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Luftwaffe Victories by Name and Date

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Data derived from many sources. Corrections/Additions requested through Helpdesk
This is a non-political research resource. The author of this material does not condone hatred in any form,
neither does he support oppressive and despotic regimes or political systems. See our Statement.

This remarkable database is intended to complement data in the Kracker Archive (on this site) by providing a daily account of each Luftwaffe pilot's actions against his opponent(s). Using a number of primary and secondary sources, we attempt to list for each pilot, his victories in their date order, so far as this has been possible (records, however, are on many occasions not up to this task). One line thus covers one complete action and victory. Thus, for example, you can read across from a pilot's name to discover that he scored 65 victories in total and the line you are reading is the 38th victory he recorded.

This is a work-in-progress.
It is our first 'crowd-corrected' database. The number of errors contained in the raw data is higher than for other of our databases and as a consequence, we need your help in cleaning up the data: with over 600,000 data items in the database we simply can't do this on our own. Duplication errors were introduced when we consolidated data from several sometimes-overlapping sources, and there are the usual errors associated with wartime records. Despite this, the records contain information not commonly found elsewhere and hence merit publication. It's relatively easy to see when a pilot's record is duplicated: 2 victories on the same date and at the same time are obviously describing a single incident, even if one version has the pilot's first name and other might not, comparing other details will show it's the same person. Let us know please when you find any of these, or any other errors, by raising a ticket on the Helpdesk. Thanks in advance.

Bear in mind when cross-referencing Luftwaffe claims to our Allied Losses and Incidents Database that for consistency, Date of Death in the Allied Losses and Incidents Database is the date the mission was briefed since the precise time of a loss was not usually certain at the time. Take-off was usually later the same day as the briefing, though occasionally a delay meant take-off occurred after midnight and therefore strictly the 'next day'. Our date is always the briefing date. Obviously many missions flew through midnight, therefore a Luftwaffe claim against a plane - or a locally generated crash report - may record the incident as occurring on the day following our date. For example, a Luftwaffe claim for a shoot-down at 0345 on 4 April will correspond to a Loss in the Allied Losses and Incidents Database for 3 April. Times are from German records and are thus are LOCAL (not GMT)

Search on date (format YYYY-MM-DD) to show who recorded victories in that date. Search on 'YYYY-MM-DD AND LaGG-3' to show who claimed a LaGG-3 victory on that date. Search on '1944-06' to discover all recorded victories on all fronts for June 1944. To Search on name, try 'last name'. If this produces too many results, use 'last name AND first name', thus 'marseille AND hans-joachim'

There are numerous duplicate entries included owing to the number of sources employed. These are being removed as found.

In the Links column you may find Links back to the Kracker Archive or forward to an extended story about this pilot, or a reference to his action in one of our other Databases. Where links are not provided, you may search for the pilot's name in our Kracker Archive, or you may use the serial number of his victim to search for further information in our Allied Losses and Incidents Database.

The Luftwaffe employed a grid reference system for action locations, as is occasionally shown in the location column. An explanation of the complex system is provided. An external site provides a conversion facility (unfortunately not currently accessible) which allows you to see the exact location of an action.
In order to get the location correct you must first determine (by reference to other sources) the location at which the pilot was based for this victory. This will tell you the Zusatzzahlgebiet (largest square) in which he was operating. Select that in the 'Current “Zusatzzahlgebiet“ (the largest square of Luftwaffe Map)' for example select 15 O (for 15 degrees East of Greenwich Meridian). After you have done that, put the location grid shown in the database in the 'Change Planquat' box, and you will then see a map showing where the action took place.

For actions on the Eastern Front, assistance with identifying Russian plane types is found here.

Enter Your search conditions and click Search This
Searching for a 3-character name requires special treatment

These are the results of your search:

You searched for: “Baagoe+AND+1940+AND+Spitfire

#NameFirst NamesRankVictoriesSequenceVictoryDateVictory TimeOpponentAirCraftUnitLocationNotesLinksPhoto
1 AchleitnerFranz511940-05-1916:45Hurricane

9./JG 3Arras
2 OseauWalter "Gulle"1271091941-10-2613:08Spitfire

Stab JG 2Spitfire Vb (AB822) of 72 Sqn, RAF flown by Sgt L Stock
3 AchleitnerFranz531940-07-1014:25Blenheim

9./JG 320km W Arras
4 AchleitnerFranz541940-07-1014:33Blenheim

9./JG 320km W Arras
5 BeeseArtur2261942-09-23Spitfire

1./JG 265km N Cap Gris Nez 
6 AdamBernhard1940-08-2416:00Hurricane

2./JG 26West of Dover 5000m
7 BeeseArtur2251942-05-0913:40Spitfire

1./JG 264km N ArdresSpitfire 350 or 457 Sqn, RAF
8 AdamHeinz-Gunther1941-07-1721:00Spitfire

2./JG 26S. Cassel  
9 AdamHeinz-Gunther1941-07-1721:00Spitfire

2./JG 26South of Cassel  
10 AdamHans-Gunther1941-09-1715:43Spitfire

2./JG 26NW Dunkirchen 2500m
11 AdamHans-Gunther1941-09-1715:43Spitfire

2./JG 26NW Dunkirk (Kanal)  
12 AdamHans-Gunther1941-09-2116:35Spitfire

2./JG 263km NW Etaples  
13 AdamHans-Gunther1941-09-2116:35Spitfire

2./JG 263km NW Etaples  
14 AdamHeinz-Gunther1942-03-1316:10Spitfire

2./JG 2640km SW Dunkirchen 3000m
15 AdamHeins-Gunther1942-03-1316:10Spitfire

2./JG 2640km SW Dunkirk  
16 AdamHans-Gunther1942-08-1911:36Spitfire

2./JG 265km NE Dieppe  
17 AdamHans-Gunther1942-08-1911:36Spitfire

2./JG 265 kn NE Dieppe 1000m
18 AdamHans1942-11-2709:15Spitfire

4./JG 5110km SE Beja Low Level
19 AdemeitHorst16611940-09-183./JG 54 
20 BeeseArtur2241942-05-0515:40Spitfire

1./JG 26N HazebrouckSpitfire 122 Sqn, RAF
21 AdolphWalter2531940-05-12Blenheim

2./JG 1Near MaastrichtBlenheim of 139 Sqn RAF
22 AdolphWalter2541940-05-12Blenheim

2./JG 1Near MaastrichtBlenheim of 139 Sqn RAF
23 AdolphWalter2551940-05-12Blenheim

2./JG 1Near Lüttich139 Sqn RAF
24 AdolphWalter2561940-06-06LeO 451
2./JG 1BeauvaisLeO 451 of G-B- I/II, II/12 or II/31, Armée de l’Air
25 AdolphWalter2571940-06-06LeO 451
2./JG 1MontdidierLeO 451 of G-B- I/II, II/12 or II/31, Armée de l’Air
26 AdolphWalter2581940-07-1918:25Hurricane

8./JG 27Near Isle of Wight43 Sqn, RAF
27 AdolphWalter2591940-08-0116:45Blenheim

8./JG 27Near Cherbourg236 Sqn, RAF
28 BeeseArtur2231942-03-0817:15Spitfire

1./JG 26Near Dunkirk 
29 BeeseArtur22151943-08-1511:57P-47 Thunderbolt

1./JG 26Vlissingen-North SeaSpitfire 453 Sqn, RAF
30 BeerSiegfried1943-03-02 Spitfire

2./JG 53   
31 AdolphWalter25131940-10-1514:10Hurricane

II./JG 26London46 or 501 Sqn, RAF
32 BeeckFritz1940-08-2413:55Hurricane

6./JG 51East of Margate  
33 BeckmannHelmut1942-06-2619:12Spitfire

2./JG 27E Marsa Matruh  
34 BeckmannErich1942-05-0912:12Spitfire

9./JG 53   
35 AdolphWalter25181941-06-2216:00Spitfire

II./JG 26W Dunkirkprobably Mk I of 609 Sqn- P/O François Xavier de Spierlet
36 AdolphWalter25191941-06-2611:55Spitfire

II./JG 26MardyckMk V of 603 Sqn
37 AdolphWalter25201941-07-0614:45Spitfire

II./JG 26Wormhout74 Sqn, RAF
38 AdolphWalter25211941-07-0815:30Spitfire

II./JG 26Gravelines 
39 AdolphWalter25231941-07-2414:55Spitfire

II./JG 26Gravelines 
40 AdolphWalter25241941-08-1609:30Spitfire

II./JG 2620km NW Boulogne602 Sqn, RAF
41 AdrianUlrich511940-05-1814:11Blenheim

1./JG 2W Arras
42 AdrianUlrich521940-05-2119:12Morane

1./JG 2Compiegne
43 AdrianUlrich531940-05-3018:07Potez 63

1./JG 2Rollot
44 BeckmannErich1942-04-3011:35Spitfire

9./JG 53   
45 AhlertJoachim1944-01-2713:41Spitfire

6./JG 7722614 3500m
46 AhnertHeinz1941-09-1214:16Spitfire

3./JG 52Den Helder  
47 AhnertHeinz1941-09-1214:14Spitfire

3./JG 52Den Helder 7000m
48 AhrendtWerner1941-11-0418:05Spitfire

9./JG 2   
49 AhrensWerner1940-09-0918:35Hurricane

1./JG 27South of London  
50 AhrensEwald1940-05-1509:02Morane 405

9./ZG26   Listed as Morane
51 BeckhFriedrich1941-05-0613:55Spitfire

Stab IV.JG5120km Cap Blanc Nez  
52 BeckersWerner1943-08-1912:35Spitfire

4./JG 212km N Amiens 3000m
53 AhrensPeter1943-07-2515:15Spitfire

3./JG 26KG-9 (Westkapelle) 500m
54 AhrensKarl-Heinz1943-12-1509:15Spitfire

6./SG4Area Giovanni Low Level
55 AistleitnerJohann1941-07-0806:40Spitfire

1./JG 2610km NW Cap Gris Nez 1200m
56 AistleitnerJohann1941-07-2314:00Spitfire

1./JG 2610km N. Gravelines-Calais  
57 AistleitnerJohannes1941-07-2314:00Spitfire

1./JG 2610km North of Gravelines-Calais  
58 AistleitnerJohann1941-08-2110:30Spitfire

1./JG 26zw Calais-Cap Blanc Nez 200m
59 AistleitnerJohann1942-02-28 Spitfire

1./JG 2620km NE Margate  
60 AistleitnerJohann1942-02-28 Spitfire

1./JG 2620km NE Margate  
61 AistleitnerJohann1942-04-2614:35Spitfire

1./JG 2610-15km NW Cap Gris Nez  
62 AistleitnerHans1942-04-2614:35Spitfire

1./JG 2610-15km NW Cap Gris Nez  
63 AistleitnerJohann1942-05-1711:43Spitfire

Stab III./JG 2615km NW Calais  
64 AistleitnerJohann1942-06-0118:43Spitfire

Stab III./JG 26   
65 AistleitnerJohann1942-06-0113:51Spitfire

Stab III./JG 26   
66 AistleitnerJohann1942-08-2715:11Spitfire

Stab III./JG 2615km NW Cap Gris Nez 3000m
67 AistleitnerJohann1942-08-29 Spitfire

Stab III./JG 26Sea off Cap Gris Nez  
68 Albert1940-05-2914:15Hurricane

5.ZG76Kanal Near Dunkirchen 2500m
69 Albert1940-05-2914:19Hurricane

5.ZG76Kanal Near Dunkirchen 3500m
70 AlbertFranz1940-06-0714:58Hurricane

7./JG 3West of Abbeville 2000m
71 AlbertFranz1940-06-0714:58Hurricane

7./JG 3West of Abbeville 2000m
72 AlbrechtKarl1940-11-2509:05Hampden

9./JG 545km SW Bergen-aan-Zee 300m
73 AlbrechtKarl1942-08-1917:32Spitfire

3./JG 2   
74 AlfRudolf1941-08-16 Spitfire

2./JG 2Brest  
75 AlfRudolf1941-12-0212:58Spitfire

2./JG 2   
76 AlfRudolf1942-06-26 Spitfire

2./JG 2   
77 AltendorfHeinz1940-09-0815:15Blenheim

7./JG 53Battle of Britain  
78 AltendorfHeinz1940-05-1909:35Bloch 152
7./JG 53NE Reims  
79 AltendorfHeinz1940-05-2119:25Curtiss Hawk 75A

7./JG 53SW Compiegne  
80 AltendorfRudolf1940-08-1313:15Hurricane

15.(Z)LG1Salisbury 4500m
81 Altendorf1940-08-1313:15Hurricane

15.(Z)/LG1Salisbury 4500m
82 AltendorfRudolf1940-08-1518:25Hurricane

15.(Z)LG1Portland 5000m
83 Altendorf1940-08-1518:25Hurricane

15.(Z)/LG1Portland 5000m
84 AltendorfHeinz1940-05-2714:20Morane 405

7./JG 5310km S Creil 2000mListed as Morane
85 AltendorfHans1940-05-2714:20Morane 406

7./JG 5310km S Creil  
86 AltendorfHeinz1940-06-0310:35Potes 63

7./JG 53Gournay  
87 BeckersWerner1942-12-2216:35Spitfire

8./JG 215 West S/69/5/3 50m
88 AlthofWilli1942-10-1912:23Spitfire

7./JG 27East of El-Daba  
89 AmhausendKaspar1940-10-1513:35Hurricane

1./JG 2Portsmouth  
90 BeckersWerner1942-04-1615:35Spitfire

7./JG 2MC-8 (S Folkestone) 4000m
91 AmhausendKaspar1941-04-2416:07Spitfire

1./JG 2Ostende on a shipping reconnaissance mission. P7531 Pilot Plt Off. Peall safe  
92 AmonGeorg1943-04-1819:08Spitfire

7./JG 535km SW Cap Bone  
93 AndresWerner1940-05-1220:30Fokker CX

Stab II./JG 27South of Wageningen  
94 AndresWerner1940-05-1220:30Fokker CX

Stab II./JG 27South of Wageningen  
95 AndresWerner1940-06-0913:45Morane 406

Stab II./JG 27Le Ferte Milon  
96 AngeliHans-Eberhard1940-06-0720:10Morane 406

3./JG 5420km SW Peronne 4500m
97 Ankum-FrankAlbrecht von1940-06-0821:30Curtiss Hawk 75A

Stab /JG 27Bois de Compiegne  
98 Ankum-FrankAlbrecht von1940-06-0821:30P-40 Warhawk

Stab /JG 27Bois de Compiegne  
99 Ankum-FrankAlbrecht von1940-06-1416:45Potes 63

Stab /JG 27S. Troyes  
100 Ankum-FrankAlbrecht von1940-06-1416:45Potes 63

Stab /JG 27South of Troyes  
101 Ankum-FrankAlbrecht von1940-06-1416:45Potes 63

Stab /JG 27South of Troyes  
102 BeckersWerner1942-04-1620:04Spitfire

7./JG 2   
103 BeckersWerner1942-04-1516:34Spitfire

7./JG 2   
104 BeckerLudwig1940-10-1621:25Wellington

4./NJG 1   
105 AnthonyGeorg1940-05-1611:40Morane 405

4./ZG76Le Cateau  Listed as Morane
106 AnthonyGeorg1940-05-1712:30Morane 405

4./ZG76   Listed as Morane
107 AnthonyGeorg1940-05-1711:45Morane 405

4./ZG76   Listed as Morane
108 BeckerLudwig1940-09-2922:53Wellington

4.NJG 1Blijham/Groningen  
109 Becker1943-02-1312:18Spitfire

7./JG 21141/05 East 800m
110 Arndt1943-05-2218:33Spitfire

5./JG 5315km S. Gela 6000m
111 ArnimHarald von1940-09-2817:32Hurricane

8./JG 2   
112 ArnoldErnst1940-06-1319:55Fairey Battle

2./JG 27Montmirail  
113 ArnoldyHans-Jakob1940-10-2616:50Beaufort

4./JG 77SW of Bergen  
114 ArnoldyHans-Jakob1940-06-1114:25Hudson

4./JG 77Trondheim  
115 ArnoldyHans-Jakob1940-06-1114:35Skua

4./JG 77Trondheim  
116 ArnoldyHans-Jakob1940-06-1302:08Skua

4./JG 77Trondheim  
117 ArnoldyHans-Jakob1940-06-1302:02Skua

4./JG 77Trondheim  
118 Arnswaldt1942-09-1617:07Spitfire

9./JG 27South of El-Hameija  
119 AspernRoloff von 1940-05-1816:25Curtiss Hawk 75A

1./JG 76West of Rethel  
120 AspernRoloff von1940-06-0315:20Curtiss Hawk 75A

1./JG 76West of epernay  
121 AspernRoloff von1940-06-0621:00Curtiss Hawk 75A

1./JG 76NW Amiens  
122 AspernRoloff von1940-06-0621:05Curtiss Hawk 75A

1./JG 76NW Amiens  
123 AspernRoloff von1940-08-3013:00Hurricane

5./JG 54   
124 AspernRoloff von1940-09-0516:20Hurricane

5./JG 54Thames Estuary 6000m
125 AspernRoloff von1940-09-2710:20Hurricane

5./JG 54South of London 4500m
126 AspernRoloff von1940-10-1214:25Hurricane

5./JG 54South of Tonbridge  
127 AspernRoloff von1940-10-1513:00Hurricane

4./JG 54   
128 AspernRoloff von1940-05-1918:30Morane 405

1./JG 76West of Laon  
129 AspernRoloff von1940-05-1816:25P-40 Warhawk

1./JG 76West of Rethel  
130 AspernRoloff von1940-06-0315:20P-40 Warhawk

1./JG 76West of Epernay  
131 AspernRoloff von1940-06-0621:00P-40 Warhawk

1./JG 76NW Amiens  
132 AspernRoloff von1940-06-0621:05P-40 Warhawk

1./JG 76NW Amiens  
133 AspernRoloff von1940-06-0409:40Potes 63

1./JG 76   
134 AspernRoloff von1940-06-0409:40Potes 63

1./JG 76   
135 Becker1943-02-1312:18Spitfire

7./JG 21141/05 East 800m
136 Becker1943-01-1814:54Spitfire

8./JG 269/43/14 West 50m
137 Becker1943-01-1814:54Spitfire

8./JG 269/43/ 14 West 50m 50m
138 BeckerPaul1944-01-1208:19Spitfire

11./JG 27South of Insel Split 400m
139 BeckerPaul1942-10-1411:15Spitfire

Stab I./JG 27North of La Valetta  
140 BeckerPaul1942-10-1217:58Spitfire

2./JG 27North of Insel Gozo  
141 BeckerPaul1942-09-0608:04Spitfire

2./JG 27SSE El-Alamein  
142 Assi'Hans1940-05-1409:55Hurricane

4./JG 2Gembloux  
143 Assi'Hans1940-05-1912:18Hurricane

4./JG 2Tournai  
144 Assi'Hans1940-05-19 Morane 406

4./JG 2Tournai  
145 BeckerHelmut1942-12-2216:35Spitfire

8./JG 2Pl.Qu. 6953/14 West 50m 7000m
146 BeckerArno1940-05-20 Morane 406

Stab I./JG 1Amiens  
147 BeckerFriedrich1940-06-1512:25Blenheim

6./JG 3   
148 AugustinJakob1941-05-1120:41Spitfire

8./JG 2Portland  
149 AugustinJakob1941-07-1020:35Spitfire

8./JG 2   
150 AugustinHelmuth1941-07-1012:40Spitfire

Erg./JG 2   
151 AugustinJakob1941-08-1919:42Spitfire

8./JG 220km NE Calais 5000m
152 AugustinJakob1941-08-3114:30Spitfire

8./JG 2NW Lille 6400m
153 AugustinJakob1941-09-2715:55Spitfire

8./JG 2   
154 AugustinJakob1941-10-0210:45Spitfire

7./JG 2   
155 AugustinJakob1941-10-1213:32Spitfire

7./JG 2   
156 AugustinJakob1941-10-1213:31Spitfire

7./JG 2   
157 AugustinJakob1942-06-0315:34Spitfire

7./JG 2   
158 AugustinJacob1942-06-0315:34Spitfire

7./JG 2   
159 AugustinJacob1942-06-0315:34Spitfire

7./JG 2   
160 AugustinJakob1942-06-0412:55Spitfire

7./JG 2   
161 AugustinJacob1942-06-0412:55Spitfire

7./JG 2   
162 AugustinJakob1942-06-0617:27Spitfire

7./JG 2   
163 AugustinJacob1942-06-0617:27Spitfire

7./JG 2   
164 AugustinJakob1942-06-1114:27Spitfire

7./JG 2N. Cherbourg  
165 AugustinJakob1942-06-1114:31Spitfire

7./JG 2N. Cherbourg  
166 AugustinJacob1942-06-1114:27Spitfire

7./JG 2Sea North of Cherbourg  
167 AugustinJacob1942-06-1114:31Spitfire

7./JG 2Sea North of Cherbourg  
168 AugustinJakob1942-06-1711:00Spitfire

7./JG 2NE Barfleur  
169 AugustinJacob1942-06-1711:00Spitfire

7./JG 2Sea nordEast of Barfleur  
170 Aussen1940-04-0312:22Morane 405

15.(Z)/LG115km E Nancy 6000mListed as Morane
171 AxthelmErwin1940-05-1009:55Gladiator
3./JG 27SE Tirlemont 3000m
172 AxthelmErwin1940-05-1009:55Gladiator
3./JG 27   
173 AxthelmErwin1940-05-1009:55Gladiator
3./JG 27SE Tirlemont 3000m
174 AxthelmErwin1940-05-2512:35Wellington

2./JG 27West of Calais  
175 AxthelmErwin1940-05-2512:35Wellington

2./JG 27West of Calais  
176 BeckerFriedrich1940-06-1512:25Blenheim

6./JG 3   
177 BeckGunter1940-05-2508:45Morane 406

13.(Z)LG120km S. Amiens 200m
178 BecherHeinrich1940-05-1009:55Gladiator
3./JG 27Tirlemont  
179 BecherHeinrich1940-05-1009:55Gladiator
3./JG 27Tirlemont  
180 BaunAlbrecht1940-05-1920:55Potez 63

6./JG 53Signy l Abbaye  
181 BaunAlbrecht1940-05-1920:55Potes 63

6./JG 53Signy l Abbaye  
182 BaagoeSophus1941-04-20 Hurricane

5.ZG26Area Eluesis  
183 BaunAlbrecht1940-03-3115:57Morane 405

6./JG 53SW Saargemund  Listed as Morane
184 BaunAlbrecht1940-06-0707:08Bloch 151

6./JG 53East of Compiegne  
185 BauerJosef1940-06-0616:12Hurricane

7./JG 320km W Aumale 4000m
186 BauerJosef1940-06-0616:10Hurricane

7./JG 3West of Aumale  
187 BauerJosef1940-06-0616:10Hurricane

7./JG 3West of Aumale  
188 BauerJosef1940-06-0616:12Hurricane

7./JG 320km W Aumale 4000m
189 BaudachHeinz-Helmut21151944-08-24Spitfire

Ekdo 262WSE Walchensee Spitfire XIX of 683 Sqn RAF flown by F/Lt FN Crane, killed
190 BaudachHeinz-Helmut21131943-09-2316:50Spitfire

11./JG 210km NE Serqueux
191 BaudachHeinz-Helmut21101942-08-2417:48Spitfire

1./JG 220-70km NNW Stab Valéry
192 BaudachHeinz-Helmut2191942-06-2015:53Spitfire

1./JG 2
193 BabenzEmil2421941-06-288:25Spitfire

3./JG 26W LilleSpitfire 303 Sqn P8346, RAF. Józef Bondar
194 BabenzEmil2431941-07-1116:30Spitfire

3./JG 2610km NW Gravelines
195 BabenzEmil2441941-08-1213:20Spitfire

3./JG 26S Goeree IsSpitfire 9 or 152 Sqn, RAF
196 BabenzEmil2451941-08-2115:10Spitfire

3./JG 26SE Dunkirk
197 BabenzEmil2461941-08-278:10Spitfire

3./JG 26W Gravelines
198 BabenzEmil2471941-10-1314:43Spitfire

3./JG 2610km E Dungeness
199 BabenzEmil2481941-11-0812:29Spitfire

3./JG 26Near MontreuilSpitfire 401 Sqn, RAF
200 BabenzEmil2491942-02-1215:35Spitfire

3./JG 2630km N Dunkirk
201 BabenzEmil24101942-03-0817:21Spitfire

3./JG 26SE BerguesSpitfire 121 Sqn, RAF
202 BabenzEmil24111942-03-2817:05Spitfire

3./JG 2610km S DungenessSpitfire 401 Sqn, RAF
203 BabenzEmil24121942-03-2818:58Spitfire

3./JG 26Cap Blanc NezSpitfire 457 or 602 Sqn, RAF
204 BabenzEmil24131942-04-3019:38Spitfire

3./JG 262km W Somme EstuarySpitfire 129 or 340 Sqn, RAF
205 BabenzEmil24141942-05-2511:40Spitfire

1./JG 26Near NieuportSpitfire 222 Sqn, RAF
206 BabenzEmil24151942-05-298:20Spitfire

1./JG 26ChannelSpitfire 72 Sqn, RAF
207 BabenzEmil24161942-06-0113:50Spitfire

1./JG 26Pl Qu 22456Spitfire 65 or 111 Sqn, RAF
208 BabenzEmil24171942-06-0211:05Spitfire

1./JG 2615km W Somme EstuarySpitfire 403 Sqn, RAF
209 BabenzEmil24181942-07-3019:15Spitfire

3./JG 26Near Watten
210 BabenzEmil24191942-08-1913:35Spitfire

11./JG 26NE Dieppe
211 BabenzEmil24201942-08-199:52Spitfire

11./JG 26NE DieppeSpitfire 411, 485 or 610 Sqn, RAF
212 BabenzEmil24211942-08-1913:30Spitfire

11./JG 26NE Dieppe
213 BachOtto1941-07-1012:33Spitfire

Erg./JG 2   
214 BachOtto1941-07-17 Spitfire

215 BachOtto1941-08-0616:18Spitfire

1.Erg.JG2N. Cap-de-la-Hague  
216 BachOtto1941-09-30 Spitfire

217 BachOtto1941-09-30 Spitfire

218 BacherAlfons1940-05-2617:50Curtiss Hawk 75A

3./JG 52Chantilly  
219 BacherAlfons1940-05-2617:50P-40 Warhawk

3./JG 52Chantilly  
220 BaunAlbrecht1940-06-0707:08Bloch 151

6./JG 53E Compiegne  
221 Bachmann1944-05-2412:07Spitfire

1./SG4North of Roma 3000m
222 Bachmann1944-05-2412:07Spitfire

1./SG 48km SE Mentana (Roma) 3500m
223 Bachmann1944-05-2507:39Spitfire

3./SG410km NE Tarquinia 150m
224 Bachmann1944-05-2507:39Spitfire

3./SG 410km NE Tarquinia 150m
225 BacsilaErwin3414 ?1942-12-13Spitfire

Stab JG 77Near Agedabia
226 BahnsenJens1943-07-0316:17Spitfire IX

8./JG 538km SSW Vittoria 4500m
227 BahnsenJens1943-07-0316:20Spitfire IX

8./JG 5320km S San Juanmaria 6500m
228 BahnsenJens1942-10-1010:35Spitfire

8./JG 53   
229 BahnsenJens1942-12-1808:41Spitfire

8./JG 5330 NW La Valetta 3000m
230 BahnsenJens1943-01-0614:51Spitfire

1./JG 5315km ssE Protville 2000m
231 BahnsenJens1943-04-1912:10Spitfire

8./JG 5310km E Mateur 500m
232 BahnsenJens1943-05-11 Spitfire

8./JG 53   
233 BalfanzWilfried1940-05-1416:50Fairey Battle

Stab I./JG 53Sedan  
234 BalfanzWilfried1940-05-1308:45LeO 45
Stab I./JG 53Thenorgues  Claimed as LeO 45
235 BalfanzWilfried1940-05-1320:45LeO 451
Stab I./JG 53Thenorgues  
236 BalfanzWilfried1941-04-2018:26Spitfire

StabJG51E. Sheerness  
237 BalfanzWilfried1941-04-2119:43Spitfire

StabJG51E. Canterbury  
238 BalthasarWilhelm4781940-05-116:55Gladiator

1./JG 1Albert Canal Gladiator 1/I/2 of Aeronautique Militaire Belge
239 BalthasarWilhelm4791940-05-11Gladiator

1./JG 1Albert CanalGladiator 1/I/2 of Aeronautique Militaire Belge
240 BalthasarWilhelm47101940-05-116:58Gladiator

1./JG 1Albert Canal Gladiator 1/I/2 of Aeronautique Militaire Belge
241 BalthasarWilhelm47111940-05-1119:51Morane

1./JG 1W Maastricht
242 BalthasarWilhelm47121940-05-136:15Hurricane

1./JG 1Jodoigne
243 BalthasarWilhelm47131940-05-1713:55Hawk 75a

1./JG 1Compiegnie
244 BalthasarWilhelm47141940-05-1913:50Lysander

1./JG 1AmiensLysande 16 Sqn RAF
245 BalthasarWilhelm47151940-05-2314:10Hurricane

1./JG 1Douai
246 BalthasarWilhelm47161940-05-2314:20Hurricane

1./JG 1Douai
247 BalthasarWilhelm47171940-05-2314:40Hurricane

1./JG 1Douai
248 BaumgartnerWilhelm1943-04-0618:45Spitfire

7./JG 775773 3000m
249 BaumgartnerWilhelm1943-03-27 Spitfire

7./JG 77   
250 BalthasarWilhelm47201940-06-0510:40LeO 451

1./JG 1Montdidier
251 BalthasarWilhelm47211940-06-0510:48Potez 63

1./JG 1Nesle
252 BalthasarWilhelm47221940-06-0510:50LeO 451

1./JG 1Nesle
253 BalthasarWilhelm47231940-06-0521:20Morane

1./JG 1Roye
254 BalthasarWilhelm47241940-06-0521:30Morane

1./JG 1Roye
255 BalthasarWilhelm47251940-06-0616:40Morane

1./JG 1Roye
256 BalthasarWilhelm47261940-06-0616:50LeO 451

1./JG 1Roye
257 BalthasarWilhelm47271940-06-0616:55LeO 451

1./JG 1Roye
258 BalthasarWilhelm47281940-06-0617:05LeO 451

1./JG 1Ham
259 BalthasarWilhelm47291940-06-1317:50Potez 63

1./JG 1Provins Potez 63 (Nr 205) of GR I/14, Armée de l’Air, crash-landed on Troyes a/f
260 BalthasarWilhelm47301940-06-1318:20Blenheim

1./JG 1Sézanne
261 BaumgartenRichard-Ewald1940-05-2118:15Morane 406

2./JG 21Cambrai  
262 Baumel1943-04-3011:39Spitfire

6./JG 7720km N. Kelibia 3000m
263 Baumel1943-04-3011:39Spitfire

6./JG 7720km N Kelibia 3000m
264 BaumannLothar1944-06-2515:25Spitfire

Stab I./JG 77ESE Rimini 3500m
265 BaumannHelmut1944-02-0708:23Spitfire

5./JG 51SW Frascati 2000m
266 BaumannHelmut1942-12-1710:25Spitfire

5./JG 51N Djedeida 7000m
267 BalthasarWilhelm47371941-05-1718:55Spitfire

Stab JG 2Dover Straits
268 BalthasarWilhelm47431941-06-2420:50Spitfire

Stab JG 2Gravelines-Ramsgate
269 BalthasarWilhelm47441941-06-2513:00Spitfire

Stab JG 2Hazebrouck-Gravelines
270 BalthasarWilhelm47451941-06-2516:45Spitfire

Stab JG 2St Omer-Boulogne
271 BalthasarWilhelm47461941-06-2722:03Spitfire

Stab JG 2Lille-Gravelines
272 BanschKarl-Heinz1942-07-23 Spitfire

5./JG 2   
273 BanschKarl-Heinz1942-07-2316:24Spitfire

5./JG 2   
274 BanserWilhelm1940-08-1518:35Hurricane

15.(Z)LG1SW Portland 4000m
275 Banser1940-08-1518:35Hurricane

15.(Z)/LG1SW Portland 4000m
276 BarHeinz1940-05-2116:20Hurricane

1./JG 51Samer  
277 BarHeinz1940-05-2311:10Hurricane

1./JG 51Bethune  
278 BarHeinz1940-08-18 Hurricane

1./JG 51Battle of Britain  
279 BarHeinz1940-08-2414:13Hurricane

1./JG 51Battle of Britain 1000m
280 BarHeinz1940-09-09 Hurricane

1./JG 51Battle of Britain 6500m
281 BarHeinz1940-11-0815:05Hurricane

1./JG 51N Dungeness 5000m
282 BarHeinz1940-11-0812:18Hurricane

1./JG 51Battle of Britain  
283 BauerFranz951941-09-20Spitfire

4.(E)/JFS 5NW Fécamp
284 BauerFranz941941-08-28Spitfire

4.(E)/JFS 5Le Havre
285 BauerFranz931941-08-28Spitfire

4.(E)/JFS 5Le Havre
286 BauerFranz921941-08-12Spitfire

4.(E)/JFS 5SE Fécamp
287 BauerFranz911941-07-10Spitfire

4.(E)/JFS 5Le Havre
288 BarHeinz1941-05-0614:10Spitfire

1./JG 5115-20km nordw Calais 200m
289 BarHeinz1941-05-1121:40Spitfire

1./JG 518km E Deal 50m
290 BarHeinz1942-10-11 Spitfire

Stab I./JG 77Southfront (MTO & North Africa)  
291 BarHeinz1942-10-1307:58Spitfire

Stab I./JG 77N. Malta  
292 BarHeinz1942-10-1308:14Spitfire

Stab I./JG 7710km N. Marsa Scirocco  
293 BarHeinz1942-10-1417:59Spitfire

Stab I./JG 77Comiso based 30km NW St. Paul's bay 5700m
294 BarHeinz1942-10-1713:32Spitfire

Stab I./JG 77SE La Valetta  
295 BarHeinz1942-11-0214:50Spitfire

Stab I./JG 77Bir-el-Abd based  
296 BarHeinz1942-11-0513:50Spitfire

Stab I./JG 77Gambut based  
297 BarHeinz1943-01-1414:37Spitfire

Stab I./JG 77Bir Dufan based  
298 BarHeinz1943-01-1414:32Spitfire

Stab I./JG 77Bir Dufan based 3700m
299 BarHeinz1943-02-1507:45Spitfire

Stab I./JG 77Fatnassa based  
300 BarHeinz1943-02-1507:46Spitfire

Stab I./JG 77Fatnassa based 1500m
301 BarHeinz1943-02-2610:55Spitfire

Stab I./JG 77Fatnassa based 4500m
302 BarHeinz1943-03-0108:45Spitfire

Stab I./JG 77Time confliction  
303 BarHeinz1943-03-0114:50Spitfire

Stab I./JG 77Fatnassa based  
304 BarHeinrich1943-03-0114:50Spitfire

Stab I./JG 77Fatnassa based  
305 BarHeinz1943-03-03 Spitfire

Stab I./JG 77Southfront (MTO & North Africa)  
306 BarHeinz1943-03-03 Spitfire

Stab I./JG 77Southfront (MTO & North Africa)  
307 BarHeinrich1943-03-03 Spitfire

Stab I./JG 77   
308 BarHeinrich1943-03-03 Spitfire

Stab I./JG 77   
309 BarHeinz1943-03-0508:00Spitfire

Stab I./JG 77Southfront (MTO & North Africa)  
310 BarHeinz1943-03-0607:58Spitfire

Stab I./JG 77Fatnassa based  
311 BarHeinz1943-03-0613:23Spitfire

Stab I./JG 77Fatnassa based  
312 BarHeinrich1943-03-0613:23Spitfire

Stab I./JG 77Fatnassa based  
313 BarHeinrich1943-03-0607:58Spitfire

Stab I./JG 77Fatnassa based 5000m
314 BarHeinz1943-03-0713:25Spitfire

Stab I./JG 77Fatnassa based  
315 BarHeinz1943-03-0714:45Spitfire

Stab I./JG 77Time confliction  
316 BarHeinz1943-04-1615:50Spitfire

Stab I./JG 77Tunis/Soliman-South based  
317 BarHeinz1943-04-19 Spitfire

Stab I./JG 77Southfront (MTO & North Africa)  
318 BarHeinz1943-04-2915:25Spitfire

Stab I./JG 77Southfront (MTO & North Africa) 4500m
319 BarannLeo-Lothar1944-07-14 Spitfire

7./JG 1UU-5 (South Caen) 2500m
320 BarannLeo-Lothar1944-07-25 Spitfire

7./JG 1   
321 BarannLeo-Lothar1944-08-06 Spitfire

Stab III./JG 105 East S/UE Pontoise 3500m
322 BarkhornGerhard3011251943-04-307:45Spitfire

4./JG 52Cholmskaja
323 BarkhornGerhard3011281943-05-289:18Spitfire

4./JG 52Kijewskoje
324 BarschelHans1940-05-1413:21Morane 405

Stab III./ZG26   Listed as Morane
325 BauerViktor10611940-05-1514:10Hurricane

2./JG 77W Brügge
326 BauerViktor10621940-05-1815:45Hurricane

1./JG 77E Cambrai
327 BartelWilhelm1943-08-2910:50Spitfire

3./JG 536917 3000m
328 BartelsHeinrich9911941-08-19Spitfire

Erg./JG 26 
329 BartelsHeinrich9921941-08-27Spitfire

Erg./JG 26 
330 BartelsHeinrich99571943-10-2313:11Spitfire

11./JG 27SSW Podgorica
331 BartelsHeinrich99641943-11-0213:47Spitfire

11./JG 27WSW Skutari
332 BartelsHeinrich99651943-11-02Spitfire

11./JG 27WSW Skutari
333 BartelsHeinrich99751944-04-238:20Spitfire

11./JG 2710 km SW Cilli
334 BartelsHeinrich99761944-04-238:22Spitfire

11./JG 2715 km SW Cilli
335 BartelsHeinrich99771944-04-238:23Spitfire

11./JG 2720 km SW Cilli
336 BartelsHeinrich99921944-06-2214:10Spitfire

11./JG 27WSW Caen
337 BartenFranz5511940-09-1417:00Hurricane

2./JG 77-
338 BartenFranz5521940-10-1417:56Hurricane

2./JG 77S Tunbridge Wells
339 BartenFranz5531940-10-1418:05Hurricane

2./JG 77Tunbridge Wells
340 BartenFranz1943-07-1218:28Spitfire

7./JG 535km SE Rammacco 1800m
341 BartenFranz1944-02-0616:37Spitfire

9./JG 5310km N Nettuno 3000m
342 BartenFranz5541941-04-158:55Spitfire

11./JG 51SE Boulogne
343 BartenFranz55451943-07-1218:28Spitfire

7./JG 535km SE Rammacco
344 BartenFranz55521944-02-0616:37Spitfire

9./JG 53
345 BartenFranz55541944-05-21Spitfire

9./JG 53
346 Bartusch1943-07-0415:15Spitfire

1./JG 532km E Gerbini 3000m
347 Bartusch1943-07-0415:15Spitfire

1./JG 532km E. Gerbini 3000m
348 BatzWilhelm (Willi)237151943-08-1517:35Spitfire

5./JG 52
349 BaudachHeinz-Helmut2151942-03-1514:00Spitfire

1./JG 2
350 BaudachHeinz-Helmut2171942-03-2612:05Spitfire

1./JG 2

Results 1 to 350 of 10029.

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Wer vor der Vergangenheit die Augen verschließt, wird blind für die Gegenwart. Richard von Weizsäcker

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