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Vitz Memorial Archive: Allied Victims of Axis Murders

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Data derived from many sources. Corrections/Additions requested through Helpdesk

GENEVA CONVENTION AS APPLICABLE TO 1939 - 1945 (Part 1 Article 2)
'Prisoners of war are in the power of the hostile Government, but not of the individuals or formation which captured them.
They shall at all times be humanely treated and protected, particularly against acts of violence, from insults and from public curiosity.
Measures of reprisal against them are forbidden.'

The data in this database is largely based on a list of Allied airmen murders collected by the late Willi Wachholz. He published his findings on a web site which is no longer available. Traugott Vitz found Mr Wachholz's list in the web archive when he co-authored a book on 'Hangmen At War' which included several airmen murder cases where the culprits were hanged. He then added to this list based on his own research using the 'Review and Recommendations' papers of the US war crime trials held at Dachau, and (British) National Archive files. These sources were also used to note and correct errors in Mr Wachholz's list. Researchers of airmen casualties within the borders of present-day Austria (which was incorporated into the German Reich in 1938) may perhaps appreciate the Memorial Book of all members of the American and British/Allied Air Forces killed in the air war in that area which was published by two Austrian researchers, in 2016, under the title 'Missing in Action - Failed to Return', freely downloadable in bilingual German/English.

In the course of our continuing research by Traugott Vitz and Ralph Snape it has become clear that the Archive should not restrict itself to air force personnel and accordingly we also cover cases involving other services as well as civilians.

Many cases are covered in more detail than in the Notes accompanying this database. A list of such cases may be found here. (Note that this list contains entries in the Pacific Theatre of Operations, which is outside the scope of the Vitz Memorial Archive.)
All Unknown Allied Air Force victims killed in Germany Search for ALLIEDGER
All British Army victims killed in Germany Search for BritArmyGER
All British Army victims killed outside Germany Search for BritArmyOUT
All Free French Air Force victims killed in Germany Search for FFAFGER
All Norwegian Air Force victims killed in Germany Search for NAFGER
All Polish Air Force victims killed in Germany Search for PAFGER
All Polish Air Force victims killed outside Germany Search for PAFOUT
All RAAF victims killed in Germany Search for RAAFGER
All RAAF victims killed outside Germany Search for RAAFOUT
All RAF victims killed in Germany Search for RAFGER
All RAF victims killed outside Germany Search for RAFOUT
All RCAF victims killed in Germany Search for RCAFGER
All RCAF victims killed outside Germany Search for RCAFOUT
All Royal Hellenic Air Force victims killed outside Germany Search for RHAFOUT
All RNZAF victims killed in Germany Search for RNZAFGER
All South African Air Force victims killed in Germany Search for SAAFGER
All South African Air Force victims killed outside Germany Search for SAAFOUT
All SOE killed outside Germany Search for SOEOUT
All USAAF victims killed in Germany Search for USAAFGER
All USAAF victims killed outside Germany Search for USAAFOUT
All US Army killed in Germany Search for USArmyGER
All US Army killed outside Germany Search for USArmyOUT

In the main trials were held under United States, British or Canadian jurisdictions. However, two were held under Federal Republic of Germany jurisdiction. These may be found through a Search for FedRepGer.

Click the Names button to see the spelling of all names in the database.

You can Search for a Name and when you see his Unit/Aircraft Number you can then Search on the Aircraft number to see the fate of any crew members. For further information on an individual, check our other databases.

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Links are provided where more information has been found. Where you see Notes this link will take you to supplementary information we have found on the individual. Review and Recommendations Trial Papers for most cases are available via the Helpdesk.

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These are the results of your search:

You searched for: “rafout

#NameFirst NamesRankService NumberCategory CodeCategoryUnit/Aircraft NumberTrial ByCase NumberDateOfDeathPlace-of-DeathName(s) of Perpetrator(s)ExecutionDatePhotosRemarksLinks
1 MilfordHarold JohnFlt Lt103586RAFOUTMember of Royal Air Force, killed outside GermanyGreat EscapeNONEno trial1944-04-06P 50-041 Wrocław (vicinity)[no one ever formally charged with victim's death]-.-50 Air Force officers, recaptured after escape from Stalag Luft III Sagan, were shot by Gestapo upon Hitler's personal orders. They are marked "Great Escape" instead of their former airplane number.
2 ClarkDenisFlt Lt119758RAFOUTMember of Royal Air Force, killed outside GermanyAG346-.-WO 219/50531944-08-25F 27910 Les HoguesSS-Obersturmführer Eugen Gutemann and some NCOs belonging to Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler-.-
3 RigbyRichardFlt Sgt1107517RAFOUTMember of the Royal Air Force, killed outside GermanyHR134 DM-ZnoneWO 309/1275 and /96 [investigation]1944-06-30off Sainte-Marine, Brittany, France[suspects known by name]-.-Case closed in August 1948 for lack of evidence.
4 TongeWalterPlt Off176020RAFOUTMember of the Royal Air Force, killed outside GermanyHR134 DM-ZnoneWO 309/1275 and /96 [investigation]1944-06-30off Sainte-Marine, Brittany, France[suspects known by name]-.-Case closed in August 1948 for lack of evidence.
5 WilliamsJohn FrancisFlt Lt106173RAFOUTMember of Royal Air Force, killed outside GermanyGreat EscapeNONEno trial1944-04-06P 68-100 Żagań (vicinity)[no one ever formally charged with victim's death]-.-
50 Air Force officers, recaptured after escape from Stalag Luft III Sagan, were shot by Gestapo upon Hitler's personal orders. They are marked "Great Escape" instead of their former airplane number.
6 WilliamsJohn Edwin AshleySqn Ldr40652RAFOUTMember of Royal Air Force, killed outside GermanyGreat EscapeNONEno trial1944-03-29CZ 460 01 Liberec[no one ever formally charged with victim's death]-.-50 Air Force officers, recaptured after escape from Stalag Luft III Sagan, were shot by Gestapo upon Hitler's personal orders. They are marked "Great Escape" instead of their former airplane number.
7 WalkerRonald ArthurFlt Lt149550RAFOUTMember of Royal Air Force, killed outside GermanyND551OL-VBritainWO 235/3451944-07-09Tilburg, NetherlandsKarl Paul Schwanz, Albert Rösener, Karl Cremer, Michael Rotschopf1947-09-05
8 WalennGilbert WilliamFlt Lt.73022RAFOUTMember of Royal Air Force, killed outside GermanyGreat EscapeBritainWO 235/5731944-03-29P 64-610 Pruśce (vicinity)[Death sentence commuted to term of imprisonment]-.-50 Air Force officers, recaptured after escape from Stalag Luft III Sagan, were shot by Gestapo upon Hitler's personal orders. They are marked "Great Escape" instead of their former airplane number.
9 ValentaArnostFlt Lt82532RAFOUTMember of Royal Air Force, killed outside GermanyGreat EscapeNONEno trial1944-03-31P 59-220 Legnica (vicinity) (?)[no one ever formally charged with victim's death]-.-50 Air Force officers, recaptured after escape from Stalag Luft III Sagan, were shot by Gestapo upon Hitler's personal orders. They are marked "Great Escape" instead of their former airplane number.
10 SwainCyril DouglasFlt Lt37658RAFOUTMember of Royal Air Force, killed outside GermanyGreat EscapeNONEno trial1944-03-31P 59-220 Legnica (vicinity) (?)[no one ever formally charged with victim's death]-.-50 Air Force officers, recaptured after escape from Stalag Luft III Sagan, were shot by Gestapo upon Hitler's personal orders. They are marked "Great Escape" instead of their former airplane number.
11 StreetDenys OliverFg Off123026RAFOUTMember of Royal Air Force, killed outside GermanyGreat EscapeNONEno trial1944-04-06P 50-041 Wrocław (vicinity) (?)[no one ever formally charged with victim's death]-.-50 Air Force officers, recaptured after escape from Stalag Luft III Sagan, were shot by Gestapo upon Hitler's personal orders. They are marked "Great Escape" instead of their former airplane number.
12 StowerJohn GiffordFg Off107520RAFOUTMember of Royal Air Force, killed outside GermanyGreat EscapeNONEno trial1944-03-31P 50-500 Jelenia Gora (vicinity) (?)[no one ever formally charged with victim's death]-.-50 Air Force officers, recaptured after escape from Stalag Luft III Sagan, were shot by Gestapo upon Hitler's personal orders. They are marked "Great Escape" instead of their former airplane number.
13 StewartRobert CampbellFg Off130452RAFOUTMember of Royal Air Force, killed outside GermanyGreat EscapeNONEno trial1944-03-31P 59-220 Legnica (vicinity) (?)[no one ever formally charged with victim's death]-.-50 Air Force officers, recaptured after escape from Stalag Luft III Sagan, were shot by Gestapo upon Hitler's personal orders. They are marked "Great Escape" instead of their former airplane number.
14 PicardHenri AlbertFlt Lt87693RAFOUTMember of Royal Air Force, killed outside GermanyGreat EscapeBritainWO 235/5731944-03-29P 83-034 Trąbki Wielkie (vicinity)[Death sentence commuted to term of imprisonment]-.-

50 Air Force officers, recaptured after escape from Stalag Luft III Sagan, were shot by Gestapo upon Hitler's personal orders. They are marked "Great Escape" instead of their former airplane number.
15 BanksArthurSgt1607992RAFOUTMember of RAF, killed outside Germany112 Sdn.BritainWO 235/2521944-12-20I 45012 Ariano Nel Polesine[imprisonment between 20 and 5 yrs for 5 accused, 6 acquittals]-.-Sgt Banks was posthumously awarded the George Cross. Citation see London Gazette of 5th November, 1946.
16 MarcinkusRomualdasFlt Lt89580RAFOUTMember of Royal Air Force, killed outside GermanyGreat EscapeBritainWO 235/5731944-03-29P 64-610 Pruśce (vicinity)[Death sentence commuted to term of imprisonment]-.-50 Air Force officers, recaptured after escape from Stalag Luft III Sagan, were shot by Gestapo upon Hitler's personal orders. They are marked "Great Escape" instead of their former airplane number.
17 LongJames Leslie RobertFlt Lt89375RAFOUTMember of Royal Air Force, killed outside GermanyGreat EscapeNONEno trial1944-04-12P 50-041 Wrocław (vicinity)[no one ever formally charged with victim's death]-.-50 Air Force officers, recaptured after escape from Stalag Luft III Sagan, were shot by Gestapo upon Hitler's personal orders. They are marked "Great Escape" instead of their former airplane number.
18 Kirby-GreenThomas GreshamSqn Ldr39103RAFOUTMember of Royal Air Force, killed outside GermanyGreat EscapeBritainWO 235/424-4321944-03-29CZ-702 00 Ostrava (vicinity)Erich Zacharias50 Air Force officers, recaptured after escape from Stalag Luft III Sagan, were shot by Gestapo upon Hitler's personal orders. They are marked "Great Escape" instead of their former airplane number.
19 KeymerMichaelSgt748504RAFOUTMember of the Royal Air Force, killed outside GermanyK9909None-.-1940-08-22Bazinghen, France[according to witness evidence, the commanding officer of a German hospital named Damberger]-.-
20 IngramKenneth Herschel CallenderFlt Sgt1400819RAFOUTMember of the Royal Air Force, killed outside GermanyLL840 VN-MNONEno trial known1944-10-02NL 7311 Apeldoorn[known to historians; no proof of any prosecution found]-.-

Memorial in Apeldoorn
Death date given by CWGC is 1944-10-01. Buried: Apeldoorn General Cemetery Plot 4 Grave 299.
21 HoodGeraldFg Off178869RAFOUTMember of Royal Air Force, killed outside GermanyLM658 HW-WBritainWO 235/81945-03-21Almelo, NetherlandsGeorg Otto Sandrock, Ludwig Schweinberger1945-12-13
22 HayterAnthony Ross HenzellFlt Lt42124RAFOUTMember of Royal Air Force, killed outside GermanyGreat EscapeBritainWO 235/424-4321944-04-06F-67130 Natzwiller (vicinity)Alfred Schimmel1948-02-26He is one of 50 Air Force officers, recaptured after escape from Stalag Luft III Sagan, and shot by Gestapo upon Hitler's personal orders.
23 HallCharles PiersFlt Lt50896RAFOUTMember of Royal Air Force, killed outside GermanyGreat EscapeNONEno trial1944-03-30P 59-220 Legnica (vicinity)[no one ever formally charged with victim's death]-.-50 Air Force officers, recaptured after escape from Stalag Luft III Sagan, were shot by Gestapo upon Hitler's personal orders. They are marked "Great Escape" instead of their former airplane number.
24 HabgoodFrederic HaroldSgt160253RAFOUTMember of Royal Air Force, killed outside GermanyNE164 BQ-OBritainWO 235/171+1721944-07-31F 67130 NatzwillerPeter Straub, Franz Berg1946-10-11
Courtesy Julian Simmonds
25 CochranDennis HerbertFg Off122441RAFOUTMember of Royal Air Force, killed outside GermanyGreat EscapeBritainWO 235/424-4321944-03-31F 67130 Natzwiller (vicinity)Josef Gmeiner, Walter Herberg, Otto Preiss1948-02-26He was one of 50 Air Force officers, recaptured after escape from Stalag Luft III Sagan, and shot by Gestapo upon Hitler's personal orders.
26 BullLeslie GeorgeFlt Lt43932RAFOUTMember of Royal Air Force, killed outside GermanyGreat EscapeNONEno trial1944-03-29CZ 43469 Most[no one ever formally charged with victim's death]-.-50 Air Force officers, recaptured after escape from Stalag Luft III Sagan, were shot by Gestapo upon Hitler's personal orders. They are marked "Great Escape" instead of their former airplane number.
27 BrettellEdward GordonFlt Lt61053RAFOUTMember of Royal Air Force, killed outside GermanyGreat EscapeBritainWO 235/5731944-03-29P 64-610 Pruśce (vicinity)[Death sentence commuted to term of imprisonment]-.-50 Air Force officers, recaptured after escape from Stalag Luft III Sagan, were shot by Gestapo upon Hitler's personal orders. They are marked "Great Escape" instead of their former airplane number.

Results 1 to 27 of 27.