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Runnymede Memorial Database

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The Air Forces Memorial, or Runnymede Memorial, in Englefield Green, near Egham, Surrey, England is a memorial dedicated to some 20,456 men and women from air forces of the British Empire who were lost in air and other operations during World War II. Those recorded have no known grave anywhere in the world, and many were lost without trace. The name of each of these airmen and airwomen is engraved into the stone walls of the memorial, according to country and squadron. There are other memorials to the fallen with no known grave, namely the Ottawa Allied Forces Memorial, the Malta Memorial and the Alamein Allied Forces Memorial, all of which are to be found on this site under the Databases menu.

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To search on squadron, append 'Sqn'. Examples: '72Sqn' or '416Sqn'

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These are the results of your search:

You searched for: “shanahan and martin and michael

#NameFirst NamesInitialsService NumberRankTitleAwardsDutyAir ServiceDateofDeathSquadronCommandAircraftMarkSerialCodeStationDepartedOperation NameCircumstancesFateAge***FamilyDetails***PanelPhotoNotes

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