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L'Green Neville Alfred
La Freniere Joseph Frederic Paul Henry
La Gruta Anthony Dominica Cyril
La Hei Gebines
Laban Ernest William
Labelle Joseph Napoleon Emile Roger
Lacasse Florian Mercier
Lacey Herbert George
Lacey Robert Joseph
Lack Leslie Martin
Lackenby Abraham
Lackenby Andrew
Lackey Arthur
Ladbury Ronald Oscar
Ladd Frederick LLewellyn
Laddams Dennis Roy
Laferriere Joseph Claude Raul Andre
Lafferty Albert Ervin
Lafleur Leonard James Patrick
Lagdon Stanley Alfred
Laidlaw Joseph Stanley
Laidlaw David Drysdale
Laidlaw Graeme Lonarch
Laidler Gordon James Keith
Lailey Peter Childs
Laing Donald
Laing Norman Leslie
Laing Richard Arthur
Laing Alexander Turner
Laing Maurice Basil
Laing James Readdie
Lake Aston Crawford
Lake John Francis
Lake Dennys Savage Walton
Lake Wilfred
Lake Gordon
Lake David Roland
Lakeman Graham
Lalonde Joseph Albert Wilfrid
Lalonde Joseph Moise Gaston
Lamb John Robert Graham
Lamb Charles James Joseph Whitton
Lamb Peter George
Lamb William Alexander
Lamb Neville Percy John
Lamb Jack Bickerstaff
Lamb James Lawrence
Lamb Edwin John
Lamb Erwin Henry Reubin
Lamb Leslie
Lamb Douglas Ferguson
Lamb Ralph John
Lamb Frank Morrison
Lamb Thomas Fraser
Lambert Maurice
Lambert John James
Lambert Raymond
Lambert Peter Herbert Neill
Lambert Bernard Francis
Lambert Victor Walter
Lambert Roger Cyrille Constant
Lamberth Sydney William
Lamberton James Alan
Lambie William John
Lamin Francis Roland
Lammin Joseph John
Lamonby Joseph
Lamond William Hopkirk
Lamond William Henry
Lamont Ian Craigie
Lamont Albert William
Lamont Raymond Joseph
Lamont John
Lampitt Edward Thomas William
Lamprey Peter Henry
Lancaster Francis Mervyn
Lancaster Eric Edward
Lance Kenneth
Lanceley Stanley Eric
Lanchbery Percy Rae
Land James Edward
Land Victor Robert Thomas
Land Louis Irving
Landale Peter Wellwood Fortune
Landau Henry
Lander Peter Lockhart
Lander Henry Frederick
Landon Cecil George
Landsman Jindrich
Lane George Richard
Lane Brian John Edward
Lane Joseph Henry
Lane Stanley
Lane Bryan Almond Tremayne
Lane John Graham
Lane Anthony John
Lane Alfred William Walter
Lane Arthur Frederick
Lane Geoffrey George
Lane Carleton Thompson
Lane Tom Hwfa Nixon
Lane Frederick John
Lane Frederick Valentine Francis
Lane Peter
Lane Albert
Lane William
Lang Raymond Stanley
Langan Thomas
Langdon Francis Charles
Langebear Richard
Langford Roland Eric
Langford Denis
Langford Robert Donald
Langford George Albert
Langford John Graham
Langlands Norman Mathew
Langley Ralph Reginald
Langley John Edwin
Langley Lloyd George
Langley John Frederick
Langley Cyril Caister
Langley Denis Paul
Langley Cecil Raymond
Langley Eric Walter
Langlois Louis Marie
Langlois Eric Le Page
Langmead Geoffrey
Langoulant Thomas Bruce
Langridge Jack Harry
Langridge Frederick Charles
Langrill William Arthur
Langstaff Kenneth William
Langton Alan George
Langton Robert Thomas
Lanigan William Percival
Lankester Ronald
Lansdowne Marcus Miller
Lantz George Malcolm
Lapointe Peter John Orville
Lappin John Stephen
Lapthorne Leonard Norman
Larby Harold Joseph
Larcey George Frederick
Larcey Frederick William
Larcher Marie Joseph Robert
Larcombe Ronald Alfred
Large Cyril
Large Henry Thomas
Large Derek Stanley
Laricheliere Joseph Emile Paul
Larkin James Meyrick
Larkins James Beattie
Larkins David Brian
Larner Arthur Leslie
Larner Ronald James
Larsen John Larsenius
Lascelles John Richard Hastings
Lascelles David Pellow
Lascelles Ernest Bruce
Lassam John Ludlow
Last Stanley Herbert
Latham Richard Thomas Edwin
Latham James Frederick
Latham Robert
Latham Malcolm
Latham Horace Roger
Latham Kenneth Samuel
Latimer William McCreadie
Latimer George Edward Reid
Latta John Blandford
Latta Selwyn
Latter Gordon Albert
Lauder Keith John Collinge
Lauener Geoffrey Charles Henri
Laughland Alan Macneiley
Laughton Richard
Laurenti David
Laurie Douglas Ian Alexander
Laurie Robert McGregor
Laurie Thomas Douglas
Laurin Jean Paul
Lavalley David Henry
Lavender Anthony Wilson
Laver Leslie Alexander
Laverack Denys Charles Arthur
Laverack John Owen
Laverick Harold
Lavers Alan John Claude
Lavers William Wilfred Henry
Lavin Norman Harry
Laviolette Joseph Alexandre
Lavoie Marcel
Lavoie Albert Joseph Arthur
Law Alexander McIntyre
Law Raymond Ingham
Law Harold Naismith
Law Jack Thomas
Lawer Ernest Joseph
Lawler Douglas John
Lawless James Francis
Lawrence John Buchanan
Lawrence Ronald Frank
Lawrence Ernest Frederick
Lawrence Neil Trehearne
Lawrence Francis Winburn
Lawrence Leonard Albert
Lawrence Frank
Lawrence William Charles
Lawrence Vincent
Lawrence Jack Bailey
Lawrence Gordon
Lawrence Keith Gilbert
Lawrence Leonard
Lawrence Ronald Victor
Lawrence James Goudie
Lawrence William
Lawrence Derek
Lawrence Leonard Jack
Lawrie Robert John
Lawrie John Yorke
Lawry Ronald Owen
Lawry Kenwyn Charles
Lawson Ralph
Lawson Walter John
Lawson John
Lawson Harold
Lawson Victor Mitchell
Lawson Wilfred
Lawson James
Lawson Wilfred Carroll
Lawson Richard Chester
Lawson Harry Richard
Lawson Robert
Lawson John Stephen
Lawson Alan
Lawson Hugh Gavin Lydford
Lawson Stanley Wallace
Lawson John William
Lawson Richard Cameron
Lawson Roy Clark
Lawson Thomas Edward
Lawson William
Lawton Thomas Arnold
Lax Arthur Lionel
Laxton Keith
Laxton Charles Sidney
Lay Kenneth Laurence William
Laybourn George Wilfred
Laycock Raymond Leon
Laycock Jack Ezra
Le Bel Joseph Ovila Maurice
Le Blanc Victor Guillaume
Le Breuilly Arthur Eugene
Le Brock Joseph Willy Odessa Roger
Le Gay Brereton Robert
Le Gear Frederick Stanley
Le Poidevin Alfred John
Le Roux Jacobus Johannes
Lea Bernard Claude
Lea Stephen Alfred William
Leach Roy Arthur
Leach Harry George
Leachman Samuel
Leacock John Trelawney
Leadbeater Gordon Bruce
Leadley John Horace
Leadsom George Woolley
Leahy Gerald Roland
Leahy Patrick Joseph
Leahy William Joseph
Leak Victor George
Leake Lawrence
Leakey Kenneth William
Leaming William Clothier
Leamon Francis Noel
Learmond Patrick Alexander George
Learmonth Andrew Owen
Leather Peter John
Leatherdale Charles Grant
Leatherdale Harry
Leatherman Russell Quince
Leathley William Trevor
Leaver Dennis Kennedy
Leavesley William Desmond
Leavitt Robert Frederick
Leboldus Martin Benedict
Leckie Norman Abraham
Ledger Roy Victor
Ledger Anthony
Ledger Roy Walton
Ledlie Robert James
Ledsam Douglas George
Lee Robert Michael
Lee Bernard Jack
Lee Andrew Wynyard
Lee Samuel Tudor
Lee Harold Benjamin
Lee Edward Cooper
Lee Leonard Bertrand
Lee Geoffrey Eric
Lee James Henry
Lee Robert Edward
Lee Carl Thomas Edward
Lee Reuben Frederick
Lee Charles
Lee Clifford Lawson
Lee Roy
Lee Gordon William
Lee Arthur
Lee Albert
Lee Richard Hugh Antony
Lee Sydney Rupert
Lee Jack Stuart
Lee Arthur Edwin
Lee Hubert William
Leech Charles Henry
Leech Frederick Sydney
Leech John Graham
Leech Sydney Charles Edwin
Leech John
Leedam William Herbert
Leeds John Leeming
Leeman William Leslie
Leeming Ronald Moxon
Lees Ian Alister
Lees John Prescott
Lees Walter Carr
Lees Eric
Lees Frederick John
Lees Sydney
Lees William Spears
Leese Roy
Leese Eric
Leeves Eric Kenneth
Lefebvre Gordon Randolph
Lefevre Peter William
Lefort Cecily Margot
Leftly Emerson Master
Lefurgey Archie William
Legard William Ernest
Legere Frederick Maxwell
Legg William Thomas Easterbrook
Legg Joseph Edward
Legg Alan Thomas
Legge Kenneth Charles Seymour
Legge John Stephen
Legge Robert Colin
Leggett Leonard Dalton
Leggo Charles Harry Stringer
Leggott George
Leigh John Arthur
Leigh Robert
Leigh John Lewis
Leigh Kenneth
Leigh Frank
Leigh James Benjamin
Leighton Peter James
Leighton Isaac Davidson
Leighton Geoffrey Gordon
Leigo Douglas Percy
Leiper George Robertson
Leitch James Terris
Leitch John Bruce
Leitch William Robson
Leitch John Johnston
Leitch Andrew Christie
Leitch Cecil Gordon
Leitch Colin Raymond
Leithead Thomas
Leman Robert Arthur
Lemke John Julius
Leney Samuel Robert
Leng Jan
Lenham Richard Owen
Lennox George Len
Lennox-French Robert James
Lenover William Beverley
Lens Anton
Lenton Richard Wilson
Lenton Reginald Arthur
Leonard Thomas Marshall
Leonard Raymond Gale
Leonard Percy John Walter
Leonard John
Leonard Mervyn
Leonard Frank Redman
Leonard Roger
Leonard Denis Leonard
Leonhardt Frederick John
Leppard Alan Charles
Lerway Thomas William
Leskauer Jindrich
Lesley Arthur Bennet
Leslie Percy Gartshore
Leslie John Balloch
Leslie James Guthrie
Leslie Alan Ramsay
Leslie Kenneth McKenzie
Lester Stanley John
Lester Charles MacKenzie
Lester Norman Frederick
Lester John Finsterbush
Lester Albert Thomas
Lester Donald Joseph
Lett Charles Maurice
Leuty Brian Stewart
Levasseur Benoit Albert
Leven Donald George
Lever Neville Alfred
Lever Ernest James
Leverington Esmond
Levesque Stanley Joseph
Levesque Joseph Thomas
Levick Alfred Walter
Levinson Harold Brock
Levitt Isadore Samuel
Levitus Solomon
Lewcock Peter Frank
Lewen Ralph Hyman
Lewin Malcolm
Lewington Leslie Owen
Lewis Raymond Grant
Lewis George Bertram
Lewis William
Lewis William Frank Whittington
Lewis Illtyd Gad Ivor
Lewis James Edgar
Lewis Stanley Alfred
Lewis Truscott Victor
Lewis Victor Alfred
Lewis Joseph
Lewis John Iorwerth Gedrych
Lewis Paul James
Lewis George William
Lewis Leslie George
Lewis Malcolm Harold Victor
Lewis Geoffrey Thomas
Lewis Wilfred Austen
Lewis Arthur James
Lewis Kenneth Everitt
Lewis Wilfred George
Lewis Leonard James
Lewis Thomas Owen
Lewis Thomas George
Lewis Elfed
Lewis Gilbert Ronald
Lewis Frederick Rees
Lewis John Canning
Lewis Oliver John Trevor
Lewis James Frederick Byng
Lewis Thomas Stewart
Lewis Noel Neil
Lewis Robert Alfred
Lewis Desmond
Lewis Harvey Daniel
Lewis Donald Edwin
Lewis Frank Reginald
Lewis David Richard
Lewis Mostyn Charles Escott
Lewis John William
Lewis Arthur Lloyd
Lewis Robert Lea
Lewis Frank Edward
Lewis Raymond Frederick
Lewis Alfred Edward
Lewis Leonard Raymond
Lewis William Cecil
Lewis Peter Humphrey
Lewis George Edward
Lewis Henry
Lewis Howard Clark
Lewis Herbert James
Lewis John David Henry
Lewis Norman Leonard
Lewis Victor Kingsbury
Lewis Vivian
Lewis Raymond Allan
Lewis John Owen
Lewis Gerwyn Winton
Lewis James Bunce
Lewis John David
Lewis Roy
Lewis Ronald Geoffrey
Lewis Ronald Keith Mortimer
Lewis-Watts Desmond Loftus
Lewthwaite Donald Clifford
Lexton Charles
Ley Joseph Jean Francois
Ley Andrew Thomas
Ley John George
Ley Frederick Robert
Leybourne Robert
Leyden Thomas Anthony
Liddell Harold
Liddell John Raymond
Liddiard Leo Stanley
Liddle Kenneth Mons
Liddle Alastair Fraser
Liddle Stanley Melville
Lidgate Ronald
Lidgitt Charles
Liebermann William Charles
Liebscher John Martin Burns
Liggins Kenneth John
Light Leslie Edward
Light Cyril
Lilburn Ewen Campbell
Lilley Walter
Lilley Anthony St John
Lillico Gordon William
Lillie William Gray
Lilly William James
Lillywhite William Henry
Limbert John Sharper
Limbrick Arthur Moseley
Limbrick Leonard
Linacre Jack
Lind Richard
Lind Robert Frood
Lind Gordon Richard
Lindenberg Keith Roland
Lindenboom Kevin Patrick
Lindesay Reginald John Brydges
Lindo Harold Lester
Lindon Gerard
Lindsay John David
Lindsay Bruce Keith
Lindsay Royal George
Lindsay Edward Workman
Lindsay Earle Kenneth
Lindsay John
Lindsay James Fenton
Lindsay Basil Edward
Lindsay George
Lindsay George Frederick
Lindsay David John
Lindsay Douglas Maxam
Lindsay David Donald
Lindsell William Ernest
Lindsey David Wright
Lindsey Ronald William Alfred
Line Austin Raymond
Linehan James Edward
Lines Peter
Lines Fred Norman
Lines Charles Henry
Lines Eric Francis
Liney John George
Ling Donald Robert
Ling Frank James
Lings George Oldfield
Lingwood David
Linka Stanislav
Linney Kenneth William
Lintern Henry Rose
Linton Norman Royce
Linwood William
Lipp Peter
Lippett Albert
Lishman Maurice Walter
Lister Trevor Gordon
Lister Joseph Nowill
Lister John Ernest
Lister Frank
Lister Derek Edward
Lister Colin John Hill
Lister Ernest
Litchfield Ralph Frank
Litchfield Maurice Jacques
Litchfield Peter
Littell Lemuel George
Little John Frederick (search for Littlee)
Little Herbert Francis (search for Littlee)
Little Ronald (search for Littlee)
Little Thomas Burgess (search for Littlee)
Little Patrick Campbell (search for Littlee)
Little Wilfred Richard James (search for Littlee)
Little Robert Harrison (search for Littlee)
Little Edwin John (search for Littlee)
Little Herbert Thomas (search for Littlee)
Little John McGregor (search for Littlee)
Little Geoffrey John (search for Littlee)
Little John (search for Littlee)
Littlefair Leslie
Littlefield Jack Richard
Littlejohn Gordon Brefny
Littlejohn Anthony Ewart
Littlewood Denys
Livermore Robert Mark
Livermore Texas Roy
Livermore Carl Herman
Livesey Walter
Livesey Joseph
Livingston Mathew
Livingston Alexander
Livingston Gordon Archie
Livingstone George Frederick
Livingstone David
Livingstone Richard Bruce
Livis Mortimer
Livock William Denzil
Livyns Georges Joseph Gustave
Lizotte Rene Leonidas Joseph
Lloyd William Eric
Lloyd David Glanville
Lloyd Edward Frederick
Lloyd Cyril
Lloyd Kenneth Arthur
Lloyd Herbert
Lloyd Edward Sidney
Lloyd Dennis Sinclair
Lloyd Rickard Crozier
Lloyd David Allen
Lloyd Griffith Arthur
Lloyd Howard Norman
Lloyd Trevor David Samuel
Lloyd Arthur Edward
Lloyd John Raymond
Lloyd Phillip Norman
Lloyd-Jones Benjamin
Loader Rennie Arthur
Loadsman Horace Cecil
Loar Victor
Loasby Laurence David
Lobo Joseph Oswald Maurice
Lochhead Hector
Lochhead John Campbell
Lock Gordon James Victor
Lock Eric John
Lock Eric Stanley
Lock Walter
Lock Leslie George Kitchener
Locke Horace Leonard
Locke Richard Philip
Locke John Richard
Locke Gerald Frank
Locke Reginald Kingsley
Lockett Stanley
Lockett Arthur
Lockett Harry Kenneth
Lockhart Robert Alexander
Lockie George
Locklier Norman Edward
Lockrey John Galway
Locksmith George William
Lockton Eric Edward
Lockwood Merton Ralph
Lodge Maurice Albert
Lodge Ottiwell Francis
Lodge Vincent
Lodge Tom
Lodington Geoffrey Stewart
Loe Kevin Charles
Loeber Alfred Charles
Loewenson Louis Jack
Loft Charles Robert
Lofthouse Frank
Logan Kenneth Victor
Logan Frederick Willis
Logan Robert
Logan Carson Layton
Logan George
Logan James Lochhead
Logelin John Michael
Logie Frank
Logie Alexander
Logue Stanley Ernest
Lojka Oskar
Loke Robert Dennis
Lomas Edward Henry
Lomas Clifford Herbert
Lomas John Edward
Lomax Herbert Cecil
Lonergan Robert Neville
Long Arthur John Echlin
Long Denis Arthur
Long Douglas James
Long James Andrew
Long Alfred Joseph
Long Joseph Sidney
Long Sydney Robert
Long Isaac George
Long John
Long Kenneth Lines
Long John David Campbell
Long Stuart Herman
Long Wendell Lyall
Long Jasper Terence Courtenay
Long Vaughan Ross
Long William James
Long Michael La Verne
Long Samuel
Longcluse Norman
Longden Wilfred
Longhorn Robert Henry
Longhurst Bernard Ewart
Longhurst Sidney Robert
Longhurst Alfred
Longmore Richard Maitland
Longmore Kenneth William
Longson Charles Douglas Leslie
Longstaff Stanley
Longstaff Charles Albert
Longster Robert Elston
Longuet Russell Stronach
Lonsdale William
Lonsdale Gerald Gordon
Looker John Murray
Looms Albert Horace
Loonam Edward James
Looney Patrick Lawrence
Lord Ernest William
Lord Frederick Charles
Lord Roland Thornton
Lord David Frank
Lorimer Robert Lawrie
Lorkin Joseph
Lornson Arthur Christian
Lotherington Harold Ibitson
Lothian Louis
Lothian Ian Fraser
Louch Brian Gordon
Lough George
Loughlin Godric
Louis Ernest Albert
Louth William Robert
Lovatt Leslie Sutcliffe
Love Donald
Love James Clements
Love Geoffrey Spencer
Love Reginald Vivian
Love Winston David
Love George Francis
Loveday Herbert Leon
Lovegrove Albert Charles
Lovejoy William James
Lovelace Peter Stafford Coleman
Lovell Eric James
Lovell Robert James Tristem
Lovelle-Draper Adrian Mervyn
Lovelock James Benjamin
Lovelock Cyril William Walmsley
Loveluck James Gwyn
Loveridge Gilbert Dalton
Lovett Stuart John
Lovewell Jack Edmond
Loving Leslie Rowland Bond
Lovis John Alfred Cronin
Low George
Low Jack William
Lowcock Charles Harry
Lowdell James Stephen
Lowdon George
Lowe John William
Lowe Evan Robert
Lowe Dennis Joseph
Lowe Ernest
Lowe Thomas Bentley
Lowe Robert Henry
Lowe James William
Lowe Peter William
Lowe Peter Charles
Lowe William
Lowe Irvin Melville
Lowe William
Lowe Alan Craig
Lowe Bertram Harrington
Lowen Robert George
Lower Vivian
Lowery Kenneth Arthur
Lowey William Thomas
Lowis Charles
Lowis Colin Roderick Donald
Lowman William Thomas Henry
Lown John Frederick
Lowndes Leslie John
Lowrey Ralph William
Lowrie Robert Frederick
Lowry Laurence Mortimer
Lowry Herman Mervyn
Lowry John Havergal
Lowson Victor
Lowther Roy Woodside
Lowther John Clair
Lowther Ronald Charles
Lowther-Clarke David
Loyns Ronald Harvey
Loyst Morley Percival
Lucas Owen Roderick
Lucas Eric Russell
Lucas Leonard Reginald Johnstone
Lucas George Morley
Lucas Arthur
Lucas David
Lucas Leonard
Lucas Harold Leslie
Lucas Stephen John
Lucas Geoffrey William
Lucas Robert Henry
Luck William Ernest Samuel
Lucki Albin
Lucy Thomas James
Ludlow Arthur Ronald
Ludlow Robert Lanoel
Luepke Robert Theodor
Luff Richard Norman Purnell
Luff Frank Lewin
Luff George
Lugg Harold William
Luin Cyril William
Luke Thomas
Luke John
Lukey Francis Harry
Lumb Harold James
Lumsden Eric Alexander Gordon
Lumsden Thomas Francis
Lund Mervyn Sydney
Lund John Wilfred
Lundberg Torkel Torkelsson
Lundon Gordon David Arthur
Lundy John Edward
Lunn Brian Pearson
Lunn Sidney James
Lunney Vernal Norwood
Lunnun William Edwin
Lunt Arthur
Lunt Harold
Lupton Selwyn Jaques
Lupton Harry
Lupton Mark
Luscombe Thomas Henry
Luscombe Frederick Tom
Luscombe-Armstrong Peter
Lush Dennis John
Lush Albert Leonard
Lusher Victor Henry
Luther Norman Clifford Graham
Luther Terence Wilfred Charles
Luxton David Newbury
Lydeamore Herbert Berry
Lyford Percy Robert
Lygo Henry John
Lyke Thomas Antingham
Lyle Sinclair
Lyman-Dixon George Frederick
Lymburner Leo McClellan
Lynass James Cunningham
Lynch James
Lynch John Patrick
Lynch Phillip
Lynch James
Lynch William Arthur
Lynch Cyril Duncan
Lynch John Joseph
Lynch Raymond Victor
Lyne Donald Edward
Lyneham Alan Robert
Lynes Hamilton Maurice
Lynn Edward Robson
Lyon Abraham Thomson
Lyon Ernest Russell
Lyon Richard
Lyons Henry Anthony Montagu
Lyons Frederick Erwin Edgar
Lyons John Edward
Lyons Henry Neelin
Lyons Timothy John Joseph
Lyons Paul Albert Victor
Lyons Geoffrey
Lyons Kenneth Marcus Denbigh
Lysaght Joseph George
Lyssington William Henry
Lyster Roland Felix
Lyth Eric
Lythgoe Leslie George
Lythgoe George Edward
Maas William John
Mabbett William Ernest
Mabbott Gerald Walter Charles
Maben William Snowball
Macalister Peter Donald
Macallister Gordon Dale
Macallister Harvard Darrell Frederick
Macaninch Hugh Caven
Macaree David James
Macarthur Harry Francis
Macaskie John Cunningham
Macaskill Timothy Leo
Macaulay Henry
Macaulay John
Macaulay Thomas James
Macaulay Iain Roy
Macauley Alexander
Macbeth Robert
Macdermott John Benjamin
Macdonald Derrick William
Macdonald William Livingstone
Macdonald Gerald Edwin
Macdonald Stuart Hayden
Macdonald John Murdo
Macdonald Angus Joseph
Macdonald John Norman
Macdonald Harry Deane
Macdonald Douglas
Macdonald Mado Henry Donald
Macdonald Arthur
Macdonald Donald Charles
Macdonald Donald Kennedy
Macdonald James Livingston
Macdonald George William
Macdonald Alexander Bernard Bogle
Macdonald Wallace Reginald
Macdonald Ronald Douglas Jeffrey
Macdonald Newton
Macdonald Donald Ian
Macdonald Alexander Gordon
Macdonald Charles Campbell
Macdonald Leonard Howell
Macdonald Alexander Fraser
Macdonald Alan Richard
Macdonald John Murdo McLeod
Macdonell Edward Noel
Macdougall Alfred Keith
Macdougall John Hillhouse
Macdowell Lawrence Patrick
Macduff Robert Denver
Mace Arthur George
Mace Laurence Henry
Macfarlane Thomas Campbell
Macfarlane Donald John
Macfarlane Duncan Walter
Macfarlane Walter McIntosh
Macfarlane John Donald
Macfarlane Matthew Ernest Reid
Macfarlane Murdo Donald Davidson
Macfarlane Alistair George Ross
Macgillivray Robert
Macgregor David Alton
Macgregor William Florence
Macgregor Allan James
Macgregor John Richard
Macgregor Gordon Fraser
Macgregor John Charles
Macgregor Angus John
Machacek Vlastimil
Machacek Jirl
Machan Berhnard
Machin Leonard William
Macilwraith John Gardner
Macintosh Charles David
Macintyre John Francis Bell
Macintyre Alasdair Rhodes
Macintyre Roderick Hector
Maciver Norman Crichton
Mack Robert Ewart Xavier
Mack Arthur Cyril
Mackay Duncan
Mackay John Alexander MacDonald
Mackay James Garfield
Mackay William Leslie
Mackay Kenneth McIndoe
Mackay Ernest
Mackay Phillip Stanley
Mackay Stuart Walter
Mackay George Campbell
Mackay Alfred Donald
Mackay Edwin Ephraim
Mackeand Ian Currie
Mackenzie Donald
Mackenzie Charles
Mackenzie Duncan Benjamin Grant
Mackenzie Roderick Malcolm
Mackenzie Alan Duncan
Mackenzie Angus Carr
Mackenzie James Foster
Mackenzie Donald Andrew
Mackenzie John
Mackenzie Colin John Hunter
Mackenzie Ronald Roy Patrick
Mackenzie Gordon William
Mackenzie Alastair Lewis
Mackenzie Ian Fraser
Mackenzie George Cameron
Mackie John Dennis
Mackie John Duncan Duthie
Mackie Ian Neville William
Mackie Alexander Morton
Mackie Peter Hendry Jones
Mackie John
Mackinnon John Russell
Mackinnon James Elmer
Mackinnon John Allan
Mackinnon Alan Gordon
Mackinnon John Reginald
Mackinnon Douglas Malcolm
Mackintosh David John
Mackintosh Kenneth
Mackintosh David Thomson
Mackintosh William Hogarth
Macklin William Henry
Mackney Arthur Edwin
Mackrell Stanley Vincent
Macks John Stewart
Maclaren William Finlay
Maclaren Colin Charles
Maclay Alastair Mowat
Maclean Ronald Gabriel
Maclean Ian
Maclean Donald Charles
Maclean John Angus
Maclean Clement
Maclean David
Maclean Stephen Joseph
Maclean Donald Stewart
Maclean Andrew Glassford
Maclean Roderick Orr
Maclean Thomas Hector
Macleay Kenneth George
Maclennan Donald John
Maclennan George Alexander
Maclennan William Alexander
Macleod William Ross Douglas
Macleod Hugh
Macleod John Bruce
Macleod George Sutherland Murray
Macleod Alexander
Macleod Iain Lachlan Lamont
Macleod Alister Campbell
Macleod Douglas Kenneth
Macleod Melvin Joshua
Macleod Alexander
Macleod Alexander Harvey
Macleod Athole Douglas
Macleod William Holland
Macley William Duncan
Macmillan Victor Donald
Macmillan Harry
Macmillan David John
Macmillan David
Macmillan Norman Robertson
Macnab Donald Norman
Macnab Robert
Macnab Alistair
Macnair James George Campbell
Macnearney John Douglas
Macnee James Stuart
Macneil Ralph Gordon
Macneill Bevan Terrill
Macneill Rodney Warren
Macnutt Gerald Frederick
Macpherson Robert Reid
Macpherson Angus Alexander
Macpherson George John
Macpherson John Anderson
Macpherson James
Macpherson Harold Stanton
Macpherson Neil
Macpherson William
Macpherson Donald James
Macphie Hugh Douglas
Macquaker Robert
Macqueen Ian Andrew James
Macrae Duncan George Fletcher
Macrobert Sir Iain Workman
Macrory Harry Ian
Macrossan Hugh Murtagh
Macrury Archie
Macura Karel
Macwilliam Robert Blair
Macwilliam James George
Madden Herbert Joseph
Madden Charles
Madden Harry Leslie
Maddison Eric Dunn
Maddison Amos Ryder
Maddocks Kenneth Cyrus
Maden Earl Kitchener
Madge John George
Madge Raymond Corlett
Madgett Hedley Robert
Madgett Noel James
Madley Leslie Vincent
Maffett John Francis
Magee Thomas John Paul
Magee Donal Patrick
Magee James Thomas Joseph
Magee Louis Edward
Magill Thomas Eldon
Maginley George Albert
Magladry Harold Ernest
Magness Kenneth
Magnusson Clarence Norris
Maguire Sydney Arthur
Maguire James George Annesley
Maguire James
Maguire Austin Gabriel
Maguire Martin Malcolm
Mahar Maurice John
Maher Michael
Maher Joseph Francis
Mahler Laurence Herman
Mahon Bernard Joseph
Mahon Michael Stanley Reece
Mahon Theophilos Harry Cardew
Mahoney John Philip
Mahoney John
Mahoney Rex Cecil
Mahony John Edward
Mahood Thomas Stanley
Mahr Rudolph Walter
Maidment James Reveley
Mailey Richard
Main Hedley Ronald
Main Eric Alfred
Mainey Henry
Mains George
Mainwaring Jack
Mair Robert Edward
Mair Alexander Campbell
Mair John Drysdale
Mairs Thomas
Maisenbacher William Malcolm
Maitland Andrew Priest
Maitland William John
Majeau Russell John
Major Richard
Makin Cyril William Howard
Malcolm Colin Alistair
Male James
Mallett Charles Lucas
Mallett Ronald Stroud
Mallinson Harry
Mallon John Leslie
Malone Edward Cecil
Malone Bernard
Maloney Edward Arthur
Maloney John Edward
Malpass John
Maltby David Christopher
Maltby James
Maltby William Henry
Malthouse Reuben Horace Frederick
Malton George Samuel
Manahan James Ross
Manchul Donald Peter
Mandall Stanley Robert
Mander Frederick Arthur
Manderson James
Mandin Emile Francois Bruno
Mandy Vincent
Maney Jack
Mangan Denis Patrick
Manger Kenneth
Mango Anthony Constantine John
Mangos Kenneth
Manifould William Kenneth
Mankelow Walter James
Manley Frederick John
Manley-Tucker George Reginald
Mann William George
Mann Joel Brooks
Mann Ronald Percy
Mann John William
Mannering Eric
Manners Frederick William
Manning Cecil Walter Alvin
Manning Peter William
Manning James Edward Albert Power
Manning Frederick George
Manning Frederick John
Manning Charles Benjamin
Mannion James Leslie Townsend
Mannion John
Mansbridge William Jack
Mansel Glyn Davies
Mansell Roy Albert
Manser William Mason Maxwell
Mansfield Bernard Martin
Mansfield George William
Mansfield Peter Lawford
Mansfield Herbert Henry
Mansfield Dennis Leslie
Mansley John Kenneth
Manson Kenneth
Manson John George
Manson Donald Hendry
Mant Kenneth Victor
Mantell John Martin
Manthorpe Anthony John
Mantle Herbert William
Mantle Albert John
Mantle George Thomas
Manton Frederick Norman
Maple James Fraser
Mapletoft Claude
Mapley William
Mappin Howard
Mara Stanley
Maranda Joseph Cyril Robert
Marcellus Douglas Lloyd
March John Weeley
Marchand Derrick Victor
Marchand Chester Joseph Francis
Marchant Walter Sidney
Marchant James Earl
Marchant Francis Wilfred
Marchant George Lawrence Roland
Marchant Richard John
Marchington John Mellor
Mares John
Margetts Raymond Phillip
Margrett Alan Arthur
Mariner Henry
Mark Clarence Robert Irwin
Mark Terence Norman
Marker Eric Gerald
Markham Young John
Markle Orin Clemens
Marks George Henry Herbert
Marks Michael John Colvie
Marks Edward Michael
Marks Walter Douglas
Marks Victor Howes
Marks Douglas James
Markwick Stanley Ronald Frederick
Marley George Percival
Marlin Thomas Leo
Marlow Alfred
Marlow Thomas Harold
Marlow Kenneth
Maroney Paul Jones
Marr George Frederick
Marrington Frederick John
Marriott Kenneth Edward
Marriott Terrence James
Marriott Colin Rupert
Marriott John Henry
Marriott Robert
Marris Kenneth George
Marron Stephen Joseph
Marrow Alfred Allan
Marsden James Arthur
Marsden Eric Wilson
Marsden Herbert James Noel
Marsden Arthur
Marsden Arthur Frank
Marsden William Allan
Marsden Robert George Gordon Malben
Marsden Stanley
Marsh Frederick Cecil
Marsh Victor Stephen
Marsh Thomas Gordon
Marsh Henry James
Marsh Joseph
Marsh William George
Marsh Kenneth Granville Anderson
Marsh Walter Ernest
Marsh Frederick Herbert
Marsh Francis Robert
Marsh George
Marsh Ronald
Marshall John
Marshall Douglas Crosbie
Marshall Frank Wilfred
Marshall Donald Courtenay
Marshall George Leonard
Marshall Duncan Watt
Marshall Geoffrey Lawrence
Marshall Allen John
Marshall George Stanley
Marshall Herbert Kitchener
Marshall Ralph
Marshall Austin Southwell
Marshall Leonard William
Marshall Stanley Sidney
Marshall Hudson Eric
Marshall William Edge
Marshall John Glenford Alexander
Marshall Alexander John
Marshall Thomas Bingham
Marshall George Paxton
Marshall James Douglas
Marshall William Kenneth
Marshall Albert
Marshall Alexander Jack
Marshall Geoffrey Herbert
Marshall William Henry McDonald
Marshall Colin Carswell
Marshall Joseph
Marshall Norman
Marshall Sydney Douglas
Marshall James Wilfred
Marshall Gordon
Marshall John
Marshall John Campbell
Marshall William Stuart
Marson John Adam
Marston Arthur
Marston Leonard Frederick Arthur
Marston Richard Alfred
Marston Kenneth Reginald
Martel Maurice Joseph
Martin Reuben
Martin Robert Tom Charles
Martin Harold Raymond
Martin Charles Ion
Martin Leslie Hunter
Martin William Bradley
Martin George William
Martin Alfred Charles
Martin John Roddick
Martin Henry
Martin Leslie Charles
Martin Sydney Augustus
Martin William
Martin Peter Charles
Martin Robert John
Martin Norman Magnus McLeod
Martin Ian Buchanan
Martin Albert William
Martin James
Martin Julian Lee Byron
Martin Maurice James
Martin Robert Tuck
Martin William Howe
Martin Harold James
Martin William Henry
Martin John George
Martin Ernest William
Martin Basil
Martin Francis
Martin Deryk Bramley
Martin Richard Tunmer
Martin Robert John
Martin James George Louis
Martin Frederick George James
Martin Arnold Walter
Martin Raymond Bradshaw
Martin Bernard
Martin William McKenzie
Martin Dennis Clifford
Martin Raymond Gordon
Martin Clifford MacKenzie
Martin Ernest George
Martin Thomas
Martin William Walter
Martin Gordon Ernest Francis
Martin Eric Bruce
Martin Emerson Hubert
Martin Stanley Sinclair
Martin John Claverly
Martin Ian Errington
Martin Virgil Austin
Martin Kenneth Andrew
Martin Alfred Henry
Martin Lionel Jeans
Martin Alan
Martin Charles
Martin Cecil Cyril George
Martin Dennis Jack
Martin Edgar
Martin Harry
Martin Hugh
Martin Herbert Leslie
Martin Leonard Sydney
Martin Matthew Joseph
Martin Norman Russell
Martindale Peter Drake
Martinovic Leopold
Martyn John Basil
Martyn Leslie Arthur
Martyr Boyd Alan
Marvin Richard Price
Marwood Frank
Marx Paul Manfred Daniel
Masheder James Auton
Mason Eric Thomas
Mason Leonard Martin
Mason Henry Richard
Mason John Raymond
Mason Gordon
Mason John Charles
Mason Harold Stanislaus
Mason Anthony William Alfred
Mason Miles Arthur George
Mason John Clifford
Mason Albert
Mason Harry Richard
Mason Robert Bernard
Mason Eric Arthur
Mason Albert James
Mason Frederick David
Mason Douglas Walter
Mason Frank Michael
Mason Norman Talbot
Mason Lewis Harry
Mason Thomas
Masse George Joseph
Massey Wilfred Joseph
Massey Clarence Ames
Massey John Roy
Massey Robert Alfred
Massey Jack Walter
Massie Robert John
Masters Royffe Digby
Masters John Ross
Masterton John Hodge
Matches Alvin James
Mate Thomas Henry
Matejicek Rudolf Karel
Mather Clifford
Mather Robert Addison
Mather Donald Stuart
Mather Reginald
Mathers James Bruce
Matheson Hugh Martin
Matheson Geoffrey Charles
Matheson Alexander McGregor
Matheson Archibald Allisdair
Matheson Beverly William
Matheson Ross Henley
Mathews David William
Mathews Richard Granville Douglas
Mathews Albert Cyril
Mathews Arthur George
Mathias Geoffrey Alan
Mathie Albert
Mathieson Alexander James
Mathieson Alexander
Mathison James Alexander
Matkin Merlin Leigh
Maton Ronald Hazeldine Septimus
Maton Stanley John James
Matsumoto Gerald
Matthes Alfred George
Matthews Alfred Francis
Matthews Reginald Charles
Matthews John Joseph
Matthews Cyril Frank
Matthews William Victor
Matthews William Raoyr Olaf
Matthews Bernard Frederick West
Matthews Francis William
Matthews Stanley Wilbur
Matthews Leonard Henry
Matthews John Henry
Matthews Cyril James
Matthews Reginald Raymond
Matthews Lloyd Chesley
Matthews Jack
Matthews Arthur James
Matthews Reginald John
Matthews Alfred Albert
Matthews Malcolm Todd
Matthews Thomas Kirkham
Matthews Harold William
Matthews Richard Ayerst
Matthews Thomas Granville
Matthews Cyril Percy
Matthews William Ernest George
Matthews William Roy
Matthews Stanley James
Matthews William Charles
Mattick Arthur Reginald
Mattison Frederick Thomas
Mattocks Bernard Charles
Mattress Charles Alfred
Matty Edward Ernest
Matuszewski George
Maudson Joseph Henry
Maule John
Maunder William Richard
Maung Hla Yi 123632
Maurer Roland Ernest
Mavaut Paul Raymond Murray
Maw Cecil Albert
Maw Clifford Charles
Maw James Edwin
Mawson Louis Donald Anthony
Mawson John Henry
Maxey John William
Maxfield William Wallace
Maxim William Leonard
Maxted Charles Henry
Maxton James
Maxwell Neville Ronald
Maxwell Walter
Maxwell Wallace Kingdon
Maxwell David Alexander
Maxwell Frederick Charles
Maxwell William Harold McQueen
May Peter
May Thomas Henry
May Russell Edward
May William
May Arthur Ernest
May Fred
May Arthur Charles
May Alexander Davidson
May Bruce Herbert
May James Henry
May Leonard Dawson
May William Bronwhill
May Robert Seayears
May Albert James Francis
May Leonard Douglas
Maybury Donald Conrad
Maycock Eugene James
Mayers Reginald Percival
Mayes Godfrey Middleton James
Mayes John
Mayes Duncan Kennedy Watson
Maygothling Gordon James
Maynard Leslie Douglas
Maynard Peter
Mayo Norman George
Mayo John Raymond
Mayo John Russell
Mayo David Gordon McGeorge
Mayo John Edgar
Mayor Gordon Hogarth
Mayor Harry
Mays George Claydon
Mayson John
Mazin Francis Montague
Mcadam Kenmir Loudon
Mcadie William
Mcainsh John
Mcaleavey Joseph Morgan
Mcaleese Thomas
Mcalister William Gordon
Mcallen William Albert
Mcallister Vincent Paul
Mcallister John
Mcallister John
Mcallister John
Mcallister Neil
Mcalpine Donald Gordon
Mcalpine John Gilbert
Mcara Ronald Stenhouse
Mcardle Leonard Vincent
Mcarter Glenville
Mcarthur John
Mcarthur Edwin Matthew
Mcaulay Bernard
Mcauley George
Mcauliffe William Russell
Mcausland Henry Tudor
Mcavity Hugh Kaye
Mcbain Alastair Gordon Gillies
Mcbain George Basil
Mcbean Ronald Charles
Mcbeth Walter
Mcbrien Cecil Howard
Mccabe Bernard Thomas
Mccabe Andrew
Mccafferty Hugh Patrick
Mccaffrey John Harold Alexander
Mccall Keith
Mccall John Richardson
Mccall Cyril
Mccall Robert
Mccallum Albert Robert
Mccallum Lawrence Bruce
Mccallum Robert John
Mccallum Joseph Archibald Wilson
Mccallum John Colin Reid
Mccallum Joseph Lawton
Mccann Leonard Myles
Mccann Daniel Allister
Mccann Edwin Earl
Mccann David
Mccarley James
Mccarroll William John
Mccarroll William
Mccarron William
Mccart Robin Opal Patrick Joseph
Mccarten John
Mccarthy Robert William
Mccarthy William Ronald Berryman
Mccarthy Thomas Francis
Mccarthy Denis Joseph
Mccarthy Leonard John Thomas
Mccarthy Robert Lee
Mccarthy Ivor
Mccarthy Charles Gordon
Mccarthy John Herbert
Mccarthy Dominic
Mccarthy James Thomas
Mccartney John Charles
Mccartney Peter
Mccartney William Crawford
Mccarvill Cyril James
Mccaskill Richard Llewellyn
Mccauley John Glen
Mccauley Gordon Theodore
Mccausland James Maxwell
Mccaw John Francis James
Mccaw Cameron Francis
Mcclay Thomas Findlay
Mcclean Noel
Mccleave Eric Stanley
Mcclellan Robert Bruce
Mcclelland William Gordon
Mcclelland Wilfred Glenn
Mcclelland James
Mcclelland David Stuart
Mcclenahan James Stark
Mcclintock George Austin
Mcclintock Arthur Neill
Mccloy Robert
Mcclung Vernon Frederick
Mccoll Hugh
Mccoll Hugh Davison
Mccoll Kenneth Septimus
Mccombe Andrew Young McColl
Mccombie Patrick
Mcconaghy Charles Henry
Mcconkey John Crawford
Mcconnell John Robert
Mcconnell Norman Edward Henry
Mcconnell-Taylor Edward Henry
Mccook Neil James
Mccormack John Bernard
Mccormack Leo Malachi
Mccormick John Gibney
Mccormick Robert Joseph
Mccormick Richard
Mccormick Sidney
Mccormick William Hugo
Mccoy Allan Frank
Mccoy Kenneth Lloyd Douglas
Mccoy Arthur O'Neil
Mccracken Roderick Urquhart
Mccracken Greig
Mccrae Allan Edwin
Mccready Daniel
Mccready Ernest William
Mccready Herbert George Horatio
Mccreedy Charles
Mccroddan William Armando
Mccrory George Hugh
Mccrossan Samuel
Mccrum Charles John Frederick
Mccuaig Eric Norman
Mccullagh Robert Desmond
Mcculloch John Ryan
Mcculloch Gordon Saunders
Mcculloch Ian Maywood
Mcculloch George Duffett
Mccullock Leslie John
Mccurdy Archibald Roy
Mccurdy Thomas Neil
Mccutcheon Denis Mervyn
Mcdennon Thomas Roy
Mcdermand James
Mcdermott Leonard Frank
Mcdermott Robert James
Mcdevette Thomas Francis
Mcdonagh Thomas
Mcdonagh Thomas Wilfred
Mcdonagh John Henry William
Mcdonald Edward Campbell
Mcdonald William Grant
Mcdonald Francis George Rae
Mcdonald Ninian Robson
Mcdonald Peter Frank
Mcdonald John Edward
Mcdonald James McIntosh
Mcdonald Melvyn Alexander
Mcdonald Eugene Peter
Mcdonald Robert Spence
Mcdonald Donald
Mcdonald Malcolm Hedley
Mcdonald John Duncan
Mcdonald Richard Albert
Mcdonald William Earl
Mcdonald Devereaux Richard Cecil
Mcdonald Alexander James
Mcdonald Desmond
Mcdonald Andrew Basil
Mcdonald Donald Smith
Mcdonald Ernest
Mcdonald Ronald Alexander
Mcdonald Alphonsus Mary Bonaventure
Mcdonald Daniel
Mcdonald Ernest Henry
Mcdonald Norman Neil
Mcdonald William Harold
Mcdonald Donald Kenneth Hardie
Mcdonald John
Mcdonald John Galt
Mcdonald William Crossan
Mcdonald William Davies
Mcdonell Brian Duncan Michael
Mcdonell Jack James Lewis
Mcdonnell Herman Joseph Michael
Mcdonnell Terence
Mcdonnell Ian Lochiel
Mcdonogh Athol Ian
Mcdonough William
Mcdonough Bryan Martin
Mcdonough John Anthony
Mcdonough Frederick Noel
Mcdougall William Henderson
Mcdougall Gerard Daniel
Mcdowell Kenneth Lendon
Mceachern Gerald Joseph
Mceldon Arthur Robert
Mcelroy Arthur Bowker Smith
Mcennally Alan Robert
Mcevoy James Patrick
Mcevoy Oliver James
Mcewen William Tripp
Mcewen John Alexander
Mcfadden Donald Franklin
Mcfadden Oscar Patrick
Mcfarland John Richard Graham
Mcfarlane James Kennedy
Mcfarlane James
Mcfarlane Duncan Black
Mcfarlane Clifford Wallace
Mcfarlane John Fleming
Mcfarlane Gordon Barrie
Mcfarlane James
Mcfarlane Alfred Hector
Mcfee John Curwood
Mcgahey James
Mcgarrity Bernard
Mcgarrow Henry Brodie
Mcgarva Alexander William
Mcgarvey Peter John
Mcgee John Francis
Mcgee James
Mcgehie Robert
Mcgevor Frederick Peter James
Mcghie John
Mcginlay John
Mcginley William Albert
Mcginnity Cyril
Mcglade John Herbert
Mcglen Ronald
Mcglinchy Francis
Mcgloin Edward
Mcglone Anthony
Mcglory Stanley
Mcgonagle Charles Ernest
Mcgonigal Francis Victor
Mcgoun Kenneth Beverly
Mcgow John Alexander
Mcgowan Robert Henry
Mcgrain Robert Wood
Mcgrane James
Mcgrath Denis
Mcgrath Robert Kenneth
Mcgrath Robert Kenneth
Mcgrath Samuel James
Mcgrath Joseph Earl
Mcgrath Louis Renton
Mcgrath Francis Gerard
Mcgrath Angus Albert
Mcgrath James
Mcgregor Raymond
Mcgregor Douglas Scott
Mcgregor William James Stephen
Mcgregor Charles Gordon Tassie
Mcgregor George
Mcgregor Ronald Hamilton
Mcgregor Donald Stuart
Mcgregor Keith Alexander
Mcgregor Alexander Percy
Mcgregor John Dunlop
Mcgregor Douglas Leslie
Mcgregor Robert Polson
Mcgrenery Thomas Hill
Mcguigan Samuel Kellington
Mcguigan John Harrie
Mchale Thomas Patrick
Mchardy Alexander Joseph
Mchenry Colin Shone
Mchugh Gerald Finnbarr
Mchugh Thomas Joseph
Mchugh Michael Francis
Mcillaney Hugh
Mcilrath James
Mcinnes John George
Mcinnes Clinton
Mcinnis Daniel William
Mcintosh William
Mcintosh Phillip Ronald
Mcintosh John
Mcintyre Daniel
Mcintyre John Jacob
Mcintyre James
Mcintyre Andrew
Mcintyre John Duncan
Mcintyre Hubert Bates
Mcintyre James Cheyne
Mcintyre Donald Carstairs
Mcintyre Ronald Keith
Mcintyre Frederick Goodwin
Mcintyre Ronald Eric
Mciver Bruce Gordon
Mciver Joseph Charles
Mcivor Cyril George James
Mckay Donald
Mckay Harry Robertson
Mckay Ronald Victor Neal
Mckay Harry Whittaker
Mckay John Smith
Mckay Gordon Campbell
Mckay Walter
Mckay Donald Hugh
Mckay Murray Roy
Mckay James Morris
Mckeag Thomas Henry Richard
Mckean William Storrie Martin
Mckean Harold Gregory
Mckean Gordon
Mckechan Alexander
Mckechnie William Neil
Mckee John
Mckeeman Eric Walter
Mckellar John Campbell
Mckellar Alexander Farley
Mckelvie Kenneth James
Mckenna Austin Flower
Mckenna John Andrew
Mckenna Charles Cecil
Mckenna L Edwin Francis
Mckennie Gerald Baird
Mckenny Patrick
Mckenny John
Mckenzie Kenneth
Mckenzie John Woffenden
Mckenzie Alfred Henry
Mckenzie Lloyd George
Mckenzie Alexander Gracey
Mckenzie Gordon James
Mckenzie John Gilmour
Mckenzie Douglas Charles
Mckenzie John Douglas Bruorton
Mckenzie Frank Edwin
Mckenzie Roderick George
Mckenzie Malcolm Keith
Mckenzie Thomas Inglis
Mckenzie Donald John
Mckenzie Gordon Andrew
Mckenzie Roy
Mckenzie Richard George James
Mckeown Howard Stephen
Mckeown Victor Herbert
Mckeown John Thirlwell
Mckerns Charles
Mckibbon Mervin George
Mckillop Ronald
Mckillop Ronald Patrick Arthur
Mckim Charles Williston
Mckinlay James
Mckinney Joseph
Mckinney Robert Love
Mckinney Andrew
Mckinnon Ian
Mckinnon Lloyd George
Mckinnon Campbell Archibald
Mckitterick Donald Harvey
Mcknight William Lidstone
Mclachlan Roderick James
Mclachlan William John Andrew
Mclachlan Donald Parker
Mclachlan Percy Alan
Mclachlan David Christie
Mclaggan Alexander Livingstone
Mclaren Stanley Gordon
Mclaren David
Mclaren Andrew Hood
Mclaren Gordon Howard
Mclaren Ian
Mclaren Edward Laurie
Mclaren Peter Victor
Mclaughlin Edward Colhoun
Mclaughlin Alexander
Mclaughlin Patrick Ignatius
Mclaughlin Charles
Mclean George Arthur
Mclean John Cook
Mclean Thomas Fisk
Mclean James Johnston
Mclean Charles
Mclean Donald Charles Jack
Mclean John
Mclean Hubert John
Mclean Ronald Neil
Mclean Gordon Mitchell
Mclean George Percy
Mclean Robert Harvey
Mclean William James
Mclean Robert James
Mclean Malcolm
Mclean Neil Frederick
Mclean Andrew Fraser
Mclean John Valentine
Mclean Robert Hudson
Mclean Oliver Wiley
Mclean Douglas
Mclean William Jack
Mclellan William Whitelaw
Mclellan Douglas
Mclellan Sidney Charles
Mclenaghan Eric Charles
Mclennan Hugh Alexander
Mcleod Ellis George
Mcleod William Arnott
Mcleod Daniel Melvin
Mcleod Alexander Corbett
Mcleod Alan Munro
Mcleod Angus
Mcleod Kenneth Gordon
Mcleod William Collins
Mcleod Henry George
Mcleod Norman James
Mcleod Robert Donald
Mcleod Dudley Ronald
Mcleod Eric William
Mcleod-Nibbs Eric Norman
Mcloughlin George
Mcloughlin John Bernard
Mcloughlin Patrick Henry
Mcloughlin David Paton
Mcloughlin Thomas Samuel
Mcmackin Francis Edward
Mcmahon Donald James
Mcmahon Francis Louis
Mcmahon Henry Thomas Owen
Mcmahon Allan John
Mcmahon Michael Joseph
Mcmahon John Arthur
Mcmahon Roy Patrick Walter
Mcmanaman Reginald Willis
Mcmanus Hugh
Mcmanus Kenneth Allen
Mcmanus John Francis
Mcmanus Alfred George
Mcmanus Ian Frank
Mcmaster William Wilson
Mcmaster Ross Faulkner
Mcmenomy Sydney
Mcmillan John
Mcmillan Lawrence
Mcmillan Alexander
Mcmillan Peter
Mcmillan Ronald Walker
Mcmillin James Parker
Mcminn John
Mcminn Reginald John
Mcmorran George Melvin Stark
Mcmullan Cecil Brian
Mcmullan Harcourt Hunter
Mcmullin John Alexander
Mcmullin Charles Alexander Brian
Mcmullin Francis Hugh
Mcmurachy William Douglas
Mcmurchy Kenneth Cameron
Mcmurchy William Archibald
Mcnabb Hugh Denis
Mcnabb Arthur Clarke
Mcnabb Robert Hudson
Mcnair-Taylor Raphael Raymond
Mcnally Francis Herbert Thomas
Mcnamara Sidney Robert
Mcnamara James Emmett
Mcnamee William Andrew
Mcnaught Joseph
Mcnaughton Norman
Mcnay Alexander Logan
Mcneary James
Mcneil Ronald
Mcneil Alan
Mcneil Robert Ayton
Mcneill Leonard
Mcneill Thomas
Mcneill John Clair
Mcneilly William St Clair
Mcnichol David Louis
Mcnulty Thomas Norman
Mcphail Donald Burton
Mcphee Charles Duthrie
Mcphee Francis
Mcphee Athol Neil Douglas
Mcpherson Alan Storey
Mcpherson William Hugh
Mcpherson Clifford James
Mcpherson Colin Valentine
Mcpherson James Johnston
Mcpherson James
Mcpherson Cecil Alexander
Mcphillips Francis
Mcquade John Eric
Mcquade Victor Carl
Mcquater Alick
Mcquillin George Andrew
Mcquitty Albert Edward
Mcquitty Thomas
Mcquitty William Morrison
Mcrae Donald Hugh
Mcrae John Roderick
Mcrae Alexander Vaughan
Mcrae Ronald Cameron
Mcrae Hector Earl
Mcrae Daniel Sinclair
Mcrae William
Mcreynolds Norman
Mcritchie Ronald Edwin
Mcrobb Charles
Mcrobert Robert Gordon
Mcroberts Bruce Oliver Kingsley
Mcrobie Ian MacKenzie
Mcrostie Herbert
Mcsherry Edward James
Mcsparron Ernest William
Mctaggart William
Mctavish Duncan
Mcveigh Robert Alexander
Mcvety Maurice Wyndham Stuart
Mcvicar William Brodie
Mcwatt Denis Ince
Mcwhinney Joseph
Mcwilliam James McKenzie
Mcwilliams Francis
Mcwilliams John Ashton
Meachen William Cyril
Meachen Robert Stanley
Mead Ian Alan
Mead Kenneth Robert
Mead Stuart John
Meade Donald Frank
Meadow Leonard
Meadows Trevor Sydney Francis
Meadows Allan Keith
Meadows Robert William
Meager Leslie Ronald
Meaker William Roy
Meaker Arthur Reginald
Meaker Frederick
Meaney John McBean
Meanwell Norman Henry
Mears Henry Robert
Mears Lawrence Ernest
Mears Ashleigh Thomas
Meason Harold Edward
Mechefske Thomas Wilfred
Medcalf Michael Charles
Medcalf Arthur David
Medcalf Albert Rupert John
Medland George Gilbert
Medrington Henry Noel Trevor
Medus Richard William
Mee Frederick Jack
Mee Michael Courtney Franklin
Mee John Milward
Meech Lloyd Remington Joseph
Meeghan Frederick Arthur
Meek Reginald Thorley
Meeking Donald William
Mees Bernard Joseph
Megainey Rowland Henry
Megginson Lister Mowbray
Meier Augustin
Meigh Trevor Donovan
Meijer Adolf Philip
Meikle William
Meiklejohn William Miller
Mein Cuthbert
Mekeown Kenneth Creighton
Meldrum Kenneth Morwick
Melhuish John William
Mellersh John Hubert
Melling William Ronald
Melling Joseph James
Mellings Robert Charles
Mellish Percy Edward
Mellody Eric Kendrick
Mellon Ralph Jackson
Mellon Tom Henry
Mellon William Neill Kennedy
Mellon John
Mellor Edwin Benjamin
Mellor Harry Manners
Mellor John
Melville George Anderson
Melville Alexander
Melville William Wotherspoon
Melvin James Borrie
Menage Thomas Nathan
Menere Douglas
Menish George Raymond
Menlove William John Henry
Mennie Oliver Hanton
Menu Xavier Leon Albert
Menzies James
Menzies William Ernest
Menzies Alan Roy
Mercer Richard Henry
Mercer Gordon Ernest
Mercer Leslie Harry
Mercer Cecil Harry Reuben
Mercer Paul Thomas Richard
Mercer Fraser Frederick
Mercer James
Mercer Alec Norman
Mercer Lewis Henry
Merchant Leslie Arthur
Mercier Joseph Jacques Charles
Meredith Richmond Lovett
Meredith Charles
Meredith James Lloyd
Meredith Ronald
Meredith Kenneth
Merewether Arthur Guy Wyndham
Merrall William Robert
Merrett Sydney Richard
Merrett Raymond Leslie
Merrick Francis Xavier
Merrick Peter Anthony
Merrick William Frank
Merrick Kenneth Cyrus
Merriman Cyril Clinton
Merritt Dennis Edward Grahame
Merritt Alexander Robert
Merrony Henry Arthur
Merry Allan Roger
Merry Patrick Edward Kevin Daly
Merry Herbert Cecil Bell
Merryweather Sidney William
Mertens John Albert Fraser
Mertens Peter Eric Montague
Mertens Robert Emile
Merton John Paul
Mesner Bertram William
Messer Bernard John
Metcalf Aylwin Gilbert
Metcalfe Magnus William
Metcalfe Anthony John
Metcalfe Malcolm Roy Edgar
Metcalfe Norman
Metcalfe Charles Roland
Metcalfe Thomas
Metherell Jean Penelope
Metivier Harry Alfred
Metivier Joseph Roger Rolland
Metka Joseph
Mewa Alick
Mewett Henry Charles
Meyer Reginald Charles
Meyer Robert Charles Mawbey
Meyer John Emerson
Meyer Bruce Sydney
Meyrick David Francis
Meznik Alois Wellington
Michaelson Gerald Wilfred
Michalek Vladimir
Michelmore Ian Richard Willerval
Michelmore Eric John Churston
Michie Ernest Wilberforce
Michie James Barnett
Micklethwaite Cecil Ward Chandos
Middlemas Roy Lewis
Middleton Ronald
Middleton Kenneth Percy
Middleton John Derek
Middleton Dennis
Middleton Harry George John
Middleton Omer Kenneth
Middleton Thomas James
Middleton Edward
Middleton Eric
Middleton Samuel Newton
Middleton George Leslie
Middleton Rowland
Middleton Douglas Davidson
Middleton Ernest
Middleton Frank Ronald
Mieville Geoffrey Northcote
Milan Clifford Arthur
Mileham Denys Edgar
Miles Neville Francis
Miles Ronald
Miles Fred Dunbar
Miles Allan Arthur
Miles George Alfred
Miles Thomas Albert
Miles Stanley Victor
Miles Charles William
Miles Arthur Charles Reece
Miles Percy George
Millar Harry Walker
Millar Alan John
Millar John Cleland
Millar Robert
Millar John Guy
Millar Kenneth Robert Grant
Millar Samuel Ray
Millar John Edward
Millard Donald Albert
Miller Nelson William Conway
Miller Arthur Leonard
Miller William
Miller Donald William
Miller Ian Graham Campbell
Miller Gordon
Miller Robert
Miller Gordon Ernest
Miller Lionel Champion
Miller Kenneth Archibald Willison
Miller John Duncan
Miller Kenneth Silver Mylne
Miller Robert
Miller Frank
Miller Charles Kenneth
Miller William James Dennis
Miller James Clayton
Miller Malcolm Stephen
Miller Alfred Stephen
Miller William Douglas
Miller Hubert Harvey
Miller Kenneth Alexander
Miller Edward George
Miller Robert Joseph
Miller Joseph Henry
Miller Keith Campbell Morison
Miller Gifford Benjamin Coles
Miller William Elliott
Miller Bruce Armstrong
Miller John Alfred
Miller Frederick Stanley
Miller Christian Godfrey
Miller George
Miller Thomas Richard
Miller Albert Andrew
Miller Colin McDowell
Miller Harold Arthur
Miller Sydney Frederick
Miller Raymond
Miller William Cosgrave
Miller Richard
Miller Reginald Lewis
Miller Thomas Henry
Millhouse Peter
Millican Allan
Milligan John
Milligan William Charles
Milliken Robert Clifton
Milliken Douglas Wilson
Millington William Henry
Millman Robert Bruce
Mills Peter Alan
Mills Ronald Edward
Mills Russel Wilbert Lewis
Mills Stanley
Mills Mervyn Jack
Mills Peter Banister
Mills Anthony Ian
Mills Clement Robert
Mills Mark
Mills Douglas Edgar
Mills Harold
Mills Ronald David
Mills Peter
Mills Stanley Harry
Mills John Hammond
Mills Norman Evans
Mills William David
Mills Sidney William
Mills William Henry James
Mills Ernest Henry
Mills Murray Allison
Mills Garth Gibson
Mills Kenneth Perram
Mills Frank George
Mills Stalford Keith
Mills Laurence Dorning
Mills Walter John
Mills Cecil Albert
Mills Lionel Abel John
Mills John Franklin
Mills Frederick
Mills Norman Edward
Mills Thomas Joseph
Mills William
Mills-Smith Frank
Millward Bertie
Millward Clement Richard
Millward Eddie
Milne William George
Milne George Kildea Traynor
Milne Roderick Fairweather
Milne James Alexander
Milne George
Milne Douglas Keith
Milne William Alexander
Milne Keith Walkom
Milne Harry David
Milner Jack
Milner Evan
Milner Leon
Milot Joseph Noel Gerard
Milton Peter Gray
Mincham Ernest Arthur
Minchin Ronald Buckland
Minchin Vernon Harold
Mindel Samuel David
Minett Mike
Minns Terry James
Minns Gilbert Robert
Minns Cederic Roland
Minogue John Joseph
Minshall Eric Ditchfield
Mirams Reginald Arthur Duncan
Mireau Albert Ovide
Miskin Thomas George
Misselbrook Sidney Trevor
Mitchell Alan
Mitchell Arthur John
Mitchell John
Mitchell Ernest Raymond
Mitchell Allan Lindsay
Mitchell Ivor
Mitchell Leslie
Mitchell Ian Good
Mitchell Wilfred Crichton Philip
Mitchell Horace
Mitchell John Andrew
Mitchell James William
Mitchell Lancelot Robert George
Mitchell Anthony George Lendrum
Mitchell Rex Harris
Mitchell Edwin
Mitchell John Lewis
Mitchell Reginald Leroy
Mitchell Peter John Felix
Mitchell Colin Patrick
Mitchell Norman
Mitchell Robert George
Mitchell Stewart Robertson
Mitchell George Alfred
Mitchell James Kinloch
Mitchell Banks Earle
Mitchell John
Mitchell Donald Stafford
Mitchell David Randolph
Mitchell Victor
Mitchell John Ian
Mitchell Clifford
Mitchell Willie
Mitchell John Finlay
Mitchell Phillip Rossiter
Mitchell Jack
Mitchell John Maxfield
Mitchell William Douglas
Mitchell David Sneddon
Mitchell Ewing Francis Willys
Mitchell Ronald Walter
Mitchell Frederick Henry
Mitchell Walter Joseph
Mitchell William Reekie
Mitchener Charles
Mitcheson Robert Dixon
Mitton William Edward
Mittonette Frederick William
Mix Reginald Donovan
Mobberley Bryan Arthur
Mockridge Frederick
Moen Ronald Olaf
Moffat William Ian
Moffat George Gordon
Moffat Thomas
Moffat James
Moffat Raymond William
Moffitt Richard
Moffitt Frederic Delmege
Mogg Douglas George
Moir Alexander
Moir George
Molan Desmond Ronald
Mole Nigel Brook
Mollard William John
Mollet Clarence Keith
Mollison Charles
Mollison Angus McKay
Molloy Paul
Molloy John Patrick
Molloy Joseph Anthony
Molloy Kenneth Jerrard
Molnar Joseph
Moloney Thomas George
Monaghan Richard John Joseph
Monaghan Eric Samuel
Monahan Joseph Earl
Moncrieff Edwin Douglas
Money Kenneth Gerald
Money John
Money Raymond Joseph
Money John Edward
Moneypenny Ronald Frank
Monk Arthur John Benning
Monk Ernest William John
Monk Frank John
Monk Arthur William
Monk Walter Jack
Monk Derrick John
Monk Ernest Wellington
Monk Peter Frank
Monks Graham William
Monks Kenneth Walter
Montague James Wilfred
Montague James Leslie
Montague James
Monteith John Charles
Montgomery Harold Thomas Whitfield
Montgomery George Raymond
Montgomery Thomas Keith
Montgomery Richard Glover
Montgomery Ralph Joseph
Monypenny John Blackwell Sinclair
Moodey Ronald Percy
Moodie Benjamin St Clair Hugh
Moody Charles James Edward
Moody John Richard
Moody Henry Wollaston
Moody Malcolm Charles
Moody Victor Charles George
Moon Donald Francis
Moon Arthur
Moon John William
Mooney Landon Pleasants
Mooney James
Moore Robert Arthur
Moore Arthur John
Moore Robert John
Moore Victor Clague
Moore William Storey
Moore Anthony David
Moore Stanley
Moore Sidney
Moore Alfred Edward Hamilton
Moore Robert Angus
Moore Ernest Raymond
Moore George Edwin
Moore Lorne Joseph
Moore James Worrall
Moore Trevor Bryn
Moore William Norman
Moore Robert John
Moore Denis John
Moore Albert
Moore Peter William Lewis
Moore John
Moore Eric Percival
Moore Leonard
Moore Franklin Guy
Moore Frederick Leslie
Moore Herbert Louis
Moore Frank
Moore Raymond Edward
Moore Dennis Maurice
Moore Harold John
Moore Joseph Laurence
Moore William Robert
Moore Reginald Stanley
Moore Arthur Frankland
Moore Donald Francis
Moore Keith Anthony Vaughton
Moore Jack Henry
Moore George Nelson
Moore Walter William
Moore Cyril James
Moore Cyril John
Moore Albert Joseph
Moore Alfred William
Moore Bernard
Moore Edward
Moore Francis Arthur
Moore Maurice
Moore Maurice
Moore Oswald Charles
Moore Raymond Duncan
Moore Wilfred Aubrey
Moore Walter Gordon
Moores Leslie Edwin
Moores Walter
Moorhead George John
Moorhouse Horace
Moraes Allen Francis Warner
Moran William John
Moran Ted James
Moran James Francisco
Mordue Henry
Morel Ronald Henry
Morelly Max Louis
Moreton John Henry
Moreton James
Morfoot Lorne Albert
Morgan Arthur John
Morgan Stanley Edward Herbert
Morgan John Reginald Dalton
Morgan Gilbert
Morgan Frederick Henry
Morgan Kenneth William
Morgan Ronald
Morgan Alun Milsom
Morgan Samuel
Morgan John Derek
Morgan Lancelot Eric
Morgan William George
Morgan Rhedge Haydn Durham
Morgan Leslie
Morgan John Gilbert
Morgan John Price
Morgan Dennis Richard Irving
Morgan James
Morgan John Willoughby
Morgan Ivor
Morgan Geoffrey Arthur
Morgan Wilfred Frank
Morgan William John
Morgan William
Morgan William Cecil
Morgan Brinley Ewart
Morgan Gwynfryn
Morgan Henry Blanchard
Morgan Aneurin
Morgan Arthur Richards
Morgan Francis Edward
Morgan Ieuan Glynne
Morgan James
Morgan Percy Cyril
Morgan Thomas
Morgan-Owen Maurice Linden
Morgans Evan Maunder
Morganstein Isadore Maurice
Moriarty Bartholomew
Morin Joseph Robert
Morin Joseph Rene
Morison Henry Gordon Norman
Morisse Archie Walter Russell
Moritz William Kevin
Morley Ronald George Lehmann
Morley Kenneth
Morley Frank Kenneth
Morley Charles Richard
Morley Christopher Searle Hamilton
Morley Robert Stinson
Morley Eric Andrew
Morley Daniel Charles
Morley Derek James
Moroney Denis
Moroney William Patrick
Moroz Hryhory
Morphett Henry Leslie Benjamin
Morphett Douglas Clarke
Morphy Earl Edward
Morrall George
Morrell Kenneth
Morrell Francis William
Morrell Alan Thompson Tait
Morrell Francis William
Morrell Frederick Reginald
Morren Thomas William George
Morrice John
Morrice George John
Morris Terence Albert George
Morris Mervyn Lascelles
Morris Arnold
Morris Arthur Charles Norman
Morris Cyril Midford
Morris Thomas Benjamin
Morris Frederick Arthur
Morris Charles Thomas Richard
Morris Alan Alfred Frederick
Morris Richard Hartlebury
Morris Ralph Brettell
Morris Gordon
Morris Frederick Allan
Morris Eilwyn Rees
Morris Gwyn
Morris Desmond Edward
Morris Joseph
Morris Hyan Alfred
Morris George Richard
Morris Lionel Austin
Morris David Gordon
Morris Claude Reginald Frederick
Morris Harold Urbin
Morris Norman Henry
Morris Harold Richard
Morris Ronald Robert Curphey
Morris William
Morris Norman Foster
Morris Charles Patrick
Morris Ernest
Morris James William
Morris Harold Alexandra
Morris Raymonde
Morris Roger Marshall
Morris Jack
Morris Rae Latham
Morris Herbert Junior
Morris Geoffrey Eli
Morris Joseph
Morris Joseph Andrew
Morris Jeffrey Richard
Morris Vernon
Morrish Harold Frederick
Morrison Stewart Alexander
Morrison George
Morrison Robert Noel
Morrison Victor Clement Robert
Morrison Frank Mckenzie
Morrison James Douglas
Morrison John Graham
Morrison John Kendall
Morrison Norman Robert
Morrison William Donald
Morrison Duncan
Morrison Earl Darragh
Morriss John Edward
Morriss Thomas Geoffrey
Morrissy Donald Patrick
Morrow Donald Lloyd
Morrow Patrick William John
Morrow William Clifford
Morrow Allan Stott
Morrow H Claire Keith
Morrow Frederick John
Morrow Stanley Samuel
Morse Walter Edwin Lawrence
Morse Arthur Lawrence
Morse Noel Percy
Morse Kenneth Reginald
Morshead Owen Henry
Mortimer Cecil Henry
Mortimer Joseph Edward
Mortimer Allen Frederick John
Mortimer Alfred
Mortimer Stanley Horace
Mortimer Lawry Brimson
Mortlock Vivien Vincent
Morton Frederick Charles
Morton Frank Ernest
Morton Ernest Leonard
Morton Robin William
Morton James
Morton Robert Smith
Morton Thomas
Morton Robert
Morton Henry
Morton James Lister
Morton Arthur David
Morton Milton Robert
Morton Hubert William Howe
Morton Charles Gregory
Morton John Robert
Morton Clifford Keith
Morton John Kenneth
Morton Robert Semple
Morton Oswald Percy
Morton Lindsey Herbert
Morton Whyant William
Morton-Moncrieff George Archie
Morum Albert Desmond Victor
Moseley Cerris
Moseley Donald Vivian
Moseley-Williams Walter Read
Moses George
Mosey Ernest
Mosey John William
Mosher Paul Darby
Moss John William
Moss Walter James
Moss John
Moss Maurice Henry
Moss Douglas Wallace
Moss John Kenneth
Moss Leonard Edward
Moss John Edward
Moss Anthony Cade
Moss Douglas William
Moss Edwin John Barnes
Moss Donald
Moss Thomas John
Moss Victor
Moss Ronald Lawrence
Moss Herbert Basil Kenneth
Moth Albert
Motley Kevin Patrick Royston
Mott Geoffrey Seaby Hayden
Mottershead Harold
Mottishaw Herbert Edward
Mouland Hubert James
Mould Gordon Charles
Mould Geoffrey Arthur Douglas
Mould Charles Cyril
Mould George Baker
Mould Henry Harold Brownlow
Moulds Stewart Ireland Collister
Moulton Frederick Arthur
Mounsey Eric Graham
Mount Jesse Presley Robert
Mountain Frederick
Mountain Charles Denis
Mountain Herbert Hutin
Mountain Edward Richard Ernest
Mountier Russell Johnston
Mountney John Philip
Mowan Terence Patrick
Mowat William Rankin Alexander
Mowatt Alexander Davidson
Mowbray Frederick
Moxen Eric
Moxham James Gerald
Moxham Bernard
Moxon Harry
Moyle Richard Henry
Moyle Alan Lipson
Moyle Ronald Albert
Moynham Harold Frederick John
Moynihan Frederick Kingsmill
Mrazek Emilian
Mudd John Thomas
Muddiman Denis Walter
Mudford Vernon
Mudge William Henry
Mueller Phillip John Otto
Muffitt Edward Earle
Mugford Allan Ivan
Muir Alexander Edward
Muir George Falconer
Muir Norman Charles
Muir Colin Bruce
Muir Robert Michael
Muir Alexander Jamieson
Muir Anthony Vincent
Muir Simon William Smith
Muirhead Peter Thomson
Mulcair Kevin Joseph
Muldoon Reginald Arthur
Muldowney John Edward
Mules Ronald Morley
Mulford Frederick Bertie
Mulford John William
Mulhall George Lafricain
Mulhall John Leonard
Mulholland William Maxwell
Mullally William Michael
Mullally James Aloysious
Mullenger Stanley Gordon
Muller Harold Frederick
Muller Frank Esbert
Muller-Rowland Stanley Rowland
Mullett Peter Derek
Mulligan Michael
Mulligan Robert Trevor
Mulligan Maurice Gregory
Mullin John Brown
Mullinger Robert Bruce
Mullins John Russell
Mullins Raymond James
Mumford Ronald John
Mumford Arthur Robert
Mumford Vernon Ashley
Munday Neville Richardson
Mundy Hector MacDonald
Munn Cunningham
Munnery Harold
Munns Harold Charles
Munns Reginald William Frederick
Munro John
Munro Roy
Munro Charles
Munro James Francis
Munroe James Henry
Munsey Roy Hensman
Munslow Arthur Dennis
Murcar Alexander
Murdoch Bernard Norris
Murdoch Alastair Fraser
Murdoch Thomas Talbot
Murdoch James
Murdoch Thomas Graham
Muris Alan Forster
Murphy Alfred George
Murphy Patrick Terence
Murphy Robert Friar
Murphy John Dawson
Murphy Matthew
Murphy Michael Francis
Murphy William Morgan
Murphy Joseph Harold Michael
Murphy Kevin James
Murphy Michael
Murphy Patrick
Murphy Leslie Desmond Prundy
Murphy Thomas Edward
Murphy Lloyd Joseph Charles
Murphy William Gorman
Murphy Leroy Francis Joseph
Murphy Lawrence
Murphy John Francis
Murphy Francis Art
Murphy Timothy Christopher
Murphy Charles John
Murphy William Arthur
Murphy Maurice Joseph
Murphy Gilbert Mansfield
Murphy Gerald Francis
Murphy Kevin James
Murphy John Howard
Murphy Roger William
Murphy Terrence Guillanny
Murray James Reid
Murray Peter
Murray Daniel James
Murray John David William
Murray James
Murray John Charles
Murray Charles
Murray John Michael
Murray Albert Thomas James
Murray Murdoch Campbell
Murray William Wallace
Murray William Arnold
Murray John Frank Gordon
Murray Ross Marshall
Murray Fergus Thomas
Murray Thomas Donald Gordon
Murray John Moffat
Murray John Richard
Murray John Kay
Murray Alexander George
Murray Harold Duncan
Murray John Ian
Murray George
Murray James Francis Joseph
Murray James Noel
Murray Robert McAuly
Murray Geoffrey Hillam Gurr
Murray Aubrey George
Murray John Ambrose McCormack
Murray Hubert Stephen
Murray James Lomas
Murray Malcolm
Murray William
Murrell Colin
Musgrave Arthur
Musgrove Dennis William
Mushet Robert Alexander
Musk Jack
Musselwhite Leslie James
Mussett Dennis Roland
Must Reginald Sidney
Mustchin John Frederick
Musto Clifford William
Mustoe Frederick Charles
Mutton Elmer John
Mycock James Kenneth
Mycock James
Myers Richard
Myers David
Myers Thomas Herbert
Myers Leonard
Myers John Norley
Myers Charles Alf
Myers Joseph Barnby
Myers George Wright
Myers George
Myers Robert William
Mylchreest James Edwin
Myles William
Mylrea John Edward
Mynott Leonard Richard
Nadaraja Gnani
Nadeau Joseph Albert
Nagalingam Kadir Kamn
Nagley Arthur Harold
Naiff Ronald Arthur
Naile Leslie Jack
Nairn Lloyd Stephen
Nairn Ross Bell
Nairne Colin George
Naismith Douglas Arthur
Namias Mayer Henry Richard
Nancarrow Fred George
Napier Douglas MacDonald
Napier Robert
Napier Stanley
Nash Jack
Nash Frederick Desmond
Nash Raymond
Nash Jack
Nash Charles Arthur
Nash Claude Ronald
Nash Robert Joseph
Nathan Michael Frederick
Nathan Gerald
Nation William Arthur
Nation John Ross
Natta Basil Matthew
Nattrass Arthur Edward
Naughtin Harold Thomas
Nault Donat Cyprien Romain
Navin James Michael
Navin Donald Joseph
Nayler Edward Allan
Naylor Kenneth
Naylor Donald
Naylor Kenneth
Naylor Charles Holt
Naylor Norman Joseph
Naylor Bernard
Naylor Charles
Naylor Claude Lambert
Neade Reuben Howard
Neafsey Edward
Neal Roy
Neal James William
Neal Eric
Neal Ronald
Neal Basil Leonard
Neale William George
Neale Donald John
Neale Robert John
Neale George Leonard Arthur
Neale Peter Ernest
Neale William Percival
Neale Percival Eric James
Neale Douglas
Neale Alan Frank
Neale Ralph Henry
Neary John
Neary Edward Patrick
Needham Roland
Needham Arthur Sidney
Needham Leo Thomas
Needham Raymond Guy
Needler George Stephenson
Needs Lancelot Kenneth
Neeson Andrew John
Negus Michael
Negus Bruce Lindsay
Neil Douglas Cameron
Neil George
Neil William
Neill Robert Walter
Neill Maurice
Neill Victor Stephenson
Neilson James Andrew
Neilson Donald Maurice
Neilson Donald Fullerton
Neilson Eric Haakon
Nekludow Frederick Peter
Nelmes Leslie John
Nelson Max Kiri
Nelson Orvin Kenneth
Nelson Lloyd William
Nelson Arthur William Eaton
Nelson Vincent Emerald
Nelson Roger
Nelson Charles Storer
Nelson Reginald
Nelson Bjorn Ramsey
Nelson William Henry
Nelson Harry
Nelson Gordon Howard
Nelson George
Nelson Roy Archibald Hugh
Nemecek Ladislav
Neradil Jan
Nesbitt George William Reginald
Netherclift Leslie
Nethercott Kenneth John
Nettleton John Dering
Netzke James Samuel
Nevard Alexander Eric
Neve Cecil
Neville Brian Walter
Neville Gerald Purcelle
Neville Gerald Anthony
Neville James Paterson
Neville Andrew Christopher
Neville Maurice William
Neville William John
Neville John
Newark Edgar Stanley
Newbatt Reginald Edward
Newbegin Philip Wadham
Newberry James
Newbery Alec Kenneth
Newbery Thomas Arthur
Newbery Charles Hugh Le Blanc
Newbound Fred
Newbury Dennis William
Newby Eldred George
Newby Arthur Ronald
Newcomb Robert Clayton
Newcomb Frederick William Robert
Newcomb Richard William
Newcombe Henry John
Newcombe Roy
Newcombe Sydney James
Newell Alfred Rowe
Newell Albert Victor
Newell Victor Louis John
Newell Claude Ralston
Newell Alfred James
Newell John Leslie
Newell Alan John
Newell Harry
Newell-Jones Christopher
Newey Norman Ronald
Newey Leonard
Newham Norman Kenneth
Newlands John
Newling Michael Alan
Newlyn Raymond Victor
Newman James William
Newman Jack Godfrey
Newman John Arthur Cyril
Newman Kenneth Eric
Newman Roy Ernest
Newman George Eric
Newman Gordon Kenneth Moyle
Newman Albert Edwin
Newman Peter
Newman Anthony William Bright
Newman David Robert
Newman Frederic Jack
Newman Colin Alfred
Newman George Wilkie
Newman John Victor William
Newman Samuel
Newnam Leonard Edward
Newnham Alfred
Newson Frederick Henry
Newson Frank William
Newton Kenneth Edward
Newton Arthur Thomas
Newton George Henry
Newton William Arthur
Newton Stanley John
Newton Joseph William
Newton William Richard
Newton Kenneth McIntosh
Newton Raymond John
Newton John
Newton Walter
Newton-Clare John Edward
Niall James Dominic
Niblett John
Nice Patrick Eric Norman
Nice Francis Arnold Winter
Nicholas Frank Joseph Leslie
Nicholl Bruce Henry
Nicholls Maurice Sydney
Nicholls Geoffrey Amos
Nicholls Thomas Hugh
Nicholls William Ernest Handel
Nicholls George Edward
Nicholls Roland Alfred
Nicholls Bruce Warren
Nicholls William Frederick
Nicholls Robert Percy
Nicholls Walter
Nicholls Albert Ernest
Nicholls Raymond George
Nicholls Peter William
Nicholls Cecil Aspland
Nicholls Leslie John
Nicholls Nephi
Nichols James Alfred
Nichols David William Gibb
Nichols George Frederick
Nichols Ralph Edward
Nichols Howard William
Nichols Alan Hone
Nichols Edward Compton Lowther
Nichols Leonard William
Nichols Laurence John
Nicholson William
Nicholson Charles Edward
Nicholson Harry Joseph
Nicholson Francis Joseph
Nicholson Alexander
Nicholson Edward Lyman Elliot
Nicholson Gerald Thomas
Nicholson Vivian
Nicholson Thomas
Nickel Bruce Herbert
Nickells George Henry
Nickels Edward George
Nickerson Frederick John
Nickleson John Murray
Nicol James Lauder
Nicol William Frederick
Nicol James Charles
Nicol Henry
Nicol Albert Harry
Nicoll Sidney Gibson
Nicolson Samuel
Nidelman Bernard Davis
Nies Robert Edgar
Nightingale Joseph
Nightingale John William
Nimmo Robert Anderson
Nineham Leslie Donald
Nisbet William Noble
Nisbet James William
Nissen Victor Robinson Engelstoft
Niven Charles Morrison
Niven Robert Henry
Nixon Thomas Lowry
Nixon Frank
Nixon Ernest Charles
Nixon John William
Nixon John Joseph
Nixon James Edwin
Nixon Lionel Ernest
Nixon Wilfred Earle
Noad Charles Arthur Shears
Noble Dennis
Noble James Albert
Noble William Fred
Noble Hugh William
Noble Steven
Noble William
Noble John Isaac
Noble Roderic David Bell
Noble William Gershon
Noble Gordon Harvey
Noble Ian Richard Steele
Nodes Peter Arnold
Noel Peter Ashley
Nolan Maurice
Nolan George Grant Kingsmill
Nolan William George
Nolan-Neylan Laurence George
Noon Frank
Noonan Joseph Wilfrid Raymond
Nopper Frederick Henry
Norburn Eric Richard
Norcross Horace Pilling
Norcross Walter Clifford
Norejko Stephen Lawrence
Norfolk Alan Bernard
Norie Kenneth Ross
Norley William Roy
Norman Adolphus Wilfred
Norman Victor James
Norman William Christopher
Norman Alexander
Norman Ernest Edward
Norman Cecil Barber
Norman-Arterton Harry Walter Crouch
Normanton Peter Hugh
Normore Eric Stanley
Norrie John William
Norrington Derrick
Norris John Dederick
Norris Alister Raymond
Norris James Royden
Norris Sidney Gordon
Norris Alfred Henry
Norris Keith
Norris John Thomas Webster Green
Norris Louis Robert Martin
Norris John Edward
Norris Eustace Vincent
Norris Frank William Bates
Norris John Harry
Norrish George Edward
Norsworthy Robert Keith
North Ronald
North Eric Conway
North Wilfred Ronald Eli
North Harold Leslie
North Guy William Hay
North Jonathan
North James
North Ronald
North Charles Peter
North Hunter Arthur Aubrey
Northall Walter Bernard
Northcott Harry Arthur James
Northcott David George
Northcott Cyril
Northern Edward
Northwood Hilsby Reginald
Norton John Anthony
Norton Charles James
Norton Herbert Vernon
Norton Alan George
Norwood Bryan Peter
Noseley Geoffrey George
Nossiter Bennet Thomas
Nosworthy Albert Edward
Notley Alan
Noton Reginald Frederick
Nott Jack Stewart
Nova Andrew
Novak Josef
Novak Jaroslav
Novak Mojmir
Noyes Peter Raymond
Noyes Frederick John
Nudds Herbert William
Nugent Royden Leslie
Nugent William
Nugent Walter Crone
Nunez George Albert
Nunn Douglas Arthur
Nunn Albert Edward George
Nunn Barrie
Nurse Reginald Sydney
Nussey Douglas Richard Kyrke
Nutt Kenneth Charles
Nutt Peter Norman
Nuttall Norman Howarth
Nuttall John
Nuttall Allen John
Nutter James Henry
Nye Donald Edwin
Nyvlt Josef
O'Beirne Dennis
O'Brien Michael Thomas
O'Brien James Thomas
O'Brien Peter Loda
O'Brien Charles Stuart
O'Brien George John Patrick
O'Brien Cecil
O'Brien John Ormond
O'Byrne Thomas Patrick
O'Callaghan Poraumati
O'Callaghan John Gerald
O'Carroll Francis
O'Connell Peter
O'Connor Cornelius
O'Connor Robert John
O'Connor Charles Patrick
O'Connor James Michael Barry
O'Connor Stafford Thomas
O'Connor John Desmond
O'Connor George Dalton
O'Day Dennis Neill
O'Donnell David Keith
O'Donnell Edmund Michael
O'Donnell James
O'Donnell Brian John
O'Donnell Joseph Norman
O'Donnell John Patrick
O'Donoghue Desmund Pius
O'Donoghue Maurice Edmund
O'Dowd Kevin Patrick
O'Dwyer Arthur Francis
O'Grady John Earl
O'Grady John Brian De Courcy
O'Hagan Walter Gerard
O'Hanlon Felix Francis
O'Hara Leonard William
O'Hara Basil Morgan
O'Hara Gerald Churchill Patrick
O'Heney William Patrick
O'Keeffe Claude Edward John
O'Leary Patrick Terrence
O'Leary Patrick William
O'Louchlin Dennis
O'Mara Sidney Timothy
O'Marah Thomas Leslie
O'Meara Patrick Edmund
O'Neil Grant Murray
O'Neil Harold Douglas
O'Neil Edward Thomas
O'Neill Lawrence William
O'Neill Charles
O'Neill William Henry
O'Neill William Patrick Hermon
O'Neill William
O'Neill Ronald Edward
O'Neill James Cornelius
O'Neill Richard Glasson
O'Neill Francis Roy
O'Neill David Henry
O'Neill Kenneth
O'Quinn Arthur
O'Riordan Thomas Patrick
O'Rourke Arthur Francis
O'Rourke Edward John
O'Shea Patrick Francis
O'Toole Lawrence
O'Toole Michael Joseph
Oak-Rhind David Knaggs
Oakes Albert Joseph
Oakeshott Alan Robertson
Oakey Arthur Leslie Archibald
Oakley Edward Richard Cyril
Oakley William Henry
Oakley Ernest Graham
Oates William
Oatley Frederick Paul Horton
Oatway John Evered
Obard Stanley
Oberg Albert Edward
Ockenden Frederick Charles
Odell Harold Price
Odgers John Arthur
Oertel Stanley James
Offer Lloyd
Offler Robert Wilgar
Offler William Henry
Ogden Sydney
Ogden John Oliver Edward
Ogg Lindsay Thomas
Ogg Robert George
Ogier Michael Owen
Ogilvie James McVie
Ogilvie Walter Henry
Ogilvie James Flockhart Thom
Ogilvie Patrick Bruce Bine
Ogilvie Robert William
Ogilvy Allister Smith
Ogston Douglas
Ogston William
Oldbury George Thomas
Oldfield Harold Sewell
Oldfield Leonard Arthur
Oldham Edward Murray
Oldham Edward Ashley
Oldham James Wolstenholme
Oldknow Jack
Oldman Leonard Henry
Oldroyd Ronald
Oldroyd Trafford Henry
Olds Frederick Rossini
Olive Jack Percival
Oliver William Edgar
Oliver Mostyn William
Oliver Richard George
Oliver John Morgan
Oliver Jack Moss
Oliver Frank
Oliver Henry Joseph
Oliver Sydney
Oliver Harold Bruce
Oliver Edward Henry
Oliver Roland Stanton
Ollar Alexander Johnston Stewart
Ollier Leonard
Ollier Kenneth
Ollinger John Joseph
Olliver Edward Alan
Olmsted Wilfred Jamieson
Olney William John Paterson
Olsen Alvin Gustaf
Olsen Nelson William
Olson Donald Brant
Oman Alex Stanley
Omilianouski Peter Christopher
Ommaney Rupert John
Omnet William Houston Pollock
Openshaw John Derek
Oram William John
Oram Jack Edward
Orchard Jack
Ord Alan
Orford Norman Henry
Orgar Frederick Douglas
Orman Jack
Orme Alexander Colin
Orme Geoffrey Charles
Orr Thomas Edward
Orr Thomas
Orr George Davidson
Orr Nathaniel Percy
Orr William Boyd
Orr Thomas Allan
Orr Archibald
Orr James
Orrick Alan
Orrock Robert Clifford
Orton Newell
Orwin Fred
Osborn William
Osborn Roy Harris
Osborn James Edward
Osborn Edward Read
Osborn Thomas William
Osborne Thomas Charles
Osborne Derek Oscar
Osborne Albert John
Osborne Cyril James
Osborne Derek Vincent
Osborne Frank Ostell Blaylock
Osborne Cecil Charles
Osborne Henry Lawrence
Osman Patrick George
Osmond Anthony
Osmond-Jones Graham Leslie
Osselton William
Ostler Cyril
Oswald Roy
Ott Leonard Richard
Ottaway Albert James
Otter John Clifford
Ottey Joseph Arthur
Ottley Geoffrey George
Ottway Edwin Herbert
Ouellette Louis Alexander
Ouseby William John
Ovens John Roberts
Ovens Edward William
Overed Martin
Overee John Walter William
Overend Gerald Joseph
Overheu Ian
Overington Oliver John
Overton Bryan George
Ovis Ronald Dennis
Owen Cyril Malcolm
Owen Arthur Edward
Owen Charles Duncan
Owen Richard David
Owen John
Owen Anthony Guy
Owen Roy William
Owen William George
Owen David Alfred Thomas
Owen William Naylor
Owen Raymond Edwin
Owen Harold Edgar Frank
Owen William
Owen Denison
Owen Joseph Thomas
Owen John Elwyn
Owen Stanley
Owen Arthur
Owens John Charles
Owens Henry Moncrieff
Owens Hugh Ellis
Owens David Sydney
Oxborrow John Edgar Percival
Oxenbridge Edward William
Oxley John Alan
Oxley Walter
Oxley Herbert John
Oxlin Harold
Oyler Potter George
Pace Ronald McMurray
Pace Thomas Gilbert
Packer Ronald Jack
Packham Robert Edward Swain
Padden Gerald Thomas
Paddick Sidney Robert
Paddon Frederick David
Padfield Ernest Leslie
Padget Richard Elwood
Padgham Victor Stanley
Padley John Paty
Page Edgar James
Page Thomas Edward
Page Leslie Charles
Page Herbert Peter
Page Walter Kenneth Drummond
Page Sydney John
Page Cubitt Henry Benjamin
Page Frank Ronald
Page Leslie Alfred
Page Kenneth John
Page Robert Humphrey
Paget Arthur Ian
Paget Arthur Thomas
Pagett Thomas Robert
Pahlow Robert Maxwell Joseph
Pain Ronald George
Paine James Douglas
Paine Edward William
Painter Arthur Joseph
Painter Eric Henry James
Painter Ernest George
Painting Geoffrey Arthur
Paish William Charles Henry
Paish Cyril Frederick
Paisley Ronald
Paisley John Robert
Paisley Hugh
Pakenham-Walsh Henry Goodrich Le Barr
Paling Thomas
Palk Stanley George
Pallett Frederick Cecil
Pallett Denis Isiah
Palmer Esmond John
Palmer Gordon
Palmer Charles Henry
Palmer Edward Bartle
Palmer Alfred Ernest
Palmer Henry Percival
Palmer Allan John
Palmer Donald
Palmer Cyril Dampier
Palmer William George
Palmer Samuel
Palmer Francis William
Palmer Norman Nelson
Palmer Freeman Henry
Palmer Sidney Alexander
Palmer Robert
Palmer Dennis William
Palmer Arnold
Palmer Alfred Richard Harry
Palmer Frederick Russell
Palmer Arthur Gordon
Palmer William Arthur
Palmer George Arthur
Palmer John Herbert
Palmer Herbert James
Palmer Benjamin
Palmer George Edward
Palmer-Tomkinson Antony
Palsen George Joseph Herman
Pamenter George Arthur Francis
Pannell Albert William
Panton William
Panton Charles Lawrence
Pantry Thomas
Papousek Karel
Papworth John Norris
Paquette Elmer Joseph Frederick
Paquin Joseph Hector
Paquot Andre Marie Remy Gustave
Paradise Reginald William
Paramore Roger Edward Rawle
Parbery Donald George
Parbery Marshall Edmund
Pare Joseph Alphonse Normand
Pareezer Reginald Tony
Parent Leon
Parent Leonard John
Parfitt Hilary Rolfe
Pargeter Aubrey Huia
Parham Robert Nelson
Parish Edward Francis
Park James Gibson
Park Donald Victor
Park Robert Aird
Park Edwin Earle Fairgrieve
Park Arthur Morton
Park Lewis
Park Harold Maurice
Park Alec John
Park George William
Park Albert
Park Robert William
Park John Trevor
Parke Edwin Roy
Parker Peter James Northern
Parker Thomas Henry
Parker Anthony Joseph William
Parker Edward George Lancelot
Parker Thomas Lawrence
Parker Walter
Parker William Claude
Parker Harold Colin
Parker Robert Peter Melton
Parker Allin Beers
Parker James Ronald
Parker Douglas Roger
Parker Hubert Jack
Parker Gordon Francis
Parker John Allen
Parker Ernest
Parker Thomas George John
Parker Sydney Harold
Parker Edward
Parker William Fincham
Parker Peter Ralph
Parker Ernest William
Parker Harry William
Parker Howard Russell
Parker John
Parker Brady Oscar
Parker Albert Charles William
Parker James Monkman
Parker Jack William Logg
Parker Harold Mason
Parker Ralf
Parker Brace Harry
Parker F M
Parker Peter Thomas
Parkes Cranmer Kenneth
Parkes Thomas
Parkes Jack Elliott
Parkes George Raymond
Parkhouse Raymond Cranmer
Parkin John Edmund
Parkin Gordon John
Parkin Graham George
Parkin Frederick William
Parkin William Henry
Parkins Dennis Arthur
Parkins Lewis Aubrey
Parkinson Jack
Parkinson Thomas
Parkinson Herbert
Parkinson Tom
Parkinson William George
Parkinson Jack
Parkinson Ralph
Parkinson George Edward
Parkinson Arthur
Parkinson Ronald Chesterton
Parks Harold
Parks Stanley Muirson
Parkyn Alfred Joseph
Parliament Harry Bertram
Parmenter Cecil Frederick
Parmenter Kenneth Frederick
Parnell William James
Parnell Anthony William
Parnell Bernard
Parolek Jan Frantiser
Parr Stanley
Parr Douglas John
Parr Cyril George
Parr Arthur Brian
Parr Eric Bernard
Parr Sydney Westall
Parratt Leslie Frederick
Parrish Kenneth James
Parrott Allan George
Parrott John George James
Parry Clwyd
Parry William Charles
Parry Edward
Parry Norman Ronald
Parry John Alfred
Parry Robert Richard
Parry Martyn Hope
Parry William
Parry Maurice
Parry Joseph Stewart
Parry Ernest Arthur
Parry Arthur Charles
Parry Leonard
Parry-Jones Peter Denys
Parslow Christopher Frederick James
Parslow George Charles William
Parsons Ronald
Parsons Arthur Edward
Parsons Harry Michael
Parsons Sydney
Parsons Charles Ronald
Parsons Reginald
Parsons John
Parsons James Barry
Parsons Claude Arthur
Parsons Thomas Victor
Parsons James John
Parsons Sidney John Rex
Parsons Ivor Henry
Parsons Peter Francis
Parsons Samuel
Partington Angus Noel
Parton Austen Bristow
Parton William James
Parton Frank Albert
Parton Eric Cliffe
Partridge Charles Arthur
Partridge Clarence Arthur
Partridge Henry Albert
Partridge Robert Douglas
Pascoe Alfred George
Paskey Horace George
Pasquins Richard Leonard
Pass Harold Kenneth
Passage Thomas Eugene
Passingham Clifford
Pasterfield William Ernest Newton
Patchesa Harold Arthur
Pate James Thomas
Paterson Nathaniel
Paterson Franklyn Hayward
Paterson Leslie Francis
Paterson Ian Stewart
Paterson William Simpson
Paterson Norman Fraser
Paterson Alexander Gordon
Paterson Frederick Harley
Patey Vernon Trevor Alan
Paton Evan Harvey
Paton Norman James Alexander
Paton Robert McIlwraith
Patrick William Ian Struan
Patrick Michael
Patrick Thomas Wylie
Patrick Maxwell Morley
Patston Vincent John
Patten Evan Charles
Patterson William Joseph
Patterson Frank Alfred Sedger
Patterson Alfred William
Patterson George Scaife
Patterson William
Patterson Robert Lawson
Patterson Robert Mawhinney
Patterson Vernon Foster
Patterson Leo Harkness
Patterson Joseph Moses
Patterson Ray Edwin
Patterson Harold McCosh
Patterson Leonard John
Patterson John Anderson
Patterson Wilfred Nicholson
Patterson John Bridges
Patterson William Milne
Patterson Thomas Crawford Bentley
Patterson George William
Patterson James
Pattison Alan
Pattison Cecil Vivian
Pattison Vincent James
Pattison David Victor
Pattisson Charles
Pattle Basil William
Patton John Randolph
Patton John
Pattyson Leonard William
Paudash Robert Elmer
Paul Ernest Edward
Paul Alfred Walter
Paul John William
Paul Eric
Paul Keith Walter
Paul Douglas Ewen
Paul Maxwell William Elliott
Paull Robert William
Paveley Derek Arthur Frank
Pavelka Edward
Pavely Robert Frank
Pavey William Allen
Pavitt Geoffrey Charles
Pavlu Otto
Pawsey Thomas
Paxton Thomas Roy
Pay John Sydney
Payne Donald William
Payne Donald Mayston
Payne Peter Henry
Payne William Francis
Payne Cyril Jesse
Payne Leslie Frank
Payne Albert George Walter
Payne Victor Stanley
Payne Frederick Charles
Payne John Graham Phillipson
Payne Cyril
Payne Claude Charles
Payne William Gordon
Payne William John
Payne Geoffrey Oswald
Payne Herbert Frederick
Payne Thomas Samuel
Payne Herbert John
Payton George William
Peabody Harold Sherman
Peace Walter Thomas
Peace Fred
Peacey Douglas William
Peach Anthony John
Peachey Edward William Aidan
Peacock Henry Frank
Peacock William Ostle
Peacock Edwin
Peacock Robert James
Peacock Andrew Francis
Peacock William Albert
Peacock Arthur David
Peacock Francis James
Peacock Ernest Ronald
Peacock Roy Leslie
Pearce Edward Albert
Pearce Thomas John
Pearce William Henry Newton
Pearce Thomas Robert Arthur Dalton
Pearce Edgar
Pearce William Stephen Oliver
Pearce Ivan Edgar
Pearce Eric
Pearce William John
Pearce Harold
Pearce Stewart William
Pearce Gordon Alvery
Pearce Basel Vincent
Pearce Laurence James
Pearce Donald Maurice
Pearce Peter Griffin
Pearce Alfred John
Pearce Maurice Edward
Pearce James Andrew
Pearce Stanley David
Pearce Peter Henry
Pearce Arthur
Pearce James Edmund
Pearce Allan Edgar
Pearce Francis Thomas William
Pearce Patrick John Derek
Pearce William Edward
Pearl Philip
Pearman Thomas William
Pears Edward Robert Matheson
Pears Robert
Pearsall Alan Louden
Pearson Denis
Pearson Maxwell John
Pearson John Vinton
Pearson Edward
Pearson Thomas William
Pearson Frederick
Pearson Fred
Pearson Gordon John
Pearson Clifford
Pearson Malcolm Leslie
Pearson Vernon Lawrence
Pearson Edward Henry
Pearson Leslie Charles
Pearson Maxwell Charles
Pearson Ian Maclaren
Pearson Reginald William
Pearson Harry
Pearson Harry Vincent
Pearson James Charles
Pearson James Christopher
Pearson Adrian
Peart John
Peart Andrew Frederick
Pearton Kingsley
Pearton Charles
Peatey Cyril Arthur
Peats Roberts
Peattie Robert James
Pebody Jack Ethelbert
Pechet Samuel William
Peck John Nelson
Peck Raymond Stanley
Peck Reginald John
Peckham John Henry
Peckham Nelson
Peckham Ronald James
Peden Gordon James
Pedlow William
Peebles William
Peebles William
Peek Kenneth Charles
Peel George Henry
Peel Robert Charles
Peel Jack
Peel James Francis
Peel Harvey Alderson
Peel Charles David
Peel Herbert Orlando
Peers Leslie Arthur
Peet Frank Eric
Peet Gordon Leonard
Peever Frederick
Peggs Geoffrey Charles
Pegler Victor William
Pegram Thomas Henry
Pegrum Douglas Frank
Peill Joseph Henry
Peirce Ronald Leonard Mark
Peircey Arthur Charles Campbell
Pekin Stanley Thomas
Pelham-Clinton Alastair Henry
Pellettier Jean Gerard
Pellowe John Henry
Pendelpho Charles Ronald
Pendleton Leonard
Penhale Martin Harvey
Penlington Edward Frederick
Penman David Glass
Penman William George
Penman Alan
Penman Alfred
Penman George Bernard
Pennells Robert Henry
Penner Alvin Harold
Penney Dennis William
Penney Albert Sydney
Pennington Alan Jervis
Pennington Edward
Pennington Ellis Lister
Pennycord Albert Douglas
Pennykid Robert
Penrice Thomas
Penrose Hubert Harding
Pentelow Phillip James
Penton Douglas
Peplar Stephen George
Peploe Frank George
Pepper Neville Ernest Wetherell
Pepper Terrence Barnes
Pepper Douglas Bertram
Pepper Laurence Victor
Pepper Ernest George Richard
Pepper Maurice Sidney
Pepper Merton George
Pepper Harold Douglas
Pepper Francis Laurence
Peppercorn Donald Henry James
Pepperrell Archibald James
Peppler David George
Pepworth Stanley Arthur
Percival Frederick John
Percival William
Percival Kenneth Hugh
Percival Fredrick
Percy Hugh Harold
Perkins Jack Austin
Perkins David James
Perkins Alfred Kortright
Perkins Reginald George William
Perkins Leonard George
Perkins Kenneth Mitchell
Perkins Richard Dowding
Perkins Jack Loree
Perkins Bertram Edward
Perkins Bernard Frederick
Perkins Jeffrey
Perrett Norman George Edmund
Perrett Sydney George
Perrett Anthony Lambert
Perriam Ronald Charles
Perrie James William
Perrin Walter Edwin
Perrins Philip Tenby
Perrott Arthur Frederick James
Perry Joseph
Perry Sheldon William Wesley
Perry Robert Leonard
Perry Sidney Edward
Perry James Percival
Perry George
Perry Allan Ernest Kench
Perry Kenneth William
Perry Ernest Arthur
Perry Keith Oliver
Perry Robert Riley
Perry Bernard William Alfred
Perry George Vivian
Perry Lyndon Clifford
Perry George Cyril
Perry George Sidney
Perry Ronald John
Perry Leonard Charles
Perry-Keene Anthony Peter
Pershke William Jack
Persian Arthur Thomas
Pestell Leslie Albert
Pester Leo Ernest George
Pesticcio Guglielmo
Peters Roy James
Peters Jack
Peters Kenneth George
Peters Herbert Peter
Peters Donald Howard
Peters Raymond Albert
Peters Roy Donald
Peters John Edward
Peters Albert Otto
Peterson George
Pethard William Thomas
Petherbridge Cyril
Petr Miloslav
Petrie David Layton
Petrie Kenneth
Petrie Murray Charles
Petrie Edward
Petschel Victor Edward
Pett Eric Graham
Pettersson Philip Charles
Pettet Alexander Henry
Pettiford Frederick John
Pettigrew James Bruce
Pettigrew Raymond Wilbur
Pettit Norman George Valentine
Pettit Henry William
Pettitt Roland
Pettitt Ivan Alfred
Petts Laurence Alfred Herbert
Peut Robert Henry Christopher
Peverelle Bernard John
Pewsey Alan Reginald
Pexton Harold Cass
Phair Robert Leslie Dunlop
Pharis Hampton Blaine
Pharis George William
Phelan Francis
Phelan Patrick Dominic
Phelps Eric John
Phelps Charles Albert
Philip David Walter Alexander
Philip William Smith
Philip John Armstrong
Philippe Henri
Philipps Robin Gordon
Philipson Denis James
Phillip James
Phillips Walter
Phillips Frank
Phillips Victor Eric George
Phillips Edwin Leslie
Phillips Lloyd Lawson
Phillips Albert Cyril Lauin
Phillips Eric Harold Cecil
Phillips Sidney
Phillips Peter William
Phillips Frank
Phillips John
Phillips Ian William
Phillips John
Phillips Alex James
Phillips John Francis
Phillips Edmund Cecil
Phillips James Murray
Phillips Ross Joseph
Phillips Gabriel
Phillips Marcel Adrian
Phillips Lloyd Watson
Phillips John Ernest
Phillips Desmond Kenneth James
Phillips Raymond Ignatius
Phillips Edward Walter
Phillips Glyndwr
Phillips Harold Arthur
Phillips Douglas
Phillips Robert Albert
Phillips Frederick Edward
Phillips John
Phillips Bernard John
Phillips Arthur James
Phillips Cyril George
Phillips Alfred Norman
Phillips Anthony Frank
Phillips Ralph Clifford George
Phillips Ernest William Harry
Phillips Phillip Henry
Phillips Douglas Frederick
Phillips Frank Gale
Phillips Harold Seymour
Phillips Leonard George
Phillott Albert Henry
Philp Anthony Valentine
Philp John Adams
Philpott James Albert Mason
Philpott John Bernard
Phippen William John
Phipps Francis Constantine
Phipps Reginald Albert
Phizacklea James Frederick
Pibus Henry Hodsmyth
Piche Joseph Laurence
Pick Clarence Frank
Pickell Owen Fraser
Picken James
Pickering John Muirhead
Pickering James Kenneth Alexander
Pickering Robert Gardhum
Pickering Gordon Harold John
Pickering Frank Edward
Pickering Wesley Alexander
Pickersgill Maurice Desmond
Pickersgill David Michael
Pickess Bertie Joseph
Pickett Astley Cleveland
Pickett Warren Bryan
Pickett John
Pickles Robert
Pickup James
Picton Jack
Pidgen Ivor James Arthur
Pierce Eric Robert
Pierce Ernest William Victor
Piercey John Lambert
Piercy Reginald Frank
Pieri Donald Mathew
Pierpoint Robert
Piers Arthur William Jarvis
Piers William Stapleton
Piers Roy Spencer
Pierson Thomas Clyde
Pike Geoffrey Rochfort
Pike William Barle
Pike Dennis Erle
Pike John Walter
Pike Robert Hart
Pikula Frank
Pilbeam Edwin George
Pilcher Alonzo Derek
Pilkey John David
Pilkington Lionel Sanderson
Pilkington Francis Elliot
Pillans Alexander Morrison
Pilley John Herbert
Pilling John
Pilmer Thomas Fisher
Pinchess Leslie Austin
Pinchin Kenneth Albert
Pinder Peter Francis
Pine William Frederick Victor
Pinfold Walter William
Pinhorn Anthony James
Pink Victor Juan Emanuel
Pink Philip Claude
Pinkerton Robert Mitchell
Pinkerton Robert
Pinkney John Thomas
Pinkney Norman Smith
Pinney Donald Harry
Piper John Ralph
Piper Mervyn Kenneth
Pippet John Gilbert
Pirie Alan
Pitblado Laurence Ninian
Pitcher Davy John
Pitcher Peter James Vincent
Pithers Ronald Ernest
Pithouse Kenneth Henry
Pitkin Roy Livingstone
Pitman Kenneth Douglas
Pitman Donald Thane
Pitt James Andrew
Pitt Stanley Thomas
Pitt Frank Webb
Pittaway Ernest Charles
Pitts Robert Michael
Pitty Edwin Hesketh
Pizer Ronald Herbert
Pizey Gerald Carrick
Pizur Michal
Pizzey Herbert Rex
Plant John Turner
Plant John Percival
Plant Fred
Plant Cyril Leslie
Plante Robert Erskine
Plas Emile Jean
Platt James Wilfrid
Platt Kenneth Ernest
Platt Orville Insell
Platt William Lloyd
Platt Edward
Platt Frederick James
Platten Ralph William
Platten Henry Walter
Platts George
Player Samuel Thomas
Player James Kelleher
Player Robert
Pleasance Nigel Leslie St George
Pleasance George Ernest
Pleasance Walter Norman
Pleass Henry Norman
Plecity Miroslav
Plesman Jan Leendert
Pleydell Horace John
Plishka Leonard
Plum Elisha Gaddis
Plumb Stanley Philip
Plumb Arthur George
Plumb Douglas Keith
Plumb Eric George
Plume Robert
Plummer Cyril John
Plummer Roylance Claude
Plummer Kenneth George
Plummer John Edward
Plunkett Reginald P. Blenner Hassett
Plunkett Leonard Stanley
Plzak Stanislav
Pocock Fred Cecil
Pocock Ronald George
Pocock Robert Leslie
Pocock William Francis
Podborsky Miroslav
Podivinsky Adolf
Pogrel Arthur
Poirier John Augustin Albert
Pokorny Frantisek
Polden George Edward
Pole Douglas Campbell
Polednik Jaroslav
Polhill Edward Malcolm George
Polkinghorne Eric Downing
Polkinghorne Peter George
Polkinghorne Howard Clifford
Pollard Maurice Arthur
Pollard Stanley Thomas
Pollard Cyrus Ralph
Pollard John Gorringe
Pollard Joseph Kenneth
Polley Allan John
Pollitt Derek Bryan
Pollitt Harry
Pollitt David Charles
Pollock Albert Lyle
Pollock James Andrew
Pollock John Howie
Pollock Norman Donald
Pollock Philip Rowland
Pollon Ernest Sinclair
Poltock Trevor Victor
Pomeroy Elwood Cameron
Pomeroy James Sydney
Pomfret John
Pont Donald Samuel
Pont Alexander
Pontin Robert
Ponting Reginald William
Ponting William Alan
Pook Francis John
Pook Ernest
Pool George Robert
Pool Peter Desmond
Pool Douglas Leonard Arthur
Poole Fred
Poole Harry Douglas
Poole Eric
Poole Denis John Ernest
Poole Rennett Mossman
Poole Francis John
Poole Edward George
Pooley James Thomas
Poore Frederick
Poots Charles Edward
Pope William James
Popejoy Francis Alfred
Popoff-Rikovsky Peter
Popperwell Lionel George
Popple Douglas James
Pordage Harry
Porr Edwin Thomas
Port Kenneth George
Portass Sidney Leslie
Portch Dennis Terrence
Porteous Thomas
Porteous Kenneth Alexander
Porteous James Hardman
Porter James
Porter John Douglas Victor
Porter Edward Francis
Porter William Charles
Porter Arthur Robert
Porter Arthur Bernard
Porter Leonard John
Porter Henry Charles
Porter Arthur Haydn
Porter Edward Joseph Charles
Porter George Marchant
Porter Frederick Allan
Porter James
Porter Dennis Gerard
Porter Alexander
Porter Thomas Geoffrey
Posener Frederick Hyam
Posner Sydney
Post Ralph Ainsworth
Post Eric James
Post Willard Irving
Postans Ronald George
Postill Henry Eric
Potter Frank Stanley
Potter William Thomas
Potter James Walter
Potter John Gilbert
Potter James Kemp
Potter Ronald Alfred
Potter James
Potter John Milton
Potter George Henry
Pottinger Alexander Arkle
Pottle Aston James Walter
Potts Kenneth
Potts Raymond William
Potts Donald Norman
Potts James Graham
Potts Norman
Potvin Joseph Adrian Leo
Poulos Paul
Poulsen Alfred Harmon
Poulson Leslie William
Poulston Derek
Poulter John
Poulter James Leeman
Poulton Norman Thomas Riggall
Poulton Norman Frank
Poulton John Henry
Pountain Wilfred Henry
Povey Albert Edward Charles
Povey Eric Albert
Powell Frederick William Albert
Powell John Reginald
Powell Cullen Eric
Powell Norman Nelson
Powell Aubrey Cowling
Powell William Leslie
Powell Walter Ronald
Powell Trevor Jack
Powell Clifford William Morgan
Powell Ronald James
Powell Edwin
Powell John Robert
Powell Raymond
Powell Geoffrey Noel Edward
Powell Lloyd Woodrow
Powell Charles Augustus Leonard
Powell David Haynes Barcham
Powell Frank Alfred
Powell William
Powell Dennis Howitt
Powell Raymond William
Powell Leslie John
Powell Albert Richard
Powell Joseph Marcel Jacques
Powell Allan Sidney Herbert
Powell Thomas
Power Thomas Henry
Power James O'Brien
Power Warren Michael
Power Lawrence Fabien
Powis Trevelyan Ivan
Powis Leslie William
Powis William Henry
Powles Leslie Thomas
Powley Francis Sidney
Powls Frank
Powrie Charles Duncan
Poynting Kenneth Hastings
Poynton Alfred Fred
Poynton Thomas Rex
Prag George Anthony
Pratt George Charles
Pratt John Royal Crossley
Pratt Edwin Victor
Pratt Robert Mould
Pratt David
Pratt William Norman
Pratt Arthur
Pratt Gordon Ernest
Pratt Lancelot George
Pratt Ralph Winston
Pratt Norman Ernest
Pratten Murray Edmund
Preator Lewis Sylvester
Prebble Francis James Dennis
Precious Sydney Walstead
Preece Chris Redvers
Preece William Jabez
Preece Leonard John
Preece Malcolm James
Preece Reginald Roderick
Prendergast Leslie
Prentice James Millar
Prescott Noel Gordon
Prescott Eric
Prescott Geoffrey Gordon
Prescott Thomas Richard
Prest Frederick Thomas
Prest Robert Hardwick
Preston Charles Edwin
Preston Cyril
Preston Wilfred
Preston George
Preston William Winwood
Preston Edward William
Preston Norman Edward
Preston Thomas Baxter
Prewer David
Price William Henry
Price Thomas Oliver
Price David Mayson
Price William John
Price Herbert Laurence
Price Charles Cleveland
Price Glyn
Price Ralph Ruskin
Price James
Price Henry
Price John James
Price Leslie
Price Gordon Ernest
Price Norman George
Price Arthur Philip
Price Albert
Price Peter Bertram Penton
Price Henry John
Price John Lewis Stanley
Price Charles Peter Dovey
Price Edwin William Henry
Price Joseph John
Price Loris
Priddin William Edward Ernest
Priddle David Allan
Prideaux John Geoffrey James
Pridgeon Walter Frank
Pridham Edward Stanley
Priest Thomas Findlay
Priest Alfred Frederick
Priestley Wilbert
Priestley John Peter
Priestley John
Priestley Harold
Priestley Leonard
Priestley Ronald Albert
Priestley Samuel Albert Gaston
Priestley George Raymond
Prigent Gustave
Prihoda Josef
Prime Arthur Esmond
Prince Arthur
Prince Eric James
Prince John Coleman
Pring Walton Ralph
Pringle James
Prior John Adolphe
Prior Garfield Wallace
Prior Donald Frederick
Prior John Henry
Prior Edward Thomas
Prior Leonard
Priske Kenneth Wheatley
Pritchard David Roe
Pritchard Harold William
Pritchard John
Pritchard Edward James
Pritchard John Hugh
Pritchard Gordon Featherstone
Pritchard Thomas Henry
Pritchard Alfred John
Pritchard Francis Alan
Pritchard Granville Reginald
Pritchard John David Thomas
Probert Geoffrey Ernest
Probert William Douglas
Probert Geoffrey Thomas
Probert William
Probst Charles Percival
Proby Carson Carysfort
Prochazka Miroslav
Procter Norman William
Procter Robert Dudley
Procter Cecil Charles
Proctor Harold Medd
Proctor Thurlow
Profit Benjamin James
Pronger Harold William
Prosser Garfield Arthur
Prosser Percy Rollo
Prosser George Alexander
Proud Elmer Reginald
Proud Stanley
Proudfoot David Herbert
Proudley Robert Edward
Proudlock Michael Seymour
Proudman George Victor
Prouse Victor Eugene
Prout Reginald Wilfred
Prout Gilbert
Prouten Herbert John
Pruden Dennis Hewitt
Pruden John Richard
Prusher Derek Francis
Pryce Herbert Howard Lloyd
Pryde David Douglas
Pryde George Archibald Marshall
Pryor James Robert
Pryor Gerald Cowes
Pryor Clifford Alfred
Ptacek Rudolf
Pudsey Kenneth
Pugh Ronald
Pugh Thomas Charles
Pugh Thomas Patrick
Pugh James Douglas
Pugh Thomas Noel
Pugh Edward Lockington
Pugh John Rimell
Pugh Derrick Rowley Owen
Pugh William
Pugh John Halstead
Pugh Harold Kenneth
Pugh Herbert Cecil
Pugsley Harold Edward
Pugsley James Douglas Ronald
Puiu Arnold Gordon
Pulford John Henry Martin
Pulham Ronald John
Pullan Alan William
Pullen John Standeford
Pullen William Edward
Pullen Geoffrey Hiram Standeford
Pullen Lionel Groves
Pullman Thomas Joseph
Pulman Arthur
Punnett Edward Lionel
Punshon Jonathan Killingworth
Punshon Melvyn
Purcell John Gerald
Purchase Sydney Peter Herman
Purdie Thomas
Purdue John Edward
Purdy Jack William Thomas
Purdy Phillip Hannah
Purdy Ronald William
Purkiss Royston Frederick
Purnell-Edwards William Paston Liddon
Purrington Arthur
Purry Ronald Leonard
Pursglove Fred
Purt John Walter
Purves Robert
Purvis Robert Peter
Purvis David
Pusey Frederick Ronald Charles
Pusey Bertram Leopold Arthur
Pusey Norman Victor
Pushor Dale Ernest
Puttock John Albert
Pyatt Kenneth Norman
Pyatt Reginald George
Pye Edward Alexander
Pye Theophilus
Pye Harold Randolph
Pye John Edward Bartle
Pygram Frank
Pyle William Frank
Pyle Tom
Pyne William Edward
Pynisky Peter
Pyper John Robert
Pyrah Arthur
Quaife Alfred Edward
Quan William Patrick
Quance William Henry
Quanstrom William
Quelch Horace William Victor
Quelch Charles Sidney
Quevillon Raoul
Quick Kenneth
Quick Arthur William Frederick
Quickfall John Francis
Quill John Joseph
Quilter John
Quilter John David
Quincey James William
Quinlan Sydney George
Quinlivan William Patrick
Quinn Robert Jennings
Quinn Laurence Patrick
Quinn Edward Stanislaw
Quinn Eric James
Quinney Robert Alfred
Quinton Lloyd Frederick
Rabagliati Alexander Coultate
Rabiner Joseph
Rabjohn Eric
Race Charles Franklin
Radcliff Kenneth Edward
Radcliffe Michael
Radford Victor
Radford Paul
Radford Raymond Harold
Radford Charles Edward
Radford William Edward
Radford Edward Charles
Radley Peter
Rae Edward Watt
Rae Forbes Graham
Rae Robert Campbell
Rae Gilbert
Rae John
Raffan Robert Chalmers
Ragan Arthur Wilton
Raggett Albert William
Ragless John Scott
Raike John
Rail William Douglas
Railton Alfred Joseph
Raine Francis George
Raisbeck Robert
Raiskup Frantisek
Rajender Singh Sandhu
Ralls Harry Leonard
Ralph James William
Ralph Basil William
Ralph Frederick Sydney
Ralph Jack Edward
Ralston John Kenneth Churchill
Ralston Ian
Ramey Edward John
Ramsay Sydney Vincent
Ramsay Ian Grant
Ramsay John Strachan
Ramsay Charles Douglas
Ramsay Ralph Carlton
Ramsay George William
Ramsay Gerald Longfield
Ramsey Harold
Ramsey John Cook
Ramsey Dennis Joseph
Ramsey William Alfred
Ramsey John Edward
Ramshaw John Edward
Ramwell William Gayter
Rance Derrick Percy
Randall John Dermot
Randall John Murray
Randall John Victor
Randall Peter Davies
Randall Henry
Randell Norman James
Randolph William
Randon Joseph Charles
Rands Edward Anthony Gaston
Ranganatha Nagu
Rankine James Renton Maltman
Rann George Gordon Graham
Ransom Charles Edgar Clarke
Ranson Morrison Wilfred Joseph
Rao Cherala Raghava
Raper John Alan
Rapere Nelson John
Raphael Victor Edward Richard
Raphael Alfred Sydney
Rashley Ronald Frederick
Ratcliff Reginald Edward
Ratcliffe John Robert Francis
Ratcliffe Carson Stewart
Ratcliffe Vincent Peter
Rathbone Kenneth Graham
Rathe Donald Stewart
Rattee George Neil
Rattray Norman McInnes
Raven Harold Roy
Raven John Arthur
Raven Arthur Lionel Boultbee
Rawcliffe Richard
Rawden John Geoffrey David McClelland
Rawland Arthur Gordon
Rawle Frank
Rawlings Robert
Rawlings Frederick Donald
Rawlins Kenrick Wyville
Rawnsley William Barrymore
Rawson Gerald Edmond
Rawson Donald William
Rawson William Lloyd
Rawson James Leslie
Ray John
Ray Howard Stanley
Ray Edmund Rothell
Ray Louis John
Ray Harold Reginald
Ray David Arnold
Ray Kenneth
Raybould Charles Francis
Raybould Arthur William
Rayment Donald Frederick
Rayment Douglas Leonard
Raymer Donald
Raymond Geoffrey Thomas
Raymond Cuthbert
Raymond Gordon Ian
Raymond Jean Paul
Raymond Anthony Frank
Raymond Verant Garth
Raymond Donald Eugene
Raynel Ronald Stanley Gilbert
Rayner Albert Kemp
Rayner Sturgess Herbert
Rayner Arthur Reginald
Rayner Eric
Rayner Sidney Walter
Rayner Ernest Edward
Raynes Dennis John
Rea William Samuel
Read George Irving
Read Howard Jack
Read Robert George Dunlop
Read Harry George John Heaps
Read Howard Richard
Read Kenneth William
Read Frederick Arthur
Read Graham Sydney
Read Charles Ernest
Read Harry
Read Vernon Rex
Readdy Arthur Philip
Reade John Joseph
Reader Douglas Robert
Reading George
Reading Redvers George
Ready Denis William
Ready Arthur William
Ready Norman Frankland
Reahil Frederick John
Reaney Elias Eldon
Reardon Jack Anthony
Reaume Clarence William
Reaume Robert Francis Charles
Reay Robert Gordon
Reay Derek Edward
Reay Gordon
Reay Hugh Coates
Record George Arthur Thomas
Redden Clyde George
Reddie William James
Redding Randolph Ernest
Reddington Leslie Arthur Edwin
Reddish John
Reddy Harold
Redfern James Gordon
Redfern Ernest Cyril
Redfern Leslie
Redfern John Nisbet
Redgate Frederick William
Redgrave Charles Derek
Redhead John Henry Fred
Redler Douglas Arthur
Redman Walter George
Redmond James Patrick
Redmond John Patrick
Redmond George Clement
Redstone Gilbert Peter Lewis
Reece Lawrence Hugh Murrell
Reed Andrew Patrick
Reed John Henry
Reed John Moorby
Reed Clarence Darlington
Reed William Reginald
Reed Francis
Reed Herbert George Perks
Reed Frank Edward
Reed Charles Leroy
Reed Ernest Charles
Reed Oliver George
Reed Frederick Harold
Reeder Arthur Joseph
Reen Geoffrey David
Rees William Larry
Rees William Leslie Schlater
Rees Thomas Emrys
Rees Brynmor
Rees Jack Lawrence
Rees John Elwyn
Rees Michael
Rees William John
Rees Frederick Bernard
Rees Terence
Rees David Robert Harding
Rees Thomas
Rees Alun
Rees Alun Griffiths
Rees Elwyn Thomas
Rees Leslie George
Rees Norman William
Rees Stanley Percy
Rees-Price Natalie Conwy
Reeson Frederick George
Reesor Robert Dunham
Reeve Eric Francis
Reeve Fred Charles
Reeve Edwin
Reeve Basil Horace
Reeves Arthur
Reeves Kenneth Theodore
Reeves John Frederick
Reeves Jonah Bruce
Regan Henry Lawrence
Regent Robert Edward Harry
Regimbal Wilfred Henry
Regis Emile Ernest Joseph
Rehor Frank
Reichert Clifford Clarence
Reid Kenneth Maxime
Reid Alan Johnstone
Reid Douglas John
Reid John Girvan
Reid Frederick John
Reid James
Reid Francis John
Reid Robert
Reid Peter Talbot
Reid Gilmour Murray
Reid Max Alfred
Reid Ian Maclaren
Reid John
Reid James Douglas McGill
Reid Edward Clark
Reid Herbert Spencer
Reid George
Reid William
Reid William Francis
Reid William Ferguson
Reid William John
Reid James Kennedy
Reid William Van Fossen
Reid Alan Frank
Reid Douglas Angus
Reid James Thomas
Reid John Bertram
Reid Wilbert George
Reid Robert James Maxwell
Reid Douglas Justus
Reid Ian Laurie
Reid James Howe
Reid Thomas
Reidy William Patrick
Reif Alfred Frederick
Reigate Joseph Norman
Reilly John
Reilly Peter Yorke
Reilly John Mason
Reilly Laurence Gerald
Reilly James Joseph
Reilly Robert Patrick Goodwin
Reinelt Norman Clapham
Relph Henry Charles
Relph Laurence Frederick
Relton Kenneth
Remblance Leslie George
Rembridge Lewis Garnier
Remenar Josef
Rempel Walter Earl
Rendall Norman Boyd
Rendell Robert Frank
Renelt Eric James
Rennie Charles
Rennie Stanley Cunningham
Renno James Darcy William
Renouf John Stanley
Renshaw Richard Christopher Sykes
Renshaw Arthur Thompson Rene
Renwick John Whitfield
Retter Alan Joseph
Revell Robert William
Revitt Norman Arthur
Rew Arthur Ernest
Reynolds Charles Pharaoh
Reynolds Lorimer Seymour
Reynolds Peter Laurance
Reynolds Marcus Pete
Reynolds William Edwin
Reynolds Bernard Alan
Reynolds Ross Earl
Reynolds Thomas
Reynolds William Graham
Reynolds Jack Albert George
Reynolds Vernon Elmer
Reynolds Frederick
Reynolds Edgar Cecil
Reynolds George Leonard
Reynolds George Frederick
Reynolds Eric Walter
Reynolds James Cooney
Reynolds Leonard Norman
Reynolds John Henry
Rheuben Colyn Arthur
Rhodes Arthur Harold
Rhodes Richard Arthur
Rhodes Robert
Rhodes Jonah
Rhodes Alan Morgan
Rhodes Robert Craven
Rice James Orville
Rice Walter Ruben
Rice William Joseph
Rice Norman MacKenzie
Rice Leonard Thomas
Rice John Summerfield
Rich Horace James
Rich Alwyn Charles
Richard John Frederick
Richard Joseph Albert
Richard Russell Bernard
Richard George Andre Joseph
Richards Arthur Gwyn
Richards Leighton Dawkin
Richards Geoffrey Kempshall
Richards William Frank
Richards Charles Gordon
Richards George
Richards John Leslie
Richards William Charles
Richards Robert Cranston
Richards Donald Arthur
Richards Terence William
Richards Dennis Stuart
Richards Joseph Stewart
Richards Ronald Geoffrey
Richards John Thomas
Richards Walter John
Richards James Leonard
Richards Allen Glyndwr
Richards Ivor Lloyd
Richards Jack Kenneth
Richards Robert Edward Duncan
Richards Stephen Eddy
Richards Ronald
Richards Bruce William
Richards Edmund George
Richards John
Richards Derrick Sydney James
Richards Ernest
Richardson Frank Joseph
Richardson Leslie Henry
Richardson Joseph George
Richardson Edward Albert
Richardson Stanley George
Richardson Ernest James
Richardson Harry Reginald Jack
Richardson Valentine Henry Garner
Richardson Jack Lewis
Richardson Edward Robert
Richardson John
Richardson Jack Graydon
Richardson John
Richardson Thomas Frank
Richardson Herbert Edward
Richardson Francis Graham
Richardson Denis Edward
Richardson Cecil James
Richardson John Marshall
Richardson James Alan
Richardson Desmond Gerald
Richardson Allan
Richardson John Edward
Richardson Herbert
Richardson Harrnet Richard
Richardson John Charles
Richardson Leslie
Richardson Herbert
Richardson James Harold
Richardson Edwin John Clessie
Richardson Graham Speedy
Richardson John George
Richardson Douglas Henry
Richardson Frank
Richardson Keith
Richardson Harold James
Richardson Colin Arthur
Richardson Charles Ernest
Richardson Harry
Richardson Harry Vivian Shepherd
Richardson Royston Thomas
Richardson William
Richardson William George
Richer Joseph George Paul Emille
Richman Herbert Leslie
Richmond James
Richmond Arthur
Richmond Harold Victor
Richmond Bruce Andrew
Richmond Herbert
Richmond William Burns
Richmond William Merser
Rickard John Milton
Rickeard Robert
Rickeard Arthur John
Rickert Arthur Edward
Ricketts Percy Frank
Ricketts Stanley John
Riddel Victor John Douglas
Riddell John Smith
Riddell Keith Emerson
Riddell Walter
Riddell Arthur Simpson
Riddell Thomas Rodie
Riddell John
Riddell Robert
Riddell Raymond Reid
Riddell George Robert Sawhill
Ridder Warren Henry
Riddett Bernard Richard
Riddle Milton Victor
Riddle Bertram Challis
Riddle William Reginald
Riddle Horace Albert
Riddle Charles Hudson
Rideout Eugene Edwin
Rider Arthur Henry
Ridge Arthur
Ridge Raymond Clifford
Ridgewell Frederick Harold
Ridgman-Parsons Reginald
Ridgway George Edwin
Ridgway Robert Harry
Riding Harry
Riding Edward Havelock
Ridings Alan Lever
Ridings Kenneth Lovett
Ridkosil Vaclav Jan Petr
Ridley Norman
Ridley James Arthur
Ridley Raymond Nicholas
Ridley John Kenneth
Ridley George Thomas
Ridsdale Bernard
Rieger Herbert William
Rigby Kenneth William Trevett
Rigby Kenneth Craiglaw
Rigby George Henry
Rigby Geoffrey Arthur
Rigby Leslie Elliott
Rigg Roy Commer
Rigg Alan George
Riha Ladislav
Riley Dennis Robert
Riley Charles Peace
Riley Eddie Andreas Hals
Riley John Lawrence
Riley Frederick Charles
Riley Francis
Riley William Leo
Rimes Edwin Samuel
Rimmer John
Rimmer Donald
Ringrose Peter
Ringwood Eric Alfred
Rintoul Reginald Ormsby
Rintoul John
Riordan John Milton Patrick
Ripley Clarence Albert
Ritchie James Murray Smith
Ritchie John
Ritchie Geoffrey Francis
Ritchie Malcolm Jack
Ritchie Douglas John
Ritchie William
Rivers Frederick Alan
Roach Richard John
Roach Richard John
Roach Frank Alexander
Roach William Alexander
Robb George Spence
Robb Thomas Gifford
Robbens Bernard Walter
Robbins Norman Reginald
Robbins Alfred Edward
Robbins Peter Edward
Roberton James
Roberts David Phillips
Roberts George Frederick
Roberts Harry Edward
Roberts Ioan Henri
Roberts Ronald Frank
Roberts Frederick Glyn
Roberts Peter George
Roberts Sidney Arthur
Roberts Robert Arthur
Roberts Herbert Arthur
Roberts Arthur Ernest
Roberts Reginald
Roberts Walter James
Roberts Richard David
Roberts Wesley Grenfell
Roberts Kenneth James
Roberts Llewellyn
Roberts Joseph Edward
Roberts Jack Maldwin
Roberts Albert Francis
Roberts Francis Dennis
Roberts Sydney Douglas Gowshall
Roberts Clifford Charles Ivor
Roberts Brian Williams
Roberts Jack
Roberts Wynne
Roberts Leslie
Roberts Leslie George Alfred
Roberts Ronald
Roberts Albert Ernest
Roberts Denis Herbert
Roberts Robert Carlson
Roberts Herbert Arthur
Roberts Ernest Wilson David
Roberts Frank Gordon Warwick
Roberts Hugh Alan
Roberts Granville
Roberts Leslie Glyn
Roberts Frank
Roberts William John Henry
Roberts Tegwyn
Roberts Phillip Grenville
Roberts Maurice Luther
Roberts Lewis George
Roberts Edward Charles
Roberts Edward Louis D'Esterre
Roberts Maxwell Mason
Roberts Arthur Donald
Roberts Kimberley
Roberts Ifor Glyn Thomas
Roberts Joseph Lyon
Roberts John Malcolm
Roberts Leonard William
Roberts Michael Frederick
Robertshaw Russell William
Robertshaw Thomas
Robertson Ian
Robertson Frank
Robertson Basil Lionel
Robertson James Morton
Robertson Donald Lawrence
Robertson William Alexander
Robertson Harry
Robertson James William
Robertson John Balfour
Robertson Maxwell George
Robertson John Whyte Crichton
Robertson Alan Weir Struan
Robertson Colin Graham
Robertson William Downie
Robertson Eric Gilbert
Robertson John James
Robertson Gerald Errol
Robertson Andrew Crawford Stark
Robertson Alexander William
Robertson Desmond Charles
Robertson William Burns
Robertson David
Robertson Eric Nigel Riddell
Robertson David James McLagan
Robertson John Devine
Robertson Francis Matthew
Robertson Russell Leslie
Robertson Neil Farquhar
Robertson Alexander
Robertson Alexander
Robertson John
Robertson Robert
Robin Philip Rollo Aloysius
Robins Augustine Stuart Quallett
Robinson James Clifton Edmeston
Robinson Oswald Harry
Robinson Peter Edmund Covell
Robinson George
Robinson James Goldsmith
Robinson Alfred
Robinson John William
Robinson John Victor
Robinson Neil Owen
Robinson Walter Ernest
Robinson Frederick Arthur
Robinson George Marsh
Robinson Claud William
Robinson James
Robinson Curran Smiley
Robinson Frederick Arthur
Robinson Henry Jackson
Robinson John Joseph
Robinson Leslie
Robinson Kenneth Watson
Robinson Jack Bracewell
Robinson Victor Thomas
Robinson Robert Moses Dorrien
Robinson William Albert
Robinson Roy Longden
Robinson George Creighton
Robinson Douglas Cory
Robinson Philip
Robinson William Swann
Robinson George
Robinson Joseph Arthur
Robinson Benjamin
Robinson Harry
Robinson William Arthur
Robinson Joseph William Ivan
Robinson Fred Vesey
Robinson John James
Robinson Samuel
Robinson Donald Hubert
Robinson Herbert
Robinson Michael Lister
Robinson Geoffrey
Robinson Thomas Claire
Robinson Austin Eveleigh
Robinson Derrick Paul Woodrow Rowan
Robinson George
Robinson John Whitfield
Robinson Ralph
Robinson Terence
Robinson Thomas
Robitaille Arthur Hector
Roblin Howard Phillips
Robson Henry
Robson Angus
Robson Alastair William
Robson George William
Robson Melvin Peter Frederick
Robson James Alexander
Robson George Erwin
Robson Eric
Robson Thomas Claude
Robson Richard William
Robson Thomas William Eric
Robson Clarence Sydney
Robson James Allan
Robson Sidney
Robson Peter Carlyle
Roby Thomas Arthur
Roche Thomas Joseph
Roche John Joseph
Roche Kenneth Albert
Roche John Worrall
Rocks John George Smith
Rocovski Miroslav
Rodd Jack Arnold
Rodda Douglas Ernest
Roddam Arthur
Roddis John George
Roden Albert Edward
Rodger Archibald MacRae
Rodger John David James
Rodger Eric James
Rodger Robert Young
Rodger John Adamson
Rodgers Joseph Eli
Rodgers Jack Hartley
Rodgers Herbert Henry
Rodgers Samuel Alvin
Rodgers John Burton
Rodgers William Kenneth
Rodgers Leslie Lindsay
Rodwell Benjamin Bernard Hunter
Roe Victor Arthur
Roe Andrew Garbutt
Roe Keith Vernon Dudley
Roe Morris James
Roe Frederick William
Roff Ernest Harvey
Rogal Joseph Michael
Rogers Charles Matthew Thomas
Rogers Charles Stanley
Rogers Sidney John
Rogers Jack Goode
Rogers Peter
Rogers Edward Frank
Rogers Denis Alan
Rogers Walter
Rogers Stanley
Rogers George Wade
Rogers William Bligh
Rogers James Alexander
Rogers George Vincent
Rogers Frederick Lennox
Rogers Douglas John
Rogers Neville John
Rogers Richard Leslie
Rogers Eric George
Rogers Gilbert Humphreys
Rogers Harold Humphrey
Rogers Douglas
Rogers John
Rogers John
Rogers Brian Larcum
Rogers Ronald Arthur John
Rogers Robert Douglas
Rogers Stanley Orton
Rogerson Joseph Austin
Rogerson Charles Fraser
Rognan Everett Raymond
Rolenc Jaroslav
Rolfe Frank Edwin
Rolfe Raymond Robert Seppings
Rolfe Arnold Alfred
Rolfe John Alfred
Rolfe Arthur
Rolfe Lilian Verna
Rolfe Arthur William
Rolfstad Kenneth Gillmore
Rollett Noel Charles
Rollings William Alfred
Rollinson Arthur
Rollinson Jack
Rolls Henry
Rolls Francis Walter
Rolls George Edward
Rolls Patrick Morley
Rolph Robert Harold
Rolph Henry Thomas
Rolston Archibald George
Rolt Peter Crawford
Rolt Thomas Callaghan
Rome Edwin
Rome Ronald
Romilly Esmond Mark David
Ronald Robert
Ronaldson Sidney Bryan
Rood Walter Everitt
Rooke William James
Rooney Raymond Joseph
Rooney James Joseph
Rooney James Alexander
Rooney Albert
Rooney John
Roots Donald
Roots Reginald William
Roovers Henricus Christianus A J
Roper Ernest Anthony
Rosbottom John Herbert
Rose Frederick Charles
Rose Maurice
Rose Stephen Gregory
Rose Gilbert Ernest
Rose Charles Frank
Rose Thomas Leslie
Rose Cyril Douglas
Rose John
Rose Peter Cecil
Rose George Frederick
Rose Walter Henry
Rose Edward Arthur
Rose Francis Bernard
Rose-Price Arthur Thomas
Rosemond Joseph
Rosenblatt Nathan
Rosevear Kenneth Willard
Roski Antonio George
Roskrow Richard
Ross Thomas David Weston
Ross Herbert John
Ross Eric Stuart Williams
Ross James Albert McLean
Ross Jack Kenneth
Ross Thomas Stanley
Ross David George
Ross Malcolm Sydney
Ross Gordon King
Ross Alexander Douglas
Ross Douglas Charles
Ross Roderick Menzie
Ross Edward Bruce
Ross Godfrey Hyde Stewart
Ross Reginald Norman
Ross Donald Alexander
Ross John Douglas Carlisle
Ross Alexander Robert
Ross Hamish
Ross William
Ross William
Ross Desmond Ray
Ross Stanley David
Ross Robert Craig
Ross Ellis Henry
Ross Angus Donald Mackay
Ross William Charles Henry
Ross Maxwell Robert
Ross Ian Stewart
Ross Finlay Farquarson
Ross George Robb Watson
Ross-Hoff Stanley Jack
Rossbottom Henry
Rossiter Alexander Charles
Roth Kenneth Lorne
Rothera John Patrick
Rotheram Sisson Ede
Rothstein Irvine Sydney
Rothwell Herbert Jack
Rothwell Richard Charles
Roulston David John Chubbin
Round James Henry
Round Dennis Edward
Rounsefell John Vaughan
Rourke Edward
Rous Stanislav
Rouse Albert Edward John
Rouse Charles James
Rouse Albert James
Roussel John Warren
Rout Graham
Routhier Joseph Louis Philippe
Routledge James Vincent
Routledge Eric
Row Findon Douglas Newton
Rowan Thomas Edward
Rowan Archibald Sinclair
Rowan Douglas John
Rowan-Robinson Derrick Paul Woodrow
Rowat David Allan
Rowberry Geoffrey Warren
Rowbotham Douglas
Rowden Diana Hope
Rowe Douglas William
Rowe John
Rowe Roy
Rowe Gilbert Peter
Rowe Philip
Rowed Samuel Edgar
Rowell Nathaniel William
Rowell Robert
Rowell Desmond
Rowell Edward Berkley
Rowell Norman
Rowland Thomas Wilson
Rowland Eric Norman
Rowland Sidney Bertram
Rowland Eric
Rowland George Richard
Rowland James Inman
Rowlands James
Rowlands Thomas Philip
Rowle Dennis William
Rowles Dan
Rowles Thomas James
Rowlett John Eustace
Rowley Dennis
Rowley Raymond Eric
Rowley Kenneth George
Rowley Louis Percy
Rowley Horace Edward
Rowley Roy
Rowley-Blake Douglas
Rowling George Albert
Rowling Percy William
Rowntree Harold Raymond
Rowsell Harry
Rowso Geoffrey Harold
Rowson Donald Mitchell
Roxborough James Henry
Roy Bruce Buchanan Percival
Roy James
Roy Joseph Jules Pierre Raymond
Royal John Henry
Royal Norman Alfred
Royle James Arthur
Royse Alfred Peter
Royston Gordon
Roza Henry Francis
Rozum Alois
Ruck Gordon
Ruck-Keene John Charles Lancelot
Rudd Arthur Reginald
Rudd John Alan
Rude Gordon Justine
Rudge Ernest Arnold
Rudkin Samuel Ivan
Rudkin Peter Alfred James
Rudman Charles Thomas
Ruffell-Hazell Richard James
Rumbel James Rudolph
Rumboll John Kitchener Plummer
Rume Myer
Rumley Cyril Walter
Rumney Joseph
Rumney Walter Henry
Rumsby John Noel
Rumsey Arthur Bernard Putnam
Runagall Ronald Percy
Runcorn Kenneth Frederick
Rundle Douglas Cecil
Runnacles John Seymour
Runnegar James John
Runner Joseph Moore
Running Gilmer Arnold
Rupert Kenneth Manson
Ruppel Iverson Frederick
Ruprecht Vaclav
Rusbridge Royston George Carpenter
Ruscoe George Reginald
Rush Arthur Anthony
Rushbrooke George Eric Joseph
Rushton William Francis Christopher
Rushton Dennis John
Rushton Ian Peter Douglas
Rushton Nicholas Clayton
Rushworth Jack
Russ Raymond Arthur Harry
Russell Harry
Russell Frederick William
Russell Henry Millen
Russell Frank William Fisher Scott
Russell Andrew
Russell Ernest Frederick William
Russell Christopher Donaldson
Russell Leonard Bruce
Russell Douglas Edward
Russell Alfred Gordon
Russell John De Forest
Russell Ian Bedford Nesbitt
Russell Clarence Edward
Russell William Roy
Russell Jack Earl
Russell Reginald Worland
Russell Frank Ian
Russell Gerald Aloysius
Russell Jack Ronald
Rust Rufus
Ruston Harry
Ruston Donald
Ruth William Denys Butterworth
Ruth Thomas Elias
Rutherford John Bell
Rutherford Kenneth
Rutherford George Fewster
Rutherford James
Rutherford Douglas Robert
Rutherford Arthur
Rutherford Phillip
Rutherford Stuart John Gascoyne
Rutherford-Browne Anthony
Rutherfurd Frederick Anthony
Ruthve James Lloyd
Rutland Bruce Wells
Rutson George Jack
Rutter Albert Leroy
Rutter Raymond Mervyn Stephen
Rutterford Brian Arthur
Ruzycki Frank
Ryall Frederick Charles
Ryall Colin Frank
Ryall Browne
Ryan Patrick Joseph
Ryan Herbert Joseph
Ryan Simon John
Ryan John McMahon
Ryan Patrick Douglas
Ryan Leo Michael
Ryan Terrence Russell
Ryan Edward John
Ryan Mervyn John Rees
Ryder Richard Stanley I
Ryder Jack
Rye George Stevens
Ryerse Donald Arthur
Rylands John Power
Rylatt Alastair Ritchie Burrett