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Operation: Bombing
Date: 12th April 1945 (Thursday)
Unit: No. 93 Squadron (motto: Ad arma parati - 'Ready for battle')
Type: Spitfire IX
Serial: PT929
Code: HN-?
Base: ALG Ravenna, Italy (now Cervia Air Base)
Location: Imola area, Italy
Pilot: P/O. John Andrew Allen J/94125 (R/55068) RCAF Age 23. Killed
The ALG Ravenna had been a former Luftwaffe and Italian base. On the 20th October 1944 was listed as unserviceable due to detonated mines. On the 04th December 1944 it was captured by Canadian I Corps.
Four aircraft of '3' Flight, took off from their base at Ravenna Landing Ground at 12:00 hrs, to bomb Field Guns at 5 miles N.N.E. of Imola. No guns were seen, but the pin point was attacked at 12:20hrs.. The attack was made from West to East from 7,000 to 2,000 ft.
The leader, F/0. B. Gibson flying Spitfire PT465, dived first but did not bombo his No.2 on the Section, P/O. Allen, then called up on the R/T saying he was going in. His bomb burst was observed by the remainder of the section. He was not heard on the R/T again, nor was his aircraft seen after going into his dive.
The No. 3 Fl/Sgt. J.M Hartley in Spitfire RP262, went in to his dive, he noticed a red flash or flame at about 3,000 ft. just East of the target and bits and pieces of burning material seemed to flutter down from it. This was also noticed by one other member of the section, and the leader, F/O. Gibson point where aircraft PT929 could have been expected to be. The No. 4 Fl/Sgt. J.E Adams flying Spitfire MN904 did not observe what happened.
The remaining members of the section lost sight of the missing aircraft when turning their attention to watch the result of the bombing and preparing for their own bomb dive.
Scant, inaccurate 20 mm flak was reported over target area and the weather clear, visibility unlimited, but with a slight haze the target area. The remainder landed safely at the base at 13:00 hrs.
Above: Courtesy Government of Canada WW2 Service records
Newspaper text:
'Two Port Colborne youths have been reported missing on operations with the RCAF and RAF overseas, The Tribune learned today. They are Pilot Officer John A "Bud" Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Allen, Steele Street, and Flying Officer Donald W. Wincott (1), son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wincott, Forest Ave.
A native of Copper Cliff, Ont. where he was born on Nov. 20, 1921, 'Bud' Allen attended Steele Street public school and Port Colborne high school. Upon leaving school he enlisted in the RCAF on April 1, 1942. He graduated at Alyner Ont. in June, 1943 and went overseas the same month. He was transferred to the RAF and trained in Cairo, Egypt. He had been on operations over Italy when he was reported missing, April 12.
'Bud' was prominent in high school sports and was a member of the 'Cossa' football champions in 1939. He was a member of St. James' church.
A brother P/O. James G. Allen is overseas. One sister, Mrs. Jas. Spencer, is now on her way to join her husband in England, and another sister, Jean, is a nurse at the Niagara peninsula sanitarium'.
Above: Pilots of 93 Squadron RAF leave their dugout for a scramble at Nettuno, Italy. Leading the way, L-R, F/O, E Stewart of Ipswich, Suffolk; Fl/Lt. J Marais SAAF of Johannesburg, South Africa, and Sgt. D Karck of Cockerham, Lancashire. (Courtesy IWM)
Burial details:
P/O. John Andrew Allen. Faenza War Cemetery. Grave VII.G.2. Born on the 20th November 1921 at Port Colborne, Ontario. Son of John Scott Allen (died 1953, age 68) and Ida Marie Allen (née Keiemp - died 1994, age 102), brother of P/O. James Gordon, Grace Margaret Spencer and Dorothy Jean of 75 Steele Street, Port Colbourne, Ontario, Canada. Epitaph/; 'The Lord Is My Shepherd'.
(1) F/O, Donald William Wincott J/41386 (R/25602). Runnymede Memorial. Panel 280. Born on the 07th January 1925 in Toronto. Son of William Joseph (died 15th January 1982, age 79) and Marion Marion Elizabeth Wincott, (née Hardy - died 15th November 1985, age 80) brother of Stanley, Marion Louise and Catherine Ada of 125 Forest Avenue, Port Colborne, Later of 386 Catherine Street, Ontario.Ontario, Canada. Lost on 419 Squadron Lancaster X KB864 VR-M on an operation to Kiel - all seven crew lost without trace.
Researched and dedicated to the relatives of this pilot with thanks to the National Archive. Kew. AIR - 27-751-31/32, Paradie RCAF Archives, Government of Canada WW2 Service records. Also to Bill Allen - relative of the pilot.
Other sources as quoted below:
KTY 21-08-2024
At the going down of the sun, and in the morning we will remember
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