COMBAT CHRONOLOGY OF THE US ARMY AIR FORCES SEPTEMBER 1943 AIRCRAFT MENTIONED IN THIS REPORT: A-20, Douglas Havoc A-36, North American Apache B-17, Boeing Flying Fortress B-24, Consolidated Liberator B-25, North American Mitchell B-26, Martin Marauder Beaufighter, Bristol C-47, Douglas Skytrain F-4, Lockheed Lightning F-5, Lockheed Lightning F-6, North American Mustang F4U, Vought Corsair (USN) L-4, Piper Cub/Grasshopper L-5, Stinson Sentinel P-38, Lockheed Lightning P-39, Bell Airacobra P-40, Curtiss P-47, Republic Thunderbolt P-51, North American Mustang P-70, Douglas SBD, Douglas Dauntless (USN) Spitfire, Vickers Supermarine TBF, Grumman Avenger (USN) Vengeance, Vultee (RAAF) Ventura, Lockheed Zeke, Mitsubishi A6M, Navy Type 0 Carrier Fighter WEDNESDAY, 1 SEPTEMBER 1943 AMERICAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS ALASKA (Eleventh Air Force): 2 P-40's attempting to intercept Japanese aircraft reported near Attu Island in the Aleutian Islands abort because of weather. ASW OPERATIONS (First Air Force): During Sep 43, the 5th and 13th Anti- submarine Squadrons (Heavy), 25th Antisubmarine Wing, cease flying ASW patrols from Westover Field, Massachusetts and Grenier Field, New Hampshire respectively with B-24's. The 5th is redesignated the 827th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) on 1 Oct 43 and will arrive in Italy in Apr 44 with B-24's; the 13th is redesignated 863d Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) and will arrive in England in Jan 44 with B-17's. CENTRAL PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Seventh Air Force): From this date through 14 Sep, 8 B-24's conduct daily sea-search operations from Canton Island in the Phoenix Islands. CHINA-BURMA-INDIA THEATER OF OPERATIONS BURMA-INDIA (Tenth Air Force): A detachment of the 9th Photographic Squadron (Light), Tenth Air Force, based at Pandaveswar, India begins operating from Dinjan, India with F-4's and F-5's. The 459th Fighter Squadron is activated at Karachi, India and assigned to the 80th Fighter Group. The squadron begins training with P-38's. CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 7 B-25's, supported by 8 P-40's, attack a Japanese destroyer at Shihhweiyao; no hits are scored on the ship but considerable damage is done to the surrounding dock area; 6 P-40's sink a small tanker down river from Ichang, damage 2 large boats between Ocheng and Shihhweiyao, and strafe cavalry troops at Ocheng; 3 other P-40's heavily damage a small ship at Swatow harbor and strafe the nearby airfield; 3 P-38's and a P-40 dive-bomb and strafe barracks at Yangsin, demolishing 3 buildings; and 2 nearby locomotives are also destroyed. The fighter-bombers then heavily damage a small steamer at Wuchang, sink 1 tug and damage another at Kutang, and blast a train and an AA position S of Puchi. During Sep 43, HQ 23d Fighter Group transfers from Kunming to Kweilin, China. During Sep 43, detachments of the 449th Fighter Squadron, 51st Fighter Group based at Lingling, China operate from Hengyang and Kweilin, China with P-38's. EUROPEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Eighth Air Force): The 506th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), 44th Bombardment Group (Heavy), ceases operating from Benina, Libya with B-24's and returns to it's base at Shipdham, England. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Twelfth Air Force): All ADMINISTRATIVE functions of the Army Air Forces elements of the Northwest African Air Force are transferred to the appropriate Twelfth Air Force organizations: HQ Northwest African Air Force (NAAF) to HQ Twelfth Air Force, Northwest African Strategic Air Force (NASAF) to XII Bomber Command, Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) to XII Air Support Command, Northwest African Coastal Air Force to XII Fighter Command, Northwest African Air Service Command (NAASC) to XII Air Force Services Command, Northwest African Air Force Troop Carrier Command to XII Troop Carrier Command (Provisional), NW African Photographic Reconnaissance Wing to Photo Reconnaissance Wing (Provisional), and Northwest African Training Command (NATC) to XII Training Command (Provisional). OPERATIONAL control remains with the Northwest African Air Force. In Italy, P-40's bomb a zinc plant at Iglesias and strafe a factory N of Gonnesa; medium and light bombers hit Bova Marina, areas near Salina and Sant' Eufemia d'Aspromonte town area and bridge at Oliveto. HQ 52d Troop Carrier Wing transfers from Kairouan, Tunisia to Agrigento, Sicily. HQ 64th Fighter Wing transfers from Gela to Milazzo, Sicily. HQ 61st Troop Carrier Group transfers from Kairouan, Tunisia to Licata, Sicily. The 32d and 61st Troop Carrier Squadrons, 314th Troop Carrier Group, transfer from Kairouan, Tunisia to Castelvetrano, Sicily with C-47's. The 111th Reconnaissance Squadron (Fighter), 68th Reconnaissance Group, transfers from Termini to San Antonio, Sicily with F-6's. The 526th Fighter-Bomber Squadron, 86th Fighter-Bomber Group, transfers from Gela to Barcelona, Sicily with A-36's. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): In New Guinea, 70+ B-24's and B-25's hit the Alexishafen-Madang area, dropping 201 tons of bombs (heaviest by Fifth Air Force to date). Other B-25's hit Iboki Plan- tation in the Bismarck Archipelago, barges on the Bubui River in New Guinea, the Rein Bay on New Britain Island area and several villages in New Britain. B-17's bomb Labu Island, New Guinea. B-26's attack Cape Gloucester area on New Britain Island. B-24's and B-25's strike targets in the Lesser Sunda Islands. The 68th and 69th Troop Carrier Squadrons, 433d Troop Carrier Group, arrive at Port Moresby, New Guinea from the US with C-47's. The 432d Fighter Squadron, 475th Fighter Group, ceases operating from Port Moresby and returns to it's base at Dobodura with P-38's. THURSDAY, 2 SEPTEMBER 1943 CHINA-BURMA-INDIA THEATER OF OPERATIONS CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): 10 B-25's and 5 P-40's bomb Hong Kong hit- ting the Kowloon area and attack shipping off Stonecutter's Island and in the Lai Chi Kok area. EUROPEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Eighth Air Force): VIII Bomber Command Mission 89: Airfields in France are targeted; because of unfavorable cloud conditions only part of one force is able to attack a target. 1. 233 B-17's are dispatched to airfields in NW France but the mission is abandoned at the French coast due to heavy clouds. 2. 86 B-17's are dispatched to Mardyck and Denain/Prouvy Airfields; 34 hit the target at 1922 and 1905 hours respectively; 9 B-17's are damaged; casualties are 2 WIA. 182 P-47's are dispatched to escort the bombers but they carry out fighter sweeps; 3 P-47's are lost, 1 is damaged beyond repair and 4 are damaged; casualties are 3 MIA. VIII Air Support Command Missions 41 and 42: 216 B-26's are dispatched to 5 targets in France (36 per target); the missions to a power station at Rouen and Poix/Nord and Lille/Nord Airfields are aborted due to weather; 35 B-26's hit a power station at Mazingarbe and 69 hit a fuel dump at Hesden; 1 B-26 is lost and 13 damaged; casualties are 5 WIA and 6 MIA. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS ANTISUBMARINE WARFARE (First Air Force): The 1st Antisubmarine Squadron (Heavy), 480th Antisubmarine Group, based at Port Lyautey, French Morocco begins operating from Protville, Tunisia with B-24's. WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Twelfth Air Force): In Italy, almost 200 B-17's and B-25's of the XII Bomber Command bomb marshalling yards at Bologna, Trento, Bolzano, and Cancello Arnone; bombers and fighters escorting the B-25's claim 28 enemy airplanes shot down; and tactical aircraft, including Royal Air Force (RAF) and Ninth Air Force airplanes, hit gun positions and other targets on the Italian toe, bomb rail communications at Bova Marina, Locri, Marina di Monasterace, Siderno Marina, Lamezia, and Catanzaro, and attack barges in the Golfo di Sant' Eufemia and an ammunition dump at Saptri. HQ 31st Fighter Group and it's 308th Fighter Squadron transfer from Termini to Milazzo, Sicily with Spitfires. The 15th Troop Carrier Squadron, 61st Troop Carrier Group, transfers from Kairouan, Tunisia to Licata, Sicily with C-47's. SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): In the Solomon Islands, 24 B-25's and 60+ US Navy (USN) aircraft pound Vila on Kolombangara Island, hitting AA and artillery positions and the area E of Ringa Cove on New Georgia Island. 18 B-24's, 20+ P-40's and P-39's, and 60+ USN planes attack Kahili on Bougainville Island; shore installations, the airfield, and bridges N of the strip are hit. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): B-25's, with P-38 escort, attack shipping at Wewak, New Guinea harbor, claiming 1 vessel sunk and 2 left aflame; 10 enemy interceptors are claimed destroyed; barrage balloons offer some protection to the enemy ships. This is first AAF observation of Japanese use of such balloons in the Southwest Pacific Area. FRIDAY, 3 SEPTEMBER 1943 CHINA-BURMA-INDIA THEATER OF OPERATIONS CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): 11 P-40's and 2 P-38's blast the barracks area at Pho Lu, French Indochina. HQ 68th Fighter Wing and 69th Bombardment Wing are activated at Kunming, China. Neither unit will be manned until Dec 43. EUROPEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Eighth Air Force): VIII Bomber Command Mission 90: Luftwaffe air installations in France are the target. 1. 168 B-17's are dispatched to the Romilly sur Seine air depot; 100 hit the target at 0903-0911 hours; 28 hit the secondary target, the airfield at St Andre de L'Eure at 0947-0949 hours; and 12 hit a target of opportu- nity, the Evreux/Fauvill Airfield at 0955 hours; they claim 11-1-10 Luft- waffe aircraft; 4 B-17's are lost and 55 damaged; casualties are 2 WIA and 40 MIA. 2. 65 B-17's are dispatched to Mureaux Airfield; 38 hit the target at 0843-0844 while 18 hit a dummy airfield near Dieppe; 2 B-17's are damaged; no casualties. 3. 65 B-17's are dispatched to an industrial area at Caudron-Renault near Paris; 37 hit the target at 0925 hours; they claim 15-4-8 Luftwaffe air- craft; 5 B-17's are lost and 18 damaged; casualties are 4 WIA and 40 MIA. The B-17's are escorted by 160 P-47's; they claim 4-1-0 Luftwaffe air- craft; 1 P-47 is lost and 2 damaged; no casualties. VIII Air Support Command Mission 44: 36 B-26's are dispatched to the Beaumont le Roger Airfield and 31 hit the target at 1007 hours; 36 are dis- patched to Beauvais/Tille Airfield and all hit the target at 0907 hours; and 69 are dispatched to the Lille/Nord Airfield and 31 hit the target at 0828 hours; 20 B-26's are damaged; casualties are 1 WIA. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): B-24's bomb the marshalling yard at Sulmona, Italy; they claim 11 Luftwaffe aircraft destroyed; 6 B-24's are lost. WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Twelfth Air Force): P-40's on a sweep over Sardinia hit Pula and Capo Carbonara radar installations. In Italy, A-20's, A-36's, fighters and RAF light bombers hit gun positions throughout the toe of Italy, attack airfields at Crotone and Camigliatello and hit railway yards at Marina di Catanzaro and Punta di Staletti, troop concentration near Santo Stefano d'Aspromonte and road junctions and bridges at Cosenza. On the ground in Italy, the British Eighth Army lands on the toe of Italy between Reggio di Calabria and Villa San Giovanni (Operation BAYTOWN). The Italian government signs surrender terms. HQ 316th Troop Carrier Group and it's 36th Troop Carrier Squadron transfer from Enfidaville, Tunisia to Mazzara, Sicily with C-47's. The 17th Troop Carrier Squadron, 64th Troop Carrier Group, transfers from El Djem, Tunisia to Comiso, Sicily with C-47's. The 62d Troop Carrier Squadron, 314th Troop Carrier Group, transfers from Kairouan, Tunisia to Castelvetrano, Sicily with C-47's. The 307th Fighter Squadron, 31st Fighter Group, transfers from Termini to Milazzo, Sicily with Spitfires. The 415th Night Fighter Squadron, XII Fighter Command, transfers from La Sebala, Tunisia to Cantania, Sicily with Beaufighters. The 522d and 524th Fighter-Bomber Squadrons, 27th Fighter-Bomber Group, transfer from Gela to Barcelona, Sicily and San Antonio, Sicily respectively with A-36's. SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): In the Solomon Islands, 20+ B-24's, 14 P-40's, and 30+ USN airplanes attack Kahili Airfield on Bougainville Island. Vila Airfield on Kolombangara Island is bombed by 5 B-24's and 10 USN aircraft. P-40's strafe a wharf at Webster Cove on New Georgia Island. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): Heavy and medium bombers blast gun emplacements and terrace defenses in the Lae, New Guinea area. Other heavy bombers hit the Cape Gloucester area on New Britain Island. Light raids are flown against targets on Ceram Island in the Moluccas Islands and Timor Island in the Sunda Islands. SATURDAY, 4 SEPTEMBER 1943 AMERICAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS ALASKA (Eleventh Air Force): HQ XI Bomber Command transfers from Amchitka Island to Adak Island in the Aleutian Island.s CENTRAL PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Seventh Air Force): The 19th Fighter Squadron, 318th Fighter Group, transfers from Kipapa Field to Stanley Field, Territory of Hawaii with P-40's. CHINA-BURMA-INDIA THEATER OF OPERATIONS CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): 10 B-25's and 11 P-40's pound Tien Ho airfield at Canton, China; 3 of 15 intercepting Zekes are shot down. EUROPEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Eighth Air Force): VIII Air Support Command Mission 47: 144 B-26's are dispatched to 4 marshalling yards in France (36 B-26's to each target); 33 hit Courtrai marshalling yard at 1756 hours; 33 hit the Lille/Deliverance marshalling yard at 1756 hours; 34 hit the Hazebrouck marshalling yard at 1831 hours; and 23 hit the St Pol marshalling yard at 1833 hours; 22 B-26's are damaged; casualties are 3 WIA. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Twelfth Air Force): In Italy, bad weather prevents XII Bomber Command B-17's from locating their targets (airfields); P-38's sent to hit landing grounds at Grazzanise also fail to find targets, but attack targets of opportunity in the general area; US fighter-bombers and RAF light bombers hit motor transport scattered along the Italian toe, and bomb gun positions NE of Reggio di Calabria and roads and railroad junction in the Cosenza-Catanzaro-Nicastro area and at Colosimi. HQ 57th Bombardment Wing transfers from Tunisia to Lentini, Sicily. The 16th Troop Carrier Squadron, 64th Troop Carrier Group, transfers El Djem, Tunisia to Comiso, Sicily with C-47's. The 28th Troop Carrier Squadron, 60th Troop Carrier Group, transfers from El Djem, Tunisia to Gela, Sicily with C-47's. The 99th Fighter Squadron, XII Air Support Command, transfers from Licata to Termini, Sicily with P-40's. SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): In the Solomon Islands, 23 B-25's hit the Dulo Cove area on New Georgia Island; 9 B-24's, 15 AAF fighters, and 20+ USN fighters hit the airfield on Ballale Island. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): In New Guinea, the Allied offensive against Lae begins as forces land at Hopoi and the mouth of the Buso River; B-24's support the landings by pounding Lae air- field, B-25's hit the Hopoi area and bomb the airfield at Cape Gloucester on New Britain Island; A-20's and Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) planes hit the airfield on Gasmata Island off New Britain Island; supporting P-38's intercept 100+ enemy fighters and bombers, which are airborne despite the attacks on airfields, and claim 20 shot down. SUNDAY, 5 SEPTEMBER 1943 CHINA-BURMA-INDIA THEATER OF OPERATIONS CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): 15 fighter-bombers pound the marshalling yard SE of Lao Kay, French Indochina; 16 others hit barracks in the city. EUROPEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Eighth Air Force): VIII Air Support Command Mission 48: 3 marshalling yards are targeted. 72 B-26's are dispatched to 2 marshalling yards at Ghent, Belgium; 31 bomb one yard at 0827 hours; 32 bomb the second yard at 0831 hours; the 36 B-26's dispatched to the marshalling yard at Courtrai, France are recalled due to weather; 38 B-26's are damaged; casualties are 4 WIA. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): Brigadier General Victor H Strahm, Chief of Staff, assumes temporary command during the absence of Lieutenant General Lewis H Brereton. Colonel John C Kilborn assumes command of the IX Bomber Command upon the departure of Major General Uzal G Ent from the theater. (Ent AFB, Colorado Springs, Colorado was named for General Ent. The base was active from Jan 51 to Jul 76.) WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Twelfth Air Force): In Italy, 130+ XII Bomber Command B-17's bomb the airfield at Viterbo and the town of Civitavecchia; 200+ B-25's and B-26's hit landing grounds at Grazzanise. In Sardinia, other medium bombers and fighters hit the Pula radar station and town of Pabillonis. Weather hampers operations of the fighters and medium and light bombers of the NATAF, i.e., Twelfth Air Force and RAF aircraft, and only a few targets (guns, roads, railroads, and troops) are attacked during missions over the toe of Italy. HQ 68th Reconnaissance Group and it's 122d Liaison Squadron transfer from Berrechid Airfield, French Morocco to Berteaux, Algeria. The 122d is operating a fighter training school with P-38's, P-39's and P-40's. The 71st Fighter Squadron, 1st Fighter Group, based at Mateur, Tunisia, begins operating from Gerbini, Sicily with P-38's. The 309th Fighter Squadron, 31st Fighter Group, transfers from Termini to Milazzo, Sicily with Spitfires. The 523d Fighter-Bomber Squadron, 27th Fighter-Bomber Group, transfers from Gela to Barcelona, Sicily with A-36's. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): In New Guinea, 82 C-47'S drop paratroops at Nadzab Airfield (first such landings in the Southwest Pacific Area) following bombardment of the drop zone by 52 medium bombers and pounding of Lae Airfield by 24 heavy bombers; a smoke screen is laid over the landing area by A-20's; Nadzab Airfield is quickly put into operational condition and will subsequently become a major Allied airbase. MONDAY, 6 SEPTEMBER 1943 CHINA-BURMA-INDIA THEATER OF OPERATIONS CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 6 fighter-bombers attack wharves, vessels, and destroy a small factory building in the Yoyang-Shihhweiyao area; 5 others hit trucks, trains, gun emplacements, and railway facilities in areas around Sintsiang and Puchi. EUROPEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Eighth Air Force): VIII Bomber Command Mission 91: Aircraft and bearing factories in and around Stuttgart, Germany are targeted but extensive clouds prevent all but a few B-17's from attacking the primary targets. Formations become separated and disorganized and attack targets of opportunity in a wide area. 1. 151 of 181 B-17's of the 1st Bombardment Division attack various targets of opportunity at 0951-1017 hours; they claim 32-6-21 Luftwaffe aircraft; 27 B-17's are lost, 9 are damaged beyond repair and 47 damaged; casualties are 14 WIA and 153 MIA. 2. 111 of 157 B-17's of the 3d Bombardment Division hit Stuttgart and various targets of opportunity at 0940-1229 hours; they claim 66-14-29 Luftwaffe aircraft; 18 B-17's are lost, 1 is damaged beyond repair and 69 damaged; casualties are 2 KIA, 13 WIA and 180 MIA. 3. 60 of 69 B-24's of the 2d Bombardment Division fly a diversion. 176 P-47's fly escort for the B-17's; they claim 1-0-0 Luftwaffe aircraft; 1 P-47 is lost. Strong fighter opposition is encountered and 45 B-17's are lost. VIII Air Support Command Missions 50 and 51. 1. 144 B-26's are dispatched to the marshalling yards at Ghent, Belgium and Rouen, France; the Ghent mission is recalled when bad weather prevents the fighter escort from taking off; 66 hit Rouen at 0738 and 0739 hours; 3 B-26's are damaged; casualties are 1 WIA. 2. 144 B-26's are dispatched to the marshalling yards at Amiens and Serqueux, France; 126 hit the targets at 1755 to 1757 hours; 3 B-26's are damaged. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Twelfth Air Force): In Italy, XII Bomber Command B-17's hit Capodichino Airfield, Villa Literno marshalling yard, Gaeta harbor, and Minturno railroad facilities; weather prevents a B-17 attack on Pomigliano airfield. B-25's and B-26's hit Capua airfield and landing grounds at Grazzanise. P-40's hit the landing ground at Pabillonis, Sardinia. US and RAF planes of NATAF operate on reduced scale, flying patrols and hitting railroads and targets of opportunity on the Italian toe. HQ 62d Troop Carrier Group and it's 7th Troop Carrier Squadron transfers from Goubrine, Tunisia to Ponte Olivo, Sicily with C-47's. The 10th, 11th and 12th Troop Carrier Squadrons, 60th Troop Carrier Group, transfer from El Djem, Tunisia to Gela, Sicily with C-47's. The 14th Troop Carrier Squadron, 61st Troop Carrier Group, transfers from Kairouan, Tunisia to Licata, Sicily with C-47's. The 16th Reconnaissance Squadron (Bomber), 68th Reconnaissance Group, transfers from Berrechid, French Morocco to Berteaux, Algeria. The squadron is operating a school for fighter pilots until 23 Sep with P-38's, P-39's, P-40's and Spitfires. The 27th and 94th Fighter Squadrons, 1st Fighter Group, based at Mateur, Tunisia begin operating from Dittaino, Sicily with P-38's. SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): In the Solomon Islands, B-25's and P-39's hit enemy positions at Kakasa on Choiseul Island; B-24's blast gun positions at Vila on Kolombangara Island; and P-39's join USN aircraft in a strike on suspected a radar site on Morgusaia Island. 5 Zekes are claimed shot down; 2 P-39's are lost. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): In New Guinea, heavy bombers pound Lae Airfield and surrounding area, and medium bombers bomb and strafe enemy defenses in Malahang and vicinity, as Allied ground forces push toward Lae; US fighters claim 8 enemy aircraft downed over Lae. B-25's fly a sweep against barges along the coast of New Britain Island in the Bismarck Archipelago and bomb targets on Timor Island in the Sunda Islands. TUESDAY, 7 SEPTEMBER 1943 CHINA-BURMA-INDIA THEATER OF OPERATIONS BURMA-INDIA (Tenth Air Force): B-25's attack Gokteik Viaduct, Burma, causing minor damage. EUROPEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Eighth Air Force): VIII Bomber Command Mission 92. 1. 114 B-17's are dispatched to the Brussels/Evere Airfield in Belgium; 105 hit the target at 0849-0852 hours; 1 B-17 is damaged beyond repair and 10 are damaged; no casualties. 2. 29 B-24's are dispatched to the Bergen/Alkmaar Airfield in the Nether- lands; 3 hit the airfield at 0857 and 19 hit a convoy off Texel Island; no B-24's are lost or damaged; no casualties. 3. 147 B-17's are dispatched V-weapon site at Watton, France; weather is a problem and 3 groups abort the mission; 58 hit the target at 0820-0854; 39 B-17's are damaged; casualties are 7 WIA. The 1st and 2d Bombardment Divisions are escorted by 178 P-47's; they claim 3-0-2 Luftwaffe aircraft; 1 P-47 is lost, 1 is damaged beyond repair and another is damaged; casualties are 1 MIA. VIII Air Support Command Mission 52: Marshalling yards at Lille and St Pol are targetted; confusion at the rendezvous point causes one group and half of another to abort the mission; St Pol is hit by 81 aircraft at 0854-0858 hours; they claim 0-0-1 Luftwaffe aircraft; 2 B-26's are damaged; no casualties. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): HQ Army Air Forces decides to transfer Lieutenant General Lewis H Brereton, Commanding General, and his HQ staff from Africa to the United Kingdom to reform the Ninth Air Force in the European Theater of Operations by absorbing the VIII Air Support Command. WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Twelfth Air Force): In Italy, XII Bomber Command B-17's bomb 2 satellite airfields at Foggia; B-25's and B-26's hit road and rail bridges at Saptri and Trebisacce and roads at Lauria. In Sardinia, P-40's hit the landing ground at Pabillonis and barges off Portoscuso. US A-20's of the Northwest African Tactical Bomber Force (NATBF) support British landing on 7/8 Sep near Pizzo, Italy in an unsuccessful attempt to cut off enemy retreat up W coast of the Italian toe. Medium and light bombers, in an afternoon raids, bomb Crotone airfield and roadblock and gun batteries N of Catanzaro, Italy. The 4th and 8th Troop Carrier Squadrons, 62d Troop Carrier Group, transfer from Goubrine, Tunisia to Gela, Sicily with C-47's. The 35th Troop Carrier Squadron, 64th Troop Carrier Group, El Djem, Tunisia to Comiso, Sicily with C-47's. SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): In the Solomon Islands, 2 B-25's bomb barge depot and supply area E of Ringa Cove on New Georgia Island. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): In New Guinea, B-24's and B-26's bomb the Lae area; B-25's bomb and strafe nearby targets on road to Markham; P-38's successfully turn back enemy bombing attack on Morobe; and C-47's begin flying the Australian 7 Division to Nadzab. A-20's hit Gasmata Island area off New Britain Island. The 70th Troop Carrier Squadron, 433d Troop Carrier Group, arrives at Townsville, Queensland, Australia from the US with C-47's. WEDNESDAY, 8 SEPTEMBER 1943 CENTRAL PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Seventh Air Force): B-24's, operating from Canton Island in the Phoenix Islands, fire on a flying boat scoring hits hut causing no visible damage. CHINA-BURMA-INDIA THEATER OF OPERATIONS BURMA-INDIA (Tenth Air Force): In Burma, 6 B-24's mine the Rangoon River during the night of 7/9 Sep; and B-25's hit Gokteik Viaduct for the second consecutive day, scoring 5 hits at the base of the structure, which remains usable. EUROPEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Eighth Air Force): The 44th and 93d Bombard- ment Groups (Heavy) resume operations in the UK after detached service in Africa; the 389th Bombardment Group (Heavy), previously diverted to Africa, becomes operational in the UK. VIII Air Support Command Missions 53 and 54. 1. 71 B-26's are dispatched to Lille/Nord Airfield in France; 68 hit the target at 0922 hours; 3 B-26's are damaged; no casualties. 2. 72 B-26's are dispatched to Lille/Vendeville Airfield in France; 68 hit the target at 1011-1013 hours; 1 B-26 is lost, 1 is damaged beyond repair and 21 are damaged; casualties are 1 MIA. 3. 72 B-26's are dispatched to Boulogne coastal defenses; 68 hit the target at 1756-1818 hours; 26 B-26's are damaged. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): In Italy, B-24's bomb the landing ground at Foggia, as convoys approach Salerno to begin the US invasion of Italy (Operation AVALANCHE). WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Twelfth Air Force): In Italy, about 130 XII Bomber Command B-17's bomb Frascati; 16O+ medium bombers hit a highway at Lauria and bridges at Trebisacce and Saptri; fighters hit Pabillonis, Sardinia, cover Allied forces near Pizzo, and bomb and strafe roads and vehicles in the Lamezia-Vibo Valentia-Pizzo-Catanzaro areas; and bombers hit roads and junctions in the Naples area during the night of 8/9 Sep. HQ 5th Photographic Reconnaissance Group and the ground echelon of the 23d Photographic Squadron (Light) arrive at La Marsa, Tunisia from the US. The air echelon of the 23d has been operating from La Marsa since 13 Jul 43 with F-5's. The 18th Troop Carrier Squadron, 64th Troop Carrier Group, transfers from El Djem, Tunisia to Comiso, Sicily with C-47's. SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): In the Solomon Islands, 12 B-25's hit the Vila Airfield area on Kolombangara Island. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): In New Guinea, B-17's, B-24's, B-25's and B-26's pound the Lae area, and A-20's hit Salamaua. The Japanese at Salamaua are ordered to prepare to fall back to Lae in face of the approaching Australian 5 Division. Elements of the Australian 9 Division, moving W on Lae, reach the flooded Busu River where the Japanese hold the W bank. Other heavy and medium bombers carry out light raids on targets in W part of New Guinea and in islands of Nether- lands East Indies. THURSDAY, 9 SEPTEMBER 1943 AMERICAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS ALASKA (Eleventh Air Force): At Umnak Island, Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) No 14 (Fighter) Squadron prepares to depart for British Columbia, Canada. CHINA-BURMA-INDIA THEATER OF OPERATIONS BURMA-INDIA (Tenth Air Force): B-24's again mine the Rangoon River in Burma during the night of 8/9 Sep. CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 8 B-25's and 11 P-40's hit the White Cloud Airfield at Canton; 4 P-38's bomb the docks at Whampoa; 8 P-40's and P-38's hit shipping on the Yangtze River shipping near Chiuchiang, Kichun, Wusueh, Ocheng, and Changanyi, and strafe targets of opportunity in the general area. . EUROPEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Eighth Air Force): On D-day for Operation STARKEY (a rehearsal for the invasion of France), the Eighth Air Force dispatches a record number of 330 heavy bombers against various targets in France: 1. 87 B-17's are dispatched to the industrial area at Paris; 20 hit the primary target at 0903 hours and 48 hit the secondary target, the Beaumont Suroise Airfield; they claim 16-2-9 Luftwaffe aircraft; 2 B-17's are lost and 21 damaged; casualties are 3 WIA and 21 MIA. 2. 63 B-17's are dispatched to Beauvais/Tille Airfield; 59 hit the target at 0816-0819 hours; 6 B-17's are damaged. 3. 37 B-17's are dispatched to Lille/Nord Airfield; all hit the target at 0830-0833 hours; 10 B-17's are damaged; casualties are 2 WIA. 4. 56 B-17's are dispatched to Lille/Vendeville Airfield; 52 hit the target at 0830-0840 hours; 7 B-17's are damaged. 5. 56 B-17's are dispatched to Vitry-en-Artois Airfield; 51 hit the target at 0837-0840; no losses or casualties. 6. 38 B-24's are dispatched to St Omer/Ft Rouge and St Omer/Longuenesse Airfield; 28 hit the target; 3 B-24's are damaged; casualties are 1 WIA. 7. 40 B-24's are dispatched to Abbeville/Drucat Airfield; 35 hit the target; no losses or casualties. All missions except 7. above are escorted by 215 P-47's. They claim 1-0-0 Luftwaffe aircraft; 2 P-47's are lost; casualties are 1 MIA. Operation STARKEY is a disappointment as the Luftwaffe refuses to commit fighter defenses on a large scale, thus preventing possible destruction of many of their aircraft, which Allied air forces hoped to accomplish. VIII Air Support Command Mission 55: 217 B-26's are dispatched to the coastal defenses around Boulogne, France; 202 hit the targets at 0745-0915 hours; 3 B-26's are lost, 2 are damaged beyond repair and 24 damaged; casualties are 11 KIA, 8 WIA and 19 MIA. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): B-24's hit the satellite airfield at Foggia, Italy. WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Twelfth Air Force): Major General Paul L Williams assumes command of the XII Troop Carrier Command (Provisional). In Italy, 100+ XII Bomber Command B-17's bomb bridges at Capua and Cancello Arnone, and 240+ B-25's and B-26's hit railroad-bridges at Potenza and landing ground at Scanzano; P-40's fly an uneventful sweep over Sardinia. XII Air Support Command fighters maintain patrols over Salerno, and other NATAF planes bomb and strafe motor transport, roads, and other targets in the Catanzaro-Auletta-Rogliano area and NNW of Salerno, as Lieutenant General Mark W Clark's Fifth Army invades Italy, landing near Salerno (Operation AVALANCHE) and British forces make an airborne landing on heel of Italy, taking Taranto (Operation SLAPSTICK). HQ XII Air Support Command transfers from Sicily to Salerno, Italy. SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): In the Solomon Islands, 12 B-25's and 50+ USN dive bombers pound Vila Airfield on Kolombangara Island and barges at Disappointment Cove on New Georgia Island. 18 B-24's, with fighter escort, bomb Kahili Airfield on Bougainville Island. 2 nearby coastal guns are also hit. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): In New Guinea, B-25's bomb and strafe coastal area from Alexishafen to Finschhafen and hit points on New Britain coast. Heavy bombers attack Garove Island off New Britain Island. Selaroe Island in the Tanibar Islands is hit by a light medium bombers strike. FRIDAY, 10 SEPTEMBER 1943 AMERICAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS ALASKA (Eleventh Air Force): 9 B-24's fly from Adak Island to Attu Island in the Aleutian Islands in preparation for a mission to Paramushiru Island in the Kurile Islands tomorrow. ZONE OF INTERIOR: The First and Fourth Air Forces are relieved from their assignments to Eastern and Western Defense Commands respectively and hereafter serve primarily as training organizations for fighter units. CHINA-BURMA-INDIA THEATER OF OPERATIONS BURMA-INDIA (Tenth Air Force): B-25's again bomb Gokteik Viaduct in Burma. The approaches are battered but the viaduct remains usable. The detachment of ground personnel of the 491st Bombardment Squadron (Medium), 341st Bombardment Group (Medium), at Gaya, India returns to it's base at Chakulia, India. CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 10 B-25's and 7 P-40's hit a cotton warehouse N of Wuchang and docks at Hankow; 9 of 20 intercepting Zekes are claimed destroyed; 9 P-38's bomb docks at Whampoa. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): B-24's bomb a satellite airfield at Foggia, Italy, WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Twelfth Air Force): In Italy, XII Bomber Command medium bombers hit railroad and road junctions and road net in the Castelnuovo-Pescopagano-Cassino-Capua-Formia areas; heavy bombers attack the Ariano intersection and highway bridge (and bridges and roads in the area), bridges near Botena and over the Tiber River SW of Rome, and roads, buildings, and railroad facilities at Isernia; XII Air Support Command and RAF airplanes of the NATAF blast heavy road movement N from Lauria and cover beachheads in the Salerno area as the British Eighth Army increases pressure on its front in an effort to prevent the Germans from concentrating against the US Fifth Army's Salerno beachhead. German troops occupy Rome. During the night of 10/11 Sep, B-25's of the 12th Bombardment Group (Medium) hit communications centers at Corleto, Perticara, Auletta and Saptri. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): B-25's attack barges along the New Britain coast. In New Guinea, the Australian 7 Division, having been flown to Nadzab in C-47's, begins a push E toward Lae. SATURDAY, 11 SEPTEMBER 1943 AMERICAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS ALASKA (Eleventh Air Force): 12 B-25's and 8 B-24's attack Paramushiru Island in the Kurile Islands for the third and last time this year. 6 B-24's bomb the Kashiwabara staging area; shipping is bombed and strafed in Kashiwabara harbor and Paramushiru Straits; 1 freighter and 1 large transport are sunk while 1 transport and 2 cargo ships are damaged; 2 other cargo vessels sustain possible hits; targets hit on land include 2 buildings and an AA battery on Shimushu Island. Of 40 fighters giving battle, 13 are shot down and 3 more are probables. 2 B-24's force-land in the USSR, one with mechanical defect, the other after being hit; 1 B-24 is downed by AA fire; losses are 7 B-25's and 2 B-24's in this most disastrous day for the Eleventh Air Force. It will be another 5 months before it is able to strike at the Kurils again. The 77th Bombardment Squadron (Medium), 28th Composite Group, transfers from Adak Island to Amchitka Island with B-25's. CHINA-BURMA-INDIA THEATER OF OPERATIONS CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 10 B-25's and 11 P-40's attack the Hankow docks and Wuchang cotton mills; and 3 P-38's bomb ammunition and fuel depots at Tayeh and strafe warehouses and barracks at Yangsin. EUROPEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Eighth Air Force): VIII Air Support Command Mission 56: Two locations in France are targeted: 1. 20 B-26's are dispatched to the Rouen power station; 19 hit the secondary target, the shipyard at Le Trait at 1704 hours, when the primary target is obscured by clouds; 14 B-26's are damaged; casualties are 1 WIA. 2. 35 B-26's are dispatched to Beaumont le Roger Airfield; 32 hit the target at 1756 hours; 1 B-26 is damaged beyond repair; casualties are 4 KIA. HQ 92d Bombardment Group (Heavy) transfers from Alconbury to Podington, England. The group will remain at this station until Jun 45. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Twelfth Air Force): In Italy, XII Bomber Command B-17's bomb the Benevento marshalling yard and bridge and highway junction nearby; B-25's and B-26's hit highways and junctions at Castelnuovo, Ariano, Mignano, and Isernia; P-40's fly an uneventful sweep over S Sardinia; and US and RAF airplanes of the NATAF continue to provide beachhead cover in the Salerno area, hit road communications throughout the day, and attack road and rail bridges, junctions, airfield, and town areas at Saptri, Corleto, Perticara, Auletta, and Gioia del Colle, Italy. SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): In the Solomon Islands, 18 B-25's pound the area W of Vila airfield on Kolombangara Island and W of Disappointment Cove on New Georgia Island. The airfield is hit again in the evening by 3 B-24's. 25 B-24's, with fighter escort, bomb Kahili airfield on Bougainville Island; B-24's and fighters claim 7 aircraft shot down. P-40's and P-39's support USN dive bombers in striking gun positions at Hamberi on New Georgia Island. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): B-24's bomb Makassar on Celebes Island. In New Guinea, Australian forces cross the Francisco River to Salamaua airfield as Japanese forces draw toward Lae. SUNDAY, 12 SEPTEMBER 1943 AMERICAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS ALASKA (Eleventh Air Force): HQ XI Fighter Command transfers from Elmendorf Field, Anchorage to Adak Island. CHINA-BURMA-INDIA THEATER OF OPERATIONS BURMA-INDIA (Tenth Air Force): The 90th Fighter Squadron, 80th Fighter Group, transfers from Karachi to Jorhat, India with P-40's. The squadron will fly it's first combat mission on 16 Sep. CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 8 P-38's bomb shipping in the Hong Kong area, 4 hit Yangtze River traffic at Chiuchiang, and 4 P-40's strafe barracks and destroy a locomotive W of Shihhweiyao. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): B-24's hit Kalathos and Maritsa airfields on Rhodes. WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Twelfth Air Force): In Italy, XII Bomber Command B-17's bomb the Mignano road defiles, the Benevento road bridge, and the Frosinone airfield; medium bombers hit Ariano (and trucks and road nearby), Isernia, and Castelnuovo and Formia road junctions; US and RAF aircraft of the NATAF attack motor transport movement, roads, and bridges in the Potenza-Auletta areas, maintain cover over the US Fifth Army in the Salerno invasion area (where the enemy launches a fierce effort to reduce the beachhead), and during the night of 12/13 Sep fly intruder missions over 6 airfields between Rome and Pizzo, finding little activity. British Eighth Army forces on the toe of Italy capture Crotone and push N, and on the Taranto front occupy territory up to N of Castelaneta. The 64th Fighter Squadron, 57th Fighter Group, transfers from Sicily to Rocco Bernardo, Italy with P-40's. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): In New Guinea, B-17's and B-24's pound Lae as the Japanese begin a withdrawal in the face of the Australian 9 and 7 Divisions moving in from E and W; the Australian 5 Division occupies Salamaua and surrounding area; the first Allied airplane lands at Salamaua airfield; and B-25's strafe between Saidor and Langemak Bay. B-25's hit barges near Cape Gloucester on New Britain Island, and A-20's bomb a radio station on Gasmata Island off the coast of New Britain Island. MONDAY, 13 SEPTEMBER 1943 AMERICAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Eleventh Air Force): Major General Davenport Johnson succeeds Major General William O Butler as Commanding General of the Eleventh Air Force. The 36th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), 28th Composite Group, begins a movement from Amchitka Island to McChord Field, Washington with B-24's. The squadron will transfer to England in Nov 43. EUROPEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Eighth Air Force): The 1st, 2d, and 3d Bombardment Divisions are activated at Brampton Grange, Horsham St Faith and Camp Blainey, England respectively. They are formed from complements of VIII Bomber Command's 4 bombardment wings which are redesignated Combat Bombardment Wing (Heavy) effective this date; each bombardment division is organized into combat bombardment wings. Commanding Officers of the Bombardment Divisions are Major General Robert B Williams (1st), Brigadier General James P Hodges (2d), and Major General Curtis E LeMay (3d). HQ 6th Fighter Wing is inactivated at Atcham, England. HQs of the following Combat Bombardment Wings (Heavy) transfer as follows: HQ 1st Wing Brampton Grange to Bassingbourn. HQ 4th Wing from Camp Blainey to Bury St Edmunds. HQ 13th Wing from Camp Blainey to Horham. HQ 14th Wing from Camp Thomas to Shipdham. HQ 45th Wing from Brampton Grange to Snetterton Heath. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): RAF heavy bombers, under the operational control of the IX Bomber Command, hit Potenza, Italy. Colonel Frederick M Byerly replaces Colonel Charles D McAllister as commander of the IX Fighter Command. WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Twelfth Air Force): In Italy, B-17's of the XII Bomber Command bomb roads in the Torre del Greco area, a highway at Sala Consilina, and a road junction, railway and bridge at Atena Lucana; B-25's attack a viaduct, rail and road junctions, and rail lines in the the Pompeii-Castellammare di Stabia-Torre Annuziata areas; XII Air Support Command A-36's destroy 25 to 30 vehicles near Potenza, and fighters maintain convoy patrol; US and RAF light and medium bombers of the NATBF hit town areas, road junctions, and vehicles in the Auletta-Pompeii-Sala Consilina-San Severino Rota areas. 80+ C-47's drop contingents of the US 82d Airborne Division S of the Sele River to strengthen the bridgehead in the face of enemy counterattacks which threaten the US Fifth Army beachhead in the Salerno area. HQ 33d Fighter Group transfers from Licata, Sicily to Paestum, Italy. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): In New Guinea, B-24's escorted by P-38's, bomb airfields and ammunition dumps in the Wewak area; and B-25's hit Lae. TUESDAY, 14 SEPTEMBER 1943 CHINA-BURMA-INDIA THEATER OF OPERATIONS BURMA-INDIA (Tenth Air Force): HQ 311th Bombardment Group (Dive) and it's 382d Bombardment Squadron (Dive) arrive at Nawadih, India from the US with A-36's. The group will fly it's first combat mission on 16 Oct. CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): 15 B-24's are dispatched to Haiphong, French Indochina. The first flight aborts due to bad weather but the second flight reaches the target area and bombs docks and shipping. 4 P-38's severely damage 2 vessels at Chiuchiang, China. The 25th Fighter Squadron, 51st Fighter Group, transfers from Dinjan, India to Yunnani, China with P-40's. The squadron's detachment at Jorhat, India also transfers. EUROPEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Eighth Air Force): VIII Air Support Command Mission 57: 108 B-26's are dispatched to the Woenisdrecht Airfield in the Netherlands and Lille/Nord Airfield in France; they are recalled due to weather; 18 B-26's are damaged; casualties are 3 WIA. HQ 2d Combat Bombardment Wing (Heavy) transfers from Old Catton to Hethel, England and HQ 20th Combat Bombardment Wing (Heavy) transfers from Cheddington to Horsham St Faith, England. HQ 55th Fighter Group and it's 38th, 338th and 343d Fighter Squadrons arrive at Nuthampstead, England from the US with P-38's. The group will fly it's first combat mission on 15 Oct. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): In Italy, B-24's hit a marshalling yard at Pescara; RAF heavy bombers, under operational control of the IX Bomber Command, hit Potenza. WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Twelfth Air Force): In Italy, elements of the British Eighth Army enter Bari; at Salerno, the US Fifth Army, throwing reserves and service troops into the line, and receiving much naval and air support, holds off enemy onslaughts against the beachhead; XII Bomber Command B-17's, B-25's, and B-26's attack highways, road junctions and defiles, bridges, town areas, railroads, marshalling yard, barracks, and numerous targets of opportunity, including several gun positions, in or near Avellino, Pompeii, Torre Annunziata, Auletta, Baronissi, San Severino Rota, Battipaglia, and Eboli; US and RAF fighter-bombers and light and medium bombers of the NATAF fly well over 500 sorties, mainly against bridges, and towns in the battle area or around Battipaglia, Eboli, Potenza Torre Annunziata, Benevento, Auletta, and Avellino. C-47's drop more contingents of the US 82d Airborne Division S of the Sele River to strengthen the beachhead, and also behind lines near Avellino to disrupt communications. SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): In the Solomon Islands, Allied airfields and other facilities on Guadalcanal, and at Barakoma and Munda on New Georgia Island are attacked by Japanese airplanes throughout the day. B-24's, with AAF and USN fighter escorts, bomb Kahili Airfield on Bougainville Island 3 times during the day. 30+ B-24's unload on dispersal and revetment areas and on runways, causing considerable damage; 8 Japanese interceptors are claimed shot down. 3 B-25's bomb Vila Airfield on Kolombangara Island and 2 B-24's and 6 Venturas attack the Vila area. P-39's join USN fighters and dive bombers in attack on Ballale Island Airfield. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): In New Guinea, B-25's attack Lae and barges in Hansa Bay; B-24's bomb Kendari on Celebes Island. The detachment of the 6th Nighter Fighter Squadron, 15th Fighter Group, which has been operating from New Guinea since 18 Apr with P-70's, begins a movement back to it's base at Kipapa, Territory of Hawaii. WEDNESDAY, 15 SEPTEMBER 1943 CHINA-BURMA-INDIA THEATER OF OPERATIONS CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): 5 B-24's attack a cement plant at Haiphong, French Indochina; 50+ Japanese fighters attack the B-24's, shooting down 4 of them; the 1 returning B-24 claims 10 fighters downed. 6 B-25's and 14 P-40's attack a cotton mill in the Wuchang, China area. EUROPEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Eighth Air Force): VIII Bomber Command Mission 95: Aviation facilities in France are targeted: 1. 87 of 93 B-17's dispatched attack the Romilly-sur-Seine air depot at 1848-1850 hours; 2 B-17's are damaged beyond repair and 7 damaged; casualties are 3 WIA. 2. 139 of 152 B-17's dispatched attack three targets; 40 hit the Caudron- Renault industrial area in Paris at 1855 hours, 21 hit the Billancourt- Renault works at 1854 hours, and 78 hit the Hispano-Suiza aircraft engine works in Paris; they claim 12-2-4 Luftwaffe aircraft; 5 B-17's are lost and 33 damaged; casualties are 2 WIA and 51 MIA. 3. 47 of 63 B-24's hit Chartres Airfield at 1904-1911 hours; they claim 3-0-0 Luftwaffe aircraft; 1 B-24 is lost; casualties are 10 MIA. VIII Bomber Command Mission 96: 5 B-17's of the 422d Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), 305th Bombardment Group (Heavy), join the RAF in a night attack on the Dunlop factory at Montlucon, France; there are no losses or casualties. VIII Air Support Command Mission 58; 2 airfields in France are targeted: 1. 72 B-26's are dispatched to Lille/Nord Airfield but the mission is aborted due to weather. 2. 68 of 72 B-26's hit Merville Airfield at 1745 and 1748 hours; 27 B-26's are damaged; casualties are 2 WIA. The 325th, 326th, 327th and 407th Bombardment Squadrons (Heavy), 92d Bombardment Group (Heavy) transfers from Alconbury to Podington, England with B-17's. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): In Italy, B-24's hit a marshalling yard at Potenza and attack railroads and warehouses in the areas around Potenza, Altamura, Gravina di Puglia, and Matera. WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Twelfth Air Force): In Italy, B-17's of the XII Bomber Command bomb highways and a railroad at Torre del Greco while B-25's and B-26's hit highways and road junctions at or near Torre Annunziata, Battipaglia, Eboli, Serre, Auletta, and Polla. The XII Air Support Command and other NATAF elements attack buildings, railroads, highways and motor transport in support of US Fifth Army as German counterattacks astride Sele River subside. British Eighth Army forces reach Saptri, threatening the enemy with entrapment between US and British forces. HQ 57th Fighter Group transfers from Sicily to Rocco Bernardo, Italy. HQ 79th Fighter Group and it's 85th, 86th and 87th Fighter Squadrons transfer from Sicily to Crotone, Italy with P-40's. The 416th Night Fighter Squadron, Twelfth Air Force, transfers from Bone, Algeria to Bizerte, Tunisia with Beaufighters. The 526th Fighter-Bomber Squadron, 86th Fighter-Bomber Group, transfers from Barcelona, Sicily to Sele Airfield, Italy with A-36's. SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): In the Solomon Islands, B-25's bomb Vila airfield on Kolombangara Island and Kahili and Kara airfields on Bougainville Island. B-24's, with fighter escort, later pound the Kahili runway area; others hit Parapatu Point on New Georgia Island. During the night, B-25's hit Kahili Airfield twice and heavy bombers bomb airfields on Buka and Ballale Islands. Ballale Airfield is also hit by USN dive bombers, supported by AAF, USN and US Marine Corps (USMC) fighters; a bivouac area, revetments, supply dumps and gun positions are hit; the runway appears badly damaged by the strikes. HQ 403d Troop Carrier Group arrives on Espiritu Santo Island, New Hebrides Islands, from the US. A detachment of the 6th Night Fighter Squadron, 15th Fighter Group, that has been operating from Guadalcanal Island with P-70's since 28 Feb 43, departs for it's base at Kipapa, Territory of Hawaii. The 372d Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), 307th Bombardment Group (Heavy), that has been operating from Guadalcanal Island with B-24's since 5 Aug, returns to it's base on Espiritu Santo Island, New Hebrides Islands for R&R. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): In New Guinea, B-24's, with P-38 escort, bomb airfields in the Wewak area, destroying 10 enemy aircraft on the ground; 14 more are claimed destroyed in air combat. B-17's bomb the Lae area; and B-25's sink about 15 barges between Alexishafen and Finschhafen, blast an ammunition and supply dump near Bogadjim, and attack AA positions at Bostrem Bay. THURSDAY, 16 SEPTEMBER 1943 CHINA-BURMA-INDIA THEATER OF OPERATIONS CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): 8 B-25's and 12 P-40's hit warehouses, barracks, ammunition dumps, and HQ at Liujenpa, China. EUROPEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Eighth Air Force): VIII Bomber Command Mission 97: 5 targets in France are hit: 1. 131 of 147 B-17's dispatched hit two targets in Nantes; 79 hit Nantes harbor installations at 1502-1512 hours and 52 hit Nantes/Chateau-Bougon Airfield at 1509-1512 hours; they claim 22-2-5 Luftwaffe aircraft; 7 B-17's are lost, 1 is damaged beyond repair and 47 are damaged; casualties are 9 WIA and 60 MIA. This mission is escorted by 79 P-47's; they claim 2-0-1 Luftwaffe aircraft and suffer no losses or casualties. 2. 93 of 148 B-17's hit La Pallice harbor installations at 1755-1758 hours, Larochelle/Laleau Airfield at 1755-1758 and Cognac/Chateaubernard Airfield at 1731 hours; they claim 22-3-8 Luftwaffe aircraft; 4 B-17's are lost, 5 damaged beyond repair and 17 damaged; casualties are 44 KIA, 9 WIA and 30 MIA. VIII Bomber Command Mission 98: 5 B-17's of the 422d Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), 305th Bombardment Group (Heavy), join the RAF in a night attack on the marshalling yard at Modane, France; there are no losses or casualties. VIII Air Support Command Mission 59: 67 of 72 B-26's hit the Beaumont le Roger Airfield at 1735 hours and Tricoueville Airfield in France at 1735 hours; 2 B-26's are damaged. HQ 40th and 41st Combat Bombardment Wings (Heavy) transfer from Brampton Grange to Thurleigh and Molesworth, England respectively. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): B-24's hit road junctions and a supply dump at Potenza, Italy, following a RAF raid of the previous night. WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Twelfth Air Force): In Italy, B-17's of the XII Bomber Command hit bridges, rail line, marshalling yard, trains, and a railroad-highway intersection in the Benevento area, and roads and railway facilities in the Caserta area; medium bombers hit roads, railroads, junctions, and bridges at Isernia, Formia, Mignano, and Capua; XII Air Support Command fighter-bombers maintain continuous sweeps over the Salerno beachhead and surrounding battle zone while other US and RAF elements of the NATAF (fighters, light and medium bombers) blast enemy aircraft, motor transport, troop concentrations and communications targets in the Contursi and Eboli areas. On the ground in Italy, US and British make patrol contact near Vallo della Lucania. The US Fifth Army ties in with Taranto invasion force to form an Allied line across S Italy. The 111th Reconnaissance Squadron (Fighter), 68th Reconnaissance Group, transfers from San Antonio, Sicily to Sele Airfield, Italy with P-51's. A detachment remains at San Antonio until 30 Sep. The 527th Fighter-Bomber Squadron, 86th Fighter-Bomber Group, transfers from Barcelona, Sicily to Sele Airfield, Italy with A-36's. SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): In the Solomon Islands, P-40's join USN fighters in covering a USN dive bomber strike on Ballale Island Airfield. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): In New Guinea, B-17's, B-26's, B-25's, and A-20's pound enemy positions at Lae after which the airfield and town (evacuated by Japanese) are occupied by Australian forces; B-24's carry out a light strike on Sorong. FRIDAY, 17 SEPTEMBER 1943 CHINA-BURMA-INDIA THEATER OF OPERATIONS BURMA-INDIA (Tenth Air Force): The 383d and 385th Bombardment Squadrons (Dive), 311th Bombardment Group (Dive), arrive at Nawadih, India from the US with A-36's. The 383d will enter combat on 16 Oct. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): In Italy, B-24's, attack a marshalling yard, road junction, and rail junction at Pescara on the E coast; RAF heavy bombers again hit Potenza. WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Twelfth Air Force): In Italy, XII Bomber Command B-17's and B-26's bomb airfields at Ciampino and Pratica di Mare; B-25's attack small craft and barges off the mouth of the Tiber River; P-38's fly 27 dive-bombing missions against roads, junctions, railways, bridges, and targets of opportunity in the battle area and towns of Vallo della Lucania, Acerno, Nocera, Avellino, Gragnano Serre, Lioni, Fisciano, Monteforte Irpino, Cava de' Tirreni and Auletta; XII Air Support Command, NATBF, and other elements of NATAF escort naval vessels, and bomb rail and road junctions, motor transport, a marshalling yard, town areas, and various targets of opportunity in the Pompeii, Torre Annunziata, Salerno, Campagna, Sarno, Solofra, Montella, and Acerno areas. On the ground in Italy, US Fifth Army forces advancing on Altavila are pinned down however, the enemy retires to the N, completing a withdrawal from the battleline during the night. The British Eighth Army begins a general advance N toward Potenza and Auletta. The 99th Fighter Squadron, XII Air Support Command, transfers from Termini to Barcellona, Sicily with P-40's. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): B-25's carry out a coastal sweep against barges and villages from Reiss Point to Langemak Bay, New Guinea. SATURDAY, 18 SEPTEMBER 1943 AMERICAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS ANTISUBMARINE WARFARE (First Air Force): The 12th Antisubmarine Squadron (Heavy), 25th Antisubmarine Wing, ceases flying ASW patrols from Langley Field, Virginia with B-24's and begins a movement to Blythe AAF, California. The squadron will be redesignated the 859th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) and transfer to England on 1 Jan 44. CENTRAL PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Seventh Air Force): 24 B-24's, flying out of Funafuti Island in the Ellice Islands and Canton Island in the Phoenix Islands, bomb Betio Island, Tarawa Atoll and Maiana and Abemama Islands in the Gilbert chain during the night of 18/19 Sep. This action is part of a coordinated AAF-USN attack on Tarawa, aimed at preventing Japanese attacks on US installations at Baker Island and in the Ellice Islands. CHINA-BURMA-INDIA THEATER OF OPERATIONS BURMA-INDIA (Tenth Air Force): The 71st Liaison Squadron, US Army Forces CBI, based at Ramgarh, India sends a detachment to Ledo, India with L-4's and L-5's. CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): 4 B-25's and 7 P-40's attack rail yards and blast furnaces at Shihhweiyao, China. EUROPEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Eighth Air Force): VIII Air Support Command Missions 61 and 62: 3 installations in France are targeted: 1. 25 of 72 B-26's hit the Beauvais/Tille Airfield; 12 B-26's are damaged. 2. 18 B-26's dispatched to the Rouen marshalling yard and 72 B-26's dispatched to the Beaumont le Roger Airfield are recalled because of failure to rendezvous with fighter escort and bad weather, respectively. The 328th, 329th, 330th and 409th Bombardment Squadrons (Heavy), 93d Bombardment Group (Heavy), based at Hardwick, England begin operating from Oudna, Tunisia with B-24's. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS ANTISUBMARINE WARFARE (First Air Force): The 1st Antisubmarine Squadron (Heavy), 480th Antisubmarine Group, ceases operating from Protville, Tunisia and returns to it's base at Port Lyautey, French Morocco with B-24's. EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): B-24's hit the marshalling yard at Pescara, Italy. WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Twelfth Air Force): In Italy, B-17's of the XII Bomber Command hit Viterbo airfield and Salerno-Avellino road, while B-25's and B-26's bomb the airfields at Ciampino and Pratica di Mare; B-25's fire 75mm shells at small vessels and a lighthouse near Capraia and between Pianosa and Corsica; P-38's on detached service with the NATAF strafe 4 satellite airfields at Foggia and bomb roads, railroads, bridges, and towns in the battle area. On the ground in Italy, US Seventh Army forces take Altavilla, Persano, and Battipaglia without opposition. HQ 27th Fighter-Bomber Group transfers from Sicily to Capaccio, Italy. The detachments of the 27th, 71st and 94th Fighter Squadrons, 1st Fighter Group, operating from Dittaino, Gerbini, and Dittaino, Sicily respectively with P-38's return to their base at Mateur, Tunisia. The 65th Fighter Squadron, 57th Fighter Group, transfers from Sicily to Rocco Bernardo, Italy with P-40's. The 522d, 523d and 524th Fighter-Bomber Squadrons, 27th Fighter-Bomber Group, transfer from Barcelona, Sicily to Capaccio, Italy with A-36's. SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): B-24's bomb the airfield and attack a phosphate plant and radio station on Nauru Island in the Gilbert Islands. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): In New Guinea, A-20's hit Tami Island in the Lae area; B-26's and RAAF airplanes bomb and strafe Finschhafen. The 65th Troop Carrier Squadron, 54th Troop Carrier Wing, based at Port Moresby begins operating from Tsili Tsili, New Guinea with C-47's. SUNDAY, 19 SEPTEMBER 1943 AMERICAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS ALASKA (Eleventh Air Force): The 21st Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), 30th Bombardment Group (Heavy), begins a movement from Shemya Island with B-24's to Smoky Hill AAFld, Kansas where it will be inactivated on 1 Nov 43. CENTRAL PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Seventh Air Force): 20 B-24's, out of Funafuti Island in the Ellice Islands and Canton Island in the Phoenix Islands, bomb Tarawa Atoll and Abemama Island in the Gilbert Islands and obtain photo coverage of Betio Island, Tarawa Atoll. 1 B-24 is lost to interceptors. EUROPEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Eighth Air Force): VIII Air Support Command Missions 63 and 64: 2 airfields in France are targeted: 1. 18 of 72 B-26's hit Lille/Nord Airfield at 1139 hours; clouds prevent the 2nd group for bombing; 10 B-26's are damaged; casualties are 4 WIA. 2. 72 B-26's dispatched to Merville airfield are recalled due to weather. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): The 66th, 67th, 68th and 506th Bombardment Squadrons (Heavy), 44th Bombardment Group (Heavy), based at Shipdham, England begin operating from Tunis, Tunisia with B-24's. The 564th, 566th and 567th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), 389th Bombardment Group (Heavy), based at Hethel, England begin operating from Massicault, Tunisia with B-24's. WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Twelfth Air Force): In Italy, fighter-bombers of the XII Air Support Command and planes of other NATAF elements [US and RAF] concentrate on attacking roads and vehicles in the Benevento-Montesarchio- Contursi-Potenza-Avellino areas, and a railway station at Castelnuovo. On the ground in Italy, the US Fifth Army gains firm control of the Salerno plain, while the British Eighth Army troops take Potenza and Auletta. SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): In the Solomon Islands, B-25's and USN dive bombers, covered by fighters, bomb Vila Airfield on Kolombangara Island and a causeway, enemy positions, and ammunition dump at Disappointment Cove on New Georgia Island. Other B-25's bomb and strafe barge centers at Ringa Cove and Webster Coves on New Georgia Island. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): In New Guinea, B-25's and B-26's pound Finschhafen in preparation for Allied landings on 22 Sep. B-17's and B-24's bomb the airfield and surrounding area at Cape Gloucester on New Britain Island. B-24's and B-25's fly small strikes against Amboina Island in the Moluccas Islands, Selaroe Island in the Tanimbar Islands, and Penfoei on Timor Island. MONDAY, 20 SEPTEMBER 1943 CHINA-BURMA-INDIA THEATER OF OPERATIONS BURMA-INDIA (Tenth Air Force): In Burma, B-24's bomb Sagaing and Naba. The 384th Bombardment Squadron (Dive), 311th Bombardment Group (Dive), arrives at Nawadih, India from the US with A-36's. The squadron will fly it's first mission on 17 Oct. CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): 27 Japanese bombers and 20 fighters attack the airfield at Kunming, China; 24 P-40's and 3 P-38's intercept, claiming 17 airplanes shot down; 1 US fighter is lost; damage to the airfield is negligible. The 16th Fighter Squadron, 51st Fighter Group, transfers from Kweilin to Hengyang, China with P-40's. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): The 98th and 376th Bombardment Groups (Heavy), based in Libya, along with the 43d Service Group and several military police and engineer units, are to be transferred to the Twelfth Air Force, effective on the date they transfer to Tunisia. The IX Bomber Command makes its last raid on Italy. B-24's of 98th and 376th Bombardment Groups (Heavy) are dispatched to the Castelfranco Veneto marshalling yard. Clouds obscure the target, but the 98th Group drops bombs on the estimated time of arrival. The 376th bombs a marshalling yard and airfield at Pescara during the return trip. The 565th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), 389th Bombardment Group (Heavy), based at Hethel, England begins operating from Massicault, Tunisia with B-24's. WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Twelfth Air Force): In Italy, XII Bomber Command B-17's and B-26's bomb the Castelnuovo road junction, the town of Formia, the Torre Annunziata area roads, and roads and railroad SW of Sarno; XII Air Support Command A-36's attack and disperse enemy tank and troop concentrations forming near Nocera for a counterattack. Other AAF and RAF aircraft of the NATAF hit enemy movement in the Avellino-Naples-Potenza- Benevento-Calabritto-Pomigliano-Pescopagano areas. On the ground in Italy, the US Seventh Army starts into the mountains N of Salerno. HQ 31st Fighter Group and it's 308th Fighter Squadron transfer from Milazzo, Sicily to Montecorvino, Italy with Spitfires. SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): In the Solomon Islands, First Lieutenant Henry Meigs II (of the 6th Night Fighter Squadron), flying a P-38 against Japanese night attackers over Bougainville Island, shoots down 2 aircraft within 60 seconds. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): In New Guinea, B-25's and B-17's hit roads from Kaiapit to Madang, destroying 3 key bridges; P-39's strafe and dive-bomb the Bogadjim-Yaula area; and B-24's bomb Wewak and Boram airfields. B-25's hit Penfoei on Timor Island. TUESDAY, 21 SEPTEMBER 1943 CHINA-BURMA-INDIA THEATER OF OPERATIONS CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): 8 B-25's and 8 P-40's attack railroad yards and warehouses at Chiuchiang, China, causing considerable destruction. EUROPEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Eighth Air Force): VIII Air Support Command Mission 65: 44 of 73 B-26's hit the Beauvais/Tille Airfield in France at 0937-0938 hours; bad weather causes 20+ to abort; they claim 1-0-0 Luftwaffe aircraft; 1 B-26 is lost, 1 is damaged beyond repair and 12 damaged; casualties are 2 KIA, 4 WIA and 7 MIA. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): HQ IX Fighter Command at Tripoli, Libya closes. WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Twelfth Air Force): In Italy, XII Bomber Command B-17's hit a bridge and the town area at Benevento; B-25's and B-26's hit landing craft and a ferry near Elba Island and bridges at Cancello Arnone and Capua; B-24's on detached service from the Eighth Air Force bomb Leghorn and Bastia; medium bombers and fighter-bombers of the NATBF and XII Air Support Command hit town areas, troop concentrations, trucks and tanks, and targets of opportunity in the Solofra-Avellino-Benevento areas. HQ 98th Bombardment Group (Heavy) transfers from Benina, Libya to Hergla, Tunisia. The 307th and 309th Fighter Squadrons, 31st Fighter Group, transfer from Milazzo, Sicily to Montecorvino, Italy with Spitfires. The 416th Night Fighter Squadron, Twelfth Air Force, transfers from Bizerte, Tunisia to Catania, Sicily with Beaufighters. SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): In the Solomon Islands, 20+ B-24's bomb the runway and revetment area at the airfield on Buka Island. About 20 Japanese fighters intercept; 2 Zekes are shot down. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): In New Guinea, A-20's, B-26's, and RAAF aircraft hit Tami Island and pound Finschhafen in preparation for the Allied amphibious assault on the following day; B-25's bomb and strafe the Bogadjim area and Langgoer. On New Britain Island in the Bismarck Archipelago, B-24's hit Cape Gloucester and a freighter near Talasea; A-20's and RAAF aircraft bomb Gasmata Island off New Britain Island. The 70th Troop Carrier Squadron, 433d Troop Carrier Group, transfers from Townsville, Queensland, Australia to Port Moresby, New Guinea with C-47's. WEDNESDAY, 22 SEPTEMBER 1943 CHINA-BURMA-INDIA THEATER OF OPERATIONS BURMA-INDIA (Tenth Air Force): In Burma, B-25's attack the Ye-u branch line railroad bridge over the Mu River between Ywataung and Monywa. Negligible damage is done to the target. EUROPEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Eighth Air Force): VIII Air Support Command Mission 66: 2 airfields in France are targeted: 1. 72 B-26's are dispatched to Beauvais/Tille Airfield but abort due to bad weather. 2. 70 of 72 B-26's hit Evreux/Fauville Airfield at 1612 & 1614 hours; no losses or casualties. 240 P-27's sweep over NE France and Belgium and claim 2-0-0 Luftwaffe aircraft; 1 P-47 is lost and 1 damaged beyond repair; casualties are 1 MIA; and 155 P-47's sweep over N Belgium and Dutch Islands. VIII Bomber Command Mission 99: 5 B-17's of the 422d Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), 305th Bombardment Group (Heavy), join the RAF in a night attack on Hannover, Germany at 2143-2209 hours; there are no losses or casualties. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): The Ninth Air Force flies its final mission from Africa. B-24's bomb Maritsa Airfield on Rhodes and Eleusis Airfield in Greece. The bomb groups of IX Bomber Command subsequently are transferred to the Twelfth Air Force. HQ IX Fighter Command begins a movement from Tripoli, Libya to Middle Wallop, England. WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Twelfth Air Force): In Italy, XII Bomber Command B-25's and B-26's bomb roads, railroad, and bridges at or near San Martino Sannita, Grottaminarda, Amorosi, and Mignano; B-25's on detached service to the NATAF attack small vessels near Elba Island with 75mm cannon; NATBF and XII Air Support Command airplanes hit troop concentrations and gun positions near Serino and Santa Lucia di Serino, road block at Nocera, town and roads at Fisciano, the town of Pagani, tanks and trucks between Acerno and Montella and in the Foggia area, vessels and docks at Manfredonia, the town of Camarella, and the landing ground at Capua. HQ 86th Fighter-Bomber Group transfers from Barcellona, Sicily to Sele Airfield, Italy. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): In New Guinea, after a preparatory naval bombardment, elements of the Australian 9 Division land at the mouth of the Song River N of Finschhafen and push to the S; B-25's pound defenses in the Finschhafen area; almost 90 fighters battle Japanese aircraft attacking the convoy; 38 enemy aircraft are claimed shot down. A-20's and B-25's hit the Lae area. B-24's and B-25's bomb the airfield on Gasmata Island off New Britain Island; and B-24 hit Amboina Island in the Moluccas Islands. THURSDAY, 23 SEPTEMBER 1943 AMERICAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS ALASKA (Eleventh Air Force): Admiral Thomas C Kinkaid issues Operations Plan (Op Plan) 9-43 which reorganizes the Alaskan Army and Navy air strength. The Commanding General Eleventh Air Force becomes Commander of Task Force 90 (TF 90), composed of Task Group 90.1 (TG 90.1), designated the Air Striking Unit (comprising 16 medium bombers, 12 heavy bombers, 100 fighters) and of TG 90.2, designated the Air Search Group, a Navy air arm. For operations, the Eleventh Air Force is now under the jurisdiction of Commander Northern Pacific (COMNORPAC) Forces. There is no administrative change. EUROPEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Eighth Air Force): VIII Bomber Command Mission 100: 3 locations in France are targeted. 1. 46 of 117 B-17's hit the Nantes port area at 0813-0818 hours; they claim 22-1-3 Luftwaffe aircraft; 2 B-17's are damaged beyond repair and 41 are damaged; casualties are 13 KIA and 11 WIA. 2. 55 of 67 B-17's hit Vannes/Meucon Airfield at 0825-0826 hours; 7 B-17's are damaged. 3. 53 of 63 B-17's hit Kerlin/Bastard Airfield at 0814-0818 hours; they claim 2-0-0 Luftwaffe aircraft; 1 B-17 is lost and 10 damaged; casualties are 10 MIA. VIII Bomber Command Mission 101: 80 of 91 B-17's hit the port area at Nantes (61 aircraft) at 1810-1815 and Rennes/St Jacques Airfield (19 aircraft) at 1834 hours; 2 B-17's are lost, 12 damaged beyond repair and 6 damaged; casualties are 12 WIA and 20 MIA. VIII Bomber Command Mission 102: 4 of 5 B-17's of the 422d Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), 305th Bombardment Group (Heavy), hit Mannheim at 2211- 2222 hours with the RAF in a night attack; 1 B-17 is damaged. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Twelfth Air Force): In Italy, XII Bomber Command B-26's bomb bridges at Cancello Arnone and 3 miles (4.8 km) NE of Capua; planes of the NATBF and XII Air Support Command attack motor transport, roads, railroads, town areas, gun positions, and targets of opportunity in the areas of San Severino Rota, Avellino, Sarno, Torre Annunziata, Aversa, Nocera, Resina, Serino, Pompeii, and Camarella. The 525th Fighter-Bomber Squadron, 86th Fighter-Bomber Group, transfers from Barcelona, Sicily to Sele Airfield, Italy with A-36's. SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): In the Solomon Islands, 23 B-24's, 16 P-38's, and 60+ USN dive bombers, covered by AAF, USMC, USN, and Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF) fighters, attack Kahili on Bougainville Island; Allied aircraft claim at least 9 fighters shot down. 21 B-24's bomb area from Stanmore Plantation to the mouth of the Vila River on Kolombangara Island. P-39's strafe 2 barges, at Sasamunga and Malanono, leaving both aflame. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): B-25's bomb and strafe villages in the upper Markham River Valley of New Guinea. P-40's bomb Gasmata Island off New Britain Island. FRIDAY, 24 SEPTEMBER 1943 EUROPEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Eighth Air Force): VIII Air Support Command Missions 69 & 70: 2 airfields in France are targeted. 1. 71 of 72 B-26's hit Evreux/Fauville Airfield at 1150 hours; they claim 0-1-0 Luftwaffe aircraft; 4 B-26's are damaged. 2. 66 of 72 B-26's hit Beauvais/Tille Airfield at 1602-1603 hours; they claim 1-0-0 Luftwaffe aircraft; 17 B-26's are damaged. HQ 20th Combat Bombardment Wing (Heavy) transfers from Horsham St Faith to Hethel, England. HQ 386th Bombardment Group (Medium) and it's 552d, 553d, 554th and 555th Bombardment Squadrons (Medium) transfer from Boxted to Great Dunmow, England with B-26's. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Twelfth Air Force): In Italy, B-25's and B-26's of the XII Bomber Command hit roads, railways, bridges, and junctions at Grottaminarda, Maddaloni, Benevento, Avellino, Capua, Cancello Arnone, Amorosi, Ponte, and Mignano, and attack a destroyer between Corsica and Elba Island; B-24's on detached service from the Eighth Air Force bomb the marshalling yard at Pisa; US and RAF planes of the NATBF, XII Air Support Command, and other elements of the NATAF attack vehicles, roads, troop concentrations, and gun positions around Santa Lucia di Serino, Serino, Caserta, Benevento, Camarella, Baronissi, Nocera, Montemarano, and San Severo. HQ 47th Bombardment Group (Light) and it's 84th and 85th Bombardment Squadrons (Light) transfer from Gerbini, Sicily to Grottaglie, Italy with A-20's. The 344th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), 98th Bombardment Group (Heavy), transfers from Lete, Libya to Hergla, Tunisia with B-24's. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): B-24's fly a small strike against Sorong and Manokwari, New Guinea. SATURDAY, 25 SEPTEMBER 1943 CHINA-BURMA-INDIA THEATER OF OPERATIONS BURMA-INDIA (Tenth Air Force): The 436th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), 7th Bombardment Group (Heavy), transfers from Bishnupur, India to Panagarh, India with B-24's. EUROPEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Eighth Air Force): VIII Air Support Command Mission 71: 68 of 72 B-26's hit St Omer/Longuenesse Airfield at 1717-1718 hours; 4 B-26's are damaged. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Twelfth Air Force): In Italy, about 90 B-17's of the XII Bomber Command hit the Bologna marshalling yard; 14 others hit the Bolzano railroad bridge; B-25's and B-26's bomb airfields at Pisa, Lucca, and Bastia/Borgo, a highway at Mignano, a road junction at Maddaloni, and railroad and road bridges at Cancello Amone, Caiazzo, and Ponte; US and RAF aircraft of the NATBF, XII Air Support Command, and RAF DAF hit Serino (causing a roadblock), troop concentrations at Sarno, gun positions, troops, and vehicles near Nocera, Aquino airfield, a storage dump N of Foggia and a dredger at Termoli. HQ 57th Fighter Group and it's 64th, 65th and 66th Fighter Squadrons transfer from Rocco Bernardo to Gioia Airfield, Italy with P-40's. The 343d Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), 98th Bombardment Group (Heavy), transfers from Lete, Libya to Hergla, Tunisia with B-24's. SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): In the Solomon Islands, B-25's join USN TBF's and SBD's in pounding gun positions in the areas around Vila airfield on Kolombangara Island and Disappointment Cove on New Georgia Island. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): In New Guinea, nearly 40 B-17's, B-24's, and B-25's bomb installations and supply lines from Bogadjim to villages on the Ramu and Markham Rivers; A-20's and RAAF airplanes pound positions near Finschhafen as the Australian 9 Division, having crossed the Buni River the previous day, pushes S toward the town. B-25's bomb and strafe AA positions at Rein Bay on New Britain Island in the Bismarck Archipelago. The 66th Troop Carrier Squadron, 54th Troop Carrier Wing, transfers from Port Moresby to Nadzab, New Guinea with C-47's. SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 1943 EUROPEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Eighth Air Force): VIII Bomber Command Mission 103. Today's targets are in France with 1 B-17 lost. 1. 40 of 84 B-17's hit Reims/Champagne Airfield at 1751-1752 hours; 2 B-17's are damaged beyond repair; 21 are damaged; casualties are 20 KIA. 2. 55 B-17's dispatched to the Paris area abandon the mission after crossing the enemy coast; 1 B-17 is damaged beyond repair, and 8 are damaged. 3. 63 B-17's dispatched to Meulon Les Mureaux and Citroen in the Paris area are prevented from bombing by the weather. 4. 37 B-24's fly a diversion. VIII Air Support Command Mission 72: 72 B-26's are dispatched to Conches Airfield in France; they are recalled due to weather. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Twelfth Air Force): In Italy, fighters, and light and medium bombers of the XII Air Support Command, NATBF, and RAF DAF patrol the battle zone, escort convoys, carry out bombing and strafing sweeps against motor transport in the Benevento-Melfi area and N of Foggia, bomb the Pomigliano landing ground, and hit the town of Sarno and military concentrations to the N. Bad weather prevents XII Bomber Command heavy bomber missions. HQ 376th Bombardment Group (Heavy) and it's 512th, 513th, 514th and 515th Bombardment Squadrons (Heavy) transfer from Bengasi, Libya to Enfidaville, Tunisia with B-24's. The 16th Reconnaissance Squadron (Bomber), 68th Reconnaissance Group, transfers from Berteaux, Algeria to Foch Field, Tunisia. This squadron transitions for fighters to B-17's and serves as a radar detection and countermeasures unit until Sep 44. The 345th and 415th Bombardment Squadrons (Heavy), 98th Bombardment Group (Heavy), transfer from Benina, Libya to Hergla, Tunisia with B-24's. SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): On Bougainville Island in the Solomon Islands, 21 B-24's, covered by 14 P-38's, bomb a bivouac near Kahili; 30 P-40's and P-39's and 15 USN F4U's support 50+ USN dive bombers in a strike on the hangar area of the airfield at Kahili and gun positions at Kangu Hill and Jakohina. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): In New Guinea, B-24's bomb But and Dagua Airfields; P-38's claim 9 enemy fighters shot down in the But-Dagua-Wewak areas; other B-24's hit Nubia and Potsdam Plantations. MONDAY, 27 SEPTEMBER 1943 EUROPEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Eighth Air Force): VIII Bomber Command Mission 104: The port of Emden, Germany is the target. 2 of 3 H2S equipped pathfinder B-17's of the 482d Bombardment Group (Pathfinder) lead the mission. This is the first Pathfinder (PFF) mission. 1. 246 of 308 B-17's hit the Emden industrial area and targets of opportunity at 0958-1008 hours; they claim 32-7-24 Luftwaffe aircraft; 7 B-17's are lost, 1 is damaged beyond repair and 78 damaged; casualties are 1 KIA, 18 WIA and 71 MIA. This mission is escorted by 262 P-47's which claim 21-2-6 Luftwaffe aircraft; 1 P-47 is lost, 1 damaged beyond repair and 1 damaged; casualties are 1 MIA. 2. 24 B-24's fly a diversion. VIII Bomber Command Mission 105: 4 of 5 B-17's of the 422d Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), 305th Bombardment Group (Heavy), hit Hannover at 2208-2217 hours in a night raid with the RAF; 1 B-17 is lost; casualties are 10 MIA. VIII Air Support Command Missions 73 & 74: 2 airfields in France are targeted. 1. 65 of 72 B-26's hit Beauvais/Tille airfield at 1044-1045 hours; they claim 4-6-4 Luftwaffe aircraft; 1 B-26 is damaged beyond repair and 23 damaged; casualties are 4 MIA. 2. 68 of 72 B-26's hit Conches Airfield at 1729 hours; 1 B-26 is lost and 4 damaged; casualties are 6 MIA. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Twelfth Air Force): In Italy, weather almost halts Twelfth Air Force operations; XII Air Support Command fighters strafe Viterbo Airfield and Bracciano seaplane base, bomb a road junction at San Servero, and strafe a locomotive and the train station; other NATAF airplanes hit trucks in the Benevento area. The 86th and 97th Bombardment Squadrons (Light), 47th Bombardment Group (Light), transfer from Gerbini, Sicily to Grottaglie, Italy with A-20's. The 416th Night Fighter Squadron, Twelfth Air Force, transfers from Catania, Sicily to Lecce, Italy with Beaufighters. The squadron is attached to the RAF's No. 286 Wing until Jan 44. SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): In the Solomon Islands, 27 B-24's, 20+ P-40's and P-39's, and several USN fighters pound the Kahili area on Bougainville Island. P-39's over Choiseul Island strafe (and explode) 3 barges off Wogai Point, and strafe 2 others off Bambatana, leaving 1 ablaze. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): In New Guinea, 117 B-24's and B-25's, escorted by 129 P-38's and P-40's, attack airfields and shipping in the Wewak area; about 40 aircraft are destroyed on the ground and 8 are claimed shot down in combat; the bombers claim 10 ships (totaling about 28,000 tons), 11 luggers, and a launch sunk; Finschhafen is bombed twice during the day. TUESDAY, 28 SEPTEMBER 1943 MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Twelfth Air Force): In Italy, weather prevents completion of XII Bomber Command B-17 missions against the Bologna marshalling yard and the Bolzano railroad bridge, except for 1 heavy bomber which bombs Bolzano; tactical aircraft operations are also severely curtailed by weather; fighter-bombers bomb and strafe motor transport in the Benevento-Caserta area. On the ground in Italy, the US Fifth Army is ready for an assault on Naples and Avellino. Caistellamare di Stabia, Nocera, and Sala Consilina are taken. SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): 5 B-24 snoopers attack a convoy in N Solomons waters and claim several damaging hits. The convoy reverses its course. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): In New Guinea, the Wewak area is again hit, the 40 attacking B-24's being escorted by 29 P-38's which claim 8 fighters shot down; A-20's and RAAF Vengeances attack the Finschhafen and Lae area; B-24's and P-39's hit a road near Bogadjim. The 21st Troop Carrier Squadron, 374th Troop Carrier Group, transfers from Port Moresby, New Guinea to Archerfield, Queensland, Australia with C-47's. The 39th Troop Carrier Squadron, 317th Troop Carrier Group, transfers from Archerfield to Port Moresby with C-47's. WEDNESDAY, 29 SEPTEMBER 1943 CHINA-BURMA-INDIA THEATER OF OPERATIONS CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In Burma, 9 B-24's bomb Myitkyina and Sadon during routine ferry trips over the Hump. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Twelfth Air Force): In Italy, XII Bomber Command B-25's and B-26's bomb bridges at or near Piana, Castelvenere, Amorosi, and Cancello Amone; P-38's bomb Ausonia defile and a bridge near San Apollinare; US and RAF tactical aircraft hit the town of San Giorgio del Sannio and roads in the area S of Benevento. On the ground in Italy, the US Fifth Army opens an attack on Avellino during the night of 29/30 Sep. General Dwight D Eisenhower and Marshal Pietro Badoglio sign the Italian surrender document on the battleship HMS Nelson off Malta. HQ 51st Troop Carrier Wing transfers from Gela to Catania, Sicily. SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): On Choiseul Island in the Solomon Islands, P-40's, P-38's, and P-39's join USN fighters in supporting a strike by USN dive bombers on a barge depot at Kakasa; other P-40's strafe and set afire a barge off Sambi Point. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): B-24's on armed reconnaissance attack scattered shipping in the Netherlands East Indies and Solomon and Bismarck Seas. THURSDAY, 30 SEPTEMBER 1943 AMERICAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS ANTISUBMARINE WARFARE (First Air Force): The 10th Antisubmarine Squadron (Heavy), 26th Antisubmarine Wing, ceases flying ASW patrols from Galveston, Texas with B-25's. The squadron will be redesignated 867th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) and will transfer to the Central Pacific with B-24's in Jun 44. CARIBBEAN (Sixth Air Force): HQ 37th Fighter Group transfers from Albrook Field to Howard Field, Canal Zone. CHINA-BURMA-INDIA THEATER OF OPERATIONS BURMA-INDIA (Tenth Air Force): The 311th Bombardment Group (Dive) is redesignated 311th Fighter-Bomber Group. The 385th Bombardment Squadron (Dive) is disbanded at Nawadih, India; the 382d, 383d and 384th Bombardment Squadrons (Dive) are redesignated 528th, 529th and 530th Fighter-Bomber Squadrons. CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): 2 B-25's and 4 P-40's claim heavy damage to a gunboat at Ft Bayard, China. MEDITERRANEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Twelfth Air Force): In Italy, XII Bomber Command P-38's, B-25's, and B-26's bomb road and rail and road bridges at Ausonia, Piana, Castelvenere, Amorosi, and Capua, and carry out sweeps from Bastia to Elba Island; 7 B-25's hit Benevento and surrounding rail and road communications; XII Air Support Command fighter-bombers carry out strafing and bombing missions N and NE of Naples as Avellino falls to the US 3d Division. The 8th Troop Carrier Squadron, 62d Troop Carrier Group, transfers from Gela to Ponte Olivo, Sicily with C-47's. The detachment of the 111th Reconnaissance Squadron (Fighter), 68th Reconnaissance Group, operating from San Antonio, Sicily with P-51's transfers to Capaccio, Italy. The 416th Night Fighter Squadron, Twelfth Air Force, transfers from Lecce to Grottaglie, Italy with Beaufighters. SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force): In the Solomon Islands, 16 B-24's, covered by 20+ P-38's and P-40's and a few US Navy F4U's, pound the Kahili airfield area on Bougainville Island, hitting a supply and bivouac area NE of the strip. 6 B-25's bomb Kakasa on Choiseul Island. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force): In New Guinea, B-24's and B-25's fly light raids against Boela on Ceram Island in the Moluccas Islands; Sorong, New Guinea; and Manatuto on Timor Island. HQ 317th Troop Carrier Group transfers from Townsville, Queensland, Australia to Port Moresby, New Guinea. SOURCES: AIR FORCE COMBAT UNITS OF WORLD WAR II, Office of Air Force History, Headquarters USAF, 1961, ISBN 0-912799-02-1 COMBAT SQUADRONS OF THE AIR FORCE, WORLD WAR II, Office of Air Force History, Headquarters USAF 1982 THE ARMY AIR FORCES IN WORLD WAR II: COMBAT CHRONOLOGY, 1941-1945 by the Office of Air Force History, Headquarters USAF, 1973 THE MIGHTY EIGHTH WAR DIARY by Roger A. Freeman, ISBN 1-85409-071-2 Jack McKillop USAF (Airways and Air Communications Service) 1955-59 [email protected]