COMBAT CHRONOLOGY OF THE US ARMY AIR FORCES AUGUST 1943 AIRCRAFT MENTIONED IN THIS REPORT: A-20, Douglas Havoc A-24, Douglas Dauntless A-36, North American Apache B-17, Boeing Flying Fortress B-24, Consolidated Liberator B-25, North American Mitchell B-26, Martin Marauder Beaufighter, Bristol (RAF) Bf 109, Messerschmitt (Luftwaffe) C-47, Douglas Skytrain F-4, Lockheed Lightning F-5, Lockheed Lightning F4U, Vought Corsair (USN) P-38, Lockheed Lightning P-39, Bell Airacobra P-40, Curtiss P-47, Republic Thunderbolt P-51, North American Mustang Spitfire, Vickers Supermarine Wellington, Vickers (RAF) Zeke, Mitsubishi A6M, Navy Type 0 Carrier Fighter SUNDAY, 1 AUGUST 1943 AMERICAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS ALASKA (Eleventh Air Force): In the Aleutian Islands, 7 B-24's bomb the Main Camp area on Kiska Island through the overcast. CARIBBEAN (Sixth Air Force): During the month of Aug, the detachment of the 417th Bombardment Squadron (Medium), 25th Bombardment Group (Medium), that has been operating from Camaguey, Cuba with B-25's since 13 Apr 42, returns to it's base at Losey Field, Puerto Rico. HQ 25th Bombardment Group (Medium) transfers from Edinburgh Field, Trinidad to Ft Amsterdam, Curacao. CHINA-BURMA-INDIA THEATER OF OPERATIONS BURMA-INDIA (Tenth Air Force): 8 B-25's hit the E approach of the road bridge at Shweli, Burma, damaging cable anchorages and pylons but leaving the bridge usable. EUROPEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS STRATEGIC OPERATIONS (Eighth Air Force): The 577th, 578th and 579th Bom- bardment Squadrons (Heavy), 392d Bombardment Group (Heavy) arrive at Wend- ling, England from the US with B-24's. The squadrons will fly their first mission on 6 Sep 43 and remain at this station until Jun 45. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): In Rumania, 177 B-24's, of the IX Bomber Command (including B-24's on loan from the Eighth Air Force) are dispatched to bomb oil refineries at Ploesti and nearby Campina. The oper- ation (TIDALWAVE) is costly, 54 planes and 532 airmen are lost, but damage to the targets is severe. 5 Medal of Honors are awarded for this mission. In Sicily, 230+ P-40's, the largest Ninth Air Force total to date, attack Adrano, the area near Randazzo, Messina, Milazzo, Taormina, and shipping in the Straits of Messina. WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Northwest African Air Force): During the night of 31 Jul/l Aug Northwest African Strategic Air Force (NASAF) Wellingtons drop leaflets on Rome and Naples, Italy, and bomb Randazzo and Adrano, Sicily. During the following day, B-17's bomb Capodichino Airfield, Italy, and B-25's hit Milazzo, Sicily. In Sicily, Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) light and medium bombers hit Paterno, Randazzo, Adrano, Bronte, Santa Maria di Licondia, and motor transport in the Orlandoarea area. Northwest African Coastal Air Force (NACAF) Beaufighters score hits on shipping between Sardinia and Italy. On the ground in Sicily, US ground forces advance E along the coast, approach Troina further inland, and begin a movement to flank defenses. The British, to the S, penetrate into Regalbuto. During the month of August, the 3d Air Defense Wing (64th Fighter Wing effective 7 Aug 43) transfers from Licata to Gela, Sicily. HQ 97th Bombardment Group (Heavy) transfers from Chateau-dun-du-Rhumel, Algeria to Pont-du-Fahs, Tunisia. The 2d, 4th and 5th Fighter Squadrons, 52d Fighter Group transfer from La Sebala, Tunisia to Boccadifalco, Sicily with Spitfires. The 307th Fighter Squadron, 31st Fighter Group, transfers from Palermo to Termini, Sicily with Spitfires. The 429th Bombarmdent Squadron (Heavy), 2d Bombardment Group (Heavy), transfers from Ain M'lila, Algeria to Massicault, Tunisia with B-17's. SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): In the Solomon Islands, P-40's and US Navy aircraft again hit Munda on New Georgia Island bombing AA positions, ammunition dumps, and other targets. 21 B-24's, 16 P-38's, and P-40's, and 30+ US Navy airplanes pound Kahili Airfield on Bougainville Island; other P-40's and 80+ Navy aircraft hit shipping in nearby waters. The 64th Troop Carrier Squadron, 403d Troop Carrier Group, arrives at Tontouta, New Caledonia Island from the US with C-47's and begins flying missions on 7 Aug 43. The 371st Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), 307th Bombardment Group (Heavy) ceases operating from Funafuti Island in the Ellice Islands with B-24's and returns to it's base on Espiritu Santo Island, New Hebrides Islands for R&R. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): A lone B-24 bombs the airfield at Lae, New Guinea. MONDAY, 2 AUGUST 1943 AMERICAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS ALASKA (Eleventh Air Force): In the Aleutian Islands, 8 B-24's, 9 B-25's, and 8 P-38's hit Kiska Island in 2 waves, bombing and strafing North Head, and coast guns on Little Kiska Island, scoring several hits. 1 or 2 enemy aircraft over Attu Island cannot be intercepted due to weather. EUROPEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS ANTISUBMARINE WARFARE (AAF Antisubmarine Command): A B-24 of the 4th Antisubmarine Squadron (Heavy), 479th Antisubmarine Group, sinks U-706 in the E Atlantic (46-15N 10-25W). STRATEGIC OPERATIONS (Eighth Air Force): VIII Air Support Command Missions 12A and 12B: Two airfields in France are targetted. 1. 34 B-26's are dispatched to Merville Airfield; 31 hit the target at 0810 hours; 1 aircraft is damaged beyond repair and 15 are damaged. 2. 21 B-26's are dispatched to the St. Omer/Ft. Rouge Airfield; 18 hit the target at 0900 hours; 13 aircraft are damaged. Total casualties for both missions are 6 WIA. VIII Air Support Command Missions 13A and 13B: An attack Woensdrecht Airfield, The Netherlands is cancelled; Mission 13B is a diversion. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): In Sicily, P-40's attack ship- ping in the Straits of Messina and off Milazzo. WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Northwest African Air Force): In Sicily, North- west African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) fighters, and light and medium bombers hit trucks, a dump and road junction in NE Sicily, docks and ship- ping at Milazzo, Messina and in the Reggio di Calabria, Italy area, and targets of opportunity (mainly motor transport) from Barcellona S to Adrano. On the ground in Sicily, US ground forces push slowly W while British troops gain control of Regalbuto and fight indecisively in the streets of Centuripe. HQ 12th Bombardment Group (Medium) and it's 81st, 82d, 83d and 434th Bombardment Squadrons (Medium) with B-25's transfer from Hergla, Tunisia to Ponte Olivio, Sicily. HQ 31st Fighter Group transfers from Agrigento to Termini, Sicily. HQ 340th Bombardment Group (Medium) and it's 488th and 489th Bombardment Squadrons (Medium) transfer from Hergla, Tunisia to Comiso, Sicily with B-25's. The 308th Fighter Squadron, 31st Fighter Group transfers from Agrigento to Termini, Sicily with Spitfires. SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): On New Georgia Island in the Solomon Islands, B-25's, B-17's, P-40's, and US Navy fighters pound the shores of Bairoko harbor; and B-24's, B-25's, P-40's and Navy F4U's hit a supply area on the W side of Webster Cove. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): In New Guinea, B-17's bomb supply dumps on the shores of Hansa Bay and targets of oppor- tunity along the Francisco River; A-20's hit Buiambun and B-25's pound barges from Lae to Bogadjim, from Lae to Kepler Point, and from the Bubui River to Lepsius Point; and B-24's bomb Lae harbor, Salamaua, and the W shore of Voco Point. TUESDAY, 3 AUGUST 1943 AMERICAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS ALASKA (Eleventh Air Force): In the Aleutian Islands, 6 attack missions, 2 of which abort, are flown to Kiska Island by B-24's, B-25's, P-38's, and P-40's; numerous targets hit and strafed include installations at North Head and South Head. EUROPEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS STRATEGIC OPERATIONS (Eighth Air Force): Major General William E. Kepner becomes Commanding General, VIII Fighter Command. HQ 353d Fighter Group and it's 350th Fighter Squadron transfer from Goxhill to Metfield, England with P-47's; the squadron will fly it's first mission on 9 Aug. These units will remain at this station until Apr 44. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): In Sicily, B-25's bomb Adrano and its highway approaches; and 300+ P-40's, the largest Ninth Air Force total to date, attack harbors and shipping at Milazzo and Messina, and give direct support to British ground forces in the Catania-Bronte area. WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Northwest African Air Force): In Sicily, North- west African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) light bombers hit tactical targets; and fighters, light and medium bombers hit shipping in the Straits of Messina and at Milazzo and attack Adrano and Biancavilla and gun emplace- ments and bridges in the area. On the ground in Sicily, US forces continue E along the N coast toward the Furiano River. At Troina, further inland, the enemy continues firm resistance. HQ 82d Fighter Group transfers from Souk-el-Arba, Algeria to Grombalia, Tunisia. The 414th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), 97th Bombardment Group (Heavy), transfers with B-17's from Chateaudun-du-Rhumel, Algeria to Pont-du-Fahs, Tunisia. The 486th and 487th Bombardment Squadrons (Medium), 340th Bombardment Group (Medium), transfer with B-25's from Hergla, Tunisia to Comiso, Sicily. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): In New Guinea, B-25's, B-17's, and B-24's bomb barges, small craft, villages, grounded planes, trails, and military camps at numerous points, including areas in or around Bogadjim, Salamaua, Manokwari, and Larat and along the Bubui, Masaweng, Mindjim, and Kofebi Rivers and Bogadjim Road. On New Britain Island in the Bismarck Archipelago, the W coast of Borgen Bay and an island in Marien Harbor are also hit. WEDNESDAY, 4 AUGUST 1943 AMERICAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS ALASKA (Eleventh Air Force): In the Aleutian Islands, between 0855 and 1846 hours, 153 tons of bombs are dropped on Kiska Island, a new one-day record; 6 armored weather, photo and reconnaissance missions, flown by 3 B-24's, 2 P-40's, and 2 F-5A's bomb through clouds, take photos and observe fires in Main Camp and on Little Kiska Island; later 48 B-25's, 22 B-24's, 16 A-24's, 8 P-40's, and 40 P-38's fly 17 bombing and strafing attacks to Kiska Island; targets hit include buildings near the radio station, and the gun battery area on North Head. Little Kiska Island and Segula Island are also strafed. The 36th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), 28th Composite Group, which has been operating from Adak Island with B-24's since Jun 43, returns to it's base on Amchitka Island. EUROPEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS STRATEGIC OPERATIONS (Eighth Air Force): VIII Air Support Command Mission 14: 36 B-26's are dispatched to shipyards at Le Trait, France; 33 hit the target at 1926 hours without loss or casualties. The 416th Night Fighter Squadron, VIII Fighter Command, begins moving from Acklington, England to Algiers, Algeria with Beaufighters. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): In Sicily, P-40's attack ship- ping at Messina and support ground forces at the N end of Mount Etna. On the ground in Sicily, US troops are halted by fierce opposition at the Furiano River and at Troina. WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Northwest African Air Force): In Italy, Northwest African Strategic Air Force (NASAF) B-17's bomb the submarine base at Naples; B-26's and B-25's hit the railroad bridge at Cantanzaro and rail- road at Paola. In Sicily, Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) medium and light bombers, and fighters attack communications targets, gun positions, and storage areas in the Milazzo-Adrano-Biancavilla and Bronte- Riposto-Fiumefreddo areas. A number of NATAF aircraft hit rail sidings on the toe of Italy and attack shipping off Messina, Sicily. On the ground in Sicily, the British cross the Salso River with 2 divisions, while other forces prepare to drive on Catania and others continue toward Misterbianco. HQ 99th Bombardment Group (Heavy) and it's 347th and 348th Bombardment Squadrons (Heavy) transfer with B-17's from Navarin, Algeria to Oudna, Tunisia. The 95th, 96th and 97th Fighter Squadrons, 82d Fighter Group, transfer from Souk-el-Arba, Algeria to Grombalia, Tunisia with P-38's. SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): On New Georgia Island in the Solomons Island, B-25's, and US Navy dive bombers, bomb the Gurasai-Kindu Village area; some of the B-25's also strafe areas emitting intense small arms fire, silencing it. P-38's and P-40's claim 11 fighters downed in a series of running battles over the C Solomons. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): B-25's bomb and strafe the Itni River area on New Britain Island and hit several villages on Selaroe Island in the Tanimbar Islands. Single B-24's bomb a dump area on the Francisco River, New Guinea and Cape Gloucester Airfield on New Britain Island. THURSDAY, 5 AUGUST 1943 AMERICAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS ANTISUBMARINE WARFARE (AAF Antisubmarine Command): The air echelon of the 23d Antisubmarine Squadron (Heavy), 26th Antisubmarine Wing, transfers from Drew Field, Tampa, Florida to Edinburgh Field, Trinidad with B-25's. The ground echelon remains at Drew Field until 15 Oct 43 then moves to Smoky Hill Army Airfield, Kansas where it is disbanded on 6 Nov 43. EUROPEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS STRATEGIC OPERATIONS (Eighth Air Force): The 351st Fighter Squadron, 353d Fighter Group, transfers from Goxhill to Metfield, England with P-47's. The squadron will fly it's first mission on Monday and remain at this station until Apr 44. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): In Sicily, B-25's bomb the town, roads, and road junctions of Francavilla and shipping in the Straits of Messina. WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Northwest African Air Force): In Sicily, Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) fighters and light and medium bombers attack troops, roads, and gun positions at Adrano and Troina and surround- ing areas in support of Allied ground forces, hit motor transport behind enemy lines in Sicily and on the toe of Italy, and sink or damage over 20 small vessels and barges at Milazzo and in the Straits of Messina; and Northwest African Strategic Air Force (NASAF) B-17's, operating in 2 forces, hit the docks and railroad yards at Messina. B-25's bomb a switching station at Guspini, Sardinia, and P-40's, after escorting the B-25's, attack and probably sink a U-boat off SW Sardinia. On the ground in Sicily, US forces open an assault on the San Fratello ridge, and further inland gain positions overlooking Troina. The enemy withdraws from the town during the night. The British 13 Corps overruns Paterno, Misterbianco, and Catania; the British 30 Corps continues toward Adrano. HQ 310th Bombardment Group (Medium) and it's 379th, 380th, 381st and 428th Bombardment Squadrons (Medium) transfer with B-25's from Dar el Koudia to Menzel Temime, Tunisia. The 91st Fighter Squadron, 81st Fighter Group, transfers with P-39's from Sfax to Sidi Ahmed, Tunisia. The 309th Fighter Squadron, 31st Fighter Group, transfers with Spitfires from Agrigento to Termini, Sicily. The 346th and 416th Bombardment Squadrons (Heavy), 99th Bombardment Group (Heavy), transfer from Navarin, Algeria to Oudna, Tunisia with B-17's. SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): On Santa Isabel Island in the Solomon Islands, B-24's bomb the shore of Rekata Bay W of the Borokeiello Point area. B-25's and US Navy fighters strafe barges on the NE coast of Gizo Island. Munda Airfield on New Georgia Island, principal objective of C Solomons campaign, is taken by XIV Corps forces after 12 continuous days of fierce fighting in the jungle area. The 372d Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), 307th Bombardment Group (Heavy), based on Espiritu Santo Island, New Hebrides Islands, begins operating from Guadalcanal Island in the Solomon Islands with B-24's. The squadron will fly it's first mission on Saturday. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): In New Guinea, 30+ B-25's pound barges near Madang and at Alexishafen, and hit the Nuru River bridge and towns of Bogadjim and Saidor; a single B-24 bombs Finsch- hafen while another hits Vitu Island in the Bismarck Archipelago. Lieuten- ant Colonel Malcolm A Moore takes command of the newly formed Second Air Task Force based at the recently constructed advance airfield at Tsili Tsili, New Guinea; strikes from here will facilitate operations against Lae, New Guinea. FRIDAY, 6 AUGUST 1943 AMERICAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS ANTISUBMARINE WARFARE (AAF Antisubmarine Command): A B-25 of the 10th Bombardment Squadron (Medium), 25th Bombardment Group (Medium), and US Navy land-based aircraft sink U-615 at l2-38N 64-15W. EUROPEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS ANTISUBMARINE WARFARE (AAF Antisubmarine Command): HQ 479th Antisubmarine Group and it's 4th and 19th Antisubmarine Squadrons (Heavy) transfer with B-24's from St Eval to Dunkeswell, England. STRATEGIC OPERATIONS (Eighth Air Force): The 352d Fighter Squadron, 353d Fighter Group, transfers from Goxhill to Raydon, England with P-47's. The squadron will fly it's first combat mission on Monday and will remain at this station until Apr 44. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): In Sicily, 60+ B-26's hit Bronte, Catania, and Randazzo and the area N of the Adrano-Biancavilla road; 20+ others bomb road intersections in Adrano and Bronte; and 100+ P-40's attack shipping and shore targets in the Messina area while 30 others attack shipping on the W coast. WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Northwest African Air Force): In Sicily, Northwest African Strategic Air Force (NASAF) B-17's bomb coastal roads near Messina; B-26's and B-25's hit a road junction SW of Badiazza and railroad bridges N of Gesso; Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) light and medium bombers hit roads, junctions, and buildings in the Troina, Adrano, Bianca- villa, Tortorici, Bronte, Piranino, and Randazzo areas and the Bagnara, Italy area; and fighter-bombers hit shipping from Vibo Valentia S to the Straits of Messina. On the ground in Sicily, US troops are unable to cross the Furiano River as fierce resistance continues. At Troina, troops push through the town and 1 mile (1.6 km) to the E before opposition halts them. The British take Biancavilla, and Adrano falls as the enemy pulls out during the night of 6/7 Aug. HQ 301st Bombardment Group (Heavy) and it's 32d, 353d and 419th Bombard- ment Squadrons (Heavy) transfer with B-17's from St-Donat, Algeria to Oudna, Tunisia. SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): On Santa Isabel Island in the Solomon Islands, 20 P-39's and P-40's hit the Tanagaba Harbor area; and 24 B-17's and B-24's, 24 B-25's, and 50+ US Navy and US Marine Corps fighters and dive bombers pound the Rekata Bay area, hitting bivouac and supply areas. The 63d Troop Carrier Squadron, 403d Troop Carrier Group, arrives on Espiritu Santo Island, New Hebrides Islands from the US with C-47's. The squadron begins flying missions upon arrival. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): During the night of 6/7 Aug, B-24's bomb Laha Airfield on Amboina Island in the Celebes Islands. SATURDAY, 7 AUGUST 1943 AMERICAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS ZONE OF INTERIOR (HQ AAF): The AAF Redistribution Center is established at Atlantic City, New Jersey to receive, rehabilitate, and reassign person- nel returning from overseas. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): In Sicily, 150 B-25's attack Randazzo; and 140+ P-40's attack shipping at Messina and in the Straits, and shipping and shore-supply stores along the NE coast. WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Northwest African Air Force): In Sicily throughout the day Northwest African Tactical Bomber Force (NATBF) medium and light bombers pound Randazzo, the enemy's key withdrawal point; Maletto is also bombed; P-40's and A-36's strafe and bomb small craft between Sicily and mainland Italy, motor transport near Randazzo, a warehouse N of Messina, dumps on the toe of Italy, and vehicles and communications targets in the Sant' Agata di Militello, Bronte, Cesaro, Tortorici, Castiglione di Sicilia and Riposto areas. In Italy, Northwest African Strategic Air Force (NASAF) B-25's in 2 forces hit the landing ground at Crotone while B-26's bomb the railroad bridge at Marina di Cantanzaro and highway bridge over the Angi- tola River. On the ground in Sicily, US forces improve their positions on the N coast in the San Fratello region against heavy resistance. During the night of 7/8 Aug, a small amphibious force lands on the coast 2 miles (3.2 km) E of Sant' Agata di Militello, greatly aiding progress along the coast. Other forces begin a drive on Randazzo. HQ 5th Bombardment Wing transfers from Chateaudun, Algeria to Depienne, Tunisia. HQ 47th Bombardment Wing (Medium) transfers from Souk-el-Arba to Hamma- met, Tunisia. SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): In the Solomon Islands, 16 B-24's and 40+ B-25's, plus nearly 30 US Navy airplanes, pound the harbor and shore areas of Bairoko on New Georgia Island. The 64th Troop Carrier Squadron, 403d Troop Carrier Group, transfers with C-47's from Tontouta, New Caledonia to Espiritu Santo Island, New Hebrides Islands. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): In New Guinea, B-24's thoroughly pound the Salamaua area and also hit Kela Village. On Timor Island, B-25's hit Cape Chater Airfield and Lautem. SUNDAY, 8 AUGUST 1943 EUROPEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS STRATEGIC OPERATIONS (Eighth Air Force): VIII Air Support Command Mission 15: 36 B-26's are dispatched to Poix/Nord Airfield, France but the forma- tion is turned back by weather. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): In Sicily, 90+ B-25's bomb the Randazzo area; 130+ P-40's hit shipping at Messina and provide ground support in NE Sicily as US and British forces push E and N, capturing Sant' Agata di Militello, Monte Camolato, and Bronte. WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Northwest African Air Force): Northwest African Strategic Air Force (NASAF) B-26's hit highway and rail bridges at Angi- tola, Italy, while P-38's strafe trains and other targets of opportunity SW of the town. In Sicily, Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) light and medium bombers pound Randazzo; fighters hit road targets N of Etna, shipping in the Straits of Messina and cover ground forces at Sant' Agata di Militello. HQ 63d Fighter Wing transfers from Maison Blanche to Rerhaia, Algeria. HQ 321st Bombardment Group (Medium) transfers from Souk-el-Arba to Soli- man, Tunisia. The 352d Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), 301st Bombardment Group (Heavy), transfers with B-17's from St-Donat, Algeria to Oudna, Tunisia. The 416th Night Fighter Squadron, Twelfth Air Force, arrives at Algiers, Algeria from England where it trained with Beaufighters. The 417th Night Fighter Squadron, Twelfth Air Force, arrives at Tafara- oui, Algeria from England where it trained with Beaufighters. The squadron flies it's first combat mission today. The 445th, 447th and 448th Bombardment Squadrons (Medium), 321st Bombard- ment Group (Medium), transfer with B-25's from Souk-el-Arba to Soliman, Tunisia. SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): On Kolombangara Island in the Solomon Islands, 23 B-25's, with P-38's, P-39's, and US Navy F4U's as cover, bomb Vila and Buki harbor. The 72d Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), 5th Bombardment Group (Heavy), which has been operating from Guadalcanal Island with B-17's since Oct 42, ceases combat operations and regroups at it's base on Espiritu Santo Island in the New Hebrides Islands. The squadron will transition to B-24D's and re-enter combat in Oct 43. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): In New Guinea, B-24's attack Larat, shipping at Semboh, and barges at Kokas. The 431st Fighter Squadron, 475th Fighter Group, based at Amberley Field, 25 miles (40 km) W of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia begins operating from Port Moresby, New Guinea with P-38's. The squadron will fly it's first mission on Thursday. MONDAY, 9 AUGUST 1943 AMERICAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS ALASKA (Eleventh Air Force): In the Aleutian Islands, 1 B-24 flies photo reconnaissance over various Kiska Island sites. EUROPEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS STRATEGIC OPERATIONS (Eighth Air Force): VIII Air Support Command Mis- sions 16A and 16B: 72 B-26's are dispatched to the St Omer/Ft Rouge Air- field in France; clouds prevent bombing and only 1 aircraft hits the target at 1904 hours; 11 aircraft are damaged and 6 men are WIA. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): In Sicily, B-25's hit Divieto and a nearby tunnel W of Spadafora San Martino, and attack special points in the battle area of NE Sicily; P-40's hit shipping at Messina, Milazzo, and Palmi. WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Northwest African Air Force): Northwest African Strategic Air Force (NASAF) B-17's bomb crossroads N of Messina, Sicily. In Itlay, B-25's hit Cantanzaro and Soverato River bridges, B-26's attack Angitola River bridges, P-40's sweep over S Sardinia, and P-38's hit a lighthouse and other targets of opportunity in S Italy. In Sicily, North- west African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) bombers hit the Gesso road junc- tion; fighters concentrate on highways and junctions and also hit rail sidings and gun positions in areas around Linguaglossa, Floresta, Falcone, Patti, Orlando, Novara di Sicilia, and Milazzo. On the ground in Sicily, US troops reach Torrenuovo, and, to the S, drive the enemy back to the Simeto River between Cesaro and Randazzo. HQ 47th Bombardment Group (Light) transfers from Malta to Torrente Comu- nelli, Sicily. The 446th Bombardment Squadron (Medium), 321st Bombardment Group (Medium), transfers with B-25's from Souk-el-Arba to Soliman, Tunisia. SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): In the Solomon Islands, 1O B-25's, with fighter cover, bomb Vila on Kolombangara Island. Shortly thereafter 22 B-24's strike the same target. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): In New Guinea, B-17's, B-24's, and B-25's bomb Salamaua, Lae, Nuk Nuk, Samoa Harbor at the mouth of the Francisco River, a barge near Reiss Point, and bridges on the Bogadjim-Ramu road. Barges and machinegun positons along Borgen Bay on New Britain Island, installations at Unea Island in the Bismarck Archipelago, and targets of opportunity at Alilit in the Moluccas Islands are bombed. Amboina Island, in the Moluccas Islands is thoroughly pounded. TUESDAY, 10 AUGUST 1943 AMERICAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS ALASKA (Eleventh Air Force): In the Aleutian Islands, P-38's, P-40's, A-24's, B-24's and B-25's bomb and strafe various targets on Kiska Island; direct hits are scored on revetments W of the Wheat Grove and on gun emplacements, as well as on buildings on Little Kiska Island. HQ Eleventh Air Force transfers from Elmendorf Field, Anchorage to Adak Island. ZONE OF INTERIOR (HQ AAF): Most Bombardment Groups/Squadrons (Dive) equipped with A-24's and A-36's are redesignated Fighter-Bomber Groups/ Squadrons. ANTISUBMARINE WARFARE (AAF Antisubmarine Command): The 14th Antisubmarine Squadron (Heavy), 25th Antisubmarine Wing, ceases operating from Langley Field, Hampton, Virginia with B-24's and returns to it's base at Camp Edwards Army Airfield, Falmouth, Massachusetts. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): B-25's attack Randazzo, Sicily while P-40's bomb and strafe shipping on the SW coast of Italy and in the Straits of Messina. WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Northwest African Air Force): Brigadier General Ray A Dunn takes command of the Northwest African Air Force Troop Carrier Command (Provisional). In Italy, Northwest African Strategic Air Force (NASAF) P-38's bomb and strafe communications targets on the toe of Italy; and bridges at Angitola and N of Locri are attacked. Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) planes fly anti-shipping sweeps over coastal areas of NE Sicily and the Straits of Messina, carry out armored reconnais- sance over the battle areas and toe of Italy, and bomb Randazzo, Sicily. On the ground in Sicily, US Seventh Army forces pursue the enemy to a point W of Naso near the N coast. During the night of 10/11 Aug, the US 3d Infantry Division makes an amphibious landing on the coast, outflanking the enemy E of Capo d'Orlando. The US 9th Infantry Division reaches a point N of Bronte. HQ Twelfth Air Force transfers from Algeria to Tunisia. HQ 81st Fighter Group transfers from Monastir to Sidi Ahmed, Tunisia. The 84th Bombardment Squadron (Light), 47th Bombardment Group (Light), transfers from Malta to Torrente Comunelli, Sicily with A-20's. The 342d Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), 97th Bombardment Group (Heavy), transfers from Chateaudun-du-Rhumel, Algeria to Pont-du-Fahs, Tunisia with B-17's. SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): In the Solomon Islands, Colonel William A Matheny becomes acting Commanding General, XIII Bomber Command, a position he is officially assigned to on 30 Sep 43. P-40's and P-39's turn back about 40 fighters attacking US bulldozers working on Munda Airfield on New Georgia Island. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): In New Guinea, 20+ B-24's pound airfields in the Salamaua area; 12 B-25's hit barges in the Lae area and AA positions W of Borgen Bay on New Britain Island; and 6 A-20's bomb and strafe barges in Labu Lagoon and on Gasmata Island off the coast of New Britain Island. WEDNESDAY, 11 AUGUST 1943 AMERICAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS ALASKA (Eleventh Air Force): In the Aleutian Islands, B-24's, B-25's, A-24's, and P-38's pound Kiska Island targets in 11 attack missions; later, 10 reconnaissance, strafing and photo missions to Kiska are flown by 3 P-38's, 26 P-40's, 4 F-5A's and 1 B-24. 9 B-24's from Attu Island drop bombs and incendiaries on Paramushiru Island in the Kurile Islands, inclu- ding Kashiwabara Airfield and Shimushu Island where the Kataoka naval base and staging area are hit. 40 enemy aircraft challenge the attackers, which score 4 confirmed kills, 1 probable, and 4 possibles. CANADA: The Quebec Conference begins. President Franklin D Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston S Churchill discuss the entire spectrum of world operations and decide on the future action of Anglo-US armed forces. CHINA-BURMA-INDIA THEATER OF OPERATIONS CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): The 76th Fighter Squadron, 23d Fighter Group, transfers from Lingling to Hengyang, China with P-40's. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): In Sicily, 90+ B-25's bomb a bridge, roads, railway, and the city area in and about Randazzo. About 170 P-40's hit Randazzo, shipping at Milazzo and Messina, roads and trains near Messina, and troop movements and evacuations in NE Sicily. WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Northwest African Air Force): In Italy, the North- west African Strategic Air Force (NASAF) again hits communications targets on the toe of Italy; B-17's hit the marshalling yard at Terni, B-25's bomb the Angitola River bridges and B-26's and P-38's attack a bridge at Cantan- zaro. Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) fighter-bombers support the US Seventh Army's landing E of Orlando, Sicily by attacking troop con- centrations, gun positions, and communications lines leading to the area. On the ground in Sicily, US Seventh Army forces take Naso and press closer to Randazzo. Medium bombers support the British Eighth Army by raiding the Fiumefreddo and Randazzo areas. The 111th Reconnaissance Squadron (Fighter), 68th Reconnaissance Group, transfers from Gela to Termini, Sicily with P-51's. A detachment continues to operate from Gela until Sep 43. The 341st Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), 97th Bombardment Group (Heavy), transfers from Chateaudun-du-Rhumel, Algeria to Pont-du-Fahs, Tunisia with B-17's. SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): In the Solomon Islands, 5 B-24's hit a supply area on the E side of Suavanau Point, Santa Isabel Island and on Papatura Fa Island. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): A B-24 on armored reconnaissance sinks an enemy freighter NW of Kavieng on New Ireland Island in the Bismarck Archipelago. The Second Air Task Force completes a movement to Tsili Tsili Airfield, New Guinea. THURSDAY, 12 AUGUST 1943 AMERICAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS ALASKA (Eleventh Air Force): In the Aleutians Islands, B-24's and B-25's fly 26 bombing, strafing, and radar and photo reconnaissance sorties over Kiska Island targets from Adak Island. From Amchitka Island P-40's, P-38's, B-24's, B-25's, and A-24's fly 70 bombing sorties over the island and are joined by B-24's, P-40's, and F-5A's flying 6 reconnaissance and photo sorties. Targets include the runway, harbor and shipping installations, army barracks, and the Rose Hill area. EUROPEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS STRATEGIC OPERATIONS (Eighth Air Force): VIII Bomber Command Mission 81: The Ruhr is targetted with the bombers concentrating on manufacturing installations and synthetic oil. 1. 183 B-17's are dispatched to synthetic oil installations at Bochum, Gelsenkirchen and Recklinghausen; some B-17's become separated on the bomb run and bomb various targets of opportunity; 133 B-17's hit the targets at 0845-0925 hours; they claim 25-5-11 Luftwaffe aircraft; 23 B-17's are lost, 2 are damaged beyond repair and 103 are damaged; casualties are 5 KIA, 49 WIA and 232 MIA. 2. 147 B-17's are dispatched to manufacturing installations at Bonn; 110 hit the target at 0850-0858 hours; they claim 4-2-2 Luftwaffe aircraft; 2 B-17's are lost, 1 is damaged beyond repair and 69 are damaged; casualties are 1 KIA, 7 WIA and 21 MIA. VIII Air Support Command Missions 17 and 18: 71 B-26's are dispatched to the Poix/Nord Airfield in France; 34 hit the target at 1052 hours; 13 aircraft are damaged. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): In Sicily, 79 B-25's attack Falcone, Patti, Novara di Sicilia, and Barcellona; P-40's bomb and strafe shipping at Messina. WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Northwest African Air Force): In Italy, Northwest African Strategic Air Force (NASAF) B-25's attack landing grounds at Cro- tone, and B-26's hit Grazzanise Airfield; they claim 9 fighters shot down. In Sicily, Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) P-40's and A-36's hit shipping along the NE coast and in the Straits of Messina, attack gun positions and vehicles at Capo Calava and E of Randazzo, and hit a bridge at Taormina and roads in the Maletto-Fiumefreddo areas; NATAF bombers attack Patti, Falcone, Barcellona, and Nunziata. On the ground in Sicily, the US Seventh Army continues to pursue the enemy E along the N coast. Further inland, US forces gain a favorable posi- tion from which to assault Randazzo, but the enemy withdraws during the night of 12/13 Aug, precluding an attack. The British Eighth Army seizes Maletto and Riposto. The 85th and 97th Bombardment Squadrons (Light), 47th Bombardment Group (Light), transfer from Malta to Torrente Comunelli, Sicily with A-20's. The 340th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), 97th Bombardment Group (Heavy), transfers from Chateaudun-du-Rhumel, Algeria to Pont-du-Fahs, Tunisia with B-17's. SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): In the Solomon Islands, 20+ B-24's, with P-40 and F4U cover, bomb Kahili Airfield on Bougainville Island, causing considerable damage in the dispersal and run- way areas. The Allied airplanes claim 11 Zekes shot down; 1 P-40 and 1 F4U are lost. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): In New Guinea, B-25's hit the Bogadjim-Yaula road. In the Bismarck Archipelago, A-20's bomb and strafe Gasmata Island and nearby barges; and a B-24 hits Cape Gloucester Airfield on New Britain Island. The 432d Fighter Squadron, 475th Fighter Group, based at Amberley Field near Brisbane, Queensland, Australia begins operating from Port Moresby, New Guinea with P-38's. The squadron will fly it's first combat mission on Friday. FRIDAY, 13 AUGUST 1943 AMERICAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS ALASKA (Eleventh Air Force): In the Aleutian Islands, 7 B-25's from Adak Island bomb targets at Main Camp and North Head on Kiska and Little Kiska Islands. A B-24 flies a special reconnaissance mission. From Amchitka Island B-24's, B-25's, A-24's, and P-38's fly 8 more bombing missions against Kiska Island pounding the Camp area, gun emplacements, buildings, shipping, and airstrip revetments. The 406th Bombardment Squadron (Medium), 41st Bombardment Group (Medium), ceases operating from Adak Island with B-25's and returns to it's base at Elmendorf Field, Anchorage. During the latter part of Aug 43, the 515th and 516th Fighter-Bomber Squadrons, 407th Fighter-Bomber Group, cease operating from Amchitka Island with A-24's and return to their base at Drew Field, Tampa, Florida. CHINA-BURMA-INDIA THEATER OF OPERATIONS CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): 4 P-40's bomb and strafe enemy installa- tions at Lungling, China. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): 61 B-24's hit an aircraft factory at Wiener-Neustadt in the first Ninth Air Force raid on Austria. 80+ B-25's hit Piedimonte, Italy, Falcone, Sicily, and shipping at Messina, Sicily. 200+ P-40's attack shipping and bridges along the SW Italian coast, hit shipping in the Straits of Messina, and fly armored reconnaissance and fighter-bomber operations in NE Sicily. The 67th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), 44th Bombardment Group (Heavy), ceases operating from Benina, Libya with B-24's and returns to it's base at Shipdham, England. WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Northwest African Air Force): In Italy, Northwest African Strategic Air Force (NASAF) B-17's bomb a marshalling yard at Lorenzi, and B-25's and B-26's hit a marshalling yard at Littoria; other B-25's hit a vessel off Pizzo. P-40's fly a sweep over S Sardinia, strafing small boats, a power station, and railroad junction. Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) light and medium bombers bomb Piedimonte, Italy, Falcone, Sicily, and bridges N of Scaletta, Sicily. A-36's and fighters hit targets in NE Sicily, the Straits of Messina and on the toe of Italy, including Gioia Tauro, Italy and in Sicily, the Barcellona road junction E of Randazzo, the marshalling yard and trucks at Spadafora, trucks between Taormina and Baracca, and barges, ferries, and small vessels in the Strait of Messina. On the ground in Sicily, the US Seventh Army enters Randazzo without opposition. Coastal forces continue E toward Patti. The 86th Bombardment Squadron (Light), 47th Bombardment Group (Light), transfers from Malta to Torrente Comunelli, Sicily with A-20's. SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): On New Georgia Island in the Solomon Islands, 4 P-40's become the first Allied aircraft to land on the reconstructed Munda Airfield; after refueling, they are sent on a sweep of the Kolombangara Island coast; 9 B-17's, with fighter cover, bomb a Kape Harbor depot; and 2 others on armored reconnaissance bomb Vila on Kolombangara Island. On Santa Isabel Island, 12 B-25's bomb supply areas in the Rekata Bay area; 2 B-24's on armored reconnaissance hit Suavanau Point, 8 bomb the airfield on Ballale Island, and 13 bomb Kahili Airfield on Bougainville Island. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): 59 B-24's, B-17's, and B-26's drop 175 tons of bombs in the Salamaua, New Guinea area in the heaviest single day strike by the Fifth Air Force to date. 9 other B-24's bomb the oil center at Balikpapan, Borneo during a late night raid; the round trip covers 1,200 miles (1,920 km). SATURDAY, 14 AUGUST 1943 AMERICAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS ALASKA (Eleventh Air Force): In the Aleutian Islands, 2 B-24's fly a special radar ferret and reconnaissance mission; 1 B-25, 8 B-24's, and 10 P-38's then fly 2 attack missions to Kiska Island, bombing with unobserved results. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): 61 B-24's, on loan from the Eighth Air Force, bomb the Bf 109 factory at Wiener-Neustadt, Austria. B-25's attack road junctions and vehicle concentrations along the NE coast of Sicily and bomb a crossroads N of Palmi, Italy. P-40's hit shipping in the Milazzo and Messina, Sicily areas and along the Italian coast in the Palmi area. WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Northwest African Air Force): Northwest African Strategic Air Force (NASAF) P-38's sweep the toe of Italy but find little enemy movement. Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) fighters, and medium and light bombers hit a refueling depot at Nicola and near Gesso, Sicily, a road junction N of Palmi, Italy, shipping in the straits and along the W coast of Italy N to Gioia, and numerous targets of opportunity in NE Sicily and S Italy as the enemy continues an orderly evacuation from Sicily to mainland Italy across the Straits of Messina. On the ground in Sicily, US troops speed E along the coast to the Barcel- lona area and also continue pursuit of the enemy E of Randazzo. The 340th, 341st and 342d Bombardment Squadrons (Heavy), 97th Bombardment Group (Heavy), transfer from Pont-du-Fahs to Depienne, Tunisia with B-17's. SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): In the Solomon Islands, 9 B-17's bomb the Rekata Bay area of Santa Isabel Island. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): In New Guinea, 50+ B-24's, B-17's, and B-25's pound the Salamaua area battle zone; with close air and artillery support, US forces push to the crest of Roosevelt Ridge; the enemy retains several ridges along Dot Inlet; and A-20's strafe barges near Finschhafen. On New Britain Island in the Bismarck Archipelago, B-25's hit barges at Talasea and Rein Bay, and other B-25's bomb Koepang on Timor Island. HQ 475th Fighter Group and it's 431st, 432d and 433d Fighter Squadrons transfer from Amberley Field near Brisbane, Queensland, Australia to Dobodura, New Guinea with P-38's. The 431st and 432d are operating from Port Moresby, the 431st until Oct 43 and the 432d until Sep 43; the 433d will fly it's first mission tomorrow. SUNDAY, 15 AUGUST 1943 AMERICAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS ALASKA (Eleventh Air Force): In the Aleutian Islands, US and Canadian troops invade Kiska Island and discover that the Japanese, under the cover of fog, evacuated their garrison. A P-38 bombs and strafes Sniper Hill. The 635th Bombardment Squadron (Dive), 407th Fighter-Bomber Group, based at Drew Field, Tampa, Florida but operating from Amchitka Island, is dis- banded and it's A-24's are transferred to other units. ANTISUBMARINE WARFARE (AAF Antisubmarine Command): The 17th Antisubmarine Squadron (Heavy), 26th Antisubmarine Wing, based at Miami, Florida with B-25's, ceases flying ASW missions. The squadron will transfer to New Mexico and be redesignated 855th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) and transi- tion to B-24's and then join the Eighth Air Force in England in Jan 44. The air echelon of the 23d Antisubmarine Squadron (Heavy), 26th Antisub- marine Wing, based at Edinburgh Field, Trinidad begins operating from Zandery Field, Surinam. The squadron will operate from this station with B-25's until Dec 43. EUROPEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS STRATEGIC OPERATIONS (Eighth Air Force): VIII Bomber Command Mission 82: Luftwaffe airfields in France and the Netherlands are targetted today. 1. 180 B-17's are dispatched to Vlissingen Airfield in the Netherlands and Amiens and Poix Airfield in France; 147 aircraft hit the targets at 1926-1931 hours; 48 B-17's are damaged; casualties are 3 WIA. 2. 147 B-17's are dispatched to Merville, Lille/Vendeville and Vitry en Artois Airfields in France; 143 hit the targets at 1925-1933 hours; they claim 9-0-1 Luftwaffe aircraft; 2 B-17's are lost and 11 damaged; casualties are 1 KIA, 3 WIA and 20 MIA. VIII Air Support Command Missions 19A, 19B and 20: Three Luftwaffe air- fields are targetted: 1. 36 B-26's are dispatched against St Omer/Ft Rouge Airfield in France; 31 hit the target at 0959 hours; 18 B-26's are damaged. 2. 36 B-26's are dispatched against Woensdrecht Airfield, The Netherlands; they turn back at the Dutch coast aborted the mission. 3. 21 B-26's are dispatched against the marshalling yard at Abbeville, France; 19 hit the target at 1933 hours; 9 aircraft are damaged; casualties are 1 WIA. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): In Sicily, B-25's hit shipping along the beaches of Sant' Agata di Militello; 180+ P-40's attack shipping at Messina and in the Straits of Messina. Enemy forces withdrawing to main- land Italy are pounded severely by constant air attacks. WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Northwest African Air Force): In Italy, Northwest African Strategic Air Force (NASAF) B-25's and B-26's bomb Sibari railroad junction and marshalling yard, and P-38's hit trains, troops, radar, and Staletti railroad tracks and tunnel. P-40's attack a bivouac area near Monserrato, Sardinia. On the ground in Sicily, US Seventh Army troops land on the Sicilian N coast NW of Barcellona during the night of 15/16 Aug to block the enemy withdrawal. The US 3d Infantry Division heads along the N coast to Spada- fora. British Eighth Army troops complete a drive around Mount Etna as the Randazzo-Linguaglossa road is closed. Linguaglossa and Taormina are taken. HQ 97th Bombardment Group (Heavy) transfers from Pont-du-Fahs to Depienne, Tunisia. The 92d Fighter Squadron, 81st Fighter Group, transfers from Warnier, Algeria to Sidi Ahmed, Tunisia with P-39's. SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): In the Solomon Islands, Commander Air (COMAIR), New Georgia command post, recently opened at Munda Point, New Georgia Island by Major General Francis P Mulcahy, USMC, conducts its first full day of operations. Fighters are sent to cover amphibious landings at Vella Lavella Island where elements of the 25th Infantry Division, and supporting units, go ashore in the Barakoma area and establish a beachhead. Allied airplanes knock down about 25 Japanese air- craft (7 by Army Air Forces fighters) attacking the landings. F4U's also claim 10 Japanese shot down over Kahili, Bougainville Island. B-25's bomb Papatura Fa and Ighiti Islands in the Rekata Bay area of Santa Isabel Island. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): In New Guinea, heavy bombers again hit the Salamaua area; 12 Japanese bombers, escorted by 20+ fighters, attack Tsili Tsili Airfield for the first time; intercepting P-39's claim 14 airplanes downed for the loss of 3 P-39's. HQ 35th Fighter Group transfers from Port Moresby to Tsili Tsili, New Guinea. MONDAY, 16 AUGUST 1943 AMERICAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS ALASKA (Eleventh Air Force): In the Aleutian Islands, a B-24 reconnais- sance flight reconnoiters North Head, Main Camp, and northern Kiska Island, and observes friendly forces' unopposed advance into Main Camp. CHINA-BURMA-INDIA THEATER OF OPERATIONS BURMA-INDIA (Tenth Air Force): Bombers hit and claim 2 small vessels sunk about 130 miles (208 km) S of Rangoon, Burma. The 89th Fighter Squadron, 80th Fighter Group, transfers from Karachi to Gushkara, India with P-40's. The squadron will fly it's first mission on 8 Sep 43. CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): 4 P-40's bomb town of Tengchung, China. EUROPEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS STRATEGIC OPERATIONS (Eighth Air Force): VIII Bomber Command Mission 83: Luftwaffe facilities in France are targetted today. 1. 179 B-17's and 1 YB-40 are dispatched to Le Bourget air depot in the Paris area; 171 hit the target at 0929-0937 hours; they claim 29-3-11 Luftwaffe aircraft; 4 B-17's are lost and 46 damaged; casualties are 1 KIA, 4 WIA and 31 MIA; this mission is escorted all the way to the target by P-47's using drop tanks. 2. 66 B-17's are dispatched to Poix and Abbeville Airfields; all 66 hit the targets at 0911-0923 hours; 38 aircraft are damaged; no casualties. VIII Air Support Command Missions 21, 22A and 22B: Airfields in France are targetted today; no casualties. 1. 36 B-26's are dispatched to Bernay St Martin Airfield; 31 hit the target at 1117 hours; 2 aircraft are damaged. 2. 36 B-26's are dispatched to Beaumont Le Roger Airfield; 29 hit the target at 1700 hours and 3 hit Conches Airfield at 1703 hours; 3 aircraft are damaged. 3. A diversion is flown by B-26's of the 323d Bombardment Group (Medium). MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): 86 B-24's bomb the city area and airfields at Foggia, Italy. In Sicily, 50+ B-25's hit landing craft concen- trations near Ganzirri and Messina, and 100+ P-40's hit shipping at Messina and in the Straits of Messina, as the enemy continues the withdrawal of rear guard troop to mainland Italy. Before midnight, US patrols enter Messina, which is under fire from the Italian coast. WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Northwest African Air Force): In Italy, Northwest African Strategic Air Force (NASAF) medium bombers hit Staletti and a tempo- rary bridge at Angitola. In Sicily, Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) light and medium bombers hit shipping in the Straits of Messina and from N of Messina to Capo Pelaro. A-36's and P-40's concentrate on communi- cations targets on the toe of Italy, hitting trains, trucks, railroad yards, and sidings at Nicastro, Lamezia, Amantea, and Sambiase. Also bombed are barges, ferries, and small vessels off Messina, Sicily and in the Golfo di Sant' Eufemia, Italy. SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): In the Solomon Islands, 9 B-24's bomb Papatura Fa Island. 12 B-25's, 5 B-17's, and 30+ US Navy planes attack Vila Airfield on Kolombangara Island. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): Oil tanks at Balikpapan, Borneo are hit by 2 B-24's. In New Guinea, 5 B-25's bomb Larat; 15 P-38's and 32 P-47's intercept 25 fighters preparing to attack transport vessels near Tsili Tsili; the strike is completely thwarted and 12 fighters shot down. This marks first the combat use of the P-47 in this theater. TUESDAY, 17 AUGUST 1943 AMERICAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS ALASKA (Eleventh Air Force): In the Aleutian Islands, 1 B-24 flies over Kiska Island watching friendly forces land on the shore of E Kiska Lake. CHINA-BURMA-INDIA THEATER OF OPERATIONS CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): 23 B-24's, operating in 3 waves, bomb barracks at Cau Lo, French Indochina. 4 P-40's bomb town of Mangshih, China. EUROPEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS STRATEGIC OPERATIONS (Eighth Air Force): VIII Bomber Command Mission 84: On the first anniversary of US heavy bomber operations from the UK, a two-pronged attack into Germany is launched, marking the deepest penetra- tion of German territory to date. The critical targets are the Messer- schmitt complex at Regensburg, and the anti-friction-bearing factories at Schweinfurt. 1. 230 B-17's are dispatched to Schweinfurt; 188 hit the target at 1459- 1511 hours; they claim 148-18-63 Luftwaffe aircraft; 36 B-17's are lost, 3 are damaged beyond repair and 118 damaged; casualties are 3 KIA, 12 WIA and 352 MIA; there are 80 high explosive hits on the 2 main bearing plants. 2. 146 B-17's are dispatched to Regensburg; 127 hit the target at 1148- 1207 hours; they claim 140-19-36 Luftwaffe aircraft; 24 B-17's are lost, 1 is damaged beyond repair and 50 are damaged; casualties are 4 KIA, 9 WIA and 200 MIA; every important building in the complex is damaged; the surviving aircraft continue on to bases in North Africa. 60 B-17's are lost in the fierce air battle that extends to the targets and continues after the bombing. VIII Air Support Command Missions 23 and 24: Two airfields in France are targetted. 1. 36 B-26's are dispatched to Bryas Sud Airfield; 29 hit the target at 1051 hours; 2 aircraft are damaged. 2. 72 B-26's are dispatched to Poix/Nord Airfield; 35 hit the target at 1552 hours; 20 aircraft are damaged; casualties are 1 WIA. During the night of 17/18 Aug the Royal Air Force (RAF) begins Operation CROSSBOW, massive attacks on German V-weapon sites. About 570 aircraft drop 2,000 tons of bombs on Peenemunde, Germany. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): 200+ P-40's hit shipping at Messina, Sicily, at Palmi and in the Gulf of Gioia, Italy. WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Northwest African Air Force): The Sicilian campaign ends with the official entry of the US Seventh Army's 3d Infantry Division into Messina at 1000 hours. The British force from Ali arrives shortly thereafter. The fall of Sicily paves the way for the stepped-up air offensive against Italy. In France, about 180 Northwest African Strategic Air Force (NASAF) B-17's attack Istres-Le-Tube Airfield and Salon-de-Provence Airfield. Around 100 medium bombers attack communications targets on the N part of the Italian toe, hitting Battipaglia and Castrovillari with damaging effect; escorting P-38's strafe vehicles in the area. Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) fighters and light bombers pound shipping in the Straits of Messina and Gulf of Gioia, Italy, hit the rail center at Lamezia, Italy, and har- rass enemy movement on the Italian toe. The 416th Night Fighter Squadron, Twelfth Air Force, transfers from Al- giers to Bone, Algeria with Beaufighters. The squadron will fly it's first combat mission on 4 Sep. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): In New Guinea, 50+ B-24's and B-17's make a predawn attack on Wewak and satellite air- fields at Boram, Dogaw, and But, and also hit Tadji and Madang; during the midmorning, 30+ B-25's, with 80+ P-38's covering, carry out the day's second bombing and strafing strike on Boram, Wewak, and Dogaw; this begins a campaign to neutralize Japanese airfields in preparation for offensive against Lae; A-20's again hit enemy forces in the Salamaua area. B-24's bomb oil facilities at Balikpapan, Borneo. WEDNESDAY, 18 AUGUST 1943 EUROPEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS STRATEGIC OPERATIONS (Eighth Air Force): VIII Air Support Command Missions 25A and 25B: Two Luftwaffe airfields are targetted: 1. 36 B-26's are dispatched to Lille/Vendeville Airfield in France; because of mechanical trouble with communications equipment and the bombsight in the lead plane, 22 aircraft bomb the Ypres/Vlamertinge Air- field in Belgium at 1016 hours; 23 aircraft are damaged; there are no casualties. 2. 36 B-26's are dispatched to Woensdrecht Airfield in the Netherlands; 32 hit the target at 1032 hours; 8 aircraft are damaged; there are no casualties. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): In Italy, P-40's attack motor transport between Scilla and Bagnara, and bomb shipping off Scilla. WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Northwest African Air Force): In Italy, Northwest African Strategic Air Force (NASAF) fighters and medium bombers hit barracks and railroad at Gonnesa, sink a small vessel in the Golfo di Sant' Eufemia and bomb and strafe a railway station, bridge, and tracks at Soverato, bridges and a road junction at Angitola, and highway and road junction at Staletti. Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) air- planes hit gun positions and road and rail transport in S Italy. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): In New Guinea, 70+ B-24's, B-25's, and B-17's, with cover of almost 100 fighters, blast airfields at Wewak, Boram, Dagua, and But. The midmorning attacks cause heavy destruction of Japanese airplanes on the ground, and US fighters and bombers claim 30+ enemy aircraft shot down. THURSDAY, 19 AUGUST 1943 CHINA-BURMA-INDIA THEATER OF OPERATIONS BURMA-INDIA (Tenth Air Force): Brigadier General Howard C Davidson becomes Commanding General Tenth Air Force. EUROPEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS STRATEGIC OPERATIONS (Eighth Air Force): VIII Bomber Command Mission 85: Three Luftwaffe airfields in The Netherlands are targetted: 1. 125 B-17's are dispatched to Gilze-Rijen and Flushing Airfields; 38 B-17's hit Gilze-Rijen at 1802-1814 hours and 55 hit Flushing at 1756 hours; they claim 29-1-2 Luftwaffe aircraft; 4 B-17's are lost and 42 damaged; casualties are 9 WIA and 41 MIA; this mission is escorted by 175 P-47's who claim 9-2-4 Luftwaffe aircraft; 1 P-47 is lost and the pilot is listed as MIA. 2. 45 B-17's are dispatched to Woensdrecht Airfield but weather prevents them hitting the target. VIII Air Support Command Missions 27A, 27B and 28: Three Luftwaffe air- fields in France are targetted: 1. 36 B-26's are dispatched to Amiens/Glisy Airfield; all hit the target at 1129 hours; they claim 1-0-2 Luftwaffe aircraft; 1 B-26 is damaged beyond repair and 9 are damaged; casualties are 2 WIA. 2. 36 B-26's are dispatched to Poix/Nord Airfield; 35 hit the target at 1218 hours; 1 aircraft is damaged; there are no casualties. 3. 36 B-26's are dispatched to Bryas Sud Airfield but the target is obscured by cloud and the mission is aborted. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): About 70 B-24's bomb the marshal- ling yard at Foggia, Italy. P-40's fly coastal reconnaissance over the toe of Italy and bomb roads and buildings. WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Northwest African Air Force): In Italy, 150+ Northwest African Strategic Air Force (NASAF) B-17's bomb the Foggia marshalling yard, while almost 100 medium bombers hit marshalling yards at Sapri and Salerno; the bombers, and escorting P-38's claim 34 enemy planes shot down, against 8 losses; Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) A-36's attack the Cantanzaro marshalling yard; P-40's on sweeps over the Italian toe attack a train near Melito di Porto Salvo and strafe a small number of trucks. The 12th Photographic Squadron (Light), 3d Photographic Reconnaissance and Mapping Group, ceases operating from Gela/Ponte Olivo, Sicily with F-4's and returns to it's base at Ariana, Tunisia. The 86th and 97th Bombardment Squadrons (Light), 47th Bombardment Group (Light) transfer from Torrente Coumunelli to Gerbini, Sicily with A-20's. SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): In the Solomon Islands, B-25's, operating in pairs and with fighter escort, hit barges at Timbala Bay on Vella Lavella Island, Kakasa radio station on Gill Island, and a beached vessel in Paraso Bay. From this date through 28 Aug, Japanese airplanes attack Allied forces in the Barakoma area of Vella Lavella Island, losing a considerable number of aircraft (claims total about 50) to Allied fighters and ground fire without doing any great damage to the Allies. HQ 5th Bombardment Group (Heavy) transfers from Espiritu Santo Island, New Hebrides Islands to Guadalcanal Island, Solomon Islands. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): In New Guinea, B-24's attack Manokwari, sink a small craft near Babo, and bomb Larat and Saumlakki in the Tanimbar Islands. On Timor Island, B-25's hit Koepang, Fuiloro, and Lautem. HQ 375th Troop Carrier Group transfers from Port Moresby to Dobodura, New Guinea. FRIDAY, 20 AUGUST 1943 CHINA-BURMA-INDIA THEATER OF OPERATIONS: Army Air Forces, India-Burma Sector, China-Burma-India Theater is activated at New Delhi, India. Lieutenant General George E Stratemeyer assumes command. Components include the Tenth Air Force, China-Burma-India Air Service Command (Provisional), China-Burma-India Training Unit (Provisional) and several lesser units. BURMA-INDIA (Tenth Air Force): X Air Force Service Command (AFSC) personnel and organizations are absorbed by CBI ASC (Prov), see above. Brigadier General Robert C Oliver, Commanding General X AFSC, becomes Commanding General CBI ASC (Prov). CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 6 B-25's, with fighter escort, bomb Tien Ho Airfield at Canton; they claim 5 interceptors shot down. 15 P-40's intercept 21 fighters over Kweilin; 2 P-40's and 2 Zekes are shot down. EUROPEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS ANTISUBMARINE WARFARE (AAF Antisubmarine Command): The air echelon of the 22d Antisubmarine Squadron (Heavy), 479th Antisubmarine Group, arrives at Dunkeswell, England from the US with B-24's. The ground echelon remains in the US, then moves to Utah in Sep 43 where it is inactivated. STRATEGIC OPERATIONS (Eighth Air Force): HQ 66th Fighter Wing transfers from Duxford, England to Sawston, England where it will remain until Oct 45. HQ 482d Bombardment Group (Pathfinder) and it's 812th, 813th and 814th Bombardment Squadrons (Pathfinder) are activated at Alconbury, England where they will remain until May/Jun 45. The 812th and 813th, equipped with B-17's, will fly their first pathfinder mission on 27 Sep 43 and 24 Sep respectively; the 814th, equipped with B-24's, will fly it's first path- finder mission on 11 Jan 44. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): P-40's strafe and bomb shipping off the Italian toe and communications targets on land. Hits are scored on bridges, railway yards, and railway cars. WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Northwest African Air Force): In Italy, Northwest African Strategic Air Force (NASAF) B-26's hit the Capua and Aversa marshal- ling yards, while B-25's bomb the Benevento marshalling yard, and P-40's attack the airfield at Monserrato, Sardinia; Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) fighters hit road and railway at Gioia and trucks near Locri during missions along the E and W coasts of the Italian toe. HQ 47th Bombardment Group (Light) and it's 84th and 85th Bombardment Squadrons (Light) transfer with A-20's from Torrente Comunelli to Gerbini, Sicily. SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): HQ XIII Bomber Command transfers from Espiritu Santo Island, New Hebrides Islands to Guadalcanal Island in the Solomon Islands. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): In New Guinea, 24 B-24's, escorted by 46 P-38's, hit Boram Airfield in the late morning; P-38's claim 19 fighters shot down. A-20's bomb Lae and hit the Salamaua area where enemy forces have abandoned positions on Mount Tambu and Komiatum Ridge and are manning last-ditch defensive position at Salamaua. B-25's strafe barges near Cape Gloucester on New Britain Island. SATURDAY, 21 AUGUST 1943 AMERICAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS ALASKA (Eleventh Air Force): During the Aleutian Campaign, 3 Jun 42 to 21 Aug 43, the Eleventh Air Force destroyed 69 aircraft, sank 21 and damaged 29 ships, and lost 29 of its own aircraft. CHINA-BURMA-INDIA THEATER OF OPERATIONS CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 14 B-24's, 7 B-25's, and 11 P-40's attack docks and the airfield at Hankow; a large force of fighters, estimated at 50+, attacks the B-24 formation, shooting down 2 of the B-24's; gunners on the B-24's claim 40+ fighters shot down. In the Hengyang area, 19 P-40's battle 33 airplanes, shooting down 5 Zekes. S of Changsha, 9 P-38's clash with 12 Zekes, shooting down 3. EUROPEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS ANTISUBMARINE WARFARE (AAF Antisubmarine Command): The air echelon of the 6th Antisubmarine Squadron (Heavy), 479th Antisubmarine Group, arrives at Dunkeswell, England from Gander Lake, Newfoundland with B-24's. The ground echelon remains in Newfoundland and moves to Utah in Sep 43 where it is inactivated on 30 Oct 43. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): B-24's attack a railroad station, marshalling yard, and air depot at Cancello Arnone, Italy. WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Northwest African Air Force): In Italy, Northwest African Strategic Air Force (NASAF) B-26's and B-17's bomb marshalling yards at Villa Literno and Aversa; the P-38 escort also attacks Aversa; NASAF aircraft claim 20+ enemy fighters shot down; Northwest African Tacti- cal Air Force (NATAF) fighter-bombers hit traffic on the Bovalino-Bagnara road. HQ 42d Bombardment Wing (Medium) transfers to Ariana, Tunisia where groups are assigned. SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): B-25's and fighters strafe barges in Doveli Cove and Marquana and Paraso Bays in the Central Solomons. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): In New Guinea, B-25's pound But and Dagua Airfields; B-17's bomb the Bogadjim area; and single B-24's hit the Salamaua area and targets of opportunity at Malahang. B-24's carry out a damaging strike against Pombelaa in the Celebes Island. SUNDAY, 22 AUGUST 1943 CHINA-BURMA-INDIA THEATER OF OPERATIONS CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 4 P-40's bomb Japanese HQ and a supply dump at Tengchung, and strafe trucks and troops in the area; 2 others strafe road traffic between Tengchung and Lungling. The 12th Photographic Squadron (Light), Fourteenth Air Force, transfers from Bishnupur, India to Kunming, China with F-5's. The flight which has been operating from Kweilin since Jul will remain there until Sep 43. EUROPEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS STRATEGIC OPERATIONS (Eighth Air Force): VIII Air Support Command Missions 30A and 30B: Two Luftwaffe airfields in France are the targets: 1. 36 B-26's are dispatched to the Beaumont-le-Roger Airfield; 35 hit the target at 2110 hours; they claim 3-0-0 Luftwaffe aircraft; 1 B-26 is lost and 8 are damaged; casualties are 1 WIA and 6 MIA. 2. 36 B-26's are dispatched to the Poix/Nord Airfield; they all return early when they are unable to contact the escort fighters, RAF Spitfires. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): All fighter and medium bomber groups of the Ninth Air Force are transferred to the Twelfth Air Force, i.e.: 12th Bombardment Group (Medium) and it's 81st, 82d, 83d and 434th Bombardment Squadrons (Medium) at Gerbini, Sicily with B-25's, 57th Fighter Group and it's 64th, 65th and 66th Fighter Squadrons on Sicily with P-40's, 79th Fighter Group and it's 85th, 86th and 87th Fighter Squadrons on Sicily with P-40's, 324th Fighter Group and it's 314th, 315th and 316th Fighter Squadrons at El Haouaria, Tunisia with P-40's, and 340th Bombardment Group (Medium) and it's 486th, 487th, 488th and 489th Bombardment Squadrons (Medium) at Comiso, Sicily with B-25's. WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Northwest African Air Force): Northwest African Strategic Air Force (NASAF) B-26's, with an escort of Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) A-36's, bomb the marshalling yard at Salerno, Italy; they claim 26 enemy fighters destroyed. NATAF fighters on armored reconnaissance hit motor transport S of the Locri-Gioia Tauro, Italy area and NE of Bagnara, Italy. HQ 12th Bombardment Group (Medium) and it's 81st, 82d, 83d and 434th Bombardment Squadrons (Medium) transfer from Ponte Olivo to Gerbini, Sicily. SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): B-25's and US Navy dive bombers, escorted by fighter aircraft, bomb barge centers on the W coast of Vella Lavella Island. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): B-25's strike Dili on Timor Island. In New Guinea, as a result of the air offensive against Wewak and satellite airfields, Japanese airpower on New Guinea is sufficiently neutralized for 4 Allied destroyers to proceed along the coast from Milne Bay to Finschhafen; after bombarding Finschhafen during the night of 22/23 Aug, the warships return to Milne Bay. MONDAY, 23 AUGUST 1943 CHINA-BURMA-INDIA THEATER OF OPERATIONS BURMA-INDIA (Tenth Air Force): B-25's fly low-level strike against Myitnge, Burma bridge, knocking out a center span and badly damaging 2 others. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): B-24's hit a marshalling yard at Bari, Italy. WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Northwest African Air Force): Northwest African Strategic Air Force (NASAF) B-26's bomb the Battipaglia, Italy marshalling yard. Fighter-bombers hit factory and barracks near Cagliari, Sardinia. Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) P-40's and A-36's escort NASAF B-26's, and Spitfires fly uneventful tactical reconnaissance over NE Sicily and the toe of Italy. HQ 313th Troop Carrier Group transfers from Kairouan, Tunisia to Sciacca, Sicily. The 93d Fighter Squadron, 81st Fighter Group, transfers from Monastir to Sidi Ahmed, Tunisia with P-39's. SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): B-24's and P-39's strafe targets of opportunity on Wagina Island in the Solomon Islands. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): B-24's bomb the town and airfield of Kendari on Celebes Island. B-25's hit targets in the Aroe Islands. In New Guinea, B-26's pound Kela; and B-25's hit Marawasa, Finschhafen, and Lillum Saun. TUESDAY, 24 AUGUST 1943 AMERICAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS ANTISUBMARINE WARFARE (AAF Antisubmarine Command): The Army Air Forces Antisubmarine Command is redesignated I Bomber Command and reassigned to the First Air Force after the Army Air Forces and US Navy reach an agree- ment under which the Army Air Forces withdraws from antisubmarine opera- tions. During the remainder of Aug 43, the following squadrons cease flying ASW missions: 8th Antisubmarine Squadron (Heavy), 26th Antisubmarine Wing, based at Miami Army Airfield, Florida but operating from Trinidad, 14th Antisubmarine Squadron (Heavy), 25th Antisubmarine Wing, at Camp Edwards Army Airfield, Falmouth, Massachusetts, 24th Antisubmarine Squadron (Heavy), 25th Antisubmarine Wing, at Westover Field, Ayr, Massachusetts, and 25th Antisubmarine Squadron (Heavy), 26th Antisubmarine Wing, Jackson- ville Municipal Airport, Florida. CHINA-BURMA-INDIA THEATER OF OPERATIONS CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 7 B-24's and 6 B-25's, escorted by 22 P-40's and P-38's, bomb airfields at Hankow and Wuchang; 4 B-24's are lost; they claim 24 enemy interceptors shot down. EUROPEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS STRATEGIC OPERATIONS (Eighth Air Force): VIII Bomber Command Mission 86 Part I: An air depot and airfields in France are targetted: 1. 110 B-17's are dispatched to the Villacoublay Air Depot; 86 hit the target at 1800-1805 hours; they claim 1-0-1 Luftwaffe aircraft; 64 aircraft are damaged; casualties are 10 WIA. 2. 42 B-17's are dispatched to the Conches and Evreux/Fauville Airfields; 22 hit the target at 1844-1858 hours; they claim 0-0-2 Luftwaffe aircraft; 1 B-17 is lost and 15 damaged; casualties are 1 KIA and 9 WIA. 3. 35 of 36 B-17's fly a diversion without incident. VIII Bomber Command Mission 86 Part II: 85 B-17's, which had flown to North Africa after attacking Regensburg, Germany on 17 Aug, are dispatched to the Bordeaux/Merignac Airfield; 58 hit the target at 1157-1200 hours; they claim 3-3-10 Luftwaffe aircraft; 3 B-17's are lost, 2 are damaged beyond repair and 40 damaged; casualties are 30 MIA. 9 B-17's returned to North Africa after encountering difficulties. VIII Air Support Command Missions 33A & 33B: B-26's fly 2 diversions for the B-17's. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Northwest African Air Force): In Italy, Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) fighter-bombers hit a railroad tunnel and cruiser offshore at Sibari, tracks and buildings at Castrovillari, and the town area at Sibari; and Royal Air Force (RAF) Desert Air Force air- planes strafe motor transport N of Reggio di Calabria and provide withdrawal cover for the NATAF fighter-bombers. HQ 314th Troop Carrier Group transfers from Kairouan, Tunisia to Castel- vetrano, Sicily. SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): In the Solomon Islands, 25 B-24's, with fighter escort, bomb Papatura Fa Island and attack the E shore of Ringa Cove on New Georgia Island. P-39's strafe barges at Kakasa on Choiseul Island. The 23d Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), 5th Bombardment Group (Heavy), which has been operating from Guadalcanal Island with B-17's since Mar 43, returns to it's base on Espiritu Santo Island in the New Hebrides Islands for R&R SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): In New Guinea, B-24's thoroughly pound Wewak and bomb Salamaua; and B-25's bomb Larat and barges E of Wotap. WEDNESDAY, 25 AUGUST 1943 CHINA-BURMA-INDIA THEATER OF OPERATIONS SE ASIA: Admiral Louis F Mountbatten is appointed Supreme Allied Commander, Southeast Asia. CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): 8 B-25's, with fighter escort, bomb Kowloon Docks at Hong Kong. EUROPEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS STRATEGIC OPERATIONS (Eighth Air Force): US heavy bombers are assigned i role of bombing important Luftwaffe targets in Operation STARKEY, designed to contain enemy forces in the west to prevent their transfer to Eastern Front, and to serve as a dress rehearsal in the Pas de Calais, France area for the invasion of W Europe. The Allies hope to provoke the Luftwaffe into a prolonged air battle. VIII Air Support Command Missions 34A & 34B: Two locations in France are targetted: 1. 21 B-26's are dispatched to the power station at Rouen; all hit the target at 1832 hours; 2 aircraft are damaged. 2. 36 B-26's are dispatched to Tricqueville Airfield; 31 hit the target at 1834 hours; they claim 1-8-5 Luftwaffe aircraft; 2 B-26's are damaged. HQ 45th Bombardment Wing (Heavy) arrives at Brampton Grange, England from the US; it will remain at this station until Sep 43. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): B-24's bomb the marshalling yard at Foggia, Italy. The 566th and 567th Bombardment Squadrons (Heavy), 389th Bombardment Group (Heavy), which have been operating from Bengasi, Libya with B-24's since Jul 43, return to their base at Hethel, England. WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Northwest African Air Force): Around 135 B-17's and 140 P-38's attack satellite airfields at Foggia, Italy. Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) fighter-bombers hit trucks S of Sino- poli, Italy. The 414th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), 97th Bombardment Group (Heavy) transfers form Pont-du-Fahs to Depienne, Tunisia with B-17's. SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): In the Solomon Islands, 13 B-25's, along with 40+ US Navy dive bombers and an escort of fighter aircraft, pound barge centers at Webster and Ringa Coves on New Georgia Island. 6 B-24's, along with 24 fighters, hit Kahili Airfield on Bougainville Island. Other P-40's strafe large motor vessels and a barge in the NW part of the Slot. The 371st Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), 307th Bombardment Group (Heavy), based on Espiritu Santo in the New Hebrides Islands begins operating from Guadalcanal Island with B-24's; they will fly their first mission tomorrow. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): In New Guinea, almost 100 B-24's, B-25's, and B-17's carry out an hour-long strike against the Hansa Bay area, Nubia, and Awar, and nearby shipping; and small flights of B-24's attack Finschhafen and hit a transport off New Hanover Island in the Bismarck Archipelago. A-20's hit Gasmata Island off New Britain Island; and B-25's bomb targets on Timor Island. HQ 433d Troop Carrier Group arrives at Port Moresby, New Guinea from the US. They will remain at this station until Oct 44. THURSDAY, 26 AUGUST 1943 AMERICAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS ALASKA (Eleventh Air Force): In the Aleutian Islands, the Eleventh Air Force's striking power shrinks rapidly as the the following squadrons are ordered to prepare for departure to the Zone of Interior (ZI): 21st Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), 30th Bombardment Group (Heavy), on Umnak Island with B-24's, 36th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), 28th Composite Group, on Amchitka Island with B-24's, 73d Bombardment Squadron (Medium), 28th Composite Group, on Amchitka Island with B-25's, and 406th Bombardment Squadron (Medium), 41st Bombardment Group (Medium), at Elmendorf Field, Anchorage, with B-25's. CHINA-BURMA-INDIA THEATER OF OPERATIONS CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): 15 B-24's, with an escort of 17 fighters, bomb Kowloon Docks at Hong Kong; 5 Japanese interceptors are shot down. 5 B-25's, supported by 11 P-40's, bomb Tien Ho Airfield at Canton, China; in a battle with enemy interceptors 1 P-40 is lost; the B-25's and P-40's claim 5 Zekes downed. In China, the 449th Fighter Squadron is activated at Kunming and is assigned to the 51st Fighter Group. The squadron forms at Lingling and begins training with P-38's. EUROPEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS STRATEGIC OPERATIONS (Eighth Air Force): VIII Air Support Command Mission 35: 36 B-26's are dispatched to Caen/Carpiquet Airfield, France; all hit the target at 1846 hours; 1 B-26 is damaged beyond repair when it crashes on landing. HQ 67th Fighter Wing arrives at Walcot Hall, England from the US. The wing will remain at this station until Oct 45. HQ 20th Fighter Group arrives at Kings Cliffe, England from the US. The group will remain at this station until Oct 45. The 359th and 360th Fighter Squadrons, 356th Fighter Group, arrive at Goxhill, England from the US with P-47's. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): The 316th Troop Carrier Group and it's 36th, 37th, 44th and 45th Troop Carrier Squadrons with C-47's are transferred to the Twelfth Air Force. The 328th, 329th, 330th, and 409th Bombardment Squadrons (Heavy), 93d Bombardment Group (Heavy), which have been operating from Bengasi, Libya since Jun 43 with B-24's, return to their base at Hardwick, England. WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Northwest African Air Force): The Royal Air Force (RAF) Desert Air Force (DAF) is assigned to the Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF), along with US units of the Ninth Air Force which have been an operational part of DAF and Northwest African Tactical Bomber Force (NATBF). In Italy, 80+ Northwest African Strategic Air Force (NASAF) B-17's, with P-38 escort bomb Capua Airfield; 100+ fighter-escorted medium bombers hit Grazzanise Airfield and satellite field; P-40's bomb Carloforte on San Pietro Island and strafe the S part of Sardinia; and NATAF medium and light bombers bomb targets on the toe of Italy, including the railroad junction at Locri and gun positions at Reggio di Calabria and Villa San Giovanni. SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): In the Solomon Islands, 11 B-25's and 50+ US Navy dive bombers, escorted by fighters, pound AA positions and barges at Ringa and Webster Coves on New Georgia Island and at Nusatuva Island; P-40's strafe 2 large motor boats and a 100-foot (30.5 m) steam vessel off Ganongga Island; 15 B-24's bomb Papatura Ite and supply areas on Papatura Fa Island; 15 B-24's, with fighter escort, bomb Kahili Airfield on Bougainville Island; and P-39's strafe buildings on Gizo Island and at Kolulavabae Inlet. FRIDAY, 27 AUGUST 1943 AMERICAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS CARIBBEAN (Sixth Air Force): The 10th and 35th Bombardment Squadrons (Medium), 25th Bombardment Group (Medium), based at Edinburgh Field, Trinidad (10th) and Zandery Field, Surinam (35th) respectively send a detachment with B-25's to operate from Port Of Spain, Trinidad until Oct 43. CHINA-BURMA-INDIA THEATER OF OPERATIONS CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 5 P-40's strafe a large truck convoy between Sintsiang and Yoyang, destroying 5 trucks and damaging 15 others; 1 P-40 is downed by ground fire; 6 other P-40's hit communication lines between Yoyang and Hankow; targets include 2 small steamboats, a gunboat, several railroad cars, and a water tower. EUROPEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS STRATEGIC OPERATIONS (Eighth Air Force): VIII Bomber Command Mission 87: 224 B-17's are dispatched to the German rocket-launching site construction at Watten, France; 187 hit the target at 1846-1941 hours; they claim 7-0-6 Luftwaffe aircraft; 4 B-17's are lost, 1 is damaged beyond repair and 98 damaged; casualties are 1 KIA, 18 WIA and 32 MIA. The mission escort consists of 173 P-47's; they claim 8-1-2 Luftwaffe aircraft; 1 P-47 is lost and the pilot is listed as MIA. This is the first of the Eighth Air Force's missions against V-weapon sites (later designated NOBALL targets). VIII Air Support Command Missions 36A & 36B: Two missions are scheduled to targets in France: 1. 36 B-26's are dispatched to the Poix Nord Airfield; 35 hit the target at 0826 hours; there are no losses or casualties. 2. 21 B-26's are dispatched to the Rouen Power Station but the mission is aborted because of bad weather and extremely heavy enemy fighter opposition. HQ 356th Fighter Group and it's 360th Fighter Squadron arrive at Goxhill, England from the US with P-47's. The squadron will fly it's first combat mission on 15 Oct. The 77th and 79th Fighter Squadrons, 20th Fighter Group, arrive at Kings Cliffe, England from the US with P-38's. The squadrons will fly their first mission on 28 Dec 43. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): The 564th and 565th Bombardment Squadrons (Heavy), 389th Bombardment Group (Heavy), which have been operating from Bengasi, Libya since Jul with B-24's, returns to their base at Hethel, England. WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Northwest African Air Force): In Italy, Northwest African Strategic Air Force (NASAF) B-17's bomb the Sulmona marshalling yard, and medium bombers hit the Benevento and Caserta marshalling yards; nearly 150 P-38's escort the bombers. Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) medium and light bombers, and fighters attack targets in S Italy, including Cantanzaro rail and road junction, guns near Reggio di Calabria, Sibari rail junctions, Cetraro marshalling yard, barracks at Tarsia, train and repair shops at Paola, and a barge at Diamante. HQ 340th Bombardment Group (Medium) and it's 486th, 487th, 488th and 498th Bombardment Squadrons (Medium) transfer from Comiso to Catania, Sicily with B-25's. The 527th Fighter-Bomber Squadron, 86th Fighter-Bomber Group, transfers from Gela to Barcelona, Sicily with A-36's. SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): In the Solomon Islands, 10 B-24's Snoopers, i.e., B-24's equipped with radar devices that permit blind bombing, begin operations from Carney Field, Guadalcanal Island. 12 B-25's, 8 P-40's, and 8 US Navy F4U's strafe barges and shore- line targets at Kakasa on Choiseul Island; and P-39's strafe barges and shore targets at Ringa Cove on New Georgia Island. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): In New Guinea, B-26's attack bridges in the Bogadjim area; and A-20's strafe barges and troops along the Babui River in the Lae area. On Timor Island, B-25's bomb Dili and Cape Chater airstrip. The 67th Troop Carrier Squadron, 433d Troop Carrier Group, arrives at Port Moresby, New Guinea from the US with C-47's. SATURDAY, 28 AUGUST 1943 AMERICAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS ANTISUBMARINE WARFARE (AAF Antisubmarine Command): The 8th Antisubmarine Squadron (Heavy), 26th Antisubmarine Wing, based at Miami Army Airfield, Florida, ceases flying ASW missions. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Northwest African Air Force): In Italy, Northwest African Strategic Air Force (NASAF) B-17's bomb the marshalling yard at Terni; B-26's hit the Aversa marshalling yard and Sparanise; and B-25's hit the Cancello Arnone marshalling yard. P-40's fly intruder missions over Sardinia, bombing and strafing industry and town area. Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) light and medium bombers attack railroad facili- ties at Lamezia and Catanzaro, Italy; fighter-bombers hit road and rail junctions, and marshalling yards at Castrovillari, Cosenza, and Catanzaro, Italy. SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): In the Solomon Islands, B-25's, P-40's, and US Navy F4U's bomb and strafe barges, buildings, and personnel in the Sigolehe Island-Barora Ite Island area. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): In New Guinea, 26 B-25's bomb and strafe dumps and shipping in the Hansa Bay area, sinking a small freighter, a power launch, and 8 barges and luggers; and 20 B-17's and A-20's bomb jetties at Lae and Voco Point and hit barges in Samoa Harbor between Lae and Salamaua. SUNDAY, 29 AUGUST 1943 CHINA-BURMA-INDIA THEATER OF OPERATIONS CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): 9 B-25's, with fighter escort, bomb the airfield at Chingmen, China. EUROPEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS STRATEGIC OPERATIONS (Eighth Air Force): Major General William E Kepner succeeds Major General Frank O Hunter as Commanding General VIII Fighter Command. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Northwest African Air Force): In Italy, Northwest African Strategic Air Force (NASAF) B-17's hit the Orte marshalling yard, and B-26's bomb Torre Annunziata; Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) fighters escort the NASAF bombers, hit a rail junction at Bagnara, bridge and town of Angitola, gun positions in the Villa San Giovanni-Reggio di Calabria areas, and a marshalling yard at Lamezia. HQ 51st Troop Carrier Wing transfers from Goubrine, Tunisia to Gela, Sicily. HQ 57th Bombardment Wing transfers from Egypt to Tunisia. HQ 64th Troop Carrier Group transfers from El Djem, Tunisia to Comiso, Sicily. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): In New Guinea, 35 B-24's, escorted by 44 P-38's, strike airfields at Wewak and Boram; and 48 B-25's and 2 B-17's bomb and strafe the Alexishafen and Bogadjim areas. A-20's hit dumps on Gasmata Island off the coast of New Britain. B-24's bomb Babo, New Guinea and Adodo in the Moluccas Islands. MONDAY, 30 AUGUST 1943 AMERICAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS ALASKA (Eleventh Air Force): The 73d Bombardment Squadron (Medium), 28th Composite Group, based on Amchitka Island with B-25's, begins a movement back to the US. CHINA-BURMA-INDIA THEATER OF OPERATIONS CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 13 B-25's, some with P-40 sup- port, attack Owchihkow and Shihshow, blasting fuel stores and several buildings; the P-40's strafe gun positions outside Shihshow; 10 P-38's and P-40's on armored reconnaissance from Sinti to Yoyang to Sienning, strafe and bomb several targets of opportunity; 3 locomotives are exploded and another damaged, a water tank is knocked down, and several railroad stations are heavily damaged. 4 other P-40's attack a convoy E of Hong Kong; 1 freighter is hit amidships, causing heavy damage; 2 other vessels are also effectively damaged. EUROPEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS STRATEGIC OPERATIONS (Eighth Air Force): The 482d Bombardment Group (Pathfinder), a Pathfinder (PFF) group fitted with British Oboe and H2S and US H2X blind-bombing equipment, becomes operational. VIII Air Support Command Mission 38: 36 B-26's are dispatched to an ammunition dump at Foret d'Eperlecques near Saint-Omer, France; 33 hit the target at 1859 hours; 14 aircraft are damaged; casualties are 3 WIA. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Northwest African Air Force): In Italy, B-17's of the Northwest African Strategic Air Force (NASAF) bomb Viterbo Airfield; B-25's hit the Civitavecchia marshalling yard; B-26's bomb the Aversa marshalling yard. P-40's strafe a radar station at Pula, Sardinia. Also in Italy, Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) medium and light bombers attack marshalling yards at Marina di Cantanzaro and Paola, and gun emplacements and bivouac S of Reggio di Calabria; and A-36's bomb marshal- ling yards at Sapri and Lamezia. HQ 60th Troop Carrier Group transfers from El Djem, Tunisia to Gela, Sicily. SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): In the Solomon Islands, 24 B-24's, along with 20 P-40's and P-39's and 20+ US Navy F4U's, pound Kahili Airfield on Bougainville Island. Allied airplanes claim more than 30 Japanese shot down; 6 US aircraft are lost. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): In New Guinea, B-24's pound Dagua, But, and Tadji; and A-20's hit barges on the Bubui River. On New Britain Island in the Bismarck Archipelago, B-26's bomb Cape Gloucester Airfield while B-25's sweep along the NW coast, bombing and strafing barges and enemy-occupied villages. The 8th Fighter Squadron, 49th Fighter Group, transfers from Dobodura to Tsili Tsili, New Guinea with P-40's. TUESDAY, 31 AUGUST 1943 AMERICAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS ANTISUBMARINE WARFARE (AAF Antisubmarine Command): The 11th Antisubmarine Squadron (Heavy), 25th Antisubmarine Wing, based at Ft Dix Army Airfield, New Jersey with B-24's, ceases flying ASW missions. CHINA-BURMA-INDIA THEATER OF OPERATIONS CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In French Indochina, 7 B-24's bomb Gia Lam Airfield; and 22 P-40's and 2 P-38's bomb a dike near Co Bi barracks. 6 B-25's hit Ichang Airfield, China while 3 others attack an oil storage area to the E; P-40's also hit the oil stores. 3 P-40's claim heavy damage to a freighter off Stonecutter's Island near Hong Kong. In China, 4 P-38's dive-bomb Yoyang railroad yards and Sinti warehouses; a P-38 is shot down by ground fire. EUROPEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS STRATEGIC OPERATIONS (Eighth Air Force): VIII Bomber Command Mission 88: Two aviation locations in France are targetted: 1. 170 B-17's are dispatched to Amiens/Glisy Airfield; 105 hit the target at 1807-1824 hours; they claim 5-1-3 Luftwaffe aircraft; 3 B-17's are lost, 1 is damaged beyond repair and 35 damaged; casualties are 5 KIA, 8 WIA and 33 MIA. 2. 149 B-17's are dispatched to the aircraft plant at Meulan; the plant is cloud covered and 1 B-17 hits a railway NE of Rouen; 19 B-17s are damaged; casualties are 1 WIA. These missions are escorted by 160 P-47's which claim 2-1-1 Luftwaffe aircraft; 2 P-47's are lost and both pilots are listed as MIA. VIII Air Support Command Missions 41 and 42: 216 B-26's are dispatched to Rouen and Mazingarbe power stations; Poix/Nord and Lille/Nord Airfields; and the Hesdin fuel dump; 104 hit the targets; 1 B-26 is lost and 13 damaged; casualties are 5 WIA and 6 MIA. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): B-24's bomb the marshalling yard at Pescara, Italy; they claim 9 enemy fighters destroyed. The 66th and 68th Bombardment Squadrons (Heavy), 44th Bombardment Group (Heavy), that have been operating from Benina, Libya with B-24's since Jun, return to their base at Shipdham, England. WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Northwest African Air Force): In Italy, about 150 Northwest African Strategic Air Force (NASAF) B-17's blast the Pisa marshal- ling yard, doing a large amount of damage; Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) medium and light bombers bomb the Cosenza marshalling yard and road-railway junction in Cantanzaro during the morning, and in the after- noon bomb the area around Cosenza when clouds prevent hitting specific tar- gets; fighter-bombers hit Sapri railroad and seaplane base; and during the night light bombers hit the bivouac areas SE of Reggio di Calabria. SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): In the Solomon Islands, P-40's, in a running battle over Vella Lavella Island, claim 5 Japa- nese airplanes shot down; other P-40's strafe barges in Timbala Bay on Vella Lavella Island. 22 B-25's and 50 US Navy airplanes bomb gun positions and the radio station at Vila on Kolombangara Island. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): Bombers fly scattered strikes against shipping and shore targets in the Saint George Channel between New Ireland and New Britain Islands and in the Netherlands East Indies. Jack McKillop USAF (Airways and Air Communications Service) 1955-59