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Contact us and send your book for review! Add your book here today for review - simply contact us and send us a copy - if your book is relevant to any article on the website we will add it there as well! 
WEST ROW GIRL IN WAR TIME. The impact of the Second World War on a small Suffolk village My mother wrote her first book ’West Row Girl’ in 2007, in which she described life in the Suffolk village of West Row - a small agricultural community on the edge of the fens, in the pre-war period. The book was a valuable social history that gave us a vivid impression of village life and was so well received that she has decided to continue her narrative.
’West Row Girl in Wartime’ covers the momentous events that occurred between 1936 and 1945. The book is not merely a historical recount of the many battles and campaigns of the war but rather how the war and the build-up to war affected the village community.
There is a vivid depiction of the growing awareness of what total war will mean to the village, as the country slid towards conflict - the issue of gas masks, the construction of air raid shelters, pillboxes, the sand bags round public buildings and the blackout. The attention to detail is impressive. In the war period too, there are descriptions of the new roles people undertook, of air raids, of near misses, of the hardship of rationing, of prisoners of war and of tragedies - but there is humour too: the member of the Home Guard who fainted when it was his turn to throw a live hand grenade; or of the Home Guard spraying the Baptist Chapel with machine gun fire when on firearms training; or of the fire in the fish shop being mistaken for a German invasion - so redolent of Dad’s Army. There is also a poignant portrayal of a young girls’ first attempts at using make-up, bought from Woolworths, were else and of the author, paying for dance classes herself and then teaching her cousins, so that they could attend the dances at the RAF camp gymnasium. There is also much evidence of the strength of the community of massive fund - raising, of supporting each other, of sharing cuts of meat in the village when the family pig was slaughtered and of the of the distribution of funds to all returning members of the armed forces that came from the village, at the end of the war.
West Row Girl in Wartime is a well written and vivid description of how a rural village community and a young girl were changed for ever by war. Tim Jenkins 2011 Further details to follow. < ? pages, hardback. < Price £? or less. ISBN ?
The Last Blitz. < A blow by blow account of the Luftwaffe's last blitz against Britain featuring a detailed analysis of each raid, a full listing of all Luftwaffe aircraft and crew losses with detailed crash investigations, RAF combat reports interrogations and compared with RAF Bomber Command operations during the same period. 250 pages, hardback. < Price £40.00 or less. ISBN 978-0-95554735-8-6
Nottinghamshire Aviation Diary. A.P. and R.M. Glover Recently received by the webmaster and although not studied extensively as yet, at first glance a simply superb and very professional publication covering the period1930 - 1945.
Boeing B-17 Fortress in R.A.F. Coastal Command Robert M. Stitt " NEW " and available at a pre-publish discount price of £25 post free. (For sure will sell out very quickly - order now) ISBN no: 978-8389450-88-3 < . MMP Books. English. Softback. Any book that is published with information regarding Coastal Command is worth buying. This one goes beyond that need - 248 pages packed with first class information on the part played by the B-17 in RAF Coastal Command. Great index and appendix showing many different records. This reference book contains hundreds of black and white photographs, a selection of colour plates, copies of various log books, colour profiles of the Fortress, artwork, the list goes on. Robert Stitt has a background of technical training with Hawker Siddeley Aviation and has also studied aviation archaeology. Now living in Canada, Robert continued with his interest working in the aerial forest firefighting industry. The book is currently sold as a paperback with a beautiful colour dust jacket, the printing layout is superb and well worth adding to the researchers library 10/10. Best book of it's type. We look forward to purchasing his next book….
Lost in War James T. Watt Available on CD direct from the author. Price $17 via PayPal or money order. The true story of a 431 Squadron (Canadian) Rear Gunner killed on a Lancaster X on a raid to Chemnitz. The article (soon to be expanded following superb information from this record) is available to view " HERE " Hinrik became a rear gunner, melded with his crew of young men, and qualified for operations bombing the cities and defences of Germany, experiencing the horrors of losing close friends night after night, and finally making the ultimate sacrifice when duty demanded it. Like so many thousands of young men of his time, his story has no Hollywood ending: he was simply gone, leaving his relatives and friends to wonder about his final actions and thoughts. Hinrik wrote letters home throughout, telling of his life, his thoughts, his fears and his friends, and it is from these letters, primarily to his sisters, that we know his story. We readers grow up with him, glory in his development, ache with his pains, revel in his relaxations, feel at home with him in his new experiences. I am grateful to Jim Watt, a relative and an Icelandic-Canadian descendant, for producing such a delightful story of one twenty- year-old’s life. It has been written so sensitively, and with such insight, that it is a fine addition to Canadian historical literature. Ralph Campbell (RCAF pilot from 1942-1945) Orillia, Ontario
Final Flights Ian McLachlan An interesting reference book to a small selection of incidents during WW2 and the aviation archaeology that followed in later years. Recently reprinted due to high demand it will for sure sell very quickly. Concentrating on East Anglia but essential reading for all researchers. 256 pages (Later Revisions may hold more) Weight: 500 gms. (Approx) Price from around £20.00 or less. (First edition second hand fetching over £60 on some sites, such is the quality and demand for this publication) ISBN no: 978-1852601225 < . Patrick Stephens Ltd - Reprint edition. English. Hardback
Ku Czi Poległych Lotnłków 1939-1945 (In Honour of Fallen Airman) Robert Gretzyngier, Wójtek Matusiak, Waldemar Wojcik, Józef Zieliński We were presented with this book by the authors during a visit to Poland. It is a huge research publication with all Polish Aircrew losses during the period of WW2. We use it as a reference source for many of the Polish losses mentioned on our website and cannot speak highly enough about the research undertaken by the authors. Quite simply (as you would expect from these chaps) the best research material for all Polish aircrew. It is only printed in Polish as far as we have been able to ascertain, but still an invaluable tool for researchers. 610 A4 size Pages, 2300 biographies with photographs, lists of awards made and units. Weight: 2.4kgs Purchase available from "HERE" (Should you experience any problems ordering this book then please contact us and we will arrange with the authors for you) Price from around £25.00. (First edition second hand fetching over £100 on some sites, such is the quality and demand for this publication) ISBN no: 83-86217-50-2 < . Agencja Lotnicza Alitair. Polish. Hardback
Diver! Diver! Diver! Brian Cull with Bruce Lander < The most comprehensive book we have found regarding the V1 rocket attacks on Southern England during 1944-45. Diary format which makes researchers work easier and also a full index. It is by far the best researched material we have found on this subject - buy it! 472 Pages - lists of all crews killed during the anti-diver operations, lists of all V1 claims by pilot and squadron. Weight: 800 gms (Approx) Price from around £30.00. (First edition, second hand available for £18 on some sites) ISBN no: 978-1904943396 Grub Street. English. Hardback
Bomber Command Losses in the Middle East and Mediterranean David Gunby and Pelham Temple < Following similar layout to Bill Chorley's work - the first of several publications we hope, as this is also a must have for anyone doing serious research. 224 Pages detailing losses 1939 - 1942 Weight: 300 gms (Approx) Price from around £13.00 ISBN no: 978-1857802344 < Ian Allan / Midland Publishing. English. Paperback Awaiting for new volumes to be published.
Nightfighter War Diaries Volume 1 Dr. Theo Boiten Copy for review received - details coming soon (First edition, second hand, fetching over £200 on some sites, such is the quality and demand for this publication)
Nightfighter War Diaries Volume 2 Dr. Theo Boiten and Roderick J. Mackenzie Copy for review received - details coming soon (First edition, second hand, fetching over £200 on some sites, such is the quality and demand for this publication)
Bomber Command War Diaries Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt Copy for review received - details coming soon
Coastal Command Losses Volume 1 Ross McNeil Copy for review received - details coming soon
< <
Footprints On The Sands Of Time Oliver Clutton-Brock Hardback, 512 pages ISBN no: 978-1904010357 Grub Street Publishers June 2003 < . RAF Bomber Command prisoners of war in Germany 1939 - 1945. The book provides an important contribution to our knowledge of the war. It is a reference work not only for the serious RAF historian but for the ex-PoWs themselves and their families and anyone with an interest in the RAF in general and captivity in particular.
431 Squadron History William Heron Copy for review received - details coming soon
At First Sight Alan B. Webb A Factual and Anecdotal Account of No. 627 Squadron. Royal Air Force 1943 - 1945 The Mosquito Low Level Visual Markers. No. 8 (PFF) Group Detached to No. 5 Group Bomber Command This account was written entirely by ex members of N0. 627 Squadron Researched and compiled by: Alan B. Webb ex "A" Flight The Book - At First Site has now sold out, but the great news is that it can be read here "Link". A second edition is currently being prepared