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US Air Service WW1 Victories Database
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Cauchon, Leo
Abernathy, Thomas
Adams, Morton
Aldrich, Perry
Alexander, Arthur
Alexander, Raymond
Alexander, Stirling
Allein, Henry
Allsopp, Clifford
Anderson, Charles
Andrews, Harold
Archer, Hassell
Armstrong, Henry
Armstrong, William
Arthur, Dogan
Ash, Thomas
Atwater, Benjamin
Austin, Richard
Avery, Stephen
Avery, Walter
Babcock, Philip
Backus, David
Badham, William
Baer, Paul
Bagby, Ralph
Bahl, James , Jr.
Bailey, Frederick
Bair, Hilbert
Baker, Edward
Baker, Hobart
Baker, John
Baker, William
Barksdale, Eugene
Bartholf, Herbert
Bates, Edmund
Baucom, Byrne
Baxter, George
Beane, James
Benell, Otto
Bennett, John C. Jr.
Beverly, Belmont
Biddle, Charles J
Biggs, Reuben
Billard, Arthur
Binley, Howard
Bissell, Clayton
Black, Edward
Blake, Charles
Bleecker, Lyman
Borchers, Fred
Boudwin, Joseph
Braid, William
Brewer, Leighton
Brewster, Hugh
Bridgman, Hugh
Bridgman, Raymond
Briggs, Henry
Bronson, Tyler
Brooks, Arthur
Brotherton, William
Brown, Ben
Brown, Edward
Brown, Mitchell
Buckley, Harold
Buford, Edward
Burdick, Howard
Burger, Valentine
Burwell, Paul
Butz, Thomas
Cady, Loris
Calkins, William
Callahan, Lawrence
Campbell, Douglas
Campbell, Jesse
Campbell, Morton
Carl, Pitt P. Jr.
Carney, Harry
Carpenter, Paul
Carr, Joseph
Carruthers, Louis
Carter, Arthur
Casgrain, Wilfred
Cassady, Thomas
Castleman, John
Cates, Robert
Chamberlin, Willard
Chambers, Reed
Chambers, Stuart
Chammess, William
Chapin, Roger
Chappell, Paul
Chase, Paul
Cheston, Galloway
Christian, Early
Clapp, Kenneth
Clark, Edwin
Clark, George S
Clay, Henry R. Jr.
Clements, William
Cline, Charles
Coates, Dana
Coleman, Dewitt
Coleman, Wallace
Collins, Bayard
Colson, Z
Colton, Samuel
Comegys, Edward
Comey, George
Comstock, Keyon
Conant, Rollis
Cone, J
Conover, Harvey
Converse, Robert
Cook, Everett
Cook, Harvey
Coolidge, Hamilton
Cooper, Alfred
Cooper, Leslie
Cooper, Merion
Cordes, Walter
Corley, James
Corse, Irving
Coryell, Ralph
Cosper, Lloyd
Cousins, John
Cowan, Royal
Cox, Paul
Coyle, Arthur
Craig, Alexander
Creech, Jesse
Crissey, John
Cullman, George
Cunnius, Percy
Curry, John
Curtin, John
Curtis, Edward
Dahringer, Homer
Davis, Richard
Dawson, Leo
Defrance, Smith
Delana, Edward
Derge, David
Devery, John
Dewitt, John
Diamond, Aubrey
Diekema, Willis
Dillon, Raymond
Dixon, Frank
Dolan, Charles H. Jr.
Dolive, Charles
Donaldson, John
Donaldson, Robert
Doolin, Bernard
Dorsey, George
Douglass, Kingman
Drew, Charles
Drummond, Frank
Duckstein, Arthur
Duncan, Asa
Easterbrook, Arthur
Eaton, Warren
Edwards, Brooke
Edwards, Philip
Elliot, Robert
Ellis, Arthur
Ellis, Robert
Ennis, Frank
Erwin, William
Este, J
Evans, J
Eypper, George
Faith, Clarence
Farnsworth, Thomas
Farnsworth, Thomas
Fay, Samuel
Feinstein, Herman
Ferrell, Enoch
Fershay, Harold
Fish, Farnam
Fisher, George
Fisher, Leroy
Fiske, Gardiner
Fleeson, Howard
Fleet, Charles
Folger, Harry
Follmer, Harold
Fontaine, Hugh
Forbes, Earl
Ford, Christopher
Ford, Christopher W
Forshay, Harold
Fort, Frank
Foss, F
Foster, Austin
Foster, Francis
Foster, Francis
Frank, William
Freeman, Harry
Frost, John
Fuller, Roswell
Fulton, Richard
Furlow, George
Gaillard, Samuel P. Jr.
Garlough, John
Garnsey, Edward
Garretson, Ray
Garver, John
Garvie, Hugh
Gastreich, Joseph
Gaylord, Bradley
George, Abram
George, Harold
Germer, Lester
Giles, Benjamin
Gill, Clarence
Goldthwaite, George
Goulding, William
Gracie, Ralph
Graham, Percy
Grant, Alfred
Grant, Sidney
Gravatt, Charles
Graveline, Fred
Green, M
Greene, Paul
Greer, Hal
Grey, Charles
Grier, Alexander
Grylls, Greveys
Gundelach, Andre
Guthrie, Murray
Guthrie, Ramon
Gwinn, Joseph M. Jr.
Haight, Edward
Hall, Herbert
Hall, James
Hall, James N
Hambleton, John
Hamilton, Lloyd
Hamlin, Bryan
Hammond, Bradley
Hammond, Leonard
Hardendorf, James
Harding, Lowell
Hardy, Eugene
Harrington, John
Harris, David
Hart, Floyd
Hart, Percival
Harter, Lester
Hartman, Ralph
Hartney, Harold
Hassinger, Philip
Hays, Frank
Healy, James
Heater, Charles
Heinrichs, Waldo
Herbert, Thomas
Herron, James
Hewitt, Ernest
Hexter, Avrone
Hicks, Samuel
Hieber, Milo
Hill, Maury
Hill, Robert
Hoeveler, William
Holden, Lansing
Holland, Spessard
Hoover, William
Hopkins, Stephens
Hopper, Bruce
Houghton, Earle
Howard, Sidney
Howe, David
Hubbard, Theodore
Hudson, Donald
Hudson, Henry
Hume, Henry
Hunter, Frank
Husted, Merle
Irving, Livingston
Jagoe, Walker
Jannopulo, Richard
Jebb, William T. Jr.
Jeffers, John
Jenks, Henry
Jervey, Thomas
Johnson, Clare
Johnson, Oliver
Jones, Arthur
Jones, Clinton
Jones, Eugene
Kaye, Samuel
Kearney, Thomas
Keating, James
Keesler, Samuel R. Jr.
Keith, Alexander
Kelly, Arthur
Kennedy, David
Kenney, George
Kenyon, Hugo
Kindley, Field
Kinney, Clair
Kinsley, Wilbert
Kirby, Maxwell
Knight, Duerson
Knotts, Howard
Knowles, James
Knox, Charles
Knox, Walter
Koepfgen, Leslie
La, Force
Laird, Clair
Lake, Horace
Lakin, Paul
Lambert, John
Landis, Reed
Landon, Edward
Larner, G
Lauer, Willard
Lawrence, Mortimer M
Lawson, Walter
Lee, John
Lennon, Thomas
Leonard, Edmond
Likely, Robert
Lindsay, Robert
Lindsey, Leon
Lindsley, Henry D. Jr.
Little, Raymond
Loomis, Henry
Lowe, William
Luff, Frederick
Luke, Frank
Lunt, Samuel
Lurie, Hyman
Lyman, A
Macarthur, John
Macdonald, Edward
Macdonald, Hunter
Mallory, Joseph B
Mandel, Oscar
Mandell, Samuel
Manning, James
Matheson, Kenneth
Mathews, Alexander
Mathews, Richard
Maughan, Russell
Maxwell, Charles
Maynard, William
Mccarthy, Walter
Mcclung, Carroll
Mcclure, David
Mccordic, Fletcher
Mccormick, Vaughn
Mccoun, M
Mccubbin, Eugene
Mcdermott, Cleveland
Mcdougall, Harry
Mcfadden, Harvey
Mcgehee, James
Mckay, Elmore
Mckay, James
Mckeon, John
Mckeon, John
Mckeown, Stuart
Mckinnon, John
Mclanahan, Alexander
Mclean, Charles
Mclennan, John
Mcmurry, Ora
Meissner, James
Melican, George
Mell, Patrick
Merrick, Charles
Merrill, George
Merrill, John
Merrill, Linn
Meyer, Rollin
Meyers, Harold
Miller, John
Miller, Zenos
Milner, John
Mitchell, George
Mitchell, John
Monroe, Charles
Moore, Thomas
Moran, William
Moreland, William
Moriarty, Louis
Moseley, Corliss
Moy, Gordon
Munn, William
Murphy, Robert
Myers, Oscar
Nathan, Joseph H. Jr.
Neidecker, Bertrande
Nelson, Carlyle
Nelson, Paul
Nevius, Ruliff
Newbury, Frank J. Jr.
Newell, Arthur
Newell, James
Noonan, Thomas
Nordhoff, Charles
Norris, Sigbert
Norton, Frederick
Nutt, Alan
Oatis, Vincent
Oberst, Clair
Ocock, Albert
Odonnell, Paul
Ohrstrom, George L
Oliver, Bennett
Oneill, Ralph
Osmun, John
Owens, John
Oyster, Norman
Page, Richard
Palmer, William
Pancoast, Henry
Parks, Victor
Parrott, Edmund
Parry, Maxwell
Paskill, Reuben
Patterson, Alfred B. Jr.
Patton, James
Payson, Philip
Payton, Robert
Peak, Lawrence
Peck, Roy
Pedler, Russel
Pegues, Josiah
Perry, George
Peters, Sidney
Peterson, David
Phelan, Richard
Phillips, George
Plush, Lewis
Pointer, Henry
Poler, Donald
Ponder, William
Pope, John
Popperfuss, Henry
Porter, Charles
Porter, Earl
Porter, Kenneth
Porter, Robert
Posey, John
Potter, William
Powell, Leon
Powell, Lyle
Powers, Leo
Presley, Curtis
Pressler, Warren
Preston, Glen
Preston, Harry
Puryear, George
Putnam, David
Pyne, Percy
Quinn, John
Rabe, Louis
Raible, Joseph
Ralston, Orville
Rancourt, John
Rath, Howard
Raymond, Robert F. Jr.
Ream, George
Redfield, John
Reedy, George
Reynolds, John
Rhenstron, Elmer
Rhinelander, Philip
Richards, Earl
Richards, John
Richardson, Glenn
Richardson, James
Richardson, Roland
Rickenbacker, Edward
Riley, Harold
Ring, Thomas
Roberts, Ivan
Roberts, Merideth
Robertson, George
Robertson, Wendel
Rohrer, Loren
Rollins, James
Roosevelt, Quentin
Rorison, Harmon
Rowland, Roger
Rubel, James
Rucker, Edward W. Jr.
Rummell, Leslie
Sanderhoff, Raymond
Sayre, Harold
Schary, Harry
Schauffler, William
Schelly, Ralph
Schenck, Alexander
Schmitt, R
Schneider, Albert
Schock, Leland
Schoen, Karl
Schricker, John
Schultz, George
Sclotzhauer, Harry
Scott, Richard M. Jr.
Scroggie, Eugene
Search, Hendrick
Seaver, Arthur
Seerley, John
Seevers, Raymond
Seibold, George
Sewall, Sumner
Shaffer, Harry
Shaw, Erwin
Shearman, William
Shelby, Richard
Sherry, Alden
Shidler, Horace
Shoemaker, Harold
Showalter, Floyd
Sieper, Frederick
Signer, John
Simon, Louis C. Jr.
Simonds, Francis
Slauson, Charles
Smart, Lawrence
Smith, Albert
Smith, Howard
Smith, Perry
Smith, Philip
Smith, Ray
Smith, Walter
Snoke, Ralph
Spaatz, Carl
Spaatz, Carl
Sparks, Wiley
Sperry, John
Springs, Elliott
Stahl, Walter
Stanley, Gilbert
Starkey, Henry
Steele, Richard
Stenseth, Martinus
Stephenson, Maccrea
Stephenson, Wayne
Stevens, John
Stewart, Robert
Stewart, William
Stickney, Henry
Stier, Hugh
Stiles, Robert
Stivers, Gerald
Stokes, John Y. Jr.
Stovall, William
Strahm, Victor
Strauch, Harry
Stuart, William
Summersett, James A. Jr.
Sumner, Harlan
Sutherland, Paul
Swaab, Jacques
Swinebread, Albert
Taylor, Everett
Taylor, Raymond
Taylor, Thorne
Taylor, William
Ten, Eyck
Thaw, William
Thompson, Hugh
Thompson, Stephen
Thompson, Stephen W
Thrall, Loren
Tipton, William
Tobin, Edgar
Todd, Robert
Todd, Van
Tolchan, Alexander
Townes, Robert
Treadwell, Alvin
Trimble, J
Turnbull, Lewis
Turner, Henry E. Jr.
Turnure, George E. Jr.
Tyndall, Frank
Tytus, William
Urband, Edward
Usher, George
Vail, William
Van, Heuvel
Vann, Grover
Vasconcells, Jerry
Vaughn, George
Vernam, Remington
Vernam, Remington
Waddell, Joseph
Wallis, James E. Jr.
Wanser, Paul
Ward, Lawrence
Waring, William
Warner, Donald
Waters, George
Way, Pennington
Weatherhead, Albert J. Jr.
Weaver, A
Wehner, Joseph
Weimer, J
Weirick, Arthur
Wells, Horace
Wells, Roe
Wengert, Charles
Wentworth, John
West, Karl
Wetherbee, Ross
Wheeler, Curtis
White, Sidney
White, Wilbert
Whiting, George
Wicks, Glenn
Wilcox, Charles
Williams, Bertram
Williams, Rodney
Willis, John T. Jr.
Winslow, Alan
Winslow, Paul
Wise, George
Wise, Solomon
Wiser, Guy
Woitishek, Louis
Wood, Harry
Woodard, Granville
Wooley, Charles
Woolfolk, Albert
Wright, Chester
Wyly, Lawrence
Yates, James
Young, Cecil
Young, David
Young, John
Zistell, Errol
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