We have decided not to pursue the idea of offering diecast aircraft models. If you wish to go ahead with your purchase, please do so using our affiliate link
Many of our loyal readers have asked us where they might obtain tangible mementoes of their loved one's service, such as replica medal sets and copies of official Citations for bravery. We've always been happy to make recommendations.
Now we are in a position to offer replica models of many of the aircraft used by the servicemen described in the thousands of Archive Reports on our site. These models are very high quality, manufactured from diecast metal. They are in a different league to the plastic models with which you might be familiar. There is every reason to see they will become treasured family heirlooms.
In partnership with AirModels we are proud to make these models available. Just click on any of the illustrations to be taken to the full AirModels catalogue, make your selection and payment and a true collectable will be yours.
Please be sure to use our exclusive link to the AirModels site so that your purchase may earn our site a commission which helps pay for the large investment we make annually in researching and recording this material. Our affiliate link is https://airmodels.net/?aff=178. Please make this your bookmark for the AirModels site so that all future visits and purchases can help our site: this does not add to your cost in any way.
Optionally, we have something special for you. Every time you make a purchase, send us an email (send to [email protected]) letting us know. You will then be automatically entered into a lottery where you could win collectable prizes such as the Logbooks of Roland Beamont or other treasures. Additionally, you will be added to a Priority List for any special Limited Edition models which might become available.
WWll Examples
Individual Examples
This is an example of a Premium model, in this case the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight Spitfire Vb in the colours of Jan Zumbach 303 Squadron (Polish). Premium models are 1/48 scale. The wingspan is a whopping 23.5cm
A standard 1/72 scale model Spitfire is also available.
Other Examples
SY 2022-07-29
At the going down of the sun, and in the morning we will remember them. - Laurence Binyon
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