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Vitz Memorial Archive: Allied Victims of Axis Murders

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Data derived from many sources. Corrections/Additions requested through Helpdesk

GENEVA CONVENTION AS APPLICABLE TO 1939 - 1945 (Part 1 Article 2)
'Prisoners of war are in the power of the hostile Government, but not of the individuals or formation which captured them.
They shall at all times be humanely treated and protected, particularly against acts of violence, from insults and from public curiosity.
Measures of reprisal against them are forbidden.'

The data in this database is largely based on a list of Allied airmen murders collected by the late Willi Wachholz. He published his findings on a web site which is no longer available. Traugott Vitz found Mr Wachholz's list in the web archive when he co-authored a book on 'Hangmen At War' which included several airmen murder cases where the culprits were hanged. He then added to this list based on his own research using the 'Review and Recommendations' papers of the US war crime trials held at Dachau, and (British) National Archive files. These sources were also used to note and correct errors in Mr Wachholz's list. Researchers of airmen casualties within the borders of present-day Austria (which was incorporated into the German Reich in 1938) may perhaps appreciate the Memorial Book of all members of the American and British/Allied Air Forces killed in the air war in that area which was published by two Austrian researchers, in 2016, under the title 'Missing in Action - Failed to Return', freely downloadable in bilingual German/English.

In the course of our continuing research by Traugott Vitz and Ralph Snape it has become clear that the Archive should not restrict itself to air force personnel and accordingly we also cover cases involving other services as well as civilians.

Many cases are covered in more detail than in the Notes accompanying this database. A list of such cases may be found here. (Note that this list contains entries in the Pacific Theatre of Operations, which is outside the scope of the Vitz Memorial Archive.)
All Unknown Allied Air Force victims killed in Germany Search for ALLIEDGER
All British Army victims killed in Germany Search for BritArmyGER
All British Army victims killed outside Germany Search for BritArmyOUT
All Free French Air Force victims killed in Germany Search for FFAFGER
All Norwegian Air Force victims killed in Germany Search for NAFGER
All Polish Air Force victims killed in Germany Search for PAFGER
All Polish Air Force victims killed outside Germany Search for PAFOUT
All RAAF victims killed in Germany Search for RAAFGER
All RAAF victims killed outside Germany Search for RAAFOUT
All RAF victims killed in Germany Search for RAFGER
All RAF victims killed outside Germany Search for RAFOUT
All RCAF victims killed in Germany Search for RCAFGER
All RCAF victims killed outside Germany Search for RCAFOUT
All Royal Hellenic Air Force victims killed outside Germany Search for RHAFOUT
All RNZAF victims killed in Germany Search for RNZAFGER
All South African Air Force victims killed in Germany Search for SAAFGER
All South African Air Force victims killed outside Germany Search for SAAFOUT
All SOE killed outside Germany Search for SOEOUT
All USAAF victims killed in Germany Search for USAAFGER
All USAAF victims killed outside Germany Search for USAAFOUT
All US Army killed in Germany Search for USArmyGER
All US Army killed outside Germany Search for USArmyOUT

In the main trials were held under United States, British or Canadian jurisdictions. However, two were held under Federal Republic of Germany jurisdiction. These may be found through a Search for FedRepGer.

Click the Names button to see the spelling of all names in the database.

You can Search for a Name and when you see his Unit/Aircraft Number you can then Search on the Aircraft number to see the fate of any crew members. For further information on an individual, check our other databases.

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Links are provided where more information has been found. Where you see Notes this link will take you to supplementary information we have found on the individual. Review and Recommendations Trial Papers for most cases are available via the Helpdesk.

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These are the results of your search:

You searched for: “rafger

#NameFirst NamesRankService NumberCategory CodeCategoryUnit/Aircraft NumberTrial ByCase NumberDateOfDeathPlace-of-DeathName(s) of Perpetrator(s)ExecutionDatePhotosRemarksLinks
1 MansellStephane Peter AnthonyF/O150982RAFGER Member of Royal Air Force, killed in Germany Glider #293BritainWO 235/381945-03-2946342 Velen[imprisonment]-.-
2 RobinsonAlan KennethFlt Sgt2206328RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyNG186 A4-OBritainWO 235/4971945-03-0899628 Buttstädt[2 defendants, both acquitted]-.-
3 PriceStanley JohnSgt2209960RAFGERMember of the Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyNP953 C8-GNonenone1945-02-15Pockau[investigation file names an accused who was never tried]-.-Brit. Nat. Archive Kew holds investigation file WO 309/1296.
4 PercivalEdward ArthurFlt Sgt1263001RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyHB799 BU-KBritainWO 235/2351945-03-1775181 (Pforzheim-)HuchenfeldHans Christian Knab, Max Köchlin, Wilhelm Niklaus (plus Friedrich Hauser [WO 235/420] on 26/02/1948)1947-01-23

Image courtesy Oleg Marin

5 MorrisRobertSgt3020201RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyNE119 LQ-PBritainWO 235/4061945-03-1538707 AltenauOtto Fricke1948-01-29
6 MilnerLeonFg Off160860RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyPB542 AR-D2BritainWO 235/561944-12-1345149 EssenErich Heyer, Johann Braschoß (plus Franz Kircher [WO 235/86] on 15/05/46)1946-03-08Image courtesy Marc Hall and Sean Feast.
Commemorated at Runnymede, panel 208
7 MawsonHarrySgt1591864RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyPB554 6O-MBritainWO 235/561944-12-1345149 EssenErich Heyer, Johann Braschoß (plus Franz Kircher [WO 235/86] on 15/05/46)1946-03-08Image courtesy Marc Hall and Sean Feast.
Buried Reichswald Forest War Cemetery 13.E.13
8 MatthewsSidney ClaydenFlt Lt142217RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyHB799 BU-KBritainWO 235/2351945-03-1775181 (Pforzheim-)HuchenfeldHans Christian Knab, Max Köchlin, Wilhelm Niklaus (plus Friedrich Hauser [WO 235/420] on 26/02/1948)1947-01-23

Image courtesy Oleg Marin

9 MartinezMarianoFlight Sergeant1392648RAFGER Member of Royal Air Force, killed in Germany NG296 QJ-DFedRepGerSchwurgericht Limburg/Lahn, 2 Ks 1/501944-12-0635614 Oberlemp (in the woods near O.) [Chief suspect acquitted for lack of evidence] -.-
10 SandersDanielSgt1196410RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyBK804 WP-JNONEno trial1943-06-2347139 Duisburg[3 suspects]-.-
11 LudlowCyril JohnSgt1863182RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyME864 DX-EBritainWO 235/4211944-07-2975177 (Pforzheim-)Eutingen[Chief suspects suicide; remaining two accused acquitted - lack of evidence]-.-
12 LivingstoneJames KeithFlt Lt155465RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyNG197 PO-GBritainWO 235/3851945-02-0156587 (Rengsdorf-)StraßenhausCornelius Kayser1947-11-14
13 LittleDerek ArthurFltSgt1802092RAFGER Member of Royal Air Force, killed in Germany PB187 AR:EBritainWO 235/4681945-03-1247139 Duisburg-Beeck[One death sentence commuted to Life; one Life sentence shortened to 21 yrs]-.- Identification of victim by historic research. See Notes.
14 LindenboomKevin PatrickFlt Sgt1293195RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyLW168 DY-ONONEno trial1944-12-2447798 Krefeld[suspect unfit for prison, died before trial]-.-War Crime investigation file at WO 309/284 and WO 309/1345
15 Leigh Thomas BarkerFlt Lt46462RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyGreat EscapeBritainWO 235/5731944-03-3102826 Görlitz (vicinity)[2 accused: one death sentence, quashed on review; one acquitted]-.-50 Air Force officers, recaptured after escape from Stalag Luft III Sagan, were shot by Gestapo upon Hitler's personal orders. They are marked "Great Escape" instead of their former airplane number.
16 HunterGeoffrey Colin DevasFlt Lt126596RAFGERMember of RAF, killed in GermanyMM231no trial foundWO 309/2216 [Investigation]1944-09-1819205 (Holdorf-)Meetzen[name of suspect known]-.-Buried Berlin 1939-1945 War Cem. 6. H. 27
Relevant Kew files: TS 26/613; WO 309/106; WO 309/804; WO 309/1012; WO 309/2216
17 HumphreysEdgar SpottiswoodeFlt Lt44177RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyGreat EscapeNONEno trial1944-03-3102826 Görlitz (vicinity)[no one ever formally charged with victim's death]-.-50 Air Force officers, recaptured after escape from Stalag Luft III Sagan, were shot by Gestapo upon Hitler's personal orders. They are marked "Great Escape" instead of their former airplane number.
18 FilekJacekSgtP780727RAFGerMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyNG501BritainWO 235/1141945-03-02Cologne (Köln), Germany[8 years imprisonment for mistreatment]-.-
19 HewittKenneth WilliamPlt Off183777RAFGerMember of the Royal Air Force, killed inside GermanyPB141 6O-FNoneWO 309/2381944-12-23Köln-EhrenfeldChief suspect killed in action 1945-04-10.-.-Buried Heverlee War Cemetery 10. D. 9. Mentioned in Sean Feast "Heroic Endeavour" (2006)
20 WynessDrew Rothwell CullenSqn Ldr103028RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyNG180 KC-SBritainWO 235/4641944-10-0779415 Rheinweiler[main suspect fled before trial]-.-
21 WoodrowRoy WilliamFg Off175154RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyNF926 HA-XBritainWO 235/3871944-12-3142655 Solingen[accused was found not guilty]-.-
22 WoodEdward FrederickSgt181621RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyLM742 PG-SBritainWO 235/339ff1944-11-0648432 Rheine[no one convicted of this victim's death]-.-
23 WilliamsRonald HenryFlt Lt126045RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyNG180 KC-SBritainWO 235/4641944-10-0779415 Rheinweiler[main suspect fled before trial]-.-
24 WilliamsJames GeorgeFlt Sgt1891702RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyMZ871 DY-GBritainWO 235/2271944-12-2441460 NeussJohannes Esser1947-01-23No known grave.
25 WebbCyril StanleySgt162973RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyME595 QR-YBritainWO 235/3881944-10-1838112 Völkenrode (b. Braunschweig)Hermann Dinge, Georg Gawliczek, Josef Bussem1947-11-14Image courtesy Marc Hall.
26 WatsonWilliam NeilSgt1568847RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyNF926 HA-XBritainWO 235/3871944-12-3142655 SolingenFritz Schulze1947-11-14
27 HughesDonald JohnFlt Sgt1873494RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyNG352 EA-JBritainWO 235/1401945-03-1897286 SommerhausenJosef Axt (shot at Werl)1946-08-23In US Case 12-3193 B, charge 4, Kriminalrat Kurt Hans (chief of CID Würzburg) and Kriminalrat Dr. Richard Schulze were sentenced to death for their part in this murder. They were reprieved.
28 VinallJames WilliamFg Off169518RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyHB799 BU-KBritainWO 235/2351945-03-1875180 (Pforzheim-)DillweißensteinHans Christian Knab, Max Köchlin, Wilhelm Niklaus (plus Friedrich Hauser [WO 235/420] on 26/02/1948)1947-01-23
29 TaylorJack HardyFlt Lt123032RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanySW415 (182 Ftr Sq)BritainWO 235/611945-02-2849163 BohmteAugust Bühning, Friedrich König1946-03-08
30 TalesJohn HenryPlt Off186308RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyPD374 HA-CBritainWO 235/333f1944-11-0846509 (Xanten-)Röschen[imprisonment]-.-
31 Slade-BettsKenneth GordonFg Off175509RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyJN803BritainWO 235/339ff1944-12-3148432 Rheine[evidence showed: no murder case; cause of death: multiple burns]-.-
32 SibleyCyril WilliamSgt1898606RAFGER Member of Royal Air Force, killed in Germany MZ351 MP-XBritainWO 235/1831945-02-2167246 DirmsteinAdolf Wolfert, Georg Hartleb 1946-10-11
On 27/03/2009, the people of Dirmstein set this Stumbling Stone in remembrance of Sgt. Sibley.
33 ScottPeterFlt Lt169005RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyNG186 A4-OBritainWO 235/4971945-03-0899628 Buttstädt[2 defendants, both acquitted]-.-
34 ScottJohnSgt644319RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyPD264 DX-KBritainWO 235/3951944-12-0735075 Gladenbach[Death sentence commuted to 20 years]-.-
35 CrossIan Kingston PembrokeSqn Ldr39305RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyGreat EscapeBritainWO 235/5731944-03-3102826 Görlitz (vicinity)[2 accused: one death sentence, quashed on review; one acquitted]-.-

Portrait by Eric Kennington
50 Air Force officers, recaptured after escape from Stalag Luft III Sagan, were shot by Gestapo upon Hitler's personal orders. They are marked "Great Escape" instead of their former airplane number.
36 EvansBrian HerbertFlt Lt42745RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyGreat Escape (A/C: P4404)NONEno trial1944-03-3102826 Görlitz (vicinity)[no one ever formally charged with victim's death]-.-50 Air Force officers, recaptured after escape from Stalag Luft III Sagan, were shot by Gestapo upon Hitler's personal orders.
37 EdwardsWilliam JamesPlt Off195404RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyRG529 KN-C1945-03-19-.-Plt Off Edwards was for some time thought to be victim of a war crime ("Opladen Case"). However it is far more likely that this crime concerned three RCAF airmen.
38 DoyleJoseph WilliamSgt1588990RAFGER Member of Royal Air Force, killed in Germany ED708 ZN-NONEno trial found1943-07-2820538 (Hamburg-)Veddel [suspect known, outcome unknown] -.-War Crime investigation file at WO 309/2158
39 DelieuAlbert WilliamFg Off154385RAFGERMember of the Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyPB780 IQ-TnoneWO 309/10851945-02-2375242 Neuhausen (Enzkreis)unknown-.--.-Crew comrade saw his bloodstained and cut uniform and believed he was killed while PoW. Fruitless investigation by the US.
40 DavisJohn ClementFlt Sgt1814561RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyPB853 IQ-PBritainWO 235/1531945-03-24 44803 (Bochum-)LaerFriedrich Fischer (death sentence) and others (imprisonment)1946-10-11
41 CuthbertsonFrederick WilliamWO1090342RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyR7771 (182 Ftr Sq)BritainWO 235/611945-02-2849163 BohmteFriedrich König, August Bühning1946-03-08
42 CrowArthur MauriceFlt Lt116137RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyNS791 540 Sq.BritainWO 235/851944-12-2929364 LanglingenHeinrich Friedrich Uhrig1946-05-15
43 CrossleyErnestPlt Off185784RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyKB782 NA-HBritainWO 235/3511944-11-0542651 Solingen[Death sentence commuted to 20 years]-.-
44 FieldenJohnFg Off141154RAFGERMember of RAF, killed in GermanyMM231no trial foundWO 309/2216 [investigation]1944-09-1819205 (Holdorf-)Meetzen[name of suspect known]-.-Buried Berlin 1939-1945 War Cem. 6. H. 28
Relevant Kew files: TS 26/613; WO 309/106; WO 309/804; WO 309/1012; WO 309/2216
45 CaseyMichael JamesFlt Lt39024RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyGreat EscapeBritainWO 235/5731944-03-3102826 Görlitz (vicinity)[2 accused: one death sentence, quashed on review; one acquitted]-.-50 Air Force officers, recaptured after escape from Stalag Luft III Sagan, were shot by Gestapo upon Hitler's personal orders. They are marked "Great Escape" instead of their former airplane number.
46 CarleyHenry JosephPlt Off195101RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyMZ932 DT-ZBritainWO 235/4651945-03-0834454 Bad Arolsen[acquittal: "shot while escaping" could not be refuted]-.-
47 BushellRoger JoyceSqn Ldr90120RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyGreat EscapeBritainWO 235/424-4321944-03-2966877 RamsteinEmil Schulz1948-02-26He was one of 50 Air Force officers, recaptured after escape from Stalag Luft III Sagan, and shot by Gestapo upon Hitler's personal orders.
48 BrysonCharles Kenneth LesbirelFlt Lt112710RAFGERMember of RAF, killed in GermanyT5164 DM-O-.-TS 26/4491945-04-0927412 Westertimke[unknown camp guard, suspicious circumstances]-.-
49 BloomfieldAlec PeterFlt Sgt1604008RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyMZ806 DT-RBritainWO 235/3571944-11-2164732 Bad König[actual killers dead; imprisonment for others]-.-
50 BartonJohnSgt1622233RAFGERMember of RAF, killed in GermanyNG330BritainWO 235/1331944-12-3142799 Leichlingen[A policeman; acquitted. Justifiable homicide could not be ruled out.]-.-Buried Rheinberg XI.D.18
51 ArmstrongAlexanderFlt Sgt1567638RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyMZ348 MH-DBritainWO 235/821945-03-2248477 DreierwaldeWilhelm Scharschmidt, Bruno Böttcher, Otto Bopf, Hermann Lommes, Ludwig Land, Emil Günther (plus Karl Amberger [WO 235/84])1946-05-15
52 GunnRichard FrancisSgt1721922RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyMZ348 MH-DBritainWO 235/821945-03-2248477 DreierwaldeWilhelm Scharschmidt, Bruno Böttcher, Otto Bopf, Hermann Lommes, Ludwig Land, Emil Günther (plus Karl Amberger [WO 235/84])1946-05-15
53 HoweRalph SidneyWO1034631RAFGERMember of the Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyNG186 A4-ONONEno trial1945-03-1599628 Buttstädt[suspected: unnamed German physician]-.-Suspicious circumstances surrounding death. British National Archives hold investigation files WO309/338 and /1251.
54 HorseyHarry AlfredFg Off186751RAFGERMember of the Royal Air Force, killed in GermanySN138 W2-NBritainWO 235/491945-04-0326219 Bösel[Imprisonment]-.-
55 HonigHerbert WalterFg Off15110RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyNG180 KC-SBritainWO 235/4641944-10-0779415 Rheinweiler[chief suspect fled before trial]-.-
56 HislopEdwardPlt Off187942RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyLW168 DY-ONONEno trial1944-12-2447809 Krefeld[suspect killed himself in prison while awaiting trial]-.-War Crime investigation files at WO 309/284 and WO 309/1345
57 HarrisGilbert JohnSgt1852682RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyLM213 PH-GBritainWO 235/339ff1944-01-1648432 RheineHeinz Stellpflug, Friedrich Hochstätter1947-09-05
58 HammondReginaldSgt1335044RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyBK804 WP-JNONEno trial1943-06-2347139 Duisburg[3 suspects]-.-
59 HallGordon AlbertFg Off149916RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyHB799 BU-KBritainWO 235/2351945-03-1775181 (Pforzheim-)HuchenfeldHans Christian Knab, Max Köchlin, Wilhelm Niklaus (plus Friedrich Hauser [WO 235/420] on 26/02/1948)1947-01-23

Image courtesy Oleg Marin

60 Hales Richard BenjaminSgt1810455RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyMZ806 DT-RBritainWO 235/3571944-11-2164732 Bad König[chief suspects dead; imprisonment for others]-.-
61 AppleyardRobertFg Off182177RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyNG186 A4-ONONEno trial1945-03-0899439 Vippachedelhausen[main suspect killed late in the war]-.-War Crime investigation file probably related to this murder at WO 309/1271.
62 GunnAlistair Donald MackintoshFlt Lt60340RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyGreat EscapeNONEno trial1944-04-0602826 Görlitz (vicinity)[no one ever formally charged with victim's death]-.-50 Air Force officers, recaptured after escape from Stalag Luft III Sagan, were shot by Gestapo upon Hitler's personal orders. They are marked "Great Escape" instead of their former airplane number.
63 GrundyKennethSgt1892367RAFGER Member of Royal Air Force, killed in Germany PB187 AR:EBritainWO 235/4681945-03-1247139 Duisburg-Beeck[One death sentence commuted to Life; one Life sentence shortened to 21 yrs]-.- Identification of victim by historic research. See Notes.
64 GrismanWilliam JackFlt Lt45148RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyGreat EscapeNONEno trial1944-04-0602826 Görlitz (vicinity)[no one ever formally charged with victim's death]-.-50 Air Force officers, recaptured after escape from Stalag Luft III Sagan, were shot by Gestapo upon Hitler's personal orders. They are marked "Great Escape" instead of their former airplane number.
65 GrahamNewellSgt1289237RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyBK804 WP-JNONEno trial1943-06-2347139 Duisburg[3 suspects]-.-Image courtesy Marc Hall and Sean Feast.
Commemorated at Runnymede, panel 206
67 FryArthur GeorgeSgt2235922RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyJA857 PM-M-.-WO 309/133 (investigation file)1945-03-0899610 Vogelsberg[allegedly a local policeman]-.-
68 FrostHaroldFg Off169864RAFGERMember of Royal Air Force, killed in GermanyHB799 BU-KBritainWO 235/2351945-03-1775181 (Pforzheim-)HuchenfeldHans Christian Knab, Max Köchlin, Wilhelm Niklaus (plus Friedrich Hauser [WO 235/420] on 26/02/1948)1947-01-23