8/6/44)
EK 1 & 2
Observer Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 6 August, 1944 during aerial combat with a P-51 near Bleckede. Reported to have been shot in his chute. Buried in Lüneburg. His first known victory, a LaGG-5 NNE of Pleskau and an Il-2 NW of Pleskau on 6 March, 1944. A 3rd, a LaGG-3 on 26 March, 1944. WK # 166010 has been attributed to Ofw Rudi Schmidt in 8/JG-53.
936 Schiweck, HelmutFw1/6/1917Neheim4(F)/14Ju 88 Werk # 1148 (lost 7/29/41)Observer Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 29 July, 1941 when his ac crashed at Vitebsk airfield, Belarus, due to engine damage. Remaining crew: Fw Hans Joachim Diedrich, Obs (KilledInAction (KIA)); Uffz Alfred Kriegsch, R/O (KilledInAction (KIA)) and Ogefr J.Schmidt, (Pos & Dispo Unk). The three deceased are believed transferred to the War Cem at Schtschatkowo, probably among the Unknowns (D.Drury).
937 Schlegel, HelmutFwWekusta 26 (Med)Ju 88D-1 Werk # 430642 "5M + IR" (lost 9/12/43)Meteorological Operational ClaspThis ac reported lost 12 September, 1943 at Salerno, cause unknown, pilot and unnamed R/O returned, unnamed gunner KilledInAction (KIA), no mention of Observer (Ju 88 Loss List).
938 Schleuer, HeinzFw3/JG-102 (Aalborg Ost)Bf 109G-12 (lost)Fighter Operational ClaspKIC 23 September, 1944 when for unknown reasons, the two-seat 109 crashed near Aalborg West, killing Scott and a second pilot, Hptm Helmut Scott. Both were buried in the Frederikshavn Cemetery on 29 September, 1944. Source: Air War over Denmark.
939 Schlidgen, HelmutUffzStab/EJG-1 (Reich Def)Bf 109G-6 Werk # 18831 (50% dam 2/17/45)Wound Badge
Fighter Operational Clasp
Injured 17 February, 1945 in a crash landing at Oberaschütz due to a fuel shortage.
940 Schlieker, HelmutLt2/JG-2 (10/44 to end)Fw 190A, Bf 109GFighter Operational Clasp
941 Schmeller, EngelbertUffzI/SG-3Fw 190F-8 Werk # 586420 (50% dam 1/26/45)Wound Badge
Assault Operational Clasp
Injured 26 January, 1945 in a takeoff collision at Prowehren with Fw 190F-8 Wk# 584191, piloted by Lt Helmut Tengler (KIC).
942 Schmid, AlfredHptm3/25/1912StuttgartWekusta 51 (trnfr to Wekusta 2, 3/43), Stfkpt Wekusta 2 (4/43)Ju 88A-4, Ju 88D-1 Werk # 430334 "D7 + HK" (lost 3/20/44)
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(10/12/43)

, EP (1/21/42), EK 1 (9/27/40) & 2
Meteorological Operational Clasp in Gold
DK-G Awards List. Added: KilledInAction (KIA) 20 March, 1944; sd by Spitfires of No.165 Sq. 176 missions (LOCS). Added: Remaining crew (KilledInAction (KIA), bur Pornichet, Blk 3): Wd.Insp Karl Rösch (geb 6/10/1906 Karlsruhe, bur Row 4, Gr 103), Met; Ofw Fritz Schaper, R/O (WIA), and Fw Helmut Grupen (geb 3/1/1914 Kiel, bur Row 4, Gr 101), Gnr-Mech. Pilot Oblt Schmid buried Row 3, Grave 91 (absa3945).
943 Schmidt, HelmutLt3(F)/121 (Dinard)Ju 88A-5 Werk # 0667 "7A + AL" (lost 2/26/41)Observer Operational ClaspMIA with his Observer Oblt Klaus Sichart von Sichartshoff and two other unnamed crew 26 February, 1941; sd by flak over South Wales, Bristol Channel (Ju 88 Loss List). Added: Remaining crew (MIA): Uffz Frans Abtmaier, R/O and Ogefr Bruno Müller, Gnr (D.Drury).
944 Schmidt, HelmutUffz5/KG(J)/6 (2/45 CZ.)Bf 109G Werk # 150977 (lost 2/11/45), Bf 109K-4 Werk # Unk "Black 4" (lost at Prag 2/15/45)Wound Badge, Fighter Operational ClaspInjured in "Black 4" 15 February, 1945 when he crashed burned at Prag-Petrovice, suffering a serious head injury. His 109G reported lost 11 February, 1945 at Prag, pilot disposition unknown. (KG(J)/6 Loss List).
945 Schmidt, HelmutHptm4/19/1915TuttlingenErpro/KG-6 (Channel)Ju 188E-1 Werk # 10007 "3E + AF" (lost 11/1/43)Bomber Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) with unnamed crew 1 November, 1943; crashed at Walbury Hill, Combe, Berkshire; shot down by a Mosquito of No. 29 Sq., piloted by F/Lt S.F. Hodsman (Ju 88 Loss List). Added: Remaining crew (KilledInAction (KIA), bur Brookwood Military Cem., Blk 15, Row B): Ofw Bruno Krupp, Obs (Gr 7); StbsFw Erich Zuch, R/O (Gr 5) and Uffz Josef Koidl, Gnr (Gr 6). Hptm Schmidt buried with StbsFw Zuch, in Gr # 5 (D.Drury). Added: Hptm Schmidt, and one other crew, was killed by Mosquito MG fire. After flying low over cottages in the village of West Woodhay, it struck Walbury Hill, abt 100 ft from the top. It uprooted two trees, bounced four times, and broke into pieces over a half mile area (Commonwealth War Graves Comm via R.Snape). Alternate spelling: Schmid per the Comm.
946 Schmidt, HelmutFhjFw8/KG-6Ju 188A-2 Werk # Unk (lost 6/10/44)Bomber Operational ClaspMIA 10 June, 1944; sd by a night fighter S of Caretan, France. Remaining crew (MIA): Ogefr Karl Brückner, Uffz Willi Effelsberg and Gefr Helmut Struch. One unnamed crewman, bailed and survived unhurt (D.Drury).
947 Schmidt, HelmutOblt8/16/1911Stab/KG-27He 111P Werk # Unk (lost 6/18/1940)Bomber Operational ClaspPOW (briefly) 18 June, 1940, with his entire crew, after their ac was hit by AA fire, and came down at Salbris, Loir-et-Cher, France, where it is believed they were captured, unhurt. Remaining crew: Ogefr J.Gröneberg, Fw F.Reichel, Uffz P.Baums and Flg K.Lindemann (D.Drury). NOTE: the French armistice was signed four days later, 22 June, 1940.
948 Schmidt, Helmuth (Helmut?)Ofw4/KG-100He 177 Werk # 550003 "KM + TC" (lost)
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(2/23/43)

EK 1 & 2
Bomber Operational Clasp
KIC 22 February, 1944 when he collided with a Ju 88 during a landing at Aalborg West airfield. The entire crew perished. Remaining crew: Fw Richard Scheber, R/O and Uffz Josef Panzer, Gunner. All three crewmen were buried in the Frederikshavn Cemetery on 26 February, 1944. Source: Air War over Denmark.
949 Schmidt, Karl HeinzOblt2/21/19182/FAGr-5 (7/43)Ju 290A-5 Werk # 0179 "9V + FK" (lost 2/19/44)Observer Operational ClaspMIA 19 February, 1944; sd by two Mosquito's of No.157 Sq., piloted by F/Lts R.J.Coombs & R.D.Doleman. The ac crashed at sea off La Coruna, Corunna, Spain. Remaining crew (MIA): Ofw Gustav Albers, Co-pilot; Lt Hermann Barth, Obs; Ofw Emil Cudock, Flt Engr; Fw Gerhard Hähndel, R/O 1; Fw Max Potter, R/O 2; Gefr Helmut Eimler, Gnr 1; Uffz Andreas Hofmann, Gnr 2; Ogefr Walter von Soosten, Gnr 3 and Uffz Bernhard Wermes, Gnr 4 (D.Drury).
950 Schmidt, RudolfHptm12/26/1915Halle8/KG-76 (39), Stfkpt 5/KG-76 (S.U. 41)Ju 88A-5 Werk #3439 (dam 7/3/41; crew WIA), Ju 88A-4 Werk # 3686 "F1 + MN" (30% dam 9/5/42) RK(10/2/42 Post.)

Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(3/27/42)

EK 1 & 2
EP (9/15/41), Wound Badge(7/3/41)
Bomber Operational Clasp w/Pendant
KilledInAction (KIA) (DOW) 5 September, 1942; hit, and seriously wounded a second time, by AA fire during a mission against Stalingrad. With the help of the crew, the wounded pilot was able to return to base and make a safe landing. Remaining crew: Ogefr Helmut Ulrich, Obs (WIA) and Ofw Wilhelm Seidl, Gnr. (WIA). Th unidentified R/O escaped injury. WIA 3 July, 1941 in Wk# 3439 in a running battle with Soviets fighters. Remaining crew (WIA): Fw Ludwig Sontheimer, Obs; Ofw Günter Waegner, R/O and Uffz Werner Fleig, Gnr.. 365 combat missions. Source: Kaiser RK book.

Courtesy Christian König

951 Schmiedt, FranzLt1(F)/124 (Kirkenes)Ju 88D-1 Werk # 1235 "G2 + HH" (lost 3/22/42)Observer Operational ClaspMIA 22 March, 1942 while on a mission at Jokanga-Teriberka, east coast of Kola Peninsula, beside the Barents Sea, cause unknown. Remaining crew (all MIA): Uffz Helmut Friesen, Observer; Uffz Wolfgang Mitz, R/O and Uffz Willibald Mangold, Mech. Source: SIG Norway. Added: The cause; brought down by AA fire from Soviet Battery 946. The only VDK burial match is Uffz Mangold, commemorated in the War Cem at Sologubowka (D.Drury). Alternate spelling: Schmidt.
952 Schmitt, Karl HeinzLt8/4/1920I(Lufttorpedostf)/KG-26 (Bardofuss)He 111H-6 Werk # 7596 "1H + HH" (lost 11/5/42)Bomber Operational ClaspMIA 5 November, 1942; emergency landing at sea at Map Quadrant 47 East/5117 (Barents Sea) during an operational flight. Remaining crew (all MIA): Ogefr Helmut Waldschmit, Observer; Ogefr Karl Ulrich Thode, R/O and Gefr Kurt Schwenke, Gunner. Source: SIG Norway.
953 Schmitz, HelmutGefrunit unknownBf 109G-6 Werk # 440205 "Red 33" (lost 12/23/44)Fighter Operational ClaspPilot reported MIA 23 December, 1944 in the Ardennes sector, cause not reported. Lost Aircraft Report
954 Schmitz, RudolfFw1(F)/124 (Kirkenes 5/42)Ju 88D-5 Werk # 430244 (dam 5/30/42), Bf 110F-3 Werk # 5038 (or 5034) "G2 + ZH", Ju 88D-1 Werk # 430577 "G2 + FH" (lost 5/18/43) Wound Badge
Observer Operational Clasp
MIA 18 May, 1943; shot down by a Soviet P-39 of 2 IAP at Kolakysten, north of Kildin, off the Kola Peninsula. Remaining crew (all MIA): Fw Joachim Löbel, Observer; Uffz Wilhelm Petersen, R/O and Uffz Franz Neubauer, Mech. Injured during a landing accident at the Kirkenes airfield 12 January, 1943, due to illness (lack of oxygen) during a high altitude flight. His Observer, Oblt Helmut Schubring, was killed. Source: SIG Norway. Added: His Ju 88 was damaged during an aerial attack by a Soviet fighter on 30 May, 1942. He and unnamed R/O were were able to return to Kirkenes, where they crashed, but were not injured (Observer Loss List).
955 Schmoll, HelmutLt5/NJG-1Kl 35B Werk # 4132 (lost)Wound Badge
Night Fighter Operational Clasp
WIC 17 August, 1943; crashed near La Roche en Ardenne. Source: A. Rosseels.

956 Schmölzer, AmbrosUffz2/KG-2 (Cambrai France)Do 17Z Werk # 2425 "U5 + GK" (lost) EK 2
Bomber Operational Clasp
POW 26 August, 1940; shot down by Spitfires after attacking RAF Hornchurch Airdrome. On the return flight the AC experienced engine trouble on one engine and lagged behind, when both engines were put out of action, and made a force landing 2 miles southwest of Eastchurch, Kent. The Observer, Oblt Siegfried Hertel was killed in the crash. Remaining crew (POW): Uffz Helmut Buhr, R/O and Maj. Martin Gutzmann, Gunner. Gutzmann was the Kdr of II/KG-2 at the time. Alternate spelling: Schmoelzer. Added: Oblt Hertel buried at CC, Plot 1, Row 11, Gr 440 (D.Drury).
Cannock Chase
957 Schmude, HelmutLt1/15/19153/KGzbV-800 (3/43), Stab II/TG-2 (7/44)Ju 52/3m Werk # Unk "8T + MR" (lost 7/10/44)
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(3/16/43)

EK 1 & 2
Wound Badge, Transport Operational Clasp
Injured in a crash at Chmielewo, 10 July, 1944, cause unknown (DK-G Awards List & LOCS).
958 Schneider, HelmutOfwII/KG(J)-6, III/KG(J)-6 (4/45)Me 262, Bf 109GFighter Operational ClaspJager Blatt article.
959 Schneider, HelmutOfw10/TG-4Ju 52
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(4/15/44)

EK 1 & 2
Transport Operational Clasp
DK-G Awards List
960 Schneider, HelmutUffz7/JG-53Bf 109G-14 Werk # 785817 "White 6"Fighter Operational ClaspA Bodenplatte pilot, he was known to return safely, pilot OK, no further detail (Manrho/Putz publ.).
961 Schnelling, HelmutGefr4/JG-5Bf 109G-2 Werk# 10814 "Black 16"Fighter Operational ClaspMIA 24 January, 1944; Probably AA fire, near Pustoschka, southeast of lUtschtaler See. Mombeek MIA List.
962 Schobbert, HelmutLt12/KG-2Do 217Z-3 Werk # 4236 "U5 + BW" (lost)Bomber Operational ClaspMIA the night of 25/26 April, 1942 during the bombing raid on Bath when he was damaged by a Hurricane IIC, Z3778, of RAF No.87 Sq, piloted by P/O Grantham while over Lansdown, near Bath, at 01:40 hours. The damaged AC called the Tactical Frequency between 02:59 and 04:14 hours, but without reply and appears to have crashed into the English Channel on the return flight. Remaining crew (all MIA): Gefr Kurt Motz, Observer; Uffz Heinrich Stadler, R/O and Gefr Johann Plschek, Mech. Source: Bristol Past, John Penny.
963 Schönemann, HelmutFw1Erg/JG-2 (4/41), 3/JG-2 (7/41)Bf 109F in Erg Staffel, Bf 109F-2 Werk # 9658 in 3 Staffel (lost 7/23/41) EK 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 23 July, 1941 in aerial combat with fighters in the Delettes area, 15 km south of St. Omer. One known victory, a Spitfire 25 km west southwest of Brighton, 18 April, 1941.
964 Schopenkämper, HelmutUffzI/KG-6 (Channel)Ju 188E-1 Werk # 260169 (lost 11/8/43)Bomber Operational ClaspKIC with unnamed crew 8 November, 1943 near Malmedy Belgium, cause not given. Source: A. Rosseels.
965 Schorn, HelmutFhjFw10/JG-301 (11/44)Fw 190A-8 Werk # 176109 "Red 17" (lost 12/5/44)Fighter Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 5 December, 1944; aerial combat with a P-51 near Finow (C.König).
966 Schramme, HelmutLt1/31/1914Holzminden5/KG-3 (3/41) Do 17Z-2 Werk # 2534 "5K + ?N (lost 3/26/41) Bomber Operational Clasp His Do 17 crashed at Best Holland (South van-in de Leemkuilen) on 26 March, 1941, cause and pilot/crew disposition unknown (DeSwart). Added: Cause not known. Remaining crew (KIC, bur Lommel Kattenbos): Ogefr HHubert Stöver, Obs (bur 49-476); Gefr Max Weisser, R/O (bur 49-477) and Gefr Andreas Limbeck, Gnr (bur 51-412). Lt Schramme buried Lommel, 49-540 (SGLO). Added: A more precise crash location on the Dutch side of the Belgian-Dutch border, well within the province of North Brabant, reasonably close to Lommel (D.Drury).
967 Schreck, Helmut HeinrichFhr6/26/24Westerkappeln3/JG-1 (11/44 Greifswald)Fw 190A-8 Werk # 173874 "Yellow 18" (lost 11/21/44)Fighter Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 21 November, 1944 during aerial combat with Allied fighters at Blankenheim. Buried War Grave Cem, Sangerhausen, 2RE/2/3.
968 Schröder, HeinzHptmStfkpt 3/KG-4 (6/40)He 111P-2 Werk # Unk "5J + BL" (or PL) (lost 6/26/40)Bomber Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 26 June, 1940 after flying as an Observer in an ac piloted by Lt Helmut Furcht, shot down into the North Sea, off Withernsea, 20 miles east of Humber, England. Added: See Furcht, Helmut for crew detail. Hptm Schröder buried Ysselsteyn, AR/10/238 (D.Drury).
Ysselstein, Holland
969 Schröder, HelmutGefr4/KG-30 (S.U.)Ju 88A-5 Werk # 0212 "4D + DM" (lost 6/25/41)Bomber Operational ClaspMIA 25 June, 1941 after reporting engine problems at position 05 East/1870, as he was returning from a mission to the east coast of Scotland. Remaining crew (all MIA): Gefr Gotthart Hänel, Observer; Gefr Hans Glaser, R/O and Gefr Walter Hinz, Gunner. Source SIG Norway.
970 Schrön, HelmutFw4/4/192027/JG-2Fw 190A-5 Werk # 157226 (lost 7/10/43)
EK 1 & 2
Fighter Operational Clasp
KIC 10 July, 1943 during takeoff from the Vannes airfield due to engine failure. Added: Burial at Mont de Huisnes, Vault 2, Grave 178 (absa3945). One known victory, a B-17 on 28 June, 1943. A 2nd, a B-17 on 4 July, 1943.
971 Schubbert, HelmutLt11/12/191713/KG-54 (11/43), 3/KG-66 (7/44)Ju 88A-4 in 13 Staffel, Ju 88S-3 Werk # 330149 "Z6 + EL" (lost 7/44), Ju 88S-3 Werk # 330881 "Z6 + LL" (lost 12/44)EK 2, Wound Badge
Bomber Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) 17 December, 1944; failed to return from a mission, cause and location unknown. Remaining crew (MIA): Fw Paul Mather, geb 9/20/1921, Obs and Fw Erich Labinski, geb 4/5/1921, R/O. WIA 16 July, 1944 after taking flak hits in both engines, crashing by Grondsoir, 12 km southeast of Caen. Remaining crew: Uffz Walter Kupprion, geb 7/15/1922, (POW), Obs and Uffz Walter Werner, geb 10/26/1919 (WIA), R/O. Source: B.Bines. Added: Uffz Anton Thorand flew one mission with Lt Schubbert in November, 1943, as noted in the Thorand Flugbuch.
972 Schübel, HelmutHptm6/9/1920Schwartzenbach Saale1/StG-2, Stfkpt 10(Pz)/SG-2Ju 87D-5 Werk # 141541 "T6 + AD" (lost 8/25/44) RK(11/18/44 Post.)

Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(3/29/43)

EK 1 & 2
EP (2/28/44), Wound Badge
Dive Bomber Operational Clasp w/Pendant
KilledInAction (KIA) 25 August, 1944 after his Ju 87 had received battle damage north of Focsani Romania, crashing during the landing approach to Focsani airfield and catching fire, Schübel being critically burned. Carried to Buzau hospital by Ju 52, he died that same day. He was buried in Buzau. 596 missions in the Ju 87. Added: Hptm Schübel has not been transferred to a military cemetery, but a grave is believed to exist at Bazau (confirms). He is commemorated in the memorial book at Sercaia-Sammelfriedhof, Romania. His R/O-Gnr, Ogefr Willibald Gaumer, was WIA (D.DRury).
973 Schuh, HelmutLt9/KG-51 (S.U.)Ju 88A-4 Werk # 8633 "9K + TT" (lost 3/10/43)Bomber Operational ClaspMIA with unnamed crew in Map Quadrant Pl.Qu. 8514 on 10 March, 1943 (Ju 88 Loss List).
974 Schuke, HelmutHptm10/17/1913Schöpfürth3(F)/123 (4/43)Ju 88D -1 Werk # 430359 (lost 4/11/43)Observer Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 11 April, 1943; sd by a Beaufighter over the Bay of Biscay. Remaining crew: Lt Eberhard Semmer, Obs (WIA ); Fw Wilhelm Steffens, R/O (WIA ) and Ogefr Robert Rössel, Gnr (KilledInAction (KIA)) (Qu.Meister File & LOCS). Alternate spelling: Schukel.
975 Schüler, HelmutHptmStfkpt Einsatzkampfgr. Ju 88 (Med)Ju 88A-4 Werk # 8830 "K5 + JL" (lost 10/9/43)Bomber Operational ClaspMIA with unnamed crew at Adria 9 October, 1943, cause unknown (Ju 88 Loss List).
976 Schulte, HelmutUffz6/JG-2Bf 109G-6 Werk# 441315Fighter Operational ClaspMIA 17 June, 1944; Combat with a P-47, east of Flers. Mombeek MIA List.
977 Schulte, HerbertHptm2/NJG-4Bf 110, Ju 88G Werk # 621831 "3C + KK" (lost 2/9/45) Wound Badge
Night Fighter Operational Clasp
WIA 9 February, 1945 during aerial combat, making an emergency landing at Vechta due to engine failure. Remaining crew (dispositions unknown): Uffz Helmut Tielwein and Uffz Friedrich Ziegberger. Source: M. Balss & A. Rosseels.
978 Schultz, WilhelmOblt1/KGr-100He 111H-3 Werk # 3352 "6N + AH" (lost 3/13/41)Bomber Operational ClaspPOW 13 March, 1941 after his ac was sd by a Blenheim of No.600 Sq., piloted by P/O Gordon A.Denby & Radar Oper P/O Gilbert Guest. The ac crashed a Dunure, Ayrshire. Remaining crew (all POW): Ofw Berthold Boyüngs (or Boyungs), Obs; Ofw Rudolf Pölkemann, R/O and Ofw Helmut Ungethüm (or Ungethum), Flt Engr (D.Drury).
979 Schulz, HelmutUffz5/KG-55He 111H-16
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(2/5/44)

EK 1 & 2
Bomber Operational Clasp
DK-G Awards List. His EP date from the EP List provided by Fritz Braun.
980 Schulz, HelmutFw2/NAGr-2 (Reich Def Ost)Bf 109G-8 Werk # 710009 (lost 3/5/45)Wound Badge
FNight Observer Operational Clasp
WIA 5 March, 1945 during aerial combat at Heidau.
981 Schulze, HelmutUffz4/KG-2Ju 188E-1 Werk # 260364 "U5 + CM" (lost)Bomber Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 14 February, 1944 after crashing by Vohren bei Warendorf due to engine damage. Remaining crew: Uffz Horst Riedel, Observer (KilledInAction (KIA)); Ofw Johannes Wolf, R/O (KilledInAction (KIA)); Ogefr Johannes Ludwig, Gunner (KilledInAction (KIA)) and Uffz Herbert Knispel, Gunner (KilledInAction (KIA)). No VDK burial matches. Jager Blatt 2/2004 & D.Drury 2/2022.
982 Schulze, HelmutLt5/KG-3Ju 88A-4
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(1/15/43)

EK 1 & 2
Bomber Operational Clasp
DK-G Awards List
983 Schumann, GüntherLt8/7/19218/ZG-26 (Reich Def)Bf 110G-2 Werk # 5203 "3U + CS" (lost 8/24/43))Destroyer Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 24 August, 1943 when he collided with another Bf 110G-2 Werk # 6412, piloted by Oblt Helmut Hantel, during aerial combat north of the Frisian Islands, and crashed into the North Sea. Both AC and crews were lost. Pilot Schumann was found near Blaavland 28 September, 1943 and was buried at Fovrfelt Cemetery, Grave 24, in Esbjerg on 10 October, 1943. His R/O, Uffz Bernard Gehte or Götte was washed ashore at Berregaard Denmark on 25 September, 1943 and buried in the Lemvig Cemetery, Grave 14, on 5 October, 1943. Source: Air War over Denmark.
984 Schumann, HelmutUffz4/3/1921Gross Pomeiske (today, Pomysk Wielki) Poland6/JG-11 (Reich Def)Bf 109G-5/U2 Werk # 15942 "Yellow 10" (lost 1/29/44)Fighter Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 29 January, 1944; crashed on takeoff from Jever when he was hit by the propwash from his wingmans aircraft. Source: Lothar Wiegels. Added: His remains have not been transferred to a military cemetery, but a grave is understood to exist in Madrzechowo, Poland. He is commemorated in the German War Cem. at Stare Czarnowo, Poland (D.Drury).
985 Schüppan, HelmutFw22/NJG-3Do 217J-2 Werk # 1258 "D5 + CK" (lost 2/19/43)*
EK 1 & 2
Night Fighter Operational Clasp
KilledInAction (KIA) the night of 18/19 February, 1943; sd (exploding) over the sea near Georgesheil, 10 km west of Aurich, by return fire of rear gunner, Sgt McDougle, from Halifax II "HR692 ZA-R" of No. 10 Sq, piloted by F/Lt Munro (Boiten & Combat Report via Simon Glancey). Remaining crew (KilledInAction (KIA)): Uffz Leopold Baumann, R/O and Ogefr Kurt Tuschy, Gnr. One known victory, a Stirling on 8 December, 1942. A 2nd, a Lancaster on 18 February, 1943, the night their Dornier was shot down. *The specific ac & remaining crew names per 12 Oclock Forum via Simon Glancey.
986 Schütz, HelmutOgefr1/JG-4Bf 109GFighter Operational ClaspHis name appeared on a JG-4 Report as crashing on 18 or 19 (illegible) January, 1944 after aerial combat at Monte Camino, his disposition unknown.
987 Schwager, HelmutOfhr10/13/1924Waldenburg2/JG-1Fw 190A-8 (lost 1/14/45)Fighter Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 14 January, 1945 when the Twente airfield was under attack by British Spitfires. Schwagers A-8 crashed at the Twente airfield (DeSwart). Buried War Grave Cem, Schöppingen Germany.
988 Schwantje, HelmutOblt4/8/1918Varel/OldenburgII/StG-77 ('43), I/Sch.G-1 (TO to 9/43), Stfkpt 1/SG-102 (8/44 Memmingen, Bav), Stfkpt 3/SG-102 (10/44), 6/SG-104 (2/45)Ju 87, Bf 109F-8 Ground Assault Operational Clasp Brother of Lt Werner Schwantje. Immigrated to Vancouver in 1951. Deceased in 2003 (LOCS & Vintage Wings article/K.Youngs).

Receiving an honour next to his Fw 190.

989 Schwantje, WernerLt4/14/1923Varel/OldenburgFFS (Grad 4/43), 1/NAGr-13 (2/44 Dinard-Pleurtuit), TecOffz NAGr-13 (11/44 Chartres?)Bf 109G-8 Werk # Unk "White 7" (dam 5/8/44), Bf 109G-5 Werk # Unk (dam 5/12/44)Observer Operational ClaspHe flew numerous short range reconnaissance missions, survived bail outs from two burning ac and a force landing after being hit by his own flak. On 1 July 1944, he was attacked by a P-47, but escaped into a cloud cover after taking several hits. Survived the war, and immigrated to Canada, following his Brother Helmut, in the 1950's, achieved a Law Degree. Deceased Ottawa, 13 July, 2008 (LOCS & Vintage Wings article/K.Youngs).
990 Schwartz-Arnyasy, HelmutOfhrStab Staffel/JG-27Bf 109G-6 Werk # 163246 "< 4 +" (lost)Fighter Operational ClaspMIA 28 June, 1944 during aerial combat 3 km NW of Caen. Mombeek.
991 Schwarz, FerdinandOfw1/TG-2 (4/43)Ju 52 Werk # 6637 (lost 4/18/43)
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(8/31/43)

EK 1 & 2
Wound Badge, Transport Operational Clasp
WIA 18 April, 1943; sd at Reggio, Tunis by enemy fire. Remaining crew: Uffz Werner Merkel, R/O (WIA); Uffz Hermann Heilmann, Mech (MIA); Uffz Funther, Gnr 1 (MIA) and Ogefr Helmut Zippricht, Gnr 2 (WIA) (DK-G Awards List & Qu.Meister List)
992 Schwarz, HelmutObltStfkpt Sonder Staffel (Special Staffel) in April 1941, Transport (10/44), NJGJu 52, Bf 110EK 1
Transport Operational Clasp
Joined the Luftwaffe in September, 1939. 300+ combat missions. 1500 hours in the Ju 52. Served in the Special Staffel until October, 1944 when he commanded various Transport Units in the Mediterranean. Near wars end began Night Fighter training. Retired Brig. Gen. in the modern German Luftwaffe.
993 Schwarz, HelmutUffz16/JG-300 (Reinsdorf)Bf 109G-10 Werk # 490432 "Blue 7" (lost 1/14/45 at Baiersdorf east of Alt-Lönnewitz)Fighter Operational ClaspPilot disposition unknown. Added: Pilot killed, 1/14/45 JG-300 Loss List via R.Freitag.
994 Schwarzenhölzer, HelmutUffzEJG-Süd, 8/JG-77 (6/43 Med), I/JG-3 (7/43 Med)Bf 109G-6 Werk # 18418 "CJ + MF" (80% dam 6/27/43), Bf 109G-6 Werk # 18105 "Black 12" (lost 7/13/43)Wound Badge
Fighter Operational Clasp
Injured in a crash landing on 27 June, 1943 at Chilivani after a transfer flight, cause not reported. WIA 13 July, 1943 during aerial combat with a bomber over Sicily. Flugbuch (7/41 to 6/43).
995 Schwarzpaul, Helmut FriedrichUffz10/10/19229/JG-300Bf 109G-6 Werk # 441883 "Yellow 9" (lost 7/7/44)Fighter Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 7 July, 1944 during aerial combat with a 4 Mot 2km west of Halberstadt, buried Erndtebrück - Ederfeld.
996 Schweickhardt, HeinrichMaj2/17/1914HeidelbergStfkpt 8/KG-76 (6/41 S.U.), Kdr III/KG-76 (1/43 Med)Ju 88A-4 Werk # 142338 "F1 + GS" (lost 1/9/43) RK(2/4/42)-EL(10/30/42)

Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(1/13/42)

EK 1 & 2

Bomber Clasp Gold
KilledInAction (KIA) 9 January, 1943 in the Mediterranean Theater at Catania-Taoi due to engine damage while on a kurier flight (Ju 88 Loss List). Remaining crew (KilledInAction (KIA)): Lt Helmut Vollmer, Obs; Ofw Josef Tölle,, R/O; Ofw Erich Müller, Gnr and Ogefr Lothar Kunze, Gen.Pers.. Alternate spelling: Schweichhard or Schweikhardt. Added: Credited with approx 400 combat missions, posthumously promoted to Major (CKönig)
997 Schwingshakl, HelmutFw3(F)/123 (Channel)Ju 88A-5 Werk # 0451 "4U + HL" (lost 11/24/40)Observer Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) with his Observer Lt H. Hollstein and two other unnamed crew at Coates, Gloucestershire 24 November, 1940; sd by Hurricanes of No. 308 Sq. during a reconnaissance mission over Coventry (W/C Oliver & Sgt Parafinski). Source: Ju 88 Loss List & Wiki Luft data. Added: One unnamed crewman, Fw Helmut Schwingshakl (geb 8/12/1916), KilledInAction (KIA), bur CC, Blk 2, Gr 206 (Luftwaffe Graves UK).
Cannock Chase
998 Scott, HelmutHptm3/JG-102 (Aalborg Ost)Bf 109G-12 (lost)Fighter Operational ClaspKIC 23 September, 1944 when for unknown reasons, the two-seat 109 crashed near Aalborg West, killing Scott and a second pilot, Fw Heinz Schleuer. Both were buried in the Frederikshavn Cemetery on 29 September, 1944. Source: Air War over Denmark.
999 Seeland, KurtUffzI/KG-26 (Aalborg West)He 111H-5 Werk # 3650 "1H + HH" (lost)Bomber Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 7 March, 1941 when, while attacking a ship in River Thay, he struck the mast and crashed into the sea off Buddon, Angus, 15km E of Dundee. Remaining crew (all MIA): Uffz Fritz Beckmann, Observer; Gefr Walter Gabriel, R/O and Uffz Helmut Rattstadt. Mech. Source: SIG Norway.
1000 Seelig, ChristianObstlt12/22/1887Stab/KGzbV-1, added_ Kommandant Flughafenbereitschaft 14/ 11 Lieksa (CKönig)Fi 156C-3 Werk # 5459 " PP + QT" (lost)Liason Operational ClaspKilledInAction (KIA) 25 March, 1942, no further detail given. Source: D. Stankey. Added: Crashed due to bad weather. Tthe pilot was Uffz Helmut Iwanowsky (CKönig)

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Wer vor der Vergangenheit die Augen verschließt, wird blind für die Gegenwart. Richard von Weizsäcker

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