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This great series of books is available direct from the 51 Squadron memorial Garden Remembrance Committee.
All profits from these sales go towards the maintenance of the superb memorial gardens.
Aircrew Remembered have contributed this section to assist them in that venture - please mention us when you place an order.

The superb memorial gardens and Renee Ounsley
Renee Ounsley BEM passed away Friday, October 1st, 2021.
She was a wonderful lady who did a lot for the Pollington Airfield Memorial Gardens as well as the community.
Snaith Knights Volume 1 1941 - 1945
Stories from Bomber Command 51 and 150 Squadron's as related to the author by veterans describing their time at RAF Snaith in WW2.
Some articles describe their tales of being shot down and time being spent as PoWs.
161 pages.
34 black and white photographs
Purchase available from
Snaith Knights Volume 2 1941 - 1945
More true stories as told by the veterans themselves
269 pages.
54 black and white photographs
Purchase available from
Snaith Knights Volume 3 1941 - 1945
Stories from the veterans at first hand including the finding of a watch after 60 years belonging to a man
killed in action as he tried to land when returning from a mission.
206 pages.
69 black and white photographs
Purchase available from
The True Story of John Pohe
A booklet describing the story of a Maori Pilot from RAF Snaith who, along with 50 others were executed
for their part in the "Great Escape".
34 pages.
15 black and white photographs of John Pohe and a further 50 individual pictures of the other victims.
Purchase available from
Two Friends, Two Different Hells. A.E. Eaton
B.W.Clayton DSO, DFC, CGM of 51 sqn and 617 sqn flew Wellingtons, Halifaxes and Lancasters.
He flew 94 operations in the Berlin Airlift, 82 operations and lost his life in Transport Command in 1951.
Second half of the book is devoted to I.J. Robinson, his best friend. Ian was a navigator in 59 sq. and in 1942 went out to the Far East keeping ahead of the Japanese. Next served on Dakotas in 62 sq. and back to UK in 48 sq.. Dropped paratroops on "D" Day and at Arnhem. Total of 110 ops and no gongs. He now lives in Canada.
132 pages. 77 black and white photographs. Purchase available from
51SquadronISBN no: 0-9536331-1-2-8 .

Just to get a bed Edwin Wheeler DFC
From a poor home in London – did not have a bed but slept in the neighbour’s kitchen in a fold up bed.
When he was old enough, he joined the RAF to get a bed – hence the title of his book.
Edwin did 69 ops and was awarded the DFC.
174 Pages
9 Black and white photographs
Purchase available from
51Squadron ISBN no: 1 872017-20-7
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