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LOST - Rob Philips Memorial Archive Index of Dutch Losses WWll
Pages are specified after the name of the aircraft captain. Crew and passengers are indicated to the right of the page address.

Data is presented as far as it is known. Or believed to be known. Deeper research is likely to yield more bits of data, and possibly more surprises. That has been the routine up to now. Crash datasheets were developed on an individual aviator basis, but we have included all crew data into a single page, named for the captain. To discover data for a crew member (or passenger) of interest, use the Highlighting box to search for his/her name, then click the page link and then scroll down the page to find the name you are looking for.

Author has come to see certain earlier data, either published or not, as quite often inaccurate. Perhaps the most telling example of this is the crash locations given for J.L. Plesman, C. van Houten, P.H. Stenger and J. Veen. All four were Dutch RAF Spitfire pilots, and all are reported to have been lost in the St. Omer area, Northern France. That may be basically true, but it cannot be called accurate. Author shall argue that J.L. Plesman was lost some 30 km East of St. Omer, and the three others 35 to 41 km West of St. Omer. It is the object of this study to clear up such fog as far as possible.

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1940-05-15-Loss of Fokker S-lX Nr.46 (Sitters - Van Hulzen) Sitters, Van Hulzen
1940-07-26-Loss of Fokker T-VIIIw AV964 (Martaré) Johannes Ras, Aart de Knegt, Jan Hollander
1940-09-26-Loss of Fokker T-VIIIw AV963 (Schevenhoven) Heinrich Akkers, Johannes Scholman
1941-02-25-Loss of Hudson T9364 (Michels) Jan Michels, Franciscus Overdijk, Cornelius Rademaker,
1941-04-28-Loss of Abraham Pennings
1941-06-17-Loss of Daniel Sajet
1941-06-24-Loss of Theo Buijs
1941-08-10-Loss of Hudson N7396 (Ten Herkel) Anton ten Herkel, Willem Hijkoop,
1941-08-18-Loss of Hudson T9413 (Langelaar) Jan Frowijn,Felix Hurk, Jan Peetoom,, Jacobus Uljee
1941-08-30-Loss of Hudson V9063 (Bakker) Klaas Deen, Hubertus Heeren, Eddy Chateau
1941-08-30-Loss of Hudson T9380 (Hendriks Jansen) Johan Bielfeldt, Herdrikus Moll, Arie Recourt, Romke Smidt
1941-08-30-Loss of Hudson V9065 (Prager) Paulus Linden, Krijn van Os, Henri Prager, Jacobus Weber
1941-09-01-Loss of Vincent Jansen
1941-10-21-Loss of Johan Roeper Bosch
1941-10-28-Loss of Pierre van Boxtel
1941-11-02-Loss of Henk Pronk
1941-11-03-Loss of Jhr. Hans van Panhuys
1941-11-23-Loss of Hein van Otterloo
1941-12-02-Loss of Hudson V9036 (Dolman) Antoon Bom, Jan Dolman, Hendrikus Lijn, Klasinus Tongeren
1942-03-12-Loss of Bernard Aarts
1942-03-15-Loss of Willem Straver
1942-04-23-Loss of Wim Rieter
1942-05-15-Loss of Hudson AE525 (Stork) Johannes Mulder, Johannes Stork, Alphonsus Sens, Egbert Weerd
1942-05-30-Loss of Hudson V9122 (Buijnink) Arnold Broek, Pieter Buinink, Marius Versluis, Hiddo Emmens
1942-06-05-Loss of Govert Steen
1942-06-13-Loss of Dirk Klink
1942-06-20-Loss of 3 Spitfires (Van Houten, Stenger, Veen) Cornelius van Houten, Paul Stenger, Johannes Veen
1942-06-26-Loss of Hudson T9435 (Van der Graaf) Johan Bolte, Johannes But, Cornelius Graaf, Willem Mattijsen
1942-10-26-Loss of Rob van Woerkom
1942-11-09-Loss of Hudson EW912 (de Boer) Hindrik Jongman, Richard de Boer, Johannes Loon, Johan Mijsberg
1942-11-22-Loss of Hudson EW903 (Hoogteiling) Carolus Heugten,Laurens Hoogteiling,Jan Ouden, Jacob de Ligt
1943-01-11-Loss of Hudson AM863 (van de Bogaert) Edward van de Bogaert, Bernhard Corporaal, Antonius Post, Frederik Schut
1943-01-27-Loss of Hudson EW919 (Van den Berg) Hendrik van den Berg, Jopy Cloesmeijer, Tonnis Gast, Christiaan Kost
1943-03-03-Loss of Adolf Meijer William Moffat, Ronald Turner, Thomas Canveney, Percy Elton, James McGrane, Harold Sherrat, Orison Amos
1943-03-29-Crash over Morpeth Rudi van den Bron, G.R. Jackson, Arie van Egmond, Bernardus van Osdorp, E. Hall, Daniel Kooij, Frans van Westenbrugge,
1943-05-21-Loss of Rudi Heijne
1943-06-01-Loss of Flight 777A (Tepas) Dirk de Koning, Engbertus Rozevink, Quirinus Tepas, Cornelius van Brugge, Alfred Tregear Chenhalls, Francis German Cowlrick, Lesley Howard (Actor), Mrs. Rotha Violet Lettie Hutchinson with her daughters Carola and Petra, Wilfrid Jacob Berthold Israel, Gordon Thompson MacLean, Mrs. Cecilia Amelia Falla Paton, Ivan James Sharp, Tyrell Milmay Shervington, Kenneth Stonehouse, Mrs. Evelyn Stonehouse
1943-06-10-Loss of Coen de Iongh
1943-06-27-Loss of Hans Tutein Nolthenuis
1943-07-30-Loss of Mitchell FR144 (Ritte) Willem Blok, Cornelis Does, Evert van't Eind, Willem Ritte, Albert Roessingh
1943-08-23 The loss of Ir. Piet Blom
1943-09-19 The loss of Gerard Bruijne
1943-10-20 The loss of Zeger Dekkers 2. Sgt. Donald Alfred Ross Colegate, Sgt. Kenneth Joseph Gehrmann, Walter David Newel, F/Sgt. John Raymond Burton, W/O. Ivan Kenealy Nicoll
1943-10-24 The loss of Anton van Dam
1943-10-25-Loss of Mitchell FR178 (Bakker) Marinus Bolk, Herman. van Haaften, Richard van Pelt
1943-10-25-Loss of Mitchell FR166 (Bank)J van Dijken (rescued), HA Kaufman (rescued), C Schot (rescued)
1943-10-28 The loss of Mitchell FR174 NO-K (Dieren Bijvoet) Cornelis van der Knaap, Albert Apeldoorn, Pierre van Woesik
1943-11-22 Loss of Oscar de Jongh Alexander Grant, Kenneth Ross Fallowdown, Harold Winthrop Johnson, John G Bassington, Robert J Wannell
1943-11-26 Loss of Mitchell FR146 (Kok) Johannes Kok, Reginald Overwijn, Johannes de la Haije, DJ Koning
1943-11-26 Loss of Jacques Hoboken Lancaster JB592 Edgar William Davies, John Crichton Graham, James Peter Julian Jenkins, George Emile Garton Lucas, Aubrey William Read, Harry George Stuffin
1943-12-08 Loss of Swordfish HS 274 (Evers, Hoffman) Jacob Evers, Johan Hoffman
1944-01-11 Loss of Swordfish LS244 (Slakhorst) Johannes Slakhorst, Gerard Krijnen, Marius Boelhower
1944-01-16 Loss of Spitfire AD428 Gilles de Neve
1944-01-28 Loss of Spitfire AB818 Egbert Baron van Nagell
1944-02-13 Loss of Spitfire BM317 Henry Buiskool
1944-02-15 Loss of Mitchell FL194 Henri Boots JG Egter can Wissekerke, HJP Jansen, David Hudson
1944-03-15 Loss of Petrus Huijer and Alex Smith
1944-03-20 Loss of Mitchell FR141 Bevelander Adriaan Bevelander, George Birsak, Johannes de Jong, Wilhelmus Kuijpers
1944-03-27 Loss of Johan Blok and Simon de Ridder
1944-04-08 Loss of Paul Kwast
1944-04-11 Loss of Jaap van Hamel Spitfire NH700
1944-04-26 Loss of Gerard Mallee Wildcat FN245
1944-04-28 Loss of Erick den Hollander Hellcat FN390
1944-05-02 Loss of Henk Roovers Spitfire RB141
1944-05-18 Loss of Frans Brogtrop and Henk de Jager Hellcat JV182 Hellcat FN376
1944-06-08 Loss of Mitchell FR150 and FR182 Willem Dobson, Jacob Meester, Roelof Stoffels, Johannes Hagen, Jacobus IJsselstein, Gerhardus Mulder, Petrus Engels, Theophiele Mensingh
1944-06-08 Loss of Mitchell FR179 Hamilton Hamilton of Silver Hill, Franz Kuijpers, Wouter Badings, Isaäk Posthumus
1944-06-09 Loss of Theo Limbosch Hellcat FN404
1944-06-10 Loss of Hilbrand Holtrop Mosquito HK358 Christian Stuart Warming
1944-06-10 Loss of Prof. Willem van Stockum Halifax MZ684 John Ellyatt, Fred Beales, Alfred Charles Perkins, Gilbert Daniel, Albert Mason, Robert Keith Marshall
1944-06-13 Loss of Mitchell FR205 Johannes Sillevis Johannes van der Land, Adriaan Klaassen, Harrold Huijskens, George Leeuwen
1944-06-13 Loss of Mitchell FR205 Den Tex Bondt Herman Lüschen, Leendert den Hollander, Johannes Velleman
1944-06-24 Loss of Mitchell FR204 Alfonso Loohuizen Joost Sluis, Julius Hielckert, Henri Keppler
1944-07-06 Loss of Hudson FK780 Jan Bockma, Johannes Walter, JW Menzies, KR Bunney, EM Eliot, DJ Withers, PJ Kwint, P Verhoef
1944-07-12 Loss of Justin Maier Spitfire RM678
1944-07-15 Loss of Wouter Hazeu Wellington NB831 Norman Birch, Thomas Magee, Henry McAuley, John Waters, Frederick Wilkinson
1944-07-26 Loss of Van Leeuwen Mitchell FR185 George Leeuwen, Felix Bloemgarten, Bernard Meijer, Wilhelmus Willems
1944-07-29 Loss of Mitchell FR 158 Martinus Stenvert Ferdinand Middelkoop, Jolle Clay, Jacobus Brouwers
1944-08-03 Loss of Claudius van Dongen and Hans Laufer Hellcats JV178 JV194
1944-08-11 Loss of Robbie Cohen Mosquito NT126
1944-08-11 Loss of Paul Hellegers Halifax NA563 William Bryce, William Jeffery, George Richold, Harold Smith, Kenneth Stewart, Bernard Wood
1944-08-11 Loss of Ed de Preter Mitchell FR186 JMA Collee, J Boom, S. Muller
1944-08-13 Loss of Rudi Burgwal Spitfire MH370
1944-08-15 Loss of Geert Overgaauw Lancaster LM263 Anthony Brett, Ronald Coaker, Huntley MacKay, Percy Wildsmith, William Swinton, Alick Watt
1944-08-17 Loss of Rijklof van Goens Spitfire MB880
1944-08-19 Loss of Mitchell FW 258 Bouma Folkert Bouma, Rudolf Langendam (Juda Lakmaaker), Wilhelmus Melissen, Hugo Seelig
1944-08-26 Loss of Erik Michielsen Wellington HF517 Mr. Erik Michielsen, John Butterfield, Gerald Callow, James Clarke, John Sutherin, Ronald Juno
1944-08-30 Loss of Cees Waardenburg Mitchell FW268 Cees Waardenburg, Henry Payne
1944-09-01 Loss of Jan Plesman Spitfire MJ343
1944-09-05 Loss of Marten Elkerbout Secret Agent
1944-09-06 Loss of Joseph Bukkens and Gerrit van Os Secret Agents
1944-09-16 Loss of Bert Wolters Spitfire MK208
1944-11-04 Loss of Cor Goemans Halifax MZ930 Cor Goemans, Patrick Finnigan, Fred Nuttall, R.G. Purcell, H.D. Patterson, R.R. Heath, G.W. Korner
1944-11-29 Loss of Adriaan Hamelink Mitchell FR207
1944-12-29 Loss of Mitchell FV928 Wils Johannes Jillings, EJ Wils, ALA Hissink, L Dekker
1945-01-13 Loss of Mitchells FR181 Jillings and FW227 Muntinga Cornelis Bastiaenen, Johannes vasn Driel, Ernst Harselaar, Louis Limbosch, Petrus van Dam, Gaston Mertens, Jan Muntinga, Paul Peetoom
1945-01-28 Loss of Cor Kooij Spitfire RK840
1945-02-03 Loss of Johan Buning Lancaster PA158 Johan Buning, Ernest Bemrose, Stanley Bishop, John Brown, Alfred Edwards, Mervyn Goddard, Harry Nickless
1945-02-03 Loss of Johan Koes Spitfire RK865
1945-02-09 Loss of Mitchells FR 165 Maas and FW212 Manschot Johannes Maas, Gerard Claassen, Dirk Born, Hendrick Harsevoort, Adriaan Manschot, August Knaap, Armand Diets, Robert Wilson, Thijs Emous
1945-02-13 Loss of Eric Ditmarsch Spitfire RK892
1945-02-14 Loss of Henri de Bij Halifax MZ856 Henri de Bij, Sidney Ede, Bob Longworth, Frederick Riches
1945-02-14-Loss of Frans van Eijk Spitfire RK895
1945-03-03 Loss of Edward van der Zee Spitfire BM645
1945-03-05 Loss of Johan Vlug Spitfire RGR240
1945-03-06 Loss of Ohan van Mesdag Mustang KH451
1945-03-27 Loss of Andre van Amsterdam Mosquito MM131
1945-03-30 Loss of Henk Cremm Spitfire RK891
1945-03-06 Loss of Aart Homburg Spitfire RR299
1945-04-21 Loss of Nelis Guilonard Liberator KH410 Kenneth Emery, Winsor Gale, Allan Harding, Peter Laycock, George Long, Frederick Orritt, Anthony Smith, Walter Spencer, Thomas Theaker, Henry Topliffe
1945-05-02 Loss of Bootsma and Heijblom Johannes Bootsma, Adriaanus Heijblom
1945-5-18 Loss of Marinus van den Brink

1941-1944 Dutch RAF/FAA Aviators Surviving Landing At Sea

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Last Modified: 11 May 2019, 20:36