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Belgium Aircrew Losses 1939-1945

Belgian flag

We would very much like Josette Ben to contact us. The email we have is no longer working.

Our extremely helpful associate in Belgium, Josette Bens (ex-WAAF), has made a great contribution to the historical record with the following information relating to her countrymen. We would like to appeal to anyone who can submit further information.

Josette is secretary of The Royal Association of Belgian personnel in the RAF 1940 - 1945. There are 185 names in her list. As and when relative or friends contact us, or when we are able to research these crews further, a link will be placed next to the name which will take you to a Page of Remembrance we have created.

We are pleased that a Belgian researcher living in St. Truiden and a retired Belgian Air Force W/O., Mr. Alain Rosseels, is also assisting us with Belgian losses.

Tué navigant Belgique

Nous avons été contactés il y a quelque temps par une dame en Belgique, Josette Bens (ex-WAAF) en réponse à un appel pour que des proches des équipages belges perdus pendant le dernier conflit nous contactent afin de dédier des pages du souvenir pour ceux qui ont payé le sacrifice ultime.

C'est ce que nous entreprenons maintenant, mais nous aimerions faire appel à des proches pour nous fournir de plus amples informations afin que nous puissions créer une page du souvenir pour eux.

Josette est secétaire de l'association royale belge du personnel belge de la RAF 1940-1945 et a fourni à notre société une liste de 185 membres d'équipages belges ayant perdu la vie pendant la dernière guerre. Peut-être y en a-t-il encore?

Nous sommes heureux qu'un chercheur belge vivant à Saint-Trond et à la retraite Belgian Air Force W / O., M. Alain Rosseels est de nous aider avec des pertes belges et d'autres informations.

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Alexandre R.A.G. Fl/Lt. 134055. Spitfire Vb AA720 MN-J Killed 10th June 1944 Aircraft suffered engine failure during a beach cover patrol in the morning. Crashed in the sea, south of Beachy Head. *

Ameye Emile Rene Lucian Maria Fl/Sgt. 1424918. Age 23. RAFVR Air/Bmr. Killed 06.11.44 463 Squadron Lancaster I NG191 JO-A Operation: Gravenhorst - Baled out when aircraft too low and died of his injuries. Rest of the crew remained in the aircraft and were all killed.

André Edmond Gabriel Fernand Ghislain 188601 Air/Gnr. 1424958. Killed 06.12.44 born 10.11.19 killed Soest 227 Squadron Lancaster I PB646 9J-P Operation: Giessen. All crew killed and buried in Hannover War Cemetery. Aircraft crashed 800 mtrs. north of Altenkirchen


Backaert George Eduouard Louis Leon Fl/Sgt. 142876 Age 21. Killed 12.04.44 in a flying accident. Miles Magister Mk. II DL177 7 P A.F.U near East Fortune. Born on 6th January 1924 in Bejing, China. Buried firstly at Brookwood Military Cemetery then reinterred at Evere Cemetery, Brussels, Belgium.

Baecke Arnold Jean Sgt.1424959 RAFVR. Age 22. 01.04.1945 127 Squadron Spitfire XVI SM246 hit by flak on an armed recce in the Deventer area. Buried Bevergern (Germany), reinterred Reichswald Forest War Cemetery (Germany), finally exhumed and reinterred at Oostende (Belgium) on the 23rd April 1949

Bailley Jules Sgt. Born 21/11/1904 at St-Jans-Molenbeek and his observer Lt Arnould Warmont, 20/10/1915 Fontaine L”Eveque flew a recce mission to Harelbeke on 23rd May 1940. The aircraft crashed near Pecq. Both were killed.

Balasse Maurice Arthur Leon 135895 RAFVR 23rd January 1945 41 Squadron Spitfire XIV RM765 Fl/Lt On armed recce to Münster during the morning, intercepted by Fw190 from JG26 (shot down Baver Gilmer (Germany) Buried at Brussels Town Cemetery in Evere - Belgium Airmen's field of honour

Bar L. No details as yet

Adj. Barbason Jean-Jacques. Born 19/12/1916 Paris , killed on May 10th 1940 during an air raid on the airfield of Gossoncourt.

Barratt Edward Douglas Sgt 504903 Killed 28.05.1940 Age 19. 504903. Son of Pilot Offr. Frederick Arthur Barratt, and of Maria A. Barratt (nee Mercht), of Tamise, Belgium. His father, Frederick Arthur Barratt, perished with him.*

Barratt Frederick Arthur P/O. 79087 Age 46 (See above) * Both were on board S.S. Abukir that was sank by S-34 Captained by Oblt. zur see Obermaier.

Beelen Joseph Sgt. Born 30/04/1920 at Drieslinter, killed on May 15th 1940 at Olen when he flew as an observer on a Fairey Fox O-64 from I/I/I. During the crash landing his body was thrown out of the aircraft.

Belpaire Roger Marie Paul Joseph Sgt. 1424819 RAFVR navigator Killed 22.01.44. Born 02/11/1921 Strombeek-Bever, killed in a flying accident near Warton UK, buried Wembley cemetery.

Bernier G. Killed 24.05.45. 2791106.

Besschops Alexis Jean P.O. 153761 RAFVR pilot Killed 03.09.45 151 R.U. born 09/01/1921 at Seraing , and his navigator F/O Ricard Delbrouck , born 06/04/1910 St-Amands were killed when there Beaufighter from 151 RU hit a hill near Sandway.

Biver Fernand P/O. 102629 Age 21. RAFVR Killed 18.07.42 Son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Biver. of Etterbeek, Brussels, Belgium. Buried at Moose Jaw (Rosedale) Cemetery, Saskatchewan, Canada. Lot 8. Block 10. Grave 247. Born 13/04/1921 Elisabethville (Congo), the first Belgian casualty in Canada when he crashed with a Harvard Mk II number 2727.

Blairon Jrnold Jóse 1299913 Sgt. pilot Killed 09.05.42 SAAF 350 Sq. (Belgium) Born 18/01/1921 at Leval-Trahegnies , he bailed out of his Spitfire AA857 from No. 350 Squadron near Worth. He came down in the sea. After 25 minutes he was found by an Air-Sea- rescue boat but died one hour later

Blankstein Marcel L. F/O. 162403 RAFVR Killed 04.11.45 Buried at Brussels Town Cemetery in Evere - Belgium Airmen's field of honour. Born 20/10/1919 at Antwerpen, crashed during a ferry flight with Mosquito HR189 from No.107 squadron near Hechtel (Belgium).

Bonnewit Jacques L. Sgt. 1299978 R.A.F.V.R. 51 OTU Killed 24.02.45. Buried at Brussels Town Cemetery in Evere - Belgium Airmen's field of honour. Born 22/12/1919 Amsterdam Holland, killed when his Mosquito from 51 OTU exploded in the air near Steppingley, buried Evere in 1949.

Boute Freddy Eugene Leopold P/O. 162649 350 Squadron pilot Killed 13.11.43. Buried at Brussels Town Cemetery in Evere - Belgium Airmen's field of honour

Lt. Brel Albert G.H.J. Born 18/07/1946 St-Jans-Woluwe , killed on may 10th 1940 near Montenaken after bailing out of his Fairy Fox 0-111 from 5/III/2. His parachute was damaged and did not open correctly.

Brichard C.J.P. pilot Killed 29.12.44 SAAF

Left: Buchin Maurice Simon Henri Charles P/O. 81626 Age 34. Born 02/07/1906 Sint-Joost-Ten –Node. RAFVR 213 Squadron Pilot Killed 15.08.40. Flying a Hurricane I V7227, whilst on patrol. lost over Portland at around 17.45.hrs. Runnymede Memorial Panel 7.


Cantillon ArnoldJoseph Emile Gregoroire 119856 Age 22 RAFVR pilot Killed 17.08.42

Charlier Martin Joseph Julien P/O. 117620 RAFVR Age 42 350 Squadron Observer Killed 27.08.42 * Runnymede Memorial Panel 68 Officier de L'Ordre de Leopold II, Officier de L'Ordre de la Couronne, Chevalier de L'Ordre de Leopold I, Croix de Guerre, 1940, avec Palme. Son of Joseph and Julie Charlier; husband of Josephine Charlier, of Nivelles, Brabant, Belgium.

Chartier Raymond Sgt.13/05/1907 Ham – Sur –Heure flew as pilot DC-3 Dakota OO-AUI from Sabena, flying for 24 sqdn RAF from Merville, France to the UK on 23/05/1940. The aircraft was hit by flak and crashed near Arques, ( Pas-de-Calais ) France.

Claesen Antoine Eliza Leon 125746 RAFVR 349 Sq (Belgium) pilot Killed 25.04.45 (609 Sq. Shot down Plantlunne, Germ.)

Clinquart Henri Sgt. born 24/05/1913 Saint-Ghislain, killed on May 11th 1940 when his Gloster Gladiator G-25 from I/I/2 was shot down near Fexhe-Slins.

Closon Roger Henri Lucien Fl/Sgt. 1424811 RAFVR 132 O.T.U. Navigator Killed 16.05.44 Buried at Brussels Town Cemetery in Evere - Belgium Airmen's field of honour

Cochet I.J. Killed 05.04.43

Conard Fernand Albert Hegisippe P/O. 87689 RAFVR Born 24/10/1916 Brussels. 64 Squadron Spitfire Vb BL724 SH-J. Pilot Killed 08th April 1942 after a combat with FW-190s 15 miles off Calais * Runnymede Memorial. Panel 68.

Coppens A. Killed 27.04.42

Corbisier Roger Leon Hermann P/O. 117340 RAFVR Pilot 272 Squadron Beaufighter Killed 15.06.42 * Alamein Memorial Column 248

Corneau R.J. No details as yet

Corthaut E.A. Killed 21.02.44

Courtois J.E.J.A Sgt. 1424977 166 Squadron Air/Gnr. Killed 23.05.44 (Gelsenkirchen) understood to be buried with Sgt. Richelet from the same crew. Buried at Brussels Town Cemetery in Evere - joint grave, understood to be buried with Sgt. Richelet from the same crew- Belgium Airmen's field of honour 166 Squadron Lancaster I LL954 AS-E Operation: Dortmund. Aircraft crashed at Birgelen-Wassenberg

Crabus Armand Sgt. Born 05/01/1913 Sart-lez-Spa flew on May 18th 1940 as an observer in a Renard R-31 from 9/V/I. During the landing chased by an German fighter at Zwevezele the aircraft hit some trees. The aircraft broke in two pieces and Crabus died.


Daix Georges Joseph Chislain F/O. 138838 609 Squadron Pilot Killed 04.01.44 Runnymede Memorial Panel 205

Dancot Gaston Louis Marie Chislain Fl/Sgt. 1299847 350 Squadron Pilot Killed 28.12.43 Buried at Brussels Town Cemetery in Evere - Belgium Airmen's field of honour

de Blommaert de Soye Alain Hubert Edmond Marie Fl/Sgt. 1814804 RAFVR Age 24. 609 Squadron Pilot Killed 13.04.45 (Kluis s.of Nimegue) Uden War Cemetery Grave 1.1.4.

de Briey W.M.E.G. No details as yet

Debrock F.C.G. DFC F/O. 168843 R.A.F.V.R. Fl/Eng. Killed 15.07.44 (St.Dizier France) Buried at Brussels Town Cemetery in Evere - Belgium Airmen's field of honour. 156 Squadron Lancaster III PA984 GT-Q Operation: Revigny. Crashed Ancerville (Meuse) 6 crew killed, 2 made prisoners of war.

Left: de Cannart d’Hamale Roger Age 19. 46 Squadron Pilot Killed 01.11.40 On patrol in Hurricane V7616 when intercepted by Me109s at around 13.00 hrs and crashed at Acrise in Kent. Born on 22nd August 1919 at Sint-Gilles.

Left: Decloedt Jean Verdon Marie Aime P/O. 87087 RAFVR Pilot Killed 15.03.42 Buried at Brussels Town Cemetery in Evere - Belgium Airmen's field of honour

Deffontaine Christian Georges Auguste J. P/O. 87682 Age 26 Pilot Killed 27.02.42 * Runnymede Memorial Panel 69. Chevalier de L'ordre Leopold avec Palme, Croix de Guerre avec Palme. Son of Lieutenant-General Georges Francois Auguste Deffontaine and Lucienne Virginie Jeanne Marie Deffontaine.

Defosse Leon Sgt. 1299996 RAFVR No.5 OTU pilot Killed 01.08.40 Buried at Brussels Town Cemetery in Evere - Belgium Airmen's field of honour

Defraigne Charles Albert Henri Francois F/O. 125748 RAFVR 71 Base Pilot Killed 24.03.45 Buried at Brussels Town Cemetery in Evere - Belgium Airmen's field of honour

de Greef Gideon Johannes Lt. 47410 SAAF 40 Squadron Observer Alamein Memorial Column 239 Son of Andrew A. de Greef, and of Anna E. de Greef, of Melville, Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa, husband of M. de Greef.

de Hasse Raymond Gustave Hector F/O. 117621 RAFVR 91 Squadron Pilot Killed 24.03.43 * Runnymede Memorial Panel 124

Left: de Hemptinne Baudovin Marie Chislain Fl/Lt. 82516 RAFVR 22 Squadron Pilot Killed 05.05.42 (145 Sq, 609 Sq, 131 Sq.) Buried at Brussels Town Cemetery in Evere - Belgium Airmen's field of honour. Born 09th November 1919 at Gwent, Belgium.

Left: de Hemricourt de Grunne Count Rudolphe Ghislain P/O. 82158 RAFVR 609 Squadron Pilot Killed 21.05.41 On a Cicus flying Spitfire IIa P7436, his aircraft broke up during flight over the Channel at around 17.15 hrs. Received serious burn injuries during baling out of his aircraft on August 18th 1940. Whilst flying Hurricane V6536 on patrol attacked by Me109s over Biggin Hill at 17.35 hrs. Runnymede Memorial Panel 32. Born 18/11/1911 At Etterbeek

de Hepcée C. pilot. 147166. Killed 05.07.44 * (350 Sq. Belgian)

de Hepcée Michael A.R. Sgt. 1379178 RAFVR 350 Squadron Pilot Killed 13.11.43 Runnymede Memorial Panel 147

Dejace Leonard Joseph F/O. 81632 RAFVR Age 33 pilot Killed 27.07.42 (235/6 Sq) Liege (Robermont) Cemetery Grave 10.54.4/5 Chevalier de l''Ordre de Leopold II, Croix de Guerre avec Palme (Belgium). Son of Joseph and Lambertine Dejace, of Liege, Belgium.

de la Batista Henri Jeanne Paul 130019 59 OTU RAFVR pilot Killed 29.01.43

Delannay Roger Sgt. Born 05/01/1916 at Tournai , killed on may 10th 1940 near Sint-Truiden after bailing out on board of his Fiat CR42 from 3/II/2. Hanging on his parachute he was killed by ground fire.

Delatte Jules Gustave Ghislain Sgt. 1299906 RAFVR 236 Squadron Pilot Killed 19.06.42 * Runnymede Memorial Panel 81

de Laveleye C.A. Sgt. 1814844 RAFVR 550 Squadron gunner Killed 07/08.03.45 The Maidenhead Register

Delbrouck Richard Alexis Jean Francois F/O. 159222 RAFVR Pilot Killed 03.09.45 Buried at Brussels Town Cemetery in Evere - Belgium Airmen's field of honour.

de Leender M. pilot Killed 17.01.44 (SAAF)

Delgouffre Robert Frederick Sgt. 1899872 RAFVR 57 OTU Pilot Killed 05.05.44 Buried at Brussels Town Cemetery in Evere - Belgium Airmen's field of honour

del Marmol Baron Rene Joseph G.G. P/O. 87690 RAFVR 57 OTU Pilot Killed 03.07.41 Buried at Brussels Town Cemetery in Evere - Belgium Airmen's field of honour

Delperdange Jean Sgt. 1424874 Age 23. RAFVR 5 (P) A.F.U. pilot Killed 09.09.42

Delvigne Franz Adjt , born 02/03/1907 Montignies Sur Sambre, pilot of Fairey Battle T-61 from 5/III/3, killed in the crash, his body was found at Veldwezelt in the aircraft.

de Menten de Horne Georges Marie Ghislain F/O. FX117431 observer Killed 02.01.44 (550 Sq. Nr.Spalding, Lincs)

Left: Demoulin Rene Jean Ghislain Sq/Ldr. 116107 RAFVR Age 23. 272 Squadron Pilot Killed 06.04.44 (235/6 Sq) Malta Memorial Panel 12, Column 2 Croix Chevalier de L'Ordre de Leopold avec Palme; Croix de Guerre avec Palme et Lion. Son of Alphonse and Jeanne Demoulin, of Comblain-au-Pont, Liege, Belgium.

Deneys Joseph Alfonse P/O. 103531 RAFVR Pilot Killed 22.10.41 Buried at Brussels Town Cemetery in Evere - Belgium Airmen's field of honour

de Puysseleyr Joseph Fl/Lt. 100652 DFC Age 27. Killed 09.01.45 541 Squadron.

Dereux A.H. * No details as yet

de Saint Aubin C.A. pilot Killed 19.10.44

Left: de Selys Longchamps Baron Jean Michel PMG DFC Fl/Lt. 61313 RAFVR 3 Squadron Age 31 Pilot Killed 16.08.43 (DFC 609 Sq) Minster (Thanet) cemetery Grave 3002A

de Spirlet Francois Xavier Egenoff Fl/Lt. 82163 RAFVR 609 Squadron Pilot Killed 26.06.42 (87 Sq, 609 Sq). Buried at Brussels Town Cemetery in Evere - Belgium Airmen's field of honour

de Steenhault de Waerbeek A.M.L. Killed 16.09.44

Detal Charles Firmin Joseph DFC F/O. 148947 RAFVR 609 Squadron Pilot Killed 23.03.44 (DFC 609 Sq. Training) Buried at Brussels Town Cemetery in Evere - Belgium Airmen's field of honour

de Theux de Meylandt de Montjardin P.M.R. pilot Killed 11.08.44

de Thibault de Boesinghe J.

Dethier R.E.M. No details as yet

de Wever Charles Erasme LAC. 1899831 RAFVR Age 22 1899831 RAFVR Son of Leopold and Blondel De Wever, of Tirlemont, Belgium. Buried Innisfail Cemetery, Alberta Lot 12. Block 3. Grave 3 Killed during training at 31 EFTS in Canada)

Dopéré Raymond F/O. 115445 RAFVR 609 Squadron Pilot Killed 23.10.42 Buried at Brussels Town Cemetery in Evere - Belgium Airmen's field of honour

Doutrepont Georges Louis Joseph Cptn. 82157 Age 27. Born 07/03/1913 Antwerpen. RAFVR 229 Squadron Pilot Killed 15.09.40 Flying Hurricane I N2537 during a patrol and shot down at 11.50 hrs. Aircraft crashed at Staplehurst Station, Sevenoaks, Kent. Buried at Brussels Town Cemetery in Evere - Belgium Airmen's field of honour

Drymael Jean Jules P/O. 87698 RAFVR 86 Squadron pilot Killed 03.02.42 * Runnymede Memorial Panel 69

Duchesne G.F.J. F/O. 132975 RAFVR 350 Squadron Pilot Killed 30.01.44 Buried at Brussels Town Cemetery in Evere - Belgium Airmen's field of honour

Dufossez Etienne .E.L.G. Lt. of 5/III/2. Born 21/08/1914 at St-Gilles Brussels , killed on May 10th 1940 near Herten when he bailed out of his Fairey Fox VI number 0-123. Sadly, his parachute didn’t open correctly.

Dulait Andre Joseph Julien Christain F/O. 145279 RAFVR 408 Squadron RCAF gunner Killed 13.06.44

Dupret de Beco Guy Marie Jules P/O. 89845 RAFVR 57 OTU Pilot Killed 03.07.41 Buried at Brussels Town Cemetery in Evere - Belgium Airmen's field of honour

d’Ursel J.M. navigator Killed 07.08.42 (78 Sq. Hoek van Holland)

Dyon Theodulle Elsi Nicolas W/O. 1458451 RAFVR 350 Squadron Killed 26.10.42 Buried at Brussels Town Cemetery in Evere - Belgium Airmen's field of honour


Eid Andre Emile W/O. 1383977 RAFVR Age 23 601 Squadron Pilot Killed 15.05.44 Buried at Brussels Town Cemetery in Evere - Belgium Airmen's field of honour

Eid Georgius Emile F/O. 162416 RAFVR 37 Squadron Pilot Killed 07.11.44 Buried at Brussels Town Cemetery in Evere - Belgium Airmen's field of honour

Evrard Charles Sgt. 1424968 RAFVR Age 26. 10 Radio School Killed 24.06.43 Buried at Brussels Town Cemetery in Evere - Belgium Airmen's field of honour

Evrard Paul Jules Noel F/O. 135757 RAFVR 610 Squadron Pilot Killed 04.11.43 * Runnymede Memorial Panel 124


Feyten Edoouard Jean Francis Joseph P/O. 119438. Born 22/06/1909 Mechelen. 610 Squadron. Spitfire Vb AA-942 DW-B Killed 18/19.04.42 (shot down Holland) The Maidenhead Register

Flohimont Louis Victor P/O. 138679 RAFVR 350 Squadron Pilot Killed 22.01.43 * Runnymede Memorial Panel 131

Fostier C. pilot (SAAF) Killed 02.02.43


Gendebien Marc Maurice Louis Marie J.G. F/O. 153365 RAFVR Age 32 349 Squadron Pilot Killed 19.11.44 Amersfoort (Oud Leusden) General Cemetery Plot 13. Row 12 Son of Paul and Ghislaine Gendebien; husband of La Baronne Marc Gendebien (nee Carton de Wiart), of Marbaix-la-Tour, Belgium.

Gerard Jean Jules Victor F/O. 132971 RAFVR 350 Squadron Pilot Killed 30.01.44 Buried at Brussels Town Cemetery in Evere - Belgium Airmen's field of honour

Gheysens Jean Lois Marie Pierre Fl/Sgt. 1814842 RAFVR 349 Squadron pilot Killed 08.06.44

Left: Goffin Charles .J.J. Lt. pilot Killed 08.09.44 (USAAF Air Medal)

Goldsmit Henry Maurice F/O. 151928 RAFVR 349 Squadron Pilot Killed 03.11.44 Buried at Brussels Town Cemetery in Evere - Belgium Airmen's field of honour

Left: Gonay Henry Alphonse Clement Sq/Ldr. 81635 RAFVR 263 Squadron Pilot Killed 14.06.44 (DFC 235/6 Sq) Buried at Brussels Town Cemetery in Evere - Belgium Airmen's field of honour S/Ldr Henry Alphonse Clement GONAY, 81635, RAF (VR) of Belgium, was shot down by flak 14Jun42 near Grantez, Jersey, Channel Islands, flying Typhoon IB, MN661 (263 Sqdn). He initially was buried in grave 43 of the St.Helier War Cem. Post war exhumed and reinterred in Belgium. Born at Theux (Liege area) on the 21 July 1913

Grawels Marcel Chas Pierre Sgt. 1299842 RAFVR 350 Squadron Pilot Killed 11.07.43 Buried at Brussels Town Cemetery in Evere - Belgium Airmen's field of honour

Groensteen Claude Julien Victor Hilaire Fl/Sgt. 1299856 RAFVR Age 23 navigator Killed 16.09.44 * (Greenwood Nova Scotia) Buried at Brussels Town Cemetery in Evere - Belgium Airmen's field of honour Joint grave. Son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Groensteen, of Auvillars, Tarn et Garonne, France. His brother shown below

Groensteen Jacques Hilaire Pierre W/O. 1299861 RAFVR 350 Squadron Pilot Killed 20.04.45 (350 Belgian Sq. New Ruppin, GE) Brother shown above. Buried at Brussels Town Cemetery in Evere - Belgium Airmen's field of honour. Joint grave. Son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Groensteen, of Auvillars, Tarn et Garonne, France.

Gutt Jean M. Sgt. 1383976 RAFVR Age 27 pilot Killed 25.08.41 Lyneham (St. Michael) Churchyard. North of chancel


Hagico M.(SAAF) pilot Killed 11.12.43

Hanchar Charles Armand Georges F/O. 145468 RAFVR 408 Squadron (RCAF) gunner Killed 13.06.44 Buried at Brussels Town Cemetery in Evere - Belgium Airmen's field of honour

Hansez Jose Louis Arthur Sgt. 1299901 RAFVR Age 28. 350 Squadron Pilot Killed 01.06.42 Runnymede Memorial Panel 85. Chevalier de l'Ordre de Leopold II avec Palmes; Croix de Guerre avec Palmes. Sqdn. Born 13/05/1913 in Herstal. Son of Francois Joseph Hansez, and of Marie Louise Hansez, of Liege, Belgium.

Hartog Ronald R. Sgt. 1814810 RAFVR 148 Squadron gunner Killed 15.08.44 Krakow Rakowicki Cemetery Coll. Grave 1.C.2. (Served as Harwood). Son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Hartog, of West Kensington, London. Of Belgium.

Henri Walter Joseph Fl/Lt. 130027 RAFVR Age 38 219 Squadron Pilot Killed 22.03.45 (219 Sq. crashed near Suphteln, Venlo) Buried at Brussels Town Cemetery in Evere - Belgium Airmen's field of honour

Henry de la Lindi A. (executed)

Herreman Albert Michael Leon F/O. 146066 RAFVR 350 Squadron Pilot Killed 08.06.44 (Flying accident nr.Friston) Buried at Brussels Town Cemetery in Evere - Belgium Airmen's field of honour

Hubert Charles. L.A.C. 1424858 RAFVR 3 B and G School Killed 06.06.43 (hit by propeller, Manitoba, Canada)

Hubert P. Killed 06.08.43 (executed Berlin)

Huens Robert Nicolas Fl/Sgt. 1899804 pilot Killed 23.01.45 (349/350 Belgian Sq. St.Vith area) The Maidenhead Register

Huynen Henry Pierre Francois F/O. 161710 RAFVR 219 Squadron radio Killed 22.03.45 (Venlo) Buried at Brussels Town Cemetery in Evere - Belgium Airmen's field of honour

Hynderick de Theulegoet Robert Georges Roger 87707 RAFVR Pilot 14 F.T.S. Killed 13.04.41 (accident Cranfield) Buried at Brussels Town Cemetery in Evere - Belgium Airmen's field of honour


Jacques-Houssa P.L.L Lirutenant 205632V SAAF 60 Squadron. observer Killed 27.07.43 Malta Memorial Panel 12, Column 1.

Janssens G.B. Killed 07.11.43

Left: Janssens de Varebeke W. pilot Killed 18.12.42 * (off Norway)

Left: Javaux Lucien Leon Gustav Fl/Lt. 84284 Age 32 RAFVR pilot Killed 18.10.43 (235/6 Sq. / 681 Squadron - Flying accident - Ramemi India, 681 Sq)

Jeanmart Albert George Raymond P/O. 146493 RAFVR A.F.U. Pilot Killed 23.09.43 (Brackenhurst Wood, near Cross Yoxall) Buried at Brussels Town Cemetery in Evere - Belgium Airmen's field of honour

Joossens V. Killed 22.02.44 (accident Vereeniging, SAF)

Left: Jottard Alexis Rene Isidore Ghislain P/O. Age 28. 82515 RAFVR 145 Squadron Pilot Killed 27.10.40 flying Hurricane I P3167 on patrol and shot down by Me109 off Isle of Wight at 17.15 hrs. Runnymede Memorial Panel 8. Born on 11th August 1912 at Conneux, Belgium.


Keuleers Maurice Capt. 22/05/1903 Hakendover, observer flew on May 24th a recce mission to Harelbeke on board of his Fairy Fox O-41 from I/I/I. His pilot was Sgt. Degreef René, 02/04/1918 Hoboken. Probably the aircraft was lost over the North Sea near Oostende.

Left: Kirkpatrick James Charles P/O. 81630 Age 25. RAFVR 235 Squadron Pilot Killed 09.10.40 Flying a Blenheim IVf N3530, on an aerodrome protection patrol south of Thorney Island. Shot down over the Channel at 17.30 hrs. All three crew were killed.

Kleinberg Georges F/O. 130501 RAFVR 207 Squadron Pilot Age 31. Killed 22.06.43 (207 Sq. Ruhr) Runnymede Memorial Panel 35 Son of Ferdinand and Rosa Kleinberg, of New York City, USA Doctor-at-Law, University of Brussels.


Laloux Maurice Henri Joseph Fl/Sgt. 1424951 219 Squadron observer Killed 19.04.45 Buried at Brussels Town Cemetery in Evere - Belgium Airmen's field of honour

Lambotte Andre Oscar Hyacinthe Sgt. 1299897 RAFVR Killed 06.11.41 (accident 61 OTU) The Maidenhead Register

Lamquin Francis Lucien Florente Marie F/O. 120898 6 (D) AFU Killed 28.01.44 (Accident Compton Casey) Buried at Brussels Town Cemetery in Evere - Belgium Airmen's field of honour

Lanis Joseph Maurice Andre Adelin G. Sgt. 1814808 RAFVR pilot Killed 17.01.44 (RCAF – buried Canada) Morville Communal Cemetery Grave A40 Son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Lanis, of Morville, Province de Namur, Belgium

Leblanc V.G. pilot Killed 27.05.43 (crashed North Sea)

Left: Le Breuilly Arthur Eugene P/O. 42615 RAF 87 Squadron 14.05.1940 (possibly killed in France) Runnymede Panel 9

Leonard L.V.A. observer

Ley Josephine Jean Francois P/O. 87704 RAFVR 235 Squadron Pilot Killed 09.02.42 (North Sea) Runnymede Memorial Panel 70.

Left: Livijns Georges Joseph P/O. Born 15/01/1920 in Anzin. pilot Killed 01.06.42 Spitfire BL822 * (350 Sq. Ostend)

Loewenstein Robert Serge First Officer Air Transport Auxillary Pilot Killed 29.03.41 Buried at Brussels Town Cemetery in Evere - Belgium Airmen's field of honour

Left: Lunden Baron Rene Henri Theophile P/O. 87708 RAFVR 23 Squadron navigator Killed 03.04.42


Malchair Gilbert Albert Eugene F/O. 132969 RAFVR 132 OTU Pilot Killed 16.05.44 Buried at Brussels Town Cemetery in Evere - Belgium Airmen's field of honour

Malrait G. navigator Killed 04.04.44 (Flying accident Hedge Hope-Hill)

Marchal Joseph Alfred Georges Henri P/O. 138217 51 OTU - Snowdon, navigator Killed 01.11.44

Marien Ernest Mary Leon Fl/Sgt. 1814820 RAFVR AFU pilot Killed 22.05.45 (flying accident Tintwhitle) Buried at Brussels Town Cemetery in Evere - Belgium Airmen's field of honour

Marien Louis Charles Joseph Sgt. 1176661 Age 19. RAFVR Killed 25.09.41 Leicester City (Gilroes) Crematorium Panel 5.

Massar A.C. Killed 16.03.44

Mayne Adolfe Emanuel Albert Olaf F/O. 162912 RAFVR 60 OTU Killed 24.11.44 Buried at Brussels Town Cemetery in Evere - Belgium Airmen's field of honour

Menkens E.G. pilot Killed 02.08.43 (23 Sq. Sicily)

Menu Xavier Leon Albert F/O. 87683 RAFVR 350 Squadron Pilot Killed 10.08.42 * (channel) Runnymede Panel 67

Mertens Gaston Frans F/O. 164497 RAFVR 320 Squadron Age 25. Observer Killed 13.01.45 Liedekerke Communal Cemetery Family vault S.E of cemetery. Son of Frans and Louise Mertens; husband of Norah Mertens (nee Brunt), of North Cray, Sidcup, Kent. Order of Leopold II, Croix des Evades.

Mertens Peter Eric Montague Sgt. 915446 RAFVR 149 Squadron Killed 09.04.41 Runnymede Panel 48

Mertens Robert Emile Fl/Sgt. 1399804 Age 24. 254 Squadron Observer Killed 11.08.44 * (254 Sq. – Maplethorpe) Runnymede Panel 220 Son of Emile and Marie Mertens.

Left: Michiels Albert Charles Antoine Fl/Lt. 141761 RAFVR pilot Killed 16.07.44. Buried at Brussels Town Cemetery in Evere - Belgium Airmen's field of honour

Moens Alexander H.P. Sgt. (Observer) born 28/02/1916, killed on 11th May 1940 when his Fairey Battle T-61 from 5/III/3 exploded. He probably bailed out, his body was found near Vroenhoven

Moreau J.F.pilot Killed 11.11.44

Moreau Victor Sgt. The Savoi-Marchetti SM-73P OO-AGS from Sabena airlines flew on may 23 1940 for 271 RAF sqdn from Merville ( FR). Near Saint-Pol-Ternoise (France) the a/c was shot up by a German Me-109. Sgt Moreau Victor, 3/06/1912 Montegnée , pilot or co-pilot ? was killed in this crash.

Morel Mathieu Jean Joseph Francois P/O Killed 11/11/1944 187328 RAFVR Buried Brussels town cemetery Belgian airmen's field of honour


Neve de Mevergnies Michel Paul Benoit Louis P/O. 1299972 RAFVR 57 OTU pilot Killed 09.04.43

Neys Alexander Joseph F/O. 132965 RAFVR 132 OTU pilot Killed 03.05.44 (Gifford Scotland) Buried Brussels town cemetery Belgian airmen's field of honour

Left: Ninane Andre Louis Ghislain
F/O. 135898 RAFVR 60 OTU Pilot Killed 24.11.44 Buried Brussels town cemetery Belgian airmen's field of honour

Noizet Jean Joseph Albert P/O. 143485 RAFVR AFU. Pilot Killed 22.08.43 (accident Wittington 61 OTU) Buried Brussels town cemetery Belgian airmen's field of honour


Oberneck Jean Charles P/O. 189950 RAFVR 189 Squadron gunner Killed 08.03.45 The Maidenhead Register

Left: Offenberg Jean Henri Marie Fl/Lt. 82517 RAFVR Born on 03/07/1916 Laken. 609 Squadron pilot Killed 22.01.42 (145 Sq, 609 Sq. – Blankney Lincs) Buried Brussels town cemetery Belgian airmen's field of honour. Born 03rd July 1916 at Laken, Belgium.

Orban Marcel Henri Leon D.F.C. Fl/Sgt. 1814822 RAFVR 11 (P) AFU pilot Killed 22.02.45 (Tintwhistle) The Maidenhead Register

Ortmans Christian Chas Andre F/O. 100653 Pilot Killed 01.04.43 (615 Sq.Fenid India) Buried Brussels town cemetery Belgian airmen's field of honour


Left: Paquot Andre Marie Remy Gustave P/O. 130385 RAFVR Pilot Killed 13.08.44 (Studland Bay) Runnymede Panel 212

Parmentier R.A. pilot Killed 27.07.43 (SAAF – Italy)

Parthoens Raymond Joseph P/O. 191433 RAFVR 609 Squadron Pilot Killed 09.12.44 Buried Brussels town cemetery Belgian airmen's field of honour

Patiny Arthur Albert Ghislain F/O. 153064 RAFVR pilot Killed 12.07.44 349 Belgian Sq. – Burgess Sussex) The Maidenhead Register

Petrisse Albert Joesph Ghislain F/O. 153762 RAFVR 219 Squadron Pilot Killed 19.04.45 Buried Brussels town cemetery Belgian airmen's field of honour

Left: Philippart Jacques Arthur Laurent P/O. Age 31. Born 11/01/1909 Mont-St Guibert. 81628 RAFVR Pilot Killed 25.08.40 On patrol in Hurricane I V7226 shot down off Portland by JG53 at 17.30 hrs. F/O. Philippart managed to bale out, but sadly drowned. Buried Brussels town cemetery Belgian airmen's field of honour

Left: Picard Henri Albert Fl/Lt. 87693 RAFVR Pilot Killed 25.03.44 Poznan Old Garrison Cemetery Coll. Grave 9.A.

Pien Henri Frans Mary Fl/Sgt. 1299929 RAFVR Pilot Killed 19.12.42 (272 Sq. Italy) Malta Memorial Panel 3. Column 2.

Pirlot André Sgt. Born 07/07/1918 Cabourg France, killed on May 11th 1940 when his Gloster Gladiator G-18 from I/I/2 was shot down. Today he is still classed as "missing."

Plas Emile Jean F/O. 87697 RAFVR Age 24. 610 Squadron pilot Killed 28.03.43 * Runnymede Panel 128 Son of Joseph and Adele Plas; husband of Irene G. L. Plas, of Ipswich, Suffolk. Native of Belgium.

Post Marcel Jean Baptiste Fl/Sgt. 1424857 RAFVR 2 GSU Observer Killed 28.04.45 (Littlemore Farm) Buried Brussels town cemetery Belgian airmen's field of honour

Potier D.E. Killed 11.01.44 (shot)

Poulain Arthur Pierre Louis Sgt. 1899875 RAF radio Killed 27.06.44 The Maidenhead Register


Quenon Albert Gustave Auguste Fl/Sgt. 1424824 RAFVR 132 OTU. Pilot Killed 06.05.44 (accident Lothian) Buried Brussels town cemetery Belgian airmen's field of honour

Quenon Albert Gustave Auguste Fl/Sgt. 1424824 Killed 05.03.44 (132 OTU Crete)


Raes Maurice Herman Marceun Sgt. 1299915 pilot Killed 13.06.42 (350 Belgian Sq. Norwich)

Renard Maurice Celestin Bernard F/O. 152919 pilot Killed 25.12.44 (349 Belgian Sq. St.Vith)

Renson Leon Flaurent Alexandre Louis F/O. 115441 pilot Killed 18.11.43 (141 Sq. Glanerburg- Gronau)

Reuter Georges Henri Mathieu P/O. 60280 pilot Killed 19.05.41 (Served using name David Carter, 45 Sq. Agedabia) Alamein Memorial •

Richelet Armand Sgt. 1299973 Air gunner Killed 25.05.44 (166 Sq. Aachen)

Roelandt Robert Joseph Henri Fl/Lt. 106257 pilot Killed 26.08.44 (609 Sq)

Rolin Yves Ernest Edward F/O. 153203 Navigator Age 23. Killed 21.10.44 (70 Sq. Hungary)

Rondelet Reve Achille Nicolas P/O. 160504 Flight engineer Killed 22.01.44 (427 RCAF Sq. Halifax)


Saint-Mard J.A. pilot Killed 22.07.41 (training – Sharcott Pewsey)

Salmon Rene Marie Paul Emile P/O. 176106 pilot Killed 07.06.44 * (114 Sq. Viterbo Italy)

Sans Marcel Adrien F/O. 138840 pilot Killed 07.06.44 (349 Belgian Sq. Caen Normandy)

Schildknecht Albert Edmond Fl/Sgt. 928921 Age 25. Killed 19.02.43 * 83 Squadronq

Schmitz Claude Alain Marie Andre G. F/O. 129053 pilot Age 24. Killed 26.08.44 (64 Sq. France)

Schrobiltgen Raymond. Born 15/01/1915 in Amiens. Killed 04.06.42 Spitfire EN835. (350 Belgian Sq. Ambleteux France)

Scuvie Didier John Maurice F/O. 143484 pilot Killed 30.04.44 (350 Squadron)

Left: Seghers Eugene Georges Achilles Fl/Lt. 82162 pilot Killed 26.07.44 (165/91 Squadron. Flying bomb)

Serruys Raouil Eugene Clements F/O. 183835 pilot Killed 05.03.45 (flying accident Derbyshire)

Smoolenaers Pierre Clemence Louis Fl/Sgt. pilot Age 20. Killed 11.01.45 (143 Sq – Norway) •

Soesman Pierre Leopold F/O. J/21875 pilot Age 22. Killed 11.05.44 * (609 Squadron, RCAF)

Soete Albert Sgt. pilot born 28/05/1915 at St-Leonards at Sea and his observer Capt. Guillaume De Briey, born 19/04/1920 at Oostende. Their aircraft Fairey Fox 0-185 from 7/III/3 was hit by ground fire. Soete was killed immediately, De Briey bailed out to low. The aircraft came down near Holsbeek.

Soors M.L. pilot Killed 10.11.43 (197 Sq. Poix, France)

Stassin Armand Ernest Ghislan Sgt. 1814897 radio Killed 28.04.45 (accident Littlemore Farm)

Stenuit Robert Jean-Baptiste Edmond Sgt. 1299844 pilot Killed 22.10.43 (605 Sq. Bradwell Bay)

Steylaerts Louis David F/O. 152408 pilot Killed 08.05.44 (106 Sq. Orléans Cemetery)

Strauss–Leemans Georges P/O. 118529 pilot Killed 18.10.42 (311 Sq. Uxbridge)


Taymans H.L.J.M F/O. 151925 pilot Killed 28.11.44 (127 Squadron, shot down Zwolle –Ysselmeer)

Tedesco Yves Charles P/O. 123353 pilot Killed 14.06.42 * 272 Squadron, Alamein Memorial. P/O Yves Ch. TEDESCO, Pilot, born 17 Apr 1920 at Auderghem (Belgium) died 14 Jun 42 and his name commemorated on column 249 of the El Alamein Memorial. He was with 272 Sqdn (Idku/Egypt) and crashed with his Beaufighter (T4841 coded R for Robert.) in the Mediterranean Sea S of Crete. His name is also commemorated by SYMB IV/50 in the Field of Honour Belgian Air Force, Brussels Town Cemetery, Evevre. Sgt F Ransom was the observer.

Timmermans Gustave Adj. born 07/08/1912 at Oudergem, pilot and his observer Adjt. Gustave Rolin-Hymans , born 14/04/1900 at Liége. Both were killed when their Fairey Battle T-58 from 5/III/3 was shot down on May 11th 1940 near s’Herenelderen.

Tixhon W. Sgt. 1814861 Air/gunner Killed 28.05.44 166 Squadron


Adjt Van Uffel Alphonse , born 09/01/1911 Leuven , killed In may 1940 while taking off during an air raid on the airfield off Gossoncourt. He died in the hospital of Leuve

Van Arenbergh Louis August Corneil Fl/Lt. 69452 pilot Killed 08.08.45 (609 Sq. Accident Newmarket)

Van Daele John Noel Charles Marie J. Fl/Lt. 117611 pilot Killed 28.09.44 (609 Sq. Buried at Ablasserdam, Neth.)

Vandebos Gabton Jean Sgt. 1299894 RAFVR 5 F.T.S. pilot Killed 20.04.41

Van den Abeele R.C. No details as yet

Van den Broek A.E. pilot Killed 02.01.44 (349 Belgian Sq. Somme, Fr.)

Van den Heuvel F. navigator Killed 06.03.45 (219 Sq. Amiens, Fr.)

Left: Van den Hove d’Ertsenryck Albert P/O. pilot. Born 20/08/1908, Charleroi. Killed when his Hurricane P2760 exploded near East Stour Farm. 5 september 1940

Van de Poel Raymond F/O. 100999 pilot Killed 11.07.43 (350 Belgian Sq. Accident Ouston)

Vanderperren Jaak Maria Frans F/O. 120896 pilot Killed 25.12.44 (350 Belgian Sq. Weinsfeld, Germ.)

Van de Welle de Ghelcke P. pilot Killed 08.02.42 * (248 Sq. North Sea)

Van de Werve de Vorselaer Leon Alfred Fl/Sgt. 1424895 RAFVR pilot Killed 03.02.45 (349 Belgian Sq. Goringhem, Neth.)

Van Hecke Albert Richard Theophil A. F/O. 135895 pilot Killed 12.10.43 (349 Belgian Sq.)

Van Massenhove Yvan F/O. 159221 pilot Killed 28.04.45 (265 Squadron, 2 Group, Accident Banham)

Van Melckebeke Adolf Lucian Leandre Sgt. 1814833 observer Killed 09.02.45 (25 Squadron, Accident Essex)

Van Neste Maurice Lucien P/O. 134768 pilot Killed 30.04.43 * (609 Squadron, Dover)

Left: Van Riel Zieger DFC pilot Fl/Lt. 87705 Age 33. Killed 07.11.43 (418 Flight/317 Squadron, India)

Left: Van Rillaer Julius LAC1814847 pilot Age 19. Killed 12.06.44 (training Canada)

Van Waeyenberghe Arthur Albert Leopold P/O. 81629 pilot Killed 10.03.41 * (235/6/272 Sq. Irish Sea)

Van Wymers Raymond Fl/Sgt. 1424894 pilot Killed 29.11.44 (349 Belgian Sq.-Dunkirk)

van Zuylen van Nyevelt E.J. pilot Killed 06.04.43 (609 Sq. North Sea, Deal)

Left: Venesoen Francois August DFC pilot Killed 06.06.44 * (235/6/350 Sq. Channel)

Verbraeck Desire Celestin Guillaume 60279 11 Squadron pilot Killed 22.11.41 (Derma N.Africa - Alamein Memorial) •

Vercamer Maurice Albert Sgt. 1899874 2 GSU gunner Killed 28.04.45 (Accident Banham)


Watteyne P. Killed 25.04.44 (SAAF Pesaro Italy)

Wellekens Jean Louis August P/O. 141836 55 OTU pilot Killed 19.05.43 (accident, Blackford)

Wermond A. No details as yet

Left: Weyemberg Jacques Maurice Paul H.G. Fl/Sgt. 794756 RAFVR 53 OTU pilot Killed 09.09.44 (accident, Ouse, Goole, York)

Wilmet Robert Ernest Fl/Lt. 86623 pilot Killed 28.04.43 (609 Sq. - Nigeria)

Winterbeeck Etienne E. F/O. Born 22/01/1918 in Etterbeek. Pilot Killed 23.05.42 Spitfire BL476 MN-T * (350 Belgian Sq. Boulogne) Between Calain and Boulogne.


Zech George Louis Paul Fl/Lt. 73495 Killed 28.05.40 Age 39 *

Zegers Joseph Andrew Armond Fl/Sgt. 129837 RAFVR pilot Killed 03.01.44 (609 Sq. Pommier, Fr.)

* Having no known grave – honoured on the Runnymede Memorial / Alamein Memorial, Maidenhead Register, Malta Memorial.

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