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Operation: Training
Date: 12th April 1941
Unit: No. 54 Operational Training Unit (OTU)
Type: Blenheim I
Serial: L6790
Code: Not known
Base: RAF Church Fenton, Yorkshire
Location: Crockey Hill, Yorkshire
Pilot: P/O. David Coard 60826 RAFVR Age 19. Killed
Pilot 2: Sgt. Stanley James Slade 903494 RAVR Age 26. Killed
W/Op/Air/Gnr: Sgt. Herbert Doughty 989007 RAF Age 23. Killed
Earlier on this day at RAF Church Fenton Blenheim L6611 suffered engine failure and was forced to land at 06:50 hrs. The pilot Sgt. D.S. Eggleton-Morley suffered injuries to his arm and leg, but crew survived - aircraft suffered with the nose damaged and tail broken off.
Later in the morning during a training exercise the pilot of Blenheim L6790 flew below the authorised height, hit power lines near Crockey Hill, cartwheeling into the ground at 11:26 hrs - all three of the crew were killed.
Burial details:
P/O. David Coard. Great Leighs Churchyard (St. Mary). Son of Douglas and Ethel May Coard, of Felsted, Essex, England. His (private) grave inscription reads: “Entirely Selfless And Unsoiled By Man's Greed. His Loveliness Will Never Die. Earned Man's Wings December 1940, Earned God's Wings 12th April 1941. The Eve Of His 20Th Birthday.”
Sgt. Stanley James Slade. Greenford Churchyard (Holy Cross). Son of Henry and Rose Slade, of Greenford, Middlesex, England. His grave inscription reads: "In Loving Memory Of My Son Stanley. Also His Mother Rose 20th June 1943. Age 64." (Unusual to have his mother's name placed on the CWWG gravestone)
Sgt. Herbert Doughty. Moston Churchyard (St. Mary) Son of Leonard and Annie Doughty, of Chadderton, Lancashire, England. Sadly the family were also to lose his brother just over a year later, 20 year old, Sgt. Joseph Doughty 1063795 RAFVR missing on the 09th March 1942 whilst with 9 Squadron. On an operation to Essen when the aircraft was lost without trace - last transmission after take off at 00:31 hrs was from 5227N 0127E at 01:27 hrs.
Researched for Dr. Stewart Doughty - nephew of Herbert and Joseph Doughty, who contacted us in January 2017 - page dedicated to the relatives of this crew with thanks to sources as quoted.
KTY 18.01.2017
At the going down of the sun, and in the morning we will remember
them. - Laurence
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