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Operation: Forêt de Boray, France
Date: 9th June 1940 (Sunday)
Unit: 107 Squadron, 2 Group
Type: Blenheim IV
Serial: L9323
Code: QM:?
Base: RAF Wattisham, Suffolk
Location: Torcy-le-Petit, Seine-Maritime, France
Pilot: Fg Off. Charles Powell Bomford 37712 RAF Age 25. KiA
Obs: Sgt. Robert Anthony Bowman 580756 RAF Age 22. KiA
Air Gnr: Plt Off. Francis Edward Frayn 77203 RAF Age 27. Survived (1)
Taking off at 10:45 hrs from RAF Wattisham, Suffolk to bomb German armour reported to be at Poix in France.
It is understood that the Blenheim had bombed the target and was returning home when it was hit by Flak. Pilot and observer were both killed.
(1) Plt Off. Frayn survived the crash. He was discovered by soldiers from the 51st Highland Division, who carried him on a stretcher to St Valery en Caux. It is believed that he was evacuated aboard HMS Edinburgh to Portsmouth and admitted to Haslar hospital on the 11th July for treatment to his burns. He returned to active flying duties for the rest of the war.
755159 LAC Francis Edward Frayn was commissioned and promoted to Plt Off (77203) with effect 14th January 1940, Promulgated in the London Gazette 6th February 1940.
Confirmed substantive promotion to Plt Off. with effect 14th January 1941, London Gazette 4th April 1941.
Promoted to Fg Off with effect 14th January 1942, London Gazette 17th February 1942.
He was appointed MBE during the period March 1942 and July 1945.
Flt Lt. Frayn MBE was promoted to Sqn Ldr. with effect 21st July 1945, London Gazette 4th December 1945.
Sqn Ldr. Frayn MBE was promoted to Wg Cdr. with effect 1st November 1947, London Gazette 28th October 1947
Appointment to Wg Cdr. Francis Edward Frayn with effect 22nd July 1948, and transferred to the Secretarial Branch, reverting to substantive rank of Sqn Ldr. with effect 18th August 1949, London Gazette 6th September 1949.
Sqn Ldr. Frayn MBE was promoted to Wg Cdr. with effect 1st July 1952, London Gazette 27th June 1952.
Wg Cdr. Frayn MBE was promoted to Grp Capt. with effect 1st July 1959, London Gazette 30th June 1959.
Grp Capt. Frayn MBE was appointed CBE, promulgated in the London gazette on the 31st May 1953.
Grp Capt. Frayn CBE, MBE retired from the RAF, at his own request, with effect 31st December 1966, promulgated in the London Gazette 27th January 1967.
Burial details:
Above: Torcy-le-Petit Church (Coutesy of Eric Beranger)
Torcy-le-Petit Communal Cemetery France photographed by our researcher Kate Tame - full size images available
Fg Off. Charles Powell Bomford. Torcy-le-Petit Communal Cemetery France. Inscription reads: "I THANK MY GOD UPON EVERY REMEMBERENCE OF YOU". Born on the 5th May 1915 in Robinstown, Meath, Ireland. Son of Capt. Charles Francis and Dorothy Maud (née Price) Bomford, of Ballycornmon, Co. Tipperary, Irish Republic.
The Irish Bomfords provide a biography of Charles Powell Bomford and his family.
Sgt. Robert Anthony Bowman. Torcy-le-Petit Communal Cemetery France. Born in March 1918 in Newton Abbot, Devon. His mother’s maiden name was Colman. Husband to Gwendoline (née Dwyer) Bowman. No further information.
Researched for relatives of the crew with thanks for further information to Kate Tame for grave photographs, Thanks to Michael Frayn the son of Plt Off. Frayn for the additional information about his father (Aug 2021). Additional research by Aircrew Remembered (Aug 2021). Thanks to John Jones for the link to the "Irish Bomfords" (Jun 2022). Thanks to Eric Beranger for the corrected image of Eglise-de-TORCY-LE-PETIT church (mar 2024).
Other sources listed below:
RS 27.03.2024 - New image of Eglise-de-TORCY-LE-PETIT church
Original upload information unknown
RS 07.08.2021 - Update to the narrative
RS 29.06.2022 - Addition of link to the Irish Bomfords
RS 27.03.2024 - New image of Eglise-de-TORCY-LE-PETIT church
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Last Modified: 27 March 2024, 11:15